
Copyright © 2006 WebExOne

Email Application

Functional and User Interaction Specification

Bucket 24

Author: Corinne Battle

September 2005

Last modified: 5/31/2006 1:17 PM

Copyright © 2006 WebExOne

Table of Contents

1 OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................................................1

1.1 DISCLAIMERS .................................................................................................................................................1

2 FEATURES..........................................................................................................................................................1

2.1 REGISTRATION ...............................................................................................................................................1 2.2 ACCESS POINTS ..............................................................................................................................................1

2.2.1 Action Menu...........................................................................................................................................1 2.2.2 Upsell Page............................................................................................................................................2 Sites that are NOT Susbscribed to WebEx Mail ................................................................................................ 2 Sites that ARE subscribed to WebEx Mail......................................................................................................... 2

2.3 APPLICATION HOME PAGE .............................................................................................................................2 2.3.1 Command Bar........................................................................................................................................4 2.3.2 Folder List .............................................................................................................................................6 Folder Hierarchy ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Folder Features................................................................................................................................................... 8 Unread Message Count ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Selection............................................................................................................................................................. 8

2.3.3 Message List ..........................................................................................................................................9 Message List Feature Overview......................................................................................................................... 9 Message List Controls...................................................................................................................................... 10 Columns & Views............................................................................................................................................ 10 Selection........................................................................................................................................................... 12 Right-Click Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Filtered Search (aka “Live Search”)................................................................................................................. 13 Paging .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Auto-Refresh of Messages ............................................................................................................................... 14

2.3.4 Message Preview .................................................................................................................................14 Show/Hide Preview Pane................................................................................................................................. 14

2.3.5 Drag-n-Drop........................................................................................................................................14 2.3.6 Storage Quota......................................................................................................................................15 2.3.7 Keyboard Controls...............................................................................................................................15 In Message List ................................................................................................................................................ 15 In Folder List.................................................................................................................................................... 15 In Preview Pane ............................................................................................................................................... 15

2.4 MAIL OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................................................15 2.4.1 Read .....................................................................................................................................................15 Layout of Email Message................................................................................................................................. 15 Info Bar ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 Content Blocking ............................................................................................................................................. 19 File Attachments .............................................................................................................................................. 20

2.4.2 Compose/Edit.......................................................................................................................................20 Features............................................................................................................................................................ 20 Page Layout ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 Page Elements .................................................................................................................................................. 23 Address Suggestion.......................................................................................................................................... 27 Rich Text Control............................................................................................................................................. 28 Error Handling ................................................................................................................................................. 29

2.4.3 Reply ....................................................................................................................................................29 2.4.4 Forward ...............................................................................................................................................30 2.4.5 Delete...................................................................................................................................................30 Delete Confirmation......................................................................................................................................... 30 2.4.6 Move to Folder ....................................................................................................................................30 “Move To” Menus ........................................................................................................................................... 31 “Move” Dialog................................................................................................................................................. 31

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2.4.7 Flag As.................................................................................................................................................31 2.4.8 Spell Checker .......................................................................................................................................32

2.5 FOLDERS.......................................................................................................................................................33 2.5.1 Folder Operations ...............................................................................................................................33 View folder list ................................................................................................................................................ 33 Create folder..................................................................................................................................................... 33 Rename folder .................................................................................................................................................. 34 Move folder...................................................................................................................................................... 35 Empty folder .................................................................................................................................................... 35 Delete folder..................................................................................................................................................... 35

2.5.2 Right-Click Menu.................................................................................................................................35 2.5.3 “Folders” Action Menu .......................................................................................................................37 2.5.4 Public Folders .....................................................................................................................................37 2.5.5 Manage Folders page ..........................................................................................................................37

2.6 MAIL ARCHIVE .............................................................................................................................................37 2.7 ADDRESS BOOK............................................................................................................................................38

2.7.1 Accessing the Address Book.................................................................................................................38 2.7.2 Address Book UI ..................................................................................................................................38 Page Elements .................................................................................................................................................. 40 Right-Click Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 43

2.7.3 Selecting Email Recipients From the Address Book ............................................................................43 2.7.4 Modifying Address Book Entries .........................................................................................................43 2.7.5 Personal Distribution Lists ..................................................................................................................43 Creating a Personal Distribution List ............................................................................................................... 44 Managing Personal Distribution Lists .............................................................................................................. 45 Viewing Personal Distribution Lists ................................................................................................................ 45

2.7.6 Import/Export of Address Book ...........................................................................................................46 2.7.7 Changes to Contacts Application.........................................................................................................46

2.8 SEARCH ........................................................................................................................................................46 2.9 HOME PAGE UI.............................................................................................................................................47

2.9.1 :ew “WebEx Mail” Window on Home Page ......................................................................................47 2.9.2 Changes to Home Page Customization................................................................................................48

2.10 MULTIPLE MAILBOXES PER PERSON.............................................................................................................48 2.10.1 Changing the Current Account ............................................................................................................48

2.11 USER PREFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................49 2.11.1 Access Points .......................................................................................................................................49 2.11.2 Overview..............................................................................................................................................49 More Options Section .................................................................................................................................. 51 2.11.3 Email Address......................................................................................................................................51 2.11.4 General Settings...................................................................................................................................52 2.11.5 Junk Mail Protection ...........................................................................................................................53 Blocked/Safe Senders List ........................................................................................................................... 54 2.11.6 Signatures ............................................................................................................................................56 2.11.7 Away Message .....................................................................................................................................57 2.11.8 Mail Forwarding .................................................................................................................................58 2.11.9 External Mail Accounts .......................................................................................................................60 Access Points............................................................................................................................................... 60 Page Layout ................................................................................................................................................. 61 Creating New IMAP/POP3 Accounts.......................................................................................................... 62 Modifying Email Accounts.......................................................................................................................... 65 Deleting Email Accounts............................................................................................................................. 65 Retrieving Mail from External Mail Accounts ............................................................................................ 65

2.11.10 Message Quarantine ........................................................................................................................66 2.12 RULES/FILTERS ............................................................................................................................................66

2.12.1 Creating Filters ...................................................................................................................................66 2.13 ADMINISTRATION (ADMINS ONLY) ...............................................................................................................68 2.14 IDA IMPLICATIONS.......................................................................................................................................68 2.15 INTEGRATION POINTS ...................................................................................................................................68

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2.15.1 Send Email/Send Link ..........................................................................................................................68 2.15.2 WebEx Meeting Support ......................................................................................................................68 2.15.3 Product Emails ....................................................................................................................................68

2.16 NO SYNCHRONIZATION OF EMAIL ................................................................................................................68 2.17 WIRELESS AND MOBILE ACCESS ..................................................................................................................68 2.18 STANDALONE EMAIL PRODUCT ....................................................................................................................68

2.18.1 Application/Feature Set .......................................................................................................................69 2.18.2 UI Differences......................................................................................................................................69

2.19 CRITICAL PATH MIGRATION STRATEGY .......................................................................................................69

3 OTHER CO�SIDERATIO�S .........................................................................................................................69

3.1 WEBEX INTEGRATION ..................................................................................................................................69 3.2 PARTNER & CORPORATE LICENSING PROGRAMS .........................................................................................69 3.3 PSG..............................................................................................................................................................69 3.4 INTERNATIONAL ...........................................................................................................................................69

4 DEFERRED FEATURES .................................................................................................................................70

5 APPE�DIX .......................................................................................................................................................... I

5.1 GLOSSARY.......................................................................................................................................................I 5.2 ISSUE LIST .......................................................................................................................................................I

5.2.1 Administration & Settings.......................................................................................................................i 5.2.2 Address Book/Contacts ......................................................................................................................... ii 5.2.3 Inbox ..................................................................................................................................................... ii 5.2.4 Composing Messages............................................................................................................................ ii 5.2.5 Home Page............................................................................................................................................ ii 5.2.6 Search .................................................................................................................................................. iii 5.2.7 Other.................................................................................................................................................... iii 5.2.8 Member & Contacts............................................................................................................................. iii

Copyright © 2006 WebExOne

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Corinne Battle 9/07/05 Created. 0.1

9/29/05 First draft sent out for review. Sections for this review include:

- Application Home Page (Inbox, etc.)

- Mail Operations

- Folders


Corinne Battle 10/6/05 � Some updates based on last review but not finished yet.

� Address Book updates. Sending out for draft review of this feature.


Corinne Battle 10/27/05 Updates based on Address Book review. This should be the final UI for Address Book.


Corinne Battle 10/31/05,


Added details to User Preferences portion of spec. Removed sections that are now in other specs. Other cleanup.


Corinne Battle 1/3/2006 Clarified font set for rich text control on compose page.


Corinne Battle 1/5/2006 Updates to User Preferences section based on review meeting. Added some info on rules/filtering. Replaced Search button with Address Book in CB of inbox.


Corinne Battle 1/12/2006 More spec info on distribution lists. Updated UI for user preferences, since we now have to use SendMail UI for more than we thought. Noted newly added “message quarantine” feature.


Corinne Battle 1/16/2006 Spec’ed out properties/detail page for personal dist lists.


Corinne Battle 1/25/2006 Added Mailbox action menu, per prototype. 1.0

Corinne Battle 1/31/2006 Added more details about folder operations and the Folders action menu. Usability updates and other cleanup.


Corinne Battle 2/1/2006 Removed Goto menu from Command Bar. (Forgot to do this in last revision.) Updated some inbox mockups.


Corinne Battle 2/2/2006 Other minor updates. Added more details to the Address Suggestion section. Finalized behavior of folder menus (Folders action menu and right-click menus).


Corinne Battle 2/15/2006 Updates based on recent issue resolutions. Updated right-click menu for message list. Added “From Address” as a user setting, on preferences page. Updated external mail accounts section and check mail behavior.


Corinne Battle 2/16/2006 Redesigned external mail accounts section so it is on its own page, per recent project decisions. (Renamed menu item to Options > External Mail Accounts.)


Copyright © 2006 WebExOne

Corinne Battle 2/22/2006 Refined Address Suggestion section a bit. Other clarifications. Added screen shot of spell checker.


Corinne Battle 2/27/2006 Refined External Email Accounts section based on conversations with John B. Clarifications to home page UI section.


Corinne Battle 3/1/2006 Modified text of importance flag message in info bar so it is appropriate for draft messages also. Added screen shots of the SendMail UI for user preferences and filters.


Corinne Battle 3/6/2006 Corrected icon for “Administration” in mailbox action menu. Updated text for case where user does not have a mailbox, on mail preferences page.


Corinne Battle 3/9/2006 Clarifications: 1) the “Save as Draft” feature will only be available to users that have weboffice mail; 2) Mailbox option on home page customization pages will only appear if site/user has weboffice mail; 3) corrected the page title icon on New Message page; 4) “empty” operation only enabled for Junk/Spam & Trash folders.


Corinne Battle 3/14/2006 Clarified that column sorting applies to the current folder, not all folders. (Each folder has its own sort settings.) Updated screen shot of preferences page to include link for “External Mail Accounts”. Added tooltips for column labels in message list.


Corinne Battle 3/16/2006 Changed Mailbox>Settings to Mailbox>Preferences, for consistency, moved Inbox to top of folder tree, etc.


Corinne Battle 3/22/2006 Clarifications to move folder, personal distribution lists, and others.


Corinne Battle 3/28/2006 Added info on error handling of invalid addresses on compose page. Specified icons for message list’s right-click menu.


Corinne Battle 4/18/2006 Changed app name to “WebEx Mail” plus other clarifications and updates.


Corinne Battle 5/8/2006 Added info about Upsell Page and added More Options section.


Corinne Battle 5/22/2006 More clarifications. 1.17

Corinne Battle 5/31/2006 Clarified that WebEx Meetings will be in standalone email (upsell page initially).


Related Documents

Version Date Author(s) Description of Document

Summer 2005 Don Carey B24/Email MRD


Copyright © 2006 WebExOne

September 2005 Lisa Kryger/Corinne Battle

B24 UI Spec: Changes to Members & Contacts Applications

November 2005 thru January 2006

Multiple Other B24 UI Specs:

� Registration

� Search

� Domain Administration

� Email Administration

(Located in the B24 specs directory in Seapine.)

Functional and User Interaction Specification for Bucket 24 – Email Application Page 1

Copyright © 2006 WebExOne

1 Overview The goal for this release is to provide an integrated, business-class email application that can function both within the intranet suite and as a standalone product (i.e. where you don’t have to purchase an intranet). The email application should be rich and intuitive, and provide enough features to allow people to comfortably move from other email systems such as Outlook, AOL, etc. Please see the B24/Email MRD for more background information on this release. Note that the term “email customers” will be used to indicate users that have a WebEx Mail account. The term “non-email customers” refers to those users that do not have a WebEx Mail account or have a free, legacy (Critical Path) mailbox. We will continue to provide a “send email” capability from within the intranet to all users but will limit the functionality for non-email customers.

1.1 Disclaimers Although every effort is made to have the image mockups reflect actual behavior, they may not be 100% accurate. When there is a discrepancy between an image mockup and the textual description, the textual description should be followed. If there is any question about the accuracy of a mockup, please ask the spec author.

2 Features

2.1 Registration There will be a registration process where users can subscribe to the email service. The email service will be available both as a standalone service or as part of the web office suite. Please see the “B24 Registration” spec for more information about the registration process. Note that the Email Application spec (this spec) is written from the point of view of sites that have already subscribed to the email service.

2.2 Access Points Access to the email application will be from:

� the WebEx Mail button in the left navigation menu. � the WebEx Mail window on the Home page (see “Home Page UI” section for details).

2.2.1 Action Menu

The WebEx Mail button will have an action menu associated with it, containing the following menu options:

Action Menu Item Description/Behavior

Inbox This is the default menu action. Takes you to the email application home page (aka “inbox”).

Compose Mail Launches the New Message page.

Address Book Launches the Address Book page, in a new popup window. (Popup window should be smaller than the current WebOffice window.)


Search Goes to the advanced search page.


Preferences Goes to the Mail tab of Member Options. (These are the mail preferences for the user.)

Administration Goes to the Email Administration page. Visible to admins only.

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Note that the action menu (and associated arrow icon) will only be present for those users (members or admins) that have WebEx Mail. Users that do not have WebEx Mail will not see the action menu. This applies to both admins and members.

2.2.2 Upsell Page Sites that are NOT Susbscribed to WebEx Mail

We will display an “upsell” page on sites that do not have WebEx Mail. There will be two flavors of the upsell page, one targeted towards admins and one targeted towards non-admins. This page will be displayed when a user clicks the WebEx Mail link in the left navigation bar. Marketing will provide the content for these two upsell pages. Sites that do not want to use WebEx Mail at all can remove it from the navigation bar via the Customize Navigation page. (As of now there is no way to remove it for just those members that are not using WebEx Mail.) Sites that ARE subscribed to WebEx Mail

� Only non-admin members without WebEx Mail boxes will see the upsell page. (They will see the WebEx Mail button in the navbar and when clicked they’ll go to the members upsell page.)

� Admins that don’t have a WebEx mailbox will go to the Mail tab of the Member Options page where

they can click a link to create a mailbox for themselves. There will be some “Getting Started” text on this tab which gives them some information about setting up mail on their site.

2.3 Application Home Page The email application home page is what users see when they click the “WebEx Mail” option in the main Menu. The email application home page will consist of:

� Command Bar � page title, e.g. “Mailbox for Corinne Battle ([email protected])” � storage quota � email content frame containing three resizable window panes

o Folder List (with collapsible search section) o Message List o Message Preview


Message List

Functional and User Interaction Specification for Bucket 24 – Email Application Page 3

Copyright © 2006 WebExOne

Folder List

Message Preview

For example:

(See the Columns & Views section for exact contents and order of columns. Mockup may have inaccuracies. Note that the Inbox folder will be displayed at the top of the folder list, not as shown here.) With folders hidden:

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Details: � Each window pane is resizable. [NOTE: If it is not possible to make the Folder List pane resizable

then it will be a fixed width and will include a horizontal scroll bar when necessary, to scroll to those folders out of view.]

� The Folder List and Message Preview panes can be closed. (To reopen, use the Options menu.) � We will only provide a horizontal orientation for the preview pane in this release. (If we discover

users want the option of choosing between a horizontal and a vertical orientation, we can consider providing that option in a future release.)

2.3.1 Command Bar

The Command Bar of the email home page will consist of the following commands:

Command Label Action Menu Items

Tooltip (** see note below)


New New Email Message

New Message New Email Message This is the default menu action. Launches the New Message page.

New Folder New Folder Creates a new folder in the folder tree and puts the folder into “rename” mode so you can enter a name for the new folder.

Reply Reply (default action) (no icon)

Reply Launches the reply page, in a separate window.

Reply All (no icon)

Reply All Launches the reply all page, in a separate window.

Forward Forward Launches the compose/forward page, in a separate window. See Forward section for more details.

(no button text) Next Message Selects the next message in the message list.

(no button text) Previous Message Selects the previous message in the message list.

Check Mail

Check for New Mail Downloads new WebEx Mail from the server. (Note that we will automatically check for new mail every 3 minutes so you only need to use this command to initiate the operation manually.) Note that there will be a popup error message if a mail server is unavailable. The message will say: Could not retrieve mail

for the “[email account

name]” mail account.

WebEx Mail (default action)

WebEx Mail Downloads new WebEx Mail from the server.

External Mail External Mail Downloads mail from all the

Functional and User Interaction Specification for Bucket 24 – Email Application Page 5

Copyright © 2006 WebExOne

Command Label Action Menu Items

Tooltip (** see note below)


Accounts Accounts external mail accounts that are configured. There will be a popup error message if a mail server is unavailable. The message will say: Could not retrieve mail

for the “[email account

name]” mail account.

(Exact icon image is subject to change but file is “ico_externalmail16.gif”.)

Address Book Go to Address Book Launches the Address Book, in a separate window.

Goto (none) Button opens dropdown menu; no default action.

Calendar Go to Calendar Goes to the Calendar app.

Contacts Go to Contacts Goes to the Contacts app.

Documents Go to Documents Goes to the Documents app.

Tasks Go to Tasks Goes to the Tasks app.

Options (none) Button opens dropdown menu; no default action.

Show/Hide Live Search

Show/hide Search Boxes

Hides or shows the “live search” controls that appear above the email messages. [Note: the term “live search” is subject to change but we’re calling it that for now.]

Show/Hide Preview

Show/hide Preview Window

Hides or shows the preview pane.

Show/Hide Folders

Show/hide Folder List

Hides or shows the Folder List pane, including the simple search area. When the left side is hidden, the message list and preview should expand left to fill the available space.

Clear All Searches

Clears all search criteria and returns you to the Inbox. Only appears when showing search results (either from Live Search, simple search or advanced search).


Single-Line Display OR Multiple-Line Display (depending on the current state)

Switches the view to either the single or multiple line display.

[NOTE: This feature has been deferred.]

Functional and User Interaction Specification for Bucket 24 – Email Application Page 6

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Command Label Action Menu Items

Tooltip (** see note below)


(no icon)


External Mail Accounts (filename is ico_externalmail16.gif)

Manage External Mail Accounts

Displays the email account management page.

Preferences Edit Email Preferences

Displays the Mail tab of the Member Options page.

Filters Manage Filters Displays the filter management page.

------------------------- Visible to admins only.

Administration Email Administration Visible to admins only. Launches the email administration page. See the B24 Email Administration spec for details.

Done Done Goes to the Home page.

More details:

� Command Bar buttons that operate on messages (e.g. Reply, Forward, Next/Previous) will function as follows:

o The button will apply to the message in the preview pane, if displayed. o If the preview pane is not displayed, the button will operate on the last message you

selected. o If nothing is selected and the preview pane is not displayed, then you will see a popup

message that says “No message is selected. Please select a message and try again.” � ** Tooltips: The current Command Bar implementation only supports tooltips on menu items that

have an icon. If there is no icon then the tooltip will not appear (regardless of what appears in the table above).

2.3.2 Folder List

� The folder list will appear in a vertical pane to the left of the Message List. � The folder list can be closed. To reopen it, use the Options > Show/Hide Folders command in

the Command Bar. (Note that the “Hide folders” operation will hide the entire left side, both folders and simple search. Conversely, the Show… option will show them both.)

� Folders will be displayed in a fixed order, as specified below. (The order cannot be customized.) � The following folders will have an “Empty” link displayed within the folder tree, to the right of the

message count: o Trash o Junk Folder Hierarchy

The top-level “Mailbox“ item will contain the following sub-folders, in this order.

� Inbox o [user-defined folder 1] [Sendmail does not currently support subfolders within the Inbox folder.] o [user-defined folder 2] o Etc.

� Drafts

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� Sent � Follow Up � Junk � Trash � [user-defined folder 1] � [user-defined folder 2] � Etc. � Public Folders

o [public subfolder 1] o [public subfolder 2] o Etc.

Except for the user-defined folders (including public subfolders), these folders cannot be deleted or renamed. Note that, as in Outlook, some of the folders are virtual folders and not physical folders. For example, the Follow Up folder is actually a list of all messages (in all folders) that have the follow-up flag set. Folder Details:

Icon Folder Name Can Contain Subfolders

Can Be Deleted


Mailbox ([email address])

Yes No This is the root folder for the user’s mail. (Note: This will NOT be changed to say “WebEx Mail”; it will remain a generic term.)

Address Book No No Launches the Address Book in a separate window (only showing content frame).

Inbox Yes No Primary repository for incoming mail. (Note that SendMail does not currently support subfolders in this folder. Hopefully we can get that supported in rev 2 of email.)

Drafts Yes No Contains a list of messages that have been saved but not sent.

Sent No No Contains a list of sent messages. (Note: For this release we will always save messages to the Sent folder. In the future we may make this a user preference.)

Follow Up No Virtual folder that contains a list of messages with the “follow-up” flag turned on, across all folders. (Folder name will appear in view.)

[Note: Not for rev 1, due to performance concerns.]

Junk Spam No No Spam folder. When this folder is emptied (or when selected items are deleted) the items are permanently deleted, bypassing the Trash folder.

Trash Yes No When items/folders are deleted they initially get placed here.

My Folders Yes No (?) Contains any user-defined folders that you don’t want to put into Inbox.

[Do we need/want this?]

[User-defined folder 1]

Yes Yes Any top-level user-defined folders will go below the Inbox entry (sorted alphabetically).

[User-defined folder 2]

Yes Yes

Public Folders Yes No This is the root folder for all the public subfolders.

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Icon Folder Name Can Contain Subfolders

Can Be Deleted


The Public Folders root folder cannot be deleted or renamed. Individual public folders can be deleted by the admin or the creator, however.

Archive Yes No Shows messages in the Archive. Since this is a simplistic version of archiving, the archive will be a flat folder unless the user manually creates subfolders within it. Moving a message into the archive does not “remember” the original folder structure (for now). [We will not have an Archive folder in Rev 1.]

When a folder is selected, the messages in that folder will appear in the Message List pane on the right. (The exception to this is the Address Book. Selection of the Address Book will launch the Address Book in a separate window.) The Message List view (i.e. set of columns) will vary based on the folder chosen. For example, the Sent folder will not include the From column, as seen in the Inbox folder, since it is always the same. Instead, it would contain a To column so you know who the message was sent to. A complete definition of message views is located in the Columns & Views section, below. Users can create top-level (personal) folders. These folders will appear above the Public Folders entry, in alphabetical order. Folder Features

� Selection � Folder operations: Create, Edit/Rename, Delete, Move, Empty � Manage Folders [We will not implement this in rev 1.] � Right-click menu � Unread message count � Unread indicator (folders with unread messages will be bold) � Expand and collapse folders � Drag-n-drop to move folders � In-place editing of folder name

For more detail on folder operations, please see the Folders section of this document. Unread Message Count

� Folders containing unread messages will appear in bold. � Folders containing unread messages will show a count of unread messages, after the folder

name. For example: Inbox (12). Selection

� You can select a folder by clicking on the folder name. This will populate the Message List window with the email messages contained in the selected folder.

� The selected folder name will be highlighted/shaded to indicate the selected state.

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2.3.3 Message List Message List Feature Overview

� Defaults to “Inbox” as the current folder. (When you click WebEx Mail in the main menu, the Inbox will always be shown. We will not remember what folder you were last in when you left the application.)

� Clickable column headers to sort, both asc and desc o Indicator specifies which column is being sorted (indicator icon toggles between “asc”

and “desc” icon) o There is no indicator for columns that are not the primary sort. o Sort indicator is displayed to the right of the column name. o The sort operation applies to the current folder, and should be remembered when you

leave and return to the folder. For instance, if I sort the Inbox by “From” then it should still be sorted by “From” when I return to the Inbox after leaving the mail application. (Each folder retains its own sort order.)

� Views o “Show” dropdown – filters current folder of messages o Single vs. two-line view (shows first part of message body) [This feature was deferred.]

� Input boxes for filtering view – both global and per-column � Flags displayed (important, follow-up, message state, files attached, etc.) � Message selection and selected item indicator (highlight) � Multi-select operations

o Delete o Move To…(folder) o Flag-As…

� Read/unread indicators (unread messages/rows appear in bold) � Single click of message opens it in preview pane � Double-click of message opens it in a new window � Some properties of the message list view will be remembered so that when you leave and return

to your email, those properties will remain as you left them. The view properties that will be remembered are:

o Single vs Multi-line view o Conversation vs flat view o Sort field and order (e.g. Date asc vs. Date desc, etc.), for each folder/view o Show/Hide Live Search setting o Show/Hide Folders setting o Show/Hide Preview setting

Functional and User Interaction Specification for Bucket 24 – Email Application Page 10

Copyright © 2006 WebExOne Message List Controls

Control Name or Label Type Description

Folder name We will display the folder name, in bold, at the top of the message list.

Message count To the right of the folder name, we will display the number of messages being viewed as well as the total # of messages in the folder. For example: (Messages 1-25 of 988).

Paging controls

Allows users to navigate to the next and previous page of messages. Please see the Paging section for more details.

Show Dropdown list Specifies a filter for the current folder of messages. Options are: � Messages � Unread � Follow Up � Important � Last 7 Days

Delete Html button (with icon on button)

Deletes the currently selected messages. See the Delete section for details.

Move To Html button (with icon on button)

Moves the currently selected messages. See Move to Folder section for details.

Flag As Html button (with icon on button)

Sets properties on the message such as Unread, Important, etc. See the Flag As section for more details.

Live Search bar A set of input boxes that allows users to filter messages dynamically, on the From, Subject or Body fields. Please see the B24 Search spec for details. Columns & Views

Since email folders serve different purposes, the columns that are displayed for each folder will vary based on the folder type. The view columns are defined as follows (in this order):

Folder / Columns Default Sort Key ?


Drafts, Sent

- Importance icon Indicates whether the importance flag is set. Icon only displays if the importance flag is set; otherwise the field is empty.

- Status icon Mail message icon indicating the state of the message:

Read message,

Unread message,

Reply sent,

Message forwarded [Can’t do this one.]

Draft message Tooltips should appear for each icon (see text above).

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Folder / Columns Default Sort Key ?


- file attachment icon Indicates whether a file is attached. Icon only displays if file is attached; otherwise the field is empty.

To The recipient list. The list is truncated to fit within the column. When the data is truncated an ellipsis will be displayed at the truncation point.

Subject Message subject.

Date Yes, descending

The date and time the message was sent, if applicable. (For the Drafts folder, this field will be empty.) The date/time format will be a standard short format that includes the weekday, such as: “Mon Oct 27, 2006 9:25 AM”. (The date/time will be locale-specific.)

[Can we just show the time for mail sent today and a date for older

mail? I think that would be useful behavior. Not for rev 1.]

Size Size (in KB) of email message, including attachments.

- follow-up icon Indicates one of three two states:

� Flagged for follow-up

� Completed [Can’t do this one now…] � Not flagged

Inbox, Public Folders, User-defined folders, Archive, Trash, Junk

- Importance icon See previous description.

- Status icon See previous description.

- File attachment icon See previous description.

From The sender’s name.

Subject See previous description.

Date Yes,


The date and time the message was received. Date/time format is TBD.

Size See previous description.

- follow-up icon See previous description.

Follow Up Shows all messages marked for follow up, across all folders.

Same fields as for the Inbox plus the following:

Sort by: Received, descending order.

Folder Specifies the folder name (without a path) where the message is stored. This column is displayed after the Size field.

� Note that although the columns have a default sort key, users may click on any column header

to resort the messages in the current view. Clicking on a column that is already being used as the primary sort key will cause the sort order to toggle (e.g. descending to ascending, etc.).

� We will remember the state of the sort key and sort order for each folder so that when you

return to the folder, it will remain in the state that you left it. If the sort key is: o a date, then we will ensure that the most recent message will always be in view (i.e. we’ll

display the page containing the most recent message). o not a date (e.g. Subject) then we will always show you the first page of messages in the


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� A tooltip should be displayed for each clickable column label/cell. The tooltips are as follows: o For text labels: “Sort by: [field name]” (e.g. “Sort by: Subject”) o For icons:

Icon Tooltip Initial sort

Sort by: Importance Important messages are at the top

Sort by: Message status Initial sort order should be: � Draft messages � Unread messages � Read messages � Reply messages

Sort by: Attachment icon Messages with attachments are at the top

Sort by: Follow Up status Messages marked as follow up are at the top Selection

� You can select a message by clicking anywhere in a message row. Any previously selected messages will become unselected.

� Selected rows will be highlighted. � The preview pane, if open, will show the most recently selected message. � We will support the standard Windows multi-select behavior whereby users can use the Ctrl and

Shift keys when clicking to add or remove from the set of selected items. � When you right-click a message, it will select the message then display the right-click menu for

the message. (It will deselect any previously selected messages, just like a left-click action would.)

Selected Item Indicator We will indicate which messages are selected by applying shading across the entire message row.

For example: Right-Click Menu

When you right-click on a message (anywhere in the message row) you will see a menu containing the following actions:

� New - launches compose page in a new window [TBD] � Open – opens message in a new window � Print – prints message � ----------------------- � Reply – launches reply page � Reply All – launches reply all page � Forward – launches mail forward page � ----------------------------- � Flag as Junk – sets the “junk” flag for the message and either deletes it or

moves to Junk folder, depending on user settings

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� Flag as Not Junk – clears the “junk” flag, if set � Add to Safe Senders List – adds the sender to the user’s Safe Senders list [TBD] � Add to Blocked Senders List – adds the sender to the user’s Blocked Senders list [TBD] � ----------------------------- � Archive – moves to the Archive folder � Delete – deletes the message (moves to Trash or permanently deletes,

depending on the folder you’re in) � Move To > – displays the move submenu � ------------------------ � Flag As >

o Read – sets the “read” indicator for the message o Unread – sets the “unread” indicator for the message

� ------------------------ o Follow Up – sets the “follow up” flag for the message o Flag as Complete – sets the “completed” flag for the message o Clear Flag – clears the follow up and/or completed flags

For example:

Note that the menu will be context-sensitive, meaning that only the menu items you have permission to use will be enabled. For instance, if you are viewing a public folder that you only have Read access to, the “Delete” option would be disabled (e.g. grayed out). Filtered Search (aka “Live Search”)

We will provide input boxes within each message list view that allows you to instantly filter messages. As you type into a box, the message list is filtered to show only those messages containing the typed string (in that field). If you type text into multiple input boxes, it will AND the search criteria together (e.g. From contains Don AND Subject contains email.) We will also include an input box for searching the email body. To perform an “OR” search you must use the global search box or the advanced search page. Please see the B24 Search spec for more details on search functionality. Paging

� We will display a single page of messages at a time and provide a UI for paging through all the email messages in the list. For example:

� Page # Details:

o The highest page number that can be entered is 9999 (4 character limit).

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o The width of the input box for page #’s should be 3 characters wide. � We will also display the message count next to the folder name in the form of: (Messages n1-n2 of

n3). For example: (Messages 1-25 of 988). This will help to convey that the messages are paged. � There will be a user setting that controls how many messages are displayed per page. Please see

the User Preferences section for details. � If the “All” option is chosen then we will not show the paging UI. We will only show the message

count (e.g. “71 messages”). [For performances reasons, we are not offering this option.] Auto-Refresh of Messages

We will automatically check for new mail every 3 minutes (exact number is TBD). We will not, however, readjust the paging if you have paged beyond the first page of messages when the check-mail operation occurs. So, for example, if you are on page three (viewing 101-125 of 512 messages) and new messages come in, you will not see the new messages until you manually go back to page one (or click Inbox, etc.). We will, however, update the unread count in the folder tree. When the check-mail operation occurs, the following items will be updated:

� Message list (e.g. new messages displayed), when on page one � Unread count on visible folders � Home page: message count and recent emails

We will not check for new messages when the user is viewing search results.

2.3.4 Message Preview

The preview window: � will display below the Message List pane � will contain the most recently selected email message � may be opened and closed by the user.

See the Email Message Layout section for more details on the contents of the email message window. Note, however, that the preview pane will NOT display a Command Bar. Show/Hide Preview Pane

To close the preview pane do one of the following: � Click the “X” (or “close” icon) Done button in the Command Bar of the message window � Click Options > Show/Hide Preview in the Command Bar.

To show the preview pane, click Options > Show/Hide Preview in the Command Bar. For now, the preview pane will always be positioned below the Message List (Inbox) pane. Note: In a future release we will consider providing more positioning options for the preview pane, such as to the right of the Message List (i.e. vertical orientation).

2.3.5 Drag-n-Drop We will provide a drag-n-drop interface for moving messages from the Message List into a folder. To move multiple messages, select the messages in the message list then position your mouse over any of the selected messages and drag to a folder. If you initiate the drag on a message that is not selected, it will select and move just that one individual message. This should follow standard drag-n-drop behavior (e.g. the mouse pointer changes to reflect valid/invalid drop targets, the Escape key cancels the drag operation, etc.). We will also support the use of drag-n-drop to move folders within the Folder List pane.

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2.3.6 Storage Quota

We will display your personal storage quota at the bottom of the page. For example:

The storage quote will be displayed in the following format: You are currently using [amt of storage in use, in KB, MB, or GB as

appropriate] ([% of total available]) of your [storage limit, in KB, MB, or

GB as appropriate] limit.

(The rules for when to display KB vs MB vs GB will be the same as in the Documents application.)

2.3.7 Keyboard Controls

We will provide some keyboard controls within the message list only. Focus must be in the message list pane in order for the keyboard controls to function there.

[There needs to be a concept of “window focus” or we won’t know which pane to operate on…] In Message List

� Delete - moves to Trash folder � Ctrl-delete - permanently deletes, bypasses trash � Navigation keys - up/down arrows will move the message selection up or down (Page Up,

Page Down, End, and Home will scroll the window accordingly)

[What about clipboard shortcuts such as Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V?] In Folder List

� Delete - moves to Trash folder � Ctrl-delete - permanently deletes folder � Navigation keys - Up/down, home, end, etc.

[What about clipboard shortcuts such as Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V?] In Preview Pane

We will not support any keyboard shortcuts here.

2.4 Mail Operations

2.4.1 Read

Users can read email messages either in the preview pane or by opening the message into its own window. For simplicity, the email message will appear the same in both places (preview pane, separate window). Exception: If you open a draft message (i.e. message in Drafts folder) into a separate window you will see the compose/edit page, rather than the message detail page. Layout of Email Message

The email message will appear as follows:

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Note that the Command Bar will NOT be displayed in the preview pane.

[Do we want an option to expand and collapse the header area? No, not now.]

Page Elements:

Element or Label Tooltip Description/Behavior

Command Bar

Reply Reply Launches the reply page, in a separate window. Dropdown menu contains:

� Reply � Reply All

Forward Forward Launches the compose page, in a separate window.

Delete Delete See separate section on Delete. If deleted from the:

� preview pane, the next message in the list will become selected

� separate message window, the window will be closed and the user will return to the Inbox.

Print Print Prints the message.

Move Move Displays the Move page in a separate window. Once the message is moved, it will no longer appear in the current folder being viewed.

Flag As None Opens the Flag As dropdown menu. See description of Flag As menu items.

Options (NOTE: This option is not currently shown in the mockup.)

None Opens a dropdown menu containing: - Add Sender to Contact List - Add Sender to Safe Senders List - Block Sender - ------------------- - Show Full Headers (or Show Brief Headers,

depending on the current state of the message)

- ------------------- - Archive Message – moves message to

archive folder

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Element or Label Tooltip Description/Behavior

(no button text) Next Message Displays the next message in the message list. If there are no more messages to be viewed the window will close automatically.

(no button text) Previous Message

Displays the previous message in the message list. If there are no more messages to be viewed the window will close automatically.

Done Close Message Closes the message. � If you’re in the preview pane, it will prompt

whether you want to close the preview pane

(e.g. Do you want to close the preview

window?). If you say no, then it will cancel the

operation. If you say yes than it will close the preview window; users must then use the Options menu to reshow the preview window again.

� If the message is in a separate window, it will

close the window.


Subject field – no field


n/a Displayed in bold, with a larger font size. When there is no subject the string “(No subject)” will be displayed in the subject field.

From field (no field label) with icon. indicating sender type:

� Member

� Contact

� Unknown

n/a Displays the name and/or email address that the message came from. For example:

� Rick Faulk [[email protected]]

[email protected] Note: We can’t distinguish sender type so we’ll just display a generic “person” or “from” icon.

To n/a Displays the name(s) and/or email address(es) that the message was sent to. For example: � Corinne Battle [[email protected]] � [email protected] Note that the “To” field will always be displayed, even when empty.

Cc n/a Only displayed when non-empty.

Bcc n/a This field is never displayed.

Sent Shows date and time message was sent (right-justified, on subject line). Format will depend on user’s locale and will follow this example for English locales: Tue, 9/27/2005 9:39 PM

Attachments Comma separated list of file attachment links. Can click to open an attachment. (Can right-click to save.)

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Element or Label Tooltip Description/Behavior

Note: We will not be able to show the size of the file attachments in rev 1.

Body field - no field label Appears below the horizontal rule, left-justified to the left margin.

(Options ) menu Dropdown menu that appears to the right of the sender (From) name.

Add to Contacts Add Sender to Contact List

Launches the New Contact page, in a popup window, with the following defaults set:

- personal contact - name=sender name (if available) - email address=sender email address

Note that the popup window will automatically close when you do the following:

- click Cancel on the New Contact page - click Done on the contact detail page (which

you’ll see after you save the contact)

Add to Safe Senders


Add Sender to Safe Senders List

Adds the sender’s email address to the user’s Safe Senders list.

[Can’t do this in rev 1.]

Add Domain to Safe

Senders List (no icon)

Add Sender’s Domain to Safe Senders List

Adds the sender’s email domain to the user’s Safe Senders list.

[Can’t do this in rev 1.]

Block Sender Block Sender Adds the sender’s email address to the blocked senders list. Email from blocked senders will be treated like spam.

[Can’t do this in rev 1.]


Send Email Send Email Displays New Message page, with “To” field pre-populated with sender’s email address.

Meet Now

Meet Now Displays the “Meet Now” page. Only appears if the site has subscribed to WebEx Meetings.

Schedule a Meeting Schedule a Meeting

Displays the “New Event” page.

(Ideally we’ll pre-populate the person’s name into the participant list

but not sure we can do that now.)

Schedule a WebEx


[Can we do this?]

Displays the “New Event” page, with defaults set to “WebEx Meeting”. Only appears if the site has subscribed to WebEx Meetings web service, and the user is a host.

Schedule a Call

[Can we do this?]

Displays the “New Event” page, with defaults set to “Teleconference only”. Only appears if the site has subscribed to WebEx Meetings audio.


Show/Hide Full Show or Hide Toggles on/off the display of full email message

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Element or Label Tooltip Description/Behavior

Header (no icon) Full Message Header


(Note: The Command Bar will not be displayed when the message is being viewed from the preview pane.) Info Bar

When applicable, we will display informational messages at the top of the email in an area we’ll refer to as the “Info Bar”. The set of messages that can appear in the Info Bar include:

� You replied on [time & date] to this message.

� You forwarded this message on [time & date]. [We cannot detect this.]

� Flagged for Follow Up.

� This message is marked as important.

� Some content in this message has been blocked. Click here to unblock

all content.

� This message has not been sent. (Mostly applies to messages in the Drafts folder.)

[Do we want to use reply, forward and unsent icons here, instead of the “info” icon? YES.]

Other details: � all applicable messages will appear, each on a separate line � if no messages are relevant then the info bar will not appear. Content Blocking

If a user’s preference is to block content then we will: - strip out all images within the message - strip out any scripts or other unsafe content - not strip out any video or audio, for now.

In place of each image there will usually be a broken image link, the same size as the original image. There will be some visual indicator that images are being blocked and a link to unblock the images (and other content, if applicable). The informational message will say:

Some content in this message has been blocked. Click here to unblock all


For example:

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(The shading color is color-scheme dependent and is the same color used to highlight today’s events on the home page calendar.)

Additional Details: � Per product management, if a user turns off content blocking we will deliver the message as it was

sent, without stripping out any images or unsafe content. � In future releases we will consider adding an option to add the sender to the Safe Sender’s list.

Emails from people on the Safe Sender’s list would never have images or content blocked. File Attachments

Users can read file attachments by clicking on the file name link. This will display a dialog where you can choose whether you want to open or save the file. Additionally, you may right-click on the file name to save the file locally (e.g. “Save Target As” in IE).

2.4.2 Compose/Edit Features

� Opens in a new window (per MRD) � Plain/Rich text option

o The default is “Rich text” but we will remember the last state you were in and display that until you change it again. (e.g. this setting is “sticky”)

o Note that the following pages will always open in rich text mode by default: � Forward, Reply, Reply All � Draft messages

� Rich-text editor (Note: this will be a lightweight editor; it will not be the existing rich text editor used in Announcements as that is slower to load and requires users to download a component.)

� Spell Checker (check spelling, spelling suggestions) � Address Suggestion (automatically displays dropdown list of entries that match the typed string) � Manual Address Lookup

o Can select from groups (public & personal), members, contacts (public & personal) � File Attachments (attach, save, view, etc.)

o Local files o Documents (not in rev 1)

� Save draft � Mark as important (or normal)

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� This page will be used for both email and non-email customers. (Some options may be hidden for non-email customers.)

� We will continue to display the “Send me a copy” and “Hide recipients…” � Other behavior:

o Sent messages automatically get saved in “Sent” folder. o We will NOT be providing the “Attach Document” feature in rev 1. You can only attach

local files in rev 1. o When you click cancel you will be prompted whether to save as draft (if the user has a

WebEx Mail mailbox), if any fields have been populated. (If no fields are populated, you will not get prompted.)

o If the Subject or Body is empty you will be asked to confirm that you want to send. o When you send a message from the Drafts folder, it will automatically get moved from

Drafts to Sent.

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Copyright © 2006 WebExOne Page Layout

Rich text turned on:

(Note: page title icon should be “ico_mail_write24.gif”: , not as shown above.)

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Plain text turned on:

Importance indicator:

With file attached:

[Note: we cannot show the file size here in rev 1 since the file is not uploaded yet.]

� To attach a file:

o Type a file name (with path) into the file field, or click “Browse” to browse for the file. o Once the file is attached, the file name link and file size will appear in a row below the file field

(see mockup above). o A “Remove” link will appear to the right of the file name.

� To remove an attached file: o Click the “Remove” link that appears to the right of the file name. o The removed file name will disappear. If no other files were attached the UI will revert to the state

where no files are attached. Page Elements

Element or Label Type Tooltip Description/Behavior

Command Bar

Send CB Button Send email Sends the email and closes the

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Element or Label Type Tooltip Description/Behavior

message window. If the Subject is empty you will be prompted as follows: The subject of this

email message is empty.

Click OK to send or

Cancel to resume


If there are no email recipients specified you will be prompted as follows: Please specify at least

one email recipient in

the To, CC or BCC field.

(with an OK button)

Save as Draft CB Button Save to Drafts folder

Saves message to Drafts folder and closes window. (Only appears to users that have weboffice mail.)

Print CB Button Print email message

Sends email message to the printer. (If need be, we’ll display a print preview page first with a “Print” button.)

(no button text) CB Button Mark as important

Sets the “Important” property for the message and displays the importance indicator across the top of the form (see above).

(no button text) CB Button Attach file Does the same thing as clicking the “Attach File” link. (If possible it will also display the browse file dialog.)

(no button text) CB Button Check spelling Initiates the spell check operation.

Options CB Menu No tooltip Opens the dropdown menu containing:

- Mark as Important - Mark as Normal - ? TBD

Cancel CB Button Cancel Cancels the compose operation. If any of the fields are populated (and you have a WebEx Mail mailbox), you will be prompted as to whether you want to save to the Drafts folder, as follows: Do you want to save this

message in the Drafts


Page Title

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Element or Label Type Tooltip Description/Behavior

New Message

Icon + text n/a Page title icon and text


From Text n/a For people with a WebEx Mail box: displays your name and default From Address, as specified in your email preferences. (For non-email customers, this will always be your primary email address as specified in your member record.)

[We will not let people send outgoing

mail from external (pop3) email accounts

in rev 1.]

(From dropdown menu)

[We are not implementing the

From dropdown in rev 1.]

Icon Select From address

Only visible/available to email customers. Allows you to specify a different From address, if available. The list of From addresses will include all email aliases and email addresses for the user.

[Does this include other email addresses

in their member record? Or just email

addresses from their weboffice email and

pop3 accounts?]

(This is hidden if there are no other From addresses to choose from.)

To Text box n/a Includes the address-suggestion

feature, and the ability to do a manual lookup. (See Error Handling section below for a description of error conditions on this field.) Note: Either a comma or semi-colon can be used to separate email addresses.

Cc Text box n/a Includes the address-suggestion feature, and the ability to do a manual lookup.

Bcc Text box n/a Includes the address-suggestion feature, and the ability to do a

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Element or Label Type Tooltip Description/Behavior

manual lookup.




Buttons Lookup… Displays the Address Book, in a separate window. Will allow you to search and select names in the address book and populate the To, Cc, or Bcc fields.

Subject Text box n/a

(no text label) Text box +



File attachments

Standard file control for attaching files. Click the “Browse” button to locate the file or type a file path into the input box. (Ideally you can also click the paper clip icon to browse for the file but that may not be doable for rev 1.)

Body - no field label Multi-line,

rich text


n/a Default is to use rich text. If the user changes to plain text we’ll remember the setting. Always displays in previous state. See below, for more details on the rich text control.

Check Spelling Link n/a Initiates spell checking on the message. Note: exact details of the spell-checker function are still TBD.

Plain Text / Rich Text Link n/a Toggles between showing a rich text control and a plain text control for the Body field. When you switch to plain text from rich text you will see the following warning message: Converting this message

to plain text will lose

all formatting. Do you

want to continue?

with yes/no buttons. If confirmed, the message will be converted to plain text.

Send me a copy Checkbox Existing behavior.

Hide recipients from

each other

Checkbox Existing behavior. Includes a context-sensitive help icon.

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Copyright © 2006 WebExOne Address Suggestion

(Mockup inaccuracy: icon shown in page title is incorrect.) Behavior: � As you start typing, we’ll display a list of matches (with a scroll bar if there are more than 10

matches). The matches can include groups and distribution lists (personal and public), in addition to individuals.

� We will search the beginning letters of the following fields: First, Middle, Last, Email, Alternate Email, Mobile Email. The typed string must match the beginning part of the field; we will not do a substring search.

� If you type a name or part of a name (e.g. “Jack”) and there are multiple email addresses for that person (i.e. Email, Alternate, Mobile) we will show all of them. For example:

o Jack R Brodeur <[email protected]> o Jack R Brodeur <[email protected]>

� There will be two different highlight colors in the suggestion list:

o Selection color (this is the standard look for list item selection) o Mouseover color (this will match the color scheme)

� When you select a name (by clicking on it or hitting enter) it will be placed into the addressee field (To, CC, BCC), appended to any existing addresses.

� You can use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move the selection up and down the list.

� “Hits” in the results list will be highlighted in the same fashion as the LiveSearch highlighting.

� If possible, groups and distribution lists will be displayed in bold as they are in the Address Book. (When a group or distribution list is chosen, we’ll put the necessary group/dist list notation into the To/CC/BCC field.)

� If possible, we will show icons to indicate address type (e.g. member, contact, group, etc.), as we do in the Address Book.

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Copyright © 2006 WebExOne Rich Text Control

The rich text control that is used for the email body is not the same control as used elsewhere in the product (e.g. Ephox control in Announcements app), and will not have as many formatting features. The rich text control used in email will have the following formatting capabilities:

Element/Tooltip Default Value Description/Behavior

Font name Arial For consistency, the font list will be the same as in the Announcements rich text control. Currently, that includes: � Arial � Arial Black � Arial Narrow � Comic Sans MS � Courier New � Georgia � Impact � Tahoma � Times New Roman � Trebuchet MS � Verdana � Webdings (This list may be expanded in the future.)

Font size 10 For consistency, the font size list will be the same as in the Announcements rich text control. Currently, that includes: � 8 � 10 � 12 � 14 � 18 � 24 � 36 (This list may be expanded in the future.)

Bold Off

Italic Off

Underline Off

Align left On Left-alignment is the default.

Center Off

Align right Off

Justify Off

Numbering Off

Bullets Off

Decrease indent

Increase indent

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Element/Tooltip Default Value Description/Behavior

Font color Black

Background color None/transparent

Insert hyperlink Allows insertion of a hyperlink into the email body. Users can choose from several link types and can specify where the link gets opened (e.g. new window, same window, etc.).

[NOTE: We will NOT support the “Anchor”

link type in this dialog, in rev 1.] Error Handling

Invalid Email Addresses The email recipients will be validated on the server, all at once. If there are invalid addresses in the To, CC, or BCC fields we will display an error message below the erroneous field that says: Invalid or unrecognized addresses: [address1], [address2], [address3].

(The “[addressN]” notation would be replaced with the invalid address.) For example,

Error condition examples: � Email addresses:

o Missing “@” symbol or period o No data before the period o Email address contains invalid characters such as a slash or a space o Etc. (standard email address validation)

� Groups and distribution lists: o Distribution list is invalid o Group name is invalid

2.4.3 Reply � Can “Reply” (default) or “Reply to All” � Pre-populate To, cc, bcc fields � Message body is pre-populated with:

o The line: “---------- Original message ----------“, then o Original message header, including:

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� From � Sent � To � CC (if applicable) � Subject

o Original message body, in a different color (color is TBD)

2.4.4 Forward

Displays the New Message page with the following changes: � Subject is pre-populated with: “Fwd: [original subject]” � Message body is prepopulated with:

o The line: “---------- Forwarded message ----------“, then o Original message header, including:

� From � Sent � To � CC (if applicable) � Subject

o Original message body

2.4.5 Delete To delete a message you can:

� Right-click on a single message (message does not have to be selected) and select Delete from the right-mouse menu

� Select one or more messages (see Selection section above) then do one of the following: o click the Delete key on the keyboard o click the Delete button in the message list table (standard behavior for list tables) o right-click any of the selected messages and select Delete from the right-mouse menu. Delete Confirmation

A delete confirmation message will only be displayed when permanently deleting items (e.g. when deleting items in the Trash folder). Otherwise, the deleted items will be moved to the Trash folder where they may be recovered if deleted inadvertently. The delete confirmation message, if displayed, will be as follows: Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected item(s)?

2.4.6 Move to Folder

To move messages you can: � Right-click on a single message (message does not have to be selected) and select “Move To”

from the right-click menu. � Use drag-n-drop to drag the selected messages from the Message List into a folder in the Folder

List. � Select one or more messages (see Selection section above) then do one of the following:

o Click the “Move To” button in the message list table o Right-click any of the selected messages and select “Move To” from the right-click

menu. � Open the message in a new window and click Move in the Command Bar. See the “Move

Dialog” section below.

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Copyright © 2006 WebExOne “Move To” Menus

When you select the “Move To” menu option we will display a set of cascading menus that allows you to specify the destination folder. (You must hover over each parent folder with your mouse to open the list of subfolders. Clicking on a folder will select that folder as the destination folder.)

(NOTE: Please refer to the Folder Hierarchy section for the order in which folders are displayed. Ignore the order of folders shown in this mockup as it is incorrect.) “Move” Dialog

When moving a message via the “Move” command in the Command Bar of the message window, we will show a move dialog as follows:

(Note, the folder tree will mimic the folder tree seen on the email application home page, despite what is shown here. Please see the Folder List section for more information about the folder tree behavior.)

2.4.7 Flag As There are several properties that can be set for a message: � Read/Unread � Important/Normal [This feature has been cut from rev 1.] � Junk/Not Junk [Note: We cannot implement this in rev 1 since we are using the SendMail UI for spam handling.]

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� Follow Up/No Follow Up/Complete [Note: We cannot implement the “Complete” flag in rev 1.] These properties can be set by: 1) Selecting one or more messages (via checkboxes) and clicking the “Flag As” button. This will display a menu where you can set or clear each property. For example:

Note: The following options will NOT appear on this menu: Important, Normal, Junk, Not Junk, Complete. 2) Right-clicking a message and selecting an option from the right-mouse menu. (This may not include every option but should include the most commonly used ones.)

2.4.8 Spell Checker Features: � Support for English and German only � User preferences:

o automatically spell check when sending � We will use a dialog approach where users check each spelling mistake sequentially, rather than the

Google approach which highlights all misspellings at once. � We will, at a minimum, support the following actions from within the spell-checker:

o Replace o Replace All o Ignore o Ignore All o Learn – adds to user dictionary [Not for rev 1.] o Finish - stops the spell checker and returns to the compose page

� Other features o Can edit email text from within spell-checker o Shows misspellings in context o Suggestion list o Automatically (and always) selects first suggestion in suggestion list o Ideally can detect when two adjacent words are missing the space in between (e.g.

“inbetween”) � We will NOT implement any of the following in rev 1:

o grammar checking o dictionary type (e.g. American English vs. Canadian English vs. UK English etc.) o user-defined words for dictionary or separate user dictionary

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2.5 Folders

2.5.1 Folder Operations

Folders can be operated on primarily from a right-click menu, and the Folders action menu. See below for details. View folder list

� Click Options > Show/Hide Folders in the Command Bar to open or close the Folder List window. (Note, this will show/hide the simple Search box as well. The entire left side will be treated as a single unit when showing/hiding folders.)

� When you show the folder list, the current folder (i.e. folder being displayed in Message List pane) will appear “selected”.

� When you hide folders, the message list and preview panes will expand to use up all the available space.

The folder list will always appear on the email home page, to the left of the message list. You may expand or shrink the width of the folder pane by grabbing the edge of the pane and dragging it left or right. Create folder

Access points: � Click “New > New Folder” in the Command Bar � Click “New Folder” on the Folders action menu (in folder pane). � Click the “New Folder” button on the MoveK page. � Right-click on an existing folder in the Folder List, and select New Folder from the right-click


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Other Details: � Max length of folder name: 64 characters. � “&” is a valid character within a folder name

In-Place Editing When you initiate the folder creation process from the Folder List pane or the right-click menu we will create a new folder in the folder tree (called “New Folder”), underneath the currently selected folder. You can then type in the desired folder name. This should behave as it does in Windows Explorer.

“New Folder” Page If you initiate the create operation from the Command Bar or another location where the folder tree is not visible, we will display the “New Folder” page, in a new window:

The parent folder will default to the currently selected folder. (If you’re creating a public folder there will be additional options, such as permissions, on the page. See the Email Administration spec for details.) [We should not need this page since the folder tree can no longer be hidden.] Rename folder

Access points: � Use the “Rename” option on the right-click menu. � Select a folder then click “Rename” on the Folders action menu. � Double-click on the folder name. This will put the folder in “rename” mode.

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We will provide an “in-place-editing” UI for renaming folders, like we use for folder creation. (This feature should function like in Windows Explorer.) Move folder

� Access Points: o Use the “Move To” option on the right-click menu for the folder. o Drag-n-drop to another location in the folder list. o Select a folder then click the “Move To” option in the Folders action menu.

� The “Move To” menu will display a cascading menu tree, allowing you to move the folder to any location in the folder tree (that you have write permission to).

� We will display the “Mailbox” option at the top of the Move To menu; this will allow movement of folders to the top level (e.g. same level as Inbox). For example:

� Error conditions:

o If you attempt to move a folder to the Inbox you will see an error message that says: The folder “Inbox” cannot contain subfolders.

o If you try to move a folder to another location that you don’t have write access to (e.g. a

public folder) you will see an error message that says: You do not have permission to move documents or folders to the “[folder name]” folder. Empty folder

� Use the “Empty Folder” option on the folder’s right-click menu OR on the Folders action menu, if enabled.

� To empty the Junk or Trash folders you can also use the “Empty” links that appear to the right of the folder name, in the folder tree. Delete folder

� Access points: o Select the folder in the folder list then click the Delete (or Ctrl-Delete) key on the

keyboard. [Note, we are not implementing this keyboard function for folders.] o Use the “Delete” option on the right-click menu of the folder. o Select the folder then click the “Delete” option in the Folders action menu.

� Confirmation message displays:

o For regular delete: Are you sure you want to move “folder name” and all of its contents to the Trash folder?

o For permanent delete (e.g. subfolder within Trash folder): “Are you sure you want to permanently delete “folder name” and all of its contents?

� When confirmed, the deleted folder will be: o moved into the Trash folder, if not already there, OR o permanently deleted, if already located in the Trash folder.

2.5.2 Right-Click Menu The following options will be available when right-clicking a folder name:

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Menu Item Available Description/Behavior

Open Always This is the default action. Opens the specified folder in the Message List pane.

[Do we want to implement this? Outlook has it but do

we need it?]

Open in New Window

Always Displays the messages for that folder in a separate browser window (Message List and Preview panes only).

[Do we want to implement this? Outlook has it but do

we need it?]

New Folder Only enabled if you have permission to create a folder (e.g. user-defined folders).

Creates a folder in the tree called “New Folder” and puts you into edit mode so you can enter the new folder name.


Rename Only enabled if you have permission to rename the folder (e.g. user-defined folders.).

Puts the folder in “rename” mode in the folder tree, allowing you to type a new name.

Delete Only enabled if you have permission to delete the folder (e.g. user-defined folders).

Displays a confirmation dialog then deletes the folder and all its subfolders. (Deleted items are moved to Trash.)

Move To > Only enabled if you have permission to move the folder (e.g. user-defined folders).

Displays a cascading menu of folders, allowing you to choose the destination folder. Note that you must hover over (not click on) a folder name to expand it’s children; clicking on a folder will commit the move operation.

[Note: We will not offer “Copy” in rev 1.]


Empty Folder Only enabled for: - Junk - Trash - Sent

Only enabled if you have permission to delete the folder contents.

Deletes everything (messages and folders) in the specified folder (i.e. moves to Trash). If the Trash folder is emptied then the items are permanently deleted. Displays a confirmation message and, if confirmed, permanently deletes everything (messages and folders) in the specified folder. The confirmation message says: Are you sure you want to

permanently delete all the

messages and subfolders within

“folder name”?

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Menu Item Available Description/Behavior


Search Displays the advanced search page (in the content frame) with the default set to search the folder in question, plus all its subfolders.

[We are not going to implement this one in rev 1.]

2.5.3 “Folders” Action Menu

Because we want to make folder operations available through more than just a right-click menu, we will provide an action menu for folder operations, as shown here:

The contents of the action menu will be the same as for the right-click menu, and will operate on the currently selected folder. Please see the Right-Click Menu section above for a description of each menu option and when it is available. (Not all options are available at all times.) Note: The “New Folder” command will always be enabled. It will try to create a folder under the currently selected folder but if you don’t have permission to create a subfolder in that location it will create the folder as a top-level folder (sibling of Inbox).

2.5.4 Public Folders

� Public folders are shared folders, or folders that can be seen by multiple people. � Public folders can only be created by administrators. � Public folders have permissions that can be set: No Access, Read, Read & Add, Edit, or Manage. Public Folders are typically used to store email messages sent to a particular email address. For example, the administrator could create a rule that places all emails sent to [email protected] into a public folder called “Customer Feedback”. This would allow everyone in the group to view the customer feedback emails (assuming everyone is given read permission on the folder). Please see the “Email Administration” spec for more information on Public Folders.

2.5.5 Manage Folders page - Allows you to create, rename, move, empty and delete folders. - Shows stats on total storage size of each folder and #msgs (???)

[Not for rev 1.]

2.6 Mail Archive We will provide a simplistic version of email archiving. Archiving will simply consist of moving messages to an Archive folder. Archived messages are stored on the server (vs. the user’s local machine) and will be included in the storage quota. You can create rules which automatically move messages to the

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archive folder after some period of time (e.g. 90 days, etc.). The Archive folder is a system folder that cannot be deleted.

[Does the archive include subfolders? When a message is archived, is the original folder location maintained?? If so, how?]

[NOTE: We are not implementing this feature in rev 1.]

2.7 Address Book When composing emails, users can access email addresses from their Address Book. The Address Book will display people (including groups and distribution lists) from both the Contacts and Members applications. Although the data will be coming from the Members & Contacts apps, the Address Book will have a separate UI from those applications. The Address Book will allow you to search for specific people (or groups) in the contacts and members list. We will use the filtered search technology to enable people to see a filtered list as soon as they start typing into the search box. For example, if I type “John” into the search box I would immediately see a list of all names containing the string “John”. That would include entries where John is in any part of the name, email, or company field. (If applicable, groups and distribution lists will appear in the results list also.) Users may create personal distribution lists which consist of members and contacts.

2.7.1 Accessing the Address Book

There are multiple ways to access the Address Book: 1) From the Folder List (click “Address Book”) 2) From the New Message page (click the To, CC, or BCC buttons) 3) From the Command Bar of the email application home page (i.e. Inbox) 4) From the WebEx Mail action menu (in the left navigation bar) 5) From the Goto menu in the Command Bar of the Contacts application

[Note: This needs to be added to the Contacts/Members spec.]

When launched, the address book will launch in a separate browser window.

2.7.2 Address Book UI 1. When accessing from the Command Bar of the email application home page (or anything other than the New Message page):

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Details: � Initially shows you the first 25 items in the Global Address List (entire set of addresses). � Allows you to find people or groups and send them an email. � Clicking “New Message” launches the new message page with the specified people in the To

field. � Groups and distribution lists will appear in bold. � Icons shown for each entry type (member, contact, group, distribution list) � No import from here; you must go to Contacts app to import contacts. � Contacts and members that do not have an email address will be displayed (unlike Outlook’s

address book). � Double-clicking a name will display the property page for the entry, in a new window. When you

click Done on the property/detail page, the window will close. � Double-clicking an entry will perform the same action as clicking the New Message button. � If there is more than one email address (i.e. Other or Mobile) for a person, there will be an entry

for each email address. The email address type will be appended to the name like so:

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(If there is only one email address, no label will be appended to the name.)

2. When accessing from the New Message page (e.g. by clicking a lookup button):


� To, Cc, and Bcc buttons appear. (Select names and click one of these buttons to populate.) � New Message button does not appear � Double-clicking an entry will append it to the “To” field. � Clicking “Done” will move the data in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields into the corresponding fields on

the New Message page. Note, in a 1024x768 maximized window it is a requirement that the Properties button plus some portion of the To button (if present) appear above the fold. If necessary, the size of the address list window should be reduced to meet this requirement. Page Elements

Element or Label Tooltip Description/Behavior

Command Bar

New New Contact Dropdown menu contains:

� New Contact (default action)

� New Distribution List

� New Message

[Note: final icon for distribution list is TBD. May want to have a

separate one from the groups icon, which is what is shown here.]

Launches the “New…” page in a separate window, leaving the Address Book window open. NOTE: If any people are selected when the “New Distribution List” option is chosen, those people

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Element or Label Tooltip Description/Behavior

(exclusive of groups or other distribution lists) will automatically be put into the “List Members” field on the New Distribution List page. Popup windows will automatically close when you do any of the following:

- click Cancel on a “New…” page - click Done on a detail or list page

Manage (none) Dropdown menu that contains:

� Distribution Lists Note that there is no tooltip and no default action for this button. Clicking the button will open the dropdown menu.

Done Done Closes the Address Book window. (If you had come from the New Message page, then it will populate the To, Cc, and Bcc fields on the New Message page with your selections from in the Address Book.)

Other Page Elements


Dropdown menu that contains: � Global Address List (default) - includes all

contacts, members, groups & distribution lists � Contacts - includes all contacts, including

personal contacts and distribution lists � Personal Contacts - includes only your

personal contacts and personal distribution lists

� Distribution Lists – includes just your personal distribution lists

� Web Office Members – includes just members and member groups


Input box for search string. We will automatically filter the address list as you type. (Searches for that string in any part of the field not just the beginning.)

in Dropdown menu contains: � Name, Company, or Email (default) � Name � Company � Email � Phone � Title

Note that if you search on the Name, Email, or Phone fields we will search across all fields having those field types. For example, if I search the Phone field for “781” we will search all phone fields (e.g. Work Phone, Home Page, Assist Phone, Pager, Fax, etc.) for the string “781”.

Paging UI N/A This will be our standard paging UI. (NOTE: Search results are not paged.)

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Element or Label Tooltip Description/Behavior

Alpha-picker UI

N/A This will be our standard alpha-picker UI.

View By

Sort control. Can choose to sort by: � First Name (default) � Last Name � Company � Email

Note: Changing the sort will not change the column order.

Address list (no label)

List of people, groups, and distribution lists as specified in the “Show People In” control. Columns are:

� Checkbox (for selection) � Type icon (member, contact, distribution list or

group) � Name � Company � Title � Email � Business Phone

Html Buttons


(next to search box)

Initiates the search operation. All searchable fields for the app will be searched.

New Message Launches the New Message page in a new window. The “To” field will be populated with the names that were selected in the Address Book. Note: Does not appear when the Address Book is launched from the New Message page.

Properties Launches the detail page for the selected object. From there you can view, edit, and delete– if you have the appropriate permission to do so. (If multiple names are selected then it will show you the properties for the most recently selected item.)

To Moves the selected names from the address book to the “To” input box. Note: Only appears when the Address Book is launched from the “New Message” page.

Cc Moves the selected names from the address book to the “To” input box.

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Element or Label Tooltip Description/Behavior

Note: Only appears when the Address Book is launched from the “New Message” page.

Bcc Moves the selected names from the address book to the “To” input box. Note: Only appears when the Address Book is launched from the “New Message” page. Right-Click Menu

You can right-click on an entry in the address book to operate on the entry. The options are: � Properties � Modify � Delete � --------------- � Send Email � Call (?) � Meet Now (?)

[Note: Right-click menus for the Address Book is currently not a rev1 feature.]

2.7.3 Selecting Email Recipients From the Address Book Starting From the New Message Page

1. From the New Message (aka compose) page, click on the To, Bcc, or Cc buttons. This will launch the Address Book window.

2. Find the names you want to use and click on the To, Bcc, or Cc button on the Address Book page. This will populate the associated fields on the Address Book page

3. When you’re done with the Address Book, click Done in the Command Bar. This will move the selected addresses into the To, Bcc, or Cc fields on the New Message page, as appropriate.

From the Address Book

1. Find and select the names you want to use and click the New Message button on the Address Book page.

2. This will launch the launch the New Message page, placing the selected names into the To field.

2.7.4 Modifying Address Book Entries � To create a new contact from the Address Book, click “New” in the Command Bar of the Address

Book. � To modify or delete a contact, select the contact then click the Properties button to see the

detail page. If you have permission you can then edit or delete from there. � You cannot import into the Address Book directly. You can only import into the Contacts


2.7.5 Personal Distribution Lists

We will allow users to create personal distribution lists. A distribution list is simply a list of contacts and/or members.

� Each user can create, edit and delete their own personal distribution lists � Personal distribution lists:

o can include people from both members and contacts lists

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o cannot include other groups or distribution lists (in rev 1) o are only visible to the creator

� We will provide the ability to create new contacts while creating the distribution list (in case you want to create a new distribution list from scratch, meaning all of the contact records need creating).

� The Distribution List feature will be available to all sites, regardless of whether they have purchased email or not. (Access will be from within the Contacts app via the “Manage > Distribution List” menu item.)

Note that there can also be “public” distribution lists, created by the administrators and available to everyone. Please see the “B24 Email Administration” spec for details. Creating a Personal Distribution List

Access points: � From the Command Bar of the Address Book (“New > New Distribution List”) � From the Command Bar of the Contacts list page (“New > New Distribution List”). � From the (personal) Distribution Lists management page (“New”)

Page Layout:


� The “New > New Contact” command launches the New Contact page. Once saved, the contact will appear in the List Members box.

� We will sort and display the list in “first middle last” order. We will also show the email address with each name, as in: “Donna Carey [email protected]”.

� TBD whether we can implement the sort options (e.g. by last name, first name) � The “Show” dropdown contains the same items as the “Show People In” control on the Address

Book page.

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� You cannot include groups or other distribution lists within a distribution list. You may, however, choose a group from the list but the group will be expanded out into a list of individual group members. Managing Personal Distribution Lists

To change or delete a distribution list: � go to the Address Book and select the distribution list you want to modify � click the Properties button � click the edit or delete button OR � Click “Manage > Distribution Lists” on the Command Bar of the Address Book or Contacts app � Click the edit or delete icon next to the personal distribution list that you want to modify or delete.

You can also manage distribution lists from the Contacts app, using the “Manage > Distribution Lists” menu item. This will display a page like the following:


- Clicking on the list name link will take you to the edit page for the list. - The personal distribution list icon will be a variation of the public distribution list icon. This will

allow users to distinguish between each list type when viewing the Address Book. - The implementation of the multi-delete functionality is completely optional. If it is faster for dev

or qe to NOT implement this feature that is fine, as it is not critical. - Icons:

o The page title icon is “ico_distlist24.gif”. (This icon will always be used in the page title of distribution list pages – for both personal and public distribution lists.)

o The icon that appears next to each distribution list is “ico_persdistlist16.gif”. This icon will only appear when displaying personal distribution lists in a list format (e.g. here and in the Address Book). Viewing Personal Distribution Lists

� To view a distribution list from the list page, click the “edit” icon. This will take you to the edit page for the list.

� To view a distribution list from the Address Book, select the entry then click the Properties button. This will display a property/detail page for the distribution list, in a new window, as follows:

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o You will only see the Edit and Delete buttons if you have permission to edit or delete the distribution list. (This should always be the case for personal distribution lists since you are the only one that can view them.)

o When you click Done the properties/browser window will be closed. o The standard “distribution list” icon (ico_distlist24.gif) will be used in the page title.

2.7.6 Import/Export of Address Book

Users should be able export their address book (contacts at least), for import into another intranet site or external contact list. In rev 1, we will not provide importing or exporting capabilities form the address book directly. To import or export contacts or members, users must go to the Contacts or Members application and import/export from there.

2.7.7 Changes to Contacts Application The following changes need to be made to the Contacts application in order to support the Address Book feature:

� New Command Bar items: o Goto > Address Book

� This launches the Address Book window o Manage > Distribution Lists

� This is similar to the Manage Groups page � Page title is “Manage Distribution Lists”

o New > Distribution List � This launches the “New Distribution List” page

Ideally there would be a way to see distribution lists in your contact list (like in the Address Book) but we will not implement that feature for rev 1.

2.8 Search There will be multiple methods for searching email content:

� Live Search � Simple search � Advanced search

Please see the “B24 Search” spec for details.

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2.9 Home Page UI

2.9.1 New “WebEx Mail” Window on Home Page

We will display a WebEx Mail window on the home page (for email customers only) containing the following information:

� Access to the following mail functions: o Read Mail (goes to Inbox) o Send Mail (displays compose page, in a separate browser window) o Preferences (goes to Mail tab of Member Options page)

� “new mail” indicator [Hopefully we can do this in rev 2. Need to have some indicator that there is new mail.] � Access to the following folders:

o Inbox o Follow Up o Junk

� For each folder, one of the following:

o # messages in inbox, if no unread messages � Example: “(376 messages)”

OR o # unread messages in inbox in red text, if there are any unread messages

� Example: “(5 unread messages)“ [Note: in theory we can distinguish between “new” and “unread” messages…in the future it would be nice to actually show the “new” message count rather than unread.]

� “Recent Mail” section, showing the subject, sender and received date/time of the 5 most-recent

messages. The Subject field is a clickable link that opens the message in a new window. o If the message has no subject, the string “(No subject)” will be displayed for the subject

field. (It will be a clickable link.) o If there are no messages then we’ll display a string that says: “No messages.”

o The icon used in this section is (ico_whatsnew16.gif). � A “See More…” link that takes you to the Inbox folder.

For example:

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Note: 1. The “Follow Up” and “Junk” folders will not be displayed here in rev 1. 2. The window title will say “WebEx Mail” (not “Mailbox”).

2.9.2 Changes to Home Page Customization

In both the user and site customization settings, we will include the “WebEx Mail” option as one of the content windows that can be added or removed from the home page. For the site setting, the WebEx Mail option will only appear if the site has subscribed to WebEx Mail. For the user setting, the WebEx Mail option will only appear if the user has a WebEx Mail mailbox.

2.10 Multiple Mailboxes per Person [NOTE: We are not offering multiple WebExOne mailboxes in rev 1.]

Users may have more than one WebexOne mailbox, if specified by the admin. Admins will do all email account creation and deletion. The admin will initially set the default mailbox for each user but the user can change the default account at any time.

2.10.1 Changing the Current Account When you access your inbox, we will show you mail from your default mailbox. To see another mailbox, use the dropdown menu that appears next to your email name at the top of the page. This menu will display a list of all your WebexOne email accounts. (It does not include other POP3/IMAP accounts.) Settings for individual email accounts can be accessed via the Options > Email Accounts item in the Command Bar. When you switch email accounts, the inbox and folder list will change to reflect the current account.

When composing emails, you can specify which email account to send the mail from by clicking the downarrow the appears to the right of the From field value, as shown here:

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This dropdown menu is similar to the one shown on the application home page, however, it includes:

- all email accounts, both WebexOne and any other POP3/IMAP email accounts the user has created

- all email aliases for each account

[We are not implementing the ability to choose your From address on the compose page in rev 1.]

2.11 User Preferences

2.11.1 Access Points Users can access their personal email settings in several ways:

� clicking Options > Preferences in the Command Bar of the email home page � clicking WebEx Mail > Settings in the left navigation menu � clicking Tools > Member Options in the left navigation menu, then clicking the “Mail” tab � clicking the Preferences link in the WebEx Mail window on the Home page

2.11.2 Overview

The following user preferences will be available to each WebEx Mail user:

� General o Paging options (# msgs per page) o Message cleanup options (automatically delete messages when logging out?) o Spell-check options (e.g. automatically spell check before sending, etc.) o Content filtering (i.e. images, scripts, etc.) o Ability to set the default From address (based on email aliases)

� Junk email options o Level of junk mail protection o Junk mail action (move or delete, etc.) o Edit Safe and Blocked Sender lists (these are called “Allow” and “Block” lists in the

SendMail UI) � Signature

o User-defined o Rich text with image support (for company logos) o Rules for new, internal, and reply messages o We will support only one signature per user, for now.

� Auto-reply/vacation message

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� Forwarding of email messages � Setup of external POP3/IMAP email accounts � Message Quarantine

For example:

Mockup inaccuracies:

1. The heading for the top section should say “Email Address” (instead of “Web Office Email Address”)

2. In the More Options section, some of the link and description text may not be accurate. Please refer to the More Options Section section, below, for exact link name and description text.

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If the site has purchased email but the user does not yet have a mailbox, the Mail tab will look like the following:

� Only admins see the second sentence, which includes an access point for mailbox creation. � The “Create a mailbox” link displays the New Mailboxes page, in the current window. See the

B24 Email Administration spec for more information about mailbox creation. Mockup inaccuracies:

1. The first sentence of the above text should say: You do not currently have a mailbox. More Options Section

The following links will be available in the “More Options” section of the preferences page.

Link Column Description Text Destination

Vacation Notice

1 Send an auto-reply message when you are out of the office.

Launches the “Vacation Notice” page (using SendMail’s Intelligent Inbox UI) in a separate browser window.

Mail Forwarding

1 Forward incoming messages to another email account.

Launches the “Mail Forwarding” page (using SendMail’s Intelligent Inbox UI) in a separate browser window.

Spam Protection

1 Specify how to handle spam messages. Block or allow specific email addresses.

Launches the “Spam Protection” page (using SendMail’s Intelligent Inbox UI) in a separate browser window.

External Mail Accounts

2 Create and manage external mail accounts.

Displays the “External Mail Accounts” list page (in the web office frameset).

Filters 2 Set up special filters for handling incoming mail.

Launches the “Advanced Filtering” page (using SendMail’s Intelligent Inbox UI) in a separate browser window.

Message Quarantine

2 Access quarantined messages and settings.

Launches the message quarantine page (using SendMail’s Intelligent Inbox UI) in a separate browser window.

2.11.3 Email Address

� Assuming the user has a WebEx mail account (mailbox), this section shows: o the email address that is associated with the mailbox

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o email aliases for the user, with an “Edit” link visible to admins only o the default “From” address for the user

� The “Edit” link will bring admins to the “Edit Mailbox” page for the user. From there they can modify

aliases or other mailbox properties. � If there are no aliases the field label will appear but the contents will be blank. � In the From Address field users can specify the default “From” address that will appear on the

compose page. The dropdown list will contain a list of email addresses that are valid for the user (i.e. the mailbox address plus any email aliases, with domain). Initially, the From Address field will contain the user’s WebEx Mail address.

Note: To access your WebEx Mail from another email client, users should use the following login information:

� User name = WebEx Mail email address, with domain � Password = web office (intranet) password

(This should be included in the online Help somewhere.)

2.11.4 General Settings

Element or Label

Type Default Value


Message Viewing

Dropdown menu

50 Number of messages displayed per page. Dropdown menu contains: � 25 � 50 � 75 � 100 � 200 � 500 Surrounding text says: Messages to show per page: [n]

Message Cleanup

Checkbox Unchecked Determines whether the Trash folder gets emptied when the user manually logs out of the intranet (via the “log out” link). [Not for rev 1.] Checkbox text says: Automatically delete messages in Trash

folder at logout

Spell Checker

Checkbox Checked Determines whether emails are automatically spell checked when the send button is clicked on the New Message page. Checkbox text says: Automatically spell check emails when sent

Content Blocking

Unchecked Checkbox text says: Block images and other potentially

unwanted content

For more details please see related section on Image Blocking.

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2.11.5 Junk Mail Protection

The junk mail settings will be limited to what SendMail provides, as we will need to present the SendMail UI in order to provide this

functionality to users. Please ignore the originally spec’ed UI that appears below.

Element or Label

Type Options (* = default)


Level of Protection

Radio button group

None No messages will be filtered as junk.

[Issue: Which settings take precedence – the user

settings or the domain settings?]


Medium (*) TBD

High TBD

Info box to describe currently selected level

Text box This text box will change to reflect the selected protection level. The exact text for each level is TBD.

Action for Junk Mail

Radio button group

Move to Junk folder (*) Automatically moves junk messages to Junk folder.

Permanently delete

Permanently deletes junk messages (do not get placed into Trash folder).

Quarantine the message Moves the message to the users Quarantined Messages list.

[NOTE: It is TBD whether we will offer this option

or not. If so, we will need a lot more spec’ing on

the quarantine feature.]

Sender Lists Html button Edit Safe Senders List

Launches a window where the user can add, edit, and delete addresses on the “Safe Senders” list.

Html button Edit Blocked Senders List Launches a window where the user can add, edit, and delete addresses on the “Blocked Senders” list.

For example:

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This functionality will be provided via the SendMail UI. The terminology used for these lists will be the SendMail terminology: “Block

List” and “Allow List”. Please ignore the originally spec’ed UI that appears below.

The Blocked Senders list will appear in a separate window as follows:

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The Safe Senders page will be the same as the Blocked Senders page with the following differences:

1. Page title: “Safe Senders”

2. Intro text at top of page: Enter email addresses or internet domains that are considered “safe”. Email from people on your Safe Senders list will

never be blocked or treated as junk mail.

Other behavior: � Adding names: Enter an email address or domain and click the “Add” button. � Removing names: Select one or names from the list and click the “Remove” button. � Validation: We will verify that the email address or domain is in a standard format. If not, we will

display an error message that says: TBD. � List elements are displayed alphabetically, in ascending order. � If you attempt to add a duplicate to the list it will be ignored. (i.e. it will look like it’s being added but

since the item is already there, nothing happens.) � If an email address exists in both the Blocked and Safe Senders lists then we will block the message

(blocked list overrides). [This is actually TBD. We will probably do whatever SendMail does naturally.] � QE will test up to 5000 list elements. Users can access the spam protection functionality by clicking the “Spam Protection” link at the bottom of the mail preferences page. This will launch a new window containing SendMail’s Spam Handling UI. (It will include spam settings as well as block and allow list access.) For example:

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2.11.6 Signatures

Element or Label

Type Options (* = default)


Use Signature

Radio button No signature (*) Indicates that no signature is applied to outgoing emails.

Radio button Attach signature to outgoing emails

Inserts signature into the body of each new message.

Edit Signature

Html button Launches a window where the user can specify a (rich-text) email signature.

Including replies

Checkbox Unchecked Indicates whether signature is included on email replies. Default is unchecked (not included on replies).

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Mockup inaccuracies:

� The “Check Spelling” icon & link will appear in this control, as it does on the compose page. � The formatting options will appear the same they do on the compose page. See “Rich Text

Control” section for more details. Note that clicking the “Edit Signature” button will automatically turn on the “Attach signature…” radio button. (Turning the signature off will not clear the signature, however.)

2.11.7 Away Message

This functionality will be provided via the SendMail UI. The terminology used for these lists will be the SendMail terminology:

“Vacation Notice”. Please ignore the originally spec’ed UI that appears below.

Element or Label

Type Options (* = default)


Away Message

Radio button group

Off (*) No auto-reply message will be sent.

On, automatically send this response:

The specified auto-reply message will be sent to the sender of each incoming email. Hint text: An auto-reply will be sent to

all incoming mail that you

receive while you are away.

Edit Message Html button Launches a window where the user can specify a (rich-text) auto-reply message.

The Edit Message page is the same as the Edit Signature page with the following differences:

� Page title: Edit Away Message

� Intro text: This message will be sent automatically in response to all

incoming mail.

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Other details: � Clicking the “Edit Away Message” button will NOT automatically set the Away Message radio button

to ON. � Turning off the Away Message option will not clear the existing away message, but no automatic

response will be sent. Next time you click the “Edit Away Message” button, you will see the previous away message intact. (This allows you to easily reuse the same away message, rather than having to retype it each time.)

Users can access this functionality by clicking the “Vacation Notice” link at the bottom of the mail preferences page. This will launch a new window containing SendMail’s Vacation Notice UI. For example:

2.11.8 Mail Forwarding

This functionality will be provided via the SendMail UI. Please ignore the originally spec’ed UI that appears below.

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Element or Label

Type Options (* = default)


Forwarding Radio button group

Off (*)

No email forwarding will occur

On Emails will be forwarded to the specified address(es).

Forward Emails To

Input box (Max length is 256 chars.)

List of email addresses to forward to. Emails must be separated by a common or semi-colon. Validation errors will result in the following error message: TBD Hint text for this field is: Specify the email address(es)

you want to forward your

emails to. Use a comma or

semi-colon between each


Save a copy in my inbox

Checkbox Unchecked (*) Checked

If checked, a copy of the original email will be saved in the user’s mailbox. If unchecked, the message will be forwarded and then removed from the user’s mailbox.

[Issue: Is the auto-response sent once per email or is it sent only once per person? We will probably do whatever SendMail does


Users can access the mail forwarding options by clicking the “Mail Forwarding” link at the bottom of the mail preferences page. This will launch a new window containing SendMail’s Mail Forwarding UI. For example:

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2.11.9 External Mail Accounts

In addition to having a WebEx Mail account, users can specify POP3/IMAP mail accounts to retrieve mail from. Mail retrieved from external POP3/IMAP accounts will, by default, be delivered to the Inbox of your Web Office mailbox. If you wish to have the mail delivered to another folder you can specify a folder when setting up the email account, or by creating a rule/filter that automatically moves the mail from the Inbox after delivery. Access Points

You can view and manage your POP3/IMAP email accounts from two places: � the “External Mail Accounts” link on the mail preferences page � the Options > External Mail Accounts menu item, in the Command Bar of the email home


These options will take you to the External Mail Accounts management page (see below).

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The External Mail Accounts page is laid out as follows:

Page Details:

Element or Label Type Description/Behavior

Command Bar

New Command Bar button Displays the “New Mail Account” page. (Tooltip should say “New Mail Account”.)

Done Command Bar button Goes to the email application home page (i.e. inbox).


Intro text Text Intro text at top of page should say: Create and manage external mail

accounts. These accounts allow

you to retrieve messages from

other mail servers, such as

Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.

Table Columns

Row #

Account Name This is a link to the edit account page. (Note: there is no detail page for email accounts.)

Contains a checkmark (ico_checkmark8.gif) if the “Include this account…” option is turned on for the account.

Email Address

Mail Server

User Name

Deliver To Displays the folder name where the mail is being delivered.

Leave Mail on Server Displays a checkmark if this setting is turned on for the email account. (Applies to POP3 accounts only.)

Check Mail icon Icon Tooltip for icon:

Checks the specified mail server for new mail. A success or failure message is displayed above the table when the

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Element or Label Type Description/Behavior

Check for new mail process is completed.

Edit icon Icon Tooltip for icon: Edit account settings

Launches the “Edit Email Account” page in a new window.

Delete icon Icon Tooltip for icon: Delete account

Displays a confirmation message and, if confirmed, deletes the selected account. The confirmation message will follow this example: Are you sure you want to delete

the “My Yahoo Mail” email


Check Mail Status Messages When the “check mail” icon is clicked for a particular account, we will attempt to download mail from the relevant mail server. When the operation completes we will display a status message at the top of the page, indicating success or failure. For example, if the operation is successful:

If the operation fails, we’ll display an error message such as:

[Note: exact error messages are TBD. Need to determine what error info we get back from server and whether we want to display

it.] Creating New IMAP/POP3 Accounts

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Access Points: � Click “New” in the Command Bar, on the External Mail Account page (i.e. Options > External

Mail Accounts > New) Page layout:

Page Details:

Element or Label

Type Required?


Command Bar

Save Saves the account and goes back to the External Mail Accounts page.

Cancel Cancels the operation and returns to the External Mail Accounts page.


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Element or Label

Type Required?


New Mail Account

Page title

Input Fields

Account Name Input box Y Max length is 32.

(no label) Checkbox N Checkbox text says: Include this account when checking for

new mail.

Determines whether the account will be checked when the “Check Mail > External Mail Accounts” command is clicked.

Type N Determines the protocol for the account. Options are: � POP3 (default) � IMAP

Mail Server Y Max length is 40 255.

(no label) Checkbox N Checkbox text says: This server requires a secure (SSL)


Default is unchecked.

Port Input box N Defaults to 110 for POP3 and 143 for IMAP. (As you toggle the Type field the default port for the protocol will be placed into the Port field.) Max char length is 4. If field is left blank we will use the default port #’s for each protocol, as specified above.

A helptip icon (ico_helptip16.gif) appears to the right of the field. As you mouseover the icon a tooltip appears that says: This is usually 110 for POP3 and 143

for IMAP.

Email Address N Max length is 255.

From Name N This field is used as the “From” name when sending outgoing email.

Reply To N Max length is 256.

Outgoing Mail Server

N Max length is 40. [We are not going to offer this option in rev1. Outgoing mail will always be sent from the WebOffice mail server. Note that it may appear to the recipient that the mail is sent from the external email address but the mail will always be sent from the WebOffice mail server.]

User Name Y This is the user name for logging into the mail server. � Max length is 40 255..

� A helptip icon (ico_helptip16.gif) appears to the right of the field. As you mouseover the icon

a tooltip appears that says: The user name is

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Element or Label

Type Required?


typically the part of your email

address that appears before the @


Password Y This is the password for logging into the mail server. Max length is 40 255.

Indicator Checkbox & radio button group

N Color-coding mechanism for indicating which email account/mail server each message was received from. Checkbox text says: Color code messages received from this account as follows:

[Not for rev 1.]

Deliver To N Folder tree control which lists the folders and subfolders that can receive mail. Default = Inbox

Icon Tooltip for icon: New Folder

Allows users to create a new folder in the folder tree.

Delivery Check box N � Indicates whether to leave messages on the mail server or not, after they are downloaded.

� Checkbox text says: Leave mail on server

� Default is checked.

Remove from server when deleted locally

Check box N When you’ve opted to leave messages on server, indicates whether or not messages on server are removed when deleted locally. Default is unchecked. Note: This option is only enabled when the “Leave mail on server” option is checked.

[We’re not implementing this in rev 1.] Modifying Email Accounts

� Click Options > External Mail Accounts � Click on the email account name or the “Edit” icon Deleting Email Accounts

� Click Options > External Mail Accounts � Click the “Delete” icon next to the account you want to delete. Retrieving Mail from External Mail Accounts

To retrieve mail from external email accounts you can do one of the following: � Choose the Check Mail > External Mail Accounts option from the Command Bar of the email

home page. This will check mail for all external mail accounts. � Select a specific email account from the Check Mail dropdown menu, in the Command Bar of the

email home page. This will retrieve mail for just the specified account. � Click the Check Mail icon for a specific mail account, on the External Mail Accounts list page.

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Note that mail will be delivered to the folder that was specified at the time the account was created within the web office. By default it will go into the Inbox folder.

2.11.10 Message Quarantine Each user will have access to a personal message quarantine and some quarantine settings. The UI for the message quarantine will be via SendMail, at least in the initial release. Users can access the quarantine or quarantine settings from the “Message Quarantine” link at the bottom of the mail

preferences page. (The description text that appears with the link will say: Access quarantined

messages and set notification options.) Additionally, users may receive summary emails

when quarantined messages exist, with a link to view the quarantined messages. More details are TBD, pending information from SendMail about how this works.

2.12 Rules/Filters Users can create personal rules, or filters, that operate on their email messages. To access filters, click Options > Filters from the Command Bar of the email home page. This will display a page like the following:

Note that we will be displaying the SendMail UI for this feature. This page will be displayed in a separate browser window and will always reflect our default color scheme. (In rev 1 it will not reflect the site’s color scheme; it will always display in a single scheme.) To add, delete, disable, enable or reorder filters, click one of the html buttons above the filter list. To view or edit a particular filter, click the filter name. This will display the edit page for the filter.

2.12.1 Creating Filters To create a new filter click Add on the Filtering page. You will then see a page like this:

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For more information about the SendMail filtering features please refer to the SendMail documentation/help.

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2.13 Administration (admins only) Intranet administrators will have the ability to perform the following email administration functions:

- create and manage user mailboxes - create aliases - create and manage public folders - create and manage rules (aka “filters”) that function across the mail domain - create and manage public distribution lists (e.g. “Support”) - adjust storage quotas for individual mailboxes - purchase additional email storage and allocate it to specific mailboxes - change contact information related to the email domain

Please see the “B24 Email Administration” spec for details.

2.14 IDA Implications In light of the future plans for the Intranets Desktop Assistant (IDA), we will not be making any changes to the IDA in this release. (There was thought about using it to display a popup dialog when new mail is received.) This means that we will not be displaying any popup dialogs when new mail is received. Users will have to manually check their intranet to see if they have new mail. Ideally we will implement an email notification dialog in a future release (whether through the IDA or the WebOffice Launcher.)

2.15 Integration Points

2.15.1 Send Email/Send Link The Send Email and Send Link pages will function the same regardless of whether the site has purchased email or not.

2.15.2 WebEx Meeting Support � If a site has the WebEx Meetings capability, we will show a “Meet Now” option on the Options menu

that appears next to the From field on the email message page.

2.15.3 Product Emails

[Can we leverage the new email interface to send rich-text product emails??] - reminders - event notifications & invitations - etc.

[Other integration points? How else do we want to use the new email interface with the rest of the product? NOTE: WE WILL NOT


2.16 No Synchronization of Email We will not be allowing sync of email messages with wireless devices such as PDA’s in this release. Users can, however, download email onto devices that support the POP3/IMAP interface.

2.17 Wireless and Mobile Access Users can access their email from wireless devices via standard POP3 and IMAP4 interfaces. (Note that it will be helpful to have info in our Help system that explains how to do this.)

2.18 Standalone Email Product The standalone email product will be built on top of the intranet platform but will only include a limited set of applications. This set primarily includes PIM-type applications that you typically get with Outlook.

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2.18.1 Application/Feature Set

� Address Book � Contacts � Calendar � Documents � Links (Home page, Shortcuts and Favorites) � Members � Tasks � WebEx Mail � WebEx Meetings (upsell page, unless they subscribe to meetings) � Tools � Administration � Help

2.18.2 UI Differences

[Describe any UI differences present in the standalone version of email. We will need to hide features that are not available.]

No known differences at this time.

2.19 Critical Path Migration Strategy Users of Critical Path (CP) email will have access to their CP email from the web office site for 6-12 months, with the exact duration TBD by marketing. The access point will be via a separate navbar entry, whose name is TBD. (The name must be different from the navbar entry for the new email application.) Outside of the CP mailbox itself, all other UI for CP email will be removed (e.g. signing up for a Critical Path mailbox, changing your email name, etc.). There will be no UI for purchasing storage for CP email; the UI for purchasing storage will apply to the new email system only. (It may be possible for a site to purchase additional CP email storage via support but that is TBD.) There will be a migration document that explains how to upgrade from CP other other email systems to the new email system. Among other things, it should explain how to move their existing email into the new system.

3 Other Considerations

3.1 WebEx Integration For now, just what is defined in the WebEx Meeting Support section above.

3.2 Partner & Corporate Licensing Programs TBD

[Any issues here? Can a partner specify an email domain for all its branded sits?]

3.3 PSG There are no known implications to PSG projects.

3.4 International Only English and German languages will be supported.

[Any issues or considerations here??]

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4 Deferred Features The following list of features will not be implemented in the initial release of the Email application but may be considered in future releases.

� read & delivery receipts � attach file from Documents app � hide Cc and Bcc fields � forward as attachment? � option for vertical orientation of preview (message) pane � folder management page (e.g. Manage Folders) � Today, Yesterday, Day of Week, Last Week views � Virtual Business Cards � Information Rights Management (IRM) functionality � Sync email with wireless devices such as Palm, Blackberry, etc. � “Low importance” message property (we’ll only offer high and normal) � “Sensitivity” message property (Normal, Personal, Private, Confidential), like in Outlook � Send delay (“1-minute delay”) � Conversation (threaded) view � Multi-line view (like “Messages with Auto Preview” view in Outlook) � Multiple WebExOne email accounts per user. � Regulatory compliance (various types). � Archiving � Ability to rename mailboxes (i.e. change original email address) � Follow Up view that works across all folders

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5 Appendix

5.1 Glossary Term Definition

5.2 Issue List

5.2.1 Administration & Settings

1. We type of administration options can/should we provide? What will be in our UI vs. the

server’s UI? What type of domain administration do we need to provide? 2. Are we allowing multiple mail boxes per person? What is the use case for this? Can it be

solved another way? If we are doing this, how does the admin assign additional mailboxes? [9/20/05 – Yes, we will allow multiple mailboxes per person, as specified by the admin. Only supports single user access, however. (Can’t let someone else see your mailbox.) 9/29/05 – This decision was reversed. We are not allowing multiple webexone mailboxes in rev 1.]

3. How does storage get assigned for public folders? Are these considered “mailboxes”? How do

the Public Folders get administered? How do messages get in there? How are permissions set on these folders (e.g. who can read/manage, etc.)?

4. What form of email aliasing do we want? An alias “aboynton” for Al Boynton? Multiple email

addresses per mailbox? Other? [Yes, we will support aliasing. The admin must set up your email aliases. An “alias” is an alternate email address for the same mailbox. E.g. [email protected] and [email protected].]

5. What user preferences are we offering? Do these apply to each account or are they one set per

user? [See User Preferences section of spec.]

6. Do we want to allow multiple signatures or just one? [Just one, for now.]

7. For Junk Email settings: a. Do we want an option for blocking images (except from those on safe senders list)? [Yes,

but the option will be all or nothing. Either don’t block or do block. We will not look at safe senders list to decide in rev 1F]

8. Do we want any other user settings besides:

a. Auto-reply/vacation message [Yes, we’ll do this.] b. Spell-check options (e.g. automatically spell check before sending, etc.) c. Signatures

� User-defined

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� Rich text with image support (for company logos) � Rules for new, internal, and reply messages

d. Email Aliases [multiple email addresses per mailbox?] e. Paging options (msgs per page, etc.) f. ???

9. Do we want to provide a forwarding feature (forwarding of email messages)?? [Yes, we’ll do this.]

5.2.2 Address Book/Contacts

10. Are we allowing import/export of address books? If so, what does this meain? Can we export a combined list of members & contacts? Distribution lists? Groups? What does import mean? How would you move your contact list from one intranet to another? [No, we won’t support import/export on the “Address Book” (combined list of contacts/members). We’ll only support export/import on Members and Contacts apps directly.]

11. Can we provide personal distribution lists (e.g. let users create groups of email addresses)? It

seems cumbersome to require people to create a contact record for each person when they may just want to keep an email list. [No, users must create the contact records first; then they can include them in a personal distribution list.]

12. Do we need a Display Name field in the Address Book (Contacts)? [No, we’re not doing this


13. Can non-admins create global distribution lists (groups) or just personal ones? [Just personal ones.]

14. Can a distribution list contain other groups (e.g. member groups) or other lists? Outlook can do

this… [No, not for now.]

5.2.3 Inbox 15. Are we implementing these views:

a. Conversation (threaded) If we are providing a Conversation (threaded) view, what does that mean? Can we actually track message replies and display them in a threaded fashion? What is the best way to do this? [No, not now]

b. Multi-line? [Yes] 16. Are we providing the “Copy Folder” feature? (We are providing “Move Folder”, so would the

“Copy..” feature be cheap?) [No, not now]

17. Do we want to keep the simplistic archiving feature that is currently spec’ed? Does the archive include subfolders? When a message is archived, is the original folder location maintained?? If so, how? [No. We will defer the archiving feature to rev 2 or later.]

5.2.4 Composing Messages

18. Do we still need “Send me a copy” and “Hide recipients…” options? [Yes, we will keep these options, for both non-email customers and email customers.]

5.2.5 Home Page

19. Is “New” the same as “Unread”? (e.g. do we show “new” messages or “unread” messages? What’s the difference?) [New is not the same as unread. We will try to make use of the New

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flag to indicate when new messages have been received since your last visit to the mailboox.]

5.2.6 Search 18. Do we need to support any of these options (on Advanced Search page):

� case sensitive search � dropdown to search:

o All messages o Only unread messages o Only read messages o Only important messages o Only messages sent to me alone, etc.

� OR, AND operators � Exclusions (e.g. “does not contain xyz” or “is not from Don Carey”) � ??? [See Search spec for answers on what search capabilities will be provided.]

5.2.7 Other

20. Can our mail client be set as the “default email client” on someone’s desktop? [John says No.]

21. What apps are part of the standalone email product? What other UI/product changes are

needed to support that? [Don will determine application set.]

22. Do we want any other integration with WebEx Meetings? [It seems not, for now.]

23. Do we want to put the folder list in the navbar? (Some have mentioned this.) If so, I am concerned we will need to do more navbar work as it currently is not expandable and with a multi-level folder structure it may be hard to see your folders unless you can expand the frame. [Not now.]

24. Will we allow people to send out mail from Pop3 mail servers, or just the webexone server?

[No. The web office mail server will be used for all outgoing mail, in rev 1.]

25. Are we implementing a message quarantine? [Yes, but it will be via the SendMail UI..]

5.2.8 Member & Contacts 26. We need the following changes to member/contacts spec:

a. We need to disallow field customization for these fields: Name, Company, Title, Business Address, Home Address, etc.

b. How will users see their distribution lists from the Contacts app? (Can we display a co-mingled list of contacts and distribution lists/groups?) [They have to click Manage > Distribution Lists in the Command Bar. We will not show a commingled list, for now.]

c. Do we need to provide Distribution list creation from members/contacts? [It will be on the “New” menu in Contacts, but not in Members.]

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