Download - Word H Palstat k14

  • 8/10/2019 Word H Palstat k14


    WordV.Aalto H: Palstat

    PALSTAT (eli SARAKKEET)/Harjoitus

    1. Tallenna Moodlen tiedostoista asiakirja NT_Columnsitsellesi nimell PALSTAT.

    2. Aseta koko asiakirjaa koskevat asetukset:

    Fontti: Times New Roman 12

    Tasaus: Molemmat reunat

    Rivivli: 1,3

    Kappalevli: 1 rivi (Jlkeen) (1 rivi = 12 pt)

    Asiakir ja tavutettu

    3. Palstoita asiakirja mallin (vierit ikkunaa sivut 2-3) mukaiseksi. Tee mys muut muotoi-lut. (Rivinvaihtojen ei tarvitse olla samat kuin mallissa.)

    4. Lis asiakirjaan yltunniste, jossa on nimesi ja luokkasi tunnus oikeaan reunaantasattunasek juokseva sivunumerointi keskitetysti.



    2 ja 3!

  • 8/10/2019 Word H Palstat k14


    The Windows NT File System and File Manipulation

    Everyone has a way of organising information.

    Some of us are better at it than others. If we

    didn't have a method for organising infor-

    mation where would we find things, or would

    we be able to at all? Computers are the same

    way - a human made machine does things the

    same way a human would. All computers have

    some sort of method for organising infor-

    mation. In this class we will mostly deal with

    the Microsoft Windows NT way of organising

    files, but we'll also learn about UNIX file sys-

    tems. We will be working with many different

    files and folders (known as directories in

    UNIX), so understanding file system organisa-

    tion plays a big role in many of the things

    you'll do in CSC200L.

    As you learned in the first lab, the

    Windows NT operating system

    (O/S) has a very graphical inter-

    face and is very reliant on pictures

    and mouse movements Both oper-

    ating systems have their ad-

    vantages and disadvantages in

    different environments. While we

    will learn some UNIX commands,

    we will focus on the Windows-

    based interface because that is

    what will be used most often in

    your homes and offices.

    Hard Drives: permanent devices inthe machine that store all of the

    information your computer needs

    to run. On personal computers you

    can save information to the hard

    drive, but on network systems you

    can only save information to your

    own space on a file server. The

    files that you own are always kept

    on special disk drives called 'serv-

    ers' and brought to the workstation

    that you log into -- so you can log

    into ANY workstation and have

    your files available to you. Your

    files are NOT kept on the specific

    machine that you are currently

    logged in to.

    File Trees

    A quick review: there are

    devices called drives that

    read disks. Each drive reads

    a different type of disk. On

    these disks are information

    that we can access graphically through the Windows interface.

    The Windows interface has different ways of representing in-

    formation depending on where it is stored. A shortcut is just

    what its name implies- a shortcut to get to a piece of infor-


    The actual file arrangement system arrangement includes the different drives and the informationthat is stored on them. The best way to describe this organisation is with a tree. Or with the Win-

    dows interface, many trees. Each drive can be represented with a tree. The drive itself represents the

    top of an upside down tree. Branches extend downward -- the branch points are called directories.

    Each time a branch is taken, another '/' is written to show the path through the tree. Files are the

    leaves on this tree. Each file in the Unity system has a pathname describing the file's position in the

    tree. Here's an illustration of where your home directory (K:) and the csc200 course locker (which

    you will learn about later in this tutorial) is located in relation to the J: drive:

    Comic Sans MS 16

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    5 cm5 cm 5 cm1 cm1 cm

    11 cm1 cm5 cm

    Comic Sans MS 14

    Kappaleen reunaviivat: Aloitus/Kappale




  • 8/10/2019 Word H Palstat k14


    Note that paths in Windows start with drives. Paths allow the

    computer to understand the directions to files and folders and

    are also very important to understand when you are managing

    many folders and files in Windows. Please note that in Windows

    backslashes are used to separate the different steps in a path;

    UNIX uses forward slashes for the same purpose.

    A directory inside of another

    directory is called a subdirecto-

    ry. For example Word\ is a sub-

    directory of csc\ is a subdirecto-

    ry of info\. You can see a

    graphical representation of the

    Windows filesystem by using

    the Explorer. To access the Ex-

    plorer click on the START but-

    ton on your taskbar, which is

    located in the lower left hand

    corner of your desktop. Then

    choose RUN, type "Explorer",

    and press Enter. You may alsoget to the Explorer by choosing


    then EXPLORER.

    5,5 cm0,5 cm11 cm

    Lis thn jokin kuva!


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