
The Flash

Script Written by Adam Pendleton

All rights go to DC Comics and the creators and writers of THE FLASH

Script Length: 94 Pages

Based off of The Flash and the Flash Comics

Ext. Neighborhood- Prestwick Street, Central City, Afternoon

A young blonde haired boy rides his bike down this large hill of a street.

CLOSE UP: The tires and the Bike Chain revolving around, like an illusion

People stand outside their house talking; the talking in all is in tongues, like a school cafeteria, you hear them talking, just you don’t hear what they are saying. The young boy doesn’t care at this point. He just wants to get home from a crap day at school and watch TV. He’s about 10 years old. His bike turns onto WINSTON Street.

Ext. Winston Street

Cop cars and police officers pepper the street. The young boy stops his bike right there, knowing what house they’re at. The cops are all over the freaking place, left and right, cops. Exiting the house is the young boy’s father, Henry, an older man, the cops have him cuffed, escorting him to the back of a cop car. The young boy and his father stare at eachother intensely. The boy has no clue what’s going on. The cops barely notice the young boy, standing around examining the scene. The coroner exits the house, holding one end of a stretcher, a blanket over a dead body. Inside of this sits the boy’s dead mother. The boy steps off his bike, it falls as he does. The stretcher is put in the back of the coroner’s car. The young boy slowly approaches the scene. Before 2 cops, a larger, kind of fat, black cop and a skinny white cop spot him. They walk to him, to stop him from coming any closer. The black cop stops in front of the young boy. At this point the boy is in tears, having a clue of what just happened inside of his house.

Int. Cop Car

Henry stares at his little boy through the back windshield.

Ext. Winston Street

Barry watches all over the place.

Black Cop

“Son… Your mother is in critical condition, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave, you do not by any means need to see this”

The cop grabs the boy’s arm gently. He pulls it away, nearly hitting the cop and runs at his house.

Young Boy

“MOM!? MOM!?”

A cop grabs the boy and begins slowly pulling him away from the scene; he fights to escape the cop and in tears, screams for his mother, he then falls to his knees and BREAKS DOWN into tears. The black cop puts his arms around the boy.

Black Cop

“Stand up son, come on, I got you, you don’t need to see this, okay? Come on, I know it hurts, but you don’t need to be here”

The young boy steps up with the help of the nice black cop

CLOSE UP: The Boy’s Face, tears strolling down his cheeks

This boy… Is Barry Allen.


In the blackness, it’s silent, nothing is heard, then BAM!

Int. Barry’s Apartment

Barry shots up from his bed, he’s scared he’s gonna be late… Again. He looks over at his clock… It reads 10:31


“Ah no! Dammit!”

Barry shoots up and grabs his pair of pants from the floor. He rushes to put them on, looking like a fool while he does it. He then falls over in his poor attempts to dress himself, like a child. He stands up from the floor and shakes his head fast for composure. He stands up and grabs his shirt from his dresser and begins walking to his apartment door trying to put it on. He then stops and grabs an apple from his kitchen counter.

Ext. Main City Road- Central City

Barry Allen rides on his motorcycle, zooming in between cars and cutting people off. The amount of people honking their car horns at him is unbelievable. He’s pissed too many people off. A truck SWERVES into his lane; Barry jerks his bike to the side to avoid it and nearly hits the guard rail. Great. Now he’s in the grass driving to his destination.

Truck Driver (O.S)

“Hey punk! Learn how to drive that freaking thing!”

Barry (Whispers)

“Up yours man”

Barry clinches the throttle and speeds the bike forward.

Ext. Parking Lot of Central City Police Department

Barry barely parks his bike and jumps off of it. He nearly trips as the bike falls out from under him. Barry takes his time to pull the bike back up; he pulls his helmet off and just drops it on the ground. Not even caring anymore. He runs toward the door.

Int. Police Department

Barry CRASHES in, some cops at the stair case laugh at him while staring at him, telling a stereo typical “hard cop” story. But most of their stories are bullshit. The cops stare at Barry, thinking his attempts are pathetic.

Cop #1

“So I told him, man, I said you take one more step, I’m gonna put you down”

Cop #2

“And what did he do?”

Cop #1

“This asshole dropped to his knees beginning me and Mack not to arrest him”

Cop #3

“Hey Barry! Going to your little lab?”

The groups of cops laugh, even though their jokes are pretty stupid

Cop #4

“I wonder why he’s always late, what you do Barry that makes you so special that you can’t get to work on time”

Barry ignores the stupid comments by these fake cops. He begins walking off

Cop #5

“Don’t run away now Allen!”

Barry (V.O)

“And that was me… Barry Allen, a laughing stock forensic scientist, and this was my life”

Then steps out, the hell-giver of Barry’s career, Captain Frye. Barry continues walking to his lab down the hall, Frye follows


“Late again Allen”


“Sorry, alarm clocks broke”

Barry is used to Frye sticking the finger in his face and yelling at him


“Has your alarm clock been broken for the last 7 years?”


“I’m not sure, has yours?”

Frye doesn’t like that Barry is blowing this off


“I’m surprised you aren’t late for court, wouldn’t be the first time”


“Well, Captain, I get the job done either way”

Barry stops at his lab door and opens the door. Frye steps in and closes it. Barry grows frustrated, hearing this all day everyday


“Listen! What is it that makes you think you can come in here and screw all of us over and be late all the time, we got important things to do if you don’t know that”


“Complaining about me being late? You’re gonna make me late if you don’t let me open this door, Captain Friendly”

Barry opens the door and escapes Frye. Frye shakes his head in disgust towards Barry and walks off

Int. Barry’s Lab

Julio, a Hispanic, short, chubby, blood analyst sits at a lab paper scattered with papers.

Barry (V.O)

“Every day, THAT is what I’d face, letting the cops step in my way and tell me stuff I already know, Frye was a pro at that”


“Was sup, Barry!?”


“Hey Julio”

Barry gathers his files and a large black bag. He puts it on his shoulder and begins walking out


“Yo dude you just got here”


“Got courthouse duty”


“I’m so glad I’m not you right now”


“What does that mean?”


“I hate court dude, the thought of 30 people including a freaking psychopath staring at you is just… Terrible”


“Thanks. That’s really helping Julio”

Barry begins to exit the lab

Int. Police Department Lobby

Barry begins to walk out. The three cops look at him and chuckle mocking him

Barry (V.O)

“I was the best forensics analyst in Central City, helped put away a number of criminals including big gang leader, Leonard Snart”

Frye sees Barry doesn’t have a tie. Only he cares enough to make a big deal out of it


“If you’re going to court, you’ll need a tie”


“I’m fine without it”

Barry stops walking and looks at Frye


“SOMEONE GET THIS GUY A TIE! You look like a shmuck, Allen, for Christ sake does anyone have a tie for this lazy son of a bitch, who is wasting my time”

Alan, a fat, but friendly cop in the station, opens up his drawer


“I got one, Barry”

Alan walks over and hands his tie to Barry.


“Thank you; you can go now, Allen”

Barry watches as the other cops laugh at him and Frye walks away. Barry begins to put on the tie and walks out as more cops mock him and laugh at him.

Int. Courtroom

Barry sits, watching with the lawyers as attorney, Jack, defends his client: Dr. Michael Amar, aka Murmur


“They say that a piece of inventory went missing from the hospital, but yet, no one has stepped forward with any way of proof to show Dr. Amar was responsible. No video camera caught it, why in God’s name does a hospital of all places not have a video camera? Can anyone answer me that? Anyone? No? Well, my point is, Dr. Amar is being accused by the classic finger pointing tactic people love to do these days. They used his past against him, pulled him out and singled him as the one responsible with no tangible proof… And for all they know it could’ve been an accident, a scalpel got lost after a hard surgery, who knows? The hospital doesn’t have cameras after all”

Barry (V.O)

“Court duty… I knew from the beginning it came with my job but come on, can I state my case and leave already?”

Jack (Cont.)

“Now, onward, Dr. Amar, I’m pretty sure you have an alibi for that night when Tracy Hopkins was murdered, correct?”


“Yes sir”


“Do you mind telling everyone where you were?”


“At a club”


“Clarify please”


“Central-Keystone Aurora”


“Central-Keystone Aurora, thank you Michael, that’s all your honor”

Jack and his client sit down. Barry sits patiently and sees Jack whispering in Michael’s ear…


“Barry Allen? Would you like to state your case?”

The jury looks around not knowing who Barry is.


“Yes ma’am”

Barry stands up with a bag around his shoulder. He looks professional as hell, he’s the best forensics analyst in Central City, he just doesn’t get recognition he deserves. Michael and Jack’s eyes are peeled on Barry as he takes a seat.


“You can begin now”

Barry opens his bag and begins pulling out photos and a plastic bag with a shoe in it. He stands up with an empty bottle of dish soap.


“You see this? This is SMASH DISH SOAP, a pretty expensive price for a bottle this size if you ask me. But anyways… This bottle is not easy to find, believe me, I tried, and it’s only in a few select stores in Central-Keystone, around 2 or 3, if not less. This is the soap that was in Ms. Hopkins’ kitchen, I’m guessing she was a clean freak, because this gets the job done, I’m serious. Do any one you have SMASH DISH SOAP in your kitchens at your house?”


“Please Mr. Allen, make your point”


“Oh! I’m sorry your honor, I get sidetracked easily. Anyhow, in this bag over here, we have a dirty old boot, smelled pretty badly, enough to scare away some vultures from a dead possum, then again it was Dr. Michael Amar’s boot”

Some of the jury laughs, but Barry sees the Judge is getting frustrated. Barry picks up the bag with the boot in it.


“You can see clearly on this boot that it has some pretty clear blood stains, the weapon used was indeed a scalpel, now, there is definitely evidence to prove that, the blood flow from the victim ran onto the floor and poured out, he didn’t take his time with clean slashes, and he just got to the point. The blood fell right down onto his shoe, then he cut out our victim’s tongue, she bled out instantly, Dr. Michael Amar was needing to get rid of this obvious evidence; he rushed his bloody feet to the kitchen, leaving clear prints”

Barry holds up a photo of the bloody footprints trailing into the kitchen. He puts it down.


“The same soap used to clean up this nasty bloody stink of a boot, was the same soap in Ms. Hopkins’ kitchen. I know what you’re thinking, he ran to the store that coincidentally had the same SMASH soap, and he bought it, but we ran a few records, SMASH soap wasn’t bought in any store for weeks before the killing”




“What is it Jack?”


“He’s not making any sense; my client could’ve already had that same exact soap in his house”


“You’re right, he could have, but the thing is, he didn’t, we checked”

Barry collects his stuff in a bag, silently triumphant over beating this asshole of a lawyer.


“OH! And one more thing, I think there might be video cameras in here to see this, Jack, better luck next time”

The jury gets a kick out of this and tries to hold back their laughter. Even the Judge has a slight grin on her face. Barry walks away and pats the defeated Jack on the shoulder. Jack looks to Michael and shakes his head in disbelief; he’s never lost a case before, but right now is the closest he’s come.

Ext. Courthouse- 2 Hours Later

The press is at the scene, taking pictures of Michael “Murmur” Amar in cuffs, begin escorted away, reporters scramble Jack.

Reporter #1

“How does it feel to lose your first case?”

Jack shrugs off the questions, scrambling in tongues like a church rally. Barry follows behind Jack and walks down the steps, not getting any attention from the press.

Barry (V.O)

“Michael Amar was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Tracy Hopkins”

Out of nowhere, a very pretty reporter approaches him from the side. He barely notices her until…


“Barry Allen?”

Barry turns and sees her, his focus is only on her right now




“Oh, hi”


“I’m Iris West, a reporter for Central News”


“OH! Yeah, I’ve read some of your stuff, like your article on… Umm…”

Barry really hasn’t read any of her articles. Iris lets out a slight chuckle


“I’m kind of new to the world of journalism; you probably haven’t read anything of mine”


“Ah okay, sorry, so what’s up?”


“I understand that you were the main factor that got Dr. Michael Amar put away for life, apparently this isn’t the first major criminal or killer you’ve put away? Want to explain how you did it?”


“Well, I just saw that he cleaned his shoes with the same soap in the victim’s kitchen”


“How’d you know that?”


“The blood and soap residue on it”

Iris takes a moment to jot that down on paper. She then looks back up at Barry.




“Did you get all of that?”


“Yeah, I think”


“Well read it to me and let me see if you got it all right”




“I wanna see if you got it all right?”


“I asked Barry Allen, a forensics analyst for the Central City Police Department, how he was able to determine if Dr. Michael

Amar was the killer, he saw that Amar’s shoes were cleaned with the same soap used in the victim’s kitchen, due to soap residue and faded blood”


“That sounds about right”

The 2 have an awkward forced laugh to fill the moment.


“Is- Is that all you did? Just test the soap?”


“No, me and my buddy did a lot of work on what happened where in the house when Amar killed her”


“Sounds like hard work”


“You don’t say”

Iris’s phone begins ringing.

Iris“Oh sorry”

She checks her phone and sees her boss is calling her. She presses ignore to finish up with Barry


“Okay, well, Barry, I gotta take this call, do you think you’ll be able to meet me some day this week, I want to make a piece on you”


“Cool, where at?”


“Well now that you’ve put me on the spot, I can’t think of a place, how about this, you give me your number and I’ll call you and set it up”


“Or you can give me your number”



Iris pulls out a small piece of paper from the notebook and writes her number down, she hands it to Barry


“Alright, I’ll talk to you then”

Iris’ phone rings AGAIN, she walks away, rushing and waves goodbye to Barry, she answers her phone and begins talking to her boss. Barry watches as she walks off. He then makes his way to his motorcycle.

Int. Parking Garage- Nighttime

4 dead bodies lay on the ground. Police investigate, Barry shows up at the scene. Julio takes pictures of the scene. Barry walks over to the bloody, shot bodies


“Well someone had a rough night”


“You don’t say!”

Captain Frye walks over to them with a few other cops


“Hey, Allen, I heard you gave the evidence that convicted Amar, at least you did something right”


“Yeah, I did well; you should’ve seen me, what do we got here?”

Julio“Hollow point gunshot wounds”


“This is Rogue, has to be”

Cop #3

“You think so?”


“Yeah, I do, those masked freaks are killing everyone they see fit, and this is their M.O, hollow point rounds, point blank, automatic weapons”

Barry observes the scene


“Definitely point blank, I’m saying about 5 feet away”


“I want to find out who these guys are and what they’re connections are to the Rogue, get on it now”

The cops scramble like dogs fetching after a Frisbee.

Int. Barry’s Apartment- Midnight

Barry sits at his seat, on his laptop, on the computer screen; it says “HUSBAND MURDERS WIFE IN CENTRAL CITY”. Barry takes notes on the article; he scrolls down and sees a picture of his father’s mug shot.

Barry (V.O)“When I wasn’t working, I’d try to find out my mother’s murder, I never felt my dad was responsible, but people were looking for someone to blame, I never became a cop but still had a strong urge to serve justice”

Barry drinks out of a huge bottle of Gatorade and spills a few drops on his shirt.



Barry jots down a few notes onto paper, he stands up and walks to the bathroom

Int. Bathroom

Barry pulls his shirt off and throws it to the side, he washes the sticky Gatorade off of his hands, and then the phone rings from off screen. Barry rushes as fast as he can and then walks out

Int. Kitchen

Barry picks up the phone and answers



Julio (O.S)

“Barry, man! I never got to tell you great job at court, I heard you kicked that stuck up lawyer’s ass man!”


“Yeah, I guess”

Julio (O.S)“Listen, dog, I know it’s been a long day, but me and some guys were planning to party tonight and I forgot I had to finish up those reports on the Rogue Killings, you think you can help a brother out and finish ‘em for me, it’s not much”


“Damn, man, you didn’t even invite me to party”

Julio (O.S)“I would’ve if this wouldn’t have come up, so can you do me that favor, please”

Barry takes a moment and thinks about it.

Barry (V.O)“If you ask me today, I don’t know why I took up Julio’s work, but it changed my life forever…”

Julio (O.S)

“Hey! Allen! I need an answer like pronto!”


“Alright, I’ll do it, but you owe me one”

Julio (O.S)

“You’re a life saver dude! See ya tomorrow!”

Barry hangs up the phone and grabs his motorcycle keys

Int. Police Department

Only one cop is in the building, Alan, the only cop that is really nice to Barry, he knows a little bit more about Barry then most cops do, he knows a bit about his past.


“Hey Barry, what are you up to?”


“Nothing much, finishing Julio’s work for him on the Rogue killings”


“Don’t let Frye find out man! He’ll be pissed”


“I won’t if you won’t”

Barry (V.O)

“Sgt. Alan was the only cop that had respect for me, he knew about my past and was at the scene when my mom was killed”

Barry enters the lab

Int. Forensics Lab

Barry walks to his station and grabs Julio’s folder on the Rogue killings… He gets to work on the reports


Ext. Outside Police Department- Nighttime

The thunder is booming, the rain pours down fast and hard on the ground and lightning is crashing left and right every few seconds

Int. Forensics Lab

Barry is completely passed out in his chair; Alan enters the room and taps Barry on the shoulder. He wakes up to the sound of thunder CRASHING, shooting up, it’s raining EXTREMELY HARD outside, the rain sounds like bullets hitting the roof.


“I’m getting out of here man, thought I’d wake you up”


“What time is it?”

Alan checks his wrist watch.


“2:40, you should get out of here”

Barry shakes his head and closes the folder. He throws it to Julio’s table, Alan walks out and Barry paces the room making sure he didn’t forget anything, he grabs his bag and begins to walk out, but he sees the cart full of chemicals and test fluids is missing a wheel. He walks over and pushes it against the wall in front of the window to make sure it doesn’t fall. Lightning is crashing, Barry adjusts the cart.

Barry (V.O)

“And then, I was never the same”Lightning SMASHES through the window and blasts Barry and the cart backwards, Barry flies about 12 feet back and hits the wall, the LIGHTS shut off completely at once, electrical shocks send through Barry’s body, he passes out as the fluids from the cart cover his body. Alan BUSTS through the door and sees Barry.


“Barry! Oh shit!”

Alan sees a huge fire burning in the lab, Alan picks up Barry and he runs out of the room.

Int. Police Department Lobby

Alan puts Barry on the ground and begins calling the police… Barry’s eyes shoot open; he gets on his hands and knees.


“Ahhhh, what the hell?”


“Barry, man, I’m calling the police, you’ll be alright”

Barry looks up at the other wall, his eyes glow yellow and he BURSTS up and ZOOMS forward, knocking Alan a few feet back, Barry zooms through the wall, going straight through as if he teleported through it, no damage or anything

Ext. Central City Road- Nighttime

Traffic is stuck, no cars are moving, it’s backed up for miles Barry zooms past in between cars.

Int. Honda Civic

2 kids are in the backseat playing on their gameboys, a superhero game titled “Lightning Fast Jack!”, a FLASH of light zooms by them, them and their parents are amazed by this.

Ext. Keystone Bridge

Barry zooms past the mile long bridge in less than a second

Ext. Keystone City Streets

Barry zooms EXTREMELY fast and then hits a fruit stand, flipping it over, he smashes past it and barrel rolls. All of his clothes are completely burnt off…

Ext. Keystone City Streets- Morning

Women walk by and see the completely butt naked Barry unconscious laying on some bushes. A mother and her son walk by.


“Mommy, there’s a naked man in the bushes”


“Oh dear, it’s one of those days, don’t look Chucky”

She covers his son’s eyes. Barry’s eyes open and sees people laughing at him, a teenager takes a picture of him


“I gotta post this online man! HAHAHA!”

Barry then notices he’s naked and covers himself up and hides behind the bushes…

Barry (V.O)

“Imagine being that guy that just wakes up naked in the middle of Keystone City, not remembering a thing but a flash of lightning from the night before”

Ext. Prison- Daytime

4 men wait outside of the prison. The gate slides open and out walks LEONARD SNART, a slightly muscular man, with a bony face and a bald head. The 4 wait for Snart to get to them. Snart begins hugging his old friends


“Finally free”

Rogue #1

“We need to get you out of here; this place gives me the creeps”


“Imagine being stuck in there for 5 years”

Snart steps in the back of the truck and the 4 Rogue members, who aren’t masked or armored follow him and drive off.

Int. Truck

Snart sits in the passenger seat

Rogue #2

“What do we do now that you’re out, Mr. Snart?


“It’s simple, carry out our plans from 6 years ago, this time, the police will not step in our way”

Rogue #3

“That forensics guy just put away a major killer in Central City, the same one that connected you to Jackson’s murder”


“He’s just a lab rat, he’s nothing”

Int. Hospital Room- Morning

The doctor checks if Barry’s eyes are dilated. Cops are in the room, along with Alan and Julio


“I feel fine, you can quit with that light thing now”


“Your eyes aren’t dilated but that was a blast of lightning that sent electrical impulses through your body, we’ll have to keep you about another week”

Barry sits up.


“A week!? I’m fine! Forget staying in this place for another week, I’m gonna leave here and simply go back to my normal life”


“Listen, Allen, you were struck by lightning! And for some ungodly reason, you ended up in Keystone City, which is a good 35 miles from the station”


“Yes, I’m aware of that, but apparently I made a good impression with the bolt, it didn’t kill me, maybe it liked me”

Barry gets out of bed and grabs his new clothes from a bag.


“Well, if you’d excuse me, I’m gonna walk out of here”


“Doc, you can’t let him do this, I mean, I don’t remember much of what I saw, but he just disappeared!”


“It’s his choice, we can’t exactly stop him, and he is energetic and on his feet, his eyes aren’t dilated”


“Finally, someone agrees with me”


“I don’t agree, but I’ve never seen or heard of a man that gets up after getting struck by lightning and nearly killed, and then disappears and ends up 40 miles away”

The doctor walks out. Barry nods at the people in his room.


“Whatever, but you’re not coming back to work”


“Why because the lab’s destroyed? I can work someplace else”


“First of all, no you can’t, and second of all, you’re taking a 2 week leave, and you have no say in the matter”

Frye walks out and Barry begins to pull his clothes from the bag.

Int. Barry’s Apartment

Barry sits at his desk and mixes two chemicals together and shakes them up. He places them down and types in some components on his computer. He then notices Iris’s number beside his computer buried in papers and folders; he pulls it out and reads it. He picks up the phone and dials the number. Barry waits patiently as it rings

Iris (O.S)


“Hey, it’s me, Barry”

Iris (O.S)

“OH! Hey! Have you found out what day your available?”


“Umm… Yeah…”

Barry thinks of a day right off the top of his head


“Friday! 8:00”

Iris (O.S)

“Alright, well there’s this Science Museum with a restaurant opening up on Friday, it’s called WSU, wanna meet there?”


“Sure, where’s it at?”

Iris (O.S)

“It’s right in front of the Keystone Bridge, it’s pretty noticeable”


“Okay, cool, I’ll meet you there”

Iris (O.S)“Okay, bye”

The phones hang up. Barry puts the phone down and notices one of his chemicals is smoking badly and begins to fall over. Barry sees it falling off of his desk; he FASTLY catches it without even thinking about it, he then looks his hands like they aren’t his anymore, but as if they’re a pair of new fast hands. Barry puts the chemical back where it belongs.

Barry (V.O)

“It got to the point that I was questioning myself, when I realized I was doing a number of things beyond my normal speed”

Ext. World Science Universal Parking Lot- Friday- Nighttime

Iris steps out of her car and checks her make up in the side mirror, a motor cycle rides up and parks beside her, Barry pulls his helmet off


“It’s kind of crowded here don’t you think?”


“Are you alright?”


“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”


“I heard about the accident in your lab, the whole city’s talking about how you just left the hospital and survived lightning”


“Oh, yeah, well, I’m better than ever if I’m to be honest”


“That’s good, you wanna head inside”


“Yeah, let’s go”

Barry clears his throat.


“Can I take your coat?”

Iris laughs


“I’m not wearing one”

Barry and Iris begin to walk

Int. World Science Universal

There are glass cabinets with amazing scientific artifacts inside of them, people in suits and ties talk to each other, there’s an upstairs where tables are set up for dinner. Barry’s wearing a T-Shirt and jeans


“Let’s head upstairs”

Int. Upstairs

Barry and Iris get seated by a host


“This is pretty unusual”


“Yeah, I’ve never seen a restaurant like this in my life”


“I don’t know what half of this stuff is”

Iris and Barry laugh


“I thought it was a good place, you being a chemist and analyst”


“Maybe we can go someplace normal after this huh?”


“Depends on how this interview goes”

Iris begins pulling out her recorder and everything. She turns on her recorder


“I’m here, with Barry Allen, the forensics analyst who was responsible for putting away Dr. Michael Amar, aka the Murmur Killer, he is also known for the case he did years back that put away the infamous leader of the Rogue Clan, Leonard Snart”

Iris turns off recorder.


“Now what do I do?”


“Just answer all my questions”

Iris turns her recorder on.


“What made you want to become a forensics analyst for the CCPD?”

Barry (V.O)

“The death of my mother”


“Ummmm… Well, I was good at science as a kid and this stuff always interested me and I wanted to stop pointless crime from ruining this fine city, but I couldn’t be a cop”

Barry (V.O)

“And she really believed that, I wasn’t gonna tell her the real reason, it’s a part of my life I keep to myself”


“About the accident in your lab, what were you doing there that night?”


“I was covering for my friend who was out partying and was finishing up some reports on some recent Rogue killings and I was by the window, something hit me, I don’t remember much and… That’s about it”


“Rogue killings?”Barry

“Yeah, the cops think that the Rogue’s coming back now that Leonard Snart was released”


“You were the one who found Snart’s prints at the scene and his blood at the scene, what exactly do you think happened that night?”


“I’m not exactly sure, but recently, it was ruled as self defense, which explains his early release”


“I heard the killing was pretty brutal, do you believe it was self defense?”


“If I did, Snart would never be in jail”

Iris takes a moment to write down a little bit on her notebook


“So… Did you grow up in Central City?”Barry



“Since this city’s had its fair share of dark moments, what was it like growing up here?”Barry takes a few seconds; he really doesn’t like questions about his past.

Barry (Quietly)

“I’m not sure…”

Iris looks at Barry strangely. Then BOOM! A BIG explosion destroys the door and everything near it, sending debris and smoke everywhere, the people on the bottom floor fall over and cough. Barry runs to the railing and looks over, seeing a group of armored and masked men charging in with high powered guns. They are the Rogue. One sees Barry and sends a blast his way, Barry ducks and tackles Iris to the ground, saving her from the blast as the wall behind them explodes. Barry and Iris look into each other’s eyes. Barry steps off of her and begins slowly crawling to cover.


“Iris, get under the table”

Iris listens and gets under the table


“Where are you going!?”

Int. Downstairs

A masked man with a large laser blaster steals a bottle of champagne from the table, he’s the Rogue Leader

Rogue Leader

“Good evening! I have returned! Oh, I’m sorry; none of you know who I am! I’m a man this city betrayed years ago, but I’m back,

and I’m going to take what I rightfully created, that this city decided to put in this phony freak show!”

The Rogue Leader blasts explosive rays from his gun and destroys the glass coverings. The owner stands up, his head is badly bleeding.


“Leave now, or the police will come, and you won’t get out of this alive!”

The Rogue Leader laughs, he then punches the owner HARD in the face, knocking him down.

Rogue Leader

“They have nothing on me, no one can stop me, now… Tell me, where is the Exikon?”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

The Rogue Leader kicks the owner in the ribs repeatedly. He then walks to the center of the room.

Rogue Leader

“Is it the mask that makes you think I’m a fool? Fine, the mask is off, but I expect some answers”

The Rogue Leader pulls his mask off, revealing he is LEONARD SNART.



Int. Upstairs

Iris pulls out her camera and takes some pictures quickly. Some Rogue members walk up the stairs; they see her camera behind her. They walk to her and pull her out from under the table.

Rogue #5


Rogue #5 lifts her up and slaps her HARD in the face and turns her around, putting a gun to her head.


“THE EXIKON! TELL ME WHERE IT IS! Or this lady will die”

The crowd doesn’t speak up.


“Very well”

The Rogue cocks his pistol and jams it into the side of Iris’s head. Out of nowhere, a big flash of light zooms and knocks Rogue #5 ten feet back, through the large window. Rogue #6 points his blaster and waves it around.

Rogue #6


The flash of light zooms by again and knocks the Rogue right through the railing, he hits the stairs and breaks through them.

Int. Downstairs

Snart and the other Rogues are ready to blast, guns pointed


“Keep your eyes open!”

Snart looks around and sees an octagonal shaped device on display in one of the glass cabinets. He creeps over slowly to grab it. The flash of light SLAMS into him at light speed, throwing him back into the wall. A slew of lasers are blasted at this speed of light, it’s Barry. He’s running at super fast speed toward the men. His clothes are melting off, forcing him to keep on running


“COME ON!!!!”Barry slams into the pack of Rogues and slams a right cross into one’s face, he turns at fast speed and tramples the others, he runs in circles around the Rogues, who shoot at him, the circle he runs in gets smaller, cramping in the Rogues together, they

can’t move their guns without hitting each other. Barry sticks out his arm and begins close lining them, he then zooms head on into another couple of Rogues, knocking them through the door.

Ext. Outside WSU

More Rogues pile in with guns

Int. Upstairs

Iris watches as the Rogues blast at this zoom of light that is moving one place to another at lightspeed.

Int. Downstairs

Snart grabs the Exikon, the flash of light tramples more of his men and Snart sends repeated blasts to cover himself, he then smashes through the window and escapes, a group of Rogues follow, shooting around trying to hit anything to save themselves. Barry looks down at himself while he’s running, seeing his clothes are completely melted off. He then zooms out of the door

Ext. Outside WSU

Barry zooms out as the Rogues make their escape

Ext. Outside Apartment Complex

Barry continues to run at light speed and zooms up the stairs of the apartment

Int. Barry’s Apartment

Barry paces the room, new clothes on, freaking out about what he just did


“Oh man… What? What the hell did I just do? I was going like 900 miles per hour! I was here, and then I was there! And then…”

Barry just starts speaking in tongues, SUPER FAST talking as if you just fast forwarded his speech. He stops talking and shakes his head in disbelief. He collides onto his couch and is in a good amount of confusion and shock. His phone rings, Barry jumps up, startled, he takes a moment to collect himself and answers it.



Frye (O.S)

“We need you at WSU, now”

Barry (Sarcastic)

“What about my vacation?”


“I’m shortening it, get over here”

Ext. WSU Parking Lot

Iris sits outside as the police investigate the 2 dead Rogues on the concrete. Barry walks by and sees Iris

Barry (V.O)

“I completely forgot about her when I was scrambling to stop those Rogues… Here we go…”

Barry walks to her


“Where’d you go?”


“Sorry, I had to go get my forensics stuff, I barely made it out”


“Well, you missed it, something took out those Rogues, they escaped”


“What was it?”Iris

“It looked like a speeding flash of light”



Frye notices Barry.


“Allen! Get over here”

Iris hugs Barry as he begins to walk away.




“For what?”


“You saved my life in there, when that guy shot at us”

Barry barely remembers this, forgetting a lot because he can only focus on what he did against the Rogues.


“No problem”

Barry makes his way over to the bodies, he sees the dead Rogue, and he looks up at the building and sees the smashed windows

Barry (V.O)

“I did this… I killed this guy, I can’t say he didn’t deserve it for trying to kill Iris, but it’s not right either”


“Something must’ve hit these guys hard and fast, knocked them right through that window, even after that they were still in the air for a good 20 feet before hitting the ground”


“I knew it, the Rogue is coming back, Snart’s release set them back on track”

Cop #6

“It was definitely Snart, the surveillance showed him taking off his mask”


“Well, Barry, you were here, why don’t you tell us what happened? And why you were here in the first place?”


“I was with Iris West, she was doing a piece on me, then those maniacs busted in and almost killed us, unless you think I’m lying, Frye, then we got a problem”


“I don’t think you’re lying, but it’s just so convienent that you were here when this shit went down”


“Captain, cool off, Iris even told me that Barry stuck with her and even saved here at one point”


“Yeah, cool off, can I go now? Since you only called me here for an interrogation instead of me doing my job”


“I’m not stopping you”

Barry walks by and the cops eye him

Cop #7

“We’re looking for Snart right now, he’s almost untraceable, what was he doing pulling his mask off in a place like that”


“Sending a message, he’s challenging us for putting him away 5 years ago; it’s some nonsense that they let him loose, I’m gonna get a warrant to search his home”

Int. Snart’s Old House

The police bust in through the door, Frye leading them, they all wear Kevlar and are holding up their pistols, ready for something to go down. They see his ex-wife sitting on the couch


“GET DOWN! GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!”She follows their orders, she’s scared and gets down on the ground.


“I want 6 men in each room of this house, I want everything searched, I mean everything”




Int. Snart’s Old House

Martha Snart sits on the couch, drinking coffee. Martha is extremely pissed


“You didn’t have to bust my house to shit; I told you he wasn’t here”


“I’m sorry ma’am, but we needed any bit of evidence, we found some things of his, has he been here recently?”


“NO! I heard he got released from prison, but I haven’t seen him ever since we got a divorce when he was in jail”


“Have you heard anything about him that we could use?”

Martha (Angry)

“No, because you and your cops won’t tell me why you’re here, what did he do?”


“He stole an important artifact from a new museum”

Martha (Laughs)

“The Exikon”


“Excuse me?”


“For years he was creating this device called The Exikon, he wanted it to give him abilities, of which I don’t know, but he wanted to take over all crime in Central City, it got stolen and was sold, probably to the people that own that new museum”

Frye takes these words in


“Thank you ma’am, you’ve given us some good news”


“Can you leave now?”


“Sure, we’ll be out of your way in a few”


“And one more things… This might help, when I would visit Lenny in prison, he always swore revenge on the ones who put him away, he even blames you and the City for mine and his divorce”


“Well noted, thank you”

Int. Rogue Base

Snart lays down on a table and one of his men fasten his arms to the table, another one puts the Exikon device inside of a large turret hanging from the ceiling, pointing down at Snart.

Rogue #7

“Are you sure this will work?”Snart

“It wasn’t modified in anyway ever since it was stolen from me, if my calculations are correct from years ago, it will work”

Rogue #8

“What exactly will it do?”Snart

“You’ll see, I’m a cold person”

The Rogue member flips on some switches and the turret lights up

Snart (Cont.)

“And you may want to back up”

The Rogues back up as the turret lets out a whirring sound and a slight hissing as smoke comes out. The Rogue presses another 3 switches and a HUGE blue laser jet blasts from the turret and hits Snart directly in the chest, this process continues as Snart SCREAMS, he doesn’t take this as any stereo typical villain would, this HURTS. The Rogues watch each other as the blasts continue to hit Snart in the chest. The whole building begins to shake and Snart lets out a final SCREAM. It stops and Snart continues to lay down, groaning.


“Let… Le- Let me loose”

The Rogue members untie him from the table, he sits up slowly. His eyes have turned completely ice blue, all of it the whites of his eyes, his pupils, all of it, he looks over at his members. He holds out his arm and a blade of ice covers his hand, and grows out. Its sharper then a knife

Rogue #9

“What is that?”


“How I’m going to run this city”

Snart steps off of the table as smoke comes from his body and the ice blade grows back into his arm, disappearing.

Int. Police Station- Daytime

The cops and forensics scientists, including Barry, sit in briefing as Frye plays the footage of what happened at WSU. The Rogues being tossed left and right. 2 cops in front of Barry whisper

Cop #8

“If only that thing would do our work for us”

Cop #9

“Yeah, that’d be easier for us”

Barry lets out a slight chuckle

Barry (V.O)

“I finally fed my crave for justice and decided to use my new abilities for good, but I didn’t know how to control them and I wasn’t gonna stop crimes naked, I needed something that would stop the melting process”

Int. Barry’s Apartment

Barry is in his apartment, working on a sketch of his suit, on the side, he writes a list of materials needed for the suit. He begins reciting it to himself


“Rubber body plate, not flammable, protective suit shield… Where am I gonna get all this stuff?”

Ext. Outside Barry’s Apartment

Barry pulls off his coat, revealing a rubbery like full body suit, he puts a mask on that covers his entire face. It’s highly uncomfortable.


“Take one… And… Action!”

Barry zooms off running, the full body suit begins melting around 20 feet through, Barry notices this and stops running, sliding on the grass, kicking it up.


“I need something stronger”Int. Barry’s Apartment- 2 Days Later

Barry opens up a box from STAR Labs with a black case inside of it, it’s in a shiny type red color. He opens the black case and sees a light but reliable suit. He pulls it out of the and sees there’s leggings on it to, but no mask. He’ll need to create his own.

Int. Bedroom- Midnight

Barry sits at his desk, he is tinkering with his High School Graduation ring, with a drill and some other tools, he flips a switch on it, the top pops open and a vacuum like suction from compressing air sucks in a piece of paper. Barry turns off the compression and the piece of paper SHOOTS out and hits the wall.

Int. Barry’s Apartment Living Room

Barry splits his suit into halves and quarters and hangs them up by strings from the ceiling. He takes them all down and gets on the floor; he aligns them into looking like the full suit. He takes off the foot and ankle pieces and throws them to the side, deciding to use them for his mask. He opens his ring and sucks the pieces in at once, he then shoots his suit out onto the ground, it aligns perfectly

Int. Bedroom

Barry has two ear pieces with bolts on them, he puts an electrical device in both of them and they stick onto the head pieces of the mask and combine with it.

Int. Barry’s Apartment Living Room- 4 Days Later

Barry closes in the gaps from the pieces on his suit with yellow strips of the suit, which lies on the ground, he has a fully

created mask from his ankle and foot pieces. He grabs 2 yellow boots from the table and puts them on the floor and steps into them, he begins jumping in the air with them, and they’re comfortable and easy to get around in.


“Moment of truth”

Barry slips the boots off…

Ext. Central City Road

Barry steps off of his motorcycle and watches the cars zooming by, he begins stretching and turning his neck left and right.


“Come on, you got this!”

Barry takes another moment and then SHOOTS off running, he is easily outrunning all of the cars, and zooming past them, he then holds his hand out in a fist, the ring begins shooting out small electrical bolts that cover Barry’s body as he pushes the switch, his suit SHOOTS out in pieces, Barry runs into the pieces and they align, the yellow pieces fill in the gaps and Barry’s ear pieces combine onto the mask, he laughs like a kid who just got a load of candy.



Barry then ZOOMS off faster than ever and a car pulls out in front of him as he zooms by


“Excuse me coming through!”

Barry jumps over the car and then lands on a large 18 wheeler, he zooms off of the 18 wheeler onto the road and speeds in between and over cars.



Barry gets bold and SPEEDS even faster, he is now heading toward the end of Keystone City, speeding toward a large lake, he zooms across the water and runs even faster

Ext. City Miles Away

Barry zooms past this city in a heartbeat, and finds himself speeding car to car in amazing fashion.

Int. Cop Car

A state trooper holds a speed detector and watches the street, Barry ZOOMS by, the cop is extremely shocked and checks the detector, it didn’t pick up the speed, he picks up his radio

State Trooper

“Uh… We got a speeder”

State Trooper #2 (O.S)

“Did you catch its license plate number?”State Trooper

“Umm… No”

Int. Karate Dojo

A sensei that resembles Apollo Creed, teaches a class of Karate students


“You’re gonna learn today!!!”

Barry zooms through the dojo in between the rows of kids and then disappears. The sensei shakes his head fastly, not believing what he has just seen


“I read too much comic books”

Ext. Farm

An old farm owner sits on his porch, with a shotgun, smoking a thick cigar, looking for some squirrels, he sees one and points his gun at it


“Come on little squirrely!”

Barry zooms by and grabs the squirrel, saving it. The Redneck can’t believe what he just saw.

Ext. Island in the Water

A blonde man talks to his wife on the island as their son fishes in the water. Barry zooms past them

Ext. Desert, Many Miles Away

A group of people sit in the sand tents behind them, they are telling stories in a foreign language


“WHOOO!!! LET’S GO!!!”

Barry zooms in between the tribe, who look at each other in confusion

Ext. Desert Hills

Barry runs over the desert hills and jumps FAR off of the hills and zooms across the desert more. Barry tries to run faster, he then zooms completely out of the desert…

Int. Police Department- Captain Frye’s Office

Captain Frye and Sgt. Alan sit in his office


“We have some guys tracking the device”


“If you don’t mind me saying, sir, it’s been weeks… And, I think that he may have already used this device on himself by now”


“But what the hell does it do?”


“I’m not sure, but, Leonard Snart is a practical genius, either this Exikon completely fails, or it does what he intended it to do”

A cop busts through the door

Cop #10

“Sir! There’s been an armored car robbery, some Rogues, possibly Snart”

Frye and Alan jump up.


“I need you to get SWAT, and all of my guys at that scene, Snart does not escape!”

Cop #10

“Yes sir!”

Int. Lab

Julio talks to Barry, it’s pretty annoying, he won’t shut up, Barry isn’t even listening to the story, he’s just sitting and writing down names for himself as a hero. Scratching out the ones he doesn’t like


“I don’t get it, some Flash comes through and just starts throwing some Rogues around”

Barry looks up at Julio, thinking about that sentence… The Flash. Barry writes this down, the 2 hear commotion outside of the room, Barry walks over and opens the door, seeing cops suiting up and packing guns.

Int. Gun Room

Alan and Frye and some other cops grab shotguns and rifles from the racks of guns. Alan and Frye hand them out, hurrying as fast as possible.

Int. Police Department Lobby

Frye walks out, Barry and Julio watch the cops and pandemonium going on inside of the PD


“LISTEN UP! I don’t want Snart to escape, if you have to, shoot to kill, and yes, I’m giving you permission to shoot Snart, because if this device has done whatever he planned for it to do, we could be in some trouble”


“There’s already some cops at the scene from Vice, but they’re sitting ducks, apparently there’s hostages inside of the armored car”


“SWAT’s taking care of the hostages, but the other shooters, that’s on us! Let’s go! Everyone out!”

The cops clear out and Barry silently escapes to the back door


“I guess we’re alone, huh Barry?”Julio looks around and sees Barry is gone

Julio (Cont.)


Ext. Central City Bridge

Iris West reports at the scene, taking notes. There are gunshots ringing through the atmosphere. Police are taking cover behind cars as the Rogue uses .50 Caliber guns on them.

Int. Armored Truck

Leonard Snart stands in the back of the truck, 3 cops are hostages, tied up behind him.

Hostage #1

“You can’t do this! You’re gonna be stopped, you got every cop from here to Keystone City coming after you”


“They better learn their jurisdiction”

Hostage #1

“Well then, you better learn yours”

Snart turns to the hostage and turns his hand into a block of ice, he punches the hostage hard, shattering his nose, squirting blood all over. Gunshots hit the truck. Snart laughs


“THE PARTY’S HERE!”Snart kicks open the door and sends a HUGE blast of ice at a cop car, it completely destroys the car and injures the cop, Snart kicks one of the hostages out of the back of the moving car. Cop cars chase after the car. Snart sends another big ice blast from his hands and forms a pillar looking ice tower, the cop car smashes into it and flips over, only to be hit by another cop car.

Ext. Outside Bridge

Frye, Alan and the other cops take cover as they are shot at by the Rogue members. Frye pops up with his rifle and squeezes off two shots, Alan shoots over the roof, but doesn’t hit anything.

Ext. Bridge

The armored truck speeds down the bridge as Snart continues to blast the cop cars. Snart then kicks out another hostage, causing the cop cars to hit the brakes. Snart sends a slew of ice blades right into the windows of the 2 cop cars.

Ext. Outside Bridge

A Rogue grabs an RPG and aims at Frye and the others.



Out of nowhere, a fully suited Barry zooms in and grabs the Rogue member and throws him head first into a cop car window. The Flash

stops in front of Frye and the others. They look at him like he’s crazy.


“Need some help?”


“From you? Hah!”


“I’m pretty fast”

A bullet rips towards Frye, the Flash slams forward and catches the bullet with 2 fingers, the cops watch.


“We’ll cover you, get to that armored truck, there’s hostages and the SWAT is trapped over there”


“I’ll take care of it”


“Remember, we’ll cover you”


“It’ll be a waste of bullets”

The Flash zooms off at near light speed and up the bridge; he jumps over a cop car and runs across the ice, but slips over it and tumbles over. Snart sends a huge boulder of ice his way, Flash evades it, rolls to the side and then zooms forward and past the truck.

Int. Truck Driver Seat


“What’s going on!?”


“Keep your eyes open, there’s a costumed idiot we need to kill!”

Ext. Road

Barry turns around at the end of the road and zooms forward at the truck, head on, he prepares for impact as he comes closer


“Please work!”

Barry then becomes lighter and then phases right through the truck

Int. Truck Driver’s Seat

Barry goes right through the window, phasing through it, not leaving any damage, and lands right on the driver’s lap. The driver yells


“Get off of me!”

Barry notices that he practically teleported through the car. The passenger grabs his pistol and opens fire, Barry dodges the shots and kicks the passenger in the face, he is now in an awkward position, and punches the driver in the face, Snart sends a big blast of ice at Barry, the driver slams on his breaks and the truck spins around and Barry smashes through the front window

Ext. Outside Truck

Barry hits the ground. And barrel rolls


“What did I just do?”

The truck turns around in the other direction and Snart sends a blade of ice right into Barry’s shoulder, Barry falls back over, as the truck begins escaping

Ext. Outside of Bridge

Alan pops up and shoots a Rogue, killing him, The Rogues begin retreating, but are closed in by some cop cars, only few escape.

The cops get out of their cars and hold them at gunpoint, Frye and Alan close in on the scene and hold the Rogues at gunpoint

Ext. Bridge

The truck speeds off, Barry zooms up behind it and catches onto the back, he barely holds on, his feet slide behind him, Snart sends an ice blast at him, Barry ducks, leans up and grabs Snart’s ankle and pulls him right out of the car, Snart hits the ground and flips in the air, he shoots and ice blast at another cop car and then jumps off of the bridge for escape. Barry stands up and holds onto the back, he begins trying to phase the truck through the bridge


“Please say this works!”

An aura of molecule shaped spheres surrounds the truck, it then phases through the bridge

Ext. Street under Bridge

The truck crashes down onto the street and flips over completely

Ext. Bridge

Barry hits the ground and flips over. The cops rush to him, some reporters to, Iris West is in the pack of people, they stare at The Flash as he stands up. He looks at Iris.

Cop #11

“You alright?Flash

“Yeah, those guys in that truck aren’t”


“Who are you?”

The Flash laughs and poses for some pictures.


“I’m the Flash”

The Flash then ZOOMS off, shocking the police and reporters

Ext. Street under Bridge

Frye and Alan begin pulling out the 2 people in the truck, they cuff them and throw them down beside a group of arrested Rogues.


“Look at all of you, cop killers, wanna be gangsters, let me tell you this, your run is over, if it were up to me, all of you would be suffering right now, but I’m gonna let the justice system do its job, and put you idiots away for as long as possible”

Frye looks over at the group of cops

Frye (Cont.)

“Get them out of my sight”

Int. Police Department

The police watch the news report that shows the arrested Rogues and the Flash.

Iris (On TV)

“There were 25 Rogues arrested at the scene”

The cops cheer when they hear this number. Barry watches in the background, he grabs his bag of stuff and walks out of the police department

Barry (V.O)

“That was my first taste at fighting crime in Central City, and I gotta say, it felt good”

Int. Donut Shop- Afternoon

Iris walks in with her nephew, Wally he’s only 10 years old. Barry is already there, and sees her walking in


“So what all do you want?”


“All of this!”


“All of this? I know it looks good but, you’d have a major stomach ache”


“No I wouldn’t”

Barry (O.S)

“Trust me, you would”

Wally and Iris turn around and see Barry


“Oh hey! How are you?”


“I’m doing pretty well, work’s been going well”

Barry (V.O)

“I just had 25 Rogues arrested”


“That’s good; I got a job as a TV reporter a couple days ago, made my first appearance today”


“Yeah I saw it; you did a good job… So who’s this little guy?”

Wally isn’t shy at all, he’ll talk to anyone


“I’m Wally West!”


“I’m Barry Allen; I didn’t know you had a kid”


“I don’t, he’s my nephew, my brother’s son”


“Can I please order now?”


“Yeah, go ahead, Wally”

Iris hands him a 10 dollar bill


“That’s not enough to buy everything, but I’m sure you can get some pretty good stuff out of it”

Wally runs over to the cashier. Iris and Barry laugh


“He’s not very shy”


“He talks to everyone; this new Flash guy has gotten him talking a lot”


“The Flash? Oh yeah! Fast guy, in the red suit, how do you think he got that fast?”


“I honestly don’t know”

The 2 share a chuckle together.


“So I was wond-“


“Do you want to go out with me some night this week?”

Iris takes a moment and looks at Barry, she didn’t expect that


“Uh, sure, what night are you available?”Barry

“I’ll clear my schedule, if you clear yours”


“I’ll try”



Wally runs up to Iris and completely demolishes a cream filled donut, his face covered in chocolate


“Tomorrow night?”


“Sure, I’ll call you”


“Alright, bye Barry”

Iris and Wally begin to walk out, Barry watches Iris walk away

Int. Police Department Briefing Room

Captain Frye and some cops group around, Frye stands in front of them


“I wanna know who this Flash is”


“I knew it; you don’t trust him do you?”


“I do, he helped bring down 25 Rogues yesterday, but, our relationship with the Flash will work better if we find out who he is”

Cop #12

“That is if he makes another appearance, this guy goes like Enterprise Warp speed, I don’t think we’ll be able to catch a single glimpse of him”


“And aren’t you forgetting that Snart is still on the loose? He killed a few Vice police; he’s got some sort of ice control”


“I know that, I’m getting to that Sergeant Alan, I’m making a task force, 12 guys, low profile, me and Alan are the obvious ones in charge, the other 10 guys can make requests to us about joining, but in all, your requests don’t mean a thing, because I decide who’s up for the task, Snart could be in one place, or several as we speak, this task force will not rely on some super fast vigilante to catch their target, we will work hard and we will find Leonard Snart”

Ext. Central City Neighborhood

People crowd around as they watch a house on fire.



The crowd of people pays him no attention and doesn’t let him through



“They’re on their way!”

A zoom of red light then runs up the building, the people are stunned.

Int. Burning House

Barry crashes through the window and looks around, he sees a group of three children crying in the corner as fire is all around them.

Kid #1


Barry sees the fire, he zooms past the flames to the children, he picks two of them up in his arms, a bunch of falling debris from the roof fall near him.


“Hold on tight kids, kid, have you ever heard of piggy back ride?”

Kid #2



“Get on my back”

Barry leans down and the kid jumps on his back.


“You’ll be out of here soon, just hold on very tightly.”

Barry begins to zoom off but the floor collapses, as it falls Barry runs across it and then jumps out of the window as it all falls apart behind him

Ext. Outside Houses

Barry zooms down the house and stops in front of the group of people, he puts the kids down

Kid #3

“Again! Again!”


“Nah, little man, you might get sick, plus, only one ride per customer!”

Int. Bank

As the Flash is distracted with the burning house, 2 Rogues and Snart are in a bank, Snart pulls the 2 tellers out from behind the counter and throws them on the ground, one tries to run off, but Snart ices the floor quickly, the teller falls to the ground, Snart walks to him and grabs him, creating an ice blade on his hand, he stabs the teller right in the heart. The 2 Rogues detonate the vault and then run inside and steal the money and collect it in bags. Snart sends a huge blast of ice and destroys the whole counter to make sure no one is trying to contact the police…

Int. Barry’s Apartment-Nighttime

Barry watches a news report on the robbery at the bank, Barry rubs his eyes, angry that he missed this robbery, knowing that he missed his chance to catch Snart

Int. Interrogation Room

Frye walks into the interrogation room, where an unmasked Rogue sits at the table.


“Jared Louis, Rogue member for 10 years, trusted associate of Leonard Snart, been to prison 4 times, 2 times for assault, one for robbery and the other for pulling a knife on a bartender, nice job, Jared, truly”


“I want my lawyer!”


“Oh you will get him, he’s apparently on his way, but I want some time with you first, to ask you some questions”


“I’m not saying a thing to you!”


“Oh… You will, Jared, your boss, he’s killed quite a few people since he was released from prison, I just wanna know where this Rogue base is, if you tell me, I’ll make sure that you are free to go”


“It’s not worth it”

Frye chuckles in confusion and sits down across from Jared, he uncuffs Jared’s wrists and throws the cuffs to the side


“I can imagine those are uncomfortable”


“Well you put them on me”


“Well, understand, you did help steal an armored truck full of weapons, but your slate will be wiped clean, you just gotta tell me 2 things, where the Rogue base is, and what Snart’s next move is, that is if he kept you in the loop, I mean, I always heard you were bragging about being one of his top guys, unless you were lying”


“I wasn’t, he trusted me, trusted me enough not to give up my brothers and him”


“They aren’t your brothers, my Sergeant just got back from talking to 4 of your guys, they all told him to come to you, they gave up some intel on YOU, they betrayed YOU”


“You’re a liar”


“No… No, I’m not, they are, they spent years being your partner, your friend, but then turned on you, trust me, I’ve been through it, cops have done it before, turned dirty on me after being my friend for years”


“I’m not telling you a thing”


“Listen, Jared, you got no choice, Snart has killed more people, if you don’t tell us where he is, I will make sure that more time is added onto your sentence”

Jared takes a moment to think


“I want guarantee that I’ll get a clean slate, and I’ll get out of here”


“I’ll do my best”


“I said… Guarantee”


“I know, I heard, but I can’t guarantee you anything, other then I want these answers now or you won’t leave here, that’s a guarantee”

Int. Rogue Base

Police BUST in and search the place, they crash through the rooms and look for Snart

Int. Storage Room

Captain Frye walks in and looks around, seeing no one.

Cop #13 (O.S)


Frye paces the room in anger. Sgt. Alan watches him, Frye throws his gun across the room


“Someone tipped him off, he knew we were coming”

Int. Barry’s Apartment

Barry picks up the phone and calls Iris, she answers

Iris (O.S)

“Hey Barry”


“You still up for tonight?”Iris (O.S)

“Of course, where are we going?”Barry

“I was thinking McHanso’s, you ever ate there before?”Iris (O.S)

“No, I’ve never even heard of it”


“Well I haven’t either, I just heard it was pretty fancy, and… Fancy’s… Good”

Iris laughs at this

Iris (O.S)

“Alright, I’ll meet you there”


“Or I can come pick you up”

Ext. Iris’s House

Barry steps off of his motorcycle and fixes his hair, he walks up the steps of her house and rings on the doorbell. Iris walks out




“Wow, you look great”


“Thanks, where’s your car?”Barry

“I hope you like motorcycles”


“I’ve never been on one”

Ext. McHanso’s

Barry pulls up on his motorcycle, Iris on the back of the motorcycle, she steps off quickly.


“How was that?”



Barry laughs and they pull their helmets off and leave them on the motorcycle and make their way into the fancy restaurant

Int. McHanso’s

Barry and Iris are seated by a host


“Your waiter will be right with you”

The host walks away quickly, wanting to get that over with


“He seemed very enthused”


“He doesn’t seem like the happy type”

Barry plays with the napkin that was set up in the shape of a pyramid


“How’s Wally doing?”


“Pretty good, he’s a pretty independent kid”


“What do you mean?”


“Well… His dad, my brother, is in prison”


“I know what it’s like”




“My dad was put in jail when I was 10 years old…”

Barry (V.O)

“That was the first time I shared that with anybody”


“If you don’t mind me asking, what for?”

Barry takes a moment and pauses before telling her


“Sorry, that’s none of my business”


“He was accused of killing my mother, but I never thought he’d do that, it wasn’t like him, he was a good man, I never saw him angry but a few times, and even if he was, he didn’t take it out on me or my mom in any way”


“Is that really why you became a forensics analyst?”


“Yeah, it is”


“When was the last time you saw your dad?”


“Not since I was 16 years old, I was afraid if I went up there to see him, and got the real truth of what happened that day, I’d never be the same”


“Well, if you don’t mind me saying, you have to take that risk, even if your whole life crumbles in the end, at least you’ll know the truth”


“But I don’t know if I can do that”

The waiter comes to their table.


“Hey, I’m Bruce, I’ll be taking your order today, what can I get you to drink?”


“Uh… Water”



The waiter writes all this down and begins to walk away.


“Oh! And a bottle of champagne”


“What food do they have here?”Iris checks a menu and sees all these fancy food choices.


“Veggie spaghetti? That sounds… Uh…”

Barry laughs


“I don’t even want to know what that is”


“How’s work at the station?”Barry

“It’s been easier now that the Flash is cleaning up the streets but my boss is still a pain in the ass”


“Captain Frye?


“Yeah… Him”


“What does he do? Does he pick on you? Embarrass you?”


“No, he just thinks my line of work is pathetic”



Iris looks around at the restaurant, seeing the fancy but pointless interior and decorations


“You wanna get out of here?”



Int. Central City Bar

Iris and Barry sit at the bar and share a few drinks together. Iris is a little drunk


“I didn’t take you for a girl that drinks”

Iris (TIPSY)

“Today… Is m-my celebration!”


“What are you celebrating about?”Iris

“I don’t know actually, maybe that I got my first TV report, that’s always good”


“Yeah it is, but maybe you should slow down a little bit”

Iris takes another shot




“Whoo! She knows how to get it done!”

The bartender takes a shot of his own drink


“Iris, I think you’re drunk”


“No… I’m not”

Barry helps Iris get out of her seat and throws a couple of greens on the bar. The 2 begin to walk out

Ext. Outside Bar

Iris tries to pull off her shoes


“These things are killing me!”

Barry walks up and helps her take them off, she falls onto Barry. He catches her


“Whoa! You caught me! Hahahahaha”

Barry looks at her and laughs


“We should get you home”


“Or we shouldn’t”

Ext. Iris’s House- Nighttime

Barry helps Iris walk up her steps; she begins to unlock the door but drops the key. Her and Barry both crouch down to get it. They make eye contact and Iris grabs Barry and kisses him. The 2 then stand up and Iris unlocks the door


“I’ll see you later”



Iris walks in and closes the door.



Int. Police Department- Morning

Barry walks into the police department and walks to his lab. Frye walks past him.


“You’re on time, I’m surprised”


“I’ve been faster lately”

Cop #14 (O.S)

“Yo Captain! We got someone saying he knows where Leonard Snart is!”

Frye walks away to the lobby to see this. Barry creeps around the corner to see if it’s true

Int. Lobby

A man sits at a desk, begin interviewed by police


“You know where Leonard Snart is?”Witness

“Yeah, he and some Rogues tried to attack me, I shot him, but he’s not dead, I know where he went”


“Can you make an official statement?”Witness

“Of course, but I’ll tell you where he is first”


“Well don’t waste any time telling us”


“He’s here…”

Barry is confused, so are the other cops, Barry watches from the corner and looks around, thinking it’s a set up


“You brought him here?”


“He brought himself here”

The witness pulls a gun and shoots Alan in the chest. Barry zooms by and TRUCKS the gunmen 20 feet back into a wall. The other cops prepare and pull out guns, a few go to arrest the gunmen. Julio walks out; the cops try to cover up Alan’s wounds.



Julio and Barry run to Alan




“I can help, Frye”


“You’re not doing us any good, run to your lab NOW!”

Ice pillars begin growing out of the floor, shooting up, destroying the department. Barry grabs Alan and pulls him to the lab for cover as the cops prepare for this battle


“Julio! Help me out here!”

Int. Lab

Barry and Julio close the lab doors, they drag Alan to cover, Julio puts a towel as a gauze on Alan’s wounds


“Keep him quiet”

Barry zooms out of the room and fazes through the door

Int. Police Department Lobby

Police take cover, keeping a close eye on the ice that has just destroyed most of the building


“Come on, son of a bitch, make your move”

A huge blade of ice crashes through Frye’s desk that he takes cover behind, the police begin shooting at it, but it does it no good. A hand SHATTERS through the ice and grabs Frye and throws him against the wall, the police continue to shoot at it, but Snart sends a HUGE group of spikes into the cops. The ice melts down and Snart walks out and creates a blade of ice


“Hello… Captain”

Snart pulls back, preparing to stab Frye but Barry, fully suited, speeds through and punches Snart right in the jaw, knocking him over a desk. A few cops aim their guns, but Snart creates a huge hammer and hits the 3 of them back. The Flash zooms in and catches them and puts them to safety behind some desks


“You three work on getting the injured police out of here, I’ll handle the snowman”

Barry zooms towards Snart and stops in front of him.


“I see you’ve had your fun”


“Oh not yet, fun is killing every cop in this city, then seeing who you really are”


“Make it quick”

Barry zooms in and slams into Snart, trampling him through a wall.

Ext. Street

Barry continues to speed in the street, holding Snart in front of him, slamming him into a parked car, destroying it and flipping it over. Snart stands up and sends a blade of ice at Barry, Barry evades it and zooms towards Snart, punching him HARD in the jaw again, knocking him into a brick wall. Barry sends speed punches into Snart’s face and body. He falls down, Barry jumps up, then ZOOMS down to the ground and punches Snart HARD In the face.


“Are you done?”

Snart laughs crazily as blood pours from his face


“Central City’s life hangs in the balance, with all your speed, all your power, can you save an entire city from inevitable death?”


“I can sure as hell try”


“Trying isn’t good enough, I asked you if you CAN save this entire city, the only way to do that is to kill me, and I don’t think you can do that”


“I’m not afraid to kill, but I don’t want to, and you don’t want me to, so I’m giving you a chance now, to stop this, or we’ll see whose life hangs in the balance”


“While you try to catch criminals, and wear that mask, your life will always be in danger”


“I don’t fear terrorists like you”


“Terrorist!? Hahahaha! No! Terrorists try to strike fear and terror, that is their goal, I’m not a terrorist, I’m simply a mirror this city looks in, they know I’m no different from them, they just want to believe I am”


“Is that so?”


“Oh yes”

Snart sends an ice blast into the wall that is able to slide Snart a few feet back into the street, he stands up and ices the ground as Flash zooms at him, Flash slams forward and slips right into Snart, and Snart creates an ice blade and stabs Flash RIGHT in the stomach. Barry lets out a painful gasp, Snart slowly lifts him into the air, Snart opens up his left hand and sends a block of ice right into Barry’s face, throwing him 10 feet in the other direction into a moving car, Barry is hit HARD by the car and flips off the hood, hitting the ground. He still stands up and spits blood out as Snart practically challenges him with his stare.


“Alright snowball”

Snart creates a huge aura of ice, surrounding both him and Barry, the floor is completely ice, and snow falls from the ceiling of ice that he has created. Barry zooms at Snart, Snart catches his punch and punches Barry with a right cross covered in ice, Barry hits the ice wall and zooms forward and slides on the ice, sweeping Snart’s legs, knocking him forward. The 2 collide into

each other and trade thunderous punches and blows. Snart begins choking Barry, he lifts his other hand and ice pulls from the walls and surrounds his hand, and Snart sends another right hook into Barry’s jaw, spinning him around.

Ext. Streets

Frye runs out and has his gun pointed at the huge ice barrier created

Int. Ice Barrier

Another uppercut is sent underneath Barry’s chin. Barry gains composure and zooms forward, hitting Snart with a respectable combo, he then jumps in the air and sends punches to Snart’s face, zooms down and elbows Snart in the nose, he then speeds forward and head butts Snart in the eye. Snart grabs his next punch and slams him into the ice wall repeatedly; he then pulls Barry back and with his entire strength throw Barry right out of the ice barrier.

Ext. Streets

Barry tries to stand as the ice barrier melts down and Snart walks out, he stabs Barry right in the back with another ice blade and kicks him over onto his back. Frye aims his gun at Snart and opens fire, but Snart creates an ice shield that deflects the bullets, Frye is out of ammo completely. Snart kneels down, putting his knee on Barry’s neck and pulls off his mask…


“Barry Allen… Brought me down once, trying to bring me down again, I’m done with this, now when this city thinks of you, they will only think of the man who was able to kill you, which is me”

Snart creates another ice blade but sees cops running to the scene, Snart creates a huge ice bridge and connects it to another building, and he jumps on it and slides up it to the rooftop. Barry leans up and pulls his mask on, he makes eye contact with Frye but quickly takes off as ambulances rush the sceneInt. Iris West’s House

Iris stands in front of her mirror and practices her lines


“Good evening, this is Iris West from Central City News, to report… Shit”

Iris hears her doorbell ring; she walks out of her room

Int. Downstairs

Iris opens her door and sees Barry, his mask off, in his Flash suit, bleeding badly.


“Oh my god, Barry?”


“I’m kind of bleeding”

Int. Iris’s Room

Barry sits in a chair, stitching up his wound with dental floss


“No offense, but why did you come here? Why didn’t you go to a hospital?”


“Why do you think? If I walk into a hospital in red and yellow tights, there gonna know something’s up”


“That’s a good point… What happened?”


“Leonard Snart happened”


“I told you he’d come after you”


“He came after Frye, I stepped in, and Snart knows who I am”


“You gotta stop this”


“I’m sorry, what?”


“You are going to die! I don’t want that to happen”


“I’m not going to, and I’m not gonna let you get hurt either”


“This isn’t about me, this is about you, I mean, when it comes down to it, you owe them nothing, it turns out they’ll all owe YOU, but they won’t give you the slightest bit of repay for what you’ve done for them, and to save themselves, they’ll let you die”


“I grew up in this city, Iris, I know it better than most people do, when they finally have a symbol of hope that they haven’t had all their life, they’ll rely on me, and they’ll stand with me, trust me”

Iris begins to shake her head


“You’re gonna get yourself-“

Barry interrupts her and kisses her.


“Barry… Listen to-“


“It’s okay, I’m safe…”

Ext. Central City Lake

Police stand at the scene with Frye, they look at the completely frozen lake with a big mountain of ice that has a boat trapped on the top of it.


“Is there any update on Sgt. Alan?”

Cop #14

“He’s in critical condition”

Int. Newsroom

2 News Anchors sit behind a desk, the cameras flick on, action.


“Good evening, welcome to Channel 13 I am Robert Wilkinson reporting with Anna Fincher”


“Good evening, today, the Central City PD went under attack by the infamous Leonard Snart, the Leader of the Rogues who was just recently released from prison, which lead to an altercation in the street between the Flash and Snart”

Robert finds a piece of paper in his stack of pages he needs to read. He reads it, and interrupts Anna for this urgent announcement


“This just in… Leonard Snart has entered the building”

He says it questionably, he’s confused and doesn’t know what’s about to happen.

Snart (O.S)“That’s right, I’m here”

Snart enters the frame and grabs Robert’s wrist, he squeezes it, turning Robert completely blue as ice freezes his veins, Snart then elbows Robert in the face knocking him out, Anna slowly begins to back away, scared that she might be next


“Oh don’t worry, I’m sure now you won’t do anything brash before I make my message, hello Central City, I have a deal to make with the Captain of CCPD, if you bring me and the remaining Rogue the one man who I now want, this will all be over, and my plans to kill you and destroy this city will be off the table and I will just focus on killing one man, The Flash, let’s face it, he’s caused the real damage in this city, if it weren’t for him, I would not be so motivated to destroy everything I see fit. I know many of you fear me because of my abilities, if you want to get rid of me forever, you bring me the Fastest Man Alive and it will all be over, and none of you will ever have to fear another day”

Snart looks around and throws his hands up


“Does that sound reasonable to anyone in this world, I want the Flash in 3 hours, I would give you his true identity, but the mystery makes it more fun for everyone, and why give it away when he should be smart enough to hand himself over if he really loves this city as much as he claims to. Remember, you have 3 hours, and I will be waiting in Central City Square, if I don’t have the Flash by that time, I swear this city will go through a hell that can’t even imagine, all of them, a deep, cold, hell”

Int. Barry’s Apartment

Barry and Iris watch this news report

Int. Police Department

The police and Captain Frye watch Leonard Snart make his case on their television. Frye shakes his head in disbelief


“Jesus Christ”

Barry (V.O)

“This was the moment where I could truly prove how much this city meant to me, this was my biggest challenge and to be honest, I didn’t’ know whether to let Snart kill me, or would I fight them

while they destroy the city, it was a hard decision, risks would be in exchange with both choices”

Int. Newsroom

Snart destroys the camera and walks out of the building.

Int. Prison Visitation Room

Henry Allen sits at a table, waiting for his visitor to arrive. There are many different people at different tables with their family. Barry walks in and sits with his father


“You have 5 minutes”




“Long time no see, huh?”


“Almost 15 years, what made you want to visit me today?”Barry

“I wanted to see you for one”


“I heard you’re a forensics geek down at the station, working for the same people that put me away”


“They made a mistake, I know you weren’t guilty”


“Oh… Who told you that? Did anyone testify on my side?”


“I’ve just always believed it, you were a good father, and you are a good man”

Henry chuckles darkly, this place has really taken its toll on him


“Good? No one in this joint is good, why do you think I’m here?”Barry

“You were wrongly accused”


“Did you come here for that? I mean really, we have 5 minutes with eachother and you want to talk about my life in prison”


“I came to you for advice”

Henry“Then let’s hear it”


“Okay, I’ve become something, something big in Central City, a symbol of hope, and there’s someone that will kill everyone he can just to get to me, he wants me to hand myself over directly, but I’m not sure if he’ll stop if I do”


“So you’re the Flash?”Barry

“How did you hear about that?”


“All these convicts thinking about escape are scared stiff to do it now, because of some fast Flash that fights crime, I’m disappointed”


“What? How the hell could you say that?”


“LOOK AT YOURSELF! You’ve dumbed yourself down to being the one thing that believes in hope and saving people, but that doesn’t mean spit, you wanna know why?”


“Because you think this city will turn on me?”Henry

“That’s exactly why, and you’re a fool for trying to do good in a place that has barely any good”


“It was worth trying to save this city”


“No… No… It wasn’t, I was considered a local hero for my work, but look what happened to me, now I’m not going to tell you what happened that day when you were at school and me and your mom were at home, but I’ll tell you this, the cops, this city, will turn against you… Guard!”


“Dad… Wait, this isn’t like you”



Barry (V.O)“My dad used to be my hero, but prison turned him cold”

A guard rushes over and cuffs Henry and begins pulling him away to his cell. Barry shakes his head in disbelief; his dad’s gone completely cold. Barry hears a scuffle and looks over and sees a man fighting some guards, elbowing one in the nose and punching the other, his wife watching and crying.

Guard #2

“HEY! DANNY! Get down!”


“Danny West…”Danny head butts the guard and Barry rushes over and puts Danny in a headlock and brings him to the ground


“Calm down buddy”

Guard #3

“I’m gonna make your life hell West!”

The guard punches Daniel in the stomach and Barry backs away as Daniel is cuffed by the guards and dragged away. Barry looks over and sees Wally and his mother walking away, Wally looks back at Barry as he leaves

Barry (V.O)

“Wally West had the same look in his eyes I had when I was a kid, we’re the same… He’s just too young to realize what’s going on…”

Int. Police Station

Reporters and cops flood the station. All surrounding Captain Frye


“What are you going to do? How are you going to catch the Flash? Will you catch the Flash?”


“Will you back off!?”

Frye enters his office and slams the door; he sees Barry is waiting there already. Frye takes a moment and stares him down


“What are you doing?”

Barry stands up


“I’m the Flash, take me in”


“You’re full of it, the world’s slowest man, is the Flash? Get out of here”


“Are you to blind to see it? The accident? The Flash showing up conveniently at the scene?”


“Listen, Barry, if you’re trying to prove your worth something, it’s not gonna work, you’re risking your life”

A reporter opens the door, but Barry zooms to it and slams it shut. Frye eyes him in confusion.


“What the hell?”


“I told you, and you have 2 hours to bring me to Snart”


“I’m not gonna let you die like that, even if it means this city gets wrecked to shit, I’m not going to hand over another man”


“You need to, Snart has no problem with it, and will kill you, your family, and all of your friends to prove his point, and then he will not stop until I’m dead”


“Even if I did hand you over, do you honestly think he’d stop?”


“I don’t know, honestly… But, it’s worth the shot, I’ve saved many lives but this is the time to prove that I truly care about this city”Barry sticks out his arms

Barry (Cont.)

“Bring me to him, he already knows my identity”

Frye pulls handcuffs from his back pocket and begins to cuff Barry. Then stops


“This doesn’t need to happen”

Frye then unlocks the cuff he put Barry in

Frye (Cont.)

“I have an idea”

Ext. Central City Square

4 cop cars pull up and park in front of Snart, who’s standing in the middle of the street and buildings, knowing that the city couldn’t resist handing over their hero to save themselves. Captain Frye walks out of the police car and approaches Snart


“Well, where is he?”


“He’s in the back of that car right now, but I need something from you first”


“And what is that, Captain Frye”


“I want all of your men to come out of where they are hiding right now and show themselves to be arrested”

Snart lets out a hysterical laugh


“And why is that?”


“I’m about to give over a man who saved my ass twice, in return you will hand over the rest of the Rogue, and you will leave this city, tonight”

Snart is impressed with Frye’s fierceness and demand in his voice.

Int. Alley in Central City Square

Iris West watches the scene, not knowing what Barry’s next move is, the camera man is behind her


“Are we going to get this?”

Iris (Whispers)

“Shut it Billy”


“Very well”

Snart pulls out a walkie talkie and begins speaking into it


“The attack is off, I want you to come off those rooftops and show yourselves”

The police and Snart take a moment to wait for the Rogues to show themselves. They then begin piling out of the buildings towards Snart. Then a man’s voice comes over the walkie talkie

Shooter (O.S)

“The Flash isn’t in the car! They’re setting you up!”

The Rogues raise their weapons but Barry zooms in and shoots his suit out of his ring, he runs into it and the suit fuses onto him, Barry sprints forward and slams into the pack of Rogues, he begins beating them all as police take cover, Snart begins to run off as police shoot at him, he creates an ice shield to cover himself as the Flash fights the Rogues, Barry fastly punches one through a window, then turns and slams an elbow into the other Rogue

Int. Alley

Snart takes cover and sees Iris is running away, he sends a large ice arrow through the camera man and then runs after Iris and grabs her. Police close in on the alley, The Flash in front of them, almost leading the pack. Snart creates a blade of ice and holds it to Iris’s neck


“You make a move and she dies”


“Not if I get there first”


“That could happen, but I have one question, did you really think all my men would walk away to you guys?”Frye and the other cops watch the rooftops, and then gunshots FIRE at the police, Frye and the others shoot back and scramble for cover. Flash grabs Frye’s arm


“You take care of the Rogue’s, he’s mine”

Frye runs off and Flash slowly approaches Snart


“A sacrifice must be made for your city, Barry”


“She’s not the sacrifice, leave her alone, and we will settle this”


“You really think I’d risk getting into a fist fight with you, facing the possibility of losing all of my glory, instead of slicing her throat and having my men murder all these cops”


“You’re gonna have to risk it”


“I was thinking the same thing, it’s gonna be a cold day for Central City”


“What? Who writes your dialogue? Arnold Schwarzenegger?”

Snart throws Iris into the wall and Flash zooms at him and slams him HARD into the wall, he then runs up the wall holding Snart up and throws him onto the building’s rooftop

Ext. Rooftop

Snart sends huge pillars of ice from the roof at Barry, he swiftly dodges them, he runs head on at Snart as a blade shoots up, he barely dodges it, sliding on the roof rubble and punching Snart in the gut. He stands up and zooms in the air, slamming a knee underneath Snart’s chin. He then zooms down at him and kicks him hard in the face, the 2 fall through the roof

Int. Building’s 15th Floor

Flash is on top of Snart, they hit the floor and Flash begins pounding away at Snart’s face. Snart grabs Flash’s wrist and slowly begins to freeze the blood in his veins, Barry begins turning blue and falls off of Snart. Snart stands up, tightening his grip on Barry’s wrist.


“That’s right, Barry, feel it”

Barry’s body begins to vibrate, heating himself, Barry stands up zooms into Snart, choking him and slamming him into the wall. Snart ducks the next blow and lifts his arm in the air, ice begins swarming in through the windows, shattering them, and colliding onto Snart’s hand, the whole room is almost completely blinding, like a blizzard. Snart then sends the THUNDEROUS blast of ice into Barry, completely launching him out of the wall

Ext. Outside Building

Barry falls out of the building and hits the wall on the way down, but regains his composure and zooms down the wall, he then

zooms around it repeatedly, shattering the rest of the windows and support barriers on the building, it begins crushing down completely and shattering

Int. 15th Floor

The building begins to fall down; Snart creates an ice bridge and slides down it making an escape

Ext. Rooftop

Snart escapes the fall by landing on another rooftop, Flash zooms past the collapsing building right next to Snart. Snart turns and sends an ice blade at him point blank, Barry evades it and grabs Snart by his collar and picks him up over his head and SLAMS him with all he has on the roof.


“You put all these people in jeopardy! And for what!?”Barry begins brutally beating on Snart, the blood pours down his nose and face as Barry sends light speed blows left and right onto Snart’s face. Snart can’t fight back, he’s injured badly. Barry puts his hand on Snart’s neck and prepares for another punch


“This city deserves better!”

Snart grabs Barry’s face and sends a blast of ice into Barry’s face from the palm of his hand, Barry falls off, backwards, his nose is busted. Snart gets to his feet and covers himself in layers of ice. He balls his fist and punches Barry EXTREMELY hard, knocking him WAY back, off the building.

Int. Central City Square

Police take fire from the rooftops, Frye and Lieutenant Gray take cover behind a cop car


“I’m gonna make a run for it to one of those doors, you cover me!”


“But… Sir, that’s practical suicide”


“Don’t worry about me”

Frye prepares to run toward the door, it’s only 20 feet away



Frye runs towards the door and barely misses a bullet that hits the ground behind him, Gray pops up and UNLOADS a clip at the rooftop shooter, Frye makes it to the door and busts through.

Int. Building

Frye puts a new magazine in his pistol and slowly makes his way up the steps

Ext. Rooftop

The Rogue shooter blasts repeatedly at Gray. Frye opens the door and slowly creeps up behind him, he whistles, catching the Rogue’s attention. He turns on Frye and prepares to shoot him but is shot in the head. Frye slides to take his spot and observes the other rooftops; he grabs the sniper rifle and has his sights set on one of the shooters


“Why did I sign up for this?”

Ext. Street

Snart is still in his ice colossus form and kicks Flash HARD, knocking him back to the edge of the street, the river is behind them. Flash zooms out of the way of Snart’s next blows and trucks Snart from the side, he punches Snart repeatedly, but busts his hand open due to the ice layers. Snart punches Barry HARD, knocking him over, tumbling into the water.

Int. Underwater

Snart JUMPS in and lands his feet right onto Flash’s shoulders, not allowing him to move. Snart leans in on Flash and slams a hard right hook into his face; blood disperses in the water from Barry’s mouth. Snart then brings his hand to the tip of the water and begins freezing it, Barry breaks loose and jumps out of the water

Ext. Outside of Water

Barry jumps out of the water, he collides down from the air on a huge plate of ice, and he sees the whole river is flooded. He hears creaking and slow comes to his feet and watches his step. A tsunami of ice comes at him from behind; he zooms in the other direction to outrun it, he zooms forward as more ice spikes RIP out of the ice at him, he barely dodges them, a huge wall of ice COLLIDES out of the water and hits him head on, he flips over as the tsunami of ice collides into him. It buries him but clears out, big chunks of debris traps his arms down, a pillar of ice BLASTS out underneath, Barry, launching him in the air, he begins to fall face down at the ice, but another pillar SHOOTS out and hits him right in the face, he strikes an accidental back flip and sees another ice shooting up at him, he turns into it and body slams it, shattering the whole pillar to pieces. Barry hears more creaking and looks around to find Snart underneath the ice, a LOUD creak is heard behind him, Barry shoots around, more cautious than ever

Ext. Rooftop

Frye shoots another target off the roof, a few bullets RIP towards him, barely missing, he takes cover as much as he can, as cops aim their focus on the last shooter, Frye sees one trying to make a run for it, but Gray shoots him in the leg, knocking him over. Frye pops up and shoots another sniper

Ext. Ice River

Barry slowly tries to find Snart. Behind him, Snart crashes out of the sheet of ice and in mid air forms his arm into a big ice blade, Barry shoots around and zooms underneath him and grabs Snart’s legs, slamming him down into the ice, shattering it, a VINE of ice wraps around Barry’s arms and lifts him off of Snart,

Snart shoots an ice arrow into Barry’s shoulder, then another into his gut.



Snart sends another into his chest, the blood begins to pour out, dripping 5 feet down onto the ice, Barry looks up at Snart


“You’re an idiot”

Barry vibrates his body and heats through the ice and zooms down out of the air and punches Snart HARD in the face, before Snart can react, Barry uses full speed and tackles Snart 30 feet back onto dry land.

Ext. Street

Flash zooms around Snart and sends repeated combos. He sprints behind Snart and elbows him in the back of the head, then zooms to his front and uppercuts him SQUARE in the nose. Snart sends a group of flying ice blades from the water at Flash, he zooms past most of them, and slides and kicks Snart in the knee, breaking his leg. Snart falls over in pain, Flash crawls onto him and SHATTERS Snart’s hands with his fist. Snart screams in pain, Barry grabs his head and slams it backwards onto the concrete and then LAYS down a LIGHTNING bolt of a punch into Snart’s jaw


“You have nothing anymore Snart, give it up”

Snart looks up and sees a police helicopter in the air.


“You can’t stop me; Central City has the strength to live on forever, and you, my friend, aren’t going to last, because I’m the beginning of an evolution much greater then you”


“At least I won’t die for nothing”


“Is that really what you believe?”


“Yeah… I was chosen by some force out there, somewhere, to protect these people of this city, and that’s what I’m going to do”


“Make your choice then”


“What?”Snart sends a HUGE blast of ice with all of his energy at the helicopter in the air, the propellers are destroyed by this, the helicopter begins spinning in the air, smoking

Int. Helicopter

The pilot begins freaking out


“Oh shit!”

Ext. Streets

Barry looks up and punches Snart one more time in the face, he then zooms off towards the bridge, and he then zooms up it and jumps off, grabbing onto the large rails

Int. Bridge

Barry zooms across the rails and sees the spinning helicopter, with all of his might, he jumps up HIGH in the air and grabs onto the helicopter, it spins so fast, that it nearly throws him off, but he makes it to the top and holds on tight

Ext. Rooftop

Frye pops up and shoots the last sniper, he looks up and sees the helicopter spinning in the air


“Oh christ”

Ext. Top of Helicopter

Barry can’t figure out what to do


“Phasing… Please work”

Barry holds on tighter and focuses only on vibrating the molecules to make the helicopter phase through the bridge and land safely. Barry uses all of his energy and strength, molecule shaped spheres surround the helicopter and it begins smoking and catching fire as it falls towards the bridge


“AAAHHHHHH!!!!!”The helicopter then PHASES through the bridge and hits the ground, sliding a few feet before stopping, and landing safely, it jerks forward, which sends Flash FLIPPING off of it and hitting the ground. The pilot escapes as Snart limps towards The Flash, who is nearly unconscious, he then falls onto Barry and creates an ice blade with his frozen hand and prepares to stab Barry, who can do nothing but groan.


“This is your sacrifice, Barry”

Snart slams the blade toward Barry’s heart but a TON of gunshots BLAST off and Snart is shot repeatedly in the back, he falls over on his side, killed from the gunshots. Barry looks up and sees Captain Frye with is pistol, he just saved Barry’s life. Frye approaches Barry and helps him up


“How’d you do that?”


“I’m not sure, are there anymore shooters?”


“No, we got ‘em, don’t worry, you know Barry, you wouldn’t be a bad cop”

Barry laughs, still extremely stunned from what he just did


“That’s a relief thank you”

Barry sees Snart is dead on the ground


“He was Central City’s sacrifice”




“Nothing, it’s just something he said to me”

Barry begins to limp away, but Frye stops him


“I’ve owed you this for a long time, Barry”Frye extends his arm for a hand shake; Barry accepts it and shakes his hand, then zooms off in the distance. Captain Frye watches Barry with respect…

Ext. Central City Square

Iris West is reporting at the scene of the shooting


“A stunning shootout, turned into a remarkable victory, I’m Iris West, and have a good night”

The cameras flick off and Iris rubs her cut head, Barry arrives behind her, and turns her around, she is startled but faces him. She smiles at him


“Hey… Flash”


“Are you okay?”


“I should be asking you that, people are saying you saved a helicopter”


“Yeah… It’s a little more scary then what they make it out to be in the movies”

Iris and Barry laugh


“Thank you”



Barry leans in and kisses Iris, he then picks her up and ZOOMS off from the scene…


Barry (V.O)

“Crime went down remarkably after Snart was killed; his men who survived said he had a name for himself… Captain Cold”

Int. Police Department

The police department is undergoing reconstruction, Barry arrives right on time, and Frye doesn’t even bother giving him any crap. Alan is healed up and back at his desk


“How you doin’ Barry?”


“What’s up Barry?”

Barry (V.O)

“Me and Frye even made a partnership, I helped him out on numerous occasions after”

Barry enters his lab

Int. Lab

Barry and Julio knuckle touch eachother, and Julio hands Barry a report on a new murder in Central City.

Barry (V.O)“But I couldn’t control everything”

Int. Prison Visitation Room

Barry walks in and his father sees him, they sit across from eachother

Barry (V.O)

“My father didn’t tell me what happened that day when I came home, but he and I both know he was innocent”

Int. Museum

Barry and Iris walk around, both are on a date, they observe the museum. Barry has his arm around her.

Barry (V.O)“Me and Iris continued dating, but… Being me has its costs”

Barry’s phone rings, he answers it

Frye (O.S)

“We need you”

Barry hangs up his phone and puts it in his pocket




“Sorry, can you catch a cab?”



Barry leans in and kisses Iris and then walks out of the museum quickly, she smiles, knowing he’s off to save someone

Ext. Outside Museum

Barry looks around and sees barely anyone around, he then zooms off and sticks his arm out and shoots his suit from his ring, he RUNS right into his suit and it aligns and fuses on him. He SPEEDS into light speed and exits the frame. CUT TO BLACK


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