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MUHAS Officials in a group photo with the Swedish Ambassador, Members of Swedish Parliamentarians, Head ofTechnical Cooperation during their visit at MUHAS.

ISSN 0856 - 9991 January - March 2016 Issue No. 35

The Swedish Parliamentarians,Ambassador and Head of TechnicalCooperation recently visited MUHAS to

see the progress of outcomes of Sida supportedresearch, and contributions to overall impact ofsupported research at MUHAS.

In this meeting, the MUHAS Vice Chancellor ProfEphata Kaaya thanked Sida for theircommitment through research, and also hespoke on research conducted at MUHAS,MUHAS Research links and staff training.

The MUHAS Vice Chancellor Pro. Efatha Kaayagiving out welcoming remarks to the Swedish AmbassadorMembers of Sedish Parliamentarians, Head of TechnicalCooperation during their visit at MUHAS.

Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial TTTTTeameameameameamProf. F. Kahabuka

Dr. M. MwanguHellen Mtui

Neema Edwin

Page 2: VISIT TO MUHAS BY A SWEDISH COMMITTEE OF FOREIGN …€¦ · Completion from 2015 up to 2016, whereby he explained that the Medical Centre Project has reached about 82.3% of the Project

Prof. Kaaya mentionedMUHAS research priority areasas HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis,

Malaria, Reproductive Health,Non Communicable Diseases,Health Systems Research,Neglected Tropical Diseasesand Health ProfessionalEducational Research.

The MUHAS Director ofResearch and PublicationsProf. Said Aboud also made apresentation and he spoke onthe outcome of the Sida FundedResearch at MUHAS andoverall impacts andcontributions to the society.

Prof. Aboud categorized theoutcomes of Sida supported

research as; Improved HumanResources, ImprovedResearch Infrastructure,Strengthened ResearchManagement as well as

Strengthened Researches onMalaria, Reproductive and

Child Health and HIV/Tuberculosis.

He added that their support atMUHAS has led tosubstantial investment inimproving Human Resourceswhereby from 1986-2015, 46PhD’s and MSc havegraduated and 88% of themare still working at MUHASand furthermore, 37 PhD’s, 23MSc are to be supported inthe current supportprogramme (2015- 2020) forresearch training. It is worthnoting that the currentMUHAS top managementincluding Vice Chancellor,DVC- ARC as well as Directorof Research and Publicationsare all a result of the Sidatraining.Sida support has alsoimproved on Teaching andResearch Infrastructure byimproving ICT Infrastructureand services through theinstallation of fibre optic localarea network and wireless

access points, as well asinstal l ing learningmanagement (Moodle). All thisimprovement in ICTinfrastructure has enabledMUHAS to access literatureresources easily and connectto the world.

Prof. Aboud further said thatSida has also been supportingHIV vaccine trials and otherresearches on infectiousdiseases as well as MalariaBio analytical laboratory fordrug quality control, andmonitoring adherence totreatment.

Among many outcomes fromareas that the Directormentioned, he spoke onMUHAS research findingswhich have led to a nationaldecision to change malariaf irst l ine treatment fromchloroquine to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) drugcombination as f irst l inetreatment of choice in non-

Swedish Ambassador, Members of Swedish Parliamentarians, Head of Cooperation listening explanations from the Directorof Research and Publications during their visit at Microbiology and Immunology Laboratory.

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severe malaria in 2002 andchanging from SP toArtemisinin based drugcombination therapy (ACT) in2011.

Also the introduction of rapiddiagnostic tests as adjust tomicroscopy in diagnosis ofnon- severe malaria andreduction of overprescribingof antimalarial drugs fromnon-malaria fevers andimproved quality of malariadiagnosis and treatment areall the results of malariaresearch findings at MUHAS.

Prof. Aboud further said thatresearch findings on HIV alsohad great impact on Nationallevel such as decrease in HIVprevalence from 7.0% in 2003/2004 to 5.3% in 2011/2012 aswell as establ ishment of

appropriate technologies forimproved early laboratorydetection and monitoring ofHIV infection in Tanzania.

A representative of theSwedish AmbassadorMr.Veeum Fli said that thiswas a great opportunity whichenables them to gainknowledge and information onUniversity plans and ideas forresearch development andtheir financial implications.

After presentations and opendiscussion al l membersvisited the Microbiology &Immunology Laboratory whichis used for hosting HIVvaccine tr ials and otherresearches on infectiousdiseases.

This visit was conducted atMUHAS campus on 19th

February 2016 and wasattended by the ViceChancellor, DVC- ARC, DVC-PFA as well as Deans andDirectors.



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Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training with the MUHAS Officials take a tour to see constructionprogress of Academic Medical Centre at Mloganzila.

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Minister of Education, Science,Technology and VocationalTraining (MOEVT) Prof. JoyceNdalichako together with ViceChancellor, Deputy ViceChancellor – AcademicResearch and Consultancy,Acting Deputy Vice ChancellorPlanning Finance andAdministration, Deans andDirectors recently visitedAcademic Medical Centre atMloganzila. The aim of this visitwas to assess the developmentof the construction of theAcademic Medical Centre andsee how far the project hasbeen achieved, challengesfaced during the construction.

During this visit, the Ministerand her delegation, ViceChancellor, DVC’s, Deans andDirectors were able to visit theconstruction building andwitnessed the constructionprogress at each of 9th floor ofthe ultra - modern complex.

Speaking shortly after touringthe construction site, theminister said, she was verypleased with the constructionprogress of the AcademicMedical Centre and shepromised to support the projectto its completion. Prof.Ndalichako promised to makefollow up to the Minister ofFinance and to make sure thepayment of 18 billion is effectedfor the construction ofAcademic Medical Centre for itto be operational on expecteddate which is 9th June 2016.

Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training and MUHASOfficials listening the explanations from the Contractor of Academic MedicalCenter at Mloganzila Campus.

The Vice Chancellor Prof.Ephata said, he is very thankfulto the government for givingMUHAS support for theconstruction of the MedicalCentre which is expected to befinalized in June. He further saidthat all medical equipmentneeded for the hospital areunder procurement processand installation for thisequipment will begin at the endof May 2016.

Furthermore the ViceChancellor cautioned that thesuccess of construction andoperatization of the MedicalCentre will depend with thecash flow from the government.He emphasized to the Ministerthat in order for this MedicalCenter to operate on intendedtime, funds are needed as soonas possible for finalizing theconstructions.

Also the Consultant of theProject was able to present aconstruction progress report on

how far the construction hasreached and their expectationstowards the Medical CentreProject. He said that currentlythe contractor is focusing on themechanical and electricalinstallation. He further said thatthis Medical Centre will be aunique hospital compared withother hospitals in the country. Itwill become a local andinternational hospital due toquality materials and efficientresources which have beenused for the construction, headded.

Furthermore, the ProjectManager presented theSequence Structure of the WorkCompletion from 2015 up to2016, whereby he explainedthat the Medical Centre Projecthas reached about 82.3% ofthe Project ImplementationSchedule and expressed hishopes that the handing over ofMedical Centre will take placeon 9thJune 2016. This site visittook place on 1stApril 2016.

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MUHAS Officials, Contractor and the Consultant of Academic Medical Centre in a group photo with the Minister of Education,Science, Technology and Vocational Training.


On 22 February 2016, Directorof the Center for DiseasesControl (CDC) Dr. Tom Friedentogether with Acting Director ofCenter for Global Health (CGH)Dr. Rebecca Martin recentlyvisited the MuhimbiliMethadone Clinic. The focus ofthe visit was to understand theimportance of the Clinic’spioneering services for HIVprevention as the firstmedication assisted treatmentclinic in Tanzania and Sub-Saharan Africa. Thepartnership between CDC andan institution of higher learningis an innovative development inHIV prevention.

During this visit, CDC Directorand CGH Acting Directorvisited the MuhimbiliMethadone Clinic to see howpioneering services for HIVprevention as the firstmedication assisted treatmentat Muhimbili is operating.

Commenting on this visit, Dr.Frieden said that he was veryimpressed and happy to be inTanzania especially at one ofthe Center which it issponsored by CDC. He addedthat the Center for DiseaseControl and Prevention is thereto address the challenginghealth priorities which arecontributing towards improvinghealth security of both the USAand around the world. The

challenges include globaldiseases threat, antimicrobialresistance, foodborne illnessand health care – acquiredinfections. Also StrengtheningPublic Health and Healthcollaborations by aligning,coordinating and integratingpublic health and health care toimprove health outcomes.

Dr. Frieden added that theCDC addresses the challengeof how to reduce the leadingcauses of death and illness byfocusing on reducing diseasethat sap the quality of lifeincluding tobacco associatedillnesses, uncontrolled bloodpressure, diabetes, obesity,physical inactivity, prescription

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Director, Centers For Disease, Dr. Tom Friden exchanging ideas with MUHASOfficial at Muhimbili Methadone Clinic during the visit.

drug overdoses as well as HIV/AIDS.

Dr. Jessie Mbwambo, ProgramCoordinator for Tanzania AIDSPrevention Programme (TAPP)and Honorary Lecturer atMuhimbili University of Healthand Allied Sciences said thatthey are very happy and thankful

to be visited by these Directors,who have come all the way toTanzania from the United Statesof America.

Dr. Mbwambo further said thatTAPP started as a researchproject in 2003 in Dar esSalaam and at that time in Dares Salaam 42% of people who

injected drugs were HIVinfected. The pilot project washosted at MUHAS whichdeveloped a communityprogramme that offered fourcommunity agencies which areKimara Peers, YOVARIBE,Blue Cross Society of Tanzania,as well as Center for HumanRights Promotions.

All these agencies are focusingon offering health education onuse clean needles anddistribution of health kits foroffering clean needles as wellas sexual risk reduction,offering education and referringpeople who use drugs for HIVtesting, STI preventions andtreatment, distribution ofcondoms, screening for ViralHepatitis vaccination,diagnosis and treatment as wellas screening for TB-prevention.

Dr. Mbwambo continued that upto date the CommunityProgram has managed toreach up to 50,000 people whouse drugs (injectors and non-injectors ) in Dar es Salaam.

Dr added that in February 4th

2011, with funding fromPEPFAR, a MethadoneTreatment Program wasinitiated at Muhimbili NationalHospital through MUHAS, laterin May 2015 centers forMethadone Treatment atMwananyamala, Temeke andMuhimbili. Up to now theservices have reached about2400 clients.

Also Dr Mbwambo mentionedthe main challenge which theCenter faces insufficientnumber of Human Resources.She said there is need ofadding more Human

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Program Coordinator for TAPP, Dr. Jessie Mbwambo explaining how the MuhimbiliMethadone Clinic works to the Director of CDC and MUHAS Officials after visitedthe Muhimbili Methadone Clinic.

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Resources for healthservices because there isincreasing numbers of clientsattending the clinic andothers requiring outreachservices in the communities.

During this visit, there weretwo clients who gave out theirtestimony on how they gotinvolved in drugs. One ofthem was a lady who claimedthat she was convinced byher boyfriend to use drugs,so she used drugs until shebecame addicted and lateron she was abandoned byher boyfriend. This lady wasworking at a Hotel, and gotfired when her boss realizedthat she was using drugs andeven her health was not goodenough to continue working.Her life became miserablebecause she did not haveany income therefore, shebecame a sex worker in

order to get money for buyingdrugs. She did that work for a longtime, until one day when she metan old friend who was also drugaddicted but has changed afterattending Muhimbili MethadoneClinic for treatment. She realizedthat if her friend has changed itshould be possible for her tochange as well. She decided tocome at Muhimbili MethadoneClinic for treatment and now shehas changed and stopped usingdrugs, her health is good and shecan take care of herself.

Another person who gavetestimony was a young man whostarting smoking marijuana in2015 and later on started takingheroine. He is a college graduateand was employed but becauseof this problem he was not ableto keep his employment. He wasfired and he started stealing andlater on was put in prison for theft.After getting out from jail his

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Client at Muhimbili Methadone Clinic explaining his testimony on howdid hegot involved in Drugs to theDirector of CDC and MUHAS Officials.

parents took him to the Sobahouse for 3 months and duringthis period he stopped takingdrugs but when he went backhome he started using drugsagain. Fortunately one day heheard about MuhimbiliMethadone Clinic, he decidedto come for treatment, currentlyhe is continuing with treatment,he has started his ownbusiness, barber shop and hasstopped using drugs for 1 yearnow and his life has changed forthe better.

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Illegal trade of plants in Africancountries has been increasingespecially among the richbiodiversity regions whichresult to over exploitation andeven possible threat ofextinction of some valuablespecies. Plants are traded in avariety of forms, ranging fromraw state (leaves, barks androots) to unprocessedfragmented materials (chipsand slices), and semi-processed materials (powders,extracts and teas) to processedproducts like soaps, lotions andtinctures.

This trade has created a greatchallenge for regulatoryauthorities in effectivelymonitoring the trade as theseplants are traded in a crypt formthat complicates identification


Participants on DNA Barcoding Chain Analysis and Bio- Informatics Training in a Group photo

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and monitoring of wild-harvested medicinal plants,hence the need of DNAtechnique.

Responding to the challenge,the Institute of TraditionalMedicine (ITM) particularly thedepartment of Medical Botany,Agronomy and Plant Breedingorganized an intensive 8 daystraining workshop on the “Useof DNA Technology inCombating Illegal Trade ofPlants” which commenced on22nd February, 2016 at ITMlaboratories, MuhimbiliUniversity of Health and AlliedSciences.

The main objective of thistraining was to impartknowledge of DNA techniquesin the identification of Illegal

trade of medicinal plant inTanzania and was led byexperts of DNA barcodingtechnique Ms Ann Mwaura andEsther Mwangi from KenyaMuseums, and Mr.JandouweVillinger from theInternational Centre of InsectPhysiology and Ecology(ICIPE) in Nairobi incollaboration with local trainerDr Joseph N. Otieno.

The training was attended byrepresentatives from localinstitutions who are potentialstakeholders on naturalresources in the country, theseincluded MUHAS, representedby the Department of MedicalBotany Agronomy and PlantBreeding and the Departmentsof Biochemistry and PlantProtection from the Ministry of

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Agriculture, Food Security andCooperatives and the Divisionof Wildlife in the Ministry ofNatural Resources and Tourismin Tanzania.

The training intended toachieve a number of objectivesincluding creating a databasefor medicinal plants in trade thatwill assist in detection ofspecies commonly traded atborder points and among thepublic and promotingsustainable use of plants forecosystem security andeconomic development bymapping hotspots for collectionof plants in trade and non-targetspecies affected by illegaltrade.

Trainer, Ms Ann Mwaura (first on the right) clarifying some issuesfor the trainees at the DNA Laboratory.

Furthermore, it aims atgenerating DNA Barcodes andcreate reference library that willenable species/exhibitidentification even wheremorphological features areunsuitable e.g. powders, roots,furniture, Enable naturalresources and CITESmanagement authorities inTanzania to use barcodereference library forinvestigations and prosecutionof wildlife crime.

During the training severallectures were delivered followedby hands on practice at thelaboratory and in the field.Generally, the lectures centredon the DNA techniques in whichparticipants were then taskedby trainers to collect few

common plant species aroundMUHAS campus with the aid ofbotanists. Samples collectedwere subjected to DNAextraction, amplification andpurification at the ITM MolecularLaboratory. The training wasentirely practical based toensure competence to theparticipants. Training involvedimport of raw DNA sequencedata, assembling and editing byusing the Genious software.

The invited trainees expressedtheir satisfaction with thecontent of the training butemphasized that theparticipating institutions shouldbudget for the Genioussoftware as it is not a freepackage.

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A group photo of Vice Chancellor Prof. Ephata Kaaya, DVC-ARC,Acting DVC-PFA and Members of WorkersCouncil duringthe 8th meeting held at MUHAS.

The MUHAS Managementheld meeting of WorkersCouncil to discuss variousissues including activities,events which happened atUniversity. Also this meetingwas a good forum for staff toreceive reports on events anddevelopment taking placeinside and outside theUniversity, which potentiallyaffect the core functions of theUniversity and also staffwelfare.

During this meeting everyDepartments, Directorates,Units represents their issuesespecial ly activi t ies,achievements and also theirchallenges and togetherdiscuss how to identify meansof solving them.

Among the issues discussedin this meeting were on StaffRecruitment and Contractswhich include Re-engagementof Retired Staff on Contracts,Employment Permits, andScheme of Service forAcademic Staff, Staffpromotion and SalaryIncrements, Staff Training andDevelopment. Also the issuesof accumulated arrears forretired staff pensions, non-payment and arrears forresponsibility allowances,arrears for housingallowances and leave farewere discussed.

Speaking on the financialstatus, the Vice Chancellorsaid that for many years now,the University is operating invery difficult conditions due tofinancial constraints. He said

that the situation has notimproved since he spokeabout it in the last Worker’sCouncil meeting.

He further added that fundsfrom the government are goingdown every year and unitshave to come up withstrategies to generate incomeand through that income, theUniversity can motivate staff,employ and retain them.

The Vice Chancellor alsospoke in length on theimplementation of the OpenPerformance Review andAppraisal System (OPRAS)at MUHAS. He reminded staffthat it is a requirement by lawfor each civil servant to enterinto performance contract withhis immediate supervisor/employer.

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He said that the mainobjective of OPRAS is toimprove performance andtherefore outcomes of theinstitution. He added thatOPRAS will make annualassessment for promotionmore objective.

Members of Workers Council in the meeting held on 16th February 2016 at theMPL Board Room.

The Vice Chancellor furthersaid that it is not possible toget Big Results Now, thecurrent governmentdevelopment agenda, withoutimplementing OPRAS.Therefore, he added that thereis no turning back, MUHAS willimplement it so as to complywith the government initiatives

but more importantly toimprove inst i tut ionalperformance.

He said that the managementwill continue to educate staffand he directed the Directorof Human Resources andAdministration to organizetraining for staff so that eachone can write SMARTobjectives, set realistic targetsand develop good indicatorsto measure achievement ofobjectives.

Also in this meeting theDirector of Human Resourcesand Administration Mr. AmosNnko emphasized on Ethics atwork place where hecategorized into differentsections as work based onexpertise, be obedient to thegovernment, to beresponsible for publics, aswell as to respect the law. Heconcluded that theManagement together withother partners will continue toeducate staff on theimportance of ethics atworkplace.

The meeting was conductedon 16th February 2016 at MPLBuilding, and was attended byVice Chancellor, DVC-PFA,DVC-ARC, Deans, Directors,Head of Departments andUnits, representative fromTHTU, representative fromBagamoyo Hospital.

Prof. F. Kahabuka addressing issues during the 8th meeting of Workers Council at theMPL Board Room.

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MUHAS Officials in agroup photo with theDeputy Minister of Health,Community Development,Gender, Elderly andChildren Hon. Dr. HamisiKigwangalla duringCommemoration of WorldOral Health Day on 13th

March 2016.

Deputy Minister of Health, Community Development,Gender, Elderly and Children, MUHAS Officials,Invited Guests are in marching duringCommemoration of World Oral Health Day on 13th

March 2016.

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Dean School of Dentistry from MUHAS, Dr. E.Simon speaking with journalist duringCommemoration of World Oral Heath Day on 13th

March 2016.


The Council of Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) during its 38th Meetingheld on the 8th February, 2016 approved promotions of the following members of the academic staffto professorial ranks as follows;

Promotion from the Post ofSenior Lecturer to AssociateProfessor.1. Dr. Julie Makani (Departmentof Haematology& BloodTransfusion)Dr. Julie B. Makani was lastpromoted to Senior Lecturer in2007. She has publishedtwenty two (22) publications in

published Thirty three (33)publications in peer reviewedjournals, 1stAuthor in four (4).He has earned total 9.08 unitsof publication since lastpromotions.

peer reviewed journals, 1st

Author in four (4). She hasearned total 6.6 units ofpublications since lastpromotions.

2. Dr. Mabula P. M. Mchembe(Department of Surgery)Dr. Mabula P. M. Mchebe waslast promoted in 2009. He has

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