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Rewriting the Subconscious Mind Recovery 2.0 Interviews Dr. Bruce Lipton Tommy: Welcome to the recovery 2.0 beyond addiction conference. I’m your host Tommy Rossen and today I am simply thrilled to be speaking with Bruce Lipton. Bruce Lipton, PHD, cell biologist and lecturer is an internationally recognized leader in the new biology. His pioneering research on cloned stem cells presage the revolutionary field of epigenetic – the new science of how environment and perception control genes. Bruce served on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine, and later performed groundbreaking research at Stanford University School of Medicine. His breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, the skin of the cell, reveal that the behavior and health of the cell was controlled by the environment -- findings that were in direct contrast with prevailing dogma that life is controlled by genes. His work has direct implications on the field of addiction and the treatment of addiction and we’re just thrilled to have him here today. Bruce is the bestselling author of the Biology of Belief, the Honeymoon Effect and co-author with Steve Bhaeram of Spontaneous Evolution. In 2009, Bruce received the prestigious Goi Peace Award in Japan, in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. Bruce, thank you so much for lending your voice to the recovery 2.0 conference, welcome. Bruce: Tommy, I want to thank you so much, and I appreciate all the work you’re doing in helping us all evolve and get out of the problems that we’re in and take us to a better world. I’m so happy to be here to support your efforts. Tommy: Thank you. Well, I want to jump right in. I figured today we could look at the roots of addiction and your work. In my own recovery, in my own life and in helping others. Your work has directly empowered me to be able to help people get past some of their limitations that we have had in believing what’s possible for us. First, let’s go back in; let’s look at the roots of addiction. Bruce, do you have, in your work, a general perspective, a definition, or a way that you look at addiction?

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Rewriting the Subconscious Mind

Recovery 2.0 Interviews Dr. Bruce Lipton

Tommy: Welcome to the recovery 2.0 beyond addiction conference. I’m your host Tommy Rossen and today I am simply thrilled to be speaking with Bruce Lipton. Bruce Lipton, PHD, cell biologist and lecturer is an internationally recognized leader in the new biology. His pioneering research on cloned stem cells presage the revolutionary field of epigenetic – the new science of how environment and perception control genes. Bruce served on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine, and later performed groundbreaking research at Stanford University School of Medicine. His breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, the skin of the cell, reveal that the behavior and health of the cell was controlled by the environment -- findings that were in direct contrast with prevailing dogma that life is controlled by genes. His work has direct implications on the field of addiction and the treatment of addiction and we’re just thrilled to have him here today. Bruce is the bestselling author of the Biology of Belief, the Honeymoon Effect and co-author with Steve Bhaeram of Spontaneous Evolution. In 2009, Bruce received the prestigious Goi Peace Award in Japan, in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. Bruce, thank you so much for lending your voice to the recovery 2.0 conference, welcome. Bruce: Tommy, I want to thank you so much, and I appreciate all the work you’re doing in helping us all evolve and get out of the problems that we’re in and take us to a better world. I’m so happy to be here to support your efforts. Tommy: Thank you. Well, I want to jump right in. I figured today we could look at the roots of addiction and your work. In my own recovery, in my own life and in helping others. Your work has directly empowered me to be able to help people get past some of their limitations that we have had in believing what’s possible for us. First, let’s go back in; let’s look at the roots of addiction. Bruce, do you have, in your work, a general perspective, a definition, or a way that you look at addiction?

Page 2: Dr. Bruce Lipton Transcript - Cloud Object Storage | Store & …Bruce+Lipton… ·  · 2015-01-06Tommy Rossen and today I am simply thrilled to be speaking with Bruce Lipton. Bruce

    Bruce: Basically, what I have to understand about biology is that throughout evolution biological systems are given information in response to how they deal with the world around them – we call them emotions, sensations, feelings, symptoms, and etcetera. One of the major aspects is this, is that, nature has designed two senses of pain and pleasure as a way of teaching an organism to go in the right direction. In other words, we’re smart, we go to school, and we learn cross the street look both ways and all that kind of stuff, but you’ve got smaller lower forms of life, animals that are moving through the world. How do they know where to go and where not to go? How to do the right thing to stay alive. Nature has endowed them with a sense of feeling. And the significance about that is we’re given two completely opposite senses, one is pain, and one is pleasure. When pleasure is received by an organism, or perceived by an organism it represents that you’re doing the right thing. And that’s why nature encourages you says, “Look, this is really good, go this way.” But when you start to do something that threatens your survival, or is not supportive we receive a sensation of pain. And that’s nature’s way of saying, “Look, this is threatening to you, this is inappropriate behavior, whatever it is do something different.” It’s kind of interesting because in our civilization and throughout history that was manipulated a bit by the original church, which looked at pleasure as (laughing) negative and pain as positive, which is a complete turnaround of the table of biology. Tommy: Some confusing messages there (laughing). Bruce: Absolutely. It really causes a profound conflict in our biology. When our biology is telling us, we’re doing something right, it gives us pleasure, and then our psychology is saying, “Oh, no, that’s wrong – don’t do that.” Then we have a conflict between programming and biology. What I see is that when we find ourselves in trauma and problems, we try to seek a way to get out. If you can’t seek a way to get out then you actually do some kind of other behavior. Something else to lessen the pain, because if you can’t move and you’re stuck in pain then what are you supposed to do, just life in there? Well, at our level of cognition and awareness we can put in some other behavior and then actually override the current experience. What we have to recognize is when people really are generally dealing with an addiction problem they’re first trying to overcome some kind of pain in their life, or threat to their survival or their existence and then choose another alternative behavior.

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    Unfortunately, the alternative behaviors don’t necessarily take you out of the problem, so you stay in the problem even though you’re trying to get mentally out of the problem. Tommy: A lot of these other behaviors have distractive elements of their own? Bruce: Absolutely, they’re. They’re just a way of saying, “I’m not paying attention (laughing), and therefore, I’m living in this dream world.” The problem as you’ve just said is the problems that arise from this alternate reality are sometimes more detrimental than the original problem we started with. Tommy: The premise here is that essentially people are trying to feel better? Bruce: It’s a biological drive. You put any organism in a situation where it doesn’t feel good and it doesn’t take a brain like we have for it to say, “This isn’t right; I’ve got to go find another avenue or another way to go to avoid this problem.” This is why it’s so important it’s because we’re conscious enough to say, “Look, this is a right thing to do: this is the wrong thing to do.” I can teach that to my child – this is right; this is wrong. They will learn that in their consciousness. Lower organisms don’t have that faculty to do that, so their behavior is under the control of an environment that says, “If it’s uncomfortable then go find another place,” (laughing) so it’s a place of education. Tommy: In a sense, as you gave that term lower organism, I’m thinking of my next book, which could be When Human Beings Behave like Lower Organisms. (laughing) Tommy: Because in a certain sense if you look at a person who’s caught in active addiction they have given up the ability to choose and they’ve given up the ability to be able to decide this is good me, this is not good for me. They actually can’t follow their biological directive to survive or to thrive – that’s been thrown out the window. Bruce: Basically, they found a way to ameliorate or reduce the pain of the situation, and then it becomes habitual. Why? Because if I start to feel the same pain again then I’m going to go back and say, “What was it that allowed me to avoid the pain?” Now, the issue we have to deal with Tommy is that there’s two levels of our minds. There’s the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the one connected to our personal identity, our spirit, our source, and who we are as unique individuals. The subconscious mind is more or less a record, playback device. The significance about that is that in the subconscious mind is habit, and that’s as completely opposite than the conscious mind, which is creative.

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    So the conscious mind doesn’t fall into habit – that’s a subconscious program. What we have to recognize is this and this is the biggest problem not just with addiction. This is a problem that is worldwide affecting all of us all the time. And that is we believe that we’re running our lives based on our wishes and desires. By definition, a wish and a desire is a creative thought because it’s something you don’t have but it was something that you want so it doesn’t exist so you’re looking for it. The conscious mind’s expertise is creativity, so the conscious mind is the mind that has our wishes, desires and what we want for life. The subconscious mind – habitual programs. The interesting aspect about this is, if I got you a brand new iPod and I took it out of the box and that little wheel on the front of the iPod called the click wheel. It’s like the conscious mind; it’s creative. The click wheel says I can make a playlist. I can change the volume. I can push pause, play, reverse, I can manually control. The click wheel is like the conscious mind. I say, buy a brand new iPod, take it out of the box and I say push play on the click wheel. Nothing happens and you say, oh, well, you (laughing) didn’t put any programs in there so you can’t play something. I go; this precisely is the nature of the mind and its development. The conscious mind is equivalent to the click wheel. The subconscious mind is the equivalent of the memory. The idea is this, if you could talk to a baby the moment it’s coming out of the birth canal and the baby could talk and you say tell me something? The baby would say I don’t know anything I just got here. I don’t know anything. (laughing) Bruce: The point about it is this, until you have experiences, insight, until you have some kind of working knowledge you can’t be creative with your conscious mind. Here’s the part that people don’t understand, the first seven years of our lives, our brains is in an activity called theta. When you put eeg wires on a person’s head alpha is a higher vibration that’s consciousness, theta is a lower vibration, it’s imagination. And this is why kids between two to seven take the real world and imaginary world mix them together. You say that’s a broom, they say that’s a horse. To them it’s a horse at that because the creative imagination of theta is operating. But people don’t recognize theta’s hypnosis, and the reason why we have to have this hypnosis period for seven years is the same reason for the iPod. I cannot be creative if I have no data. The idea is this; I just ask a simple question. How many rules does it take for a person to be an active functional member of a family, and the community in a world? And you say, “Oh, my God! There’s thousands of things you have to understand, who you’re, what you are and how you interact.” And I say, “Take an infant sit him down at a desk . . . take a three-year old and say, “Sit down at the desk – I have 10,000 rules for

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    you to learn right now, to be a member of the society.” It’s like that’s impractical; it’s never going to happen. Nature overcomes that by automatically putting the brain in theta for the seven years. At which time the child is just downloading other people’s behavior as their own. It’s just the behavior of this is how you respond to life. This is how my dad responds. This is how my mom responds. This is how we do it, so seven years I’m putting behavior in . . . Tommy: Into the subconscious mind? Bruce: . . . into the subconscious mind. Before I can act, a conscious mind doesn’t even get activated as a predominant brain stage until after seven. Tommy: Hasn’t come out on line yet? Bruce: It hasn’t come on line because I don’t have any data in my hard (laughing) drive to work with, so seven years of data. The most important understanding then is the fundamental programs in your subconscious mind are not yours – they came from observing other people. You observe other peoples behaviors and then it becomes downloaded through hypnosis theta as your database. Now we have a creative conscious mind at seven. You say, “Okay, good, this is my wishes, my desires, and what I want for life.” I go, “Great. We wake up in the morning, you could be 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50, you wake up in the morning and say, “Okay, I’m going out in the world and I’m going to go seek my wishes and my desires and all that, and then we come home every evening and it goes like, “Didn’t get there today.” (laughing) Bruce: And then all of a sudden, why this is a problem is because when people have trouble getting to their destination, the first thing is this, “It’s not me. I’m the one that wanted to be successful and the world just didn’t offer it, I’m a victim.” Why? Because I have intended to do something good but it never showed up. Tommy: Hasn’t played out that way? Bruce: Yeah. The reason why this is problematic is simply this. The issue that people don’t understand about the conscious creative mind and the subconscious mind is this. The conscious mind not only is creative but it’s not time bound. So I say, “Hey, Tommy, what are you doing next Wednesday?” The moment you start thinking about what you’re doing next Wednesday, the conscious minds function is now sent into like a roller decks into your mind, where Okay, what is happening on Monday or Wednesday.

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    And why that’s important is simply this. If I asked, you to tell me, what you’re doing next Wednesday, and something is going on around you at that moment. Your conscious mind is not paying attention for a simple reason; your conscious mind is not there. Scientists have now revealed this fact, which is, okay, not blow your mind, only 5% of the day is the conscious mind running the show for a simple reason 95% of the day the conscious mind is engaged in thought. Every time its thinking, its not paying attention of what’s out here and its off in its head. Here’s the relevance, 5% of the day we move towards wishes, desires and what we want. Even the addict is like, “Yeah, I don’t want this; this is not my life. I really want this and all that.” Then I say, “Yeah, but that only works 5% of the day. 95% of the day you’re coming from the habit, but the habit was other peoples behavior that you put into the subconscious first, and so 95% of the day you’re not operating from your wishes and desires; you’re operating from a program. Here is the catch and then we’ll get on to it. By definition, if I’m thinking all of a sudden, I say, “What I’m doing next Wednesday?” I go into my head and I’m thinking about what’s on Wednesday. By definition, I’m not paying attention to what’s going on. That doesn’t mean like you’re walking down the street; you have a thought and then you freeze while the thought happens, and then after the thought then you start walking back the street again, no. If you’re walking down the street and you have a thought; the moment you have a conscious mind engaged in thought the functions are defaulted to the subconscious program. In other words, I know how to walk; it’s a habit. I learned that. I don’t need my conscious mind to tell he how to walk, so my conscious mind goes in thought; I’m still walking so whatever behavior I’m doing – driving a car. I don’t have to pay attention to what’s going on when I’m driving a car. The joke when I lecture about it is. I say, “Look, I’ve been in a car with a passenger, and we get so engaged in a conversation and my conscious mind is tied up with the conversation, and then all of a sudden I look out the window of the car and it dawns on me I haven’t paid attention to the road for the last five minutes.” Tommy: How do I get home? (laughing). Bruce: Here’s what the neat part is. Driving is once you practice and learn how to drive, practice makes habit. Habit means that the subconscious mind doesn’t need you to explain how to drive and what to watch out, for the subconscious mind’s already got it programmed. Seamlessly, as I am talking to my friend in the car my conscious mind is focused on that: my subconscious is driving the car and I’m not paying attention. This becomes critical because if I said, “Let’s say it was you Tommy, you’re driving the car, you’re in the conversation, and you just realized you haven’t paid attention to the

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    road. I ask you two questions. I say, “Tell me what the conversation was about?” You go, “Oh, yeah, we talked about this and this,” and I go, “Tell me what happened on the road during the five minutes?” And you go, “I don’t know: I didn’t see it.” Tommy: No idea. Bruce: Let me tie this into the last little story that will make sense to people now. And I give this in a lecture and most people respond frightened away, and I say, “I’m sure, when you were young, you were close to a friend, you knew your friend behavior very well and you happen to know your friends parent.” And one day you say, “Oh, my goodness, my friend has the same behavior as their parent.” You volunteer casually and you say, “Hey, you know, Bill, you’re just like your dad,” and you back away from Bill. (laughing) Bruce: Bill goes ballistic and says, “How the hell can you compare me to my dad” and everyone laughs. And I go “Yeah, because everyone is so familiar with it. The most profound story I can tell you Tommy, related to what’s going on in the world, and for the audience out there the most profound story is this. Everybody else can see that Bill behaves like his dad; the only one who doesn’t see it is Bill. You say, explain that? – it’s simple. Bill got his behavior from downloading his father’s behavior when he was before seven years of age. That on his day-by-day basis he’s only 5% of the time being aware of what’s going on because 95% of the time he spent in thought. This is the understanding of science. That means 95% of the day he’s not paying attention to his own behavior; he doesn’t even see it. It sort of like driving the car, I did not see what happened. Why is this relevant? The profound point of this story is we’re all Bill. Every one of us lives 95% the day out of programs and we don’t see it. Rarely we see it and we (inaudible 00:18:31.5) “Oh, my God, I just behaved like my mother,” and my father was like, mhm, that we’re caught. But we’re sort but that’s infrequent. Why is this relevant? If I get up during the day and I think I’m going forward to create the wishes and desires of my life (laughing). That’s really great but it’s always working 5% of the day, 95% they’re only going to play the programs. Psychologists have told us that 70% or more of these downloaded programs that we got as children are negative, disempowering, and self-sabotaging. Basically, it says 95% of the day your mind is thinking and now you’re playing your programs, and 70% of those are negative and disempowering but you don’t see them.

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    Tommy: The roots of addiction right there. Bruce: Right there. Because it says, I’m a victim. I wanted to be successful; look what happened. It’s the outside that’s interfering with me. Tommy: This is very important. As we reflect on our own personal histories, I can look back on my childhood and I can tell you that there was some difficulty there and a lot of people have had that. Bruce: Almost everybody. Tommy: Okay. For some reason, there’s a class of people that end up finding drugs and alcohol or other addictive behaviors and they go after them with their full heart (laughing). In so doing . . . Bruce: But not their complete mind (laughing). Full heart but not complete mind. Tommy: Sure. There’s a group of people that have had difficult childhoods, have come through and have managed to process through it without becoming addicts of any kind. There’s another group of people that have succumbed to those old tapes and the ways that they found to get out of those difficult feelings, were destructive and addictive in some way. And then there’s another group of people that maybe they’re not complete drug addicts, their life doesn’t implode because of an addictive behavior, but they’re still really stuck in old patterns and they don’t process out. What do we do? What’s the prognosis and the diagnosis here? If you know that you’ve gotten these bad patterns and they’re in your subconscious, and these patterns are running, these tapes are running. What’s the process for recover from that? Bruce: The first thing is the programming that gives us our basic behaviors, which actually starts before birth less trimester pregnancy. The fetus is already downloading behavior because it’s responding to the mother. People don’t understand this is that when we talk about a fetus developing in woman. Oh, well, it inside the placenta and the mother’s blood comes up to the placenta and the nutrition crosses from the placenta into the fetus, and then the waste product from the fetus goes back to the mother through the blood. And everybody talks about oh, yeah, that’s the role of the mother. The old story when I was teaching a medical school was all the mother has to do is provide nutrition because the genetics are going to control the development of this child. That was before the new science of epigenetic, which is how environment selects the genes.

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    I said, “Wait a minute. In that case, an information from the mother can influence the genes. They go, “Absolutely.” When we talk about what is the mother providing? A; she’s providing nutrition, that’s why the standard thing about what advice can you give mothers; exercise, eat well, take vitamins and supplements and that’s about all they say. And I go “Yeah but wait.” We now know that the blood has more than just nutrition in it. The blood has emotional chemicals, chromosomes, growth factors, and regulators. The relevance is as the mother is providing nutrition she’s also providing information via the emotional chemicals and the hormones and what’s going on. Tommy: My mother when she carried me she drank very heavily and she smoked cigarettes heavily straight through to nine months. From what you’re saying that had to have had an influence on me? Bruce: Absolutely, 100%. Now there’s two levels to that. While you’re inside, in the fetal development, you are directly connected to the experiences of your mother. Nature designed it way for a simple reason. If I bring a sperm and egg together and create a new child. What’s not left in that equation is what’s the world like (laughing) at this time, because I have to adapt continuously to the world. Nature says I’m going to put the genes to engagement to make a physical body. But what parts of the body should be enhanced, or which should be repressed based on the behaviors needed to survive can only be based on what’s happening at the moment. I can’t project I am born and then I have a child 20 years later. My eggs or my sperm and my body cannot be connected to what’s happening in 20 years. Nature leaves open the programming part that says when you’re developing your mother is experiencing the world in which you’re going to be born into, so if she can feed you some information first then you can be prepared, your physiology and your biology, prepared to go jump into the world. When your mother was smoking and drinking that was a consequence of some behavioral issue that elicited the smoking and drinking. Tommy: Stress. Bruce: As a fetus, you got both the information that caused the stress that was then relived by taking the drugs. You were programmed with what? When this stress comes up take a drug. Tommy: That’s amazing.

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    Bruce: Before you were even born. That pre programming is an unfortunate situation because that was put into the system without you consciously being involved. Again, you consciousness wasn’t going to be involved until about age seven. So everything up to that point is a program. Tommy: I want people to understand from layman’s terms this point about epigenetic. I’ve sooner looked at your work and I love it as I said. Nature will pack this human being. Nature will pack it full of the full genetic makeup, but which genes end up expressing? Which genes end up being sort of turned on or turned off, if you will, has everything to do with the environment around me? Bruce: 100%. We have been as a group, as a population have been programmed with the belief that genes control our development. And therefore by definition, when I was teaching at a medical school because that’s what we used to believe. What was I teaching? I was teaching you’re a victim of your heredity for the simple reason. You didn’t pick the genes you came with as far as we know. If you don’t like the traits and characteristics, she can’t change the genes. And then we tell the doctors, that’s what I was teaching, who then tell the patients, “It’s not in your control it’s genetic and genes turn on and genes turn off and they regulate you.” First of all, that’s completely false. Tommy: Thank God. Bruce: Genes have no on and off. This is the biggest error because you say the gene controls us. I say how does the gene control us? It turns on. I go, no, a gene is a blueprint. It’s exactly what it is. Don’t go any further than that. It’s a blueprint to make the protein building blocks of the body. I go wise and relevant and I say, “Go into an architect’s office, she’s working on a blueprint. You say, “Is your blueprint on or off?” She looks at you, “What do you mean on or off? It’s a blue print it’s not on or off.” I go, precisely, because we’ve talked about genes being on or off. I say, no, genes are blueprints. Somebody has to read the gene and engage the gene. The gene doesn’t do it. So all of a sudden the fact that we have said genes control things. This is a total false understanding. The genes respond to environmental signals and that sort of allows an organism to stay alive, because as the environment changes it adjusts the genetics of the individual so that they stay lock step with the environment. Tommy: So people who say that, my goodness I’ve got a lot of alcoholism in my family, or this addictive pattern or that addictive pattern I’m a sitting duck for addiction because

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    I have the genetic makeup coming down from people who are themselves struggling from addiction. What do you say? Bruce: It’s not the genetic makeup. You have the genetic programming. The programming is which genes are going to be engaged? When an organism responds to the environment, it takes in information from the environment and adjusts its biology to fit the environment, so the genes didn’t make any decision in that. It was basically response to the environment, but I learn responses to the environment. If my mother has a behavior that’s repetitious, remember I’m the fetus inside that mother; her blood is constantly passing through me, if she has a repetition in her behavior I chemically can read that. As a fetus, I can tell when she’s stressed, when she’s happy and what’s going on, if she is repetition a behavior and that’s the thing – repetition, habituation. Then the fetus learns pattern. If it’s just a onetime shot the fetus is like, “I don’t know what the heck that was all about. But if a repeat, the fetus learns a program the program then controls the genes. So when you were born you were programmed. In fact, it’s very interesting, most people out there have seen the movie The Matrix, and The Matrix talks about there’s a science fiction story about you’re programmed and you can take the red pill and get out of the program. (laughing) Bruce: The significant fact is The Matrix is more of a documentary than a science fiction story. We actually have been programmed and if you don’t do anything, you will be the program. If you just were programmed and you don’t make an effort to change the program, you will automatically continue in the programming. We got programmed in the last trimester pregnancy by the patterns through our mother’s physiology, and then ones were born we’re programmed by hypnosis by observing those teachers called parents and family and we have these programs. The problem with this is these programs are in the subconscious. And then I say what’s the problem? I say, well, this is what we talked about earlier Tommy, when we said, yeah, when subconscious is running, I’m the one who doesn’t see it. Tommy: That’s right. No control at that point. Bruce: And we perceive ourselves as victims. Tommy: Let me ask you this. For anybody who’s struggling with addiction and for anyone who’s ever struggled with addiction. Until you reach a bottom and we can talk about what that means in biological terms, but before you reach a bottom and are

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    forced to change or you come to a place where you cannot continue to live the way you’ve been living. But you have no idea what to do next. You’re at that point. What you’re saying is that person has basically been running patterns? In a sense they have been a victim only by virtue of the fact that they’ve been running subconscious patterns they haven’t been able to get beyond, they haven’t come to light yet. But that once those things are brought to light through a process of recovery, we’re no longer victims of our heredity; we can actually change the patterns? Bruce: That’s the most important thing, recognizing the pattern. And the fact is, since I said we play these behaviors when our conscious mind is not paying attention. That means even our conscious mind doesn’t see the patterns most of the time, but occasionally it captures it and then you freak yourself out it like, “Ha, (laughing) what kind of behavior was that?” We don’t recognize that’s not just a rare event. That’s an everyday event that you just rarely catch vision of. Tommy: Yes. What helps a person along in a process of recovery? What are the things that could bring some of these subconscious patterns to light? Obviously, I’m a practitioner of Yoga, practitioner of meditation these are positive lifestyle habits that hopefully help me to bring to light or shine a light on the darkness . . . Bruce: Yeah. Tommy: . . . In my subconscious behavior. Would you say that’s part of the process? Bruce: The first part of the process is recognizing there’s a problem. If you don’t recognize a problem then you’re just like automatic programmed like a computer. You will run through the paces and your mind will be involved in la la land thinking about all kinds of wonderful things, as you’re sabotaging your complete experience on this planet by running these programs that are self-sabotaging. Until you see a pattern that’s not available. The other thing is this. One of the most effective ways of dealing with it is have people that are close enough that you can listen to them, because with the tendency if somebody says, “Oh, you’ve got this negative pattern.” The first thing is defensive wall up, no, no I don’t, that’s what you see, that’s not real because we want to defend our own integrity. The problem is when other people can see things like I can see that Bill behaves like his dad, he doesn’t see it. If I can talk to Bill without getting his defenses up and say, “Look what happened; how this worked out.” That Bill can see it logically what’s going on. Because an opportunity for Bill not to put the defense up, which means now I’m openly to deal with the issue, if I put the defense up the issue doesn’t exist anymore.

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    If I take the next drink (laughing) I can’t remember the problem anymore. The question is can you be open enough to recognize that you have behavior that you cannot see and other people see it all the time. If you can do that that means then you can be open enough to listen to the story without immediately closing everything down and saying, “That’s not true.” And the issue is of course, the biggest problem is that the wishes and the desires of the conscious mind are not necessarily at all reflected in the programs of the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is going to make up every reason why “No, man, I’ve trying to do the best I possibly can.” I go “Yeah, but if you’re doing it 5% of the day then it’s irrelevant (inaudible) what the heck you’re trying to do,” so you have to change that. First recognizing the problem: this is the big issue. Tommy: Obviously, one of the things that gets in the way of people moving forward in their life onto a path of recovery is they carry a tremendous amount of shame and guilt. Bruce: Yes. And I need to address that right now Tommy, because this is the most important thing. Shame, guilt, blame, victim words like that. People have to understand that in the definition of these words it means this. I can be ashamed of what I did if I knew there was a right way and I knowingly chose the wrong way. In other words, I am guilty if I know that this was the right thing to do and with that knowledge decided to do the other thing anyway. Here’s the issue, if I didn’t know what was going on, I had no idea of the programming, I had no idea of the meaning, and then by definition, I cannot use the words blame, guilt, shame, or victim. Why? I had no knowledge of it. And therefore, those words only apply if you have knowledge. If you have no knowledge then you’re just playing the game oblivious as to what the consequences are. Let’s say, for example, you are here with me and I say, “Listen Tommy, take my car down to the store and get something and it’s stick shift.” You get in the car and say, “I don’t know how to drive stick shift.” I say, “Here, just go drive. You call me from down town saying, “Hey, the car doesn’t working (laughing) . . . we’re in the car. Do I say, “Oh, I’m going to blame you for that.” And the reality is, “What a minute, you told me you didn’t know how to do the car. I said go ahead and do it. You had no instructions but I encouraged you to do it. If it messes up it’s not your fault it’s my fault. I’m the one who has the knowledge – you have no knowledge so I cannot blame you. Tommy: And so addiction sort of presents an interesting set of circumstances because many people, for example, people who are chronic relapsers'. I relapsed many times in the early part of my recovery. I went back knowing. I had knowledge. I knew this was not good for me. I was not in denial. It was more like I just want to do this.

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    Bruce: This is important Tommy, because at this point we’re still dealing with two minds. Your conscious mind is the one that’s like, “Ha, this is not what I really want to do.” I go, that’s great 5% of the time. The rest of your programming is this is what I have to do – that’s the habit. The reality is your consciousness was not running the show; you were not being mindful. Mindful is the issue meaning if you stop thinking and just be here then you can see what’s going on and you’re in total control of the car. The moment your mind wonders you put on autopilot – it’s just like the plane. The pilot has to go take a leak, put on the autopilot, it will come back, and the autopilot is programmed to make it stay right where it is. Okay? Tommy: Yes. Bruce: Conscious mind is you got your hands on the wheel and subconscious mind in autopilot. 95% of the day you’re in the autopilot and your conscious mind is more like in the back seat of the car and there’s a driver in the front seat and you’re saying, “Hey, listen, turn left that’s what I want,” and then the car turns right (laughing). Tommy: How do we deal with somebody in that situation? Says here, you know Bruce, on the conscious mind level I knew what I was doing and I knew it was wrong. But as you said, I’m not mindful so I’m not operating in my full mind in alignment. I still did the behavior, bad things happened and now I feel ashamed of myself. Bruce: Yeah. But you can’t feel ashamed of yourself because if you knew how to control this you would have done it. And if you had no knowledge how to control it then you’re a victim of something out of your control. Tommy: Thank you. Bruce: And at that point how can I be responsible? Tommy: To the people listening out there, this is a very prominent PHD, scientist telling us that there is no room and no place for guilt and shame in addictive behavior. Once we’re mindful, once we have moved beyond. I want to talk about that for a minute. In my recovery I come to a place, it took me a couple of years, but I did come to a place where I realized I no longer actually was thinking about using drugs and alcohol. That that had been lifted from me. And I knew that I actually did want to be on a path of recovery. Now I was more concerned about, alright, how I’m going to be on this path of recovery and be on it well. Whereas before I had been still like, maybe I want to be on this path, maybe I don’t. I don’t even know if I’m going to make it even if I want to. That next level where you

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    finally . . . I would say I became mindful at that point where all of me actually wanted to be sober. Can you address what is happening at that moment for someone like me? Bruce: This is the moment where you start to see that the patterns are playing. You’re sitting in the back sit of your vehicle, back sit driving and you want it to go and it’s not going that way and at some point you say, “Listen, I got to put my hands on the wheel. I got to do it myself,” and that’s when you start to be mindful. But every moment your mind starts to slip off you will slip back into this program again. And the issue about it is knowing you have a program and seeing it because as I said most people don’t see it. So that’s the biggest problem because if you don’t see you’re involved then by definition you’re a victim. It’s not me because I didn’t do anything. I said, “Yeah, you did but you didn’t see it,” so we have to become aware. That’s an important part because this is when the blame, the game, and all that stuff comes in is wow! Now that you know how it works, I cannot fall back. Ah, what happened? I don’t know what happened. It’s like no, now you know. Now these are words are important because that one says, yeah, I know it works and I’m not doing anything about it – now I am guilty. But I didn’t know how it worked before – I wasn’t guilty. But now that I know how it works then it’s incumbent upon me to make the changes. Tommy: There’s good news and there’s bad news here as I see it? (laughing). Bruce: Yeah. The bad news is well look you’ve been programmed and the good news is you can change the program. Tommy: The good news I would say is we actually have some control over our destiny. Bruce: 100%. Tommy: And the bad news is we have some control over our destiny (laughing). We’re in the driver’s seat. Bruce: The interesting part about this is in my book called The Honeymoon effect; I talk about when people fall in love and how their lives change at that moment. All of a sudden, they’re more healthy than they’ve been before. They have tremendous amount of energy. That their behavior is leading to an expression of heaven on earth. I’ve fallen in love and it’s heaven on earth. And it’s like guess what that was not a coincidence here is what it was. It was the first time in most people’s lives where they became mindful. This is what science has revealed. That when we fall in love there’s a tendencies not to think because if you’re thinking then you’re not here. But if

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    everything you wanted is in front of your face why would you think about it – it’s like this is what you wanted. Why is that relevant? If I’m not defaulting to my subconscious then during that time period I’m running my life with full conscious control hands on the wheel and what did I create? Heaven on earth. And that’s called the honeymoon effect. I go, what happens? I said after a while the honeymoon disappears. I go, why does it disappear? Because life gets busy and we start thinking. The moment we start thinking a lot then we start defaulting to the programs. The behaviors that are in the subconscious came from other people, and up until this moment the partner you’ve had the honeymoon experience with only saw you creating from conscious wishes and desires. Both people doing that, wishes and desires, is heaven on earth at that point. Tommy: Powerful. Bruce: But the moment thought comes into the process then the responses that occur. The behavior that occurs is not coming now from the conscious mind it’s coming from the subconscious program, which is other people’s behavior. If you were to play some of those behaviors on your first date, let’s say, you may have not had a second date (laughing). But now they haven’t played it right because I’ve been conscious since this entire time called the honeymoon. I’ve been creating beautiful life and experiences but then I start thinking because I got a job, I got to pay the rent. I got to do the chaos, my partner comes up and asks me a loving question, and we’ve had this great heaven on earth thing going because both conscious minds have been engaged. At this moment, I’m thinking and she comes up and asks me a simple loving question and I turn around and go blah, blah, blah and she looks at me and goes, “Who are you?” Tommy: I haven’t seen this guy before. Bruce: This is an instructive thing because what happens it says this. That the person I just played blah, blah, blah. My partner looks at me like something is wrong and I’m looking at her like what are you talking about. Point, when I did blah, blah, blah I did that from automatic behavior. I played my father’s behavior. I didn’t even see it just like Bill, what do you mean my father’s behavior? The problem is if I didn’t see what I did and my partner saw what I did, and I in the conventional world thinking what the hell is she talking about. At that point, you can see all of a sudden the communication lines are completely down. (laughing) This thing is not going to work anymore.

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    Tommy: This is how relationships end. And I think it’s really important to realize, for people in our society, that if you hold on to this idea of soul mate or the honeymoon should last forever. When you come to that first bump in the road and you fall out of that heaven on earth syndrome that you spoke of, if you don’t know that that’s part of the national cycles of a relationship. And it’s going to come and it’s going to go and our job is to bring mindful to it, then the first time or the second time that it happens you’re like, I’m out of here.” I’m gone. Bruce: 50% of marriages end that way because people don’t realize the behavior they play after the honeymoon starts to wan because they start thinking. It’s not them, it’s other people’s behavior, and it’s invisible to them and therefore they’re trying to figure out what’s wrong with my partner who is mad at me. What did I do? It’s like what you did is what you didn’t see what you did. If we now have knowledge of that. Without knowledge, that’s what led to “Oh, my God! What kind of behavior is that? Do I want to be with this person with that kind of behavior? That’s when compromises come in and that’s what really ruins a marriage it’s because it says that behavior sucks but the rest of it is good so I compromise. I know that this person gets angry and violent at some point but that’s his rare. The point about it is wait a minute. You compromised and this is not the relationship you signed up for, and as every new behavior starts to unfold because they’ve been in the back waiting for my mind to wonder, to show up. As each one starts to show up, each is another opportunity for another compromise. And the problem is you added so many compromises as you’ve just said. And there’s a point where that’s too many compromises now it’s all over and then both people are there like what happened? They started so beautifully. Tommy: As opposed to working through those issues as they come up in a conscious manner often with third-party present. Bruce: Right. And the problem with us is the recipient of the anger of our partner about our behavior without us knowing we even did the behavior is where the problem is. Now it’s either look, now we’ve become aware of this. Why is it relevant? Because if the behavior shows up and I’m aware of it, that I have behaviors that are invisible, and my partner brings it to my attention. Rather than conflict I’d have to own, oh Jess, maybe I did do that. Oh, my God! I’m sorry. What happens is every time it comes up, if my partner just gently says that’s that behavior again. Every time it comes up and I stop it, I’m creating a new habit, which ultimately says the new habit replaces the old habit – the negative thing that was there

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    all of a sudden. If I stop it the mind begins to learn don’t play that behavior I got a new behavior and that’s how we rewrite. Tommy: I want to talk a little bit for our last bit of this chat that we’re having today about 12-step programs, the reasons why they are successful and when they work the best. Bruce: But they also have a negative connotation to them. Tommy: I want to get your opinion on this because I have many opinions on this and I talk and write a lot about it but I’d like to hear your perspective on it? Bruce: Let’s just say the 12-step programs are good because they say be more mindful, that’s what it says – be mindful. Start to see what’s going on because if you don’t look at what’s going on then everything is an accident in your life, everything I’m the victim. It’s a wake call that say, look, if you pay attention, you can do something about it. If you don’t pay attention, your mind wonders and you’re back into the automatic program again. The unfortunate side of 12-step programs is many of them tell a person that they’re totally defective and program them to be defective. It says alcoholism is you take that drink and boy you’re on the street again. The problem is every time they hear that what are they creating? A new habit. The new habit is if I drink then I’m out on the street (laughing), and unconsciously by repeating that pattern that says I’m a defect. And that this is going to happen to me allows a program to be created that offers me an opportunity to understand that, Oh, I took that one drink now I’m out on the street. Tommy: I have to take it all the way and I’m going to behave in such a way where I land on the street? Bruce: Right. That again is making a person a victim of something that is a program. Why is it important? If it was genes that controlled you, if it was and they’re not. And I say genes control your life then by definition, I can say you can be a victim. Why? Because you didn’t pick the genes and that’s what you ended up with. I’m sorry your genes are giving you this problem. But it turns out genes are only responsible about 1% of disease in the world. The rest of it is programming. Tommy: Rewrite the language for me? Bruce: That’s the issue.

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    Tommy: What would you say to improve and to not put that negative thought pattern into someone’s head? How would you rephrase that for somebody? You’ve had this drink . . . what are we teaching people? Bruce: Right now, the way we’re teaching them is if you cross the line, I’m sorry you’re lost. And that’s an unfortunate situation because if I do get pushed and I do cross the line and my program gets engaged. It’s like, “My goodness I just crossed the line. The rest of the program is 9-1 loss,” and then all of a sudden, boom, they’re gone out of the system. If we would stop teaching that there was a mechanical reason for your victimization, and understand that, it’s a programming reason for your victimization then I have freedom to change the programming. If it’s mechanical then I’m just a victim of the mechanics and that turns out but that’s not true. We bought it as mechanical because everything was controlled by genes when these 12-step programs were introduced. All of a sudden, we’re the genes did it just that would have been science. But today’s world that’s totally false, because we know the genes don’t do that, the program does that. What I would start to be teaching is you have to been programmed. You are living in the Matrix, you need to take the red pill, and the red pill is get out of the programming. And the idea is if I can tell you how to get out of programming then I can help you. But here’s the biggest problem. Then second, okay, I’ve got some bad behavior. How will you change the program? I’m going tell you about your bad behavior and then you’re going to have awareness. And I go; this is the cracks of the problem. There two minds we talked about, conscious mind, your spirit, that your creative mind, subconscious mind, habits and programs. Guess what? They don’t learn in the same way. The conscious mind is creative, that’s the character of it, so it says, I can go to a lecture, watch a video or I could read a book. Tommy: Go to the workshop? Bruce: The workshop and I’m going to educate my conscious mind. Go, yeah, that’s exactly how it works. Conscious mind could just go ah, and learn something. The subconscious mind does not learn in that way. That’s why at some of my lectures I say, “How many in here have read a self-help book?” And all the hands go up. I say, “How many of you your lives changed after you read the self-help book?” All the hands go back down. (laughing) Bruce: What’s the issue? The issue is this; you educated your conscious mind, the creative mind, by reading a book. The sub conscious mind doesn’t learn that way and

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    it’s very important it’s resistant to change. Why? If I learned a habit I don’t want it to change every day, if I learned how to walk I don’t want to have to relearn how to walk all the time. If I learned how to do it then fine. That says in the subconscious mind is resistant to change, that’s number one. Tommy: What happens? How does it do it? Like if you’re sober for a number of years? Bruce: I have to go back and say, how did you educate the subconscious mind in the first place? First seven years hypnosis. That’s what the brain was in theta – was just downloading programs bypassing consciousness. Our conscious minds did not filter the downloads of the programs and say, good program, bad program. Why? Conscious mind wasn’t working when the downloads were going. I just got programs. Conscious mind wasn’t even there; it doesn’t even have any idea. The next issue is this. Your brain is in hypnosis for the first seven years, but your subconscious still learns programs after you’re seven. How does it learn it then? Habituation, repetition – repeat the behavior over and over again. Tommy: Whether that’s a health behavior or an unhealthy behavior, you’ll learn a new pattern depending on what you practice? Bruce: Absolutely because the function at mind is to take pattern that is replayed over and over again and then acquired. That’s why; you want to learn how to drive a car? Practice (laughing) to drive a car. Go back to this one, learning our ABC’s. Go back to childhood, how long did it take you to get from A to Z? The answer was how many times did you start A, B, C … A, B, C, D, E and then you repeated it, you repeated it and finally you got to Z. What was the result? I never had to do it again. I habituated it because I repeat it over and over again – that’s how I learn. How many times did I repeat the times table in school? Whatever issue . . . on a job, I learn to do the job. I learn how to communicate. All these different things, so basically how did you do that? Repetition after the first seven years, which is hypnosis. If you go and just educate the conscious mind that’s great. Most everybody’s conscious mind is super educated. Yeah, I know exactly right then but my life doesn’t follow it. Yeah, because you’re not operating from that mind, and the awareness in that mind does not translate into a change in the subconscious because it’s not the way subconscious learned. If you want to change then you got to say, well does it do it? There are four ways that the subconscious mind can be rewritten. One of them you can’t even control so we can

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    bring it up right now because you’ve experienced it yourself. And that is you get into a life situation where oh, and you realize I can’t do this anymore. It’s nothing you could control. It’s sort of like you go to the doctor and the doctor all of a sudden sits across the desk and says, “You have a terminal disease.” Pwaw, it hits you in the head and it’s like, oh my God, my whole my life has led to this. That’s an open moment where all of a sudden you can change a behavior. The problem with that is you can’t control it. I can’t control when that happens. Tommy: Spiritual awakening. Bruce: Yes. We put that in a separate category. It occurs but I can’t do anything about it. That leaves me the three remaining ways. What’s one way? I say hypnosis. You say, “When I was a kid, my brain was operating at that frequency and that’s how I downloaded. Now I’m an adult. What happens now?” Every day as you go to bed at night, or when you’re waking up in the morning, you pass through theta for a simple reason. Sleeping is the lowest vibration called delta, theta is the next one, consciousness is alpha, and the higher one is beta, which is working consciousness. You’re working up here and beta on your job. When you come home at night, you start to relax and you start to go in alpha – relaxing. As you start to drift off into sleep, you’re going from alpha into theta – it’s called twilight reverie. The significance about that is that means as you’re passing from being alert to going to sleep, which is delta, you must pass through theta. As you’re going to bed at night, if you put your phones on and have a tape that’s playing. As you’re going from alpha, you start to relax, and you start to go into theta, the tape is playing, your conscious mind is not paying attention now, it’s off line, and the subconscious is listening to the tape. Every night as you go to bed, you put the earphones on, you will pass through theta, and you will be directly downloading a new program into your subconscious. That’s one way. The second way we learn is habituation (laughing). The idea is the more you make a habit of something and repeat it, and this is what people have to understand. Putting a sticky note on the refrigerator is more like a wish; it’s not a repetition. It’s like every now and then I see there’s a note. That’s not making a habit. Habit is you engage in it, you practice it and you repeat it. Tommy: Like going to 90 meetings in 90 days, for example? Bruce: Yeah. You’re making a pattern, and once you start to see the pattern repeat itself there’s an opportunity then that’s how the subconscious mind learns. The way is

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    exiting because it’s something brand new. Collectively it’s referred to as energy psychology or belief modification. These are processes that engage a super learning. What’s super learning? Have you ever seen anybody read a book with their finger? They just go down the page, read the page as fast as the finger moves they’re reading. That’s a concept of super learning. The significance about that that can be applied to changing subconscious programs. Many of these belief modalities that are changing belief get you into a state of super learning, give you new program and 10 minutes later, you got a new program. In addition, this is exciting and I look at it, as that story about necessity is the mother of invention. It’s like we have a necessity to change now because we are in a very threatened world situation, and we have to change our behavior quickly. So necessity leads to these new modalities. And they’re very effective and the one that I’m familiar with is the one that I used myself to get out of my old life and into my new life, it’s one called psychk’. What’s interesting about it for years, like all the other modalities that are similar, it’s like you go through a change of belief and then you go, “I feel much better: my life is much better and that’s all (inaudible 00:56:57.8). Recently, now, there’s been brain mapping studies to show that when a person does like a psychk’ balance the brain changes in ten minutes, in a way that the people that are studying this have never seen this in any other form. This is opening up a new doorway. Tommy: I’m interested. I have no personal experience with it but I’d like to give it a try. Bruce: This is exciting because of course, I have personal experience with it because I had to change my life in many different ways and once I understood this, for me it was very personal for a simple reason. Here I am giving lectures all around the world about how about genes don’t control life, how programming controls life and then at the end of every lecture, because I start off with the whole molecular thing and get to the programming. And then the first question, always at the end of my lectures, is how do I change the program? I go, that’s not my job. (laughing) Bruce: One lecture I was giving in Colorado, then the same thing, and I get very upset because I’m all excited about the science part and everybody says, “Okay, that’s nice, show me how to change the program.” I’m walking back with my computer after my presentation and I hear the guy behind me say, “I’m going to show you how to change those beliefs.” And I thought, “Okay, I’ll watch.” And he asked, “Who wants to have a belief change?” Of course, almost everybody’s hand in the room went up.

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    There was one woman whose hand was up and down and up and down. I saw her and my friend Rob, who was presenting, saw her. And said, “Tell us you name and what the problem is?” And in the middle of the audience of 300 or 400 people, he said, “Tell us your name and problem?” No words came out of her mouth. She just got red: he had to go in the audience and find out her name in Pauline and her problem is she can’t talk in public. It was like well, that’s damn obvious isn’t it? (laughing) Bruce: She couldn’t even say her name. He goes through this process, it’s not the only one there’re many of them, and my website has the whole listing of them. It took ten minutes and at the end of dealing this process, she was sitting in a chair, and he says, “Let’s stand up.” He turns her around, his arm is around her shoulder and says, “Pauline would you like to tell the audience about this experience you just had?” She took the mike and started walking back and forth, giving a lecture. That the joke, Rob had to say, “Listen, Pauline, please sit down, you’re using up my lecture time.” (laughing) Bruce: And all that and everybody, like myself, in the audience was, Oh, my God, here’s a woman, 10 minutes ago, couldn’t say her name: now he has to ask her to sit down and be quiet because she’s talking so much.” Tommy: This is called psyche? Bruce: Like psychology privation, hyphen K, which is psychological kinesiology, P - S -Y - C - H - K’. com. That’s just one of many . . . it’s just the one that I’m familiar with, but then I’ve listed on my website a whole lot of them. They’re all similar to a certain degree because their way of opening up the record is like pushing a record button that we couldn’t have done in any other way. I think it involves getting right and left-brain hemispheres to fire in synchrony, which is a super learning process. Tommy: I love it, amazing. Unfortunately, we’re coming to the end of our hour together. I’m wondering if you . . . (laughing) I know it’s crazy, could you give your message of hope to people who’re watching this? Who maybe struggling with addiction, or people who are on a path of recovery but still don’t feel they’re quite where they want to be at. What would you say to these people? Bruce: The first thing I have to say is, look everyone’s familiar with the phrase called knowledge is power. And I’d say that’s interesting but let me give you the (inaudible). Because that’s more personal, I say a lack of knowledge is a lack a power. When we have been deprived of the knowledge of how things work, and we’re trying to make it you work and nobody gave you instructions or anything. Base is like now it’s trial and

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    error, and again we go back to the driving thing, if nobody ever gave you driver instructions. Says, “Get in the car and drive.” You’ll probably destroy the car (laughing) before you get it on the road. The idea is we have new knowledge and the knowledge is critical because it explains the invisible part. The invisible part was the misleading part. If I didn’t see I was engaged in my own sabotage then by definition I’m not going to blame me; I’m going to say the world is not supporting me: the universe is not supporting me. Why? I didn’t see I was involved. Now we have this knowledge and now it says, “We have to transition from lack of knowledge this new knowledge. And when you have this knowledge: knowledge is power then we have the power to make the changes. If you have no knowledge of what we’ve just talked about during the last hour, you’d be oblivious as to what the hell is going on. I’m making my effort. And I’m going yeah, but you see you didn’t know that that only applied to 5% of the time, and it didn’t change the subconscious program, because the moment you’re not going to pay attention you will default automatically, and that’s where the concept of victim comes in. I’m going, Jes, that’s an unfortunate situation. You know what’s interesting, because it bothers me a lot, is the idea of being programmed and controlling your life is not new. This understanding has been around 500 years. The Jesuits would say, “Give me a boy until its seven and I will show you the man.” What they understood is if, I get your program, and they even knew seven years. They said, “If I get to seven years. If I put the program in you in seven years, I don’t care what your personal wishes and desires are. You’re going to be whatever I made the program. We’ve all been programmed and that’s why the Matrix as I said is a documentary – we’ve all been programmed. Some of us have bad programs but the significance is to the leadership of the world they don’t care (laughing). Tommy: We as individuals, thanks to your work are becoming aware of the fact that we change that programming, that there is a choice, that we’re not a victim of our heredity or our genetic makeup. Bruce: Yes. Tommy: That our beliefs, our actions, and our inputs can have a major effect in our life and we can turn ourselves around? Bruce: Absolutely. We’re just more powerful than we thought, but if I don’t teach you how it works then you’re completely invalidated I your attempt to take control because you didn’t see how it was done.

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    Tommy: Thank you so much Bruce. Can you direct people to your work? How can they interact with you? Bruce: Simple -- wwwbrucelipton.com, under the resources as I said there’s a whole listing of these modalities for changing psychology, but I also have lots of articles and things downloaded and resources. There’s a tremendous amount of literature available for free just to download it, to give us more awareness of who we were and how we work. Tommy: I cannot thank you enough for lending your voice to recovery 2.0 conference this year. Thank you so much Bruce. Bruce: Tommy, thank you and I want to thank your audience, because everybody who puts an interest in to do something can change themselves and the world, and this is a wonderful platform to offer new knowledge to people in need. Thank you very much. Tommy: And to you. Be well. Bruce: Thank you. (music)