
Website Analytics 60% of the Time it Works Every Time

Anna Lewis @Koozai_Anna


Pantene Pro V claims that their shampoo and conditioner will give you 60% more volume 

Dear Client,

In January you had 2,375 visits and I built 34 links.

Love from, Your SEO Monkey

Dear Client,Here are some keywords with numbers:

Love from, 

Your SEO Monkey

Dear Client,

Here are some numbers for keywords, showing how well they have improved compared to last month:

Love from, Your SEO Sheep

Dear Client,

I have created a custom report to highlight which keywords and landing pages have the most visits and how many of these visits are unique, bounce or exit:

Love from, Your Amazing SEO

Dear Client,

Here is the second part of a custom report to highlight which keywords and landing pages have the most conversions and best conversion rates:

Love from, Your Amazing SEO

Dear Client,

Here is your custom report, comparing December to January, showing the areas where improvements have been made and highlighting where we need to focus:

Love from, Your Awesome SEO

Custom Reports+

Custom Dashboards=

Custom Analysis

Download this custom report:

Keyword statistics + ranks =  Full picture

1. Create Excel document and add list of keywords2. Export Analytics data CSV and copy to another sheet in document

3. Export ranks to CSV and copy to another sheet in document4. In sheet use Vlookup to find rank:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A3,'Traffic - Dec11'!$A$8:$F$407,2,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP(A3,'Traffic - Dec11'!$A$8:$F$407,2,FALSE))

=if(result is #NA(look for(keyword, traffic data table, second column, exact match)),result to show if it’s #NA,When not NA look for(keyword, traffic data table, second column, exact match))

=VLOOKUP(A3,'Rank - Dec11'!$B$2:$C$31,2,FALSE)=look for(keyword, rankings table, second column, exact match)

5. Use Vlookup, If and IsNA to find traffic and replace no data with 0

Don't be a Tool

starring APIs

• Save time

• Increase accuracy

• Remove errors

• Get unsampled data

• Customise reporting

Why Use an API?

How we saved

15+ hours a month!

+ +  Macro



60 clients x 15 minutes of human input = 

15 hours per month


(Template + 60 client details) x Macro 

= 60 data reports 

created in 1.5 hours per month with 1 minute of human input per month

Excellent Analytics

SEO Tools for Excel

SEO Tools for Excel

Google Analytics, $79 a yearGoogle Analytics, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, $199 a year

Next Analytics

GA Data Grabber by Mikael Thuneberg

Automate Analytics

SEOGadget’s AdWords API Excel Plugin

(not provided)

starring no data at all

Keyword - Exactly Matches - (not provided)

Advanced Segment

Dan Barker on how to steal data back:

Landing Pages

• starring Multi Channel Funnels

Multi Touch Attribution

My explanation of first and last click attribution:

Standard Attribution in Google Analytics

30 DAY Journey toconversion

Multi Channel Funnels


Top Conversion Paths

Top Conversion Paths – Brand Intent

Assisted Conversions – Brand Intent

Assisted Conversions - Query Length

Assisted Conversions - Query Length

• 1 Word Queries ^\s*[^\s]+(\s+[^\s]+)


• 2 Word Queries ^\s*[^\s]+(\s+[^\s]+)


• 3 Word Queries ^\s*[^\s]+(\s+[^\s]+)


• 4 Word Queries ^\s*[^\s]+(\s+[^\s]+)


• Longtail vs. Generic

• Categories of keywords

• Core target keywords

• AdWords or email campaigns

• Organic, affiliate, paid traffic

• Types of social traffic

• Split paid traffic by search and display ads

• Click from keywords in position 1, 2, 3 etc

• Clicks from keywords on page 1, page 2 etc

Custom Grouping Ideas

• Optimise relevant keywords 

• Target different keywords

• Look for ways to bring in more new visitors

• Invest more in sources that assist conversions

Review Targets

• Target different landing page

• Encourage on page interaction

• Implement CRO optimisation and tests• Instill benefits

• Create urgency

• Streamline checkout

Make On-Page Updates

Further Reading

Koozai blog for slides and related articles:

Download Custom Report:

Dan Barker on how to steal (not provided) data back:

My explanation of first and last click attribution:

Excellent Analytics: and Tom Critchlow explains:

SEO Tools for Excel: and

Next Analytics:

Automate Analytics, GA Data Grabber Tool:

SEOGadget's AdWords API Excel Plugin:

Google Analytics API Introduction:

Getting started yourself: 

GA API Dimensions and Metrics Library:

7 - (Lips)

20 -

26 - (Lego House)

Image Credits


Anna Lewis (nee Spear)


[email protected]


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