draft islandwide assessment of erosion potential at storm...

State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Highways Division MARCH 2007 Storm Water Management Project Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls on the Island of Oahu

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State of HawaiiDepartment of TransportationHighways Division

MARCH 2007

Storm Water Management Project

Draft Islandwide Assessment of

Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls

on the Island of Oahu


Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls

on the Island of Oahu

Appendix I.3

March 2007

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page 1 March 2007

Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 - Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Background................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER 2 - Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Field Operations............................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Quantitative Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 3 - Summary of Results............................................................................................................ 6 3.1 Summary of Results ..................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Remediation Measures................................................................................................................. 8 3.3 Limitations..................................................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 4 - References ......................................................................................................................... 10 Appendix A Field Operations - Inspector’s Checklist Appendix B Top 25 High Priority Outfalls Appendix C Comprehensive Listing of Outfall Sites Appendix D Outfall Sites - Site Reports (electronic files)

Table of Figures Figure 3.1: High Priority Outfalls .................................................................................................................. 7

Table of Tables Table 3.1: Top 25 High Priority Outfalls ....................................................................................................... 6 Table 3.2: Top 25 High Priority Outfalls – Site Characterization ................................................................. 8

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page 2 March 2007


1.1 Background

The Erosion Control BMP Program includes the identification and evaluation of erosion at storm drain outfalls that discharge downslope of the roadbed. The following methodology was used to derive a prioritized listing:

• Perform field operations; • Assess and evaluate conditions; and • Develop quantitative criteria for evaluating erosion at storm drain outfalls.

A detailed description of the methodology is provided in Chapter 2.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives of this report include the following:

• To identify and prioritize storm drain outfalls on the island of Oahu that discharge downslope of the roadbed based upon water quality impacts as a priority;

• To develop and implement a program to prevent erosion at the storm drain system outfalls.

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page 3 March 2007


2.1 Field Operations

Field operations were conducted between August 2005 and October 2006. The data collection efforts consisted of identifying and documenting storm drain outfalls along State highways. Field inspection priorities focused on assessing major outfalls, which are defined as culverts and pipes with an inside diameter of 36-inches or greater. The following activities were conducted at each outfall location: • Visual inspections of outfall area by a crew of one or two persons, using GPS units to locate

approximate outfall location. • Collect the following information about outfall area (See Appendix A for inspector’s

checklist): − Outfall size and type (material); − Condition of outfall; − Condition of outfall area; − Condition of outfall runoff, − Water flowing from outfall; − Pollution around outfall area; − Photographs; and − Sketch of culvert/pipe configuration

2.2 Quantitative Criteria

The high priority sites were selected by a combination of factors, including the observed erosion condition, watershed priority, receiving water body classification, overland flow distance to receiving water, culvert size, and soil condition (erodibility) at the outfall location. The ranking criteria (erosion values) are based on the following equation:

Erosion Value = (erosion condition factor) x (watershed factor) x (water classification factor) x (distance to receiving water factor) x (culvert size factor) x (soil erodibility factor)

Erosion Condition Factor

Erosion conditions were assessed by the inspectors in the field and recorded in the “Condition of Outlet Runoff” section of the Field Operations Inspector’s Checklist. This factor was divided into four categories. The highest tier consists of those outfalls that were observed to exhibit heavy or severe erosion. These locations were assigned a weight factor of 5. Outfall locations that showed evidence of mild or moderate erosion were assigned a weight factor of 2. Light erosion was assigned a weight factor of 1 and those areas were erosion was not evident was assigned a weight factor of zero.

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page 4 March 2007

Watershed Factor

Each watershed was categorized into one of four classifications to determine the watershed factor. Critical watersheds are defined as those which have been designated by the EPA as a Wasteload Allocation (WLA). This constitutes the highest tier of the prioritization ranking and is assigned the largest weight factor of 4. The five watersheds that comprise this group are Kawa, Waimanalo, Ala Wai, Kawainui, and Kaelepulu. The second tier consists of the high priority watersheds as defined in the Consent Decree, Appendix A (Civil Action No. CV05-00636) and is assigned a weight factor of 3. High priority watersheds include Aiea, Halawa, Kalauao, Kalihi, Kaneohe, Kapakahi, Kaukonahua, Keaahala, Kiikii, Nuuanu, Paukauila, Poamoho, Waiawa, Waikele, Waimalu, and Waipio. The third tier consists of those watersheds that appear on EPA’s 303(d) list of impaired waters based on turbidity or total suspended solids. This group is assigned a weight factor of 2 and includes Anahulu, Hanauma, Helemano, Honouliuli, Kaaawa, Kahaluu, Kahaluu Segment, Kahawainui, Kapalama, Kaupuni, Kawaiiki, Kawailoa, Koko Crater, Makaha, Makaiwa, Moanalua, and Opaeula. The bottom tier consists of all remaining watersheds and is assigned a weight factor of 1.

Water Classification Factor

The water classification of the receiving water body was also taken into consideration in the quantitative analysis. The first category, consisting of Class A waters and Pearl Harbor Estuary, is assigned a weight factor of 1. The second category, Class AA waters, marine conservation areas, and reserves, are assigned a weight factor of 1.2, or 20% greater than the first tier. Watersheds that outfall to Class AA waters and other sensitive areas include: Manini, Kaluakauila, Anahulu, Loko Ea, Kahana, Hakipuu, Waikane, Waianu, Waiahole, Kaalaea, Haiamoa, Waihee, Kahaluu, Ahuimanu, Kahaluu segment, Heeia, Keaahala, Kaneohe, Kawa, Puu Hawaiiloa, Hanauma, and Makapuu. All remaining watersheds are assumed to drain to Class A waters or Pearl Harbor Estuary.

Distance to Receiving Water Factor

The proximity of the outfall location to the receiving water body was also factored into the analysis to account for sediment that may settle out prior to reaching the final discharge location. This factor is based on the distance along the approximate flow path from the outfall to the receiving water body. Flow distances through pipes and lined channels were subtracted from this measurement since it is assumed that 100 percent sediment transfer would occur through these conveyances. For outfalls near the shoreline, the distance to stream factor was terminated along any visible sandy beach (from aerial photos), rather than to the point where it contacts the ocean.

The receiving water was defined as (1) a blue line or water body on the USGS map, (2) a blue line as depicted in the State’s streams GIS file (darstreams.shp), or (3) a water body, as shown in the City and County of Honolulu’s water body shapefile (watbod.shp).

Culvert Size Factor

Prioritization of sites was also determined by culvert size. Culverts with inside diameters less than 36-inches are considered minor outfalls and are assigned a weight factor of 1. Those with inside diameters of 36-inches or larger are considered major outfalls and are assigned a weight factor of 2. Multiple barrel culverts less than 36-inches in diameter with an aggregate pipe cross sectional area greater than a single 36-inch diameter culvert are classified as major outfalls for

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page 5 March 2007

analysis purposes. Since culvert size is an indication of the contributing drainage area, the larger drainage areas were afforded a higher weighting by this method.

Soil Erodibility Factor

The soil type in the vicinity of each outfall location was obtained from the City and County of Honolulu’s GIS layers. A corresponding “K” value was determined for each soil type based on USDA NRCS publications. These values ranged between 0.02 and 0.28. This erodibility factor quantifies the susceptibility of soil detachment by water and is commonly used to predict long-term average soil loss. For outfalls that exit directly into a concrete channel or other lined ditch, the soil erodibility factor was set to zero.

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page 6 March 2007


3.1 Summary of Results

A total of 1,189 outfalls were documented as of October 31, 2006. Each site was evaluated for erosion potential and ranked according to the calculated erosion value. Based on this analysis, a list of the top twenty-five islandwide erosional areas was compiled (Refer to Table 3.1). As illustrated in Figure 3.1, these high priority outfall locations are scattered across the island. It should be noted that this ranking of high priority outfalls is subject to change pending a more comprehensive, site-specific engineering analysis.

Table 3.1: Top 25 High Priority Outfalls


SiteID #

Route# Route Milepost Erosion

Value1 1213 72 Kalanianaole Hwy 1.92 44.82 1052 H-3 Interstate Route H-3 13.09 41.93 215 63 Likelike Hwy 1.65 33.64 729 61 Kailua Road 9.90 24.75 1160 H-3 Interstate Route H-3 12.19 24.06 971 H-3 Interstate Route H-3 12.40 23.67 970 H-3 Interstate Route H-3 12.20 23.68 103 93 Farrington Hwy 0.34 22.49 1096 72 Kalanianaole Hwy 1.16 20.510 258 99 Kamehameha Hwy 11.81 20.411 263 99 Wilikina Drive 7.70 20.412 452 H-1 Interstate Route H-1 13.54 20.413 809 H-1 Interstate Route H-1 12.84 20.414 904 80 Kamehameha Hwy 0.10 20.415 1320 99 Wilikina Drive 8.78 20.416 1154 H-2 Interstate Route H-2 0.40 20.317 785 80 Kamehameha Hwy 0.56 20.118 580 H-1 Interstate Route H-1 11.10 19.819 606 H-2 Interstate Route H-2 2.59 19.720 6 H-2 Interstate Route H-2 2.22 19.721 592 H-2 Interstate Route H-2 3.06 19.522 100 93 Farrington Hwy 0.78 19.223 101 93 Farrington Hwy 0.77 19.224 486 930 Farrington Hwy 6.34 19.025 844 H-3 Interstate Route H-3 9.40 18.5

Eight of the top twenty-five outfalls are located in the Windward area, where critical (WLA) watersheds and Class AA waters are prevalent. The general soil classification is of the Lolekaa-Waikane association, which comprises approximately 15 percent of the island. This association is characterized by well-drained, fine to moderately fine textured soils on uplands,

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fans, and terraces. They formed in old alluvium and material weathered from basic igneous rock. These soils range from nearly level to very steep.

Figure 3.1: High Priority Outfalls

Eleven of the top twenty-five sites are located in central Oahu. The soil in this area is identified by the Helemano-Wahiawa association, which comprises approximately 18 percent of the island. This association consists of well-drained, moderately fine textured and fine textured soils on uplands which formed in material weathered from basalt. These soils are generally nearly level to moderately sloping.

Five sites are located within Lualualei-Fill land-Ewa association soil types. These areas consist of well-drained, fine textured and moderately fine textured soils on fans and in drainageways on the southern and western coastal plains. They formed in alluvium and are nearly level to moderately sloping. This association comprises approximately 14 percent of the island.

The final site, located in Waialua, is within the Kaena-Waialua association, which occurs as a narrow band along the northern and eastern coastline on the island of Oahu. They formed in alluvium and vary widely in texture and drainage. The deep, mainly nearly level and gently sloping soils consist of poorly drained to excessively drained soils that have a fine-textured to

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coarse-textured subsoil or underlying material. They occur on coastal plains, talus slopes, and in drainageways. This association comprises approximately 10 percent of the island.

Additional information on the Top 25 sites is provided in Table 3.2, and individual site reports for the Top 25 sites are included in Appendix B. A comprehensive list of all outfalls evaluated in the study as of October 31, 2006 is provided in Appendix C. A data disk containing electronic files of the site reports for all documented locations will be included in Appendix D in the final version.

Table 3.2: Top 25 High Priority Outfalls – Site Characterization


SiteID # Watershed Culvert Erosion

Condit ionSoil


1 1213 Kaelepulu 48" CMP Heavy/Severe PYF A2 1052 Kawainui 36" CMP Heavy/Severe PYF A3 215 Kalihi 4'x3' Conc. Channel Heavy/Severe KaB A4 729 Kawainui 48" RCP Heavy/Severe PkB A5 1160 Kawainui 144" Sectional Plate Heavy/Severe KlaB A6 971 Kawainui 84" CMP (Buried) Heavy/Severe KlaB A7 970 Kawainui 36" CMP Heavy/Severe KlaB A8 103 Makaiwa 2-42" CMP Heavy/Severe HxA A9 1096 Kaelepulu 30" CMP Heavy/Severe PYF A10 258 Waikele 9'x10' Box Culvert Heavy/Severe HLMG Estuary/A11 263 Kaukonahua 8'x8' Box Culvert Heavy/Severe HLMG A12 452 Halawa 6'x1'-6" CRM Spillway Heavy/Severe KlaB Estuary/A13 809 Aiea 42" CMP Heavy/Severe HnB Estuary/A14 904 Kaukonahua 66" CMP Heavy/Severe HLMG A15 1320 Kaukonahua 36" RCP Heavy/Severe KyA A16 1154 Waiawa 14' x 3' Swale Heavy/Severe KlA Estuary/A17 785 Kaukonahua 36" RCP Heavy/Severe HLMG A18 580 Waimalu 4'x2' Conc. Spillway Heavy/Severe HnB Estuary/A19 606 Waiawa 36" CMP Heavy/Severe HLMG Estuary/A20 6 Waiawa 36" RCP Heavy/Severe HLMG Estuary/A21 592 Waiawa 36" CMP Heavy/Severe HLMG Estuary/A22 100 Makaiwa 2-120" CMP Heavy/Severe LvB A23 101 Makaiwa 2-108" CMP Heavy/Severe LvB A24 486 Kaukonahua 17'x5' Box Culvert Heavy/Severe KlA A25 844 Kaneohe 60" RCP Heavy/Severe HoB Reserve

3.2 Remediation Measures

An outfall program consisting of assessment, prioritization, and implementation of remediation measures will be submitted and implemented per MS4 Permit requirements in late March 2007. Outfall assessments will continue with the completion of major outfall assessments by March 30, 2008. Outfall locations with observed erosional conditions will require the installation of velocity dissipaters or other BMP measures to reduce the risk of continued erosion at these locations. A PS&E process similar to the process used for the FY06 high priority erosional

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areas will be used to develop remediation methods for the prioritized outfalls. Implementation details, such as annual outfall BMP funding, have not been determined at the time of this report's completion.

3.3 Limitations The findings presented in this report are based upon information obtained from visual field inspections and as-built information. The degree of erosive conditions observed on the date of the most recent field survey is subject to change. The nature and extent of these variations may not be evident until subsequent field visits. If such variations occur, re-evaluation of the sites may be required. Additional limitations of this report include the following: • Outfalls included in this analysis are limited to those sites which have been physically

located in the field and surveyed by the inspectors as of October 31, 2006. The final version will include a comprehensive listing of all outfalls which traverse the State highway system or outfall into the State right-of-way to the maximum extend practicable; and

• The analysis is dependent on the site conditions on the day of the survey and does not take

into account the contributing drainage area, slope of the culvert, or exiting velocity of the flow.

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page 10 March 2007


City and County of Honolulu GIS Data

State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Office of Environmental Planning, Water Quality Standards Map of the Island of Oahu, October 1987.

State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, As-Built Drawings. State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation GIS Data, Nov. 2005. State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Highways Division (DOT-HWYS), Authorization To Discharge Under The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. HI S000001, February 28, 2006. State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Highways Division, Plan for the Completion of the 10 Erosion Control Projects at the Sites Listed in Consent Decree, Appendix D, July 2006.

State of Hawaii, Office of Planning, GIS Data.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soils Report for K Factor – Whole – Dominant Soil, Distributed 11/21/01.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with the University of Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station. General Soil Map, Oahu Island, Hawaii, January 1971.

U.S. District Court For The District Of Hawaii, Civil Action No. CV05-00636-HG-KSG Consent Decree With Appendices A – G, January 30, 2006.U.S. Geological Survey Aerial Photography, 2006.

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page A.1 March 2007


Field Operations Inspector’s Checklist

Note: The terms “outlet” and “outfall” are used interchangeably on this form.

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page B.1 March 2007


Top 25 High Priority Outfalls

Individual Site Reports









1213 R72 MP1.92

Route 72 Kalanianaole HighwayApprox. MP: 1.92Outfall: 48" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KaelepuluSoil Type: PYF

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy.













1052 RH3 MP13.09

Interstate Route H-3Approx. MP: 13.09Outfall: 36" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KawainuiSoil Type: PYF

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-3









0215 R63 MP1.65

Route 63 Likelike HighwayApprox. MP: 1.65Outfall: 4'x3' Concrete ChannelErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KalihiSoil Type: KaB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 63 Likelike Hwy.






0729 R61 MP9.90

Route 61 Kailua RoadApprox. MP: 9.9Outfall: 48" RCPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KawainuiSoil Type: PkB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 61 Kailua Rd.










1160 RH3 MP12.19

Interstate Route H-3Approx. MP: 12.19Outfall: 144" Sectional PlateErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KawainuiSoil Type: KlaB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-3







0971 RH3 MP12.4

Interstate Route H-3Approx. MP: 12.4Outfall: 84" CMP (Buried)Erosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KawainuiSoil Type: KlaB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-3










0970 RH3 MP12.2

Interstate Route H-3Approx. MP: 12.2Outfall: 36" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KawainuiSoil Type: KlaB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-3






0103 R93 MP0.34

Route 93 Farrington HighwayApprox. MP: 0.34Outfall: 2-42" RCPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: MakaiwaSoil Type: HxA

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 93 Farrington Hwy.









1096 R72 MP1.16

Route 72 Kalanianaole HighwayApprox. MP: 1.16Outfall: 30" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KaelepuluSoil Type: PYF

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy.





99 99

0258 R99 MP11.81

Route 99 Kamehameha HighwayApprox. MP: 11.81Outfall: 9'x10' Box CulvertErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: WaikeleSoil Type: HLMG

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy.












0263 R99 MP7.70

Route 99 Wilikina DriveApprox. MP: 7.7Outfall: 8'x8' Box CulvertErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KaukonahuaSoil Type: HLMG

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 99 Wilikina Dr.









0452 RH1 MP13.54

Interstate Route H-1Approx. MP: 13.54Outfall: 6'x1'-6" CRM SpillwayErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: HalawaSoil Type: KlA

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-1










0809 RH1 MP12.84

Interstate Route H-1Approx. MP: 12.84Outfall: 42" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: AieaSoil Type: HnB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-1









0904 R80 MP0.10

Route 80 Kamehameha HighwayApprox. MP: 0.1Outfall: 66" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KaukonahuaSoil Type: HLMG

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 80 Kamehameha Hwy.









1320 R99 MP8.78

Route 99 Wilikina DriveApprox. MP: 8.78Outfall: 36" RCPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KaukonahuaSoil Type: KyA

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 99 Wilikina Dr.















1154 RH2 MP0.4

Interstate Route H-2Approx. MP: 0.4Outfall: 14'x3' Concrete ChannelErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: WaiawaSoil Type: KlA

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-2









0785 R80 MP0.56

Route 80 Kamehameha HighwayApprox. MP: 0.56Outfall: 36" RCPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KaukonahuaSoil Type: HLMG

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 80 Kamehameha Hwy.













0580 RH1 MP11.10

Interstate Route H-1Approx. MP: 11.1Outfall: 4'x2' Concrete SpillwayErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: WaimaluSoil Type: HnB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-1








0606 RH2 MP2.59

Interstate Route H-2Approx. MP: 2.59Outfall: 36" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: WaiawaSoil Type: HLMG

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-2









0006 RH2 MP2.22

Interstate Route H-2Approx. MP: 2.22Outfall: 36" RCPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: WaiawaSoil Type: HLMG

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-2








0592 RH2 MP3.06

Interstate Route H-2Approx. MP: 3.06Outfall: 36" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: WaiawaSoil Type: HLMG

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-2







0100 R93 MP0.78

Route 93 Farrington HighwayApprox. MP: 0.78Outfall: 2-120" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: MakaiwaSoil Type: LvB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 93 Farrington Highway







0101 R93 MP0.77

Route 93 Farrington HighwayApprox. MP: 0.77Outfall: 2-108" CMPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: MakaiwaSoil Type: LvB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 93 Farrington Highway








0486 R930 MP6.34

Route 930 Farrington HighwayApprox. MP: 6.34Outfall: 17'x5' Box CulvertErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KaukonahuaSoil Type: KlA

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Route 930 Farrington Highway










0844 RH3 MP9.4

Interstate Route H-3Approx. MP: 9.4Outfall: 60" RCPErosion Condition: Heavy/SevereWatershed: KaneoheSoil Type: HoB

0 200 400100Feet


JaC Soil Type



Outfall Location


Interstate Route H-3

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page C.1 March 2007


Comprehensive Listing of Outfall Sites As of October 31, 2006


Culvert Factor Condition Factor Name Factor Type Factor Dist.(ft) Factor Class Factor

211 Interstate Route H-1 26.94 Sunny 60" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Waialaenui 1 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 6.00452 Interstate Route H-1 13.54 Overcast No Rain 6'x1'-6" CRM Spillway 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 20.40497 Interstate Route H-1 2.60 Overcast No Rain 60" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 1200 3.32 A 1 3.32500 Interstate Route H-1 2.90 Overcast No Rain 96" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaloi 1 EwC 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 6.00501 Interstate Route H-1 2.86 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaloi 1 EwC 0.15 50 3.97 A 1 2.98502 Interstate Route H-1 3.28 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaloi 1 KlbC 0.1 840 3.52 A 1 1.76525 Interstate Route H-1 2.00 Sunny 72" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 4.00580 Interstate Route H-1 11.10 Overcast No Rain 4'x2' Conc. Spillway 2 Heavy/Severe 5 Waimalu 3 HnB 0.17 220 3.88 Estuary 1 19.76809 Interstate Route H-1 12.84 Overcast No Rain 42" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Aiea 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 20.40853 Interstate Route H-1 4.53 Sunny 2'x1' Conc. Channel 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Honouliuli 2 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 6.80

1022 Interstate Route H-1 12.05 Sunny 2'x2' Conc. Channel 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalauao 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 10.201023 Interstate Route H-1 12.05 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalauao 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 10.201329 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kapakahi 3 MuD 0.2 150 3.92 Estuary 1 11.75424 Interstate Route H-1 3.92 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Honouliuli 2 EaB 0.17 2500 2.58 Estuary 1 1.76425 Interstate Route H-1 4.53 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Honouliuli 2 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.72450 Interstate Route H-1 13.37 Overcast No Rain 48" RCP 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 HxA 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 13.44451 Interstate Route H-1 13.38 Overcast No Rain 54" RCP 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 HxA 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 13.44493 Interstate Route H-1 2.12 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 500 3.72 A 1 0.74494 Interstate Route H-1 2.24 Sunny 84" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60495 Interstate Route H-1 2.29 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.80498 Interstate Route H-1 2.72 Light Rain 48" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 WkA 0.28 280 3.84 A 1 4.30499 Interstate Route H-1 2.80 Overcast No Rain 3'x4' Conc. Channel 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 EwC 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 2.40503 Interstate Route H-1 3.40 Overcast No Rain 2-10'x10' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.72504 Interstate Route H-1 3.45 Overcast No Rain 8'x2' Ditch 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 100 3.94 A 1 2.68505 Interstate Route H-1 3.58 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Honouliuli 2 EaB 0.17 700 3.60 Estuary 1 2.45521 Interstate Route H-1 1.61 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 420 3.76 A 1 0.75522 Interstate Route H-1 1.77 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 410 3.77 A 1 0.75523 Interstate Route H-1 1.90 Sunny 42" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 70 3.96 A 1 1.58584 Interstate Route H-1 11.96 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Kalauao 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08585 Interstate Route H-1 11.93 Overcast No Rain 4'x2' Conc. Channel 2 Mild/Moderate 2 Kalauao 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16586 Interstate Route H-1 11.93 Overcast No Rain 112" CMP 2 Mild/Moderate 2 Kalauao 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16587 Interstate Route H-1 11.92 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Kalauao 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08589 Interstate Route H-1 14.60 Overcast No Rain 10'X6' Box Culvert 2 Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 HnB 0.17 750 3.58 Estuary 1 7.29590 Interstate Route H-1 14.60 Overcast No Rain 66" RCP 2 Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 HnB 0.17 750 3.58 Estuary 1 7.29808 Interstate Route H-1 12.83 Overcast No Rain 40'x10' Conc. Channel 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Aiea 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16

1008 Interstate Route H-1 14.44 Sunny 7'x5' Conc. Channel 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 KTKE 0.1 100 3.94 Estuary 1 4.731025 Interstate Route H-1 4.53 Sunny 6'x4' Swale 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Honouliuli 2 MuB 0.2 260 3.85 Estuary 1 6.161229 Interstate Route H-1 0.30 Light Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.721230 Interstate Route H-1 0.30 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 1.361265 Interstate Route H-1 0.04 Sunny 18" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 720 3.59 A 1 1.221270 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 27" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 5.761290 Interstate Route H-1 10.80 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waimalu 3 MuB 0.2 965 3.45 Estuary 1 4.141298 Interstate Route H-1 5.58 Overcast No Rain 24" HDPE 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 MuC 0.2 300 3.83 Estuary 1 4.601325 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 36" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 11.521327 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 11.521330 Interstate Route H-1 7.69 Sunny 2'x1'-6" Conc. Channel 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kapakahi 3 MuD 0.2 150 3.92 Estuary 1 4.7012 Interstate Route H-1 11.18 24" CMP 1 Light 1 Waimalu 3 HnB 0.17 160 3.91 Estuary 1 1.99496 Interstate Route H-1 2.50 Overcast No Rain 42" CMP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 1360 3.23 A 1 0.65506 Interstate Route H-1 11.04 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Waimalu 3 HnB 0.17 430 3.76 Estuary 1 1.92508 Interstate Route H-1 0.04 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 190 3.89 A 1 1.09514 Interstate Route H-1 0.62 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 KlA 0.17 380 3.78 A 1 0.64517 Interstate Route H-1 1.22 Sunny 108" CMP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 1.20519 Interstate Route H-1 1.30 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0.15 80 3.95 A 1 0.59524 Interstate Route H-1 1.96 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 rSY 0.1 130 3.93 A 1 0.39992 Interstate Route H-1 24.56 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Manoa-Palolo 1 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.82993 Interstate Route H-1 24.56 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Manoa-Palolo 1 MlA 0.15 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.72994 Interstate Route H-1 24.58 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Manoa-Palolo 1 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.82

1011 Interstate Route H-1 14.26 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Halawa 3 MdB 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 3.361043 Interstate Route H-1 4.53 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Honouliuli 2 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 1.361199 Interstate Route H-1 11.15 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water Light 1 Waimalu 3 HnB 0.17 250 3.86 Estuary 1 1.971200 Interstate Route H-1 11.15 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water Light 1 Waimalu 3 rRK 0.1 180 3.90 Estuary 1 1.171201 Interstate Route H-1 11.15 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water Light 1 Waimalu 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.04

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Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

1205 Interstate Route H-1 5.12 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 MuB 0.2 1200 3.32 Estuary 1 1.991206 Interstate Route H-1 5.12 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 MuC 0.2 1280 3.28 Estuary 1 1.971207 Interstate Route H-1 5.12 Sunny 36" HDPE 2 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 MuC 0.2 955 3.46 Estuary 1 4.151261 Interstate Route H-1 0.05 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 35 3.98 A 1 1.111264 Interstate Route H-1 0.13 Sunny 4'x2' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 720 3.59 A 1 1.221266 Interstate Route H-1 0.05 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 720 3.59 A 1 1.221271 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.881291 Interstate Route H-1 10.80 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waimalu 3 MuB 0.2 1250 3.29 Estuary 1 1.981322 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 2'x1' Conc. Channel 1 No Water Light 1 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.8813 Interstate Route H-1 11.15 3-162" Sectional Plate 2 None 0 Waimalu 3 HnB 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.0017 Interstate Route H-1 11.96 24" CMP 1 None 0 Kalauao 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00208 Interstate Route H-1 23.00 Sunny 42" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Makiki 1 MkA 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00209 Interstate Route H-1 24.57 Sunny 7'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Manoa-Palolo 1 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00210 Interstate Route H-1 26.57 Sunny 8'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Waialaenui 1 EwC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00224 Interstate Route H-1 21.10 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Nuuanu 3 KaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00225 Interstate Route H-1 21.00 Sunny 10'-8"x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Nuuanu 3 KaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00232 Interstate Route H-1 12.66 Sunny 36" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Aiea 3 WzC 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00233 Interstate Route H-1 12.66 Sunny 120" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Aiea 3 WzC 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00280 Interstate Route H-1 7.74 Overcast No Rain 2-84" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kapakahi 3 WzA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00281 Interstate Route H-1 7.74 Overcast No Rain 2-48" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kapakahi 3 WzA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00283 Interstate Route H-1 20.21 Overcast No Rain 7'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00284 Interstate Route H-1 20.20 Overcast No Rain 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00453 Interstate Route H-1 13.16 Light Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00454 Interstate Route H-1 13.14 Heavy Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00455 Interstate Route H-1 13.55 Heavy Rain 6'x1'-6" Conc. Channel 2 Standing Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00487 Interstate Route H-1 6.20 Sunny 36" CMP 2 Heavy Flow None 0 Waikele 3 HeA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00488 Interstate Route H-1 6.20 Sunny 36" CMP 2 Heavy Flow None 0 Waikele 3 HeA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00489 Interstate Route H-1 6.20 Sunny 30" CMP 1 Heavy Flow None 0 Waikele 3 HeA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00490 Interstate Route H-1 0.46 Sunny 6'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 EaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00491 Interstate Route H-1 1.80 Sunny 120" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 rSY 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00507 Interstate Route H-1 11.04 Sunny 54" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Waimalu 3 Ph 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00509 Interstate Route H-1 0.29 Sunny 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaloi 1 HxA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00510 Interstate Route H-1 0.36 Sunny 48" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaloi 1 HxA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00511 Interstate Route H-1 0.41 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 EaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00512 Interstate Route H-1 0.27 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaloi 1 MnC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00513 Interstate Route H-1 0.47 Sunny 8'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 EaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00515 Interstate Route H-1 0.84 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 WlB 0.17 40 3.98 A 1 0.00516 Interstate Route H-1 1.23 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0.15 70 3.96 A 1 0.00518 Interstate Route H-1 1.21 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 MuD 0.2 30 3.98 A 1 0.00520 Interstate Route H-1 1.29 Sunny 30'x10' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00579 Interstate Route H-1 11.04 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 None 0 Waimalu 3 HLMG 0.17 220 3.88 Estuary 1 0.00581 Interstate Route H-1 11.13 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 None 0 Waimalu 3 HnB 0.17 60 3.97 Estuary 1 0.00588 Interstate Route H-1 14.50 Overcast No Rain 108" CMP 2 None 0 Halawa 3 MdB 0.28 100 3.94 Estuary 1 0.00749 Interstate Route H-1 19.24 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kalihi 3 MlA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00750 Interstate Route H-1 19.24 Sunny 42" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalihi 3 MlA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00751 Interstate Route H-1 19.24 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kalihi 3 MlA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00752 Interstate Route H-1 20.20 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00753 Interstate Route H-1 2.20 Sunny 27" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00754 Interstate Route H-1 20.20 Sunny 18" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00755 Interstate Route H-1 20.20 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00756 Interstate Route H-1 23.85 Sunny 42" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Ala Wai 4 MkA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00757 Interstate Route H-1 23.80 Sunny 8'x3' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Ala Wai 4 MkA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00758 Interstate Route H-1 11.04 Sunny 12" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 Ph 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00759 Interstate Route H-1 11.04 Sunny 12" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 Ph 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00760 Interstate Route H-1 11.04 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 Ph 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00810 Interstate Route H-1 12.82 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Aiea 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00811 Interstate Route H-1 12.82 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Aiea 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00854 Interstate Route H-1 4.52 Sunny 6'x2' Conc. Channel 2 No Water None 0 Honouliuli 2 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00855 Interstate Route H-1 4.52 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Honouliuli 2 KyA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00905 Interstate Route H-1 20.20 Overcast No Rain 48" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00927 Interstate Route H-1 2.70 Sunny 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 WkA 0.28 280 3.84 A 1 0.00954 Interstate Route H-1 1.37 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 0.00

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955 Interstate Route H-1 1.38 Sunny 4'x3' CRM Channel 2 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00956 Interstate Route H-1 1.37 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00957 Interstate Route H-1 1.37 Sunny 4'x3' CRM Channel 2 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0 20 3.99 A 1 0.00982 Interstate Route H-1 15.90 Sunny 2-7'x7' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Manuwai 1 MnC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00983 Interstate Route H-1 22.13 Sunny 8'x5' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Ala Wai 4 MkA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00984 Interstate Route H-1 22.13 Sunny 54" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Ala Wai 4 MkA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00

1009 Interstate Route H-1 14.23 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 MdB 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001010 Interstate Route H-1 14.24 Sunny 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 MdB 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001012 Interstate Route H-1 14.17 Sunny 102" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001020 Interstate Route H-1 12.02 Sunny 2'x2' Conc. Channel 1 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Kalauao 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001021 Interstate Route H-1 12.02 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Kalauao 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001024 Interstate Route H-1 4.53 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Honouliuli 2 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001046 Interstate Route H-1 4.53 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Honouliuli 2 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001047 Interstate Route H-1 10.50 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 MuB 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001048 Interstate Route H-1 10.60 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 MuB 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001202 Interstate Route H-1 11.15 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 HnB 0.17 60 3.97 Estuary 1 0.001203 Interstate Route H-1 10.30 Sunny 9'x6'-6" Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waimalu 3 MuC 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001204 Interstate Route H-1 10.30 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 MuC 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001231 Interstate Route H-1 0.30 Overcast No Rain 18" CMP 1 Standing Water None 0 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.001232 Interstate Route H-1 8.47 Overcast No Rain 48" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Waiawa 3 WzB 0.24 40 3.98 Estuary 1 0.001233 Interstate Route H-1 0.30 Sunny 21" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.001234 Interstate Route H-1 0.30 Sunny 4'x2' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.001242 Interstate Route H-1 1.08 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 MuB 0.2 270 3.85 A 1 0.001243 Interstate Route H-1 1.14 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 MuB 0.2 270 3.85 A 1 0.001244 Interstate Route H-1 1.80 Sunny 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 0.001245 Interstate Route H-1 1.01 Sunny 8'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 EwA 0.15 900 3.49 A 1 0.001268 Interstate Route H-1 0.05 Sunny 4'x2' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 310 3.82 A 1 0.001269 Interstate Route H-1 0.05 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 35 3.98 A 1 0.001288 Interstate Route H-1 6.09 Overcast No Rain 27" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 MuC 0 840 3.52 Estuary 1 0.001289 Interstate Route H-1 10.70 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 MuC 0.2 630 3.64 Estuary 1 0.001297 Interstate Route H-1 5.55 Light Rain 72" SRMP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 MuC 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001299 Interstate Route H-1 5.90 Overcast No Rain 3-168" SRMP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 MuC 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001302 Interstate Route H-1 5.90 Overcast No Rain 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 MuC 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001311 Interstate Route H-1 14.95 Sunny 5'x5' Conc. Channel 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Halawa 3 MdB 0.28 1500 3.15 Estuary 1 0.001312 Interstate Route H-1 13.56 Sunny 36" CMP 2 Standing Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001315 Interstate Route H-1 15.64 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Manuwai 1 MdB 0.28 1500 3.15 A 1 0.001316 Interstate Route H-1 15.58 Overcast No Rain 42" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Manuwai 1 MdB 0.28 1500 3.15 A 1 0.001317 Interstate Route H-1 15.51 Overcast No Rain 27" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Manuwai 1 MdB 0.28 1500 3.15 A 1 0.001318 Interstate Route H-1 15.38 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Manuwai 1 MdB 0.28 1500 3.15 A 1 0.001321 Interstate Route H-1 5.90 Sunny 60" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 MuC 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001323 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 7'x1'-6" Conc. Channel 2 No Water None 0 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001324 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001326 Interstate Route H-1 7.74 Sunny 10'x6' Conc. Channel 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001328 Interstate Route H-1 7.70 Sunny 48" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kapakahi 3 WzB 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00

1 Interstate Route H-2 1.71 24" Pipe 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 300 3.83 Estuary 1 9.775 Interstate Route H-2 2.18 24" CMP 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 240 3.86 Estuary 1 9.856 Interstate Route H-2 2.22 36" RCP 2 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 260 3.85 Estuary 1 19.65

592 Interstate Route H-2 3.06 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 300 3.83 Estuary 1 19.53602 Interstate Route H-2 1.30 Sunny 2'x2' Conc. Spillway 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 880 3.50 Estuary 1 8.93603 Interstate Route H-2 1.29 Sunny 24" CMP 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 800 3.55 Estuary 1 9.05605 Interstate Route H-2 2.55 Heavy Rain 24" CMP 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 260 3.85 Estuary 1 9.82606 Interstate Route H-2 2.59 Heavy Rain 36" CMP 2 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 240 3.86 Estuary 1 19.71607 Interstate Route H-2 2.66 Heavy Rain 24" CMP 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 180 3.90 Estuary 1 9.94

1154 Interstate Route H-2 0.40 Sunny 14'x3' Conc. Channel 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 40 3.98 Estuary 1 20.281220 Interstate Route H-2 0.17 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 10.20

2 Interstate Route H-2 1.86 42" CMP 2 Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 350 3.80 Estuary 1 7.76279 Interstate Route H-2 0.84 Wet But Not Raining 3-60" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 MuB 0.2 200 3.89 Estuary 1 9.33529 Interstate Route H-2 8.00 Wet But Not Raining 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 4.08561 Interstate Route H-2 3.99 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 360 3.80 Estuary 1 3.87562 Interstate Route H-2 4.20 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 150 3.92 Estuary 1 3.99563 Interstate Route H-2 4.27 Overcast No Rain 2'x2' Conc. Channel 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08568 Interstate Route H-2 3.60 Light Rain 30" CMP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 WaB 0.15 370 3.79 Estuary 1 3.41

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Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

570 Interstate Route H-2 4.58 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 340 3.81 Estuary 1 7.77591 Interstate Route H-2 2.96 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 WaC 0.15 500 3.72 Estuary 1 3.35595 Interstate Route H-2 3.13 Overcast No Rain 2'x1' Conc. Spillway 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 WaA 0.15 340 3.81 Estuary 1 3.43597 Interstate Route H-2 3.30 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 210 3.88 Estuary 1 7.92599 Interstate Route H-2 3.47 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 no flow Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 MpB 0.1 450 3.75 Estuary 1 2.25

1153 Interstate Route H-2 0.47 Sunny 2-42" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 EaB 0.17 40 3.98 Estuary 1 8.111157 Interstate Route H-2 0.47 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 EaB 0.17 40 3.98 Estuary 1 4.061158 Interstate Route H-2 0.47 Sunny 48" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16530 Interstate Route H-2 8.21 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.04598 Interstate Route H-2 3.38 Heavy Rain 24" CMP 1 Light 1 Waiawa 3 MpB 0.1 330 3.81 Estuary 1 1.14

1235 Interstate Route H-2 0.47 Sunny 60" CMP 2 Light 1 Waiawa 3 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.403 Interstate Route H-2 2.04 36" Pipe 2 None 0 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 380 3.78 Estuary 1 0.004 Interstate Route H-2 2.04 24" Pipe 1 None 0 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 380 3.78 Estuary 1 0.008 Interstate Route H-2 6.65 60" CMP 2 None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00

526 Interstate Route H-2 7.52 Wet But Not Raining 24" CMP 1 Standing Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00527 Interstate Route H-2 7.70 Wet But Not Raining 3'x3' Conc. Channel 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 5000 1.17 Estuary 1 0.00528 Interstate Route H-2 7.70 Wet But Not Raining 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 5000 1.17 Estuary 1 0.00553 Interstate Route H-2 4.40 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 340 3.81 Estuary 1 0.00555 Interstate Route H-2 5.45 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00556 Interstate Route H-2 5.57 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00557 Interstate Route H-2 5.91 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaB 0.15 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00558 Interstate Route H-2 6.02 Overcast No Rain 7'x1'-6" Conc. Channel 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00559 Interstate Route H-2 5.99 Overcast No Rain 9'x2'-6" Conc. Channel 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00560 Interstate Route H-2 6.52 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00564 Interstate Route H-2 6.00 Overcast No Rain 140" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00565 Interstate Route H-2 6.00 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00566 Interstate Route H-2 6.03 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00567 Interstate Route H-2 4.58 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 340 3.81 Estuary 1 0.00569 Interstate Route H-2 4.90 Overcast No Rain 48" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 740 3.58 Estuary 1 0.00593 Interstate Route H-2 3.07 Overcast No Rain 8'x2' Conc. Spillway 2 None 0 Waiawa 3 WaA 0.15 300 3.83 Estuary 1 0.00594 Interstate Route H-2 3.10 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 None 0 Waiawa 3 WaA 0.15 300 3.83 Estuary 1 0.00596 Interstate Route H-2 3.26 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 None 0 Waiawa 3 HLMG 0.17 180 3.90 Estuary 1 0.00600 Interstate Route H-2 0.90 Sunny 24" CMP 1 None 0 Waiawa 3 MuB 0.2 200 3.89 Estuary 1 0.00601 Interstate Route H-2 0.95 Sunny 24" CMP 1 None 0 Waiawa 3 MuB 0.2 200 3.89 Estuary 1 0.00604 Interstate Route H-2 2.33 Sunny 7' Wide Conc. Gutter 2 None 0 Waiawa 3 MpD2 0.1 260 3.85 Estuary 1 0.00949 Interstate Route H-2 7.77 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0 5000 1.17 Estuary 1 0.00950 Interstate Route H-2 7.77 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0 5000 1.17 Estuary 1 0.00

1155 Interstate Route H-2 0.40 Sunny 54" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Waiawa 3 WzB 0 40 3.98 Estuary 1 0.001156 Interstate Route H-2 0.40 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waiawa 3 WzB 0 40 3.98 Estuary 1 0.001219 Interstate Route H-2 0.18 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 210 3.88 Estuary 1 0.001223 Interstate Route H-2 0.25 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00743 Interstate Route H-3 10.20 Wet But Not Raining 42" RCP 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaneohe 3 LoF 0.1 1720 3.03 Reserve 1.2 10.90844 Interstate Route H-3 9.40 Wet But Not Raining 60" RCP 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaneohe 3 HoB 0.15 1000 3.43 Reserve 1.2 18.54845 Interstate Route H-3 9.41 Wet But Not Raining 30" CMP 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaneohe 3 HoB 0.15 1100 3.38 Reserve 1.2 9.12848 Interstate Route H-3 8.70 Sunny 72" RCP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 500 3.72 AA 1.2 13.38970 Interstate Route H-3 12.20 Sunny 36" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 120 3.93 A 1 23.59971 Interstate Route H-3 12.40 Sunny 84" CMP (Buried) 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 110 3.94 A 1 23.63995 Interstate Route H-3 14.02 Sunny 4'x2' Conc. Spillway 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 rSY 0.1 100 3.94 AA 1.2 4.73

1052 Interstate Route H-3 13.09 Sunny 36" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 460 3.74 A 1 41.881054 Interstate Route H-3 14.20 Sunny 42" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 KtC 0.28 400 3.77 AA 1.2 12.681088 Interstate Route H-3 12.60 Sunny 24" CMP 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 270 3.85 A 1 11.541089 Interstate Route H-3 12.80 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 120 3.93 A 1 11.801122 Interstate Route H-3 13.70 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 PYE 0.28 1280 3.28 AA 1.2 5.501123 Interstate Route H-3 13.59 Sunny 2'x2' Swale 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 ALF 0.1 1690 3.04 AA 1.2 1.831160 Interstate Route H-3 12.19 Sunny 144" Sectional Plate 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 24.001164 Interstate Route H-3 13.85 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 KtC 0.28 580 3.67 AA 1.2 6.171165 Interstate Route H-3 13.85 Overcast No Rain 7'x2'-6" Swale 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 KtC 0.28 620 3.65 AA 1.2 12.261167 Interstate Route H-3 13.92 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 KlaB 0.15 410 3.77 AA 1.2 6.781177 Interstate Route H-3 8.99 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaneohe 3 LoE 0.1 340 3.81 Reserve 1.2 6.85745 Interstate Route H-3 9.80 Wet But Not Raining 9'x8' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 9.79746 Interstate Route H-3 9.72 Wet But Not Raining 84" CMP 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 LoF 0.1 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 5.76747 Interstate Route H-3 9.50 Wet But Not Raining 60" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 5.76

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748 Interstate Route H-3 9.42 Wet But Not Raining 80" Pipe 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 LoC 0.1 500 3.72 Reserve 1.2 5.35843 Interstate Route H-3 9.65 Wet But Not Raining 60" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0.17 340 3.81 Reserve 1.2 9.32847 Interstate Route H-3 8.50 Wet But Not Raining 42" Pipe 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 900 3.49 AA 1.2 5.03851 Interstate Route H-3 8.70 Light Rain 48" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 5.76883 Interstate Route H-3 8.70 Overcast No Rain 54" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 470 3.73 AA 1.2 5.38972 Interstate Route H-3 12.60 Sunny 120" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 300 3.83 A 1 9.19999 Interstate Route H-3 3.10 Sunny 11'x11' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 KanE 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.80

1000 Interstate Route H-3 3.70 Overcast No Rain 3-36" RCP 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 KanE 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.801049 Interstate Route H-3 12.70 Overcast No Rain 42" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 110 3.94 A 1 17.641050 Interstate Route H-3 12.98 Overcast No Rain 42" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 250 3.86 A 1 17.291051 Interstate Route H-3 13.00 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 270 3.85 A 1 8.621091 Interstate Route H-3 12.70 Sunny 48" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 160 3.91 A 1 17.511099 Interstate Route H-3 8.10 Light Rain 42" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0.17 500 3.72 AA 1.2 9.101121 Interstate Route H-3 13.80 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 AeE 0.1 360 3.80 AA 1.2 0.911134 Interstate Route H-3 0.39 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 FL 0.1 200 3.89 Estuary 1 2.331179 Interstate Route H-3 12.30 Overcast No Rain 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 ALF 0.1 200 3.89 A 1 3.11204 Interstate Route H-3 13.10 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kawainui 4 AeE 0.1 460 3.74 A 1 1.50741 Interstate Route H-3 10.50 Light Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 120 3.93 Reserve 1.2 4.81744 Interstate Route H-3 9.93 Wet But Not Raining 108" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 4.90842 Interstate Route H-3 10.80 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 KHOF 0.1 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 1.44849 Interstate Route H-3 8.70 Overcast No Rain 42" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 280 3.84 AA 1.2 2.77850 Interstate Route H-3 8.70 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 280 3.84 AA 1.2 1.38870 Interstate Route H-3 2.70 Overcast No Rain 60" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Halawa 3 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.40878 Interstate Route H-3 12.19 Sunny 1 Standing Water Light 1 Kawainui 4 ALF 0.1 25 3.99 A 1 1.59880 Interstate Route H-3 12.00 Sunny 3-84" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 4.80966 Interstate Route H-3 13.20 Sunny 6'x2' Swale 2 No Water Light 1 Kawainui 4 ALF 0.1 860 3.51 A 1 2.81

1001 Interstate Route H-3 4.10 Overcast No Rain 3-60" CMP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Halawa 3 rRT 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.801045 Interstate Route H-3 1.15 Light Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Halawa 3 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.041086 Interstate Route H-3 8.70 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 500 3.72 AA 1.2 1.341087 Interstate Route H-3 8.70 Sunny 36" CMP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 500 3.72 AA 1.2 2.681100 Interstate Route H-3 8.01 Light Rain 72" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 1200 3.32 AA 1.2 2.391101 Interstate Route H-3 8.20 Light Rain 48" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoE 0.1 600 3.66 AA 1.2 2.641124 Interstate Route H-3 13.60 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 ALF 0.1 590 3.67 AA 1.2 0.441125 Interstate Route H-3 8.90 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 1.441132 Interstate Route H-3 0.30 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Halawa 3 FL 0.1 75 3.96 Estuary 1 1.191143 Interstate Route H-3 8.31 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 300 3.83 AA 1.2 1.381144 Interstate Route H-3 8.26 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoC 0.1 400 3.77 AA 1.2 1.361148 Interstate Route H-3 1.90 Light Rain 36" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Halawa 3 KanE 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.401151 Interstate Route H-3 1.30 Light Rain 18" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Halawa 3 KanE 0.1 90 3.95 Estuary 1 1.181166 Interstate Route H-3 14.15 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 rSY 0.1 500 3.72 AA 1.2 0.451184 Interstate Route H-3 9.44 Wet But Not Raining 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoC 0.1 325 3.82 Reserve 1.2 1.371195 Interstate Route H-3 6.50 Light Rain 36" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Heeia 1 LoF 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.961196 Interstate Route H-3 6.50 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Heeia 1 LoF 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.48194 Interstate Route H-3 15.30 Overcast No Rain 2-20'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 MnC 0.15 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00195 Interstate Route H-3 15.20 Overcast No Rain 3-48" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 JcC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00196 Interstate Route H-3 14.99 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 JcC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00197 Interstate Route H-3 14.90 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 JcC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00198 Interstate Route H-3 14.80 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 JcC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00199 Interstate Route H-3 14.91 Overcast No Rain 2-30" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 JcC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00200 Interstate Route H-3 14.82 Sunny 24" Pipe 1 None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 JcC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00201 Interstate Route H-3 14.88 Sunny 24" Pipe 1 None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 JcC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00202 Interstate Route H-3 14.47 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 PYD 0.28 270 3.85 AA 1.2 0.00203 Interstate Route H-3 13.10 Sunny 24" CMP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 900 3.49 A 1 0.00205 Interstate Route H-3 10.81 Overcast No Rain 2-132" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00206 Interstate Route H-3 6.55 Overcast No Rain 2-60" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Heeia 1 rRO 0.02 1400 3.21 AA 1.2 0.00207 Interstate Route H-3 5.40 Overcast No Rain 8'x8' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 rRT 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00742 Interstate Route H-3 10.45 Light Rain 156" SSSP 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00835 Interstate Route H-3 10.80 Overcast No Rain 2-132" SRMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00836 Interstate Route H-3 10.80 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00837 Interstate Route H-3 10.80 Overcast No Rain 48" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00838 Interstate Route H-3 10.80 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00839 Interstate Route H-3 10.80 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 KHOF 0 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00

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Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

840 Interstate Route H-3 10.80 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 KHOF 0 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00841 Interstate Route H-3 10.80 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 KHOF 0 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00871 Interstate Route H-3 2.90 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KanE 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00879 Interstate Route H-3 12.00 Sunny 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 0.00881 Interstate Route H-3 12.00 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 0.00925 Interstate Route H-3 12.06 Sunny 36" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 0.00965 Interstate Route H-3 11.01 Sunny 48" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 KHOF 0.1 300 3.83 Reserve 1.2 0.00968 Interstate Route H-3 13.18 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 ALF 0.1 900 3.49 A 1 0.00969 Interstate Route H-3 14.50 Sunny 54" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 KlaB 0.15 5 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00996 Interstate Route H-3 1.60 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00997 Interstate Route H-3 1.60 Sunny 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00998 Interstate Route H-3 1.60 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00

1030 Interstate Route H-3 1.40 Light Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001044 Interstate Route H-3 1.30 Light Rain 2'x2' Box Culvert 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001053 Interstate Route H-3 13.25 Sunny 42" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 1280 3.28 A 1 0.001055 Interstate Route H-3 10.91 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 100 3.94 Reserve 1.2 0.001056 Interstate Route H-3 10.98 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 KHOF 0.1 100 3.94 Reserve 1.2 0.001057 Interstate Route H-3 14.87 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Standing Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 JcC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.001058 Interstate Route H-3 10.60 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 LoB 0.1 410 3.77 Reserve 1.2 0.001059 Interstate Route H-3 10.70 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.001090 Interstate Route H-3 12.83 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KlaB 0.15 100 3.94 A 1 0.001126 Interstate Route H-3 8.90 Sunny 108" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.001133 Interstate Route H-3 0.31 Sunny 2-10'x13' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Halawa 3 FL 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001145 Interstate Route H-3 1.34 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 QUARRY 0 190 3.89 Estuary 1 0.001152 Interstate Route H-3 1.50 Wet But Not Raining 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001159 Interstate Route H-3 10.98 Sunny 42" SRMP 2 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnA 0.17 100 3.94 Reserve 1.2 0.001161 Interstate Route H-3 13.87 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 ALF 0.1 480 3.73 AA 1.2 0.001178 Interstate Route H-3 8.97 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 LoE 0.1 250 3.86 Reserve 1.2 0.001181 Interstate Route H-3 14.30 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 KlaB 0.15 100 3.94 AA 1.2 0.001182 Interstate Route H-3 14.36 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 rSY 0.1 150 3.92 AA 1.2 0.001183 Interstate Route H-3 13.80 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Puu Hawaiiloa 1 AeE 0.1 840 3.52 AA 1.2 0.001185 Interstate Route H-3 9.50 Wet But Not Raining 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.001186 Interstate Route H-3 10.10 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 LoF 0.1 1720 3.03 Reserve 1.2 0.001192 Interstate Route H-3 6.50 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Heeia 1 rRO 0.02 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.001193 Interstate Route H-3 6.50 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Heeia 1 LoF 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.001194 Interstate Route H-3 6.50 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Heeia 1 LoF 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.001197 Interstate Route H-3 10.85 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 KgB 0.1 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.001198 Interstate Route H-3 10.85 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 KgB 0.1 0 4.00 Reserve 1.2 0.00857 Interstate Route H-201 0.30 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 290 3.84 Estuary 1 3.91

1313 Interstate Route H-201 0.23 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.081314 Interstate Route H-201 0.17 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08875 Interstate Route H-201 3.19 Sunny 2-42" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Moanalua 2 FL 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60

1017 Interstate Route H-201 0.72 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Halawa 3 KtC 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 3.361083 Interstate Route H-201 0.93 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Halawa 3 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 1.20212 Interstate Route H-201 3.20 Light Rain 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Moanalua 2 KlB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00726 Interstate Route H-201 0.24 Sunny 12'x7' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00812 Interstate Route H-201 0.29 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 WzC 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00813 Interstate Route H-201 0.24 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00814 Interstate Route H-201 0.24 Light Rain 2-66" SRMP 2 Standing Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00815 Interstate Route H-201 0.24 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00856 Interstate Route H-201 0.30 Sunny 39" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 180 3.90 Estuary 1 0.00858 Interstate Route H-201 0.30 Sunny 27" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 180 3.90 Estuary 1 0.00859 Interstate Route H-201 0.30 Sunny 18" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00

1013 Interstate Route H-201 0.22 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001014 Interstate Route H-201 0.36 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 290 3.84 Estuary 1 0.001015 Interstate Route H-201 0.36 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 290 3.84 Estuary 1 0.001016 Interstate Route H-201 0.36 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 290 3.84 Estuary 1 0.001018 Interstate Route H-201 0.76 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlB 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001019 Interstate Route H-201 0.82 Overcast No Rain 24" Pipe 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 FL 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001037 Interstate Route H-201 0.60 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KTKE 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001038 Interstate Route H-201 0.30 Sunny 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KTKE 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001039 Interstate Route H-201 0.23 Sunny 24" CMP 1 Standing Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00

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WatershedOutfall Erosion Erosion Value


Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

1040 Interstate Route H-201 0.75 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlB 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001041 Interstate Route H-201 0.81 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 FL 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001042 Interstate Route H-201 0.81 Sunny 24" CMP 1 Standing Water None 0 Halawa 3 FL 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001081 Interstate Route H-201 2.74 Sunny 24" Pipe 1 No Water None 0 Moanalua 2 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.001082 Interstate Route H-201 0.95 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.001084 Interstate Route H-201 3.06 Sunny 24" Pipe 1 No Water None 0 Moanalua 2 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.001085 Interstate Route H-201 3.11 Sunny 24" Pipe 1 Standing Water None 0 Moanalua 2 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00729 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 9.90 Light Rain 48" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 PkB 0.17 660 3.63 A 1 24.66728 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 10.26 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 PYF 0.28 110 3.94 A 1 8.82832 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 10.08 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 PkB 0.17 540 3.69 A 1 5.02834 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 9.89 Overcast No Rain 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 PkB 0.17 800 3.55 A 1 4.82

1292 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 10.55 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 PYF 0.28 200 3.89 A 1 8.711293 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 10.60 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 MZ 0.02 0 4.00 A 1 1.281294 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 10.60 Overcast No Rain 42" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 MZ 0.02 0 4.00 A 1 1.281295 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 10.60 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 MZ 0.02 0 4.00 A 1 0.64833 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 10.08 Overcast No Rain 10'x11' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kaelepulu 4 PkB 0.17 460 3.74 A 1 5.09730 Route 61 Kailua Rd. 9.38 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 AeE 0.1 960 3.46 A 1 0.00829 Route 61 Kalanianaole Hwy. 8.72 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Kawainui 4 ALF 0.1 180 3.90 A 1 1.56830 Route 61 Kalanianaole Hwy. 7.91 Sunny 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 HLMG 0.17 2750 2.44 A 1 0.00831 Route 61 Kalanianaole Hwy. 7.91 Sunny 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 ALF 0.1 2600 2.53 A 1 0.00784 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 2.17 Overcast No Rain 10'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Nuuanu 3 LoB 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 12.00964 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 3.12 Sunny 36" Pipe 2 Heavy/Severe 5 Nuuanu 3 LoD 0.1 80 3.95 A 1 11.86986 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 1.15 Overcast No Rain 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Nuuanu 3 KanE 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 12.00

1028 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 7.33 Overcast No Rain 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 AeE 0.1 1930 2.91 A 1 5.821077 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 5.08 Overcast No Rain 6'x6' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Nuuanu 3 LoC 0.1 350 3.80 A 1 11.411080 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 3.90 Light Rain 10'x12' Box Culvert 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Nuuanu 3 LoD 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 12.001107 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 2.62 Overcast No Rain 4'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Nuuanu 3 LoD 0.1 1250 3.29 A 1 9.881108 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 2.63 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Nuuanu 3 LoD 0.1 1290 3.27 A 1 4.90987 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 1.01 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Nuuanu 3 rRK 0.1 130 3.93 A 1 2.36988 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 0.93 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Nuuanu 3 rRK 0.1 150 3.92 A 1 2.35989 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 0.91 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Nuuanu 3 rRK 0.1 130 3.93 A 1 2.36990 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 0.85 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Nuuanu 3 rRK 0.1 60 3.97 A 1 2.38

1026 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 7.60 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 AeE 0.1 1280 3.28 AA 1.2 2.361027 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 7.58 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 AeE 0.1 1110 3.37 AA 1.2 2.431078 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 4.58 Overcast No Rain 4'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Nuuanu 3 LoE 0.1 130 3.93 A 1 4.711127 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 3.63 Sunny 5'x3' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Nuuanu 3 LoC 0.1 260 3.85 A 1 4.62962 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 5.89 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Heavy Flow Light 1 Kaneohe 3 rRO 0.02 320 3.82 AA 1.2 0.55963 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 5.88 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Kaneohe 3 rRO 0.02 350 3.80 AA 1.2 0.27985 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 1.15 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Nuuanu 3 KanE 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.20991 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 0.73 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Nuuanu 3 rRK 0.1 70 3.96 A 1 1.19

1029 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 7.05 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kawainui 4 WpE 0.1 1170 3.34 A 1 2.671105 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 2.99 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Nuuanu 3 LoD 0.1 90 3.95 A 1 2.371106 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 2.91 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Nuuanu 3 LoD 0.1 60 3.97 A 1 2.381128 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 3.51 Sunny 10'x10' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Nuuanu 3 LoD 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 2.40959 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 5.90 Overcast No Rain 5'x3' Conc. Channel 2 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 rRO 0.02 260 3.85 AA 1.2 0.00960 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 5.93 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 rRO 0.02 250 3.86 AA 1.2 0.00961 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 5.90 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 rRO 0.02 320 3.82 AA 1.2 0.00

1079 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 4.45 Overcast No Rain 6'x2' Conc. Channel 2 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 LoE 0.1 70 3.96 A 1 0.001102 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 1.96 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 LoC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001103 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 1.96 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 LoC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001104 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 1.94 Overcast No Rain 2-24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 LoC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001129 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 3.28 Sunny 8'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Nuuanu 3 LoC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001130 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 3.24 Sunny 42" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 LoC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001131 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 3.20 Sunny 42" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 LoC 0.1 120 3.93 A 1 0.001215 Route 61 Pali Hwy. 0.46 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 KaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.001110 Route 63 Kalihi St. 0.00 Sunny 30" RCP 1 None 0 Kapalama 2 EmA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.001111 Route 63 Kalihi St. 0.52 Sunny 3'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Kapalama 2 EmA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.001112 Route 63 Kalihi St. 0.89 Light Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 KaB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.001113 Route 63 Kalihi St. 0.84 Light Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 KaB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.001114 Route 63 Kalihi St. 0.86 Light Rain 30" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 KaB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.001115 Route 63 Kalihi St. 0.87 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 KaB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00215 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 1.65 Overcast No Rain 4'x3' Conc. Channel 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 KaB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 33.60

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WatershedOutfall Erosion Erosion Value


Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

216 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 2.40 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 LoD 0.1 190 3.89 A 1 5.84220 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 3.10 Wet But Not Raining 30" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 KanE 0.1 420 3.76 A 1 5.64228 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 2.56 Sunny 42" RCP 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 LoD 0.1 180 3.90 A 1 11.69239 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 3.66 Overcast No Rain 6'x2' Swale 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 LoE 0.1 890 3.50 A 1 10.49241 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 3.70 Overcast No Rain 24" HDPE 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 LoE 0.1 1080 3.39 A 1 5.08

1136 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 3.56 Wet But Not Raining 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 LoF 0.1 710 3.60 A 1 5.401137 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 4.54 Wet But Not Raining 48" CMP 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 LoF 0.1 640 3.64 A 1 10.911138 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 4.22 Light Rain 48" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 LoE 0.1 370 3.79 A 1 11.371140 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 4.66 Light Rain 54" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Kalihi 3 LoE 0.1 560 3.68 A 1 11.051149 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 6.70 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaneohe 3 LoF 0.1 870 3.51 AA 1.2 6.31226 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 1.71 Sunny 42" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kalihi 3 KaB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 13.44240 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 3.66 Light Rain 36" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kalihi 3 LoE 0.1 910 3.48 A 1 4.18

1109 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 5.18 Overcast No Rain 5'x5' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kalihi 3 LoD 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 4.801150 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 8.20 Sunny 12" CMP 1 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 4.901135 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 3.40 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kalihi 3 LoF 0.1 720 3.59 A 1 1.081139 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 4.37 Wet But Not Raining 60" CMP 2 No Water Light 1 Kalihi 3 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 2.401141 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 8.10 Heavy Rain 7-18" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaneohe 3 LoB 0.1 130 3.93 AA 1.2 2.83213 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 1.65 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalihi 3 KaB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00214 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 1.65 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kalihi 3 MlA 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 0.00217 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 2.50 Overcast No Rain 24', 30" & 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalihi 3 LoD 0.1 190 3.89 A 1 0.00218 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 5.61 Overcast No Rain 36" PIpe 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalihi 3 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00219 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 5.78 Wet But Not Raining 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalihi 3 LoF 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00227 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 2.30 Sunny 48" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalihi 3 KaeD 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00229 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 2.65 Sunny 3'x3' Conc. Channel 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalihi 3 LoD 0.1 270 3.85 A 1 0.00230 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 2.65 Sunny 42" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalihi 3 LoD 0.1 270 3.85 A 1 0.00231 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 2.65 Sunny 42" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kalihi 3 LoD 0.1 270 3.85 A 1 0.00

1162 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 8.20 Overcast No Rain 10'x8' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.001180 Route 63 Likelike Hwy. 7.59 Sunny 48" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 LoD 0.1 1030 3.42 AA 1.2 0.00242 Route 64 Sand Island Parkway 0.70 Sunny 6'x1' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 JaC 0.1 170 3.90 A 1 0.00243 Route 64 Sand Island Parkway 0.56 Sunny 2-60" RCP 2 Standing Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00282 Route 64 Sand Island Parkway 1.40 Overcast No Rain 66" RCP 2 None 0 Nuuanu 3 FL 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.0083 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.17 Overcast No Rain 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kawa 4 AeE 0.1 340 3.81 AA 1.2 7.3147 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 0.92 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kawa 4 AeE 0.1 660 3.63 AA 1.2 1.7449 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 0.87 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Kawa 4 AeE 0.1 660 3.63 AA 1.2 3.4845 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 0.50 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kawa 4 LoB 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0046 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 0.50 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kawa 4 LoB 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0048 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 0.69 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawa 4 AeE 0.1 520 3.71 AA 1.2 0.0070 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.80 Sunny 36" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawa 4 PYD 0.28 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0071 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.80 Sunny 2-24" CMP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawa 4 PYD 0.28 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0076 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 2.01 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawa 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0077 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.97 Sunny 72" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawa 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0078 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.95 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawa 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0079 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.92 Sunny 8'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawa 4 PYD 0.28 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0080 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.92 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kawa 4 PYD 0.28 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0081 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.55 Sunny 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Kawa 4 KgC 0.1 560 3.68 AA 1.2 0.0082 Route 65 Kaneohe Bay Drive 1.55 Sunny 18" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawa 4 KgC 0.1 560 3.68 AA 1.2 0.0072 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 2.74 Sunny 36" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 270 3.85 A 1 17.24714 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 3.13 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 JaC 0.1 150 3.92 A 1 6.26715 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 2.98 Sunny 2-48" RCP 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kawainui 4 KtC 0.28 300 3.83 A 1 17.1650 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 2.71 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 830 3.53 A 1 0.0051 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 2.66 Light Rain 66" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 830 3.53 A 1 0.0052 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 2.66 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawainui 4 PYF 0.28 1420 3.20 A 1 0.0073 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 2.80 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KtC 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.0074 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 2.87 Sunny 42" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kawainui 4 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.0075 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 2.95 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00705 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 4.15 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 Mt 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00706 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 4.15 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 Mt 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00707 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 4.01 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KtC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00708 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 3.91 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KtC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00709 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 3.35 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KtC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00710 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 3.35 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KtC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00711 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 3.47 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KtC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00

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Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

712 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 3.47 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KtC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00713 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 3.27 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 KtC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00

1296 Route 65 Mokapu Blvd. 4.40 Sunny 36" RCP 2 None 0 Kawainui 4 Mt 0.1 270 3.85 A 1 0.00650 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 12.20 24" RCP 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Hanauma 2 KsD 0.2 1160 3.34 Marine Consv 1.2 8.02673 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.25 24" RCP 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 4.00679 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.85 24" RCP 1 Heavy/Severe 5 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 200 3.89 A 1 3.89782 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 0.61 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 AeE 0.1 2750 2.44 A 1 4.89884 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.44 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kahawai 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 2.00

1093 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 0.71 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawainui 4 AeE 0.1 2470 2.60 A 1 5.201096 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.16 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaelepulu 4 PYF 0.28 600 3.66 A 1 20.501213 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.92 Sunny 48" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaelepulu 4 PYF 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 44.801303 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.50 Sunny 108" SRMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 370 3.79 A 1 15.16648 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 12.06 24" RCP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 160 3.91 A 1 1.56669 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.40 24" RCP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60670 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.38 24" RCP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60888 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.60 Sunny 6'x5' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makapuu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.92889 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.81 Sunny 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makapuu 1 KlbC 0.1 110 3.94 AA 1.2 1.89

1094 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.05 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 PYF 0.28 980 3.45 A 1 7.721097 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.21 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 180 3.90 A 1 3.121098 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.24 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 4.801306 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.50 Sunny 78" SRMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 370 3.79 A 1 6.061308 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 2.70 Sunny 8'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waimanalo 4 Kfb 0.17 1200 3.32 A 1 9.031309 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 2.70 Sunny 12" Pipe 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waimanalo 4 Kfb 0.17 1200 3.32 A 1 4.52649 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 12.08 24" RCP 1 Light 1 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 160 3.91 A 1 0.78651 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 12.30 24" RCP 1 Light 1 Hanauma 2 KsB 0.2 1600 3.09 Marine Consv 1.2 1.49672 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.08 7'x5' Tunnel 2 Light 1 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60781 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 0.56 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kawainui 4 AeE 0.1 2940 2.34 A 1 0.93783 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 0.63 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kawainui 4 AeE 0.1 2600 2.53 A 1 1.01887 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.69 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Makapuu 1 KlbC 0.1 290 3.84 AA 1.2 0.92

1210 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.60 Sunny 3' Wide Conc. Spillway 1 No Water Light 1 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 370 3.79 A 1 1.521211 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.57 Sunny 2 No Water Light 1 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 370 3.79 A 1 3.031212 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.92 Sunny 108" SRMP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kaelepulu 4 PYF 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 8.961214 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.89 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaelepulu 4 AeE 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60613 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 16.93 24" Pipe 1 None 0 Wailupe 1 CR 0.02 0 4.00 A 1 0.00652 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 12.90 24" RCP 1 None 0 Kamiloiki 1 KsC 0.2 0 4.00 A 1 0.00654 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 12.83 24" Pipe 1 None 0 Kamiloiki 1 rRK 0.1 230 3.87 A 1 0.00655 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 13.07 24" RCP 1 None 0 Kamiloiki 1 KsB 0.2 0 4.00 A 1 0.00657 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 13.84 42" Pipe 2 None 0 Kamilonui 1 FL 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00668 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.57 24" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00675 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.74 24" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00676 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.71 3'x5' Tunnel 2 None 0 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00677 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.63 24" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00678 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 11.82 24" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 150 3.92 A 1 0.00680 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.02 45" RCP 2 None 0 Koko Crater 2 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00681 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.36 30" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00682 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.36 30" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 KsB 0.2 75 3.96 A 1 0.00684 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.61 Box Culvert 2 None 0 Koko Crater 2 BS 0.05 0 4.00 A 1 0.00685 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.62 42" RCP 2 None 0 Koko Crater 2 KsB 0.2 250 3.86 A 1 0.00686 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.80 30" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 KsB 0.2 0 4.00 A 1 0.00687 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.84 30" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 KsB 0.2 0 4.00 A 1 0.00688 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.87 24" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00689 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 10.94 24" RCP 1 None 0 Koko Crater 2 rRK 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00691 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 15.22 d24 & d18 1 None 0 Kuliouou 1 KmA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00692 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 15.49 36" RCP 2 None 0 Niu 1 FL 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00695 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 16.31 30" Pipe 1 None 0 Wailupe 1 Mt 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00696 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 16.31 5'x3' Box Culvert 2 None 0 Wailupe 1 Mt 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00697 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 16.32 5'x3' Box Culvert 2 None 0 Wailupe 1 Mt 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00777 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 0.01 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 PkB 0.17 2250 2.73 A 1 0.00778 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 0.33 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 PkB 0.17 2480 2.60 A 1 0.00779 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 0.33 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 PkB 0.17 2480 2.60 A 1 0.00780 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 0.33 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawainui 4 PkB 0.17 2580 2.54 A 1 0.00885 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.44 Sunny 12" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kahawai 1 JaC 0.1 160 3.91 A 1 0.00

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886 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.58 Sunny 6'x2'-6" Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Kahawai 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00890 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.87 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Makapuu 1 KlbC 0.1 85 3.95 AA 1.2 0.00891 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.84 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Makapuu 1 KlbC 0.1 95 3.95 AA 1.2 0.00892 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 6.98 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Makapuu 1 KlbC 0.1 80 3.95 AA 1.2 0.00

1208 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.38 Sunny 18" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001209 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.38 Sunny 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001224 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.24 Sunny 66" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Kaelepulu 4 KlaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 0.001304 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.50 Sunny 78" SRMP 2 No Water None 0 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 370 3.79 A 1 0.001305 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1.50 Sunny 18" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Kaelepulu 4 ALF 0.1 370 3.79 A 1 0.001307 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 2.70 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Waimanalo 4 Kfb 0.17 1200 3.32 A 1 0.001310 Route 72 Kalanianaole Hwy. 2.70 Sunny 8'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Waimanalo 4 Kfb 0.17 1200 3.32 A 1 0.00739 Route 7241 Halawa Hts. Rd. 2.20 Light Rain 3'x1' Swale 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Aiea 3 rRK 0.1 310 3.82 Estuary 1 5.74882 Route 7241 Halawa Hts. Rd. 1.71 Sunny Bridge 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Aiea 3 LaC3 0.17 1600 3.09 Estuary 1 15.78740 Route 7241 Halawa Hts. Rd. 2.20 Light Rain 36" CMP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Aiea 3 rRK 0.1 310 3.82 Estuary 1 4.59738 Route 7241 Halawa Hts. Rd. 1.43 Sunny 36" CMP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Halawa 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08928 Route 7241 Halawa Hts. Rd. 1.74 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Aiea 3 LaC3 0.17 1600 3.09 Estuary 1 0.00727 Route 7241 Kahuapaani St. 0.17 Sunny 3'x2' Conc. Channel 1 No Water Light 1 Halawa 3 HnB 0.17 870 3.51 Estuary 1 1.79735 Route 7241 Kahuapaani St. 0.11 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 HnB 0.17 510 3.71 Estuary 1 0.00736 Route 7241 Kahuapaani St. 0.57 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 rRK 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00737 Route 7241 Kahuapaani St. 0.60 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Halawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00443 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 6.09 Light Rain 6'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Waikele 3 KuB 0.17 670 3.62 Estuary 1 18.47444 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 5.95 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 3050 2.27 Estuary 1 5.12448 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 4.83 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waikele 3 KyB 0.17 400 3.77 Estuary 1 9.62434 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 4.75 Overcast No Rain 4'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 KyB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16435 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 4.68 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 KuC 0.17 1000 3.43 Estuary 1 3.50441 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 6.16 Light Rain 12'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 WaC 0.15 0 4.00 Estuary 1 7.20442 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 6.43 Light Rain 18" RCP 1 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 5300 1.00 Estuary 1 0.90445 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 5.86 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 2780 2.43 Estuary 1 2.18447 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 5.59 Overcast No Rain 6'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16449 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 5.10 Overcast No Rain 6'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 KyB 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16436 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 4.42 Overcast No Rain 6'x6' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08437 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 4.31 Light Rain 4'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 KuD 0.17 700 3.60 Estuary 1 3.68438 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 6.89 Light Rain 4'x2' Conc. Channel 2 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 FL 0.1 90 3.95 Estuary 1 2.37439 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 6.89 Light Rain 4'x2' Conc. Channel 2 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 FL 0.1 90 3.95 Estuary 1 2.37440 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 6.88 Light Rain 10'x12' Box Culvert 2 Heavy Flow Light 1 Waikele 3 FL 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.40446 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 5.82 Overcast No Rain 18" CMP 1 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 2980 2.31 Estuary 1 1.04951 Route 750 Kunia Rd. 0.40 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 2300 2.70 Estuary 1 0.00577 Route 76 Fort Weaver Rd. 5.20 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Honouliuli 2 Ph 0.28 90 3.95 Estuary 1 4.42578 Route 76 Fort Weaver Rd. 5.10 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Honouliuli 2 Ph 0.28 200 3.89 Estuary 1 4.35571 Route 76 Fort Weaver Rd. 1.00 Sunny 16'X5'-6" Box Culvert 2 None 0 Kaloi 1 CR 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00572 Route 76 Fort Weaver Rd. 1.00 Sunny 16'X5'-6" Box Culvert 2 None 0 Kaloi 1 CR 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00573 Route 76 Fort Weaver Rd. 4.04 Sunny 18" RCP 1 None 0 Honouliuli 2 HxA 0.28 230 3.87 Estuary 1 0.00574 Route 76 Fort Weaver Rd. 4.13 Sunny 48" RCP 2 None 0 Honouliuli 2 HxB 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00575 Route 76 Fort Weaver Rd. 4.20 Sunny 18" RCP 1 None 0 Honouliuli 2 HxA 0.28 540 3.69 Estuary 1 0.00

1238 Route 76 Kunia Rd. 6.09 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 WzC 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.881240 Route 76 Kunia Rd. 6.09 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 WzC 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.881285 Route 76 Kunia Rd. 6.19 Overcast No Rain 2-18" HDPE 1 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 MuC 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 2.401287 Route 76 Kunia Rd. 6.30 Overcast No Rain 48" CMP 2 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Waikele 3 MuC 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.801239 Route 76 Kunia Rd. 6.09 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WzC 0.24 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00876 Route 7601 Old Waialae Rd. 0.13 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Manoa-Palolo 1 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.82877 Route 7601 Old Waialae Rd. 0.13 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Manoa-Palolo 1 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00806 Route 78 Moanalua Freeway 0.09 Sunny 42" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Aiea 3 Ph 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00807 Route 78 Moanalua Freeway 0.08 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Aiea 3 Ph 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00785 Route 80 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.56 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 100 3.94 A 1 20.11904 Route 80 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.10 Sunny 66" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 20.40787 Route 80 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.18 Sunny 32" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 WaA 0.15 1000 3.43 A 1 3.09790 Route 80 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.63 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 WaB 0.15 3800 1.85 A 1 1.66786 Route 80 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.69 Sunny Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 4.08788 Route 80 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.39 Sunny 3'x1'-6" Box Culvert 1 Standing Water Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 WaA 0.15 2480 2.60 A 1 1.1720 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.81 Light Rain 54" Pipe 2 Heavy/Severe 5 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 50 3.97 AA 1.2 8.10178 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.32 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kahaluu sgmt 2 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 8.1621 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.81 Light Rain 54" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 50 3.97 AA 1.2 3.24

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126 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 40.12 Light Rain 2-66" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Keaahala 3 HnB 0.17 300 3.83 AA 1.2 9.38128 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 39.95 Light Rain 36" PIpe 2 Heavy Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Keaahala 3 LoE 0.1 1000 3.43 AA 1.2 4.94179 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.29 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kahaluu segment 2 Ph 0.28 0 4.00 AA 1.2 5.38180 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.31 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahaluu segment 2 Ph 0.28 0 4.00 AA 1.2 5.3839 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 38.52 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 Light 1 Heeia 1 WpE 0.1 1500 3.15 AA 1.2 0.38107 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 39.17 Wet But Not Raining 4-36" Pipes 2 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Heeia 1 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.96108 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 38.76 Wet But Not Raining 4-36" Pipes 2 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Heeia 1 WpE 0.1 1350 3.24 AA 1.2 0.78109 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 38.66 Wet But Not Raining 4-36" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Heeia 1 WpE 0.1 1400 3.21 AA 1.2 0.77111 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 39.76 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Heeia 1 LoB 0.1 1225 3.31 AA 1.2 0.40112 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 39.71 Wet But Not Raining 2'x3' Conc. Channel 1 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Heeia 1 HnB 0.17 1060 3.40 AA 1.2 0.69114 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 39.51 Light Rain 6'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Heeia 1 HoB 0.15 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.44127 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 40.04 Light Rain 2-36" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Keaahala 3 LoB 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 2.88176 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.39 Heavy Rain 24" RCP 1 Light 1 Kahaluu segment 2 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.6318 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.52 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kahaluu segment 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0022 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.68 Light Rain 48" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kahaluu segment 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0027 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.53 Overcast No Rain 3-36" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0028 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.16 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0029 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.25 Overcast No Rain 2 No Water None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0031 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.75 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0032 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.85 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0033 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.96 Overcast No Rain 30" ACP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0034 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.94 Overcast No Rain 1'x6' scupper 1 No Water None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0035 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.92 Overcast No Rain 1'x6' scupper 1 No Water None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0036 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.84 Overcast No Rain 1'x6' scupper 1 No Water None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0037 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.82 Overcast No Rain 1'x6' scupper 1 No Water None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0038 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.80 Overcast No Rain 1'x6' scupper 1 No Water None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0040 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 38.44 Overcast No Rain 24" Pipe 1 None 0 Heeia 1 WpE 0.1 1630 3.08 AA 1.2 0.0041 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 38.23 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 None 0 Ahuimanu 1 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00110 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 39.78 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Heeia 1 HnB 0.17 1100 3.38 AA 1.2 0.00113 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 39.71 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Heeia 1 HnB 0.17 990 3.44 AA 1.2 0.00115 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 39.33 Wet But Not Raining 24" Pipe 1 Standing Water None 0 Heeia 1 LoE 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00116 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.99 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00118 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 38.00 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00119 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 37.85 Overcast No Rain 2-180" Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Ahuimanu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00125 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 40.61 Light Rain 10'x9' Box Culvert 2 Heavy Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00177 Route 83 Kahekili Hwy. 36.45 Heavy Rain 36" RCP 2 Heavy Flow None 0 Kahaluu segment 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00171 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 35.64 Overcast No Rain 2-27" Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Haiamoa 1 Ph 0.28 0 4.00 AA 1.2 13.44172 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 35.26 Overcast No Rain 120" Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Kaalaea 1 Ph 0.28 0 4.00 AA 1.2 13.44174 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 35.26 Overcast No Rain 12'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Kaalaea 1 TR 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 4.80175 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 35.37 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaalaea 1 TR 0.1 100 3.94 AA 1.2 2.37236 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.15 Sunny 18" Pipe 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Opaeula 2 HeA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 6.80720 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.70 Overcast No Rain 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Keamanea 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 11.20723 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.40 Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Keamanea 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 11.20862 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 8.52 Sunny Bridge 2 Heavy/Severe 5 Paumalu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 4.00929 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.59 Sunny 15'x7' Box Culvert 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 11.20933 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 10.00 Sunny 12" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Paumalu 1 WlB 0.17 340 3.81 A 1 3.24937 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.22 Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kawela 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 11.20943 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.74 Sunny 1'-6"x3' Box Culvert 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Oio 1 LaC 0.17 800 3.55 A 1 3.02944 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.74 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Oio 1 LaC 0.17 800 3.55 A 1 3.02945 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.79 Sunny 4'x3'-8" Box Culvert 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Oio 1 KaB 0.28 360 3.80 A 1 10.63946 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 13.17 Light Rain 6'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Oio 1 KaB 0.28 350 3.80 A 1 10.65947 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 13.39 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Oio 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 11.20975 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 14.10 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Oio 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 5.60

1062 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.81 Sunny Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Kaipapau 1 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 6.801063 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.97 Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaipapau 1 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 6.801073 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 21.76 Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waipuhi 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 4.001074 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 22.23 Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waipuhi 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 4.001172 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 24.49 Sunny 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Punaluu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 2.001187 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.45 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kahana 1 KaeC 0.17 5 4.00 AA 1.2 4.081188 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.47 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kahana 1 WpF 0.1 5 4.00 AA 1.2 2.401189 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.53 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kahana 1 WpF 0.1 5 4.00 AA 1.2 2.401191 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.68 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kahana 1 WpF 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 2.40

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1225 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.83 Sunny 27" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kahana 1 WpF 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 2.401284 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 29.94 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kahana 1 KanE 0.1 50 3.97 AA 1.2 2.3854 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 34.45 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiahole 1 Ph 0.28 430 3.76 AA 1.2 2.5255 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 34.41 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiahole 1 Ph 0.28 230 3.87 AA 1.2 2.6060 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 33.64 Overcast No Rain 4'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikane 1 MZ 0.02 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.3863 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 32.93 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Hakipuu 1 HoB 0.15 580 3.67 AA 1.2 2.6468 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 32.17 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Hakipuu 1 LoB 0.1 900 3.49 AA 1.2 1.68151 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 35.10 Light Rain 5'x10' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaalaea 1 TR 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.92152 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 34.95 Light Rain 48" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaalaea 1 AeE 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.92153 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 34.89 Light Rain 48" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaalaea 1 AeE 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.92154 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 34.81 Light Rain 27" RCP 1 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Waiahole 1 AeE 0.1 100 3.94 AA 1.2 0.95155 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 34.89 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaalaea 1 AeE 0.1 40 3.98 AA 1.2 0.95170 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 35.78 Overcast No Rain 5'x10' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Haiamoa 1 TR 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.92173 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 35.88 Overcast No Rain 5'x10' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Haiamoa 1 TR 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.92181 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 36.16 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahaluu segment 2 TR 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.92182 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 36.20 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahaluu segment 2 TR 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.92234 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.01 Sunny 18" Pipe 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Helemano 2 HeA 0.17 550 3.69 A 1 2.51716 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.23 Light Rain Bridge 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Keamanea 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 4.48793 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.93 Sunny Cave 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kalunawaikaala 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 4.48867 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.22 Sunny Bridge 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 4.48868 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.22 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24869 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.22 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 30 3.98 A 1 2.23931 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.80 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paumalu 1 KaB 0.28 1150 3.35 A 1 1.88934 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 10.25 Sunny 15'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 4.48935 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 10.28 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 250 3.86 A 1 2.16936 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 10.30 Sunny Bridge 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 4.48941 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.37 Sunny Bridge 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Oio 1 Kfa 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.72942 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.59 Sunny 8'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Oio 1 Kfa 0.17 1000 3.43 A 1 2.34973 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 13.94 Sunny 8'x3' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Oio 1 Ph 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 4.48976 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 14.10 Sunny 18'x6'-4" Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Oio 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 4.48981 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 16.20 Sunny Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Malaekahana 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60

1067 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 21.37 Sunny 18" RCP 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Maakua 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.801068 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 21.37 Sunny 5'x3'-6" Box Culvert 2 Mild/Moderate 2 Maakua 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.601070 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.42 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaipapau 1 KmA 0.28 440 3.75 A 1 2.101075 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 22.23 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Waipuhi 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.601118 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 22.84 Overcast No Rain 10'x5' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Papaakoko 1 BS 0.05 50 3.97 A 1 0.791147 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 23.44 Overcast No Rain 12'x5' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Halehaa 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.601168 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 24.09 Sunny 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Punaluu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.601169 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 24.22 Sunny 12" Pipe 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Punaluu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.801170 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 24.22 Sunny Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Punaluu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.601171 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 24.39 Sunny 30" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Punaluu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.801175 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.31 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Punaluu 1 KaeC 0.17 65 3.96 A 1 1.351176 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 41.55 Sunny 24" CMP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaneohe 3 LoB 0.1 130 3.93 AA 1.2 2.831190 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.62 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 WpF 0.1 30 3.98 AA 1.2 0.961226 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.83 Sunny 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 WpF 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.921227 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.04 Sunny 10'x5' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.921272 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.17 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.921276 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.60 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 WlB 0.17 10 3.99 AA 1.2 1.631278 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.69 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 WlB 0.17 200 3.89 AA 1.2 1.591279 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.78 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 WlB 0.17 50 3.97 AA 1.2 1.621280 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.70 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 WlB 0.17 60 3.97 AA 1.2 1.621281 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.85 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 KanE 0.1 100 3.94 AA 1.2 0.951283 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.90 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kahana 1 KanE 0.1 90 3.95 AA 1.2 0.9553 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 34.25 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Waiahole 1 HnA 0.17 370 3.79 AA 1.2 0.7756 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 34.08 Overcast No Rain 6'X4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow Light 1 Waianu 1 HnA 0.17 160 3.91 AA 1.2 1.6064 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 32.87 Overcast No Rain 4'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Hakipuu 1 HoB 0.15 620 3.65 AA 1.2 1.3167 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 32.51 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Hakipuu 1 WpE 0.1 1300 3.26 AA 1.2 0.7869 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 32.06 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Hakipuu 1 LoB 0.1 600 3.66 AA 1.2 0.44156 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 29.26 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaaawa 2 Ms 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.80159 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 29.84 Light Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kualoa 1 WlE 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.68160 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 29.93 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Kualoa 1 WlE 0.17 100 3.94 A 1 0.67161 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 30.11 Overcast No Rain 48" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Kualoa 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.80

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162 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 29.98 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kualoa 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.80164 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 30.55 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kualoa 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.40165 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 30.79 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kualoa 1 Ms 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.80166 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 30.83 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kualoa 1 Ms 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.40167 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 29.38 Overcast No Rain 12'x5' Box Culvert 2 Light 1 Kaaawa 2 Ms 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60235 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.11 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Helemano 2 HeA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 1.36721 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 2.09 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Loko Ea 1 MnC 0.15 120 3.93 AA 1.2 0.71724 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.40 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Keamanea 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24792 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.96 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waimea 1 KanE 0.1 150 3.92 A 1 0.39820 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.60 Sunny 27" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Keamanea 1 WlB 0.17 50 3.97 A 1 0.68821 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.38 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waimea 1 rRK 0.1 55 3.97 A 1 0.40822 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.13 Sunny 2-30" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kalunawaikaala 1 BS 0.05 50 3.97 Marine Consv 1.2 0.48826 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.80 Sunny 2-30" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Kalunawaikaala 1 WkB 0.28 70 3.96 Marine Consv 1.2 2.66864 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 8.84 Sunny 18" Pipe 1 No Water Light 1 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 500 3.72 A 1 1.04930 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.65 Sunny Bridge 2 No Water Light 1 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 360 3.80 A 1 2.13932 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.89 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Paumalu 1 KaB 0.28 1000 3.43 A 1 0.96974 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 14.02 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Oio 1 WkA 0.28 670 3.62 A 1 1.01977 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 15.04 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Oio 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24978 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 15.04 Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water Light 1 Oio 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24979 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 15.34 Overcast No Rain 60" RCP 2 Light 1 Oio 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24980 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 15.57 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Oio 1 JaC 0.1 1000 3.43 A 1 0.34

1032 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.51 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 Standing Water Light 1 Koloa 1 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 1.361033 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.84 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Koloa 1 Ms 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.401034 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.84 Sunny 12'x5' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Koloa 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.801035 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.02 Sunny Bridge 2 No Water Light 1 Koloa 1 Ms 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.801061 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.47 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kaipapau 1 KmA 0.28 440 3.75 A 1 1.051069 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water Light 1 Waipuhi 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.801072 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 21.66 Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water Light 1 Waipuhi 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.801116 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. Light Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaluanui 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.401117 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 22.62 Light Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaluanui 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.401119 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 22.96 Overcast No Rain 10'x5' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Papaakoko 1 BS 0.05 40 3.98 A 1 0.401120 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 23.06 Overcast No Rain 10'x5' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Papaakoko 1 BS 0.05 0 4.00 A 1 0.401273 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.45 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kahana 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.961274 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.55 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kahana 1 WlB 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.821275 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.56 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kahana 1 WlB 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.821277 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.61 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kahana 1 WlB 0.17 50 3.97 AA 1.2 0.8157 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 33.98 Overcast No Rain 4'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Waianu 1 HnA 0.17 130 3.93 AA 1.2 0.0058 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 33.94 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Waianu 1 HnA 0.17 110 3.94 AA 1.2 0.0059 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 33.84 Overcast No Rain 12'x5' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Waianu 1 HnA 0.17 120 3.93 AA 1.2 0.0061 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 33.04 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Hakipuu 1 WpB 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.0065 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 32.78 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Hakipuu 1 HoB 0.15 820 3.54 AA 1.2 0.0066 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 32.61 Overcast No Rain 4'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Hakipuu 1 HoB 0.15 1400 3.21 AA 1.2 0.00132 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 42.21 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kawa 4 KHME 0.1 400 3.77 AA 1.2 0.00133 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 41.72 Light Rain 36" PIpe 2 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 KHMC 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00163 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 30.16 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kualoa 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00717 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.40 Light Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Keamanea 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00718 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.64 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Keamanea 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00719 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.64 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Keamanea 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00722 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.99 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Loko Ea 1 MnC 0.15 300 3.83 AA 1.2 0.00725 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.86 Sunny 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Waimea 1 WlB 0.17 30 3.98 A 1 0.00731 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.37 Sunny 84" CMP 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Opaeula 2 EaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00732 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.61 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Paukauila 3 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00733 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.22 Sunny 48" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Anahulu 2 KlB 0.17 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00734 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.81 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Loko Ea 1 MnC 0.15 200 3.89 AA 1.2 0.00794 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.88 Sunny 2-18" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Waimea 1 BS 0.05 100 3.94 A 1 0.00818 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.80 Sunny 15" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Keamanea 1 WkA 0.28 230 3.87 A 1 0.00819 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.60 Sunny 3'x3'-8" Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Keamanea 1 WlB 0.17 70 3.96 A 1 0.00823 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.33 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kalunawaikaala 1 BS 0.05 0 4.00 Marine Consv 1.2 0.00824 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.20 Sunny 36" RCP 2 None 0 Kalunawaikaala 1 BS 0.05 80 3.95 Marine Consv 1.2 0.00825 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.76 Sunny 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kalunawaikaala 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 Marine Consv 1.2 0.00827 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.80 Sunny 18" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalunawaikaala 1 WkB 0.28 70 3.96 Marine Consv 1.2 0.00828 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.80 Sunny 18" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kalunawaikaala 1 WkB 0.28 70 3.96 Marine Consv 1.2 0.00

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Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

860 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 8.20 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Paumalu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00861 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 8.52 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Paumalu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00863 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 8.85 Sunny 6'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 470 3.73 A 1 0.00865 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 8.89 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00866 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.22 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Paumalu 1 WkB 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00897 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.44 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Opaeula 2 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00898 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.55 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Paukauila 3 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 0.00899 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.75 Sunny 66" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Paukauila 3 EmA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00900 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.78 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Paukauila 3 EmA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00901 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.01 Sunny 48" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Paukauila 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00902 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.98 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Paukauila 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00903 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.01 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Paukauila 3 LaC3 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00938 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.90 Sunny 4'x2' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Kawela 1 WkA 0.28 900 3.49 A 1 0.00939 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.02 Sunny 2'x1' Box Culvert 1 No Water None 0 Kawela 1 WkA 0.28 600 3.66 A 1 0.00940 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.02 Sunny 6'-6"x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Kawela 1 WkA 0.28 600 3.66 A 1 0.00948 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 13.63 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Oio 1 WkB 0.28 780 3.56 A 1 0.00

1002 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 17.67 Sunny Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kahawainui 2 JaC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.001003 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.32 Sunny Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Wailele 1 Ms 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.001004 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.32 Sunny 24" RCP 1 None 0 Wailele 1 JaC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.001005 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.32 Sunny 18" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Wailele 1 Ms 0.1 20 3.99 A 1 0.001006 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.32 Sunny 11'x1' Box Culvert 2 None 0 Wailele 1 JaC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.001031 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.33 Sunny 12'x8'-6" Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Wailele 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001036 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.07 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Koloa 1 Ms 0.1 150 3.92 A 1 0.001060 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.42 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaipapau 1 KmA 0.28 440 3.75 A 1 0.001064 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 21.30 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Maakua 1 JaC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.001065 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 21.30 Sunny 21" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Maakua 1 JaC 0.1 310 3.82 A 1 0.001066 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 21.30 Sunny 12" Pipe 1 No Water None 0 Kaipapau 1 JaC 0.1 350 3.80 A 1 0.001071 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.49 Sunny 30" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Kaipapau 1 LoB 0.1 400 3.77 A 1 0.001076 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 22.49 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Kaluanui 1 JaC 0.1 65 3.96 A 1 0.001173 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 24.72 Sunny 12'x5' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Punaluu 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001174 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 25.31 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Punaluu 1 KaeC 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.001282 Route 83 Kamehameha Hwy. 26.90 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kahana 1 KanE 0.1 90 3.95 AA 1.2 0.00130 Route 83 Likelike Hwy. 41.55 Heavy Rain 24" Pipe 1 Heavy Flow Light 1 Kaneohe 3 FL 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 1.44120 Route 83 Likelike Hwy. 41.36 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 Heavy Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 FL 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00121 Route 83 Likelike Hwy. 41.34 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 Heavy Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 FL 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00122 Route 83 Likelike Hwy. 41.36 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 Heavy Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 FL 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00129 Route 83 Likelike Hwy. 40.68 Light Rain 2'x6" Conc. Spillway 1 Heavy Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00

1142 Route 83 Likelike Hwy. 40.68 Wet But Not Raining 2-42" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.001163 Route 83 Likelike Hwy. 41.12 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaneohe 3 HnB 0 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00422 Route 901 Fort Barrette Rd. 1.15 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 1650 3.07 A 1 0.52418 Route 901 Fort Barrette Rd. 0.29 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 280 3.84 A 1 0.00419 Route 901 Fort Barrette Rd. 0.70 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 2340 2.68 A 1 0.00420 Route 901 Fort Barrette Rd. 1.07 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 1200 3.32 A 1 0.00421 Route 901 Fort Barrette Rd. 1.09 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 1200 3.32 A 1 0.00423 Route 901 Fort Barrette Rd. 1.15 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kaloi 1 EaB 0.17 1650 3.07 A 1 0.00100 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 0.78 Overcast No Rain 2-120" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 LvB 0.24 0 4.00 A 1 19.20101 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 0.77 Overcast No Rain 2-108" CMP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 LvB 0.24 0 4.00 A 1 19.20103 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 0.34 Overcast No Rain 2-42" RCP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 HxA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 22.40310 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.64 Sunny 2-24" CMP (Buried) 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 330 3.81 A 1 3.81311 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.70 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 250 3.86 A 1 3.86532 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.16 Wet But Not Raining 3'x3' Conc. Channel 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 7.94537 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.44 Wet But Not Raining 15'x3' Conc. Channel 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 FL 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 8.00539 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.50 Wet But Not Raining 24" Pipe 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 rSY 0.1 120 3.93 A 1 3.93546 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.36 Sunny 8'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 240 3.86 A 1 6.5785 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.80 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 270 3.85 A 1 1.54188 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.23 Light Rain 48" RCP 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.72189 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.24 Light Rain 8'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.72309 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.62 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 490 3.72 A 1 1.49312 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.75 Sunny 24" Pipe 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 1.59313 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.89 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 1.59327 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.93 Wet But Not Raining 30" CMP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 90 3.95 A 1 1.58351 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 8.30 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Mailiili 1 KmbA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24

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WatershedOutfall Erosion Erosion Value


Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

364 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 15.20 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Keaau 1 PvC 0.1 30 3.98 A 1 0.80397 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 17.60 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makua 1 MnC 0.15 375 3.79 A 1 1.14398 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 17.50 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Keaau 1 rRO 0.02 100 3.94 A 1 0.32533 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.16 Light Rain 84" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 3.18534 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.16 Wet But Not Raining 10'x7' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 3.18536 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.44 Wet But Not Raining 3'x2' Conc. Channel 1 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 FL 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 1.60538 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.50 Wet But Not Raining 30" CMP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 rSY 0.1 230 3.87 A 1 1.55541 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.00 Wet But Not Raining 18" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 90 3.95 A 1 1.18551 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.49 Sunny 4'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 375 3.79 A 1 2.58

1216 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.62 Sunny 3-96" Sectional Plate 2 Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 3.2097 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.06 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 No Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 150 3.92 A 1 1.57102 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 0.44 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 LvB 0.24 100 3.94 A 1 1.89183 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.00 Light Rain 24" Cast Iron Pipe 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 HeA 0.17 120 3.93 A 1 1.34184 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.98 Light Rain 12" Metal Pipe 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 MnC 0.15 490 3.72 A 1 1.12185 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.88 Wet But Not Raining 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaupuni 2 PsA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 1.36192 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 9.79 Wet But Not Raining 2-30" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 35 3.98 A 1 1.35306 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 9.40 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 25 3.99 A 1 0.68314 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.91 Sunny 2-36" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 1.59315 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.40 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 1100 3.38 A 1 0.68317 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.05 Heavy Rain 18" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 130 3.93 A 1 0.59318 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 8.40 Heavy Rain 18" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 300 3.83 A 1 0.65325 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.98 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 30 3.98 A 1 0.80326 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 4.80 Wet But Not Raining 7' Wide Swale 2 Standing Water Light 1 Nanakuli 1 MnC 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 1.20328 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.82 Wet But Not Raining 36" CMP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 90 3.95 A 1 1.58338 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.92 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.68339 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.85 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Ulehawa 1 MtB 0.17 80 3.95 A 1 0.67340 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.74 Sunny 30" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 150 3.92 A 1 0.39344 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.53 Overcast No Rain 42" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 40 3.98 A 1 0.80352 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 8.32 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.68354 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.42 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Ulehawa 1 BS 0.05 40 3.98 A 1 0.20358 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.35 Overcast No Rain 42" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 85 3.95 A 1 0.79359 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.16 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 15 3.99 A 1 1.20362 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.02 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 30 3.98 A 1 0.60363 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.00 Overcast No Rain 18" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 100 3.94 A 1 0.59365 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 15.20 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Keaau 1 PvC 0.1 80 3.95 A 1 0.79366 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.90 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 MnC 0.15 350 3.80 A 1 1.14367 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.86 Sunny 4'x2' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 HeA 0.17 520 3.71 A 1 2.52368 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.56 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 875 3.50 A 1 1.96369 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.49 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 800 3.55 A 1 3.97370 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.47 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 890 3.50 A 1 1.96371 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.22 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 390 3.78 A 1 2.12372 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.22 Sunny 18" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 450 3.75 A 1 2.10373 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.04 Sunny 4'x3' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 50 3.97 A 1 4.45374 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 13.03 Sunny 18" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 100 3.94 A 1 2.21375 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 11.80 Sunny 10'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Light 1 Kaupuni 2 CR 0.02 920 3.48 A 1 0.28380 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.47 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Keaau 1 CR 0.02 950 3.46 A 1 0.07381 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.33 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 CR 0.02 100 3.94 A 1 0.16382 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.03 Sunny 7'x4' Swale 2 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 HeA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.72383 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.02 Sunny 12" Pipe 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 HeA 0.17 30 3.98 A 1 1.35384 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.99 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 300 3.83 A 1 2.14385 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.90 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 630 3.64 A 1 2.04386 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.85 Overcast No Rain 6'x5' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 790 3.55 A 1 3.98387 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.80 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaha 2 WkA 0.28 920 3.48 A 1 1.95388 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.78 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kamaileunu 1 WkA 0.28 1025 3.42 A 1 0.96389 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.76 Overcast No Rain 4'x1' Box Culvert 1 No Water Light 1 Kamaileunu 1 WkA 0.28 290 3.84 A 1 1.07390 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.70 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kamaileunu 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 1.12391 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.70 Overcast No Rain 6'x5' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Light 1 Kamaileunu 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24392 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.60 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Kamaileunu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 1.36394 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.60 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Kamaileunu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.68395 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.60 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Kamaileunu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.68399 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 15.20 Light Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Keaau 1 PvC 0.1 90 3.95 A 1 0.39401 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.85 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Keaau 1 PvC 0.1 600 3.66 A 1 0.37

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Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

403 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.46 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Keaau 1 CR 0.02 950 3.46 A 1 0.07404 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 19.30 Overcast No Rain 2-9'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Kaluakauila 1 rSY 0.1 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.96410 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 18.59 Overcast No Rain 2-48" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Makua 1 PuB 0.15 100 3.94 A 1 1.18411 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 18.59 Overcast No Rain 48" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Makua 1 BS 0.05 50 3.97 A 1 0.40412 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 18.57 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Makua 1 PuB 0.15 250 3.86 A 1 0.58413 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 18.36 Overcast No Rain 2-10'x8' Box Culvert 2 No Water Light 1 Makua 1 PsA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 1.36414 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 18.10 Heavy Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Makua 1 PsA 0.17 325 3.82 A 1 0.65540 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.50 Wet But Not Raining 30" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 rSY 0.1 10 3.99 A 1 0.80

1217 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.36 Sunny 36" CMP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 1100 3.38 A 1 1.351218 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.25 Sunny 2-42" CMP 2 Standing Water Light 1 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 1100 3.38 A 1 1.3584 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 0.86 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 230 3.87 A 1 0.0088 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.76 Overcast No Rain 66" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.0089 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.98 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 1200 3.32 A 1 0.0090 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.76 Sunny 17'-6" Sectional Arch 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.0091 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.76 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.0092 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.53 Overcast No Rain 2-84" CMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.0093 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.53 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.0094 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.28 Overcast No Rain 12" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 65 3.96 A 1 0.0095 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.26 Overcast No Rain 7'x6' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.0096 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.26 Overcast No Rain 60" CMP 2 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.0098 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.03 Overcast No Rain 2-30" RCP 2 Standing Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.0099 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.03 Overcast No Rain 5'x3' CRM Channel 2 Standing Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00104 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 0.30 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 HxA 0.28 220 3.88 A 1 0.00105 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 0.20 Overcast No Rain 3-30" CMP 2 Standing Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 HxA 0.28 650 3.63 A 1 0.00186 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.61 Wet But Not Raining 18" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Mailiili 1 MtB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00187 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.61 Wet But Not Raining 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Mailiili 1 MtB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00193 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 9.68 Wet But Not Raining 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Mailiili 1 PsA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00307 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.80 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 20 3.99 A 1 0.00308 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.70 Sunny 6'x2' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 260 3.85 A 1 0.00316 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.03 Light Rain 12" CMP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 70 3.96 A 1 0.00319 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 4.32 Overcast No Rain 5'x2.5' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Nanakuli 1 MtB 0.17 180 3.90 A 1 0.00320 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 4.32 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Nanakuli 1 MtB 0.17 180 3.90 A 1 0.00321 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 4.28 Overcast No Rain 54" RCP 2 Standing Water None 0 Nanakuli 1 MtB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00322 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. Overcast No Rain 20'x6' CRM Spillway 2 Standing Water None 0 Nanakuli 1 MtB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00323 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 4.08 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 70 3.96 A 1 0.00324 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.98 Overcast No Rain 2-24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 0.00329 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 8.36 Overcast No Rain 12" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 170 3.90 A 1 0.00330 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 6.42 Heavy Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 PvC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00331 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 6.05 Heavy Rain 36" RCP 2 None 0 Ulehawa 1 BS 0.05 0 4.00 A 1 0.00333 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 5.35 Heavy Rain 2-12.5'x7' Box Culvert 2 Heavy Flow None 0 Nanakuli 1 CR 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00334 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 5.35 Heavy Rain 18" CMP 1 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Nanakuli 1 CR 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00335 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 4.40 Heavy Rain 10'x3.5' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Nanakuli 1 MtB 0.17 440 3.75 A 1 0.00336 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 4.53 Heavy Rain 2-6'x2' Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Nanakuli 1 MtB 0.17 400 3.77 A 1 0.00337 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.96 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00341 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.28 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 435 3.75 A 1 0.00342 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.70 Sunny 3'x2'-4" Box Culvert 1 No Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 150 3.92 A 1 0.00343 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.62 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 0.00345 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 6.88 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 Standing Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 30 3.98 A 1 0.00346 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 6.90 Overcast No Rain 2-30" RCP 2 Standing Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 30 3.98 A 1 0.00347 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 6.95 Overcast No Rain 42" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 30 3.98 A 1 0.00349 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 6.42 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 PvC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00350 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 6.44 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 PvC 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00355 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.37 Overcast No Rain 3'x2.5' Conc. Channel 2 Standing Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 40 3.98 A 1 0.00356 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.38 Overcast No Rain 3'x2.5' Conc. Channel 2 Standing Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 40 3.98 A 1 0.00357 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.39 Overcast No Rain 3'x2.5' Conc. Channel 2 Standing Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 40 3.98 A 1 0.00360 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.06 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 MnC 0.15 30 3.98 A 1 0.00361 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 7.16 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Ulehawa 1 LPE 0.1 95 3.95 A 1 0.00376 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 11.40 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Kaupuni 2 CR 0.02 0 4.00 A 1 0.00377 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 11.30 Sunny 42" RCP 2 None 0 Kaupuni 2 PsA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00378 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 11.28 Sunny 42" RCP 2 Standing Water None 0 Kaupuni 2 PsA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00379 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 11.30 Sunny 8'-6"x5' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Kaupuni 2 PsA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00393 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 12.60 Overcast No Rain 12" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kamaileunu 1 HnA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00

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396 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 17.85 Overcast No Rain 2-10'x9' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Makua 1 MnC 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 0.00400 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.94 Light Rain 6'x2' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Keaau 1 PvC 0.1 770 3.56 A 1 0.00402 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 14.54 Light Rain 4'x2'-8" Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Keaau 1 CR 0.02 750 3.58 A 1 0.00405 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 19.10 Overcast No Rain 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kaluakauila 1 BS 0.05 0 4.00 AA 1.2 0.00406 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 19.01 Overcast No Rain 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Makua 1 BS 0.05 0 4.00 A 1 0.00407 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 18.91 Overcast No Rain 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Makua 1 BS 0.05 0 4.00 A 1 0.00408 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 18.84 Overcast No Rain 5'x5' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Makua 1 rSY 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00409 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 18.85 Overcast No Rain 5'x5' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Makua 1 rSY 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00415 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 15.67 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Keaau 1 MnC 0.15 260 3.85 A 1 0.00416 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 15.61 Light Rain 6'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water None 0 Keaau 1 MnC 0.15 280 3.84 A 1 0.00417 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 15.08 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Keaau 1 PvC 0.1 140 3.92 A 1 0.00459 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 2.30 Overcast No Rain 4-48" CMP 2 Standing Water None 0 Pahole 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00531 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.04 Wet But Not Raining 30" CMP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 50 3.97 A 1 0.00535 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 3.30 Wet But Not Raining 24" CMP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Makaiwa 2 FL 0.1 300 3.83 A 1 0.00547 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.36 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 240 3.86 A 1 0.00548 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.49 Sunny 12" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 480 3.73 A 1 0.00549 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.49 Sunny 12" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 435 3.75 A 1 0.00550 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 10.49 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Mailiili 1 MtB 0.17 415 3.77 A 1 0.00552 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.47 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 300 3.83 A 1 0.00

1236 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.82 Sunny 2-58"x36" CMP Arch 2 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.001237 Route 93 Farrington Hwy. 1.87 Sunny 2-58"x36" CMP Arch 2 None 0 Makaiwa 2 LPE 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00463 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 4.09 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 5.60471 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.14 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 100 3.94 A 1 5.52485 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 6.20 Heavy Rain 2'x2' Box Culvert 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaukonahua 3 KlA 0.17 220 3.88 A 1 9.88486 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 6.34 Heavy Rain 17'x5' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Heavy/Severe 5 Kaukonahua 3 KlA 0.17 470 3.73 A 1 19.04431 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 6.66 Overcast No Rain 24" Pipe (Buried) 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 WzA 0.24 1020 3.42 A 1 4.93432 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 6.60 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 WzA 0.24 1050 3.41 A 1 4.90460 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 3.37 Overcast No Rain 2-12" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaleha 1 PsA 0.17 1500 3.15 A 1 2.14464 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 4.10 Overcast No Rain 2-18" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24465 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 4.56 Overcast No Rain 12'x9' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 4.48466 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 4.56 Overcast No Rain 2-24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24468 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 4.90 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24469 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 4.90 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 0 4.00 A 1 2.24470 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.10 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 370 3.79 A 1 2.12472 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.26 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 860 3.51 A 1 1.97474 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.37 Overcast No Rain 24" CMP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 570 3.68 A 1 2.06476 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.44 Overcast No Rain 24" Metal Pipe 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 920 3.48 A 1 1.95481 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 6.01 Heavy Rain 18" RCP 1 Heavy Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 KlA 0.17 530 3.70 A 1 3.77483 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.97 Heavy Rain 2'x2' Box Culvert 1 Heavy Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 KlA 0.17 780 3.56 A 1 3.63433 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.51 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 1190 3.33 A 1 0.93458 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 2.30 Light Rain 6'x1'-6" Conc. Channel 2 No Water Light 1 Pahole 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.80461 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 3.79 Overcast No Rain 18" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Makaleha 1 PsA 0.17 1670 3.05 A 1 0.52462 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 3.88 Overcast No Rain 2'x2' Box Culvert 1 No Water Light 1 Waialua 1 PsA 0.17 3800 1.85 A 1 0.31467 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 4.62 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 350 3.80 A 1 1.06475 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.43 Overcast No Rain 2-18" RCP 1 Standing Water Light 1 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 800 3.55 A 1 0.99479 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.91 Heavy Rain 2'x2' Box Culvert 1 Heavy Flow Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 WzA 0.24 1120 3.37 A 1 2.42480 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.95 Heavy Rain 18" RCP 1 Heavy Flow Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 KlA 0.17 850 3.52 A 1 1.79482 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 6.00 Heavy Rain 18" RCP 1 Heavy Flow Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 KlA 0.17 500 3.72 A 1 1.90484 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 6.04 Heavy Rain 18" RCP 1 Heavy Flow Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.04

1146 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 6.14 Sunny Bridge 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 4.08456 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 1.81 Sunny Bridge 2 Standing Water None 0 Kawaihapai 1 JaC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00457 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 2.30 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Pahole 1 JaC 0.1 180 3.90 A 1 0.00473 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.35 Overcast No Rain 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Waialua 1 WzA 0.24 430 3.76 A 1 0.00477 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.49 Heavy Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Waialua 1 WkA 0.28 400 3.77 A 1 0.00478 Route 930 Farrington Hwy. 5.90 Heavy Rain 24" RCP 1 Heavy Flow None 0 Kaukonahua 3 WzA 0.24 1240 3.30 A 1 0.0043 Route 930 Kaukonahua Rd. 7.75 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paukauila 3 LaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 4.0844 Route 930 Kaukonahua Rd. 7.73 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Paukauila 3 EaC 0.17 970 3.45 A 1 3.52430 Route 930 Kaukonahua Rd. 6.76 Overcast No Rain 24" Pipe 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Poamoho 3 WzA 0.24 540 3.69 A 1 5.3242 Route 930 Kaukonahua Rd. 7.10 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Poamoho 3 WkA 0.28 1100 3.38 A 1 2.84428 Route 930 Kaukonahua Rd. 6.87 Overcast No Rain 2'x3' CRM Channel 1 No Water Light 1 Poamoho 3 EaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 2.04429 Route 930 Kaukonahua Rd. 6.85 Overcast No Rain 42" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Poamoho 3 EaB 0.17 70 3.96 A 1 4.04426 Route 930 Kaukonahua Rd. 6.99 Overcast No Rain 2'x2' Box Culvert 1 No Water None 0 Poamoho 3 HeA 0.17 540 3.69 A 1 0.00

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427 Route 930 Kaukonahua Rd. 6.99 Overcast No Rain 30" Pipe 1 No Water None 0 Poamoho 3 HeA 0.17 530 3.70 A 1 0.001262 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.25 Sunny 48" RCP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaloi 1 CR 0.02 0 4.00 A 1 0.80701 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 1.40 24" Pipe 1 Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 CR 0.02 420 3.76 A 1 0.30

1247 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.04 Sunny 18" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 80 3.95 A 1 2.211250 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.37 Sunny 3-48" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 MnC 0.15 450 3.75 A 1 2.251259 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.94 Sunny 2-18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 MnC 0.15 2730 2.45 A 1 1.471267 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.06 Sunny 18" CMP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaloi 1 HxA 0.28 35 3.98 A 1 2.23702 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.25 18" RCP 1 None 0 Kaloi 1 CR 0.02 0 4.00 A 1 0.00703 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.25 24" RCP 1 None 0 Kaloi 1 CR 0.02 0 4.00 A 1 0.00

1248 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.90 Sunny 36" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Makaiwa 2 CR 0.02 2800 2.42 A 1 0.001249 Route 95 Kalaeloa Blvd. 0.50 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 CR 0.02 1200 3.32 A 1 0.001255 Route 95 Malakole St. 1.54 Sunny 2-36" RCP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 CR 0.02 650 3.63 A 1 1.451257 Route 95 Malakole St. 1.54 Sunny 2-36" RCP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Makaiwa 2 CR 0.02 650 3.63 A 1 1.451253 Route 95 Malakole St. 1.60 Sunny 2-30" RCP 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Makaiwa 2 CR 0.02 420 3.76 A 1 0.60700 Route 95 Malakole St. 1.69 24" RCP 1 Light 1 Makaiwa 2 CR 0.02 250 3.86 A 1 0.15

1263 Route 95 Malakole St. 1.54 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Makaiwa 2 CR 0.02 650 3.63 A 1 0.00221 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 0.77 Sunny 4'x2' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Nuuanu 3 KaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00222 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 0.77 Sunny 12" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Nuuanu 3 KaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00223 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 0.76 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 KaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00872 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 0.79 Sunny 7'x4' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water None 0 Nuuanu 3 KaB 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00873 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 1.35 Sunny 24" Pipe 1 None 0 Nuuanu 3 MkA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00874 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 1.41 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Nuuanu 3 TCC 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00906 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 20.20 Overcast No Rain 12" Pipe 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00907 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 20.20 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00908 Route 98 Vineyard Blvd. 20.20 Overcast No Rain 30" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kapalama 2 HnA 0 0 4.00 A 1 0.00278 Route 99 Kamananui Rd. 7.32 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 WaA 0.15 450 3.75 A 1 3.37294 Route 99 Kamananui Rd. 6.79 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 WaB 0.15 1140 3.35 A 1 1.51295 Route 99 Kamananui Rd. 6.79 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water Light 1 Kaukonahua 3 WaB 0.15 1140 3.35 A 1 3.02253 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.49 Wet But Not Raining 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 800 3.55 Estuary 1 9.05258 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.81 Light Rain 9'x10' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 20.40262 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.69 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 10.20269 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 10.64 Light Rain 2-24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 3660 1.93 Estuary 1 4.34272 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 10.95 Light Rain 2-24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 2360 2.66 Estuary 1 5.99275 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.46 Light Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 1600 3.09 A 1 6.96277 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.84 Light Rain 6'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Helemano 2 WaA 0.15 2300 2.70 A 1 8.09285 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.60 Overcast No Rain Bridge 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Poamoho 3 WaA 0.15 800 3.55 A 1 15.96289 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.65 Overcast No Rain 2-30" RCP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 18.00290 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.82 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Helemano 2 WaC 0.15 750 3.58 A 1 5.36292 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 2.65 Overcast No Rain 9'x6' Box Culvert 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 18.00293 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 2.65 Overcast No Rain 18" Metal Pipe 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 9.00298 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.38 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Poamoho 3 HLMG 0.17 270 3.85 A 1 9.81249 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 14.16 Overcast No Rain 10'x20' Swale 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16256 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.79 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08257 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.79 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08259 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.81 Light Rain 3'x2'-6" Swale 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16260 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.81 Light Rain 3'x2'-6" Swale 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16261 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.04 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 400 3.77 Estuary 1 3.85267 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 9.99 Light Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 5000 1.17 Estuary 1 1.05268 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 10.00 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 5000 1.17 Estuary 1 1.05276 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.70 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow Mild/Moderate 2 Helemano 2 WaB 0.15 1800 2.98 A 1 1.79286 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.41 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Poamoho 3 WaA 0.15 1270 3.28 A 1 2.95287 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.32 Overcast No Rain 4'x4' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 7.20288 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.90 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 2400 2.64 A 1 2.38304 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.33 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Helemano 2 rRK 0.1 600 3.66 A 1 1.46762 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.33 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waimalu 3 TR 0.1 430 3.76 Estuary 1 2.25766 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.85 Sunny 10'x5' Swale 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waimalu 3 KmbA 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 13.44791 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.84 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Poamoho 3 WaA 0.15 1500 3.15 A 1 2.84805 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 17.95 Sunny 12'x3' Box Culvert 2 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 8.16816 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 21.25 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Standing Water Mild/Moderate 2 Aiea 3 Ph 0.28 220 3.88 Estuary 1 6.51

1222 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 17.70 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Waiawa 3 WzC 0.24 150 3.92 Estuary 1 5.64252 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.72 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 170 3.90 Estuary 1 1.99254 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.61 Wet But Not Raining 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 160 3.91 Estuary 1 1.99

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Outfall Soil Water ClassDist. to Stream

297 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.54 Sunny 18" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 1100 3.38 A 1 1.52301 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.75 Sunny 12" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Poamoho 3 WaA 0.15 230 3.87 A 1 1.74302 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.85 Sunny 9'-6"x3' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow Light 1 Poamoho 3 WaA 0.15 0 4.00 A 1 3.60303 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 0.02 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Helemano 2 LaB 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 1.36305 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 1.27 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Helemano 2 LaB 0.17 2300 2.70 A 1 0.92911 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.73 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water Light 1 Kalauao 3 TR 0.1 0 4.00 Estuary 1 1.20914 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.04 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waimalu 3 KmbA 0.28 760 3.57 Estuary 1 3.00915 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.76 Overcast No Rain 36" CMP 2 No Water Light 1 Waimalu 3 KmbA 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 6.72924 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.10 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Light 1 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 70 3.96 Estuary 1 2.02

1221 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 17.50 Sunny 48" CMP 2 No Water Light 1 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 4.08244 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.44 Overcast No Rain 48" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 450 3.75 Estuary 1 0.00245 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.44 Overcast No Rain 54" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 450 3.75 Estuary 1 0.00246 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.51 Overcast No Rain 60" RCP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 770 3.56 Estuary 1 0.00247 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 12.51 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaA 0.15 770 3.56 Estuary 1 0.00248 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 13.35 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 FL 0.1 450 3.75 Estuary 1 0.00250 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 15.30 Light Rain 30" CMP 1 Standing Water None 0 Kapakahi 3 MuB 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00251 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.26 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 2000 2.87 Estuary 1 0.00255 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 11.77 Wet But Not Raining 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00270 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 10.93 Light Rain 24" HDPE 1 No Water None 0 Waikele 3 WaB 0.15 2350 2.67 Estuary 1 0.00274 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 3.32 Light Rain 30" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 2500 2.58 A 1 0.00291 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 2.42 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Helemano 2 WaB 0.15 750 3.58 A 1 0.00299 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 6.02 Sunny 8'x6' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Poamoho 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00300 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 5.75 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Poamoho 3 WaA 0.15 250 3.86 A 1 0.00761 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.47 Sunny 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Waiawa 3 KlA 0 1050 3.41 Estuary 1 0.00763 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.62 Sunny 5'x6" Box Culvert 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 KmbA 0.28 340 3.81 Estuary 1 0.00764 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.78 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 KmbA 0.28 130 3.93 Estuary 1 0.00765 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.85 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 KmbA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00767 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.85 Sunny 3'x4' Conc. Spillway 2 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 Ph 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00804 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.11 Sunny 12'x9' Box Culvert 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00893 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.36 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Waiawa 3 MuB 0.2 1080 3.39 Estuary 1 0.00894 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.92 Sunny 24" RCP 1 Standing Water None 0 Waimalu 3 KmbA 0.28 350 3.80 Estuary 1 0.00895 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.92 Sunny 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 KmbA 0.28 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00896 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.74 Sunny 2-30" Pipes 2 No Water None 0 Waiawa 3 KlA 0.17 500 3.72 Estuary 1 0.00909 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.73 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kalauao 3 TR 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00910 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.73 Sunny 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Kalauao 3 TR 0.1 100 3.94 Estuary 1 0.00912 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.51 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kalauao 3 TR 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00913 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 20.48 Overcast No Rain 18" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Kalauao 3 TR 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00916 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.43 Light Rain 6'x3'-6" Box Culvert 2 Steady Mild Flow None 0 Waimalu 3 TR 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00917 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.43 Light Rain 24" CMP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 TR 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00918 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.43 Overcast No Rain 3-48" SRMP 2 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waimalu 3 TR 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00919 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 19.06 Overcast No Rain 96" SRMP 2 Standing Water None 0 Waimalu 3 MuC 0.2 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00920 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.70 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waimalu 3 HxA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00921 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.70 Overcast No Rain 30" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Waimalu 3 HLMG 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00922 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.70 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 HLMG 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00923 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 18.70 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water None 0 Waimalu 3 HxA 0 0 4.00 Estuary 1 0.00

1228 Route 99 Kamehameha Hwy. 4.65 Overcast No Rain 2-30" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Poamoho 3 WaB 0.15 1100 3.38 A 1 0.00238 Route 99 Wilikina Drive 9.08 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 10.20263 Route 99 Wilikina Drive 7.70 Overcast No Rain 8'x8' Box Culvert 2 Standing Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 20.40

1320 Route 99 Wilikina Drive 8.78 Sunny 36" RCP 2 No Water Heavy/Severe 5 Kaukonahua 3 KyA 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 20.40264 Route 99 Wilikina Drive 7.92 Overcast No Rain 24" RCP 1 No Water Mild/Moderate 2 Kaukonahua 3 KyA 0.17 200 3.89 A 1 3.96237 Route 99 Wilikina Drive 1.01 Light Rain 24" RCP 1 Steady Light Flow None 0 Kaukonahua 3 MoB 0.1 0 4.00 A 1 0.00

1319 Route 99 Wilikina Drive 8.80 Sunny 48" RCP 2 No Water None 0 Kaukonahua 3 HLMG 0.17 0 4.00 A 1 0.00

Page C.20 of C.20

Draft Islandwide Assessment of Erosion Potential at Storm Drain Outfalls On the Island of Oahu Page D.1 March 2007


Outfall Sites

Individual Site Reports (Electronic Files)

(To be included in Final Version)