driving on a flat tire

I remember one of the first times I had ever had a flat tire.

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I remember one of the first times I had ever had a flat tire.

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I was leaving the MoiveTavern just a few minutes away from my home.

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I at the time was a new driver, and I wasn’t really sure as to what I should have done in this situation.

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I naively decided that I would drive back to my home since it was only a few minutes away.

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Even though I was driving slowly this was a bad idea.

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The reason for this is that once I was almost home, I noticed a smoke coming from underneath my vehicle.

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Naturally, I freaked out, but instead of stopping I continued driving home.

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Once I made it into the driveway, I notice that the flat tire was ripped to shreds.

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I then notified my parents who were very upset about the tire since they would be paying for the replacement, but

also because I put my safety at risk.

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Through my mistake future drivers can learn what to do in case they have a flat tire, and avoid making the same

mistake I did.

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One of the first risks that drivers take when they drive on a flat tire is additional damage to their vehicle.

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The tire is just the rubber donut that is wrapped on the rim of the vehicle wheel.

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This rubber acts as a protection for the rim and you.

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While driving with the damaged tire the rim may take a beating which could lead to other parts of the vehicle

becoming damaged.

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This can be very expensive to fix and/or replace.

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An additional risk that drivers take when driving on a damaged tire is their personal safety.

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While driving on a flat tire a driver is more likely to lose control of the vehicle.

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This could be deadly for the driver and other drivers on the roadway.

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In addition to losing control of the car the driver assumes the risk of the vehicle catching fire.

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Once the rims of a wheel hit the ground sparks can be produced.

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The sparks created could interact with a very flammable part of the vehicle.

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That being said driving a vehicle with a flat tire could turn into driving a bomb on three wheels.

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One of the first things that a driver should consider when they have a flat tire is to see if they have a spare tire.

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By switching the damaged tire with the spare a driver can safely make it to a short destination such as a shop to have

their damaged tire fixed and/or replaced.

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This would also prevent the driver from further damaging the rest of their car.

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If a spare isn’t available drivers should consider calling a tow truck.

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Most insurance companies offer roadside assistance which means that the driver’s insurance company will cover the

cost of having a vehicle towed to a repair shop.

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With this option no driver should even consider driving on a flat tire.