
Web Marketing &Traditional Marketing


Billboards are a great innovative use of unoccupied space viewable by a large diverse group.

However, they are great for one thing: advertising to everyone on the road. There is only few broad targeting options with billboards mostly based around amount of traffic. So, how do you track effectiveness?

Traditional Marketing


Magazine advertising is another great method to reach your audience. Magazines provide many more targeting options

but can you truly track effectiveness? To track your effectiveness you would have to be able to determine the following: How many people viewed the magazine (not just subscribers, but all viewers)?

Traditional Marketing


TV and Radio advertising is another great advertising method that offers additional targeting options.

TV and Radio are wonderful mediums because you can catch viewers when they are most focused. However, there are still limitations with tracking effectiveness.

To track effectiveness you would need to determine the following: How many listeners/viewers (number of viewers/listeners that are actually listing to one media device)? How many people processed the message and reacted? How many people requested information or purchased from advertiser (conversion)?

Traditional Marketing

Internet Marketing

For optimal effectiveness and targeting, Internet advertising provides the most flexibility for your reach and budget.

Through analytic software, the most effective measurement metrics are readily available: impressions, clicks and click-through-rate (CTR), conversions and conversion rate.

Impression data is the most valuable component, because it provides a number of opportunities that were available. Measuring clicks from impressions, you can determine click-through-rate (CTR). Using CTR, a one can determine what ads get more viewer response thus allowing effective measurement and ad testing opportunities.

Web Marketing

Internet Marketing

The Internet experience is a much more personal experience compared with other advertising mediums.

All Internet advertising can be targeted to reach a group with a certain interest. Specific targeting alone saves tons of cash on your marketing budget.

Rarely, would more than one person use the Internet on the same computer at the same time. This is an advantage over traditional advertising because there could always be more than one user for each medium.

Web Marketing

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