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AZ Oudenaarde


Thomas Melsens

Geoffrey Vander cruyssen

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Koninklijk Atheneum Oudenaarde AZ Oudenaarde

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Inhoudstafel The login screen ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Login choice (Only if you are administrator AND service charge) ........................................................... 5

Guard lists ................................................................................................................................................ 6

Make individual adjustements ............................................................................................................ 6

Navigation ........................................................................................................................................... 6

Template schedules ................................................................................................................................. 7

Service filtering .................................................................................................................................... 7

Schedules ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Create a schedule ................................................................................................................................ 7

Fill a schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 8

Edit the data of a schedule .................................................................................................................. 8

Use a schedule (place it on the guard list) .......................................................................................... 9

Delete a schedule ................................................................................................................................ 9

Logging .................................................................................................................................................. 10

Filtering the data in logging ............................................................................................................... 10

Printing the logging table .................................................................................................................. 10

User management ................................................................................................................................. 11

Filter users on service ........................................................................................................................ 11

Users .................................................................................................................................................. 11

Create a user ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Edit the data of a person ................................................................................................................... 13

Making a user inactive ....................................................................................................................... 14

Services .................................................................................................................................................. 15

Create a service ................................................................................................................................. 15

Edit a service’s name ......................................................................................................................... 15

Delete a service ................................................................................................................................. 16

Log out ............................................................................................................................................... 16

The login screen .................................................................................................................................... 17

Login choice (Only if you are administrator AND service charge) ......................................................... 17

Guard lists .............................................................................................................................................. 18

Make individual changes ................................................................................................................... 18

Navigation ......................................................................................................................................... 18

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Predefined schedules ............................................................................................................................ 19

Schedules ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Create a schedule .............................................................................................................................. 19

Fill a schedule .................................................................................................................................... 20

Edit the data of a schedule ................................................................................................................ 20

Use a schedule (put it on the guard list) ........................................................................................... 21

Delete a schedule .............................................................................................................................. 21

User management ................................................................................................................................. 22

Users .................................................................................................................................................. 22

Creating a user................................................................................................................................... 23

Edit the data of a user ....................................................................................................................... 24

Making a user inactive ....................................................................................................................... 25

Log out ............................................................................................................................................... 25

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The login screen

• Fill in your username in the text field “Gebruikersnaam”

• Fill in your password in the text field “Wachtwoord”

• Click on the button “Login” to log in

Login choice (Only if you are administrator AND service charge)

• Select here how you want to log in

• Click the button “Administrator” to log in as administrator

• Click the button “Dienstverantwoordelijke” (service charge) to log in as service charge

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Guard lists

Make individual adjustements

• Click the first calendar icon to select a date to adjust the list

• Click the second calendar icon to choose a second date. The adjustement will happen

between the 2 dates

• Select the service which you want to change the list for

• Click the button “Wijzig” (change) to go to the next screen

• Select a person at ‘—selecteer een personeelslid--’

• Fill in a short notice if needed

• Click the button “Opslaan” (Save)


• Click the button “Vorige week’ (previous week) to see the previous week

• Click the button “Volgende week’ (next week) to see the next week

• Click the calendar icon to select a date of choice which you want to see and click the button

“Toon” (Show)

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Template schedules

Service filtering

• Select a service to filter on

• Click the button “Toon” (Show)


• Click the button “Nieuw” (New) to add a new schedule

• Click the ‘note’ icon to fill the schedule with people

• Click the pencil icon to change the name of a schedule

• Click the hand icon to use a schedule on the guard lists

• Click the red cross to delete a schedule

Create a schedule

• Select a service which you want to make a schedule for

• Fill in a name for the schedule in the text field “Naam Sjabloon” (Schedule name)

• Fill in the amout of weeks the schedule will contain in the text field “Weken” (Weeks)

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save) to save the schedule

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Fill a schedule

• Select a person to be on guard for each day of each week. If you leave a spot open, and you

use the schedule, that day will remain empty

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save) to save the details

Edit the data of a schedule

• Edit the schedule naam in the text field “Naam Sjabloon” (schedule name)

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save) to save the changes

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Use a schedule (place it on the guard list)

• Click the calendar icon to select a start date to use the schedule

• Fill in the amount of times you want to use the schedule

• Click the button “Schema uitrollen” (use schedule) to fill in the schedule on the guard list

Delete a schedule

• Click the button “Ja” (Yes) if you are sure you want to delete the schedule

• Click the button “Nee” (No) to refuse

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Filtering the data in logging

• Select an option to filter on (it is possible to combine multiple filters)

• To filter on an action (like Delete, or changes) select an action in ‘—Selecteer een actie--’ and

press the button “Filter”

• To filter on a person select a person in ‘—selecteer een personeelslid’ and click the button


• To filter on service select a service in ‘—selecteer een dienst--’ and press “Filter”

• To filter on a date, select a date by clicking on the first calendar icon, followed by “Filter”

• To filter on a period (between 2 dates)select a first date, and the second date with the

second calendar icon, followed by “Filter”

Printing the logging table

• Click the button “Afdrukken” (print) to print the logging table.

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User management

Filter users on service

• Select a service which you want to filter on

• Click the button “Filter”


• Click the button “Toevoegen” (create new) to create a user

• Click the pencil icon to change the user’s data

• Click the red cross icon to set the user on ‘non-active’

• Click the plus icon to make a person active again

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Create a user

• Fill in the username in the text field “Gebruikersnaam” (username)

• Fill in the last name in the text field “Naam” (name)

• Fill in the first name in the text field “Voornaam” (first name)

• Fill in the number to call in the text field “Oproepnummer” (number)

• Fill in the persons function in the text field “Functie” (function)

• Select the service

• Check the boxes ‘admin’ and ‘dienstverantwoordelijke’ (service charge) to make the person

admin or service charge

( the standard password of a user is ‘azo’. You can change this password anytime by editing the

persons data)

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save)

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Edit the data of a person

• Edit the username in the text field “Gebruikersnaam” (username)

• Edit the name in the text field “Naam” (name)

• Edit the first name in the text field “Voornaam” (first name)

• Edit the call number in the text field “Oproepnummer” (number)

• Edit the fucntion in the text field “Functie” (function)

• Edit the service by selecting a service

• Check the boxes admin and service charge to change a persons rights

• Edit the password, fill it in in both fields to make sure you got your password right and did

not make typo’s

• Clickt eh button “Opslaan” (save)

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Making a user inactive

• If the person is on the guard list in the future, you have to replace this person

• Click the button “Ja” (Yes)to proceed

• Click the button “Nee” (No) to refuse

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• Click the button “Toevoegen” (create new) to create a new service

• Click the pencil icon to change a service’s name

• Click the red cross to delete a service. All schedule’s, users and guard lists of this service will

be deleted, so use this with caution

Create a service

• Fill in a name in the text field “Dienstnaam” (service name)

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save)

Edit a service’s name

• Edit the name of the service in the text field “Dienstnaam” (service name)

• Clcik the button “Opslaan” (save)

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Delete a service

• Click the button “Ja” (yes) if you are sure you want to delete the service ( All schedule’s,

users and guard lists of this service will be deleted, so use this with caution)

Log out

• Click the button “Uitloggen” (log out) to log out

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Service Charge

The login screen

• Fill in your username in the text field “Gebruikersnaam” (username)

• Fill in your password in the text field “Wachtwoord” (password)

• Click the button “Login”

Login choice (Only if you are administrator AND service charge)

• Click the button “Administrator” to log in as admin

• Click the button “Dienstverantwoordelijke” to log in as service charge

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Guard lists

Make individual changes

• Click the first calendar icon to select a date to change the guard list

• Select a date on the second calendar icon to change a period (between two dates)

• Click the button “Wijzig” (change) to go to the next screen

• Select the person that you want to set on the guard list

• Fill in a notice (optional)

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save)


• Click the button “Vorige week’ (previous week to see the previous week

• Click the button “Volgende week’ (next week) to see the next week

• Click on the calendar icon to chose a date to navigate to

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Predefined schedules


• Click the button “Nieuw” (new) to create a new schedule

• Click the note icon to change the schedule and fill in people

• Click the pencil icon to change a schedule’s name

• Click the hand icon to use a schedule on the guard list

• Click the red cross to delete the schedule

Create a schedule

• Fill in a name for the schedule in the text field “Naam Sjabloon” (schedule name)

• Fill in the amount of weeks the schedule should cover in the text field “Weken” (weeks)

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save) to save the schedule

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Fill a schedule

• Select a person for each day of each week

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save) to save the schedule’s lay-out

Edit the data of a schedule

• Edit the name in the text field “Naam Sjabloon” (schedule name)

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save) to save the changes

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Use a schedule (put it on the guard list)

• Click the calendar icon to pick a date to use as start date

• Fill in how many times you want to use the schedule in the text field

• Click the button “Schema uitrollen” (use schedule) to use the schedule

Delete a schedule

• Click the button “Ja” (yes) if you are sure you want to delete the schedule

• Click the button “Nee” (no) to refuse

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User management


• Click the button “Toevoegen” (create)to create a user

• Click the pencil icon to edit the data of a user

• Click the red cross icon to set the user on non-active

• Click the plus icon to make a user active again

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Creating a user

• Fill in the username in the text field “Gebruikersnaam” (username)

• Fill in his last name in the text field “Naam” (last name)

• Fill in his first name in the text field “Voornaam” (first name)

• Fill in his number to call in the text field “Oproepnummer” (number)

• Fill in his function in the text field “Functie” (function)

( the standard password is ‘azo’. You can change this anytime by editing the data of a user)

• Click the button “Opslaan” ( save)

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Edit the data of a user

• Edit his username in the text field “Gebruikersnaam” (username)

• Edit his last name in the text field “Naam” (last name)

• Edit his first name in the text field “Voornaam” (first name)

• Edit his phone number in the text field “Oproepnummer” (phone number)

• Edit his function in the text field “Functie” (function)

• Edit the password, fill it in twice to avoid typo’s

• Click the button “Opslaan” (save)

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Making a user inactive

• If a user is on guard in the future on the list, you have to replace him with a colleague

• Click the button “Ja” (yes)to proceed

• Click the button “Nee” (no) to refuse

Log out

• Click the button “Uitloggen” (log out) to log out

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