Page 1: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Vive l’école!

agree and disagreeask for and give information

tell when you have classask for and express opinions

Page 2: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Au lycée At school

le professeur


les devoirs

Page 3: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Les langues Languages


le français



le latin

Page 4: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Les sciences naturelles Natural science

la physique

la biologie

la chimieles travaux pratiquesde chimie

Page 5: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Les cours Classes


la géographie

l’informatiquela chorale

la musique

la danse

Page 6: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Le lycée School

le cours de développement personnel et social (DPS)

l’éducation physique et sportive (EPS)

Page 7: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Les maths Math


la géométrie

tp pp 10-11 act 1-4online act 7-9

Page 8: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Chasse l’intrus Cross out the intruder.

• J’aime voyager. J’étudie…• la biologie

• la géographie

• l’allemand

• le français

• Je n’aime pas l’école. Je préfère…• écouter de la musique

• aller au cinéma

• étudier les sciences

Page 9: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Chasse l’intrus

• L’école, c’est…• les magasins

• les devoirs

• les cours

• J’adore les sciences. J’ai…• allemand

• bio

• chimie

• physique

Page 10: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Guess what subjects the following people would enjoy studying…

Shakespeare David Beckham Albert Einstein Céline Dion Claude Monet Jacques Cousteau Napoléon Madame

la physique les arts plastiques l’anglais la biologie le français l’histoire la chorale le sport

Page 11: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Tell why the following students are studying a specific subject. Remember to use the correct form of the verb aimer.

Paul et Catherine étudient Shakespeare parce qu’ (because) ils…

Anne a chorale parce qu’elle… Nous étudions la biologie et la chimie parce

que nous… Pauline étudie le ballet parce qu’elle… Vous étudiez la Révolution française parce

que vous… Tu étudies la gymnastique parce que tu… Céline étudie l’algèbre parce qu’elle…

Page 12: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Agreeing and disagreeing

Oui, beaucoup. Yes, very much.Moi aussi. Me too.Moi non plus. Neither do I.

Moi, non. I don’t.Non, pas trop. No, not too much.Moi, si. I do.Pas moi. Not me.

Page 13: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Tu aimes les cours?

J’aime l’espagnol. Et toi? J’aime bien le sport. Et toi? Je n’aime pas l’histoire. Et toi? Je n’aime pas les maths. Et toi? J’aime la biologie. Et toi? J’aime l’anglais. Et toi? J’adore le français. Et toi?

Page 14: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Note de grammaire

Use si instead of oui to contradict a negative statement or question.

• Tu n’aimes pas la biologie?

• Mais si! J’adore la bio!

tp p 11 act 5online act11

Page 15: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Complete the conversation with the appropriate expression.

Moi, je n’aime pas l’école. __________ __________ J’aime beaucoup l’école. J’adore le

français, mais je n’aime pas les maths. __________ Je déteste les maths. J’aime beaucoup

l’anglais. __________ Je n’aime pas l’anglais. Moi, j’aime bien la

musique. Et toi? __________, j’adore la musique!

Moi non plus. Moi aussi. Moi, si. Et toi? Pas moi.

Page 16: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Marie enjoys all of the following activities. How would she answer the questions? Use mais si or oui according to the question.

Tu aimes les frites? Tu aimes danser? Tu aimes parler français? Tu n’aimes pas les vacances? Tu n’aimes pas les sciences naturelles? Tu aimes les travaux pratiques?

Page 17: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Cinquain Poetry

Write a cinquain, a poem of five lines, that describes yourself. Follow this pattern:

• Line one Moi

• Line two Two nouns

• Line three Three verbs or verb phrases

• Line four A sentence that expresses a like/dislike

• Line five A word to finish your description

Page 18: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Sample cinquain

Moile lycée, les élèves

voyager, lire, écouter de la musique J’adore parler français.

Le professeur

Page 19: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Asking for information

To ask about someone’s classes:

• Tu as quels cours aujourd’hui? What classes do you have today?

• Tu as quoi le matin? What do you have in the morning?

• Vous avez espagnol l’après-midi? Do you have Spanish in the afternoon?

Page 20: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Giving information

To tell what classes you have:

• J’ai arts plastiques et physique. I have art and physics.

• J’ai algèbre, DPS et sport. I have algebra, health and phys ed.

• Oui, et nous avons aussi géo. Yes, and we also have geography.

Page 21: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Telling when

le matin in the morning

l’après-midi (m.) in the afternoon

aujourd’hui today

demain tomorrow

maintenant now

tp p 12 act 6online act 14

Page 22: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

The verb avoir

Avoir is an irregular verb. That means it doesn’t follow the pattern of the –er verbs you already learned.

You will just have to memorize the form that goes with each subject.

• J’ai maths le matin, mais tu as maths l’après-midi.

Page 23: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

The verb avoir

Here are the forms of the verb avoir:

• J’ai I have

• Tu as You have (s)

• Il/Elle/On a He/She/One has

• Anne a Anne has

• Nous avons We have

• Vous avez You have (s/pl)

• Ils/Elles ont They have

• Luc et Anne ont They have

tp pp 12-13 act 7-9online act 15

Page 24: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Les jours de la semaine

Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dimanche

tp pp 13-14 act 10-12online act 16-18

Page 25: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb avoir.

Moi, j’_______ histoire avec M. Dupont. Et toi? Moi non, mais Alice et Virginie _______ M. Dupont aussi. Tu _______ anglais le vendredi matin? Oui, Paul et moi, nous _______ anglais le jundi, le

mercredi et le vendredi matin. Super! Moi aussi! On est ensemble alors! Et vous

_________ physique avec Mme Brun? Non, pas cette année. Mais je crois que Virginie _______

Mme Brun.

Page 26: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Numbers 21-59

vingt et un, vingt-deux, vingt-trois… vingt-neuf

trente, trente et un, trente-deux… trente-neuf

quarante, quarante et un, quarante-deux… quarante-neuf

cinquante, cinquante et un, cinquante-deux… cinquante-neuf

tp pp 14-15 act 13-14online act 19number bingo

Page 27: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Listen to each phone number and write the name of the corresponding organization.

Page 28: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

To find out/tell what time a class meets

Tu as sciences à quelle heure?• J’ai sciences à 8h.

Il a histoire à quelle heure?• Il a histoire à 10h00.

Vous avez anglais à quelle heure?• Nous avons anglais à 9h15.

tp p 15 act 15-17online act 20-22

Page 29: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Ton emploi du temps

heure lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi

Page 30: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Unscramble the following sentences.


et/Pierre à/avons/nous/quinze/quarante/sport/

heures espagnol/maths/heures/Philippe/vous/

avez/a/à/treize/et travaux/nat/neuf/et/as/j’/sciences/pratiques/


Page 31: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Help your friend get organized. Write the activities in chronological order in the date book.

Faire les devoirsdix-sept heures trente

Sportquatorze heures quinze

Dîner avec Julie et Pauldix-neuf heures quarante

Déjeunerdouze heures à treize heures quinze

Travaux pratiquesneuf heùres

Allemanddix heures trente

Heure Activité

______ __________________

______ __________________

______ __________________

______ __________________

______ __________________

______ __________________

Page 32: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

To ask someone’s opinion

Comment tu trouves ça? What do you think of that/it?

Comment tu trouves le cours de biologie? What do you think of biology class?

Page 33: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

To express a favorable opinion

C’est… It’s…

• facile easy

• génial great

• super super

• cool cool

• intéressant interesting

• passionnant fascinating

Page 34: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

To express indifference

C’est pas mal. It’s not bad.

Ça va. It’s

Page 35: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

To express an unfavorable opinion

C’est… It’s…

• difficile hard

• pas terrible not so great

• pas super not so hot

• zéro a waste of time

• nul useless

• barbant boring

tp p 16 act 18-20online act 24-26

Page 36: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Pick the intruder

J’adore faire du sport. C’est…• cool

• nul

• génial

• super Comment tu trouves la géo?

• C’est facile.

• C’est zéro.

• C’est pas terrible.

• C’est difficile.

Page 37: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Pick the intruder

J’aime les travaux pratiques. Et toi?• Moi, non.• Pas moi.• Moi aussi.• Moi, si.

Faire de l’équitation, c’est…• pas terrible.• pas mal.• pas cool.• pas intéressant.

Page 38: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Pick the intruder

C’est passionnant, le ski. Tu aimes?• Oui, beaucoup.• Non, pas trop.• Non, pas noi.• Moi, non plus.

J’aime les langues. C’est cool, …• l’allemand• l’anglais• les arts plastuques.• le latin.

Page 39: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions
Page 40: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Rewrite the dialogue in a logical order.

Comment s’appelle le prof? J’ai histoire à dix heures trente. C’est intéressant. Comment tu trouves le cours? Le mardi et le vendredi. Il s’appelle M. Dupont. Tu as histoire à quelle heure? Quels jours?

Page 41: Vive lécole! agree and disagree ask for and give information tell when you have class ask for and express opinions

Imagine what five of these people are saying.

Example: M. Bonhomme: La géo, c’est intéressant.

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