
Welcome to Warrior Country

Arrive on time to school AND classes with ALL school materials.• Including completed homework and projects.

Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.• This prevents injuries and aggravation.

WALK In Hallways.• No jumping or horse-playing. Injuries can occur.

Behave appropriately.

Use proper language and be polite.• This shows respect to others and yourself.

Leave hats, sunglasses, toys, electronic devices, etc., at home.• They are a distraction and are often lost or stolen.

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and weapons are NOT allowed.• They prevent your body from functioning and

cause damage to yourself and others.

Dress appropriately in the acceptable dress code clothing.


1st Offense

Conference with student, teacher and principal or vice-principal.

Written response1. Why do you think the behavior happened?2. Why do you think this behavior is a problem?3. What do you think can be done to correct this

behavior?4. Who (at school) could help you to prevent this

behavior from happening again?

**** Contact parent for signatures****

2nd Offense

Lunch Detention• Number of days determined by principal or vice-


****Contact parents for signatures****

3rd Offense

In-School Suspension (ISS) • Number of days determined by principal or vice-


****Contact parents for signature****

4th Offense

Parent Conference

5th Offense


****Contact parents for signature****

6th Offense

Suspension• Number of days determined by principal or vice-


****Contact parents for signatures****

Walk to the cafeteria in an orderly fashion.

No skipping line.

Memorize your account number or have your money ready.

No throwing food.

DO NOT touch anyone’s tray but your own.

Raise your hand if you need help.

NO food leaves the cafeteria.

Talk quietly and use good manners.

Clean up your area.

If you drop something---pick it up.

All other school rules apply during your lunch period.

Always—always say please and thank-you to the lunch ladies. They work extremely hard preparing two meals a day for our school.


1st offense • Warning • LAST in line for one week.

2nd offense• Eat at table alone or with principal. • Number of days to be determined by principal or


Consequences (continued)

3rd offense • Lunch Detention • Number of days to be determined by principal or


4th offense• In-School Suspension (ISS) • Number of days to be determined by principal or


Consequences (continued)

5th offense• Parent conference

6th offense• Paddling

WDID: What Do I


The following pages

provide answers to

thosequestions that we all

have at one time or


What do I do when I am late to school?

Students must sign in at the front office when arriving at school after 8:00 a.m.

NO student will be allowed into class late without a pass from the front office.

If you are tardy three times, disciplinary action will be taken.

What do I do when I return to school after being

absent?Students must bring an excuse after being absent

from school. If you do not bring an excuse, the absence will be

considered unexcused. Five (5) unexcused absences can results in a court

appearance. After returning to school, it is then the student’s

responsibility to get any make-up from their teachers. You only have one day for each day missed to turn

your work in. Refer to the BCMS handbook for more details.

I have medicine to take. What should I do?

ALL medicine must be turned in to our school nurse, Mrs. Nancy.

Go to the office as soon as you arrive at school and give her the medicine.

If you take medicine, your parent must fill out a medicine card that is kept with your medicine in the office.

My parent is picking me up early. What should I do?

Remain in your class until the office calls for you.

Your parent MUST sign you out before you leave school.

NEVER leave school without signing out.

I found something lying in the hall and don’t know who it belongs to. What

should I do?Turn the items into your teacher or the

office.Do not keep the item. Someone may think you have stolen it. Remember…if you had lost something, you

would want someone to turn it in. Items turned in are kept in the

“Lost and Found” in the front office.

I missed my bus. What should I do?

Let the principal or teacher outside on bus duty know as soon as possible.

You have to get outside to the buses as soon as you can.

The buses do not wait!

REMEMBER--- school rules apply to buses. • You can be suspended from the bus and your parents will

have to bring you to school. • If they do not bring you, the absence will be recorded as


If you miss your bus your parent or guardian will have to come to school to get you.

The school cannot transport you home.

Horse-playing, not paying attention, hanging out in the building or gym are other reasons students miss their buses.

Afternoon bus pick-up can be a dangerous place.

Do not run in the hallways when bus riders are called.

Do not run, push, shove, or yell when loading

buses. There are enough seats for everyone. Stay on the sidewalk until the bus is

completely stopped.

Do not hang out the windows yelling to your friends.

It COULD Happen To You: Students have been hit by school buses at other schools when they were knocked down and the driver

had no way of knowing they were under the bus.

I don’t have paper or a pencil.

What should I do?The library sells paper and pencils.

Maybe you can borrow paper or pencil until you can get to the library to buy some.

Remember to pay the person back who you

borrowed from.

Their parents should not have to supply you with paper and pencil.

I am supposed to ride the bus home with my friend

tomorrow. What should I do?

Your parent MUST send a note giving permission for you to ride the bus with your friend.

The note must be signed by the principal.

You give the signed note to the bus driver.

NO student will be allowed to ride another bus without a note.

I can’t find my library book.

What do I do?Notify the librarian as soon as possible.Someone may have found your book and

turned it in for you. If you do not find your book, you will have to

pay for it. If you have not paid for it by the end of the

year, your report card will be held. If you find a library book, pick it up and put it

in the drop box in the front of the library. Someone will be thankful you found it for


I forgot my lunch money. What should I do?

You may charge your lunch, but you must pay for your charge as soon as possible.

Don’t go without eating.

Your brain and body needs fuel to keep going.

You have a lot of learning still to do after lunch!

I have finished my breakfast.

What do I do?When you have finished breakfast, you clean up

your mess and throw your garbage in the garbage cans.

Do not hang out at breakfast. If you only want juice, that’s fine.

Eating breakfast or drinking juice does not take 25 minutes to finish.

Cafeteria rules apply to breakfast as well.

Do not leave breakfast through the side doors.

If you leave the cafeteria before the 7:50 bell, you need to exit through the doors opposite the library and go to the gym to wait with the other students.

Another student is picking on me and calling me

names. What should I do?BCMS is a BULLY-FREE ZONE!

Tell any adult at school as soon as possible.

Everyone has the right to attend school in a safe and non-threatening environment.

Something WILL be done.

Bullies are not popular and they lose more friends than they make.

I need to go to the bathroom between classes and there are a lot of kids in there just fooling

around. I am afraid I am going to be late to class. What should I do?

Tell an adult.

Our bathrooms are not a place to hang out.

Do not go into the bathroom unless you are going to use it.

If you want to visit with your friends, do so in the hallways.

Bathrooms are dirty and full of germs.

There will be no horse-playing or hanging out in the bathrooms.

If you go into a bathroom, you must wash and dry your hands as you leave.

Try not to take your books into the bathroom; you have no place to lay them down.

Never use the bathroom without flushing. Teachers will be stationed outside the


Only 6th graders use the bathroom on the 6th grade hall.

Only 7th and 8th graders use the bathroom outside the cafeteria.

Only students in P.E. and Band, or those students arriving to school in the mornings may use the bathroom outside the gym.

I forget what my homework assignment was. What should I do?

ALWAYS write your assignments in your planner that will be given to you!

You can go to our school website • Homework assignments are posted under the

teacher giving the assignment.

You can also phone a friend.

Do something!

Do NOT come to school without your homework.

Remember… middle school students are

old enough to be responsible.

Find ways to be organized!

Ask your teachers about tips to stay organized.

Things are not going well at home or at school. I need someone to talk to. What

should I do?Tell an adult you would like to talk to Mrs.

Kristie Merriman, our Guidance Counselor. She is a caring, kind, and compassionate

counselor who is a good listener. She understands the problems that middle

school students face and is always willing to listen and help you find solutions to the problems you may have.

She always keeps your conversations private. Don’t keep your problems to yourself. Talk to Mrs. Kristie! She is AWESOME!

Money is tight right now at our house. I can’t bring the money for

the field trip. What should I do?

Don’t be embarrassed… All families have to watch their

finances.Tell your teacher, vice-principal, or

principal privately; they will work something out with you.

I really would like to try out for a sport, but I am afraid I won’t make

it. What should I do?

Try out anyway…just trying out is fun. You meet new people, and you learn a lot

about the sport. All our coaches are GREAT and will work with

you during try-outs. The coaches will give you good constructive

advice on ways you can improve your skills. Who knows…you just might make the team!

But, if you don’t, it’s OK. Work on your skills and try again next year. Remember…Michael Jordan didn’t make the

team one time!

School is letting out early and there is no one at

home. What should I do?You need to ask your parents where they want

you to go in case of an early dismissal. • Do you ride the bus? • Is someone to pick you up? • Do you go to grandma’s house?

Don’t plan on using the school phone. • It stays busy and we can not have a lot of students in

the office trying to use the phone. You could miss your bus waiting to use the


There is a football/basketball game tonight.

Can I wait around at school until the game?

• Do NOT plan on staying at school until game time.

• There is no one to supervise you after school hours.

• Your parents will have to bring you to the game and pick you up as soon as the game is over.

• Remember---all school rules apply to ballgames, too.

My friend doesn’t like his locker. He wants to switch.

What should I do?Do NOT switch lockers or locks. And DO NOT give the combination to your lock

to anyone. DO NOT SHARE your locker. Locks are to

remain on your lockers at all times. You are responsible for anything and

everything that is in your ASSIGNED locker. If your buddy puts something in your locker

that shouldn’t be there…..YOU can be held responsible.

If you lose your lock, YOU pay $4.00.

If your buddy loses your lock….YOU pay $4.00. Keep your locker neat.

Do not try to cram too much into your locker.

You can damage the door and guess what?…•Someone is going to have to pay for it.•Another good reason not to switch lockers.

I need to use the restroom during lunch.

What should I do?

Do NOT leave the lunchroom without permission.

Speak with the principal or lunchroom monitor.

You usually have time before or after lunch to use the restroom.

I heard (or saw) something that just isn’t right.

What should I do?Speak Up! Tell any adult quickly. Tell them you need to speak to them privately. They will not mention your name. Help us keep our school a safe place for

everyone. Be proud that you have the courage to speak

up for what is right.

I need to go see my teacher before the 7:50 bell rings.

What should I do?NO student can be in the hallways before

the 7:50 bell rings. If your teacher agreed to help you before

school, have them give you a pass the day before.

Give this note to the teacher on bus duty. Do NOT go down the hallway until a teacher

says OK.

I am a car rider. What should I do?

Do NOT go out front with the bus riders.

Stay in your last period class until car riders are announced to come to the front.

If you are caught outside before car riders are called, disciplinary action will be taken.

I really like my boy/girlfriend.

Can I give him/her a hug?Keep your hugs and kisses to yourself. School rules state no displays of affection

are allowed. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to

yourself. If teachers or principals see any displays of

affection between students, disciplinary action will be taken.

I really like to chew gum, but we weren’t allowed last

year. What do I do?Gum chewing will be allowed this year on a

trial basis. Middle school students are at an age to display

responsibility. With the privilege to chew gum comes

responsibility. If the teachers or administration begin to notice

that you have chosen to be irresponsible with your gum chewing…

this privilege will be taken away.

You must not smack your gum or blow bubbles during class. This is disrespectful to the instructor

and distracting to those around you.You will need to dispose of your gum

and wrappers correctly (in the trash can or container provided by your teacher).

Remember…chewed gum carries


If you drop your gum…pick it up. • No one likes to step on gum, sit on gum, or lay

their books on gum.

You DO NOT spit your gum into the water fountains, stick gum on the walls or under desks, or throw your gum on the ground.

You do not sell gum to others. • BCMS is not a grocery store.

It is up to YOU.

You and your buddies determine whether gum stays or goes.

If you observe a buddy breaking a rule,

remind him/her that because of his/her actions, BCMS students could lose their gum chewing privilege.

I am going shopping for school clothes.

What do you think will look good on me?

Every BCMS student is good-looking and looks good in anything they wear.

However some clothing is not suitable for school.

Refer to your student handbook.

Baggy pants, shorts above the knee, hats, low-cut blouses, halters, pajamas, etc…are not types of clothing you need to wear to school.

Keep those for the weekend! • When you put your school clothes on each

morning, bend over and make sure nothing is showing in the front or back that is not showing when you are standing.

When wearing t-shirts or tops…make sure there are no obscene or suggestive

slogans.Clothing cannot display advertisements of

alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or any illegal activity.

If your teacher, principal, or vice-principal feels you are not responsible in your clothing selection, disciplinary action will be taken.

If you are having difficulty finding suitable school clothing at home, let your teacher, guidance counselor, vice-principal, or principal know privately.

Sometimes I get aggravated or upset. Sometimes I lose my

temper. What should I do?

If you really have trouble controlling your temper, have your parent contact the school.

You CANNOT use any vulgar language, hit anyone or anything, or be disrespectful to any adult or student at school.

If any adult witnesses these behaviors, disciplinary action will be taken.

These are not healthy behaviors to use at school or home.

You need to eliminate these habits now. We have adults at school who are willing to help you with

these behaviors. ANYONE can change…you just have to be willing to try!

Even though I LOVE Reading, English, Math, Science and Social Studies, I have other

interests, too. What should I do?

Try an Encore class!They are

out of this world!

ART• Mrs. Ellie Pickett, our art instructor, has

many artistic talents that she shares and teaches to every student in this school.

• The art work created in her class is phenomenal. • She works hard to bring topics you are covering in your

regular classes into the art program. • You may think you can’t draw…but just wait till you go

to her class! • Work hard…she gives Art Awards at the end of the

year. • Oh yeah, Mrs. Ellie also creates our AWESOME

yearbook and coaches girls’ volleyball. (You might ask her about her horses!)

Library• Our librarian, Mrs. Marlene Crawford, has created a library atmosphere that all schools wish they had.

• Her library theme this year is “Tween Café”. • She is one of the most knowledgeable and creative

librarians known. • Mrs. Crawford has read more books than you can

count! • If you think you don’t like to read…talk to her. • She can help you find just the book to get you started. • She will provide Book Fairs throughout the year, as

well. (You might ask her about her grandbabies!!)

Gym• Mr. Josh Owensby, the P.E. Instructor, is DYNAMITE.

• Coach Owensby has the knowledge and talent to get you into the best shape possible while still having fun.

• Coach Owensby understands how your physical well-being works together with your mental performance.

• Thanks to Coach Owensby, BCMS students will be physically fit and ready to tackle anything your classroom teachers present.

• He will not only show you fun ways to stay in shape, but also help you learn the rules of sports and how to work as a team member.

• If you look on the side-lines at the high school football games, you might see him!

Computer• Our computer Instructor is Mr. Mark Cagle. • Mr. Cagle is a Technology Whiz! • He will teach you computer skills you will use the rest of your

life. • Mr. Cagle understands that your world now centers around

computers and technology. • His classes will help you learn keyboarding skills, computer

rules and etiquette, web-surfing, and research skills. • Mr. Cagle is also in charge of our Greenhouse Project. • Just wait till you see what he can grow in the green house!

Save your money…You can buy plants in the spring. • Do you feel like you have seen him someplace else? • He is also the high school basketball coach at BCHS. • Just a little hint: If you behave, he might sing for you!

Band• Last, but not least, is our band director, Mr. Frank Hudson. • Mr. Hudson works with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who are

interested in music and learning how to play a musical instrument. • Our middle school band performs throughout the year and always

does an outstanding job. • He will teach you how to read music, care for your instrument, and

work together as a group. • High school band members began playing in middle school, just like

you. • We are very fortunate to have a band program at BCMS and an

instructor with such musical talent and knowledge. • Look for Mr. Hudson at the high school football games.

• You might see him playing a trumpet.

I am proud to be a BCMS Warrior!!! How do I show

my school spirit?

We are all extremely fortunate to attend and work at Bledsoe County

Middle School.

We have a beautiful facility, state-of-the-art technology, a

greenhouse program, and AWESOME sports teams.

We have the best-looking, smartest, and hardest working students anywhere around.

Our teachers are some of the most talented, intelligent, and dedicated instructors you will find. • You may not recognize this now, but you will as you

grow older!

Demonstrate how much you appreciate your teachers and their hard work by working hard in class.

Set goals to be the best WARRIOR you can be this year.

Exhibit School Spirit By…Attending as many sporting events as possible. Wear BCMS clothing. • Remember our dress code!Trying out for sports. Cheering on your WARRIORS at pep

rallies. Wishing our team players and coaches good

luck before games and congratulate them whether they win or lose.

BCMS coaches and players work hard and make sacrifices to represent your school to the

best of their abilities.

Bledsoe County Middle School…

is YOUR school

Brag about it! Be proud of it! Take care of it! Take care of it!Say it with a T-Shirt

BUY a T-Shirt from Mrs. Reel for $15.00

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