Page 1: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


Distinguishing histologic characteristics of

salivary glands

(Types of salivary glands):

{A} Major salivary glands:

- They are located extraorally خارج

and their secretions reach theالفم

mouth by variable ducts.

Parotid gland Submandibular


Sublingual gland

Site -it has 2 parts.

-the superficial

portion is located in

front of the external


-the deeper portion

fills the



من mandibleال يعني ورا


-located in the

submandibular triangle

behind and below the

free border of

mylohyoid muscle with

a small tongue like

extension lying above

the mylohyoid muscle.

ال موجودة تحت عضلة

mylohyoid وبتلف عليها

-Composed of on

main(major) gland and

several smaller

(minor) glands.

-lie between the floor

of the mouth and

mylohyoid muscle.

Type -in infants: mixed

but predominantly


- in adult: pure


-mixed gland but

predominantly serous.

-serous demilunes are

evident .

-the major gland:

Mixed but



-the minor glands:

Page 2: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


-in old age: mixed



Pure mucous

Development Starts by the 4th to

6th week I.U ( داخل


Starts by the 6th to 7th

week I.U

Start developing at 8th

to 12th week I.U

Secretion of


25-30% per day -The majority of saliva is

secreted by

submandibular gland

-60% per day

5% per day


excretory duct

Stensons duct

-it opens into the

oral cavity on the

buccal mucosa

opposite to upper

2nd molar which is

marked by small


Whartons duct

-opens at the summit of

a small papilla at the

side of the lingual

frenum of the mouth.

القناة دي بتفتح تحت اللسان في ال

papilla على الside of

lingual frenum

-lingual frenum: الغشاء اللي

بيربط اللسان من تحت بارضية الفم

Bartholins duct

-the major gland:

Opens with or near

the submandibular

duct ( at the side of

lingual frenum)

-the minor glands:

Open along the

sublingual fold

through several small

ducts from 8-20 in

number. (these small

ducts are called


الغدد الصغيرة بتفتح بقنوات

rivinusصغيرة اسمها

Histologically -it’s the largest of

salivary glands.

-its encapsulated


-its intercalated

ducts: are long and

-its encapsulated

- intercalated ducts:

shorter than those of

the parotid.

وبتكون مش واضحة

-the capsule is poorly

developed. الغالف بيبقى

ضعيف ومش كبير

-connective tissue

septa are prominent.

Page 3: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


branching. ر وبنقد

نشوفها بوضوح بين ال


-its striated ducts:

pale stained .

- (characteristic

feature) : its

connective tissue

septa are prominent

with fat cells that

increase with age.

-striated ducts: longer

than those of parotid.

-intercalated and

striated ducts are

poorly developed .

{B} Minor salivary glands:

- They are located near the epithelium in almost all parts of

oral cavity.

- They are found in the submucosa of mucous membrane

except that of gingiva and the anterolateral zone of hard


- They are distinct salivary glands.

- They consist of several small groups of secretory units that

open by short ducts directly into the mouth. (without


- They lack a distinct capsule.

- They produce a mucoprotein rich secretion ( may be either

mucous or mixed but predominantly mucous) except von

Ebner gland which is pure serous.

Page 4: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


1. Labial and buccal glands:

Labial Buccal

Site -above the orbicularis oris


-found mostly at lower lip.

-between fibers of buccinator


Type Pure mucous Mixed predominantly mucous

histologically -they contain short intercalated ducts.

-the striated ducts contain few cells with basal striations.

2. Glossopalatine glands:

Site: at the region of

isthmus of palatoglossal

arch (at the glossopalatine

fold ) connecting between

palate and tongue.

- Isthmus: هو جزء من النسيج اللي

فوق اللسان

Type: pure mucous glands

3. Palatine glands:

Site: consist of glandular aggregates in the submucosa of

posterolateral zone of hard palate , soft palate and


Type: pure mucous.

Number: 250 hard palate

Page 5: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


100 at soft palate

12 at uvula

4. Lingual glands: (mucous glands of the tongue)

Anterior lingual glands:


- Located near the apex of the tongue.

- The anterior part: is pure mucous.

- The posterior part: is mixed predominantly mucous.

- The ducts open on the ventral surface of the tongue

near the lingual frenum.

The posterior lingual glands include :

1)Von Ebner glands :

- located between the muscle fibers of the tongue below the

circumvallate papillae .

- Their ducts open into the trough of the circumvallate and foliate


-Which are pure serous glands . (the only one in minor ) , and the

reason is :

*their secretion serve to washout the trough of the papillae .

*they have significant digestive function due to the its secretion of

amylase and lipase enzymes .

*they have an important protective function due to the presence of

the antibacterial enzymes peroxidase and lysozyme in these glands .

Page 6: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


2)The Weber glands :

- They are pure mucous glands .

-located in the posterior part of the tongue .

- their ducts open into the dorsal surface of the tongue through the

lingual crypts .

Structural age changes of the salivary glands :

I)Changes in the terminal portions (acini ) of the salivary


-The number of the secretory ends decreases by age after 40 years .

- Serous acini replaced by mucous or fat cells .

-Atrophy (ضمور) of part or whole acini either by fibrous tissue

“fibrosis” or by fatty tissue “ fatty degeneration”

الي fibrous tissueان جزء منها او كلها يموت ال acini)من ضمن التغيرات الي بتحصل ف ال

جواه او تتملى بالدهون تماما (

-The secretory cells decreases in height and width , the nuclei of

such cells show pyknosis and show lipoid inclusions in their

cytoplasm .

: duct systemII)Changes in the

-most of the intercalated ducts disappear due the change of the cells

of its epithelial lining into secretory cells which are mucous .

-the striations of some striated ducts become less in number or even

disappear .

-the epithelial lining of the excretory ducts changes to flattened cells

-Some duct walls become surrounded by excessive fibrous C.T.

-The large ducts show stagnated mucous secretion . ( بيحصلها انسداد)

Page 7: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


-Oncocyte cells increase in number to represent age changes .

III)Changes in the connective tissue of the salivary glands:

-The connective tissue become thicker( due to fibrosis) and show

fatty inclusions .

- there is large number of lymphocytes .

As a conclusion :

*The changes in acini and ducts cause change of most of saliva from

serous to mucous .

*And the degeneration of many structures cause less saliva

secretion , so people above 50 suffer from dry mouth .

Functions of salivary glands :

1)Saliva production and secretion : the most important function

of salivary glands is the production and secretion of saliva .

2)Iodine metabolism : Iodine concentration mechanism is located

in the cells of the striated ducts .

3)Parotin hormone : Parotid glands secrete parotin hormone that

is important for :

*promote the growth of mesenchymal tissues.

*lowers serum calcium in rabbits .

*Stimulates calcification of rat incisor dentin .

*increase bone marrow temperature and increase the circulating

leukocytes .

4) Immunoglobulins : The plasma cells in the C.T of the salivary

glands produce IgA .

Page 8: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


5) Epidermal growth factor : this factor is not found in human

salivary glands but rodents , its important for :

*its may involved in wound healing .

*influence tooth eruption .

*influence epidermal keratinization .

6) Nerve growth factor :

-Its localized in the submandibular gland of the mice .

- its not found in human glands .

-it stimulate the growth of sympathetic ganglion cells .

7) Enzymes and active substances :

-the salivary glands secrete several enzymes as peroxidase ,

thiocyanate , sialin , lysozyme and amylase .

--------------------------------------------------------------- the saliva:

• the total volume secreted daily by human is 750 mls • 60% is produced by the submandibular glands • 30% by the parotid glands • 5% or less by the sublingual • 6% by the minor salivary glands • PH: 6.7 TO 7.4 • composition: 99% water and 1% solid ingredients • types: ductal saliva ( pure glandular secretions) and

whole saliva لكن بعد اما pureف بيبقى main ductده اللي طالع من ال ductalال

Wholeيبقى. زي ال بكتريا وكدا ف بيمشي ف الفم بيختلط مع حاجات تانية------------------------------------------------------------

functions of saliva: 1- Digestive function:

a. mechanically: by - bringing the food components into solution امتزاج االكل مع

Page 9: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


الماء - lubricating the bolus of food for deglutition

أثناء البلع علشان ميعورش mucinاغلف جزيئات االكل ب b. chemically:

- through the action of its digestive enzymes:

• carbohydrates digestion: initiates by amylase enzyme • lipid digestion: initiates by lingual lipase enzyme • protein digestion: initiates by proteolytic enzymes

- it provides taste activity:

• saliva is required to dissolve substances to be tasted and to carry them to taste buds

• it also contains a protein called gustin is necessary for growth and maturation of the taste buds بيساعد في نموه مرة أخرى

c. it neutralizes esophageal contents and dilutes بيخفف gastric chyme (in stomach)

2- protection: by several ways:

• it keeps the oral tissue moist and facilitates swallowing and speaking ابتالع

• the mucous glycoprotein content provide : - lubrication for movements of the oral tissue against each other بيساعد في حركة الفم - protection of the lining mucosa by forming a barrier Against noxious stimuli (chemical, thermal, or minor troumatic insults)

حاجز ضد البكتريا والسموم بتعمل

• its fluid consistency تماسك provides washing action which

flushes away debris from the mouth تماسك السائل بتاعها بيساعد في انه يشيل بقايا االكل من ع األسنان

• helps to protect teeth from dental caries by cleaning and buffering action بتحمي االسنان من التسوس

Page 10: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


3- Buffering: التعادل the buffering action of saliva occurs by its content of {bicarbonate and phosphate ions and by salivary proteins (sialin)} it protect the oral cavity by two ways:

a. by buffering and washing acids produced by plaque microorganism from sugar الميكروباتبيشيل االحماض اللي بتُنتج من

b. by preventing microorganisms from colonizing استعمارthe mouth by denying them optimal environmental conditions

البيئة المناسبة اننا منوفرش بمنع الميكروبات انها تستعمر الفم عن طريق لوجودها

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Antimicrobial action: by 4 system:

1. lysozyme: can hydrolyze the cell wall of some bacteria

2. lactoferrin: it is an { iron-binding protein } which binds free iron and so doing debrives bacteria from their essential element

بتحتاجه البكتريا علشان تنمو هو الحديد ف وجود ال elementاكتر lactoferrin هيمسك ف الحديد وهو عبارة عن بروتين بيمسك ف الحديد يبقى

اللي موجود ف كدا مش هنوفر البيئة اللي محتاجاها البكتيريا

3. immunoglobulins: (Type A) • produced by plasma cells • located in the connective tissue of the salivary gland • have the capacity to agglutinate microorganisms عندها القدرة

تجمع البكتريا انها • to prevent their adherence التصاقto the oral cavity

4. bactericidal system: by بتقتل البكتيريا

Page 11: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


• iodine and potassium thiocyanate secreted by(the duct system )

• peroxidase secreted by ( the acinar cells) ------------------------------------------------------------

5- maintenance of tooth integrity سالمة : protect the tooth by:

• protect it from dental caries by cleaning & buffering action

• diffusion of ions as: ( ca++,mg, cl-,fluorine and phosphorus) result in posteruptive maturation

• this maturation - increase surface hardness of enamel - decreases permeability of enamel - increase the resistance of enamel to caries

• calcium-binding proteins occur in saliva and help forming salivary pellicle غشاء which behaves as a protective membrane

------------------------------------------------------------ 6- tissue repair: (in rodents) في القوارض وليس اإلنسان

• the presence of epidermal growth factor in saliva increases the rate of wound contraction

بيزيد من معدل تقلص والتئام الجرح وجود عامل النمو ------------------------------------------------------------

7- parotin hormone: ( secreted by parotid gland) - promote:

• the growth of mesenchymal tissue • lower serum calcium بيقلل الكالسيوم ف الدم • increase circulating leukocytes ( by increase temperature

of bone marrow) ------------------------------------------------------------

8- other functions in animals: • thermoregulation in mammals الثديات cause lacking sweat

glands • secretion of toxic substances


Page 12: (Types of salivary glands) · Helper_team 1. Labial and buccal glands: Labial Buccal Site -above the orbicularis oris muscle. -found mostly at lower lip. -between fibers of buccinator


salivary glands interrelation with the endocrine glands: عالقة العدد اللعابية بالغدد الصماء

• the thyroid and pituitary hormones: have implicated in amount and type of saliva

• adrenocorticotropic or mineralocorticoids hormones: can influence the Na+ and K+ ratio, increased in {Addison’s

disease and Cushing’s syndrome} نسبتهم بتزيد ف األمراض دي

• swelling of parotid glands: بتبقى وارمة عند مرضى السكر are observed in patients suffering from uncontrolled diabetes

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