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Page 2: What’s the purpose of orthodontics

Not all fairy godmothers are armed with magic wands and fairy dust to make you beautiful

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Some are dressed in white lab coats, equipped with laboratory instruments and are quite knowledgeable from years of studies.

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 Dental clinics in Melbourne house many of these awesome people we call dentist.

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The purpose of dentistry is to address oral and dental diseases which are often linked to overall health and wellness of one’s being. Thus, there are many branches under dentistry – one of those branches is Orthodontics.

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Orthodontics deals with diagnosing, preventing, and correcting malocclusion or simply known as crooked, misaligned teeth.

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To avoid these, your Melbourne Orthodontist may suggest you the following procedure to correct your imperfectly aligned teeth

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As you know, teeth are connected to jaws. And when teeth are crooked, they’re more difficult to clean and at risk for early decay and mouth

diseases that cause pressure to chewing muscles, leading to TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) disorder, headache, neck, and shoulder pain.

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Traditional Braces

The most common option in straightening crooked teeth. This procedure is done by wrapping your teeth in standard metal brackets. The tightening will create pressure which will gradually straighten the teeth. The tightening requires periodic adjustment to align your teeth to your jaw.

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Damon Braces

Damon braces are like traditional braces, except they’re smaller and tighten, straighten teeth faster. It is also known for its “self-ligating,” nature, which means fewer visits to your orthodontist for manual adjustment, and lesser pain as manual adjustment usually causes discomfort that makes your mouth feel strained for few days

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InvisalignInvisalign is a treatment that uses clear aligners to straighten the teeth. They look more physically appealing as you’ll hardly notice a person wearing a practically invisible retainer. Also, the wearer can conveniently remove it when eating or tooth brushing.

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Lingual Braces

Lingual braces don’t make their users look like they’re wearing braces at all. Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth, and not in front, hiding the sight of braces in one’s smile.

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For whatever dental lab services you need, trust your orthodontist

to perform the procedure as efficiently and effectively as those

magical fairy godmothers can.

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