
Clear Language Report Writing

Welcome to

Clear Language Report Writing

Presented by;

Peter Fedos


Intro and how to write using Clear Language Technique

Clear Language Technical Writing Tools

How to Write Reports

Non Clinical Note Taking

Change of Shift Reports

Serious Incident Reports

Block memo writing

Meeting Minutes Basics


Instructor feedback

IntroductionsIn five minutes

Using 75 words or less

Introduce yourself.

Outline why you are taking this course?

Explain how you think this workshop might help you.

Workshop outcomes

Participants will:

be aware of clear language writing

introduced to techniques of clear writing and practice techniques

be aware of clear language report creation and practice creating reports

understand ways to create templates for their needs

4Your writing will be leaner


What is Clear Language Writing?way of writing that allows the reader to understand what your are saying the first time they read itAny message, written with the reader in mind

that gets its meaning across clearly and concisely so the reader can take the appropriate actionSo whats in it for me huh?Is Plain Language Better? - Maria Mindlin (2011)Readability Study of Plain Language Court FormsResearch found

A greater number of consumers understand and are able to comply with any expectations contained in the forms.


Consumers who use plain language forms to access information and are more confident and self-reliant.Maria Mindlin (2011), Is Plain Language Better?, Retrieved from: story University of the Fraser Valley Academic PortfolioHad to demonstrate and show real examples of in 13 Core Areas - Knowledge, Skills and Aptitude (KSAs)

Used Clear language formats and What happened?The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.

George Bernard Shawhad to go back an read something over and over again ?had someone repetitively asking you what your writing means, when you think its clear ?

Have you ever Supervisors full of themselves We think we write well by using fancy words are great communicators because of our writing style We are like IT Support Staff - blaming user error !!!BackgroundWe devleoped own jargon because its never our fault.Reasoningcomprehension challenges with my writings areREADER ERRORWhen always asked to explain our writingclear writingeffective organizationinviting presentation

all keys to creating readable and informative documentsClear language writing uses

Identify Your Audience and Write for them

Use Active Voice

Keep paragraphs and sentences short

Limit jargon, legalese and acronymsKey Plain Language Techniques anything but simple

Clear Languagehelps the reader find the information

helps the reader understand the information

makes it accessible to a larger audience

Writing technique

organizes information in ways that make sense to the readerUses

straightforward language

concrete examples

familiar words

Getting rid of some myths first

does not use slang



Clear LanguageClear language mythsNot

ungrammatical or childish


Does not involve over-simplifying or 'dumbing down' the message making it lose precision, force or effect.

is not limited to expressing only simple ideas

works for all kinds of writing

from an internal memo to a complicated technical report, can handle any level of complexityEdward P. Bailey, (1996) Plain English at Work: A Guide to Writing and Speaking. Oxford Univ. PressClear language writingHelpsavoid misunderstandings

reduce errors

Saves time gets the job done the first time

spend less time correcting errors and responding to people who did not understand what it is you tried to sayRe: Canadian adults

30% have same difficulty with everyday reading tasksStats Canada (1990)

Decima study for Stats Canada found

3/5s had trouble responding to their study because of reading difficulties

3/4s of Canadians say government documents are too difficult to read

Government of Canada (2003), Successful Communication: Literacy and YouSuccessful Written Communications - CanadaPeople dont read, they scan Nielsen and Morkes - 1997 study 79% of their test users always scanned any new page they came across only 16 percent read word-by-word

Study of people reading text on tablets found higher reading speeds than in the past tablet readers are still slower than reading print material

Clarity (2010), Lisbon Conference

document is easy and quick to read

reaches people who have reading difficulties

all readers understand the information

Benefits when using Clear LanguageEven though your document may affect a thousand or a million people

You are speaking to

the one person who is reading it

When your writing reflects this

more economical and has a greater impactAddress one person - not a groupAddressing a single person

you avoid awkwardness by using you to address the reader directly


than using he or she or his or her.Address one person - not a groupThe applicant must provide his or her mailing address and his or her identification number.You must provide your mailing address and identification number.Confusing pluralClearer singularAddress one person - not a groupBefore you begin writingAsk yourself

Who is your audience?

Why are you writing this document?

What do you want to say?The reality is we are all going to be leaders. We need to look at effective use of technology from the perspective of a leader.Using technology is a givenTechnology use had become a standard, the bricks and mortar in the everyday running of the world as we know itIn Higher Education we must be cognizant of the changing demographicsWe are near the end of the children of the Baby boomers coming into institutions of higher learning and the numbers entering are going to start to decline in the near futureThe learning expectations of the millennial student is different and we need to do a good job of implementing and using technology to attract and keep studentsAS leaders we need to break boundaries yet adhere to the vision/mission of our institutions.

As the leader you are the project manager that leads the implementation and use of technology in your institution.26 should be able to answer how your reader will use your document

how you will organize information

how you will present informationOrganize your ideasEffective writing

Clear paragraphsClear sentencesRepeating words in sentences and paragraphsTry not to repeat the same word in paragraphs or sentences

hurts your document by causing drone

use thesaurus or other word toolsAssessing the value in working at home involves paying attention to company beliefs, setup and real estate costs. Telecommuting policy changes company philosophy. Productivity and morale issues surface during company culture shifts. Addressing the following staff and company concerns, helps make any company telecommuting plan an effective work alternative.Repeating words Company = 5 XsAssessing the value in working at home involves paying attention to company beliefs, setup and real estate costs. Telecommuting policy changes corporate philosophy. Productivity and morale issues surface during industry culture shifts. Addressing the following staff and organizational concerns, helps make any business telecommuting plan an effective work alternative.

RevisedAbout using And only connect three things with itWe are writing a report showing {stuff - 1}, {stuff- 2} and {stuff -3}.This report is easy to read, connects the reader and draws on clear language techniques.AndsParagraphsPlease furnish medical evidence in support of your pension claim. The best evidence to submit would be a report of a recent examination by your personal physician, or a report from a hospital or clinic that has treated you recently. The report should include complete findings and diagnoses of the condition which renders you permanently and totally disabled. It is not necessary for you to receive an examination at this time. We only need a report from a doctor, hospital, or clinic that has treated you recently. This evidence should be submitted as soon as possible, preferably within 60 days. If we do not receive this information within 1 year from the date of this letter, your pension claim will be denied. Plain Language Action and Information Network, Plain language.govFix this

What we need

We need more information from you in order to process your pension claim. Please send us a medical report from a doctor or clinic that you visited in the past six months. The report should show why you can't work.

When we need it

We need the doctor's report by [date]. We'll have to turn down your pension claim if we don't get the report by that date.

RevisionFix thisIf you fail to comply with your duty of disclosure and we would not have entered into the contract on any terms if the failure had not occurred, we may void the contract within three years of entering into it. If your non- disclosure is fraudulent, we may void the contract at any time. Where we are entitled to void a contract of life insurance we may, within three years of entering into it, elect not to void it but to reduce the sum that you have been insured for in accordance with a formula that takes into account the premium that would have been payable if you had disclosed all relevant matters to us.

You did not comply with your duty of disclosure. We are entering into this contract because you did not comply. We may void this contract within three years of going into it. If your non disclosure is fraudulent we could void this contract at any time.

Where we are entitled to void this life insurance contract. We may elect not to void it and opt to reduce the sum that you have been insured for. The sum reduction uses a formula which takes into account payable premiums.


active voice

positive in tone

avoid double negatives

link your ideas using; that, which, whoThese words link ideas in a sentence and make meaning clearer for readers.

SentencesUse Active Voicebe transparentshow who or what is doing the action upfront

Instead ofNew regulations were proposed.

UseThe Department of Transportation proposed new regulations.


In early October, all applications will be reviewed by the admissions committee for the spring.

Active Sentence

In October, the committee will review all applications for the spring.

Passive voiceActive voiceThe lake was polluted by thecompany. The company polluted the lake. New regulations were proposed. We proposed new regulations. The following information must be included in the application for it tobe considered complete. You must include the followinginformation in your application. Bonds will be withheld in cases ofnon-compliance with all permits and conditions. We will withhold your bond if youdont comply with all permit termsand conditions. Regulations have been proposed bythe Department of Veterans Affairs. The Department of Veterans Affairs proposed new regulations. The permit must be approved by the agencys State office. Our State office must approve your permit. Active SentenceSubject & Verb Relationship

Too much information between the subject and the verb makes it difficult for the reader to find out what the subject of the sentence is doing.


The committee, which was assembled at the request of the Cabinet on the recommendation of the coalition of citizens group, will consider alternative approaches.


The coalition of citizens groups recommended that Cabinet assemble the committee. At the Cabinets request, the committee will consider alternative approaches.

Messy relationshipsLink Your Ideas

Do not shorten sentences by leaving out words such as That, Which, and Who. Use these words, to link the ideas in a sentence and make the meaning clearer for your reader.


The driver of the truck passing by told the officer in the cruiser the car he saw hit the little girl in the intersection was red.


The driver of the truck told the officer in the cruiser that as he was passing by, he saw a red car hit the little girl in the intersection.

Using linksMake sure

average sentence length to 15 25 words

rewrite sentences more than 25 words longKeep it ShortWord count is you friend.

There is no escaping the fact that it is considered very important to note that a number of various available applicable studies ipso facto have generally identified the fact that additional appropriate nocturnal employment could usually keep juvenile adolescents off thoroughfares during the night hours, including but not limited to the time prior to midnight on weeknights and/or 2 a.m. on weekends. Shorten it Revised

More night jobs would keep kids off the streets. 9 words !!!62 words

Avoid sounding like an elementary school textbook by using a variety of sentence lengths.Sentence hint

Keep it SimpleSometimes you have to explain what you mean

Plateauing or career blockage refers to structural barriers to career advancement arising due to a combination of age imbalances and a static or contracting workforce.

Can this be made easier to understand?uses more words but has greater clarity

Plateauing, or career blockage, is a term used by Human Resources professionals working in public office. It refers to public employees lack of opportunity to be promoted to executive positions.

This is a problem because a large number of employees, with many years of experience, need personal career growth to remain satisfied with their careers. Because their careers are blocked and personal career development is not available, the retention rate of experienced employees is declining.

Complex IdeasComplicated ideas need special attention

Help the reader out


What type of ..What kind of .What is ..


choose your words

Acronym use

write the term out fully before using the abbreviation

i.e. . . Human Resources Department Canada (HRDC)

Avoid Ambiguity

Proper words in proper places make the true definition of style. (Swift)

When a pronoun is used, there should be no doubt as to which noun it represents.

ExampleMichelle researched and wrote the speech herself, which everyone thought was impressive.


Everyone was impressed with the speech that Michelle researched and wrote herself.

positive sentences invite and encourage people to read on

people are more receptive to positive messages

negative sentences seem bossy or hostile

Emphasize positivesNational literacy Secretariat (1993), Plain language Clear and Simple, Ottawa Canada.Example

If you fail to pass the examination, you will not qualify for admission.


When you pass the examination you will qualify for admission.

Instead of saying

He was not absent The procedure will not be ineffectiveIt was never illegitimateirregardless


He was presentThe procedure will be effectiveIt was always legitimateregardless

Avoiding Double NegativesThink About Your Choice of Words

Use simple, everyday words

Get to the point as directly as you can; never use a big word if a little one will do. (Emily Carr)

59Choice of WordsWhen you write

imagine that someone is asking you what you mean.

when in doubt, spell it outPesky nouns

Noun ChainsTake some effort to untangle:

Try using of, that, about and the possessive maker s

Instead of

World population is increasing faster than world food production.


The worlds population is increasing faster than its food production.Avoid chains of nounsDo not to string together two or more nouns to name one thing.


It can be burdensome.

For example

Resource allocation procedures

Transport facility development programming

Consumer information-seeking behaviour

Resource allocation procedures

Procedures for resource allocation

Transport facility development programming

Program development of a transport facility

Consumer information-seeking behaviour

Information seeking behavior about the consumerNoun trains choo choo !!!

Simpler wordsWe should strive to be human in our writing style.

Too often a formal, bureaucratic tone is adopted, as if gravity and distance were necessary qualities for "good" writing. Peter Butt (2000), Brushing Up on Fundamentals, Faculty of Law University of Sydney Nouns created from verbs give a sentence an impersonal tone.


The requirement of the Department is that employees work seven and one-half hours a day.


The Department requires employees to work seven and one-half hours a day.Dont change verbs to nouns

In place of Replace Useaccomplishdoascertainfind outdisseminatesend out, distributeendeavourtryexpeditespeed upfacilitatemake easierReplaceUseWith regard to


By means of


In the event that


Until such time


Decorative words Christmas ornamentsThe ability to simplify means to eliminate the pointless so that the necessary may speak. Hans Hofmann get rid of the Christmas ornaments in your sentencesChances are when you write.John was extremely agitated.I have no idea what extremely agitated means to you.Instead - describe extreme agitation to me make a word picture

Avoid Using JargonIf language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant;

Then what ought to be done remains undone.


Creates problems because

not all people understand jargon that is specific to

industrycommercialgovernmentalcommunityIf you have to use jargon

explain the term in detail first

where possible to use an alternate expression from the start

ExampleInstead of

The perceived acceptability of disparities caused by differences in preferences is based on allocative efficiency.


People see unequal service as fair if they are getting what they want.

Level playing field


Leading edge


Interface with

Rationalization of resources

Fast tracked

Run away from trendy or fashionable language like


Hereby, Wherefore, ab initio

Use language your audience is familiar with

Instead of:

The patient is being given positive-pressure ventilatory support.


The patient is on a respirator.

Define your acronyms

You may use your Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) at airport checkpoints.Avoid obscure and archaic language ExampleIf you see a crime committed, you may receive a subpoena.

ClearerIf you see a crime committed, you may receive a subpoena. A subpoena is an court order. It tells you when and where you must appear as a witness in a trial..

Sometimes you need to explain terms for clarityThe jargon game

A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx Decode the jargon lets get sillyDecode the jargon

Love that jargon closing You are in an orderly transition between career changes while undergoing a period of non-waged involuntary leisure during your temporary outplacement." Means

Technical tools

Report WritingCreating a Glossary of terms

Glossaries clarify the meaningof technical words.

RememberGlossaries at the end of a bookcan be difficult to access. GlossariesWhen possible

Define technical terms within the text.

If not impossible

Place a box defining the wordsin a space outside the text body but still on the same page.Tables and charts helps your audience see relationships that are often hidden in dense text. for most readersits not necessary to understand all possibilities and conditions, only those that apply to the readers situation.Good page design strengthens the text and shows connections between ideas. When you need to reach the 40% of Canadians with reading problems, graphics both complement and supplement the written text.Cheryl Stevens (2009), Building Plain Language From the Ground Up

Tables and charts and graphicsa picture can be worth a thousand words

Images cut down wordsHeadinginformationinformationTable structureCite source below if there is one - align rightTitleInformationCite source below if there is one - align rightChart structureEye Candy

something intended to be attractive to the eye without being demandingEye CandyDocument designDocuments that are easy on the eye are far easier to understand than more traditional styles.

Good design elements highlight important points

Ensures your user reads the most important parts of the document.




font style and size

graphics and illustrations

table of contents

Spacing paragraphs no more than four or five sentences

leave space between paragraphs

divide your documents into sections of related information

don't print on every inch of space on your page

be generous with margin space

use left justified and right ragged marginsHeadingsUse clear and consistent style for headings and subheadingsimportant feature for clear writing

alert readers to upcoming topics and subtopics

help readers find their way around in long reports

FIRST-LEVEL HEADINGSmake first-levels all-capsstart a new page whenever you have a first-level headinguse Roman numerals with first-levelseither underline the words but not the Roman numeral, or bold the entire heading including the Roman numeralmake first-levels centered on the pageleave 3 blank lines between first-levels and the first line of textSecond-Level Headingsmake second-levels headline-style capsunderline or use bold on second-levelsmake second-levels flush leftleave 2 blank lines between previous text and second-levelsleave 1 blank line between second-levels and the following text

Highlightinguse boxes to separate key information from the rest of your textuse bullets for point form lists (rules on next slide) use color or shaded areas to set text apartBullets and numberingthe items in your list are presented in order of priority

you wish to reinforce the idea of how many items there are

use numbers when things must be done as steps in a process or sequenceUse numbers whenif youre not listing items in order of importance or as steps in a sequence

Use bullets Font style and sizeA serif typeface

makes text easier to read because it leads your eye from letter to letter.

A sans serif typeface

good for titles because it draws your eye down into the body of the text

use for headings

Font size12 point font sizesome people may prefer a larger type sizeLine spacing

single spaced for business report

can get away with 1.5 or double spacing no one has a ruler to see if its 1.5 or 2xs

Serif FontsSans Serif FontsTimes Roman CourierBook Antiqua CalistoBodoniCentaur

ArialGill Sans TahomaLucida SansTrebuchetVerdanaFont ListGraphics and illustrationsUse graphics with cautiondon't use too many graphicsmake sure that they mean the same thing to your reader as they do to youplace all graphics and illustrations as close as possible to the text they refer toask people that could be using your document to look over the choice of graphics and illustrationsbe wary of using charts to explain information because people with poor math skills can find charts hard to understandTable of contentsmake a table of contents for long documentsuse an introduction section in short documentsthis helps readers find the information they are looking forAnd it helps people with low reading skillsJustification and MarginsRule: Use left justified and right ragged marginsRagged right margins make reading easier because eye uses the variation in line endings to track down the page

also lets the spacing between words and letters stay regular

Justified right margins

stretch the spacing between letters and words toward the right margin - makes reading more difficult.

Read Your Writing Out LoudIt helps you check for clarity and flow.

if it sounds more formal than you would talk

then revision is still necessary

Come to the Dark SideWe have cookiesDark Side ExorciseUse you knowledge for EVIL !!!In your groups take 20 minutesUse 55 - 65 words to revise this sentence. If you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well. (Einstein)How to Write ReportsHow to Write ReportsMost reports fall into two categories Information report

Analytical report

We tend to write informal reports a lot.Information ReportProvides



feedback, and other types of informationWithout analysis or recommendations

Just the factsInformation Reportto monitor and control operationscommunicate organizational rules, policy and positionsdemonstrate compliancedocument progress

Uses for Information ReportsProvides the feedback that people need so they can make decisionstake actionrespond to changing conditions inside and outside an organization Information ReportAnalytical Reportboth information and analysis


includes recommendations Provides explain the risks and rewards when choosing a course of action explore problems and suggest solutionsjudge the worth of past or future choices

Analytical ReportYou write them to Analytical Reportunderstand


reflect on a problems and opportunities

figure out how to respondAnalytical reports, analyze to ..They are expected to make recommendations based on your analysis.Formatting a ReportInformationalAnalyticalInformationalAnalyticalintroduces the subject or purpose of the report

previews the main ideas and the order in which they are be covered

establishes the tone of the document and the writer's relationship with the audiencestart with recommendations and conclusions at the beginning of the documentReport FormatInformationalAnalyticalfacts, statistical evidence, and trends

procedures or steps in a process

methods and approaches

conclusions and supporting reasons for conclusions or recommendations

provide evidence and support for your recommendations

provide enough detail in the body to support your recommendations and conclusionsBodyReport FormatCloseReport FormatInformationalAnalyticalpresent conclusions as long as no new information is introducedend with a summary of key points listed in the order they appear in the report body

use the ending to spell out exactly what should happen next

Report FormatMargins 1 inch all sidesBlock StyleAcademic StyleSingle space

Space between paragraphs

Use APA format

Double-space the whole document

Use APA formatSpacing and paragraphsBlock and Academic Samples

BlockAcademicReport FormatReferencesat the end of the documentuse American Psychological Association (APA) format

In Text CitationsAmerican Psychological Association (APA) formatcomplete reference appears in the reference list at the end Document sources and give appropriate credit Document sources and give appropriate credit Report Format References and Citations Citing your sources is not only fair to the people who created and provided the information, but doing so also builds your credibility.Pat Kamalani Hurley (2008). Writing Informational and Analytical Reports. Retrieved from Clinical Note TakingNon Clinical Note TakingUsed in communication logs and client notesStaff communication booksClient Notesobjective informationdeclare if you are making an recommendationdescribe what happenedpassing on information about clientsmonitor and control operationsobjective informationdocumenting conversationdescribing what happenedreporting progressmonitor and control case plansStaff communication booksClient Noteslegal documentuse bound and page numbered bookslegal document

attached to client file

client could request access to the file infoNon Clinical Note TakingNon Clinical Note Takingdocument accurately, fully, and objectively including any errors that occurred

contain descriptive, objective information

relevant information but do not record opinions or assumptions

document all information, including what was done and what was observedrecord clearly, legibly and accurately and use plain language

if there is a diagnosis then record who informed you i.e. .. Client self report, family member healthcare professional

sign or initial notes completely using first initial, first then enter surname or surname initial

Use 24 hr clock when documenting time Non Clinical Note Takingdocument any follow-up, observations or interventions that have been done

document any failed attempts at follow-up or interventionsNon Clinical Note TakingCorrecting ErrorsCorrecting errors in a paper-based systems

use red pen to cross through the word(s) with a single line

insert your initials

enter date

enter the correct information/explanationThe RCMP came and talked to John. (P.F. 19/9/11) The RCMP came and talked to Bob.

Non Clinical Note TakingDate: September 12/11 timeBody of information entered here single spaced using blue or black pen no pencils.signature or initials hereLeave single space between blocks of informationP.F.14:30Make sure all pages are numberedChange of Shift ReportsChange of Shift ReportsShould be ready for the incoming team 15 minutes before the shift comes on

short able to say it under 10 minutes documents administrative handovers such as key sign offs and tasks needing completion or where not donehighlight for the incoming shift issues or concerns for the site and clientsdocuments who did the transfer of information and who received it record initials of both people

September 12/1114: 45Shift change keys handed over none missing P.F./S.P.tasks needing completion shift issues or concerns for the site and clientsStaff signatures going off and coming on15: 00Tom is threatening residents. Police and ambulance called. See incident report.P. F.Shift changeDepending on the type of day, a shift report could be short or long.Serious Incident ReportsSerious Incident ReportsFive parts to it Tombstone report informationNature of the incidentReport of what happenedSign off by staff, manager, executive director or designateFollow up actionsTemplate CreationSerious Incident

Basic Serious IncidentTemplateBlock MemosBlock memo writingBlock memo

no-nonsense professional document

designed to be read quickly and passed along rapidly, often within a company or work group

e-mail messages are by far the most common form of memo

University of Toronto (2005) Online Handbook, Applied Engineering Dept. Communication CentreBlock memo formatContain


are not mystery novels

describe the contents of the memo

put all your important information up frontBlock memos

Block memo example

HeaderTo: Linda Pardy

From:Peter Fedos

Date:November 12, 2010

Subject:Effective Telecommuting Policy[tab] [tab][tab] [tab][tab] [tab][tab] [tab]Double tab the header infoPurpose

state your reason for writing

answer who, what, when, where, and why

Summarydescribe the contents of the memo, it should be a miniature version of the memo

expand on and support all the points you made in your summaryDiscussion

Actionunless the purpose of the memo is simply to inform, - finish with a clear call for action

Meeting Minutes BasicsMeeting Minutes BasicsKeep accurate notes


the main points of the discussion

any decision that was reachedwrite down everything as it is said under headings

write a few lines for each heading which will to remind you of the discussion

use bullet points describing the conversation for each topic being discussed

use columns for the subject, any comments and the decision reachedMeeting Minutes BasicsMeeting Minutes Basicsminutes should state what meeting it is and when and where it was held

include a list of people present, anybody else and people absent

identify the Meeting Chair

minutes are always written in the active past tense

should be clear and concisetalks about carried over business

Such as

agreed on actions/items from the last meeting

identify who was responsible for the actionsMeeting Minutes BasicsIn the beginning of the document .Include a section which briefly introduce the subject

summarize any major points raised

record the decision reached

Meeting Minutes BasicsActive Past Tense

Principles and Concepts of Writing minutes (2004)

include an accurate list of people invited and those people at the meeting

use headers to show main discussion points and identify who made those points without injecting your bias

summarize main discussion points

write down the next steps and actions/tasks decided

specify who was assigned or who volunteered for tasksMeeting SummariesMinutes and SummariesAlways end both documents with

Prepared by:Date:Next Meeting Date:Location:Meeting Minutes Template

Meeting Summary Template

TemplatesTemplate Designoutside sources can cost a lot of money

research template design on the web


Your templates are the face of your organization

Why people use templatesUse Clear standards of document design to

help readers locate information

understand the structure and meaning of your material. Design of a document has informational and a physical aspects.


Template DesignAccess to information using - Eye Candy StuffTemplate DesignFormatarrangement of the document content into standard subject areas People who are Scanners know where to look for information.Template Design eye candyA document also has a total physical designpaper size. thickness and quality, colors, two-sided printingcompany branding logoscompany colorsLayoutPage layoutphysical appearance and form of the document page

the document as a wholenumbering systemsBullet and enumerated lists,white space, columns, margins, fontsindentation, and justificationImportant considerations when producing a finished documentTemplate DesignHeadings Sans serif fonts

Main text Serif fonts

Spacing - Academic and Block formatpeople may be going back to the document to access info a lot. i.e. instructor manuals.

Who is allowed to use them?

create Policy and proccess on outside and inside document design and communication

A lot goes into document design

Microsoft Publisher is tool that helps Newbies - be patient and make mistakes.

Workshop feedback

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