drought and pathogens in forest trees

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  • 8/10/2019 Drought and Pathogens in Forest Trees


    Ann. For. Sci. 63 (2006) 597612 597c INRA, EDP Sciences, 2006DOI: 10.1051/forest:2006040


    Interactive effects of drought and pathogens in forest trees

    Marie-Laure D-La*, Benoit Mb, Louis-Michel Nc, Dominique Pa,Andrea Vd

    a INRA Bordeaux, UMR BIOGECO, quipe de pathologie forestire, Domaine de la Grande Ferrade, BP81, 33883 Villenave dOrnon Cedex, Franceb INRA Nancy, UMR IaM, quipe de pathologie forestire, Champenoux, 54280 Seichamps, France

    c Ministre de lAgriculture, de la Pche, et des Affaires Rurales, Dpartement Sant des Forts, Champenoux, 54280 Seichamps, Franced University of Tuscia, Department of Plant Protection, Via S. Camillo de Lellis , 01100 Viterbo, Italy

    (Received 14 October 2005; accepted 28 April 2006)

    Abstract This review synthesizes the available knowledge on drought-disease interactions in forest trees with a focus on (1) evidence and patternsof drought-disease interactions, (2) current understanding of processes and mechanisms, and (3) three well documented cases studies. The first partis based on the analysis of a database of slightly more than one hundred studies, obtained by keyword searches combining drought, diseases orpathogens, and forest trees. A large majority of published studies referred to a positive association between drought and disease, i.e. disease favoured bydrought or drought and disease acting synergistically on tree health status, with a predominance of canker/dieback diseases, caused by pathogens like

    Botryosphaeria,Sphaeropsis,Cytosporaand Biscognauxia(Hypoxylon). The type of disease-related variables (incidence vs. severity) and the intensityand timing of water stress were shown to be significant factors affecting the drought- infection interaction. Interactions with other abiotic stresses andspecies-specific and genetic effects, related to host or pathogen, have also been reported. Direct effects of drought on pathogens are generally negative,although most fungal pathogens exhibit an important plasticity and can grow at water potentials well below the minimum for growth of their hostplants. Studies on indirect effects of drought on pathogens through other community interactions are still relatively scarce. Positive drought-infectioneffects can mostly be explained by indirect effects of drought on host physiology. The predisposition and the multiple stress hypotheses are presented,as well as recent developments in the study of the molecular basis of abiotic and biotic stress, and their interactions. Sphaeropsis sapineaon pines,

    Biscognauxia mediterraneaon oaks and root pathogens in declines associated with drought provide illustrative examples, treated as case studies, ofpathogens of current significance associated with drought. The conclusion highlights some knowledge gaps, e.g. the role of latent parasites and the shiftto a pathogenic stage, or the genetics of some fungal groups. The need for prevention of pathogen dispersal, especially crucial in the case of latentpathogens, is emphasized.

    drought/water stress/pathogenic fungi/predisposition/forest trees

    Rsum Interactions entre scheresse et agents pathognes chez les arbres forestiers. Cette revue synthtise les connaissances actuelles sur lesinteractions entre scheresse et maladies chez les arbres forestiers, avec trois grandes parties : (1) description des types dinteraction ; (2) connaissancesacquises sur les mcanismes impliqus ; (3) trois tudes de cas bien tudies. La premire partie est base sur lanalyse dune base de donnes dunecentaine dtudes, slectionnes par recherche sur mots cls. La plupart de ces tudes se rapportent des maladies favorises par la scheresse ou un effet synergique entre scheresse et maladie sur ltat sanitaire des arbres, avec une prdominance de maladies chancres ou de rameaux, causespar des espces des genresBotryosphaeria, Sphaeropsis, Cytosporaet Biscognauxia(Hypoxylon). Un effet significatif de lintensit et de la dure dustress est montr dans certains cas sur le dveloppement des maladies. Les effets de la scheresse peuvent tre diffrents selon quil sagit de variableslies lincidence ou la svrit de la maladie. Des interactions avec dautres stress abiotiques ou en relation avec des effets gntiques ou spcifiquesont galement t dcrits. Les effets directs de la scheresse sur les pathognes sont gnralement ngatifs, mais les champignons montrent une grandeplasticit et peuvent gnralement se dvelopper des potentiels hydriques infrieurs ceux inhibant la croissance de leurs htes. Les effets positifsentre scheresse et infection sexpliquent principalement par des effets indirects sur la physiologie des htes. Les hypothses sur la prdisposition etles stress multiples sont prsentes, ainsi que les dveloppements rcents sur les bases molculaires des stress et de leurs interactions. Les trois tudesde cas concernent Sphaeropsis sapineasur pins, Biscognauxia mediterraneasur chnes et linteraction entre pathognes racinaires et scheresse dansles dprissements. Dans la conclusion, quelques perspectives de recherche privilgier sont mentionnes, comme le rle et la biologie des parasiteslatents, ou la gntique de quelques groupes fongiques. Sur un plan pratique, la ncessit de limiter la dissmination des parasites, particulirement

    cruciale dans le cas des parasites latents, est souligne.scheresse/stress hydrique/champignons pathognes /prdisposition/arbres forestiers


    Among a wide variety of abiotic and biotic factors, droughtand pathogenic fungi are important stressors affecting for-est and tree health. The separate effects of water deficits and

    * Corresponding author: [email protected]

    pathogens on tree physiology have been studied for decades.Interactions between drought and disease have also long beenrecognised [47,84]. Paradoxically, since moisture is indispens-able for the germination and initiation of infection by fungalspores as well as for dispersal in many species [1], the effect ofdrought in enhancing fungal diseases of plants has frequently

    A r t i c l e p u b l i s h e d b y E D P S c i e n c e s a n d a v a i l a b l e a t h t t p : / / w w w . e d p s c i e n c e s . o r g / f o r e s t o r h t t p : / / d x . d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 1 0 5 1 / f o r e s t : 2 0 0 6 0 4 0

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    598 M.-L. Desprez-Loustau et al.

    been reported, especially in forest trees [173]. This questionhas again moved to the forefront with the severe heat anddrought wave of the summer 2003 in Europe and the concern isall the more important that such episodes might become morefrequent in the future with global climate change [86].

    The aim of this review is to synthesize the available knowl-edge on drought-disease interactions in forest trees with a fo-cus on (1) evidence and patterns of drought-disease interac-tions, (2) current understanding of processes and mechanisms,and (3) three well documented cases studies.


    Our synthesis was primarily based on the analysis of ar-ticles selected from the CAB database (19732005) by con-ducting keyword searches combining drought, diseases orpathogens, and forest trees. Our database included slightlymore than one hundred studies dealing with specific cases ofdrought-disease interaction, which were categorised accord-ing to hosts, pathogens, and the methodology used to assessdrought-disease interactions (Tab. I). All studies dealt withfungal pathogens (lato sensu, including Oomycetes) althoughbacteria pathogenic to forest trees have been studied in otherwoody hosts in interaction with water stress, e.g. Xylella fas-tidiosa [132]. The interaction was scored positive if diseasewas favoured in the drought (water deficit) treatment(s) or ifdrought and disease acted synergistically on tree health sta-tus. Not only statistically significant effects were consideredbut also correlative observations (epidemiological field obser-vations). On the basis of the methodology used for the as-sessment of drought-disease interactions, the studies includedin the database can be categorized in two main types. Mostare experimental studies in which the development of diseasecaused by one specific pathogen in stressed host plants hasbeen investigated. Most have used potted seedlings or saplingsgrown in greenhouse or nursery, subjected to experimentalstress by various treatments of watering, and artificially inoc-ulated, water stress being generally applied before and dur-ing interaction with the pathogen. The effect of drought (orwater stress) has been assessed by comparing pathogen- ordisease-related variables (extent of colonisation, lesion length)in water stressed inoculated plants to that in normally wateredinoculated plants or by examining the relationship betweensymptom development and water potential. The variables usedtherefore commonly refer to severity of disease rather than in-cidence (frequency of infection). Few experimental investiga-tions have been carried out so far including pathogen and abi-otic stress with an ecophysiological approach [10,128,129].

    A second smaller group of references are epidemiologi-cal studies in which the effect of environmental factors, es-pecially drought, on disease expression or the combined ef-fects of drought and pathogens on tree health status, havebeen investigated in the field. The possible involvement ofdrought has been examined by studying spatial and temporalpatterns of damage in relation to microclimatic or meteoro-logical data, or water potential in trees. Simplest correlative

    analyses have associated outbreaks of several diseases to yearswith exceptionally hot and dry summers, e.g. Cryptostromacorticaleon sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) [74] or site fac-tors potentially conducive to water stress (shallow soils, tex-ture) to severity of some diseases, e.g. Phomopsis alnea onblack alder (Alnus glutinosa) [140] or Hypoxylon canker ontrembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) [31]. Dendrochrono-logical analyses have also been used to demonstrate the co-occurrence or sequential association of low precipitation peri-ods, lower tree growth and invasion of bark or wood tissues bypathogens, such as Fusarium eumartion oaks [166], Nectriaon sycamore [77,144], or Eutypaand Biscognauxiaon beech(Fagus sylvatica) [83]. This approach has provedvery interest-ing and useful in the case of complex decline syndromes wheremultiple abiotic (including drought) and biotic (pathogens andinsects) factors are involved [80,85,106,140].

    2.1. Disease types

    The foremost result of the literature analysis is that a greatmajority of published studies referred to a positive associationbetween drought and disease. This applies both to broadleavedtrees and conifers. A wide variety of hosts are represented (20genera) but more than half of the studies dealt with Quer-cus, Populus (most often P. tremulodes), Pinus and Picea,which may reflect the productive and environmental impor-tance of species in these groups in temperate regions. How-ever, large differences both in the relative number of reportsand in the frequency of positive reports (i.e. with a positivedrought-disease interaction) were observed between pathogenguilds or disease types (Tab. I). It is remarkable that morethan half of all studies focused on canker/dieback pathogens,with a large predominance ofBotryosphaeria, Sphaeropsis,Cytospora,BiscognauxiaandEntoleuca(Hypoxylon) species.Root diseases were also rather well represented. Conversely,very few studies with foliar diseases were found, and noneabout obligate parasites such as rusts and powdery mildews.The representativeness of the database for the general re-sponse of all diseases to drought interaction is therefore highlyquestionable. Actually, it can be assumed that most studiespublished in recent decades did not have the aim of testingthe generality of a positive interaction between drought andpathogens, such as the Plant stress hypothesis, i.e. that abi-otic stress increases the suitability of plants as food for herbi-vores, often referred to by entomologists [103]. Rather, exper-imental studies mostly focused on some pathogens for whichcircumstantial evidence linking drought and disease in natu-ral conditions had previously been reported, with the aim tobring experimental support and some insights to our under-standing of the processes involved [173,175]. The over rep-resentation in the database of diseases having a strong posi-tive link with drought is further supported by the fact that themore a group is represented the more consistent is its responseto drought, i.e. with a high frequency of positive reports.Thus, when comparing canker and foliar diseases, both theirrespective number of reports and frequency of positive re-ports are likely to be indications of stronger or more frequent

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    Drought and pathogenic fungi 599

    Table I.Classification of published studies on drought-disease interactions in forest trees.

    Total Positive drought-diseaseinteraction*


    Broadleaved treesQuercus






    56 (68%)22 (63%)2210


    Anthracnoses (Discula, Apiognomonia, Septoria)Beetle-associated OphiostomatodsCankers/ shoot blights, including:


    Sphaeropsis sapinea


    Hypoxylon/ Biscognauxia

    FoliarPhytophthora root rot and stem cankersRoot pathogens (Armillaria, Heterobasidion, others)Vascular





    78 (67%)

    3 (43%)1 (17%)53 (83%)

    2 (40%)7 (50%)10 (56%)2 (67%)

    Methodological approach+

    Experimental studies on potted seedlings or with excised tissuesExperimental studies in the fieldEpidemiological studies in the field


    53 (76%)5 (56%)25 (78%)

    * Disease favoured by drought or drought and disease effects acting synergistically on tree health; non-positive records include no effect, or negative ormixed effects.+ For hosts and diseases, each specific interaction was considered individually, whereas the methodological approach may apply to several pathogens.

    positive drought-disease interaction for the former than for thelatter. Data from the French Department of Forest Health after

    the drought wave of 2003 are consistent with this differentialresponse, although many factors might explain temporal pat-terns. Reports of poplar rusts showed a marked decrease in2003 whereas those ofSphaeropsis sapineashowed a markedincrease in 20032004, especially for the second year (relativeto the total number of disease reports). S. sapineaon pines,as well asBiscognauxia mediterraneaon oaks, are illustrativeexamples of canker/dieback pathogens with only positive in-teractions with drought reported. They will be presented belowin more detail, as case studies. A few reports, however, demon-strated a negative effect of drought on some canker diseases,such as Thyronectriacanker of honeylocust (Gleditsia triacan-thos) [87] and Cryphonectria cubensison Eucalyptus [192].Contrary to most canker diseases, mixed results on drought-

    disease interaction are often reported in foliar and root dis-eases, even for the same etiological agent, as exemplified byanthracnoses andPhytophthoradiseases (see below).

    2.2. Disease- or health status-related variables

    In a few cases where different types of disease-related vari-ables were studied, contrasting results were obtained for theeffects of drought on the incidence of disease (related to thefrequency of infection) and on the severity and impact of dis-

    ease (related to symptom development and effects on trees),with less positive or negative effects for the former as com-

    pared to positive effects for the latter [23, 73]. Anthracnoseand Phytophthoradiseases are typical and well documentedexamples. Contrasting observations on the influence of clima-tological factors on dogwood (Cornus floridaand C. nuttal-lii) anthracnose caused by Discula destructivahave been re-ported [55]. In a study with dogwood seedlings exposed tonatural inoculum, Britton [30] clearly established that both pri-mary infection, at the initiation of epidemics, and secondarycycles, were related to rainfall. This was consistent with higherseverity of the disease under moist conditions in some ar-eas [46]. However, rainfall also promotes host vigour and hasbeen reported to lessen disease impact [55]. Moreover, ex-perimental studies demonstrated a predisposition to the dis-ease by drought stress, in agreement with some field obser-

    vations [55, 67, 76]. A further reason for mixed responses todrought in anthracnose diseases is that different organs areaffected. Differential effects of a water stress treatment weredemonstrated on London plane (Platanus acerifolia) cuttingswhen leaf or twig symptoms were considered, with a negativeeffect for the former and a positive for the latter [188]. Thesame was observed forSeptoria musiva[130].

    AlthoughPhytophthoradiseases such as those caused by P.cinnamomiare generally recognised to be more frequent onsoils with impeded drainage favourable to the pathogen [49,65], severe losses have also been reported on well drained

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    soils or even dry areas [28, 148]. Negative effects of droughton the development ofP. cinnamomiin soil or in bark haveoften been reported [32,116,125,195] whereas synergistic in-teractions between drought and infection have been demon-strated on tree physiology and the severity of disease symp-toms [20,128,129].

    2.3. Intensity and timing of water stress

    In most reports, experimental stress was tested at only onelevel (stressed/non stressed), often with extreme values instudies with potted plants. The influence of stress intensityon plant response to infection may explain contrasting resultsobtained in different studies, especially between greenhouseand field studies [107]. In addition, non-linear responses wereusually found in the few studies where a range of stress in-tensities or water potentials were used [51, 61, 118]. In mostcases, a trend of increasing disease severity with increasingwater stress was observed, either with a rather continuouspattern or with threshold levels. Schoeneweiss [176] sum-marised the different patterns of relationship between waterstress and disease, which he linked to pathogen aggressive-ness. According to this scheme, threshold levels of water stress(critical water deficits) are required for predisposition tonon-aggressive pathogens, but as pathogen aggressiveness in-creases, the influence of threshold levels of stress becomes lessevident and the favourable influence of water stress overall de-creases. An example of a nonaggressive canker fungus is pro-vided byBotryosphaeria dothideawhich is able to develop instems of various host species only after plant water potentialshave reached lower values than the threshold level of 1.2 to1.3 Mpa, with colonisation extent increasing with decreasingwater potential [51]. However, levels of water stress requiredfor the development ofSphaerospsis sapineain pines showeda large variation between studies (cf. below). Referring toSchoeneweiss classification, Ragazzi et al. [165] qualified

    Diplodia mutilaof medium aggressiveness since canker de-velopment was not nil in non-stressed seedlings but increasedwith water stress. Cytospora chrysosperma on aspen [81] or

    Botryosphaeria dothideaon pistachio [117] are other exam-ples.

    In some cases, non monotonic relationships between wa-ter deficit and disease were shown, with an optimum at inter-mediate values. Lindberg and Johansson [111] clearly demon-strated such a pattern for Heterobasiodion annosumin Piceaabies, with high host resistance at potentials higher than0.5 MPa, low resistance between 0.5 to 1.5 MPa, and in-creasing resistance below 1.5 MPa. Attenuation of the activ-ity of decay fungi by both high and low moisture contents ofwood, in dead timber as well as in living trees, is a long es-tablished fact [167]. Wood moisture was also shown to be animportant factor determining the success of infection of Sitkaspruce (Picea sitka) stumps byHeterobasidion annosum, withan optimum at 3070% saturation [16,168].

    Duration and timing of stress were also shown to have aninfluence on the outcome of host-pathogen interactions. In pre-disposition studies with B. dothidea, a minimum duration of

    3 days at the threshold level was required after inoculation;on the other hand, tissues could recover resistance 35 daysafter the stress was relieved [51]. Johnson et al. [89], work-ing with Sphaeropsis sapinea on Scots pines (P. sylvestris),demonstrated that saplings subjected to stress levels of 3 to4.5 MPa were able to confine canker expansion when water-ing was resumed within a few days after inoculation whereasincreased canker development occurred when water was notlimiting before inoculation but withheld during 2 or 3 weeksafter inoculation. Differential effects of water stress in rela-tion to timing before or after infection have also been reportedfor Lasiodiplodia theobromaeon dogwood, with a more im-portant effect of pre-inoculation than post-inoculation stresson canker development [142], a typical pattern of predispo-sition. A heavy watering prior to inoculation associated withwater stress after infection increased Dutch elm disease [183].ForP. cinnamomion red oak (Quercus rubra), an increase inlesion length was observed after but not during a period ofstress [125]. The favourable effect on disease of alternatingwet and dry periods is consistent with field observations. InAustralia, dieback epidemics associated withP. cinnamomiineucalypt (Eucalyptus marginata) forests were related to typi-cal weather sequences including three or four months of heavyrainfall followed by three or four months of low rainfall [127].

    2.4. Drought and other abiotic stresses

    Comparisons or interactions of drought with other en-vironmental stresses have been investigated in a few stud-ies. Freezing stress in dormant plants, defoliation, and nu-trient stress have often been shown to have predispositioneffects comparable to water stress for canker diseases, suchas those caused by Entoleuca (Hypoxylon) and Cytosporain aspen [12, 81], Godronia and Botryosphaeria in Betulaspp. [51,60]. In black spruce (Picea mariana) seedlings, pre-disposition toBotrytis cinereawas obtained either by droughtor heat and dark [221]. Heat induced susceptibility has beenreported in other cases [173].

    Erbaugh et al. [67] demonstrated that drought and lightstresses interacted on predisposition to dogwood anthracnose:no effect of drought on disease severity was observed in un-shaded trees (100% light) whereas drought increased severityon all shaded trees, with a maximum disease progression in-crease at 50% light but the highest overall disease level at 10%light in droughted trees.

    2.5. Species-specific and genetic effects

    Mortality patterns following severe drought have often beenshown to be species specific, resulting in shifts in species com-position of stands after severe disturbance [46, 204]. A clonalpattern was even shown for aspen decline [72]. Differentialresponses of tree species or genotypes to water deficit andpathogens may explain such patterns [164]. In a study of theinfluence of the intense 19851988 drought on tree mortal-ity in the southern Appalachian mixed-Quercusspecies forest,

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    Drought and pathogenic fungi 601

    Clinton et al. [45] found scarlet oak (Q. coccinea) to be themost frequently dead or declining species, in agreement withprevious reports showing a primary link to drought-inducedoutbreak of Armillaria mellea. The analysis of the oak de-cline which occurred in France following the severe 1976drought showed that only Quercus roburwas affected [14].This could be explained by a higher sensitivity of Q. roburthanQ. petraeato water deficits and a higher susceptibility toroot pathogens [109,161, 205].

    Genetic variation in either pathogen or host has been shownto be a source of variation in the response of trees to droughtand infection in some studies. In the sycamore (Platanus oc-cidentalis) canker caused by Lasiodiplodia (Botryodiplodia)theobromae, water stress had its greatest effects on increasedcanker development by the less virulent strain [110], in agree-ment with the scheme proposed by Schoeneweiss [176]. Incontrast, Blodgett et al. [23,24] studying Sphaeropsis sapineaon red pine (Pinus resinosa), reported significant effects ofdrought in increasing disease development only for the moreaggressive A morphotype. The same trend was observed withCytosporaon willow (Salixspp.) [100].

    Interaction effects of drought and genetic disease resistanceof the host have been mostly investigated for woody ornamen-tals. Blaker and MacDonald [20] demonstrated that moderatewater stress predisposed normally resistant rhododendrons tosevere root and crown rot caused byPhytophthora cinnamomi.A similar tendency was observed for Lasiodiplodia theobro-maeon dogwood, with the least susceptible cultivar in the ab-sence of stress being the one with largest cankers after water-stress prediposition [142].


    Theoretically, three main types of drought-disease interac-tion can be expected:

    A direct effect of drought on pathogens; Indirect effects of drought on pathogens through other

    community interactions; Interaction effects through host physiology; here, two

    types of interactions can be distinguished: (1) an effect ofdrought on tree susceptibility to disease: the predispositionconcept; or (2) combined effects of infection and droughton tree physiology: the multiple stress concept.

    3.1. Direct effects of drought on pathogens

    As mentioned earlier, direct effects on pathogens, which af-fect primarily the free stages of fungi, i.e. spores and infectiveforms, are expected to be mainly negative, since most fungirequire free water or high moisture for spore dispersal, germi-nation and infection [105]. Even for diseases showing a closepositive relationship with drought such as those caused byHy-

    poxylon(Biscognauxia) or by Sphaeropsis sapinea, the pro-duction and activity of primary inoculum (ejection and ger-mination of ascospores) is associated with high precipitation

    or high relative humidity [191, 203]. These direct negativeeffects are likely to be decisive, in a given season, for poly-cyclic diseases with many repeated cycles including such pro-cesses. Many foliar diseases, such as rusts, fall under this cat-egory, possibly explaining their low level of occurrence in thedatabase, because of the negative interaction of drought anddisease in these cases. The same negative effect may be ex-pected for fine root pathogens such as Phytophthoras for whichdispersal relies on flagellate zoospores swimming in free waterandtherefore requires that the spaces between the soil particlesare filled with water [64,127].

    Water content may also have a direct effect on fungalgrowth within the host. Many authors have investigated theresponse of mycelial growth or sporulation to water potentialsin vivo or in vitro [63, 66, 79]. As a general rule, most fun-gal pathogens exhibit an important plasticity and can grow atwater potentials well below the minimum for growth of mosthigher plants: many species can sustain significant growth(more than 50% of optimal) at water potentials as low as2 MPa ([49], Tab. II). Botryosphaeria dothideaexhibited aremarkable tolerance to low water potentials, even for germi-nation and germ tube elongation [117]. Badisiomycetes andzoosporic organisms, such as Phytophthoras, are generallyless tolerant of low water potentials than ascomycetes [25,63].

    3.2. Indirect effects through community interactions

    Drought could impact the epidemiology of pathogensthrough effects on other organismswithin the community. Thisis particularly relevant for insect-vectored diseases such asbark beetle-Ophiostomatod fungi [101, 171] and Dutch elmdisease. Gibbs and Greig [75] reported a high invasion suc-

    cess of the large elm bark beetle in elms during the exception-ally hot, dry summer of 1976 in England. However, the overallcourse of the epidemic was slightly affected since the higherinsect establishment was counterbalanced by a lower transferof the fungus from beetle to elm and slower subsequent devel-opment of the fungus within the tree.

    Other indirect effects of drought may occur through mu-tualistic or competing species of the pathogenic fungus. Theliterature in this field is relatively scarce. Malajczuk andTheodorou [121] suggested that the prevention of sporangiumformation inP. cinnamomiat water potentials around 1 MPamight be due to direct effects on stimulatory bacteria ratherthan on the pathogen itself. In contrast, the colonisation ofpine stumps by Heterobasidion annosum might be favoured

    duringdroughtepisodes due to lower antagonism by Phlebiop-sis gigantea[169]. Klepzig et al. [102] showed that the growthof the three major fungal associates of the southern pine beetleis strongly affected by decreasing water potential, in favour ofmycangial fungi and bark beetle success.

    3.3. Interaction effects through host predispositionto disease by drought

    After the pioneer work by Bier [18, 19] on the relation-ship between bark moisture and development of fungi, the

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    602 M.-L. Desprez-Loustau et al.

    Table II.Direct effects of water potential on growth of some forest pathogens.

    Water potentialcontrol

    Optimal waterpotential (Mpa)

    Water potential atgrowth reduced by 50%


    Botryosphaeria dothidea O* 2 5 [116]

    Cryphonectria cubensis O 0 2.6 [190]

    Cryphonectria parasitica O 1 4 [72]

    Cytospora chrysosperma M, O 1 0.5

    2 to 31 to 2


    Thyronectria austro-americana M 0.4

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    Drought and pathogenic fungi 603

    producing a synergistic effect between water deficit and infec-tion in trees have been described in a study of Dutch elm dis-ease (DED) inUlmus minor[183]. Vessel cavitation is consid-ered a determinant process leading to wilting, induced eitherby water stress or DED. The severity of symptoms after inocu-lation associated with water stress was increased in plants withlarge vessels more prone to cavitation.

    The tree decline concept was developed by Manion [123,124] to address complex decline syndroms involving a varietyof etiological agents, including biotic and abiotic factors. Theconcept is illustrated by a decline spiral constituted of threetiered inward rings, corresponding to the predisposing, incit-ing, and contributing stressing factors, respectively. Declineis induced by the sequential occurrence of one stressing factorfrom each ring, factors within each ring being interchangeable.This spiral model has been widely used to analyse a number ofdecline situations. Drought has very often been considered asan inciting factor and root pathogens, such as Armillaria,as contributing factors [72, 145, 146]. The role of pathogensas predisposing or triggering agents of decline diseases hasalso been recognised, especially powdery mildew and Phy-tophthoraspp. in oak declines ([57,210], cf. case study).

    3.5. Molecular basis of drought-infection interactions

    The study of plant responses to stress at the molecular levelhas advanced considerably in recent years. Signalling path-ways and genes involved in resistance to pathogens have beenunravelled, first in model plants [54, 208] and increasingly inmany other species, including trees [9,68,141]. The molecularbasis of plant response to abiotic stresses has also been ex-tensively studied [213,219,224]. A number of studies providesome evidence of common mechanisms in response to a vari-ety of stresses [108]. For example, Nagy et al. [147] demon-strated that drought stress in Norway spruce (Picea abies)seedlings induced some defenses similar to those of pathogeninfection, i.e. chitinases. A pine chitinase gene and the chest-nut cystatin expression were shown to be induced by fungalinfection as well as abiotic stress [112, 157]. Increasing evi-dence suggests that signalling pathways mobilized for differ-ent stresses may share common components, such as ABA ormitogen activated protein kinase MAPK [136,222]. The func-tional overlap between the signalling networks activated bydifferent stresses may explain the cross-protection or cross-tolerance phenomena, in which a particular stress can induceresistance to a subsequent different stress [26, 198], includ-ing drought and pathogen [40]. This may explain why mildlystressed plants can be more resistant to pathogens [88]. How-ever, other studies strongly suggest that the same gene mayinversely modulate disease resistance and abiotic stress toler-ance [220]. Moreover, recent studies involving a combinationof different stresses, e.g. drought and heat, revealed a complexand specific pattern of plant response, including only a partof the responses to single stresses and transcripts specificallyexpressed in the combined stress condition [170].

    The potential effects of stress on the genetics of pathogenicagents represent a new area of research, with recent results es-

    pecially for viral and bacterial human diseases.Pseudomonasaeruginosais a ubiquitous environmental bacterium, capableof infecting a wide variety of organisms, from plants to an-imals and humans, as an opportunistic pathogen. Virulencegenes were shown to be expressed not in a constitutive waybut only when the bacterial population reached a critical den-sity allowing it to overwhelm host defenses and to establishinfection [8]. Another type of host stress - pathogen virulenceinteraction involving oxidative stress has been described byBeck and collaborators [13]. Variants of several viruses withincreased virulence were shown to occur in hosts (humans andexperimental mice) subjected to antioxidant vitamin deficien-cies. Such phenomena might be explained by oxidative stressinducing faster viral replication and higher viral mutation rate.The formation of reactive oxygen species leading to oxidativestress is also a common response in plants, following exposureto biotic or abiotic stresses [6,143].


    4.1. Sphaeropsis sapinea-Pinus

    Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko & Sutton (syn. Diplodiapinea(Desm.) Kikx.) is one of the most important parasitesof pines, distributed worldwide and causing a great variety ofsymptoms: shoot blight, branch and stem canker, tip dieback,cone infections, blue stain and root disease, often killing trees.S. sapineahas also been reported in other conifers (Abies, Ce-drus, Larix, Pseudotsuga...) but with lesser damage than inpines. The first description of the fungus was made by Friesin 1822 in Scandinavia and subsequent mentions in the thcentury are from Europe and Eastern USA. However, diseaseoutbreaks associated with S. sapineawere first reported fromexotic pine plantations in the 1910s in South Africa [190,212].Disease losses associated with S. sapinea have now been re-ported from all pine plantation areas in the Southern Hemi-sphere, e.g. New Zealand, Chile and Australia [56], and inthe Northern Hemisphere, e.g. Northeast of the USA [158],East of China [178] and Europe [71, 97, 160]. In most ofthese regions, an increasing number of reports has been is-sued during the last decades. The main affected species areP. radiata, P. pinasterand P. patula in the Southern Hemi-sphere, P. nigraand P. sylvestrisin Europe and P. sylvestris,P. resinosa and P. nigra in the USA. It is striking that thesame species may be little affected in its natural area, andsuffer severe damage in exotic plantations, e.g. P. radiata,P. pinasterandP. sylvestris.S. sapineais generally recognisedto undergo only asexual reproduction [189]. However, a sig-nificant variation in morphology and cultural characteristicshas been described between isolates [99]. Two forms (I andII) were distinguished in France [139] and two morphotypes(A and B, roughly corresponding to II and I, respectively)in the USA [151, 186, 209]. A third morphotype (C) was re-cently described [214]. Using multiple gene genealogies, deWet et al. [215] demonstrated that all isolates representing theA and C morphotypes were grouped in separate but closelyrelated clades, in contrast to isolates of the B morphotype

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    which grouped together in a different clade and were there-fore described as the new species Diplodia scrobiculata. TheA morphotype seems to be dominant in all areas where diseasehas been reported. Pathogenic tests generally demonstrated ahigher virulence for A and C than for B [2124, 214]. Sev-eral studies with vegetative compatibility groups and molec-ular markers showed a high genetic variability ofS. sapineamorphotype A in some areas, e.g. South Africa [33, 181]. Arecent study using SSR markers, however, revealed an over-all low diversity and no geographic differentiation at a re-gional and even world scale [34]. S. sapinea can penetratehost tissues either directly in buds, current shoots and nee-dles or through wounds [41,44,120,151,158]. It has recentlybeen shown to occur as a latent pathogen in healthy pine tis-sues, especially in shoots and cones [69, 70, 182, 185]. Fieldobservations and experiments have usually associated the in-cidence and severity of disease with various stress factors (nu-trition, hail, drought...) which would trigger host susceptibil-ity [98, 149, 184, 190]. Effects of water stress on the Pinus-S.sapinea interaction have been investigated in several experi-mental studies, with wound inoculations on stems or shoots ofyoung saplings. A greater development of symptoms was con-sistently associated with water stress [11, 23, 24, 152]. Mod-erate water stress (minimum predawn leaf potentials of 1.5to 2 MPa) was shown to be effective in increasing symptomseverity, e.g. inducing a two-fold increase in canker length,in various pine species [11,23, 24, 43]. Lower levels of stress(pl = 2.75 to 3 MPa) resulted in a complete break down ofresistance in P. radiata, with a ten-fold increase of lesions [43].The rapid onset of disease in pines when they are exposedto stress could be explained by the role of latent infections.Whereas S. sapinea was confined to inactive pith tissues ofmature seed cones in non-stressed trees, an extensive coloni-sation of branch and stem tissues spreading from cones wasfound in trees damaged by hail [182]. Stanosz et al. [187] pro-vided strong experimental evidence of the role ofS. sapineain the death of non-inoculated asymptomatic seedlings whichhad been subjected to water stress.

    Outbreaks ofS. sapineahave been ascribed to other poten-tial factors associated with global change: warming tempera-tures (the optimum growth temperature ofS. sapineais closeto 30 C, [42], nitrogen deposition [62], and increased traderesulting in new introductions, includingstrains of higher viru-lence (especially via asymptomatic infected seeds) [181,218].

    4.2. Biscogniauxia mediterraneaQuercus

    Biscogniauxia mediterranea(De Not.) Kuntze. (syn. Hy-poxylon mediterraneum(De Not.) Mill.) is an opportunisticparasite responsible for necrosis on stems and branches ofQuercusspecies in the Mediterranean area, known as char-coal disease. It is reported from Africa, Central America, Eu-rope, USA and Russia [91,172] on a wide range of hosts. Thename of the disease originates from the black stromata form-ing on the dead branches and stems. Its incidence is partic-ularly alarming on Q. suber[196]. However, it causes seri-ous damage also on Q. cerris, Q.frainetto, Q. pubescensand

    Q. ilex[38,200]. In environmentally predisposed oak sites in-cidence of charcoal disease on Q. cerrisand Q. frainettowasover 50% [204].

    Symptoms ofB. mediterraneaattack on Quercusspp. arenot easy to distinguish from those typical of water stress; how-ever they include a gradual generally basipetal crown wiltthat can involve the whole crown within 1 or 2 seasons, de-pending on intensity of water stress. Necrosis of bark andblack necrotic lines in the wood are present along stems andbranches. A severe wood discoloration generally delimitedby a black line is evident in transverse sections of stems orbranches [200].These symptoms are accompanied by the pres-ence of signs ofB. mediterraneaattack, including black stro-mata erupting from bark tissues and developing longitudinallyup to several meters. Stromata contain perithecia of the fungus.Ascospores are actively ejected from perithecia in wet periodsand represent the main source of inoculum [203]. Ascosporesare dispersed by wind and rain splash; however evidence is re-ported for the involvement of the genus Agrilusas vector ofB.mediterranea[202]. Buds and microwounds are believed to bethe primary sites of infection of this fungus [203]. B. mediter-raneacommonly lives as endophyte in tissues of healthy vig-orous oaks, including leaves, twigs and bark [4, 48,131,199].It can be stated that this fungus is a typical component of theendophytic micro flora inhabiting Quercus spp. in the Mediter-ranean forests. Recent investigations carried out in Italy re-ported B. mediterraneabeing present, in both the endophyticand pathogenic phases, in Southern and Central Italy while itwas not detected in oak forests in northern Italy above 45 lat-itude [5].

    Abundance ofB. mediterraneain tissues and its ability toshift from the endophytic to the pathogenic phase is medi-ated by water stress conditions of the host. As demonstratedby Lucero [114], there is a significant correlation betweenthe abundance ofB. mediterranea in asymptomatic tissuesand the decrease of leaf water potential of the host plant.This finding is consistent with the higher frequency of isola-tion in autumn compared with spring, following the summerdrought typical of Mediterranean regions [48, 115]. Duringits endophytic phase, B. mediterranea is nearly absent fromwoody tissues [4,114]. However, invasion and discoloration ofwood is typical of the pathogenic phase of the fungus [200].When the tree or part of it is subjected to severe water stress,

    B. mediterraneadevelops rapidly within the xylem, preferen-tially spreading through the large air-embolized vessels andapparently killing the adjacent parenchyma [201]. The entirehost may soon die, probably owing to synergistic coloniza-tion of tissues from several infection points where the funguswas latently present. Combined physiological and pathologi-cal studies showed that a leaf water potential around 3.5 Mpacorresponds in Q. cerris to up to 66% loss in conductiv-ity and massive invasion of woody tissues by the fungus re-sults [201]. Furthermore,at a leaf water potential between 3.0and 3.5 Mpa the flux density dramatically drops suggestingdiffuse cavitation of vessels. Oak species differ in susceptibil-ity to B. mediterraneadepending on their performance underdrought conditions [204]. As an example the higher suscepti-bility ofQ. cerristo the fungus, compared with Q. pubescens,

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    is associated with more negative PWP values than the latterspecies, at the same water supply level [204]. Observationscarried out in mixed oak forests in Central and Southern Italy,showed that heavy attacks ofB. mediterraneafollowing one ormore seasons of severe drought, noticeably change the speciescomposition of the biocenosis favouring the survival of themost xerophytic species, Q. pubescens, and the reduction innumber of individuals ofQ. cerris and Q. frainetto[204]. Incoppices heavily attacked by B. mediterranea, 56.8% of Q.cerristrees died compared with only 1.9% of Q. pubescens,after severe drought conditions [204]. In old abandoned cop-pices in which species composition has been directed by an-thropic pressure,B. mediterraneaacts as a beneficial factor inthe biocenosis, by reducing the biomass and modulating thespecies composition.

    4.3. Possible role of root pathogens in declinesassociated with drought

    The role of root pathogens in drought induced declines isusually not easy to determine. The case ofArmillariaspeciesis typical.Armillariaspp. have been commonly reported in theliterature to be associated with declines following drought (fora review, see [211]) and species such asA. gallica andA. cepis-tipesare known to be secondary pathogens, i.e. pathogens un-able to invade trees unless they are stressed by another fac-tor [78]. Unfortunately, the Armillariaspecies involved in thereported decline cases are often not known because many ofthe reports are older than 1980. Most of these reports relateto oaks and firs. Also, A. ostoyaehas a higher prevalence oncoarse texture soils [50,122,134, 177,193, 216,217] and thesesoils have a low water reserve. This could be an indication thatthis species is more aggressive on conifers subjected to watershortage. However, controlled condition experiments testingthe effect of water stress on tree susceptibility to Armillariaspp. do not show a clear trend.

    The two studies conducted on pines suggest that the sus-ceptibility of these species to A. ostoyaeis not increased bya water shortage [115,207]. Both were conducted on pottedseedlings and the severity of A. ostoyae infections was in-creased neither for P. sylvestris nor for P. pinasterseedlingssubjected to water shortage compared to control seedlings.The lack of drought impact in these experiments might be re-lated to the scarcity of reports of pine decline involvingArmil-lariaspecies following drought [211]. By contrast, an inoc-ulation study with 3-year-old Abies grandis showed a clearincrease of seedling susceptibility to A. ostoyae following awater stress [153]. Comparatively, very little work has beendone on broadleaf trees, and in particular on oaks that arehowever most represented in reportsof decline associated withdrought andArmillaria[211]. Anselmi and Puccinelli [3] stud-ied the impact of a water shortage on the susceptibility of sev-eral oak species to A. gallica and A. mellea. Oak seedlingsinoculated by A. melleaand watered with only a third of theamount of water given to the controls experienced increasedmortality compared to non-inoculated and water stressed oakseedlings. Experiments conducted on mature trees are scarce.

    Walstrm and Barklund [206] induced an artificial drought on26-year-oldPicea abiesinoculated with A. ostoyaeandA. bo-realis by preventing rain water from reaching the soil. After5 months, trees experiencing the water shortage did not dif-fer in susceptibility to the tested Armillariaspecies from thecontrol trees.

    The interaction between trees, pathogens and stressful en-vironmental conditions has been mainly examined through theenhancement of plant susceptibility to pathogens by stress,with pathogens playing the role of contributory factors in thedecline process, according to Manions terminology. However,in many cases, this proved to be difficult to demonstrate. An-other possible mechanism is a lower ability of infected treesto withstand the stress, infection playing the role of a predis-posing factor of decline. For example, Collybia fusipeshas ahigher impact onQuercus roburin stands with low soil water-logging and a coarse texture [36]. However, efforts to demon-strate that oak trees growing in sandy soils or subjected towater shortage were more susceptible to C. fusipes were notsuccessful [35, 37]. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that,at a given level of root destruction by C. fusipes, the likeli-hood of decline of a tree was greater in a sandy loam com-pared to a clay loam [36, 126]. This could be explained bya decreased ability of root-damaged trees to cope with sit-uations of poor water availability. This mechanism has alsobeen suggested to be important in the case ofPhytophthorainfected trees. Both field and experimental evidence supporta higher vulnerability ofP. cinnamomiinfected trees to waterdeficits [52, 128, 129]. The death of roots, particularly rootsextracting water deep in the soil, may be especially critical insites with low water availability [53]. This may explain the pat-tern ofP. cinnamomiinduced Eucalyptus decline observed ineastern Australia, where decline episodes occur in years wherea hot and rainy period in late spring-early summer, promotingP. cinnamomiinfection, is followed by a dry period in sum-mer [197]. Several new Phytophtorassp. have recently beendescribed and suggested to be involved in European oak de-clines [82, 90, 9296]. Although these species act as primarypathogens, their pathogenicity generally seems to be too lowto induce mortality alone, yet Phytophthoraspp. may act asadditional stressors to oak trees [58].


    Drought-disease interaction effects are especially impor-tant in perennial plants, such as forest trees. Forest ecosys-tems are less managed than agrosystems and therefore morelikely subjected to effects of naturally occurring stress likedrought. Moreover, long term effects of drought, spanning sev-eral years, have often been demonstrated. The nature of dis-eases favoured by drought may be an additional factor ex-plaining the importance of drought-infection interactions intrees. As clearly indicated by the analysis of literature andother reports, drought-induced diseases are often caused byfacultative parasites having saprophytic or endophytic abili-ties, developingin secondary tissues (bark/wood). These fungilive in dead parts or as latent endophytes of living trees and

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    water stress is often only a revealer of their presence, bytriggering host susceptibility and/or releasing pathogen qui-escence. The ubiquitous nature of these parasites in naturalforests, and their role as ecosystem roguers and scavengers,by killing weakened trees and decaying dead trees, has beenhighlighted by Wargo [210]. However, this view, together withthe naming of pathogens as non-aggressive /facultative /sec-ondary /opportunistic may be somewhat misleading about thepotential damage associated with these parasites, especiallyin managed forests. Productive species artificially favouredin managed forests have proved to be especially affected bydrought-pathogen effects where they are not well adapted, asillustrated by the oak declines in France and Italy in the 1980s,that affected Q. roburand Q. cerris, respectively. Moreover,the experience of stress, especially water stress, by trees is acommon condition during their lifespan and pathogens predis-posed by drought can induce very severe damage, as shownfor Sphaeropsis sapinea. Infection by primary foliar or rootpathogens may reciprocally act as a predisposing factor to wa-ter stress. Very limited experimental research has been con-ducted at the stand/community level to study the effects ofcombined biotic and abiotic stress, in particular their role inexacerbating competitive interactions between trees. Clearly, abetter knowledge of the relationships between diversity (bothspecific and genetic, including age structure and other factorsof heterogeneity) and the capacity for plastic and adaptive re-sponses at the population/community level of forest ecosys-tems is needed. Although experiments in grasslands supportthe insurance hypothesis that increased species diversityis associated with sustained functioning, especially improvedproductivity and lower pathogen load [113, 137, 138, 194],links between community properties and resistance or re-silience to extreme climatic events are still poorly understood,let alone considering interactions with pathogens. Contrastedresults in manipulated grasslands have been obtained on theassociation between plant diversity and resistance to drought,with some studies reporting lower ecosystem resistance to se-vere climatic stress with increased plant diversity [156,159].

    More specific knowledge gaps in the field of pathology re-late to the pathogens commonly involved in drought-induceddiseases. Increasing evidence suggests the diversity and func-tional importance of fungal endophytes in trees [39,180,187].As shown for Biscognauxia mediterranea and Sphaerop-sis sapinea, host stress may trigger shifts from latent topathogenic stages. The occurrence of variants of high viru-lence selected by stress among the overall low virulent pop-ulation, according to Becks model, cannot be ruled out andshould be examined. The genetic studies will also allow a clar-ification in the taxonomy of several groups. The taxonomic re-vision ofBotryosphaeria(anamorphs Diplodia, Fusicoccum,

    Lasiodiplodia,Botryodiplodia, Sphaeropsis) has made consid-erable progress in recent years with the use of molecular tools[59, 150, 179, 215, 223]. The resolution of species complexesmay help solve questions on epidemiology of these species,including host range and interaction with drought. The recentdescription of the new species Botryosphaeria corticola [2],differentiated from B. stevensii (Diplodia mutila) frequentlyassociated with dieback and cankers of oaks in the Mediter-

    ranean region [164, 165] and sometimes in other areas, pro-vides an illustrative example. Following the species level, thepopulation genetics of these fungi may provide insights intotheir dispersal and variation in latent/pathogenic capacities.

    This review was focused on drought in its interactions withpathogens. Severe drought and heat are often associated, asoccurred in the summer 2003 in Europe, and in previousepisodes.The literature on heat stress is relatively scarce, espe-cially in trees. The eruption of sooty bark disease of sycamorein Great Britain was at first assumed to be linked to hightemperatures in summer, as in 1947 and 1949. However, thecomparison of disease levels in years similar in terms of tem-perature but differing for the moisture deficit suggested amore important role of drought, as also supported by exper-imental evidence [74]. The evolution of climate in temperateregions may specifically favour thermophilic fungi able to per-sist in trees until the water regime is disrupted, as exempli-fied by C. corticale, B. mediterranea, S. sapinea. Pathogensof Mediterranean or tropical origin extending their geographicrange in response to climate change represent a serious threat.

    Straightforward implications for forest management ofdrought-pathogen interactions are to prevent as much as pos-sible both water stress in trees during drought episodes [29]and pathogen damage. The foremost prevention measure forpathogens is to avoid dispersal by means of infected materialused for plantations. Infected seed and nursery plants are im-portant pathways of pathogen dispersal. The problem is evenmore crucial with latent pathogens often involved in drought-induced diseases, since they can persist in tissues asymptomat-ically. The improvement of diagnostic tools and methodologyto assess their prevalence is clearly needed. Although scien-tific support has still to be provided in the diversity-stabilitydebate, biological diversity in all its components is a key factorto be considered in forest management, enabling populationsand communities to adapt to environmental change.


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