drug misuse and substance abuse are life-threatening behaviors

Drug misuse and substance abuse are life-threatening behaviors.

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Drug misuse and substance abuse are life-threatening behaviors.

substance abuse

illegal drugs

illicit drug



Substance Abuse

Substance abuse includes the use of illegal substances, as well as the misuse of legal substances.

Medicines can be accidentally used in an improper way or intentionally abused.

_________ Abuse

__________Abuse includes the overuse, or multiple use of a drug, use of an illegal drug, or use of a drug with alcohol.

___________ abuseAny unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for non-medical purposes

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse includes:

Overuse of a drug

Multiple use of a drug

Use of an illegal drug

Use of a drug with alcohol

Substance Abuse

Some abused substances are _________drugs.

__________ drugsChemical substances that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy, or sell

Substance Abuse

_______ drug use includes the sale of prescription drugs to those for whom the drugs are not intended.

__________ drug useThe use or sale of any substance that is illegal or otherwise not permitted

Factors That Influence Teens

Peer Pressure

Family Members

Role Models

Media Messages

Perceptions of Drug Behavior

Misleading Information

How Drugs Affect Your Health

Illegal drug use can lead to death.

_________ abuse is a leading cause of crime, suicide, and unintentional injuries.

How Drugs Affect Your Health

Abusing drugs puts you at risk of an ________ or of contracting infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and HIV.

_________A strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug

How Drugs Affect Your Health

Abusing _____ affects your mental health by impairing your ability to reason and think.


The influence of _______ drug use may cause teens to behave in ways that go against their values.

Other Effects of Drug Use

People who abuse drugs can develop _________.


This is a condition in which the _____ becomes accustomed to the drug and causes the user to experience a need for more and more of the drug to achieve the desired effect.

Other Effects of Drug Use

Psychological dependence: A drug abuser ______ that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally.

Physiological dependence: A drug abuser develops a chemical ______ for a drug and experiences symptoms of withdrawal when the effects of the drug wear off.

Other Effects of Drug Use

A person with an __________ is someone who requires persistent, compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful.

_____________A physiological or psychological dependence on a drug

Other Effects of Drug Use

The Addiction Cycle

A user takes a drug to experience short-term pleasure.

As the effects of the drug wear off, the user then experiences symptoms of withdrawal.

The user takes the drug again to relieve withdrawal

symptoms and repeat the feelings of short-term pleasure.

Consequences for Others

If a pregnant female takes drugs, those drugs are passed to the fetus.


The fetus may be born with birth defects, behavioral problems, or a drug addiction.

The consequences of drug abuse—mental, emotional, physical, legal, and social—are 100 percent preventable.


By choosing a drug-free lifestyle, you avoid these consequences.


Using marijuana has serious physical, mental, social, and legal consequences.

_________ is one of the most widely used illegal drugs.


Hashish, or hash, is a stronger form of ________.

____________A plant whose leaves, buds, and flowers are usually smoked for their intoxicating effects


Marijuana is considered a possible _______ drug, a drug that may lead the user to try other, more dangerous drugs.


Studies have shown that a teen who uses marijuana is ___ times more likely to use cocaine than a teen who has never used marijuana.

Physical Consequences of Marijuana Use

Because marijuana is often smoked, users face the same health risks as tobacco smokers.


Marijuana smoke contains _____ cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke.

Physical Consequences of Marijuana Use

THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, is stored in body fat and traces of it can be present in the blood for as long as a month.


Some _________ are prescribed by doctors, while others are inhaled to achieve a high.

___________Substances whose fumes are sniffed or inhaled to give effect

Inhaling solvents, aerosols, glues, paints, varnishes, and gasoline can cause

liver and kidney damage


brain damage


cardiac arrest



Consequences of Steroid Use

The use of _______________ steroids can result in unnatural muscle growth.

_________________ steroidsSynthetic substances similar to male sex hormones

Consequences of Steroid Use

Side Effects of Steroid Use

weak tendons and ligaments

weight gain


high blood pressure

liver and kidney tumors

HIV or hepatitis B

violent behavior

extreme mood swings



Consequences of Steroid Use

Effects on Males

Shrinking testicles, reduced sperm count, baldness, development of breasts, increased risk of prostate cancer

Effects on Females

Facial hair, baldness, menstrual cycle changes, a deepened voice

Effects of Psychoactive Drugs

Four Main Groups of Psychoactive Drugs

Stimulants Depressants

Opiates Hallucinogens

Effects of Psychoactive Drugs

Effects of Psychoactive Drugs

Effects of Psychoactive Drugs

Effects of Psychoactive Drugs

_______ Drugs

The term _____ drug describes drugs found at concerts, dance clubs, and drug parties, called raves.


These drugs are sometimes disguised in foods, or slipped into drinks and taken without a person’s knowledge.

Club Drugs

Many club drugs are __________ drugs.

__________drugsSynthetic drugs that are made to imitate the effects of other drugs

Ecstasy (MDMA)

Ecstasy, or MDMA, has both stimulant and ______________ effects.

______________Drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions, including vision, hearing, smell, and touch


Rohypnol, or “roofies,” are __________, or sedatives that are colorless, odorless, and tasteless.

_____________Drugs that tend to slow the central nervous system


Rohypnol is called the “_____-____” drug.


Engaging in sexual activity with a person under the influence of a date-rape drug is a criminal offense.


Methamphetamine, or meth, is a ___________.

_____________A drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs


Meth takes a great physical toll and can cause depression, paranoia, delusions, and death.

Other Stimulants

The _________ in tobacco products is a highly effective stimulant.


The _________ in coffee, tea, cola, and power drinks are all stimulants.


Cocaine is a rapidly acting, powerful and highly ___________stimulant.


Users may experience a surge of self-confidence and euphoria followed by an emotional letdown.


Crack, also called _____ or freebase rock, reaches the brain seconds after being smoked or injected.


Once in the blood, crack causes the heart rate and blood pressure to soar to dangerous levels.


DXM, or “tussin,” is a _______ suppressant sold as an over-the-counter medicine.


When misused, it can cause hallucinations, paranoia, panic attacks, nausea, increased heart rate and blood pressure, seizures, and addiction.


Abusing opiates ______ the senses, causes drowsiness, constipation, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and death.

OpiatesDrugs such as those derived from the opium plant that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to relieve pain


Codeine is a ________ addictive ingredient in some prescription _________ medicines.


Codeine use can cause drowsiness, dizziness, labored breathing, low blood pressure, seizures, and respiratory arrest.


Morphine is sometimes prescribed to treat severe ______, but is generally used for only a short time.


Side effects include fast or slow heartbeat, seizures, hallucinations, blurred vision, rashes, and difficulty swallowing.


Heroin is a processed form of ___________ that is injected, snorted, or smoked.


Heroin slows breathing and pulse rate and can cause infection of the heart lining and valves, liver disease, coma, or death.


Oxycodone contains a strong opiate. It is often referred to by the brand name ___________®.


A side effect of this drug is suppression of the respiratory system, which cause death from respiratory failure.


Substance Abuse

Substance abuse includes the overuse, or multiple use of a drug, use of an illegal drug, or use of a drug with alcohol.

Substance abuseAny unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for non-medical purposes

Substance Abuse

Some abused substances are illegal drugs.

Illegal drugsChemical substances that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy, or sell

Substance Abuse

Illicit drug use includes the sale of prescription drugs to those for whom the drugs are not intended.

Illicit drug useThe use or sale of any substance that is illegal or otherwise not permitted

How Drugs Affect Your Health

Illegal drug use can lead to death.

Substance abuse is a leading cause of crime, suicide, and unintentional injuries.

How Drugs Affect Your Health

Abusing drugs puts you at risk of an overdose or of contracting infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and HIV.

OverdoseA strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug

How Drugs Affect Your Health

Abusing drugs affects your mental health by impairing your ability to reason and think.


The influence of illegal drug use may cause teens to behave in ways that go against their values.

Other Effects of Drug Use

People who abuse drugs can develop tolerance.


This is a condition in which the body becomes accustomed to the drug and causes the user to experience a need for more and more of the drug to achieve the desired effect.

Other Effects of Drug Use

Psychological dependence: A drug abuser believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally.

Physiological dependence: A drug abuser develops a chemical need for a drug and experiences symptoms of withdrawal when the effects of the drug wear off.

Other Effects of Drug Use

A person with an addiction is someone who requires persistent, compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful.

AddictionA physiological or psychological dependence on a drug


Using marijuana has serious physical, mental, social, and legal consequences.

Marijuana is one of the most widely used illegal drugs.


Hashish, or hash, is a stronger form of marijuana.

MarijuanaA plant whose leaves, buds, and flowers are usually smoked for their intoxicating effects


Marijuana is considered a possible gateway drug, a drug that may lead the user to try other, more dangerous drugs.


Studies have shown that a teen who uses marijuana is 15 times more likely to use cocaine than a teen who has never used marijuana.

Physical Consequences of Marijuana Use

Because marijuana is often smoked, users face the same health risks as tobacco smokers.


Marijuana smoke contains more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke.


Some inhalants are prescribed by doctors, while others are inhaled to achieve a high.

InhalantsSubstances whose fumes are sniffed or inhaled to give effect

Consequences of Steroid Use

The use of anabolic-androgenic steroids can result in unnatural muscle growth.

Anabolic-androgenic steroidsSynthetic substances similar to male sex hormones

Club Drugs

The term club drug describes drugs found at concerts, dance clubs, and drug parties, called raves.


These drugs are sometimes disguised in foods, or slipped into drinks and taken without a person’s knowledge.

Club Drugs

Many club drugs are designer drugs.

Designer drugsSynthetic drugs that are made to imitate the effects of other drugs

Ecstasy (MDMA)

Ecstasy, or MDMA, has both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects.

HallucinogensDrugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions, including vision, hearing, smell, and touch


Rohypnol, or “roofies,” are depressants, or sedatives that are colorless, odorless, and tasteless.

DepressantsDrugs that tend to slow the central nervous system


Rohypnol is called the “date-rape” drug.


Engaging in sexual activity with a person under the influence of a date-rape drug is a criminal offense.


Methamphetamine, or meth, is a stimulant.

StimulantA drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs

Other Stimulants

The nicotine in tobacco products is a highly effective stimulant.


The caffeine in coffee, tea, cola, and power drinks are all stimulants.


Cocaine is a rapidly acting, powerful and highly addictive stimulant.


Users may experience a surge of self-confidence and euphoria followed by an emotional letdown.


Crack, also called rock or freebase rock, reaches the brain seconds after being smoked or injected.


Once in the blood, crack causes the heart rate and blood pressure to soar to dangerous levels.


DXM, or “tussin,” is a cough suppressant sold as an over-the-counter medicine.


When misused, it can cause hallucinations, paranoia, panic attacks, nausea, increased heart rate and blood pressure, seizures, and addiction.


Abusing opiates dulls the senses, causes drowsiness, constipation, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and death.

OpiatesDrugs such as those derived from the opium plant that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to relieve pain


Codeine is a highly addictive ingredient in some prescription cough medicines.


Codeine use can cause drowsiness, dizziness, labored breathing, low blood pressure, seizures, and respiratory arrest.


Morphine is sometimes prescribed to treat severe pain, but is generally used for only a short time.


Side effects include fast or slow heartbeat, seizures, hallucinations, blurred vision, rashes, and difficulty swallowing.


Heroin is a processed form of morphine that is injected, snorted, or smoked.


Heroin slows breathing and pulse rate and can cause infection of the heart lining and valves, liver disease, coma, or death.


Oxycodone contains a strong opiate. It is often referred to by the brand name OxyContin®.


A side effect of this drug is supression of the respiratory system, which cause death from respiratory failure.

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

A strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug

1. What is an overdose?

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

2. How can an addiction affect your health?

Addiction affects physical health by increasing the risk of contracting diseases. Your mental health is affected because drugs impair a teens’ ability to reason and think. Social health is affected because teens who use drugs may lose friendships with teens who choose to live drug-free.

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

3. How does drug abuse affect society?

It can lead to crime and violence, as well as injury and death from vehicle collisions. These effects also have an economic cost to society.

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

The respiratory, immune, nervous, and reproductive systems

1. What body systems are harmed by smoking marijuana?

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

2. What are inhalants?

Substances whose fumes are sniffed or inhaled to give a mind-altering effect

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

3. Why does using steroids for increasing muscle strength often result in injury?

Although steroids can increase muscle strength, the associated tendons and ligaments do not get stronger.

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

The central nervous system

1. On what body system do psychoactive drugs act?

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

2. Name the four types of drugs described in this lesson and give an example of each.

Sample answers: Stimulants: cocaine; depressants: GHB; opiates: morphine; hallucinogens: PCP

After You ReadReviewing Facts and Vocabulary

3. What are opiates?

Drugs such as those derived from the opium plant that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to relieve pain