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User Guide

Version: 3.2.x.x

Updated: 2009.01

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Accuver EMEA Ltd. Suite Two, 1st Floor, Congress House 14 Lyon Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2EN, UK Tel. +44 208 863 1118 Page II

Ⓒ 2009 Accuver EMEA Ltd., All rights reserved.

This documentation shall not be changed, distributed to the public, and opened to

the third person without written permission. Accuver EMEA is not responsible for any

direct or indirect damages arisen or related to use of this manual. All information

included herein may be changed without prior notice.

Accuver EMEA Ltd.,

Address: Suite Two, 1st Floor, Congress House, 14 Lyon Road,

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Contents ............................................................................................................................ I

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1

Overview ................................................................................................... 1

Features .................................................................................................... 3

System Requirements .................................................................................. 4

Installation ....................................................................................................................... 5

Software .................................................................................................... 5

Hardware ................................................................................................... 6

Key Lock Driver ..................................................................................... 6

USB GPS Driver ..................................................................................... 7

Modem Driver ....................................................................................... 8

Window XP SP2 Setting ........................................................................ 10

User Account Control (For Vista User) ..................................................... 14

User Interface ................................................................................................................ 16

Menu Bar ................................................................................................. 17

File .................................................................................................... 17

Logging On/Off .............................................................................. 17

AutoCall Start/Pause/Stop ............................................................... 17

AutoCall Control ............................................................................. 17

User Event .................................................................................... 18

Manual Capture ............................................................................. 18

Replay .......................................................................................... 18

Real Time Mapping ......................................................................... 19

Capture Active Window ................................................................... 19

Capture Main Window ..................................................................... 19

Export Log File .............................................................................. 20

Exit .............................................................................................. 20

Setting .............................................................................................. 21

Port Setting ................................................................................... 21

Mobile Alias Setting ........................................................................ 21

AT Command/Response .................................................................. 21

Color Setting ................................................................................. 22

Cellsite Color Setting ...................................................................... 23

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Key Setting ................................................................................... 24

Alarm Setting ................................................................................ 25

User Event Setting ......................................................................... 32

Log File Setting .............................................................................. 33

BTS Manager ................................................................................. 35

Save All Settings ............................................................................ 37

Load All Settings ............................................................................ 37

Window .............................................................................................. 38

Help .................................................................................................. 39

About ........................................................................................... 39

Icon Bar .................................................................................................. 40

Status Bar ............................................................................................... 41

Worksheet ............................................................................................... 42

Port Setting .................................................................................................................... 43

Start Port Setting ...................................................................................... 43

Port Setting .............................................................................................. 44

Mobile Setting ..................................................................................... 44

GPS Setting ........................................................................................ 45

Enable DHCP ...................................................................................... 45

Set PortWizard .................................................................................... 45

Network RegEdit .................................................................................. 46

Mobile Alias Setting ................................................................................... 47

Interface ............................................................................................ 47

Phone ................................................................................................ 48

Video Phone Option ............................................................................. 49

Data Service Type................................................................................ 49

Data Port ........................................................................................... 50

DUN .................................................................................................. 50

LogMask ............................................................................................ 51

AutoCall Setting ............................................................................................................. 52

AutoCall Scenario Setting ........................................................................... 54

AutoCall Setup ......................................................................................... 57

Scenario Name .................................................................................... 58

Auto Call ............................................................................................ 58

Ignore a Sync Message in Drop (EVDO) .................................................. 60

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Multi RAB (CS+PS) .............................................................................. 60

Dormant Mode .................................................................................... 63

AutoCall Type ...................................................................................... 64

Voice ............................................................................................ 65

FTP .............................................................................................. 68

PPP .............................................................................................. 71

Ping ............................................................................................. 72

HTTP ............................................................................................ 74

Report ............................................................................................... 76

Real Time Mapping......................................................................................................... 79

Map Control Icon ...................................................................................... 82

Map Layer Property ................................................................................... 84

Map (SmartMap) ................................................................................. 84

Map (MIF) .......................................................................................... 86

MAP (MapX) ........................................................................................ 89

BTS ................................................................................................... 91

Repeater ............................................................................................ 92

Serving Line ....................................................................................... 93

Custom Draw ...................................................................................... 94

ETC ................................................................................................... 95

Coverage ........................................................................................... 96

Legend .............................................................................................. 97

Trace ....................................................................................................... 99

Real Time Mapping mouse menu ............................................................... 101

Add Symbol/Polyline/Circle/Polygon ..................................................... 102

Mark List .......................................................................................... 104

Alias Setting ..................................................................................... 105

Message ....................................................................................................................... 107

Signaling Message .................................................................................. 107

Mobile Message ...................................................................................... 109

Alarm Event Manager .............................................................................. 110

Packet Message ...................................................................................... 111

Packet Capture Viewer ............................................................................. 113

PPP Frame Message ................................................................................. 114

Statistics/Status .......................................................................................................... 115

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Call Statistics (Current Scenario) ............................................................... 115

All Info............................................................................................. 116

Voice .......................................................................................... 116

Data (FTP, PPP, Ping, HTTP) ........................................................... 118

Detailed Info ..................................................................................... 121

Call Statistics View ....................................................................... 121

Call Result View ........................................................................... 124

Call Event History View ................................................................. 127

Call Statistics (All Scenario) ...................................................................... 128

EVDO Session Assignment Test ................................................................. 129

Ping Status ............................................................................................ 130

TraceRT Status ....................................................................................... 131

Throughput Info ..................................................................................... 132

GPS Status ............................................................................................ 133

GPS Satellite Status ................................................................................ 134

Logging Info ........................................................................................... 135

Communication Statistics ......................................................................... 136

QPCH Statistics ....................................................................................... 137

User Define................................................................................................................... 140

Graph ................................................................................................... 140

Table ..................................................................................................... 142

Summary Info ........................................................................................ 143

Cell Measurement ................................................................................... 144

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Accuver EMEA Ltd. Suite Two, 1st Floor, Congress House 14 Lyon Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2EN, UK Tel. +44 208 863 1118 Page 1



XCAL is real-time software-based solution for wireless network optimization and

performance measurement. XCAL collects Layer 1, 2, and 3 messages, and TCP/IP

packets from both the air and data interface of all commercially available

technologies (CDMA IS95A/B, 1XRTT, EVDO (Rev. 0 and Rev. A), GSM, GPRS, EDGE,

UMTS, HSDPA, and HSUPA). XCAL is also proven to significantly reduce overhead

and improve operational efficiency.

XCAL allows several mobiles to interface simultaneously with different technologies

and provides an ideal solution for measuring both voice and data service

performance. XCAL can be used for both indoor and outdoor measurement.

XCAL System Overview

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XCAL Program

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The key features of XCAL are as follows:

Simultaneous data collection of both Layer 1/2/3 messages and TCP/IP

packets of different technologies

Supports CDMA IS95-A/B, 1XRTT, EVDO (Rev. 0 and Rev. A), GSM, GPRS,


Supports QUALCOMM chipset (CDMA/WCDMA) and Nokia chipset


Supports various scanners

Automatic call generation and termination

Log and decode messages in real-time

Comprehensive graphic analysis of signal and throughput

Handoff analysis/real time mapping

Voice alarm for important events

Log file replay

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System Requirements

Before you begin, ensure that your system meets the following requirements.

Item Requirements

PC Pentium M processor 1.7GHz or above

* For Vista, above core2 duo

Monitor VGA (Over 1024 * 768, 256 color)

RAM 1GB or above

*For Vista, above 2GB

Hard Drive 40GB or above

Operation System - Windows2000/XP/Vista

Map - Supported Format: Map Info

- Scan Map : Bmp Supporting

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The following procedures enable you to install XCAL on the computer appropriately.

All applications should be closed on your PC before beginning installation.

1. Insert the supplied CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

The CD-ROM shall automatically run, and an installation window appears.

If the installation window does not appear, find the setup.exe from the

supplied CD-ROM/XCAL Setup.

2. Installation wizard is started, read carefully and follow installation

instructions properly.

3. Click Finish.

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Key Lock Driver

Key lock driver is a security program for XCAL; it enables you to operate


1. Connect a Dongle key to USB port of your PC.

2. Execute autorun.exe (or autorun.bat) from CD-ROM/Driver/Key Lock


3. Installation wizard is started, read carefully and follow installation

instructions properly.

4. Click Finish.

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USB GPS Driver

Following procedure enables you to install USB GPS driver on the computer

appropriately. All applications should be closed on your PC before beginning


1. Insert the supplied CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

The CD-ROM shall automatically run, and an installation window appears.

If the installation window does not appear, find the USB GPS Driver.exe

from the supplied CD-ROM.

2. Installation wizard is started, read carefully and follow installation

instructions properly.

3. Click Finish.

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Modem Driver

The following procedures allow you to connect modem driver which connects

test mobile and PC.

1. Connect test mobile and PC with USB cable.

2. Found New Hardware Wizard window appears automatically.

3. Click Next.

4. Install Hardware Device Drivers dialog box appears. Select the

location where the modem driver is installed and click the Next button.

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5. Click Next.

6. Modem driver installation is completed. Click Finish.

You may find the installed modem driver from Control Panel – System –

System Properties – Device Manager.

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Window XP SP2 Setting

The following procedure introduces you how to set for Windows XP SP2.

1. Update your OS from Start - Windows Update.

2. Go to Start – Control Panel – Security – Windows Firewall.

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3. Windows Firewall Settings window appears. Select Off (not


4. Go to Start - Control Panel – Windows Update – Change Setting.

Select Never check for updates (not recommended).

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5. Go to Start – Control Panel – Date and Time – Internet Time tab.

Click Change Setting button.

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6. Change Setting window appears. Unselect Synchronize with an

Internet time server.

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User Account Control (For Vista User)

1. Click Start – Control Panel.

2. Click on User Accounts.

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3. Click on Turn User Account Control on or off.

4. Uncheck the box for Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect

your computer.

5. Reboot the PC.

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User Interface

This chapter introduces you how to use basic user interface of XCAL.

Main window of XCAL is composed of four sections; Menu Bar, Icon Bar, Status Bar,


XCAL main window

Classification Description

Menu Bar Include File, Setting, Window, and Help.

Menu items vary depending on supported technologies.

Icon Bar Provide easy access on basic functions.

Workspace Display various parameter windows.

Status Bar Show Slot, Phone, GPS status.

Worksheet Save currently opened windows and their settings in a worksheet.

You may create max 30 worksheets.

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Menu Bar

Menu Bar includes basically four pull-down menus; File, Setting, Window, and Help.

Features menu varies depending on supported technologies. Refer to provided Features

User Guide for each technology.

Menu Bar


File menu includes basic functions such as Replay and Real Time Mapping.

File:> Logging On/Off

Save messages from test mobile.

You may save messages from test mobile by using Logging icon from

Icon Bar.

NOTE: If you select on Logging icon while AutoCall is in progress, message

logging is started right after you select on the Logging icon.

File:> AutoCall Start/Pause/Stop

Start, pause, and stop voice and data call (FTP, PPP, Ping).

AutoCall Start enables you to start AutoCall by creating AutoCall Scenario.

For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting – AutoCall Scenario Setting.

File:> AutoCall Control

Process AutoCall test per mobile.

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Autocall Control Info window

File:> User Event

Set shortcuts for any events you want to mark.

1. Set event name you want to set shortcut key.

For detail, Menu Bar – Setting – User Event Setting.

2. Set shortcut key for each event name.

For detail, Menu Bar – Setting – Key Setting.

3. Press the shortcut key on your keyboard while AutoCall is in progress.

The events are marked at the selected point, and can be found from

XCAP analyzer.

File:> Manual Capture

Capture packets when you make calls through call connecting adapter.

File:> Replay

Replay existing measured data during drive test in field.

1. Select Menu Bar – File – Replay, or click on Replay icon from

Icon Bar.

2. Open window appears. Select a logging file you want to replay and click

Open button.

3. Replay Control bar appears.

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The detailed description of each icon on Replay Control Bar is as follows.

Icon Description

Open Open existing logging file.

Play Start or resume replay.

Rev. Reverse replay.

Pause Pause replay.

Stop Stop replay.

Chip type Select chipset type.

Speed Control replay speed.

Current Time Show replay process time.

Time bar Show replay status.

4. Click on Play button to start replay.

NOTE: Once you replay a logging file, the file is converted in .rpl and saved

in Replay folder. You may use replay settings if you replay with the logging

file saved in .rpl.

File:> Real Time Mapping

Display major RF parameters and call result (drop, setup fail, etc.) on Real

Time Mapping window graphically. It displays call event and serving lines

between active base stations and current position of a test mobile.

For detail, refer to Real Time Mapping.

File:> Capture Active Window

Save a selected window in bmp.

File:> Capture Main Window

Save all opened windows in bmp.

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File:> Export Log File

Export selected parameters in xls, csv, txt.

1. Select Menu Bar – File – Export Log File.

2. Export Log File window appears.

Export Log File window

3. Select parameters you want to export.

File Type: Select export file type (xls, csv, txt).

Include GPS Info: Include GPS information in export file.

4. Click Close.

File:> Exit

Close all windows and terminate the program.

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Setting menu includes basic settings such as Port Setting, Mobile Alias Setting,

and etc.

Setting menu

Setting:> Port Setting

Set serial communication between XCAL and test mobiles.

You may perform Port Setting by using Port icon from Icon Bar.

For detail, refer to Port Setting.

Setting:> Mobile Alias Setting

Set mobile chipset type, phone model, logmask, data port, and etc. for test


For detail, refer to Port Setting - Mobile Alias Setting.

Setting:> AT Command/Response

Transfer User AT Command to test mobile and display received response

from test mobile.

1. Select Menu Bar – Setting – AT Command/Response.

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2. AT Command window appears.

3. Enter value in User AT Command entry field.

4. Click OK.

5. Response from test mobile is displayed in the status section on the

bottom of AT Command window.

AT Command window

Setting:> Color Setting

Set colors for Table, Graph, Message, etc. windows.

1. Select Menu Bar – Setting – Color Setting.

2. Color Setting window appears.

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Color Setting window

3. Double click on color cell and change color.

4. Click OK.

Setting:> Cellsite Color Setting

Set color for Cellsite.

1. Select Menu Bar – Setting – Cellsite Color Setting.

2. Cellsite Color Setting window appears.

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Cellsite Color Setting window

3. Double click on cellsite number you want to change color, and change


4. Click OK.

Setting:> Key Setting

Set shortcut key for each menu item such as File, Setting, and etc.

1. Select Menu Bar – Setting – Key Setting.

2. Key Setting window appears.

Key Setting window

3. Select menu item you want to set shortcut key from Types section.

4. Select detailed menu item from Commands section.

5. Enter shortcut key (e.g. Ctrl, Alt, Shift + Alphabet, or F1 ~ F9) in Press

new shortcut entry field.

6. Click Assign button to apply the shortcut.

7. Assigned shortcut section shows designated shortcut.

8. Click OK.

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Setting:> Alarm Setting

Notify important events occurred during test by sound and a pop-up alarm


1. Select Manu Bar – Setting – Alarm Setting.

2. Alarm Setting window appears.

Alarm Setting window

3. Select checkboxes you want to set for Alarm.

4. Click OK.

For detail for each tab settings, refer to below sections; Event,

Signaling, RF Parameter, System Transition.

5. Click on Alarm icon from Icon Bar.

6. Alarm window appears when the predefined events are occurred.

Alarm window

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NOTE: You may find alarm list from Menu Bar – Message – Alarm Event

Manager. For detail, refer to Message – Alarm Event Manager.

Alarm Event Manager

Event tab

Explain how to set Event tab in Alarm Setting window.

Alarm Setting_Event tab

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You may set alarms for the following events.

Classification Description

Call event Drop, Setup Fail, etc

Mobile Mobile Alarm

Scanner Scanner Alarm


Handoff CDMA/EVDO: PN change

WCDMA: PSC change


Network SID change, NID change, Color code change, Sector ID


Data performance WCDMA: SF change

GPRS, EDGE: DL/UL slot number change

GPRS, EGDE: Coding scheme change

1. Select event checkboxes you want to be notified.

2. Click OK.

NOTE: You may change alarm sound by double-clicking on a File Path cell.

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Explain how to set Signaling tab in Alarm Setting window.

Alarm Setting_Signaling tab

You may set alarms for messages.

1. Select signaling message you want to be notified, and drag it into

Monitoring Message List section or double click it.

If there are more than one messages you want to be notified, repeat

step 1.

2. Enter message holding time (sec) in Duration entry field.

An alarm window pops up when the message in the list is received

within the duration time defined.

3. Clear icon removes all Monitoring Message List, and

Delete icon removes the selected message in Monitoring Message


4. Click icon to change alarm sound.

5. Enter alias name in Alias Name entry field.

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6. Click on Add/Edit button to add a new alias.

You may create several Alias by repeating step 1 through 6.

NOTE: Only one Alias can be applied to a mobile type.

7. Click OK.

RF Parameter

Explain how to set RF Parameter tab in Alarm Setting window.

Alarm Setting_RF Parameter tab

You may set alarms for major RF parameters.

XCAL notifies RF parameters which meet the conditions set at RF

Parameter tab. You can be notified major RF parameters such as Pilot

Pollution, Coverage Problem, and Low Throughput, etc.

1. Select RF parameters you want to be notified, and drag it into Name

List section or double click it.

If there are more than one RF parameters you want to be notified,

repeate step 1.

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2. Set parameter condition.

Set Link condition if you selected more than one RF parameters in

Name List.

3. Enter time (sec) in Duration entry field.

An alarm window pops up when the RF parameter in the list meets the

condition during the duration time defined.

If you entered 0 sec, an alarm window pops up as soon as the RF

parameter which meets the defined condifion is occurred.

4. Clear icon removes all Name List, and Delete icon removes

the selected message in Name List.

5. Click icon to change alarm sound.

6. Enter alias name in Alias Name entry field.

7. Click on Add/Edit button to add a new alias.

You may create several Alias by repeating step 1 through 7.

NOTE: Only one Alias can be applied to a mobile type.

8. Click OK.

System Transition

Explain how to set System Transition tab in Alarm Setting window.

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Alarm Setting_System Transition tab

You may set alarms for system transition.

1. Set Band Class, Channel, and System.

2. An alarm window pops up when an event meets the conditions.

3. Click OK.

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Setting:> User Event Setting

Name special events.

Event Setting window

1. Enter favorable event name in Event# entry field.

2. Click OK.

NOTE: Set user event names, set their shortcut from Manu Bar – Setting

– Key Setting, and use the shortcuts from Analyzer.

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Setting:> Log File Setting

Set save path of logging file.

Log File Setting window

The detailed description of each item in Log File Setting window is as


Classification Description

Log File Path Save log file at default path: Save logging file in default


Save log file at the user defined path: Save logging file

in the folder you designated. You may change the save

path by clicking icon.

Add then default path (Year/Month/Day) at the user

defined path: Include date (Year/Month/Day) in logging

file name.

Support Qualcomm

Format (*.mdm)

Save logging file in *.mdm.

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Log File Name User Prefix: Add file name as a prefix.

Additional Name

Interface Name: Add interface name at the back of

logging file.

AutoCall Scenario Name: Add AutoCall Scenario name at

the back of logging file.

Manual Logging Keep Logging: Keep manual logging in progress when

you start AutoCall.

Upload logfile after


Upload logging file onto FTP server as soon as logging


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Setting:> BTS Manager

Display BTS information and serving lines at TA Graph, Real Time Mapping,

and etc.

It helps you to figure out currently communicated BTS graphically.

BTS Manager window

1. Select BTS or Repeater from Mode.

2. Select technology. (Technology list may vary depending on product.)

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3. Click Import.

4. BTS Import Manager window appears.

5. Click Open File button to import BTS file.

6. Select on the checkbox for Exclude first line if you want to enter data

from the first line.

Select on the checkbox for All sectors per line if there are more than

one sector information on one column.

7. Define each item name in accordance with imported file. Select each

item and appropriate type.

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8. Click New button to add a new data.

Click Append button to update an existing data.

9. Import data setting is completed.

10. Click Export button to save data in xls, csv, txt.

11. Click OK.

Setting:> Save All Settings

Save the setting in *.ini.

Setting:> Load All Settings

Import saved setting in *.ini.

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Display opened parameter windows in different types.

Classification Description

Cascade (F10) Arrange parameter windows in workspace tiered.

Title Horizontally

(F11) Arrange parameter windows in workspace horizontally.

Title Vertically

(F12) Arrange parameter windows in workspace vertically.

Close Close the current window.

All Close (Current


Clear the current worksheet.

All Close (All


Clear all worksheets opened.

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Provdie XCAL version information.

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Icon Bar

Allow you to access basic functions easily and quickly.

Icon Description

Set serial port between test mobile and PC.

For detail, refer to Port Setting.

Save measurement data.

For detail, refer to User Interface – Menu Bar – File – Logging On/Off.

Replay logging data.

For detail, refer to User Interface – Menu Bar – File – Replay.

Option for User Defined feature.

Trace data in past time. The orange icons on Trace bar moves 10 seconds

back and forth between data, and the pink icons moves 1 second back and


Notify special events.

For detail, refer to User Interface – Menu Bar – Setting – Alarm Setting.

Start AutoCall.

For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting.

Stop AutoCall.

Display major RF parameters and Call result on Real Time Mapping.

For detail, refer to Real Time Mapping.

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Status Bar

Classification Description

Slot Status

Slot is not booted.

Slot is booted.

Phone Status

Slot in Port Setting window is not set. XCAL recognize there is no test

mobile connected.

Communication between XCAL and test mobile is failed as follows.

• No physical connection between mobile and PC

• Wrong phone (chip) type in Port Setting window

• Wrong port number in Port Setting window

• Wrong log mask setting in Port Setting window

Port between XCAL and test mobile is set successfully.

Test mobile number or Mobile# appears when successfully connected.

GPS Status

No GPS GPS in Port Setting window is not set. XCAL recognize there is no GPS


[,] GPS connection attempts.



No exact GPS location information is received from satellite.

GPS Alarm GPS connection attempt is failed.



GPS connection attempt succeed.

To make sure usability of GPS location information, refer to

Statistics/Status – GPS Status.

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Save all opened windows and its settings in a worksheet.

Default worksheet is named Worksheet, and cannot be changed.

You may create, rename, remove, load, save worksheets by right-clicking on a


NOTE: You may create maximum 30 worksheets.

Classification Description

New Worksheet Create a new worksheet.

Rename Worksheet Rename the current worksheet.

Remove Worksheet Remove the current worksheet.

Load my Worksheet Load existing worksheet.

Save my Worksheet Save the current worksheet.

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Port Setting

This chapter explains how to set test mobile, GPS, serial communication between

XCAL and test mobile.

A slot supports one test mobile. You may test with several test mobiles by activating

each slot in Port Setting window.

NOTE: Before you begine port setting, make sure SIO mode. Port set from test

mobile and data setting should correspond.

SIO mode in test mobile may vary, make sure ISO mode depending on test mobile


Start Port Setting

1. Select Manu Bar - Setting – Port Setting, or click on Port icon from Icon


2. Port Setting window appears.

Port Setting window

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Port Setting

The detailed explanaion of each item in Port Setting widnow is as follows.

Port Setting window

Mobile Setting

Connect XCAL and test mobile.

Set Phone type, data port, logmask, DUN. For detail, refer to Port Setting –

Mobile Alias Setting.

1. Click on icon from mobile setting.

2. Mobile Alias Setting window appears.

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Mobile Alias Setting window

GPS Setting

Set GPS configuration.

Check GPS Slot and set GSP set values.

The detailed description of each item for GPS Setting is as follows.

Classification Description

Com Port Set Com Port which receives location information from GPS.

Make sure your Com Port information from Device Manager.

GPS Type Set GPS type.

GPS type supported: NMEA, Trimble, Pioneer, Accuver, TAIP(LN)

Baud Rate Set communication speed with GPS.

Flow Control Set flow control type.

GPS Time Sync Synchronize time using GPS.

Time Revision


Supplement time.

Default value: Leap second

Enable DHCP

Uncheck if you test multiple data at once.

Set PortWizard

If you are a Portwizard tool user, this button activated.

Portwizard tool helps you to set DM Port, Modem Port automatically.

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Network RegEdit

Set network configuration for data communication.

Network RegEdit window

The detailed description of each item in Network RegEdit window is as follows.

Classification Description

MTU Maximum packet size to be transmitted in IP layer

Window TCP Window Size

Throughput of applications which use TCP depends on it.

8760 : setting of low speed test

65535 : setting of high speed test

TTL Time-To-Live

Time-To-Live judges the retransmission of packet and indicates

scope and node to get the destination

- 1: limit to the same subnet

- 32: limit to the same site

- 128: limit to the same continent

- 255: no limit

Sack Selective ACK.

Default is set to ‘1’

Ack Acknowledgement delay.

Default is set to ‘2’

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Mobile Alias Setting

Connect XCAL and test mobile.

1. Click on icon at Mobile from Port Setting window.

2. Mobile Alias Setting window appears.

Mobile Alias Setting window


Enter interface name in Interface entry field.

1. Set mobile alias setting.

2. Enter interface name in Interface entry field.

3. Click on Add/Edit button to add Alias List.

Click on Del button to remove the selected alias list.

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Set test mobile to be connected.

The detailed description of each item for Phone setting is as follows.

Classification Description

Chip Type Define the modem chipset of the mobile.

Phone Model Select the mobile model.

Baud Rate Designate the communication speed through DM port.

Flow Control Designate the method of flow control.

Don’t Use Key

Emulation (For

Special Card


For specific card phone, key emulation function is note applied.



Determine if streaming logging is executed.

- Checked (default): XCAL sends Packet Request Logmask to

mobile and the mobile will send data continuously without any

other requests.

- Unchecked: XCAL sends Packet Request Logmask to mobile

periodically and the mobile will sends data packets as per the


If streaming logging is checked for non streaming mobile, data is

displayed once and then blank state will follow.

Safe Mode In case specific old non streaming mobile, message loss is

happened a lot.

If user checks this item, message loss should be reduced.

Extended Mobile


Additional mobile message

User select extended mobile message which user want to see


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Video Phone Option

Set if you use video mobile as a test mobile.

The detailed description of each item for Vide Phone Option is as follows.

Classification Description

Send Key Press Enter send key value of test video mobile.

If your send key value is 0x10, enter 10.

If you need to enter more than one send key values, use semi

colon between key values (e.g. 10;20;30).

Receive Key


Enter receive key value of test video mobile.

Delay for

Receive Key


Enter receive key delay value of test video mobile.

Data Service Type

Set for data call test.

The detailed description of each item for Data Service Type is as follows.

Classification Description

Moderm Select for test mobile with modem.



Select for test mobile with Network Adpater and Connection

Manager program.

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Data Port

Set data port for data measurement.

The detailed description of each item for Data Port is as follows.

Classification Description

Dial Num Dial number to connect to packet data switch.

User ID User ID to connect to packet data switch.

Password Password to connect to packet data switch

Extra Setting at+crm value used by packet data switch.

*CDMA/EVDO: at+crm=1, at+crm=150, at+crm=160 ……




Note: Refer to standards document “Commands for Packet Domain

of 3GPP TS 27.007 (AT command set for User Equipment (UE))”


Set DUN setting.

The detailed description of each item for DUN setting is as follows.

Classification Description

IP Header Comp Use IP Header compression.

LCP Ext Use LCP expansion.

Nego. Multi-link Negotiate multi link during initial LCP

S/W Comp Use software compression.

Mdm H/W Flow Use hardware control.

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Select message type between XCAL and test mobile.

XCAL displays the items selected from LogMask only.

LogMask items may vary depending on product.

1. Select LogMask item you want to display on XCAL.

2. Enter LogMask name in LogMask Alias entry field.

3. Click on Add/Edit button to add to Alias List.

Click on Del button to remove the selected Alias List.

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AutoCall Setting

This chapter enables you to create Scenarios for Voice and Data (FTP, PPP, Ping) Call

and process AutoCall Test using the created Sceanrio.

1. Select Manu Bar - File – AutoCall Start, or click on AutoCall icon from

Icon Bar.

2. AutoCall Scenario Setting window appears.

AutoCall Scenario Setting window

3. Create a Scenario.

For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting – AutoCall Scenario Setting.

4. Click Create New Scenario icon to create a new scenario in AutoCall

Setup window.

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For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting -AutoCall Setup.

5. Drag a sceario from Scenario Name list on the left section into AutoCall

Scenario on the right section.

Double click to cancel the selected scenario.

6. Scenario is registered from mobile #1.

7. Click OK.

8. AutoCall is started.

9. If you selected AutoCall Logging Option, Save logging file window appears.

For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting - AutoCall Scenario Setting.

Save logging file window

10. Enter a file name to be saved and set save path. Click Save.

11. Call Statistics (Current Scenario) window appears.

For detail, refer to Statistics/Status – Call Statistics (Current Scenario).

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AutoCall Scenario Setting

AutoCall Scenario Setting window allows you to create Scanario for AutoCall test.

Create different scenarios for each call type.

The detailed description of each item in AutoCall Scenario Setting window is as


Classification Description

Create New Scenario

Create a new scenario.

Click on this icon, and AutoCall Setup window appears.

For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting - AutoCall Setup.

Edit Scenario

Edit existing scenario.

Select a scenario you want to edit from Scenario Name

box, and click on Edit Scenario icon.

Delete Scenario

Delete a scenario.

Select a scenario you want to delete from Scenario Name

box, and click on Delete Scenario icon.

Import Scenario

Import an existing scenario.

Export Scenario

Save a created scenario.

AutoCall Logging Option Set logging option.

Per # Call: Generate logging file call by call.

Each Scenario: Generate logging file scenario by scenario.

All Scenarios: Generate one logging file for all scenarios.

Per File Size(MB): Generate logging file in accordance with

logging data size defined.

Per Time (h,m): Generate logging file adding logging time


By Call End: log adding time to AutoCall termination


By Accurate Point: log adding defined time and


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Classification Description

Non: Generate no logging file.

Extend logging time (sec): If you selected on Per Call or

Each Scenario for Logging Option, extend time from

release end to call end of the last call.

Stop logging when autocall finished: Terminate logging

as soon as AutoCall is stopped. If item is unselected, logging

is not stopped after AutoCall is terminated.

AutoCall Export Option All Info of Call Statistics (JPG): Save All Info window in

jpg when AutoCall is terminated.

For detailed information of All Info window, refer to

Statistics/Status – Call Statistics (Current Scenario) -

All Info.

Detail Info of Call Statistics (TXT): Save Detailed Info

window in txt when AutoCall is terminated.

For detailed information of Detailed Info window, refer to

Statistics/Status –Call Statistics (Current Scenario) -

Detail Info.

AutoCall Reservation


Reserve AutoCall scenario.

Start Time: Enter start time for AutoCall Reservation


End Time: Enter end time for AutoCall Reservation process.

Port Set AutoCall start time if you connect more than one test

mobiles for test.

Sync: Start AutoCall for all test mobiles and restart the next

attempt after all calls are terminated.

Async: Start AutoCall for each mobile respectively.

Cycle: Start AutoCall in order of test mobile number.

NOTE: If you test with more than one mobiles and set Sync

for Port and set Disable for AutoCall Scenario Sync, the

disabled mobile is to be excluded for test.

Apply Row

Move up the selected scenario.

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Classification Description

Apply All

Move down the selected scenario.

Delete All

Delete all created scenarios.

AutoCall Scenario Set how to process AutoCall scenario.

Repeat: Set number of repeat for the scenario.

Sync: Able/Disable Port – Sync option.

Keep Con.: Once PPP is connected at the first call, it is not

unconnected and continued. PPP is not connected from the

next call.

Group: Process AutoCall scenario in group if you set Port –


AutoCall Scenario Time

Show time information of the selected AutoCall scenario.

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AutoCall Setup

AutoCall Setup window allows you to create a new scenario.

Click on Create New Scenario icon in AutoCall Scenario Setting window.

AutoCall Setup window

NOTE: AutoCall Setup window may be shown differently depending on mobile chip


The detailed description of each item in AutoCall Setup window is as follows.

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Scenario Name

Enter a scenario name to be created in Scenario Name entry field.

Scenario Name Setting

Auto Call

Set time configuration for each AutoCall scenario.

Auto Call Setting

The detailed description of each item for AutoCall time setting is as follows.

Classification Description

Idle Time Time period between calls.

Setup Time Maximum period to setup radio link connection for Voice/CS

or to establish PPP connection for a call.

T_Setup Time Maximum time period to connect to application server after

establishment of PPP connection. This field is valid for packet

data service application.

Total Setup Setup time plus T_Setup time

* Applies for only FTP & HTTP Call.

Traffic Time Maximum time period to sustain connection for voice, ping &

traceRT calls.

Time limit for completing activities after application server is

connected for data calls such as FTP, TFTP, HTTP, PPP calls.

Call Count Repeat counts each call that Idle / Setup(T_Setup) / Traffic


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Total Time (sec) Time interval between calls

Enter more than the time of (Idle Time + Setup Time

(+T_Setup Time) + Traffic Time)

[Time Configuration for voice Call]

[Time Configuration for Data Call]

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Ignore a Sync Message in Drop (EVDO)

Ignore drop calls occurred due to sync messages in EVDO.

Ignore a Sync Message in Drop (EVDO) setting

Multi RAB (CS+PS)

Test both Voice and Data call simultaneously.

This function supports mobiles with DO Rev. A and with WCDMA.

The two scenarios for voice and data call are processed starting the first call

starts and the second call starts when the first call’s traffic start is occurred.

Multi RAB (CS+PS) setting

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Multi Rab structure

1. Select first call type from 1st Call Type.

2. Select corresponding tab from AutoCall Type tab on the right section and

set scenario.

For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting – AutoCall Setup -AutoCall Type.

3. Select second call type from 2nd Call Type.

4. Select corresponding tab from AutoCall Type tab on the right section and

set scenario.

5. Check 2nd Call Time Setting, and set time for the second call.

Multi RAB Statistics window

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Multi RAB Event window

NOTE: Events with M at the end is for the second call.

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Dormant Mode

Set dormand mode for test mobile.

Dormant Mode setting

Time: Keep call for the defined time.

Allow Dormant State: Keep call by traffic time termation.

NOTE: This option appears when Data Call (FTP, PPP, Ping, HTTP) tab is

selected from AutoCall Type. For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting –

AutoCall Setup - AutoCall Type.

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AutoCall Type

Set AutoCall scenario depending on call types; Voice and Data call.

You may set for Voice (CDMA, QC-WCDMA), and Data (FTP, PPP, Ping, HTTP)

call types.

AutoCall Type section

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Set for voice call test.

You may set in CDMA and QC-WCDMA tabs.

Voice Call_CDMA setting Voice Call_QC-WCDMA setting

The detailed description of each item in the tabs is as follows.

Classification Description

Call Type Set AutoCall test type.

Idle: Connect no calls and keep idle condition.

Origination: Test mobile transmit call test.

Termination: Test mobile receive call test. Sufficient Idle

Time should be set due to it page responses in Idle Time.

Continuous Call: The same as Origination, but it maintains

a call continuously regardless of Traffic time on Auto Call


M to M Org: Calling the other mobile in case 2 mobiles are

connected to XCAL. (Assign the other mobile in the

Destination field).

M to M Ter: Receiving a call from the other mobile in case 2

mobiles are connected to XCAL. (Assign the other mobile in

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Classification Description

the Destination field).

Dialed Digit Designate phone number to be dialed.

Service Option Designate Service Option for voice call.

It is valid on the phones with CDMA Qualcomm chipset.

AMR Rate Designate AMR rate. It is valid on the phones with WCDMA

Qualcomm chipset.

Call Flow Designate the starting point for traffic state.

Traffic state starts when RB Setup, Alert, or Connect

message is detected.

Success Time When Call Type is set to Termination and the call is kept for

Success Time even if the call is not kept for Traffic Time, the

call is determined as Success.

Receive Set receive button.

“Send” button: Click Send button to receive test mobile to

be transmitted.

“0” button: Click 0 button to receive test mobile to be


NOTE: For some WCDMA mobiles, it is impossible to receive

by 0 button.

Alternation Set for alternative transmit/receive.

OT: Repeat one transmit and one receive.

TO: Repeat one receive and one transmit.

End Call Using

“End” Button

Terminate voice call by End Key command defined.

Dial using


Emulate the dial by pressing keys for call origination to make

a call on a phone.

Video Phone Call Video conference call in Samsung, Qualcomm and Sanyo

WCDMA phone can be generated by using key command.

NOTE: This option supports WCDMA only.

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Voice Call Time

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Set for FTP call test.

FTP Call setting

The detailed descriptoin of each item for FTP setting is as follows.

Classification Description

Host Designate IP number of host server to connect

Login ID Login ID of host server

Password Password of host server

Change Dir Designate the directory of host server where file to be


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Classification Description

Ger File Designate file name to be downloaded.

Put File Designate file size to be uploaded. Select the file size from

the drop down list. To transfer file size which is not on the

list, type the number.

- Unit: k = KB, m = MB

- No unit = XCAL assumes MB

Logging FTP Raw


Check: logging payload data of TCP

Uncheck: logging only header data

Port Set port number per protocol.

Passive Mode Selects the FTP server is connected with the passive mode

Repeat Designate repeat count. After server connection, it repeats

the Get File or, the Put File command in traffic.

* Count : Set the repeat count

* Delay : Set the delay until the before get file

Release after LCP

Ter nego

If the option is checked, it will wait for PPP Release order

after the completion of Data transmission. If the option is

unchecked, it does not wait for PPP Release order and it ends

call using the End button. User can confirm LCP packet from

packet message window.

Pending If measured throughput meets the condition which user sets,

pending event is occurred. Upon pending, XCAL stops the

current call and start next call.

PPP/Ethernet: Select whether the pending condition will be

applied to PPP/Ethernet layer throughput.

FTP: Select whether the pending condition will be applied to

FTP (application) layer throughput.

Start Time (sec): The duration between the traffic start

time and when pending condition starts to be measured.

Interval (sec): If the throughput value remains under the

defined threshold value for the defined interval period,

pending event is declared and the call is terminated.

Threshold (Kbps): The desired throughput value in kbps

If throughput remains under the defined threshold value for

the defined interval period, pending event is declared and

the call is terminated.

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Classification Description

3GPP QoS and APN Sets QoS and APN of PDP Context which is defined in 3GPP.

Refer to 3GPP TS 27.007 (

FTP Call Time

If throughput is sustained under predefined threshold for designated time

threshold, then pending is declared and the call will be dropped.

Pending event

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Set for PPP call test.

PPP Call setting

The detailed description of each item for PPP setting is as follows.

Classification Description

3GPP QoS and APN Refer to 3GPP TS 27.007 (

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Set for Ping call test.

Ping Call setting

The detailed description of each item for Ping call setting is as follows.

Classification Description

Classification Single Ping: Meausre delay rate, packet loss rate, and etc.

TraceRT: Measure delay rate, packet loss rate at network


Destination Enter IP Address and URL for Ping test.

Timeout (ms) Enter timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply (Unit:


TTL (1 ~ 255) Enter Time to live.

Packet Len (Bytes) Size of Data Byte to be transmitted.

Count Enter ICMP request count.

Set “Don’t


Send un-fragmented packet.

Reactivation Test Measure transition time of test mobile from a dormant

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Classification Description


1. Select Classification – Single Ping.

2. Enter Destination, Timeout, TTL, Packet Len, Count

(Set over 2).

3. Check Reactivation Test.

4. Enter Count and Delay for Repeat.

Count: Ping repetition count

Delay(s): Time interval (sec) between repetitions

NOTE: Suppose you set Count and Delay as follows;

Count: 3, Delay(s): 40

Measure mode transition time for three times that test

mobile in Dormant mode is kept for 40 seconds after

Traffic Start, and change the mode to Active.

NOTE: In order to avoid Drop Event due to EVDO

connection close message, check Allow Dormant State

for Dormant Mode. (For detailed information of Dormant

Mode, refer to AutoCall Setting – AutoCall Setup -

Dormant Mode.)

3GPP QoS and APN Refer to 3GPP TS 27.007 (

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Set for HTTP call test.

HTTP Call setting

The detailed description of each item for HTTP call setting is as follows.

Classification Description

URL Enter HTTP Address to connect.

Repeat Enter number of access attempt to HTTP address to connect.

Pending If measured throughput meets the condition which user sets,

pending event is occurred. Upon pending, XCAL stops the

current call and start next call.

PPP/Ethernet: Select whether the pending condition will be

applied to PPP/Ethernet layer throughput.

FTP: Select whether the pending condition will be applied to

FTP (application) layer throughput.

Start Time (sec): The duration between the traffic start

time and when pending condition starts to be measured.

Interval (sec): If the throughput value remains under the

defined threshold value for the defined interval period,

pending event is declared and the call is terminated.

Threshold (Kbps): The desired throughput value in kbps

If throughput remains under the defined threshold value for

the defined interval period, pending event is declared and

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the call is terminated.

3GPP QoS and APN Refer to 3GPP TS 27.007. (

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Generate a report in HTML format which summarizes the data measured.

Report shows the result of Autocall statistics regarding Current Mobile and All

Mobiles. The results which include the information and figures about each

scenario will be separated into the statistics window like overall calls and each

call, and it will be shown as table and graph. This information can be saved

for further use.

1. After AutoCall is terminated, click Report icon in

Statistics/Status – Call Statistics (All Scenarios) window.

2. Report Option window appears.

Report Option window

The detailed information of each item in Report Option window is as


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Classification Description

Current Mobile Create an AutoCall report for the current test mobile.

All Mobile Create an AutoCall report for all test mobiles.

Company logo Add company logo in report to be created.

Width/Height Set width and height of company logo.

Prepared by Add name of writer.

use pattern Add graph pattern.

Throughput Select Throughput and RTT Time.

Min / Comp / Max /


Select range and color for each parameter.

Add range.

Generate Create report.

Cancel Cancel report.

3. A report is created based on the setting.

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Real Time Mapping

User can view the test results on the Real Time Mapping window. The results are

displayed on the map graphically. Real Time Mapping window can display call event

and serving line between the active base stations and the current position of the


Real Time Mapping window

1. Select Menu Bar File – Real Time Mapping, or press shortcut key Ctrl + R on

your keyboard. Or click on Map icon from Icon Bar.

2. Real Time Mapping window appears.

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Real Time Mapping window

The detailed description of each item in Real Time Mapping window is as


Classification Description

Map Control Icon Icons for real time mapping.

For detail, refer to Real Time Mapping - Map Control Icon.

Enable Trace

Display GPS data extracted from existing logging file.

You may test along the existing test route.

For detail, refer to Real Time Mapping - Trace.

Phone Tab &

Parameter Selection


Select parameters to be shown on the map.

Legend Display Box Display the selected parameter’s legend including range, color,

symbol, shape, and etc.

You may change legend setting by using Map Layer Property


Real Time Parameter Display the selected parameters in Parameter Selection in

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Classification Description

Display Box table.

GPS Info Show GPS longitude and latitude of the current point and

mobile speed (km/h).

3. Measured data is displayed on map in real time.

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Map Control Icon

Map Control Icon is used for map management (load map and change map

properties) and to set the measurement data display properties such as color,

symbol and location offset.

Icon Name Description

Map Layer


Set parameter range, color and BTS/Repeater


For detail, refer to Real Time Mapping - Map

Layer Property.

Clear Remove all data displayed on the map.

Fit Scale Move to the current point.

Zoom In/Out Zoom in/out the map.

Pause Pause measurement data displayed on the map in

real time.

Technology Select relevant technology.

Enable Trace Trace GPs.

Display GPS information extracted from an existing

logging file.

For detail, refer to Real Time Mapping - Trace.

Map Mark


Save/Import mark information displayed on map.

Map Mark


Show/Hide mark information display on map.

Bird View Display map looking straight down.

3D Building Display buildings on the map in three dimention.

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Icon Name Description

Rotate Rotate map and change location.

Tracking Head Move map keeping point north side.

Trace Save GPS information in txt format automatically.

Display measurement route by using txt file.

You may remove txt file by using Delete button.

Parameter Tree Display parameter tree on the right side.

Parameter Tree Display parameter tree on the bottom.

Export to Google


Export in *.kml format to import to Google Earth.

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Map Layer Property

Map Layer Properties window enables you to configure RF parameters to be

shown on real time map and set BTS/Repeater.

Click on May Layer Property icon in Real Time Mapping window.

Map Properties window appears.

Map Properties window is shown vary depending on map type (Map Selection).

Map (SmartMap)

Set map setting for Real Time Mapping window.

Map Properties_Map tab

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The detailed description of each item in Map tab is as follows.

Classification Description

Offset setting Move measurement data to the designated longitude/latitude


Map Selection Select map type.

Map type may vary depending on products.

Using image file: Insert any image to display instead of

map data. Click on icon to import image and set by

mouse menu.

Using image file mouse menu

Set Base Position: Shift the test route.

Set Relative Position: Balance test route and image file on

the map.

Reset Position: Adjust image file on the window size and

move test route to center.

Map layer Display TAB and MIF map type.

Support WGS84 type only.

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Map (MIF)

Set map setting for Real Time Mapping window.

Map Properties_Map tab

The detailed description of each item in Map tab is as follows.

Classification Description

Offset setting Move measurement data to the designated longitude/latitude


Map Selection Select map type.

Map type may vary depending on products.

Using image file: Insert any image to display instead of

map data. Click on icon to import image and set by

mouse menu.

Using image file mouse menu

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Classification Description

Set Base Position: Shift the test route.

Set Relative Position: Balance test route and image file on

the map.

Reset Position: Adjust image file on the window size and

move test route to center.

Map layer Map Manager to create GEO file with MIF file: Convert

MIP map file in GEO format. MIF map supports GEO format


GEO File: Import GEO file from the designated path.

1. Click on Map Manager to create GEO file with MIF

file button. Map Manager window appears.

2. Select a MIF file, and drag it into Select Files section on

the right side.

3. Enter a file name in Map Name entry field.

4. Click on Create button to create map file.

5. Click on icon from GEO File to import the created

GEO file.

6. Click on Map Property button. Map Control window

appears. You may allocate buildings and roads.

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Classification Description

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MAP (MapX)

Set map setting for Real Time Mapping window.

Map Properties_Map tab

The detailed description of each item in Map tab is as follows.

Classification Description

Offset setting Move measurement data to the designated longitude/latitude


Map Selection Select map type.

Map type may vary depending on products.

Using image file: Insert any image to display instead of

map data. Click on icon to import image and set by

mouse menu.

Using image file mouse menu

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Classification Description

Set Base Position: Shift the test route.

Set Relative Position: Balance test route and image file on

the map.

Reset Position: Adjust image file on the window size and

move test route to center.

Map layer Map Manger to use MapX File: Apply MapX file. Select a

map file you want to use for GeoSet, and click OK button.

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Set BTS information on the map. Each class can be shown or hidden, and can

have different border width and color.

Map Properties_BTS tab

The detailed description of each item in BTS tab is as follows.

Classification Description

Boarder Setting Show/Hide BTS or Repeater depending on technologies.

Set band, boarder width, border color, and BTS size.

If two BTS are located at a point, XCAL displays the smaller

BTS over the larder one.

BTS/Repeater Label Set BTS/Repeater name color and font type.

Display Label Option Set BTS information and parameters to be shown on the


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Show and hide link of the repeater and Mother BTS using check box. User can

set repeater link, font and background color.

Map Properties_Repeater tab

The detailed description of each item in Repeater tab is as follows.

Classification Description

Show Repeater Display repeater on the map.

Show Link between

Repeater and Mother


Display connection link between BTS and repeater.

Select BTS-Repeater

Link Parameter

Set base parameter for BTS and Repeater connection link.

Repeater Label Set alphabet which stands for Repeater on the map.

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Classification Description

Serving Line

Serving lines to the Active, Candidate, Neighbor Set are indicated with

different colors according to the technology type and Ec/Io or RSSI threshold.

User can adjust them in this window.

Map Properties_Serving Line tab

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Custom Draw

Set polyline, polygone label for marks on the map.

Map Properties_Custome Draw tab

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Set distance unit (Km, Mile).

Map Properties_ETC tab

The detailed description of each item in ETC tab is as follows.

Classification Description

Show WCDMA Event Display WCDMA event.

Distance Unit Display disntance between measured data and

BTS/Repeater in Kilometer or Mile.

Scale Enter monitor size.

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Set color and line for BTS coverage.

Map Properties_Coverage tab

BTS coverage is shown as follows.

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Set legend range and symbol type and size for each RF parameter.

Map Properties_Legend tab

The detailed description of each item in Legend tab is as follows.

Classification Description

Parameter tree Select a parameter you want to set legend.

Range value Double click and change value.

Copy from other


Copy another parameter’s setting for the selected parameter.

Select a parameter you want to copy setting, and the setting

is applied to the current parameter.

Batch range

Set all ranges in a parameter at once. Enter value in Step

entry field and values between Min and Max are ranged by

Step value.

Delete all range

Delete the current settings.

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Classification Description

Add range

Add a new range line.

Delete range

Delete the selected line.


Save the current setting in lgd format.


Import existing lgd file.

Show Call Event Select call event you want to display on the map.

Import Analyzer


Import analyzer legend setting.

Export Analyzer


Save to apply for analyzer legend setting.

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Extract GPS data from existing logging data and display them on the real time map.

It enables you to make sure test route of existing logging file and test along the

existing test route.

1. Select Enable Trace icon in Real Time Mapping window.

2. Load GPS Info window appears.

Load GPS Info window

3. Click Open icon from Extract GPS Info – Logging File. Select logging file

you want to extract GPS information.

4. Click Open icon from Extract GPS Info – Gps File. Select GPS export


5. Click icon to create a file with GPS information.

The status bar shows its progress.

6. If you want to extract GPS information from more than one logging files, repeat

step 3 through 4.

7. Click Add button. The converted GPS file is added to GPS File list.

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8. Click OK.

9. Loaded GPS route is displayed with red line in Real Time Mapping window.

You may make sure start and end point of the route.

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Real Time Mapping mouse menu

Real Time Mapping mouse menu selects a certain point and set further settings.

1. Right click on Real Time Mapping window.

2. Real Time Mapping mouse menu appears.

Real Time Mapping mouse menu

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Add Symbol/Polyline/Circle/Polygon

Display a certain point with symbol, polyline, circle, or polygon.

1. Right click on Real Time Mapping window, select among Add Symbol,

Add Polyline, Add Circle, or Add Polygon.

2. Select any range you want to display with polyline, circle, polygon on real

time map.

3. Right click to stop selecting the range.

4. Map Mark Input window appears.

If you selected on Add Symbol from Real Time Maping mouse menu,

Map Mark Input window appears without selection on the map.

Map Mark Input window

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5. Set for Symbol, Polygon, Circle, Polygon configuration.

The detailed description of each item in Map Mark Input window is as


Classification Description

Alias Select a Alias name set from Mobile Alias Setting window.

For detailed description for Mobile Alias Setting window,

refer to Mobile Alias Setting.

Area Enter measurement area name.



Enter longitude and latitude automatically.

Memo 1,2,3 Enter memo.

7. Map displays with symbol, polyline, circle, polygon.

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Mark List

Mark List window enables you to make sure all symbol, polyline, circle,

polygon information displayed on the map.

There are four tabs for Symbol, Polyline, Circle, Polygon.

You may show/hide each item by selecting each show/hide checkboxes.

Map Mark List window

The detailed description of each item in Map Mark List window is as follows.

Classification Description

Search Select Alias or Area from all list.

Show/Hide Show/Hide the selected items.

Select All Select all items in the list.

Unselect All Unselect all items in the list.

Import Import existing mark list.

Export Export mark list in txt.

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Classification Description

Delete All Delete all mark lists.

OK Apply all setting and close Mark List window.

Alias Setting

Set symbol, polyline, circle, polygon to be displayed on the map.

1. Right click on Real Time Mapping window and select on Alias Setting.

2. Map Mark Alias Setting window appears.

Map Mark Alias Setting window

3. Click Add.

4. Enter Alias name. A new alias name is added on Alias list.

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5. Double click on Preview button and set color, type, width.

Preview window

6. Click OK.

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Signaling Message

Signaling Message window shows Layer3 messages transffered from test mobile.

1. Select Menu Bar - Message – Signaling Message.

2. Signaling Message (Mobile#) window appears.

Signaling Message (Mobile#) window

The detailed description of each item in Map tab is as follows.

Classification Description

Message Filter Click Filtering button to select filter name.

Filtered Message window shows the filtered message flow.

Filtering Add/Delete/Edit message filter.

1. Click Filtering button.

2. Message Filtering Dialog window appears.

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Classification Description

3. Click New button. Enter message filter name in Filter Name

entry field.

4. Select message type you want to filter. Click Add.

5. Click OK.

Pause/Resume Pause/Resume message flow.

If message flow is stopped by Pause button, messages are saved

while logging is in progress.

Export Export the current message in the viewer in txt format.

Packet Display packet message with CAI message.

Clear Delete all messages shown in the window.

Find Find message.

Show Step 1,2,3 For WCDMA only.

Display selected Step 1,2,3 parameter in real time.

Message window The upper left section in Signaling Message window.

Display signaling message.

Filtered Message


The lower left section in Signaling Message window.

Display the selected parameter inforamtion.

Detailed Message



The right section in Signaling Message window.

Display parameter information of the selected message.

Time Show Time Stamp for CAI message flow.

Show Step For WCDMA only.

Display Show Step 1, 2, 3 messages.

Channel Show message transfer channel.

ID Show message ID.

Message Show message name.

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Mobile Message

Display event status, signaling, and diagnostic messages generated during test

mobile operation.

1. Select Manu Bar - Message – Mobile Message.

2. Mobile Message (Mobile#) window appears.

Mobile Message (Mobile#) window

The detailed description of each item in Mobile Message (Mobile#) window is

as follows.

Classification Description

Level Filter Messages can be filtered by message level designated by this filter

File Filter Messages can be filtered by source code file where the messages

were generated

Export Control button to export the displayed content

Pause Control button to stop temporary display of the contents. The

button is toggle button

Time Time stamp information for messages

File Name Name of the source code file where the message was generated.

For event messages, this column reads Event

Line Line number in source code file where the message was generated.

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For event messages, this column lists the event category

Level/SSID Priority level assigned to message

Message Plain text description of message

Alarm Event Manager

Monitor alarm event list.

1. Select Menu Bar - Message – Alarm Event Manager.

2. Alarm Event Manager (Mobile#) window appears.

Alarm Event Manager (Mobile#) window

The detailed description of each item in Alarm Event Manager (Mobile#)

window is as follows.

Classification Description

As Excel/Txt Export alarm event manager window in xls or txt.

Time Display time stamp of message.

Message Display event list which meet alarm condition.

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Packet Message

Display message flow and detailed content of message of test mobile.

Packets which generated from test mobile during data service such as LCP, CHAP,

IPCP, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, and etc. are displayed in order.

1. Select Menu Bar - Message – Packet Message.

2. Packet Message (Mobile#) window appears.

Packet Message (Mobile#) window

The detailed description of each item in Packet Message (Mobile#) window is

as follows.

Classification Description

Pause/Resume Pause/Resume message flow.

Time Show time stamp of message.

Dir Show message flow direction.

Rx: Receive (Network > PC / MS)

Tx: Transmit (PC / MS > Network)

Type Show packet message type.

Code Show message name and Seq/ACK number.

Message display


The left section in Packet Message window.

Display packets which generated from test mobile during data

service such as LCP, CHAP, IPCP, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, and etc. are

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Classification Description

displayed in order.

Protocol analysis


The right section in Packet Message window.

A protocol analyzer which analyzes captured packets and display

packet message.

NOTE: Supported depending on product version.

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Packet Capture Viewer

Capture packet messages and display them in Packet Capture Viewer window.

1. Select Menu Bar - Message – Packet Capture Viewer.

2. Packet Capture Viewer (Mobile#) window appears.

Packet Capture Viewer (Mobile#) window

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PPP Frame Message

Display PPP Frame information including UM/RM/AN Frame.

1. Select Menu Bar - Message – PPP Frame Message.

2. PPP Frame Message (Mobile#) window appears.

PPP Frame Message (Mobile#) window

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Call Statistics (Current Scenario)

Display call statistics of currently processed scenario.

Detailed call statistics including detailed fail reason, call procedure and information

(setup time, traffic time, IP address) are displayed.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – Call Statistics (Current Scenario).

2. Call Statistics (Current Scenario) window appears.

Call Statistics (Current Scenario) window

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Call Statistics window has All Info and Detailed Info tabs.

All Info

Display call statistics, procedure, information of test mobile.

All Info tab displays different statistics items depending on Call Type (Voice,

Data Call).


Call statistics window for Voice call.

Call Statistics (Current Scenario) window_All Info tab

The detailed description of each item in Call Statistics (Current Scenario)

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window is as follows.

Classification Description

Scenario Shows the current scenario name (current count/total retry

count) to run

Phone Info Mobile Type(shows chip type and mobile type)

Total The number of calls progressed/Total number of calls for auto

call test

Success The number and percentage of successful calls for attempted


Setup Fail The number of setup fail calls (Setup fail occurs when radio

link setup failure happens)

Drop Call drop during progress of traffic

End By C.P Disconnect by Counter party (release or drop)

*This event is available for Voice and CS

End By M.R Call disconnected by mobile, after traffic.

Idle * CDMA : Fail to receive general page message

* WCDMA : Fail to receive rrc Connection Request message

Error Number of calls with various errors such as No ATDT, modem

Error and port error. These errors are related to test phone

Time Idle time/Setup time/Traffic setup time/Traffic time

Work Type Autocall type such as FTP Up/Down state, Ping, HTTP and CS

Progress It displays the progress of the current call

Current State Indicate current state of application service

Call Result Result of call

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Data (FTP, PPP, Ping, HTTP)

Call statistics window for Data (FTP, PPP, Ping, HTTP) call.

Call Statistics (Current Scenario) window

The detailed description of each item in Call Statistics (Current Scenario)

window is as follows.

Classification Description

Scenario Shows the current scenario name (current count/total retry

count) to run

Phone Info Mobile Type(shows chip type and mobile type)

Total The number of calls progressed/Total number of calls for auto

call test

Success The number and percentage of successful calls for attempted


Setup Fail Setup fail occurs when radio link setup failure happens

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Classification Description

Traffic Fail Traffic fail is declared if connection to application layer fails

after finishing PPP layer connection.

*This event is available for data service such as FTP, TFTP

and HTTP

Drop Call drop during progress of traffic

Pending If throughput is sustained under predefined threshold for

designated time threshold, then pending is declared and the

call will be dropped

NOTE: For detail, refer to AutoCall Setting – AutoCall

Setup – AutoCall Type – FTP.

Time Out If download or upload from/to application can not be finished

during predefined traffic time interval, then Time Out is


Error Number of calls with various errors such as No ATDT, modem

Error and port error. These errors are related to test phone.

Time Idle time/Setup time/Traffic setup time/Traffic time

Setup(A / C / S) Connection Time for Air link setup time/Core link setup

time/Server setup time


Air Time: ATDT ~ LCP Start(Traffic)

Core Time: LCP Start(Traffic) ~ IPCP End

Server Time: FTP Connecting ~ FTP Load CMD


Air Time: ATDT ~ RRC Connection Complete

Core Time: RRC Connection Complete ~ Activate PDP

Context Accept

Server Time: FTP Connection ~ FTP Load CMD


Air Time: ATDT ~ PDP Context Request

Core Time: Activate PDP Context Request ~

Activate PDP Context Accept

Server Time: FTP Connection ~ FTP Load CMD

Current Display throughput of proceeding call

Avr_Time(Kbps) Average throughput of calls averaged over time

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Classification Description

Avr_Call(Kbps) It is calculated as follows; Total received bytes / Total elapsed

times of all FTP transmission

Work Type Display current call type

Work Info1 IP address of application server before starting service

application. File size to be downloaded or uploaded after

starting service application

Work Info2 File name to be downloaded or uploaded before starting

service application. Amount of data downloaded or uploaded

after starting service application

Progress Indicate percentage of data quantity downloaded or uploaded

over total file size

Current State Indicate current state of application service

Call Result Result of call

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Detailed Info

Display call statistics, procedure, event.

Detailed Info window consists of the following three sectinos.

Call Statistics View

Call Result View

Call Event History View

Call Statistics (Current Scenario)_Detailed Info tab

Call Statistics View

Show the statistics of call result over the current auto call scenario such as

success rate, setup fail rate, traffic fail rate, drop rate and the specific

reason of failed calls.

Call Statistics View

Call Result View

Call Event History View

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Call Statistics View

The detailed description of each item in Call Statistics View is as follows.

Classification Description

AutoCall Setting

Call Type Call Type ( Voice, FTP…)

Idle Time Time interval between two successive calls

Setup Time

Time limit for the test phone to connect to Dial-Up Network. If the

test phone cannot be connected to Dial-Up Network until the

Setup Time expires, XCAL counts it as fail call.

Traffic Setup


Duration from connecting to the FTP site to completion of

downloading. If the call is dropped in the middle of the call before

the Traffic setup Time expires, XCAL counts it as drop call.

Traffic No of calls successfully completed downloading during traffic time

Call summary

Total The number of calls progressed/Total number of calls for auto call


Success The number and percentage of successful calls for attempted calls.

Setup Fail Setup fail occurs when radio link setup failure happens.

Traffic Fail Traffic fail is declared if connection to application layer fails after

finishing PPP layer connection

*This event is available for data service such as FTP, TFTP and


Drop Call drop during progress of traffic

Pending If throughput is sustained under predefined threshold for

designated time threshold, then pending is declared the call will be


*This event is available for FTP.

Time Out If down load or up load from/to application can not be finished

during predefined traffic time interval, Time Out is declared.

*This event is available for FTP.

End By C.P The number of calls progressed/Total number of calls for auto call


Idle * CDMA : Fail to receive page response message

* WCDMA : Fail to receive rrc Connection Request message

Error Number of calls with error

Congestion Receive mobile is on line.

No Service Fail to receive service connect message

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Classification Description

Fail Reason

Voice Call Setup Fail Reason (CDMA)



Fail to send origination message within setup time in origination

type call



Fail N

Fail to receive channel assignment message.

N is number of Origination of Page Response Messages

No Service Fail to receive service connect message

BS Ack Fail Fail to receive base station acknowledgement message after

receiving channel assignment message

Alert Fail Fail to receive alert message

Connect Setup fail occurred after alert Message is received

Voice Call Setup Fail Reason (WCDMA)

Origination Fail to send origination message within setup time in origination

type call

RRC Reject Fail to setup call by receiving RRC connection reject message

RRC phase Fail to receive RRC Connection Complete message

CM Setup


Fail to receive Downlink Direct Transfer(Call Proceeding) message

after receiving Initial Direct Transfer(CM Service request) message



Fail to setup call by receiving Radio Bearer Failure message

RAB Setup


Fail to receive Radio Bearer Setup Complete message after

receiving Radio Bearer Setup Message



Fail to receive Alerting Connection and Connection Ack message

after receiving Radio Bearer setup complete message

Disconnect Fail to setup call by receiving Downlink direct transfer(Disconnect)



n Failure

Fail to setup call due to RT Area Update



Receive mobile is on line.

Data Call_Setup Fail Reason

Dial Fail Dial fail is declared if radio link can’t be set up during setup time


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Classification Description

LCP Fail LCP fail is declared if LCP negotiation phase can’t be finished

before setup timer expires.

Auth Fail Auth fail is declared if authentication negotiation phase can’t be

finished before setup timer expires.

IPCP Fail IPCP fail is declared if clients can’t receive IP allocation from

network before setup timer expires.

Logon Fail Logon fail is declared if network Logon can’t be finished before

setup timer expires.

Data Call_Traffic Fail Reason

Connect Fail Fail to connect to application server before traffic setup timer


Change Dir


Fail to locate directory of application server where download file

is located before traffic setup timer expires.

File Open Fail Fail to open download file before traffic setup timer expires.

Time out Fail Fail to start download before traffic setup timer expires.

Data Call_Ping Statistics

Lost (%) Percentage of lost ping count over total ping count in total call

Min (ms) Min RTT value in ms over total call

Max (ms) Max RTT value in ms over total call

Avg (ms) Average RTT value over total call

Hops (Min) Min hop count over total call

Hops (Max) Max hop count over total call

Call Result View

Show summarized results of each call such as setup time, FA, End Time,

Result, FA, SID, NID, Scenario, Call Type and Information.

Call Result View

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The detailed description of each item in Call Result View is as follows.

Classification Description

No Number of call

Start Time Start time of call

End Time End time of call

Result Reason of call termination

Scenario Scenario name

Call Type Call Type (Voice, FTP, HTTP and Ping/TraceRT)

Throughput Displays the information depending on the scenario

Info Number of call

Summarized result in call.

Classification Description

Common * D (Dial Time) : ATDT ~ LCP Start (First)

* L (LCP) : LCP Start (Traffic) ~ LCP Complete

* A (Auth) : Auth Start ~ Auth Complete

* I (IPCP) : IPCP Start ~ IPCP End

* P (PPP) : LCP Start (First) ~ IPCP End

* L (Logon) : PPP Logon Start ~ PPP Logon End

CDMA FA : Frequency Assignment.(Invalid on WCDMA)

SID : System Identification number(Invalid on


NID : Network Identification number(Invalid on


Voice CDMA Setup: Elapsed time to setup radio link

WCDMA Setup: Elapsed time to setup radio link

RRC : RRC Connection request ~ RRC Connection

Setup Complete

CM Setup : CM Service request ~ Call Proceeding

RAB : Radio Bearer Setup ~ Radio Bearer Setup


RRC No : RRC Connection request Count

FTP Server Elapsed time for FTP Connection

Traffic Elapsed time for traffic



Throughput of FTP application layer

RcvByte Amount of total received bytes for a call

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Classification Description

MaxByte Maximum size of file to be received in byte unit for a


Air, Core Air, Core Time.

For detailed information for Air Time/Core Time, refer

to Statistics/Status – Call Statistics (Current

Scenario) - All Info.

Ping RTT(Min) Minimum RTT in a call

RTT(Max) Maximum RTT in a call

RTT(Avg) Average RTT of a call

Rcv Number of receive

Lost Number of ping lost in a call and percentage of lost

ping count over total sent ping count in a call

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Call Event History View

Show history of important events in call processing with timestamp. It displays

the important call event with timestamp.

Call Event History View

The detailed description of each item in Call Event History View is as follows.

Classification Description

Time Time information of events.

Status Detailed status of call in progress.

Contents Supplemental information for status.

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Call Statistics (All Scenario)

Display overall statistics of all AutoCall scenarios.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – Call Statistics (All Scenarios).

2. Call Statistics (All Scenarios) window appears.

Call Statistics (All Scenarios) window

The detailed description of each item in Call Statistics (All Scenarios) window is

as follows.

Classification Description

Scenario Current scenario name

Call Type Current call type

Repeat Repeatition count of AutoCall scenario.

Total The number of calls progressed for current call/Total number of calls for

current auto call test.

(If user uses the Setup Try function, the total is PPP setup count.)

Setup Try Repeat count of auto call scenario

Success Number of successful calls

Setup Fail Setup fail occurs after radio link setup failure

Incomplete Number of calls which are not successful. This parameter is for data

service only.

Error The number and percentage of error calls for attempted calls

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EVDO Session Assignment Test

EVDO Session Clear function is done automatically using N/W Read/Write function..

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – EVDO Session Assignment Test.

2. Set values and click Session Clear button. The following items are displayed and

the test mobile is reset.

Classification Description

Mobile Mobile Number

SPC Displays the code in SPC

Session Clear Resets the mobile

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Ping Status

Display single ping test result in graph and statistics.

1. Select Menu Bar – Statistics/Status – Ping Status.

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TraceRT Status

Display TraceRT test result in statistics.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics / Status – TraceRT Status.

Classification Description

TTL Time to Live

IP IP Address

Cur (ms) Displays RTT of current IP

Min (ms) Displays minimum RTT

Max (ms) Displays maximum RTT

Avg (ms) Displays average RTT

Max-Min (ms) Max RTT – Min RTT

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Throughput Info

Display throughput information.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – Throughput Info.

Classification Description

PPP Throughput Displays throughput in PPP layer

IP Throughput Throughput in IP layer that includes IP Header



Throughput in TCP and UDP layer

APP Throughput Throughput of Specific port TCP

* FTP: 20, HTTP: 80




Provides TCP retransmission rate

TCP Window Size Buffer Window Size

Tx Throughput Provides PPP, IP, TCP / UDP, APP Tx Throughput

Rx Throughput Provides PPP, IP, TCP / UDP, APP Rx Throughput

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GPS Status

Display location and time information received from GPS.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – GPS Status.

Classification Description

GPS Time Current time information provided by GPS.

Longitude Longitudinal location information provided by GPS.

Latitude Latitudinal location information provided by GPS.

Heading Orientation of movement.

Speed Current moving speed.

Source A textual evaluation of the current signal being received by the GPS

receiver. Possible values are: (GPS receiver does not report quality,

mostly for ETAK receiver support), (bad reception, so no GPS position

can be derived), (Standard), (a usable signal from a standard GPS

receiver, accurate within 50 meters), (good signal from a differential

GPS receiver, so the reported position is especially accurate within 5


Data Age An indicator of the freshness of the GPS data: either Valid or Stale.

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GPS Satellite Status

Display satellite location information received from GPS.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – GPS Satellite Status.

Classification Description

Satellite The number of satellites , GPS is receiving signal currently from

PNR Satellite ID

Elevation Elevation information of satellite

Azimuth Azimuth information of satellite

C / N Carrier to Noise ratio of the satellite signal

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Logging Info

Display where logging file for the test mobile to be saved.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – Logging Info.

Classification Description

Directory The name of the directory the drive test file is being saved.

File Name Designated name for the drive test file.

Start Time Start time of logging the drive test data.

Elapsed Time Elapsed time from the start of logging.

Logging Size Size of drive test file.

Disk Free Space Free space of hard disk.

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Communication Statistics

Display packet CRC error in statistics.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – Communication Statistics.

Classification Description

Comport Designates communication port

BaudRate Designates communication speed through DM port

Streaming Determine if streaming logging is executed

# of Tx Packet Count of Total Tx Packet

# of Rx Packet Count of Total Rx Packet

# of CRC Error Count of Packet Error

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QPCH Statistics

Display QPCH parameter and QPCH of test mobile.

1. Select Menu Bar - Statistics/Status – QPCH Statistics.

Classification Description

Channel Provides QPCH Walsh channel

Rate Least significant bit – RATE; rate for QPCH paging indicators:

0 – 4800 bps

1 – 9600 bps

Upper seven bits – XFER_REASON; QPCH transfer reason

(why QPCH could transfer back to idle):










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Classification Description






PN PN index of Pilot (0..511)

Power Level Power level for paging indicator (0~7)

000 – 5 dB below Pilot Channel Transmit Power

001 – 4 dB below Pilot Channel Transmit Power

010 – 3 dB below Pilot Channel Transmit Power

011 – 2 dB below Pilot Channel Transmit Power

100 – 1 dB below Pilot Channel Transmit Power

101 – Same as Pilot Channel Transmit Power

110 – 1 dB above Pilot Channel Transmit Power

111 – 2 dB above Pilot Channel Transmit Power



Threshold used to determine if the PI / CCI bit is an erasure

Bit Threshold Threshold used to determine if the PI / CCI bit is 1 or 0

Type Type of indicator (0~5)

0 – Paging Indicator #1

1 – Paging Indicator #2

2 – Configuration Change Indicator #1

3 – Configuration Change Indicator #2

4 – Broadcast Indicator #1

5 – Broadcast Indicator #2

Status Result of indicator demodulation (0~4)

0 – Not applicable

1 – Not detected

2 – Detected

3 – Erasure

4 – Missed

Bit Position Position of indicator (0~768)

I-channel Bit


Indicator energy on I Channel (0~65535)

Q-channel Bit


Indicator energy on Q Channel (0~65535)

I-channel Pilot


Common pilot energy (0~65535)

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Classification Description

Q-channel Pilot


Diversity pilot energy (0~65535)

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User Define

User Define menu allows you to make sure any parameters in table and graph.

Parameters for test mobile are displayed in Graph, Table, Summary Info, and Cell

Measurement windows.

User Define menu is supported depending on product.


Display parameter in graph.

1. Select Menu Bar - User Defined –Graph.

2. Select checkboxes for any parameters you want to display in graph from the

parameter tree on the left section or drag it into the graph on the right section.

3. Set maximum and X, Y axis value. Click Apply.

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4. Right click on Graph, and graph mouse menu appears.

Classification Description

Remove Deletes the chosen parameter

X Range Sets the range of X-axis of the Graph which displays the value of

the chosen parameter. (unit: second)

Create Favorite Saves the setting of the chosen parameter

Delete Favorite Deletes the Favorite File previously generated

Show Parameter


Check : Displays the parameter set-up window

Uncheck : Doesn’t show up the parameter set-up window


Alarm Event

Check: Displays Attempt, Success. and Fail on Graph when Event


Uncheck: Doesn’t show Attempt, Success, and Fail on Graph when

Event Occurs

WCDMA Event Color


This option appears only when Show WCDMA Alarm Event is


Set attempt, success, fail color for WCDMA event.

Select WCDMA Event Color Setting, and Color Setting window


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Display parameter in table.

1. Select Manu Bar - User Defined –Table.

2. Select checkboxes for any parameters you want to display in table from the

parameter tree on the left section or drag it into the graph on the right section.

3. Right click on Table, and table mouse menu appears.

Classification Description

Remove Deletes the chosen parameter

Create Favorite Saves the setting of the chosen parameter

Delete Favorite Deletes the Favorite file previously generated

Show Parameter


Check : Displays the parameter set-up window

Uncheck : Doesn’t show up parameter set-up window

Show WCDMA Check: Displays Attempt, Success. and Fail on Graph when Event


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Alarm Event Uncheck: Doesn’t show Attempt, Success, and Fail on Graph when

Event Occurs

Summary Info

Display current information for selected parameter for each test mobile.

1. Select Menu Bar - User Defined – Summary Info.

2. Select checkboxes for any parameters you want to display in table from the

parameter tree on the left section or drag it into the graph on the right section.

3. Right click on the table and Summary Info mouse menu appears.

Classification Description

Remove Mobile Hide parameter.

Remove Parameter Delete parameter.

Show Parameter


Show/Hide parameter list section.

Create Favorite Save parameter selection setting in Favorite.

Parameter selection setting is added under Favorite tree.

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Delete Favorite Delete Favorite tree.

Cell Measurement

Display PN information by technology.

1. Select Menu Bar - User Defined – Cell Measurement.

Top Related