[dr. al khateeb] ethics and moral values for a better future

Ethics and Moral Values for a Better Future Intro: The understanding of ethics: The concept of ethics understanding refers to the collective social attributes and behavior determinatives that a person acquires through his interaction with the social environment, till they become a habitual behavior. The idea is to know right and wrong, good and bad, and define the relationship with others, in such away as to fulfill his spiritual and social existence within a world shared with others, as to live in the best possible way for all of us.

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Date: Dec. 5th 2013 Session: Creating Unity in Diversity in Asia: Including Others in Our Sphere of Moral Obligation Speaker: Dr. Omar Mohammed al Khateeb: Executive Director, Islamic Affairs Sector for the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities, Department in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


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Ethics and Moral Values for a Better FutureIntro: The understanding of ethics: The concept of ethics understanding refers to the collective social attributes and behavior determinatives that a person acquires through his interaction with the social environment, till they become a habitual behavior.The idea is to know right and wrong, good and bad, and define the relationship with others, in such away as to fulfill his spiritual and social existence within a world shared with others, as to live in the best possible way for all of us.

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The importance of ethics and morals in Islam:  1- The emphasis on ethics for the building of the human being in general: The real value of a human being is his own actions and behaviors, and not his color, race, handsomeness, social status or wealth. The Messenger (pbuh) said: "Verily Allah does not look to your bodies nor to your faces but He looks to your hearts".

Ethics and Moral Values for a Better Future

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Ethics and Moral Values for a Better Future

2- the relationship between beliefs, worships and morals:  {So woe to those who pray. [But] who are heedless of their prayer - Those who make show [of their deeds]. And withhold [simple] assistance}. (The best among you is the one who is best in morals). (The most perfect in faith among the believers is those who are best in morals). (Nothing is more weighty in the scale than a good moral).Islam consists of beliefs and practices; the five pillars of duties and the six pillars of belief which can be considered the core of Islam. Belief without practice is incomplete, and practice without belief is invalid. But Islam is not limited to its core rules and regulations, as it is a guideline for life. In particular, Islam is not considered to be complete without true ethics and real morals.

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Doing good to others is essential in Islam, so much so that it was mentioned immediately after worshipping Allah The Almighty; Allah The Almighty says {Worship Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: For Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious} [An-Nisaa:36].3- The effects of good morals on individual and society: Ethic has been urged by almost all religions, and advocated by most reformers. Good morals makes up a good individual, and a better society. They strengthens relationships, and spreads love, cooperation and fraternity.

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Islam has emphasized Ethics, good deeds and kind words in order to build a better world and an ideal society aimed at bringing out the best in people.  Allah The Almighty says [what means]: {Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, bad conducts, and injustice: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition} [An-Nahl:90].  Doing good to other people is not only a just thing to do, but it is actually part of Emaan or Faith: The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should be generous to his neighbor [treat his neighbor with kindness], and whosoever believes in Allah and Judgment Day should be generous to his guest”.

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4- Ethic is the basis of nations progress and success:Ethic is the core of humanity and the foundation of civilization. {He will indeed be successful who purifies it [soul], And he will indeed fail who corrupts it}. {By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), The human is indeed in loss. Except those who believe, do good works, support one another with the truth, and support one another with perseverance}.  Sayings of wise people and thinkers: The Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him) explained the importance of ethics and morals in Islam in the most clear statement and eloquent speech, when he said: “I was sent but to complete Good morals”.

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He himself was an exemplary person in ethics, morals, actions and speech. The Prophet (pbuh) was described by his companions as “The most generous among people, the purest of heart, the most truthful in speech, of mildest nature and noblest company”. Also, he was well known for his honesty & integrity even among the non-Muslims in his community. His companions learned these noble morals from him. They used to strive to help those in need. There is an account of the prophet’s companion Omar Ibn Al-Khattab who used to take care of an old blind woman at the edges of the city of Al-Madinah at night. He would bring her water and undertake her requests and needs.But on many occasions it so happened that he would come the old woman’s home and find everything in order… Someone had beaten him to it! He decided

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to come earlier to find out who this mystery man was who has helping this old lady before him… and found out that it was Abu Bakr, the current ruler of the Muslim people! (radia Allahu anhum).  Imagine! The two most important companions of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH), racing to help an old blind woman, at night and at the edge of the city! They understood what it means to be a Muslim. They understood what it means to be a Mo’min, a believer. They understood the saying: “The best of people, is the best of them TO the people”. They wanted to imitate their role model, their beloved Prophet (pbuh).

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They wanted to be close to him in the Hereafter, because they heard the Prophet (pbuh) say: “One of the most dear to me among you, and the closest to me in place in the Day of Resurrection is the best among you in manners”.  The criterions of ethics in Islam: The ultimate goal of moral values should be to develop a good human being who is ready to do what is good and beneficial, and abstain from doing anything wrong or harmful. Moral values should lead to true happiness and success in this world and in the hereafter.  Islam considers Ethics & Morals as a way to attain rewards and entitlement to Heavens. And The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “There is nothing heavier in the balance than good character”.

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He (pbuh) also said: “The believer attains with his good character the status of someone who is always fasting and praying”. 1- Avoid Harming others: A Muslim should live up to his character, and employ his powers in doing what is good, beneficial and helpful. As the real concept of morality is benefiting people and avoiding inflicting harm upon them. Brothers and sisters, if anyone is causing unjust harm to people, he is in fact only causing harm to himself. Whether the harm is verbal or physical, whether it takes place at home, in public, or at the workplace. Inflicting any intentional harm is inexcusable and in fact more harmful to ourselves in long run.  The minimum criterion of ethics in Islam is to avoid causing any harm to other people.

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The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and Judgment Day should not harm his neighbor”. He also said: “The Muslim is the one from whom people are safe from his tongue and his hand”.  2- Do and say good things and try to benefit others: A Muslim should always aim higher, and try harder, so not only should we avoid harming others, but in fact endeavor to benefit other people and do good to them.  Allah The Almighty says [what means]: {Allah commands justice, the doing of good} [An-Nahl:90]. This goodness is not only required in action, but also in speech. The Messenger (pbuh) said: “Allah dislikes the one who is obscene, vulgar and indecent”.

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He also said: “Whosoever believes in Allah and Judgment Day should only speak good or keep silent”.  In fact, this goodness is required even in thoughts and desires; The Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said: “No person is a true believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself”.  3- Be patient and avoid returning insults: The next level is to be patient and refrain from returning insult or wrongdoing, even though you are allowed to, Allah The Almighty says {and if you have to respond to an attack, respond only to the extent of the attack leveled against you; but to bear yourselves with patience is indeed far better for those who are patient in adversity} [An-Nahl:126].

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4- Counter evil with goodness: If you succeeded with patience, you should try to reach a higher state of morality; which is to counter evil with good. Allah The Almighty says {repel the evil with something that is better} [Al-Mominoon:96]. So, evil must not be countered with another evil but, rather, repelled by an act of goodness.  5- Treat enemies as if they were friends!: The final level is to deal with those who you might consider your enemies as though they were a close friend! Allah The Almighty says {The good deed and the evil deed are not equal. Repel the evil deed with one which is better, so then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as if he were your friend and intimate!} [Fussilat:34].  So, you foil hatred with goodness and love and make those who are against you become your greatest supporters

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- Morals are a powerful motivator: Good ethics and high morals are a powerful motivation and guidance for the human feelings and behaviors. Most human life of an individual revolves around his ethics and morals.  No successful political system, social entity or economical establishment can be sustained and maintained in a good way except through a set of ethics and morals. Without moral values and guidelines evils and vile will spread; injustice, cheating, deceit, fraud, betrayal, treason and crime. Etc.  - The most important moral values: Respect of human life. Spreading high moral values and understandings, including: Love, loyalty, honesty, truthfulness, generosity, courage, etc.

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- Are morals obtainable and correctable?: Yes, indeed. We see in practice how the general behaviors of animals are affected by training and practice. So, it is possible with human beings, and in fact, it is easier, if any person is willing to do that. The Messenger (pbuh) said: (Verily, knowledge is by learning, and patience is by trying to be patient. Anyone who is trying and searching for goodness, will be given goodness, and anyone who is try and avoiding evil, will be protected from evil).  

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- The solution and the way forward for humanity and human beings:  The Islamic moral education contributes directly and immensely to the development of individuals, society and civilization.  The moral values are a social and spiritual need, that individuals and society need.  Human societies cannot survive through interchange of material benefits alone. They also need solid ethics and established connections of good morals.  If such moral connections are lost in a society, then the outcome will be dissention and disintegration, and it will lead to the demise and destruction of such society and subsequently the civilization.   

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The human being is weak towards whims and desires, and without good established morals, the person might tend to selfishness, oppression and revenge. And this will lead to corruption on earth. {And when he goes away, he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein and destroy crops and animals. And Allah does not like corruption}.  What we need for a better today and future: There are many things that we need to do in order to have a good life nowadays and a better future for humanity. Human beings need to return to the good ethics and real moral values, to sustain the feelings of love, mercy, honesty and integrity.  We have to teach and educate others to the importance of Islamic ethics and practical good morals that will esteemed and sublime behavior.  

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We need to spread good values and ethics and purify the media and relationships from bad morals. We have to protect the societies from evils, crimes, dissention, disputes and destructions.  We have to save the human civilization from getting obsessed with whims and desires that strips people from their humanity.  We need good ethics and morals for the safety and wellbeing of human beings on all aspects of their lives; physically, psychologically, emotionally and mentally.  We need good ethics and morals to achieve peace, security and stability, and open the horizons for innovations and creations, connect mind and create a better future for all of humanity.  

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Finally, I would like to stress that good manners have a clear impact on the community, and they are well received by all members of the society, and ethical people are respected and looked up to.  Ethics are not theoretical! They are practical and affect our everyday life; at homes, in our neighborhoods, on the roads, at our places of work. Each one of us should ask himself; Am I being the best I can be to my family? Am I being the best parent I can be? Am I being the best child I can be? The best friend? The best neighbor? The best for my brothers and sisters? The best for my society? The best for humanity?  How do I measure up to the saying: “The best of people, is the best TO the people”?


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 There is always room for improvement in our lives. Are we willing to try?! Are we GOING to try?!  We ask Allah to guide us to the Truth and make us good for ourselves, societies and all humanity. Amen.

Ethics and Moral Values for a Better Future