Page 1: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive



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Page 3: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 4: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 5: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Zbc Gubor jfacsimilc Gejrts

&Ij£ Qcatlj Of

Hotet (Barl of jjmttingtmt

[by Anthony Munday]

Date of only known original edition .... 1G01

(13. M. C34 rf. 18.)

Staged 1

Reproduced in Facsimile kjij

Page 6: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 7: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive


Wi]t Wnbux JFnrsimilf (Tcrt 1

Under the Supervision and Editorship of


®hc 5eath of

Robert tfart of Ijmttington

[by Anthony Munday


Issued for Subscribers by the Ed:



Page 8: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive


Page 9: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

CTIjr Etatli of

ttobrrt (Pari of Huntington

[by Anthony Munday]


This facsimile is from an original copy in the British

Museum. There are other examples in Bodley ami at South

Kensington (Dyce).

For what is known of Munday see the "D.N.B." but as

I have already pointed out the bibliography there given of the subject

of the memoir is not always accurate.

The present reproduction is, subject to the usual limitations

of collotype, very well done indeed. Here and there is observable

the barest tendency to excess in tone, but beyond that there is little,

if anything, on which to remark.


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Page 11: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive



OTHERJVJSE COLLET)Robin Hood or merrie Sherwodde:

TPttb the lamentable Tragedie ofcbafte

Mati LDA,his faiicmaidMARi an,-' foyfonedatT>

I O H N.

viciedby the TSjgbt Honourable, the Earle ofNotingham, LorJ high Adinirall of

England, hu[truant i.

% Imprinted at London, lozWtlltam

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Page 15: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive



^ Enter Frier T*r^/.



-- ouajjoUa>Ua-foI!oto.foU3to,tci-

Vdc LikcnovlevMtbm.


\«otobenedicitef to6atfctt)Uabrur-

(dBitif 3follicjfooUrte^oliUctoto-

K3i Io^jjcd mcc'J * my mates,lifec aDalc

S| pattcttummc great States 3to lec

I our latt placate bunting the liav,

iih IP fo aottgecourfeof our plot: but crolTc-bo^

c:otone,ano MM low bccXf ,pjeucnt a 0)ar>)C

aaiufic at pee aU,ar* toiufcc at our rnuc of,

Sfimoc oJ^crc Ujcc left ,tu si.ccrrwod merrily

Oc ktn.T.bififramcKoV ^ispramcu all

$*til to Cfruowe to fee tljc fat ucarc tall.-

ftUcltft maio Marian uufiruuljc better,


-A *

Page 16: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

xneaeatn omoocn 31

fa tftefr returning fram tfce bunting game,3mj t&erefojefeefcejo fee eacfc tbing in frame*Warman all toofull fq |)t* ftnne inc left.

feir Doncader, toijofe billames ant> tfceft,

l^ott nruc r !j earn of, but too foam pee tyallj

#urt toitfc tbeli3jioj;(bame tbem botb befall, _\ 1

ffibe? ttoo toill make our rnt^rtf) be u> je ano fmall. '

03«t leaff1 bjing fee fojrotoe ere tJje time,

Maroon 31 beg ofpour toell waging e^ne, v

fino take in part ban prologue, ano rune plap?

Cbebttnter* boiIoo,Tucke mutt neeucs atoar.

SCbcrcfoje ootone toesocbotoe ooeebe beeoe, to malte

the fetagge bleeoejano ifm^tiano fpeeoe,bep fo? a rrp,

h&atbjoatcftraincobie, fralato&e pall , attbebeaa*fall* Exit* Holloo wiihi?


Prince loh»y little Iobn> Scstbiocke.

Kin. £23bere iaour motbet4


Prjohn^ounteb in a ffanb.

%>ir fallotoe were t)aue opeo bp fjcr bantr.

Fiiz. %\y\tt $>tags 31 fletoe.

Ely.Cbio Or5uck0 bp me fell botone,

Chcft. a$ mans opeo bp mec.


Priru Scathlocke,toberea MuchV$ca.20ben 1 all 31 fata tym,mft? it pleafe pour ©race,


Prin. ®raee,sour fellotoefrplaine Iohn.

/>it.ioh43i toarrant sou,Much toill bebere anone.

^r.^btnkfttbon little Iohn3t|>at^ mutt Iinnytoeb^


Prin.^bcutoaDo?nebi»6caD,tocH)aU &aue fjopes;

gooo &o?e,

King.^oo,fojtl;p grace,

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Earlc of Huntington.

(tote foclD J miffc tbc &ta&a;c 3j ba& in c^afc'

Ctetccmo 3; flit htm in tfjc^trp nccke,

cabmbnc\c m| aerobes fleu>e,a? tfjcp^aft fmic

Onfcnicfiire armour. CClljcrcta tfobm H00J,

flnDruiigbtfScarlct.'^cchctbcm little loh-iȣxic lob,

3 U femefyat 'jtagoic before 31 oine to Dap.

f Enter {JMueb,

vich. O :bcfricr3tbcfmr,tbe frier*

King.CCibv? , ljotono\D Much/Crv pc mercp,mattcr ktacr;.q?arrp trjw 10 tbcmatf cr;

Scailetisfollototngtbc ttarrrjepoubit , ano has al-

moft locg'D bitn : ho\ij ctje jrncc baB tbc belt botoe , but

pours, in all tljc ficlo 1 inljicb ano Scarlet fjao. I;c toioulD

banc bun Sntigfct.

Kin, cdberc ictbp malrr'

Much. |Sap,3 cannot ccll.noa (tjc iTrtcr neither.

Scath. 3 bearc tbcm bolloo.farrc offtn tljc ujod.

KtagjContc Much,cantt Icao db loberc agScarlet ta*



f Enter fir Dtnea/fer, Prior.

Don. pou toere refoliwo to bane bim popfoneo,

C; kilo, 02 maoc atrjap,pcu car not boUi.

CClljat tmuUmato poa Donbtfull nouj to doo t'

Pri. CTtbp Doncaitc;.' t){j lunD-acUc in our nccDC*.

Don. 2 plague bpou bie kintmcfff,lct bim D if,

S nciif r temper d povfon inmp lifc.but J implo^o it.

T3p tb'madc ano j loofc tljiB,

JFo? eucr looke to loofc mi> companp.Pri. n°ut Uji II pou njiue tt Ijim':

Don. Cb it cannot bee.

TlK^.iifnic, Carle Cncilcr.aaoiEarlcSaifbury,

if tfcep once fee mec, I am a oeaac man:

£3 0*

Page 20: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

^ IMdeStii dt RobertT^~~©jntot&epparent? name,3le lap mp life,

%htv all tooulb bunt me, fo?mp life.•

P ri. tfabat baft tljott done to t benwDon, #aitb,fcme oo&e tope$>

'ftbatmafcemefiptbe foutb :butpafTetoeet&em:

$ere is tbe poEfon:toill pou giuc it Etebin?

Pri. $otD bp t||t0 golD 31 toil!.

Don. &} as 3 faWo? euer 31 oeftt pour tompanp.Pi i.caell^e ftjallote, ants in fjw loltttp:

3no in mp bcab Ji toe a policg

Co make bint ote mfgrat't.;

Don.gDcelUt^io^Pri. 3! tutll, bntnot a* noto: Call the Frier within,

ftdeele feefce a place,t&e tooos bauemanp eareg,

anu (bme mctyinkts are calling foj tfje .frier, Cxeunt,

SC8ANS. 111.q" Enter, calling the Friers* afore,

loh. %bt fxittitljt Jfrier?

Scath. sro&to!)ere'.6 tbfe jfrier4:

Fri. l£ere Gr.tDbat is pour ocHre*:

^ £ntcr%ebm Hoode*

2?ob. a&typ jfrier,tobata murren Doff tbou mesne**

Cfje Etng cala fo? trjee. tfoj,a migbtie ftagge,

C&bat tjatlja copper ring about bis neefce,

ZWiitb letters on tt.tu jitc lj bee loon In baue reao)

$atb Scarletkilb. 31 pjap tfjcf goe tbp map.

Fri . Staffer 31 toill, no longer null I (lap Exit,

Rob, CDooo bnnlebe moie carefull of pour bealtfc,

Sn&soa 0r Doncafler^otirljooun^are greene.

Both.^Dbjottgbpour great fcimmeMoeate cofojte&,

Romano Wamian,3aouifepou to mojemtrttj.

£>bun folitatp toalfees, neepe eompanp,

5fo?gctpourfault:31 ljanefo?giuentrje fault,

<©ooo Warmanbemojeblitbe, ano atfbtstime,

3 little fcclpc mp Marian ana l)U mafoe:Much

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Earle of Huntington.

uuch dwll comic to pouttrwcbc .- a little noto,


War Onpou anober3len>aite,untiUmp aping bap.

£xcunt,andasrhcyarcgoing out,rZ>OTC^f«r puis

Don.Warmanatoo#n, Cppgoob iojb pjiojaifl 31

SUr full of grtefctofee t^B mifcrj.


3lneuet\iias inbettcrttace cbawwoVD.

Pri.CQljpMat a feruile flauiOj mmoe fjaft tjjott?

art tbou aman,anb can ft befucb a beatt,


War.mbatto?orig^te31 ?J.auj?ongtobe«ncuo;

DoruEcliCttl faiQtrjoa?


£>oft tbou not fee Robins ambitious pituct

flno boto be clpmes bv pittping, ano afpto,

•Bp bumble lookeo, gooo oceoe^ant) fucfj fono tope*,


!foic\»eetoerctbctiau~al0 tobi*MWWar.3




tacretbefe goon oecoes oone in Qncerttie,

Ipittie ofminoe, tbine 0} tbi* fcnigbtobittrcflc,

jaitbout batncb:ags,it lucre true cbaritte:

TSut to relieue out fainting borne* luanta,

anogrteueouc Coulee toitij cmippe3,auo bitter bjartfc

Ji gooo turnes oaerturno: no tbanho lute ouie

Co anp ,tnbatfoeuer belpo ba fo.



Don. O 0oo baue merctc on tber, fiUtj affc-

Dorb b cuot Cap to euerp guefi tljat comes;

jDbis fame to Warman, tbat ttas once my ftctoaro?


a 4 W

Page 24: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death ofRobertPri.gffttotasmucljtofap;

JKab^tjcrc \)t ftanu0 tfjat once Din mee kfrap#

Don. 2Dtu bee not bjiucr, a troope to grace btmCelfe,IikeCnpfute0 nmitmgona conqucrourscjiaire,

8nD caUmg oftbem out,bp one ant one,,

PjcfcnteDt^c^ttkcfairiHgs^to tlje king?Pri.© ,3:tbcrc\i)a0 a rare tnuentton.-

3 plague upon t&efoole.

3 bate fjtm toojfe fo j tfjat tban all tbe reft*

vyar,2Bb?fboulopoubacebtm ? UibQ)oul8j»ouojpottx

€ nutc t b 1 noble1 o? D,tljus ass pou doc?

Don. ^apiatbe^tebp soft tbou not iopne in bate

£&i(bbMb at latcIpIruDtJ like bs, in local tbpffare?

Remember rfjis, remember fboUujman,Q)oto ti;ou tad bene tbe ^>foie«e of Notingham.

Pri+Crp to tbp tbcugbts, let this tbcugbt ncucr ccafe,

V sane bene 3?u£iccofmp §>oueratgnes peace,

JU£5 of faire liutnp :men toitb cap anD knee,

J n litterics toatteD botocrlp on mce.

Don.anD Wijctityou tbtnltuVbott ba3bnTefttc&$ftitf;>

Cbinbetljcnnjijat tig to be a mate to Mucii,

%>q ramie toben Robin biD0,comc atW call,

%z miftrefle Marians^aptrjmRetDitbaUWar.tabatQ)aU3!tbin!te?bttttf;tnheDponmpncc5,

C^beii menfeo Dogs,aKD mc ti;cp toonlo not fecoc:

t&ben 3 DefpairD t^ongb toant, anD fought to Die,

$3p pitiou0 matte^ofbisfbaritt'e,

tfo?erauemp fauit,reltett'D anD faucD mee:

CI;!3 Doe '$ tbtnke tpen , ano sou fijoulo ttytiH

(gf vonbaobope of foulcsfaluation)

Jfftrtf ]puo?, tbat bctjscf tbpflefi; anD blooDc,

^battbottartbnfcle bntoRobin Hoodc:

•SZLbat by erto?tior. tben DiDff get bis lanos


©od3 ano 3 taoto feonj it came to t^r fcanos:

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Page 27: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

£arlc of Huntington.

fboto tbott purfo'ofl btm inW mtfcrp,

3nt> boU) bcaucnplagu'D tbp bearcs ertrcamttic;

Ctjtnkc Doncaticr, \uben, tjtrcD bp tbis p?ie>>,

£i)0ucam'tt to take mp mailer toitbtbejfrier.

<3no tocrc cbP felfc tancboto be fee tbee free,

Caue tbee an &unD;cD pouno to eomfo;t tfcee,

3no botfj betbinfeepee bote but peOeroap,

tClounoco ano nakcom tbe ficloe poa lap,

Uotu toitb bis olune banc be DID ratfe pour beaos,

potojo balme into voartoounto^onr boo iesfco,

Caatcbt UJben ?ec ttept,toept toben be fatoc pour tuoej

Don.fetap W«rraan,dap:3I jfraunccbatbe Did fo,

3no pou,turno bonttt, boue fojCtoo?ne tbc taflMttt

War. Cuenfrommpfoulc,? oillanpoefic.

Pri. ft bleffcfi botoer i a fit time note to \>ict

Don.3nopou(ball,Confcience. Stab him, he fall.

War.© fojgtue mee,#oD,

3no faue rap mailer from tbelr bUoote banoa.

Pri. Cab«»b aa thou maoe btm fare?

Don 3 1« oeaoe fure: be is oeao, iftbat be Cure.

Pri. ^ben let os tb;utt cbe Da&rrer in Ins bano,

3no \uben tlje nert comes,crp be kilo btmfelfe.

Don.^at mutt be noto: ponoer comes Robin Hood,


Pri. jfto,no,not anp life.

%b:tt mo jtall ruounDs baue let in piercing apre,

flnoat tbetr gaps,bis life is cleane let out.

Rob.cabo is tt rjnele tbat pou fo bemone':

Pri.WarrnarijgjOOOnepbetD^bomfirDjncaftcr $ 31

Jfotuu) frefblp blrcoing, as be note &otb Ipe.

?ou mere fcarce 5one,tobcn be oio llab btmfelfe*

Ro- o ®oo,bc in bis oton bano boulos rjip oton bates

3 ojeateo too mucb bt« otttrefteD looke: f|ttt,

Teliae tberj^ctcboefpairo^nDflelDc btmfelfe.

Don* #ap, tbat* matt fure^pet be \)rt little reafon,

•5 Coo-

Page 28: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

ThcdeathofRobcrt. ~~~^

Conflom'ng Ijoto toeJI pou fefeo Mm.Rob.»u, 31 am fojte; but mutt not be fair,

^ecaufe tbe &ittg is commtng tomp botaer


peipe mee,3E pjap tl;ee,to remooue bis bom'e,

Leait be Ujoulocome atm fee&tm murDetea.Sometime anone be$aU be burie&. Exit,

Pri.0ouD,aUwgooo:tljtow as 31 oeRre,

3$oto fo j aface ofpure ^pocctdc:

£>U>?ete mu c oer>cJoatb thee in religious toeeoe&Haiojne in mp bofome,tbat toit& beipe oft&ee,

J map effect tfeto Robins <£ragcoie»

^ Enter%pbmy Doncaftcr*

Do.jftapjnap^ottmnft not take tbis tljmpjfojeauilp*

Rob.g booteo lofle,fir Doncaftcr,ismud; % -

%\\t a foutep too, to moje to be bemon'o.

Pri.Crulp 3! toontscr at pour uertuouo minoc:

£D (So& to one foUimstoboua be bnftinoe/

^ctgoetljio grtefe3nolimuff pott pat on iop>

&no fo? tlje manp fauours 31 ijaue founo,

3§>o mucb crceeotnp; all concetpt of mine,



2Cf)ere'*in it Moly,Syrian Ballamum,

<SoiO0 ricb fiixcr : SD tto p^etiottB/

Rob.mbere to it uncled


&tr Don carter ano J eto on our foap,

^bcctica did befet bo,bouno bs as poufato:

$nD among; otljer tfjtngs^o to take from mee,

2Cbfenc& confectiomiut reproleflp,

9o common D?inke,c(jep caC, into abuu),

^be bottle.tebicb tbis oap lie Doncafter

5Fetcbt,ant>batb left it in fbe inner loosing*

3 tell potuoflnf 3 ooe laue pou toeU)

3 pint of tin's canfom&e tfje Sophies fonue,

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Earle of Huntington.

tftbcnbe tuas taken in Natolit.

J meant inoccoc to critic it mp lictxc Loid,

In fjopc to baue bis fauour : Out to pou

3 put m? Celfc^lie mp 5000 frtcno,

!3no, In pour oume rrttojincj.mee redone.

Rob.dnkle 3j toill, pou nreoc brge rbaf no moir.

5?uc Uifjats toe toertuca" of tbts pjtcttous fcjinhe?

pri.'Jt becpes frcty poutb, rcttoje* Dtfeafco Ggbt.

Oclps nat(ircstwakencffc,fmotbf»s tbc fears of too\iwsflno cooles tbe intrals toitb a balmic buatb.

Often tbep bp tijirfl oj tcaucll bople toicb fceate.

Rob. Untile 3 tbanhcpoa,pjap pou let me baue

cuppe prepareD, ajainft tbe king comec iu,

C coolc bis Ijeafc nip felfc toil! gtue it bint.


richer ciaugUtljantljatDiiToluciipcarle,

CClOtCljClcopatraD'.anRetO Antonic.

Rob. 3 baue mud) bulincffc ; let ft bepottr ebarje,

^omafcctbiericijtiaunjbtrcaotcfo* tbe King,

3no J toill quit it,p:ap pec 00c not fatle. Exit.

rri % J, Warrant pou .3000 ftcpljeuj'

Don. Better, ano better (till,

die tljoii^ljtbefoie but to banc povfonbliim,

Uno notoiball KobmHoodeoeltrop tbc king.

.CacnuJbeutbcUinff.pQuccnetbep^ncc^tbclCo^fl3!op in biibertues, tbiafuppofco Kicc

Caillturne.tonjacpc bate, tljcirercceDing lone.

Pri. pa,lja, ba,3 cannot cljttfc but laugb,

^ofccnipcofln cofcu&intbiofozt*



Don.£ut,tut,letmc alone foipopfomng:


^batangfrbmec.13ut tell in-:ct3:io*>


)£>2 PI I.

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The death of Robert.

Pri,^baU3beplame.?l5ecaufetfbetoere0ea&e,Cupula be maoetbe Carle ofHuntington,

Don,3 puttie cau(e:15ut tbou a rtwreb'tnan art.

Pri. ^utmaiuf tljat tooulo fall,

%\e Ijaue a &ifpcnfation,ano curnet*mpo?ali

15ut fell meeDoncaftcr^tobB ooftt&ou bate ftimt

Don. ^e tbe^affi?,3fl cannot tel.£)ve0,neto 3! ba'C,

J bate tty couUn, Carle of Huntington,

15eeaule fomans loue b(m a0 tbere Dee,

8no 3 m? felfeam loueo of fo fetoe.

5$ap,3l b aue ot^c reafons fo? tm» bate;

Dee t0 a foole,ano uull be reconciloe,

%* ante foe bee batb: be is too miloe,

*&oo boned fo? tbte toojlo^tter fo? flatten:

2S?ee Mil not fctll tbefe greestc cojmo?ant0,

5i^o? ffrippe bafe pefauts oftbe toealtfc tbep bauet

fyz Does abnfe a tbteues name ana an outiatoes,

8no is inoeeoe no oatlatoe,no? no tfcefe,

fyz is ontoojtbp offacb reuecent names,

^edoe^be ueepeg a paltcp tobfolins ojirle,

3no ttrillnot beo,fo>footb, before be bjioc:

Ule llano toot, be abufeo maioenbeao,

%\)*t lmll not tafteit, being offeree:

gutters tbe common toealtb ofable men.

£notber tbing 31batebimfo? agatne:

^efatest b*0 p*ater0,fa{teeue0,o;iu« alnt0, ooes o;ooo:

3fo? tbefe ano facb line crime0,ftoeare0 Doncaftcr,

SEotoojthetbe fpeeoieoeatb of Robin Hoode,


So ooe tbt'0 oeeDe.m^ beart like fuel burn*. Exeunt.

SC6ANS. mi.fWinde homes. £ntcrKing>

Qucene,M» > Fitzjrtter,


ltt,ScatbUckc,zndAf*cbFt\<:x Thc{ carrying a Stagf


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Page 35: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earleof Huntington.

King.®ramcrrp jfricrfox tbp sice,

Zfyyn cjrtatlp bad conremeo met,

ta^at toit^ t^p Tpouing ane tbp game,

3 facareJ ^tgb^P plcafeo am.Fri, 3ft toas mp matter? totjolc oeffre

<£bat matDcn^eoman/toatne ano frier

£,beir arcs ano tofts OjouId all applp,

jTo; plcaCurc ofpour S^aidlif.

Qu.j&onne Richard,loofee 31 p^a? ro" on tbe ring,

£^at toas about tbe neckcoftbelaff ftagge.

Chcft. CHas bis name Scarlcr,tbat (bof off rjifl necltt.'

Iohn.Chclter, it toaj tbtsbonettfellutoScai/etr

Cbi3istbcfcllotoe ;auD apcomanbolo,

3s ener courff clje fvuifc Qa:t on tljc moloe.

King.jfrier.bercs fometobac gran b Bpon tbe Urnff,

3! pjap cbeereaoe it. ££cane tobile lift to mcc;

This while, moft compaffingthe Frier about the Ring.

Scarlet ano Scathlock,pou bole bxetijeren,

ttoelue pence a cap J giuc eacb fox bis tec,

3ne benccfoxtb fee pec liuc Ithe bonefl men.

BothxaetoillmpUege^lfeletosepetbeDfatb-Much, a bsone, a becne,topon mp hncc,

©ooe feiRg Richard, 1 begge of rbce.

5fox ineecoe Gr, tbe trotb ts,Much is mp fatber,ano bee

is one ofpour tenants in Kings Mi!! at Wakefield all on

a greene .-© tljere Bloellctb a tollp pinoer , at Wake,.field alien agrecne.j&oto jtooulo banc pou, ifpou toil

eoeComurbtoxmee,tofecmee foxtotro in tbe Uxap of

marriage to Iuwy : tbe null tooulo not be cad atoa? *

pones.King. Much,be tbon cuer matter of cb at mill,

3 giue it tbec fox tbmc inberitance.

MuchXbanks piettous pxince of curtefle.

Jle to Inny, ano tell ber of mp lanes pfattlx. £xit

Iob.l^ere jfrier,bcre,bcre it begins,

i3s *»>

Page 36: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedeath^en Harold {jarefooteraigneafcuig,

8&out hie uecltc &C put tfyts ring,

Kmg.^in Haroldsttme3mo?c ttjan a bunn?et> j>eare,

Upatlj tbis ring bene about t&is netoc flatne$>eere.'

3] am fo?p novo it opDeimt let rbe Came5;eau,ttttgariD all be Cent to Notingham,

SJno in tbe Cattle kept foj monuments,Fitz, Q9g liege, 31 bearo an oloe tale long agoe,

^bat Harold being Goodwins fonne OfKent,

£&ben jjebao got faire Cnglanosgouernment,Ounteo fojpleafure once tou&tn t&fe toooo,

$no Gngleo out a faire ano ff a telp &taggc,

CWclj foot* to foote,t&e king in running caugljt:

8nD Turc tbis toas tbe grfagge.


Che it, 05ut fomc nnj to?o affltrme,

*£bat iulius Crfar man)? pcares before,

Coohc fuel) a &tag,anofuclj apoeCe toju%

King. 31 1 fljOttlD not be in Iulius Cxfarstime:

COere toas noCngliujbfeb in tins ianu,

Ontill t&e 5§>arons came, anutbis tstojtt


loh • e&elVttoas a goobty ueaff.

f EnterRo6m Hoode.

King, #oto noto earle RobertFri, 8 fojfet, a fo?fet,mp liege Itojo.

S§1> mailers latocs are on rccojo,

%\)t Court-roll berevour CDrace map fee.

King, 31 pjap tbee tfrier, reaO tfcem mee«

Fri.SDne $allfufFice,an& tbis is bee

jftomantljat commetb intbistooo,

jEO teaft,0? DtoellUJitl) Robin Hood,

g>ball call Dim CarIe,iLojD,&nig^02 &gjurc,

m no fucb titles soft; oeCre,

"ButRobin Hood;)platneRobin Hoode,


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Page 39: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earleof Huntington.

£fj at boned peomatt (tone ano goofr,

£)npatneoffo?fctttng amarfce,

fr\) at mutt be patfc to meefjt* Clarke,

S^p Uenje,mplteajc,tl;i3 latoerou b?oke>

Slmott tn tbe latf tto?t> pou fpoke.

<&bat trime map not aequiteo bee,

Cill frierTuck itCCiUeljts fee. (Caftshim purfe,

Km^Cberessmoactban tluentp marfc0,mao frier.

Fri.Btf'tbus poupappvllarftefjis ijtre>



<3notoelipou ooepout tojono; repent:

j^ojtbtepourEpisbncrte liberal! gift,

3, i>ere abfoluc pou tuttbottt ibjtft.

King. Oramerctes jfrier. #oto Robin Hood,

<§itlj Robin Hood tt neeocs mutt ba>

J toas about to afke before,

3 ftbou fcieff fee tbe ojreat &tao;s fall

y?ob.3i mornp fco;o,$ fatoe it all.

15utmtfTtnfl;t^sfamepiattng frier,

£lno bearing pou to mucljoe fire

^£a (jauctbe tocls companie,

J bicnt to feekefemallljonettie.

Fri. 15ut pou founo mucktt&en pou founo me;



Cf Ooneffie in tbee, ©oo toot.

Qu.^obin,pou Doe abut"eti;e iTrier*4

Fri. Spaoam,3! care not call btmlper,

Oe map be bottj toitb metJ) e knotoes.

!potn noto ]ajtuce lohn, boto goes.tioto joes


££)p fclloto Wodnct sou tooulo bet*


§no to be <23ob me Caue,

feo toell 31 lifte tfjee.merrp imauc,

Page 40: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedeathot Robert

Ctjat3l tin? company mtt(!(jatte:



Rob.gpptojOjpou neeacnotfeareat aU,

T5ut von flball iaue lji0 companyJpenrillbebolb 3 toarrantpou*

KingJanoin pon to&er e ere a fpjing is me?3faineto)ouU> 31 ajink, 3 am rigbtn^*Rob. 31 baue a bjinke \imfjtn my bonier,

£> fpleating t aftc, ano foueraigne power:

5^p renerenn bncle giue? it mee,

%0 giue untopontitateftte*

King .3 luoulD be loatb tn*eebe,befog in f»eate>

S£o unnke eolo mater. Let bs to tin? bonier,

Ro. Kunne jfrier befojc^ bin mp bnkle be m readme*.'

Fr.<Don fc6atrtce,onfucb goon bnfinefle* £xefnomne$,


1 Enter M*rtany with a white apron.

Mar.^batMuctoTOatlinnyWuch^rap,Much* &nbaf0tfye matter mtifteflcf

Mar. 31 p;ap t&ec fee, tbefueller

buffer (be cooke to toant no toobbe.


JftlbP Iinny*;

Within. 3 comefo?footrj»

Mar, 3 p jap. tbee bjlng t&e flotoero fojt&.

Much. 3ie goe fen* far miOresi^anb fcelp tfce cookeMf

tfoep bane an? neene. E*jt Much.

Mar.DtTpatcfj goon Much.OT&at Hn 31 Cay?

•f Enter /**»;.

Much .$fe peejjie pee.lfcecab fo j life.

Mar.3inbeeDe,tnDeeDejP0ti doc me trnonck

€0 letme ctp,an& call fo long.Jinny

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Earlc of Huntington.

Tin. jfotfoocfc,K fttatofD tbe Dining botocrs.

flnofmotbTJ tbetoaikeotoitbbcarbesftflotoer*,

fcfje peomen* table* 3 fjaue fpjeo,

Djcl! Calculate trencbers, fet on bjcaC:

j^ap all is toellj warrant pou.

Mar, $ott arc not tjjcll | p;ormfe pou,

2Jour fojefleeue* ace not ptnO("fte,fie)

8no all pour beDgcere ttano* attwp.

®iue iratyeflotter0;@oemfoj(bame,

8no ouicMp fee pou meno tfoe fame. Exit Iinny.

Marian ftrewing flowers. Encer fir DonfAftirt ?nor,

Don.ij)oto bufle miffrefle Marian fa?

%\)t tbinnes tbia is ber Da? of blffle.

Pri. 06nt it Qjall be trje toofutltt bap

Cbateuer ctjattnaber,if ^map.Mar. CCXbp arc pou ttoo tfcus intrje apre?

Pour toounbs are grecne,

C3ooo cu? baue care.

Pri. tfcbanfc* foj pour fefnoneu"c,gcnfltmafo»

2pp coOn Robert us batrjpiatD,

Co IjfIpc [jim in tbia buanclTc.

^ Enter Frier*

Fri. ^irDoncaftetjffrDoncafter?


Fri.3 p?a^pou,oiipoureetfje^io^

Pri,KJbr,bere 31 am. iHUbat ttoulott tfjou jftier.

Fri.Cbe Hing to beatco in tbe eface,

SUiopottetbbicbertDaro apace.

(£)e coinmp mafler ty toaa Djp,

9no bee oefirea pe,pjefentip

%o feno tbe bjinfte tobereof pe fpafce. Homesblowe.

Pri.Come,tt is bere; baffe let toa makeExeunt Prior,aiicl fiicr,



C Mar,

Page 44: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death"oFRobeit ^Mar. $ofl gratfaus fcoueraigne,toe!eomeimtt agate©Uelcome to ?ou, ana all pontp;iatelp fraine.King. Cbanfcs louelp boffeffe: toe are bomety gueftjj.

2&bcres tfobm Hoodie pjemifeame Come ojinae.Mar. gour banomaio, Robinmi not tben be Una;,

%\)t tfzkt inoeeoe came running to biabnhle,J

ea&o t»itb 0r Doncaftcr toere fcere toita mee,flnbaltogctbertoenefojfucbaDjinae.

Kin.2nell,i'n a better time it coulonot come,5FoJ j am beep bet ami pairing Djp.^£ntcr i^/* //Wr, acuppr, a cowell, leading©aw*

y?<rr: 7*<^,and CMnch pulling the Prior.

*ob. fcraitojtjleojtauitbee oitr before t&eaing,Fn. CoiuemurDt*rou0]i9jtoj.

Much.Come pee oogges face.Ki csjbpboui notoKobinf uiberef fotfnltpotrMiirfRob«Laj>HDeont&efc

JTarre be tt,J fyoulft lining four palette,%Mz ojinketljefe ttoo pjepareo foj your tafte.

King.Q3i)Tg Robin Hoode^e bjufe anoanftBeremee:31 am ama jcd at tl;p troubles ioofcejs.

#ob. Long; totll not mp til looses amase pour ©race.3iu)o?tlp iooke.neuertoloobeagaine.

Mar4 fleuertoIool^mbattoMit milbe nig&tt3* tbouIooaeneue^Dnpcanneuerbe.GUfcae ailesf mpRobin^arjctfoje bolt t&ou faint?

*ob. 516cfa»fe3J cannot aam>;petnoto 31 can.^Ijans to mp amg,anD (banks to Marian.King.Robm be b? icfe,am> tell bs tobat &atf> c&anflftRob,3j muff be b) iefe3fo? 31 am fare ofbeat&,

35efo?e aloihjtalecanbebalfc u^tolDc,/ritz.2Dfuratb

Jmi'fonne'jb?i5btfunneofanmviop ,


Sjeatlj cannot butt trje potoer ofbcrtuoue life* "

Robj^otoftbeuertues.bttttbeltfeitaan. fotV^"^uccatijoufpealiofoeat&PUolu^ottloStljow

"" Rob

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Page 47: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earlc of Huntington.

Qu- ©abVjtabct^fifoiifrat'pc pouDfracmpljffD*C:ahc it nno liue in fpttr ofpopfono potuer.Don. %Ut fcim fo;toaro IP j IdDccb quoth pe.

? bab- 31 am a foole tben,tfa litt/c Duff,

'fcbr fbauina; ofa bo;w> ,a 15naro ffone,

£)) anp <3ntiDote bauepotorr to (lap

Cfce rrccution ofmp beared refolue.

Eut.tutjpou labour louelp &necne,m batne,


$oto batb pour foemmtfl pea ofpoar for:-Robin ujall Die.if all tbe U)o?lDfapD no.

Jvlar.fccto tbe ££tolfe boto!c5 / f\v Ukr a te nDcr l\ioj nto tbp (brrpfbrarD0 bofomr.^btelD mre lour.Cftml tbou not £obin* rajere tyall $ be fjto?O <8on, fbcfr Taurus uiiii fwcopon tbp Dour.RobXbrp tannot burt tbfe,p;ap tber oor not frarf,

Osafc turrcg toill coursebr Lpon being neare,Q>; -tpoto toojkeo mp poUion?Rob.arrp UirU.fairefnncrne.King. Doff tfcou frr'r anp eafaRob.Jfljall^truff.anone.-

&Irepe falB fepon mtnr epes*£>31mnff flcrpr^tbrptfjaf lour me,Do net UJakrnmr.

Mar.&ircpr in mp lap,ano J imll fine to tbre •

Joh. Ipe tboulo not flcrpr.

' R°f>.3 muff, foj3( mutt di>:



cabrnbr atoakrsjrbrrr is noljopc oflifr.Don*£>f life f nolu bp tbr lit tie time 3 banc fo liur,

PC cannot liur one botorrfo^'our Iturjs.

King.aUIatnr tobaf art tboufDon %:abp,JamaknisbcChcitXbou uierc morcor.

Page 48: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death ofRobert

*Jf it Co uteafe pour <$race,

3 mill oefcribe mp kuoMeoge of tyio to jetefc.


Chcft.Wo Doncafter, fo* fo t&e fellott bi$t,

taas ,up ttje king pour fatber, maoe a knight,

£nb tuell in armeo ^eotO tjimfelfe bebaue,

&)am> a bitter ttojmc, dje totnUe of cage


taben tbe fcnnaturall ftgfjts continues,

15ettoeene ^our kinglpfatber ano bis founcs.

Cbis cut-tb^oat^mgbtco tntbat tfmeof tooe,

^ca^'o on a beautious tf>unne, at Barkhamfted,

3s toee lucre maccbmgtotoaro Winchefler,

after pjouuLincolnctoascompelti to picla,

Oee tooke tbio uitgine ffraping m tbe ftelo.-

ifq* all tlje jftunne? and euerp Couent fleo

Ctje oaungers tbat attenoeu on our troopes.

jfoj tbofefao times too oft oto teftifie,

m&xs ragebatb no regaro of ptefie,

£be bumbl? p?ato bfm,foj tbe loueofbeauen*

%o guio ber to ber fatberc^ttto mile* tbence.

)Be fiao?c be &oulo,ano uerp UJell&e mtgbtt

jf0} to So* campe be teas a jrojager.

Upon tbe luavt^ came into a toooo,

SHHberefUjta bjiefe,be ftripttbis tenoer mafo:

OEtbofe luff, toben u)e in twine baolong toitfcffooB,

Xetng bp ffrengtb anb tojments ouerlaft,

tee did a facrtlegious ueeoe ofrapefine left ber batfe* in far otuue teareg an$ Mocfc

taijen (be reutuo>$e to ber fatbers got,

&no got ber fatber to make Cuft complain^

flPtato ^ourmotber,being tbenin camp*.

Qu. 3 s tbt* tbe billatne Chcftcr, t&at Befttw

fS>fr Hud ac c Scucuiles eljatt and beautte cfpttue^"

Don.J^aoam^^isis^e, ^^

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Page 51: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle of Huntington.

Cbat maDc atocncb oaunce mbet in a toooD:

flno foi (bee did omit tobat 3 DcUtDc,

JCcoucg'Dber fojberpiiDc,tilI ber faireffcmne

CCUtb firipcs toas cbe chreo like a mntners grate,

ftno tobat mas i\)isi 3 migtjtpmattcc fare,




Qii.l^uniQ)btni Richard.

3 fairer Dirgincncuerfatoe tbefunne-

8 cbaffrr maiD teas ncuer ftoojne a Jftunne.


fits. 3! rent tjisfpttrresoff, nnaDifgraoeDbim.Cheft. 3no trjen be ratio upon tbe rTiucene ano mcc.

XBcinj commit tcD.rjc bis keeper flue,

flnD to four fatfjer fleo, uiljo paroono bim,Aich.CooojiuebiafouIcaparDonfoi tbatftnn;,

Salf. o bao" 31 bearD bis name,o; feene bis face,

JbaDDefcnoeo Robin framtbw cbance.

flb Dillaine,(r)ut cfjofe gloorap lig&tB ofcitric.


ZZIW* nurfe at Wilton firtt cbou rauuTjcDtt,

3no fleto'tt ttto maiDs trjat Dio at


cud on tbem/Don-3 grants DaGbtc^e biaine* out ofa biat,

Cginiif be lucre, 31 care not :baD be bin

^bc firff bo?ne comfort of aropall king,

QnD OjouId baue palo toben Doncaftcr crteo peace,'

:i tooulD baue Done bp bim as tfcen 31 mo.King. &oonc fyaU trje toojto be r io of fucb a Un ct cb/

JUt bi^b£bangDaltur,intbentgb toas,tbat unmet b to

tbe potoer»

Don, aiiueoj DeaDe , 31 mfe not boto 3 Die.

£>ou,Sbim. anD tbeCe,3i Defperatelp Defie.

£ly. Repent,^ newer tookc to be abfolu'D,

3ta$ 3u accuKJ a* i\)W ortetuett tocll,

C 3 £o&«*

Page 52: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedcath ofRobertDon.&tjen gitte me mp tofert; mrfeone bp one*Ely ifti ft 3! accurfetbtCjano^ftbou pcrOft,

Onto Damnation leauc t^ee toietcjieD man*Don.fl&ljacuoe 31 rarefy pour Damnation;

8m 3 notboom'Dto Deat&nDbat moje DamnationCan tfjere imuc pour louo anD pellingcrpea?* oiuell:beare top fellotee fpirlt fpeafce,

fcabo tooulo repent; 2D fatne be tooulo repent,after tljts booteo bitterpuntQjment,

Cberc is an euer During enDlefle tooe,

2 quencbleffefire,an bnconfumfug paine,

eaincb Defperate faults ano boo if? mutt tnDure.Don.Canpou pjeacb t\}i$

fvtt fet meon fir pjfoj,<£orunneinto tbto enDlene.quencblcOetertPri.|)ipjl) tjeattens tfjetoc mercie to mp manp ite.

Jfteuer bao t&ta bene Done,bttt line a fienb,

%\&\x tempteoff me ujitbceafeleffe Diueluo ti}ou$t&*Skljerefoje 3 curfe,fottb bitterueffeof foule,

Ctje botoertobercin 31 fato tfop balefull epe*.

^P ere* 31 curfe,foj looking on tbofeepesr.

flpp earea J curfe/ojbarfcmag to tfcp tongue.

3 curfe thy tongue fo* tempting of mpne eare*.

tfacb part 31 curfe,t&at inee call t&ine o? mine:TOne foj enticing mine,mine following tbine*

Don»3frolp^aper.U>bat collect baue toe nejet/

This time Robin ftirrcs*

Fitz.Spe Marian-toantetb tBO;tD$,fuc& !0 &er tooe:

35ut olo Fitzwatcr fo; Us girle anD bim15egs notbing,but toojIdb plague fo j fucb a foe,

ta&tcb caufeicile&armoa uertuouo noble man,9 pttier ofbi» griefe0,l»^en be fcUgnefe.-Cberefoje betbin&e tbee of tbp batefullDreDe,

JDjou fattblefle ^io^ano tfceu tbis rucbleOe f&eefe


Pri,ftmUno man curfe mcgiuinjjfo mucb caufe?



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Page 55: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle of Huntington.

gal Iff no $ood be tt'Df to fbee 01 mre.All the yeomen, Frier,Much, Iinny cry;

AII.3nifn3nmen:acf urfeo mar pe bee,

£o; muring Robm,flotoer of curteOe.

7^/«fusvp«Rob-O rina; not fucb a pca ie fo Robins ocatfr



^oDiriuitbintbparmescontemsmetucll.Pn. ixccpctn^kecpc iuahctlc lubtlrtbpfoulr

^illjbauepotojompfoulefojtbaftbpfeetc!Rob. j ncpt not \>n hlc, j| pour rjrtr fe oio bearr,

Let btm fo;giuf pour foulc tbat boujot tc Drare:2}curboDtcsCfcDc,3[ tump oeatlj famine,fim> (MOtibl? tjcr.jc tbc Hog t^ac pou mar Ittr .

fetano to pourClcarotebnklcfauepour life.Quo IcaD a better life tban pou baue Done-

Pri.O ffnulc .^cpbc\i),5b mp b.otljcw tonne,Oou Dpuiiy.jloiP of OtD Huntir^ton,c ;i ul)e tt i bou life to fact n muwnous foe*:

Jtoilliiotlme/itOtljoumuQhfcfo^oe.Ch bappte Warman, blclTco (n tljP enb,jrtoto too too late tl;p trutb 3 ooc comment'C> :


J Donc3acranD3B.^:irD?COpooicW -rman/oi brtsiODruic



JtoIoptbotbiDljereWarrnansbooielap-3no of 0(s buriall 3 Ic Difpofc anonc


^bto li?i(o;, trjat tonfefletO murocrs tbug.?

£'yl)c is i ballofoco man,auD mutt be trt'eo,4UO pimifbt bp tlje cenfure o! tlje Cburrb


Pr'Xbc^burcbtbe'-emootbcrre:eooootiiaUouJeJ* ^*non to picferue a murocrcr? life

C-> Richaxd

Page 56: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedeath ofRobertiC Rkhard>togRichard„tatbp©ranBarejmie^

& iato toa* maoejtbeCieargieftoojnetbereto,

Ctat tobatfoeuerXbutcb-man Bin commtt

<£rcafon,ojmurBew fatfe felonie,

S^oultJ like afeeuler be puniibeB.

<£reafon toe Bto,fo* fore toe Bio inteno

£tng Richardspoifontng, &oueraigne %Xt\\$ law.

SpurDer toe oio in too>Wng Wannans eno,

$no mp oeare jfrepbetoe$,bp tbts fataU ban*,


Sinn tbeft toeBio,foj toe baue robo tbe Wng,

%Mz £tate,tbe jftobleo^ommenMnb &te men,

Of a true peere>6rm* filler, liberall lo|B.

Fitzwater toebatte robo ofa Rtnoefonne,

3nB Marians Ioue-lopeo toe baue quite bnooone.'

Don,2Hboppe,tobat a cople in bere fa& pour confeffion?

Pri. 31 at fee but iuogetnent foj mp foule tranfgreffton.

King.2Ebp ofott woutb battj conBemneo tbee.

C^encetoitb bin*.

lt>ang tbt0ma»beab,tbenfeebimbttrfebJ

•^ut Ire tbc ocber bang aline in cfcaine*.

Don.3Itbannepouar.Exeuntycemen, Frier, priloner^cJK*^*


3nbfee (barpe Jnttice Bone bpon tbefe uaue*.

Rob,€)goenotbcnce^ince lohn:atoo;Oojttoo

T&efoie 3! Bte, 3 fatne tooulo fa? eo pou.

King. Robin,toee fee tobac toe are fao to fee,

jDeatb li^e a cbantpton rreaBing ootonitta M&


Pet in tbp eno Comtobat to comfort tbee,

ZWitt freelp giueto tbp becrotbeo totfe,

35eautiou* ano cbaft Matilda,all tboCelatWj

raInebptbpfoUp,to tbep>io**banBs,


e arte fiuntington,Q)e ftall tbF Counted* bee,:



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Page 59: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

fcarleot Huntington.

Sgainfftbcfattblefo enemies of £bjtu\


^Ijat on mp trcatfj»faeD J map fcc re Qt ooujnc.

Bccrc brought) he fits*

^t Robins burtall let no blacfec be fcenc,

lee no Ijano giue fo j bim a mourning gotonc:

fox tii bis ocatb,rjt9 king baib gtuen bim life,

3Bp trji* large gife,giucn to bis maioen Uiifc.

Cbatft mato Marilda^ounteffe ofaccount,

Cbafe.tmtbtbp bjtgbt cpes,all tbcfc clouos of tooe


tfrom tljefc faire cljcckeSj, 3! p?ap tbeeftoeete Do fo.

Cfcinkeit tBbaoteIcu*efolIp,to complaine,

fo) tfcat tofjicfy neucr can be fcao agatne*


JSjtnce Iohn,pou long fougbt ber bnlaujfull loue:


Co change tljofepaflionsSpaDamt tame pour bate,

Co pjincelp lone; &tact lohn,conuerc roue lone

Co tjertuouspaffions^baft ana moderate.



2no farare to Doe tobat Robin Hood Defires,

Qu.Birnjcarc 3toiU,3toiHamotbcrbe.CofafreMstildasltfe ano ebatfttic-

• loh. caben John folictces cljaft Matihhcsearcs,With latoleiTe futcs, as be battj often Done-

©j offers to tbe altars of bercpes,


$)c cranes; to fee but Ojojt ano Comet oaies,

typist oeatb be Itke to Robins be oeCrcs,

£ib periuro boop pjouc a pepfoneo p;ep,

fo} couileo Cponke3,ano barefoote begging friers,Rob. Tnoug^.tnougbjFitzwarcr.take pour cbilo:


D Clofira

Page 60: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Tfieocatnm Robert;

dotes tbc potm* ofallmp euttoaroparts,/Sp? freeing Mooo mimes backe uncomp bestf*ftTUjer e it aflfifte oeatb,uibteb it tooulo r efta:

©nty mplotte altttlelnnoetsoeatb.

5foj be begins ber epes,ano cannot fmf fei

*&{) en 50c not pet Matild a, Hap a tuMle.

if rier,make fueeoe,a»o lifr mp lateft brill.

war.rS) let mec looke/oj euer in tl>p epes,

2no lap mp marine bjeatb to cbp bloooleflfc ftps,

Jfmp figfijt can rettraine oeat&s tpjamrics,

£P> keepe Uues b?eat& toitijin tbpbofomelocke,Rob,&tuap,attutp,

tfojbearM;p loue;alttlns is but Belap*

Fitz.Comc matsetiBauo;bter,froinmp maioenfomtr,$no gtue Ijim leaue to ooe to&ai muff be Done,

Rob- jf trft 3 bequeatb mp foule to allfoules fatter,

&no toil! mp book to be buriedSt Wakcfield,t>noerneatbtbe STobcptoaU:Sno in tbts ojoermane mpftmerall;

cabcn3iamoeao,aretcbmebponcbis'Beere>£^p beaocs ano ]pjimer fijafl mp mllotoe bee:

©n tbis fioe lap mp botoe,mp 5000 (bafts bew>Upon mp bjeft tbe ccoflfyano buoeweatt>>

<$V truffie fmo^ot,rbus taOneo in t&e Ojeatb*

let Warmansbaoieatmpfeecebelato,pooie Warman, tbat in mp oefence io ote,


13s pe to Wakefield toalke,fc>lt&boiees A^illr

«£bis foj mp felfe:mg poos ano plate % giue

Omonjmp peomen.-tbenr jj trocbefloine,

33pon mp &oueraip;ne,Richard^bts is all.

S^B liege faretoell, mp loue faretoelljfarelneft.

5FareUieUfairedueene^?ince Iohn anttnoble Jloj&a,

5Tat ber f)tzwater bcartilpatrieii,


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Earle of Huntington.

Matilda clofc mine eye*.


Ma:,©muttmpban03Umbcnut'ousoeatbconrpire,£To Qjtu. tbcmojning gates ofmp liucs ligbtt

Fkz.^c is a Ducne,anD clip loncg DcGre,

3. It belpc t&ce gtrle to clofe Up Robins fig^t

King, lament? ace booceUfle^earea cannot rcffo;e


Quo fln ce eur mirt b is tucneo into mone,SDurmerrpfpojtjtotragickfunerali,

cOee toHl prepare one ponierfoiAuttrii,

3fter carle Roberta timclefie burtalL

JTail to po ur toeo-fengs tbercfoje peomen faoU,

flnDOecktnsberGeUmb flotoers,tbatlouD poubeare,Difpofc ijt£f gooO0,as bee bath tbcm Oifpofo.

FitzwatcranD Mitilda,biBep0U Ijerc,

5§>ecpon tljchoDte onto Wakefield bojntjaiittle \oee Diili beaee gee companp,1$ut all ofDo at London point to mcetc-

Ctuiljrc Firzwater,b^ing carle Robins men;Qno frier/repou come alon$ font b tbem.Fn. <ai; mp liege tojo.tbe Jfr icr faints,

&id batb no toojos to make complaints:

Os5utGncebemuff fo;fafeetbts place,

tyetoillan)atte,anDtbank* pour ©race*

Song. 5Slecpe,toeepe,pe tooo -men luailc,

gone banoanjitbfojro to losing:

2*onr matter Robm Hood lies oeaoe,

CbetcfojefigbaspouGng.Oere lies bis pjtmct ano bis beaoes,

$is bent botoe ano bis arrotocs keene,l)iz gooo CtoojDe ano bis Uolp ctoffe,

53ofcu caQ onflofoers frefb ano grcene.-


£> * eaciia

Page 64: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert.

CQell8,tttttta Uup 3lcelU,lDeUa ua?:

Clrns catt ycc flotoera ano dug, »

3nb on to Wakefield take pour toap. Exeunt.

Fn 4 ©erebotbe tfjt ifrtetleauctoitb gtteuawce:Robin to oeabe, t&at grac't Ijio entrance:

Stiic befog oeab ije craucs bis aubtence,

CCltt^ t(ns $e?tplwbei? tooulo bauepatienec.

fBomCbefter.Cheft» jfrap jfrper,atreqtteliofibt? fctobe frtenb,

let not tfopipiap fo foone be at an eno.

C&ougb Robin Hoodc be oeaoe,bts peomen gone,

3«c ti;ar t&ou tljtnbll tbcre note remaines not one,

Co act an otber & ceane o* tino i o j tfyee:

get fenoUJgfuU tneU,co plrafe tfn's companp,

COe meanetoeno Matildaes Cragetrie.

Fri.©rTtben, 31 Duty pou,butb pour Kendall grcenei

La not fab griefe, in freft) arap be feene.

Matildaes {Jojte is repleattoitb teare0,

uarontrs/oefolatton^iums, oeablp fcares.

3 n,ano attire uee : tljougb 31 ttreo be,

&u bull 31 tell my miftreffe Crageaie.

Apolloes matter Doone 31 iuuocate:

Co io borne benccfonbiup bteoes 31 Bebicate?

Cbat of bis ©oDljeab/boue aU #5oO£ otutne.

caitl; bis rtclj fpirtt bebjoulo iigbten mine:

Cbat 3 map ling truelapesof trotblefleoeeDe*,

W.\)icb tc conceiue^mp bearesbjouS&fo^DJbleebsv

Cbetret^ee,faofouIe,anbinaioftie line,

Cljunoer out to;ongTcompaft in cloUiop tears*.


g>beuie fo tfoe epe0, ftllxbe bebolbers tare?,

Cftitb all tbe liuelp acts ofUitt?uUrage>

l&cffrainD bp mooed teaces,anb cbaftiaes entreaty

gnbletfeing lohntbatillpartperCbnage,

35p fute0,oeuice0;p;actlce0 aub treats.-


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Earle of Huntington.

fluD tobcn (k fees all ferwetb to no eno,

©fexalte Maolda let fytmtttafce an eno,

Cho.clcareaUfitceD^ner.fljaU toe beginner"

Fri. car II art tbou futco. tooulo mp e;ocr tuoulo

permitmebabitcqualltompbeart,Cho. 3lfpourcmcmb?r,IohnotDtafecanoat(),


Fri. toijaf is be,tl;atsfao;ne affectum* flauc,

^bat toilInottitoIacealUaXDCfit.aUoatbcs/

8no being migbtie,U)!^t null be omit,

Co compaffe bis intrnts,tbougb nere fo 011gou mutt fuppofc Kino; Richard noto is oeaoe,



'tkaacs to bis iDM'e tfje bcanttous Ifibell,

Q5etrotb*to Hugh dc Bnti, £arIeof North March:

£no picking quarrels tinder foelnc ofkinnc,

Cabollp Oiuorces bis firft^uccne alua*:


3no bring in tbe Court,fo oft be courts fjcr,

"Cbatbp ber noble fatbcr 3oloFitzwatcr,

ft&e ts remoou'o from bts luff-tempting epe.

^5ut tioes rettraino,ojeftocHtbcicbounOsU)ttl; rage:

£)c r a u fence aooes nunc fuellco bid fire,

jn flecpe be fees bcr.ano bis teasing tfjougfrts,

5§>taoie bp Dap to compaffe bis oe Ore*

Ch©. #rier,0nee note poufpeakeofutffoiw,

3ttoasreceiuco bptraDicion,

from erjofe tfcat toete rtgbt neere tinto Ring Ighr>,

S)lt\)w ffrange uifions,cbat to bun appearo:

$m< as 31 guefle,3J toulD pou ujj^at tbep toere.

r-'ri.CQitb tbem 3 tin i I beajtmojatt) but t tjat natle>

flno cfjerr King lohn (Its ticrpwp; in tjis ct>airc-

^D.awc thecurtcn,thc king fits flccping,his fwordc by

Dj bis

Page 68: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedcath ofRobert

hisfide. Emtttsfuftr** , before whome comrnethjimbitiotK and bunging him before the chaire ,king//lAw/mflecpc, makethfignes toanoid, and hol-

dcrii his ownecrownefaft with both his haadst

Tri.Ambition, t^at bab eutrtoaite&on fcfaglohn,

¥3oto bunas %i\\\ Auftna,calte to be tane,

•Being toboUptarn'obptficSardstoarlifcebanD,

Cinn biDfibtmaoQc cljat Dakctjomc toljts ccotone:

T£>ut be puts b? Ambition,an& eontemnes>

OT otber km$bome0,but tbeCngUu; crotone,

CBrjicij fccfcolosfattjap tftjeefooulo notioofe.

f EntzxCwftancc y leading young Arthur; bothoffer

to take the crovvne; but with his foote he oucnumeththem ; to them commeth hfurre^iicn^ Ieddc by trie

K K. and L. menacing him y and lead die childe

againetothe chaire; but he only laycth hand on his

fworde, and with his fbote ouerthroweth the childe


whoracthey takevpasdeade:and Infurrettion flying,

they mournefuUy be are in the bodie,

Fr. -£be Haute ana tlje c&ttoe t&at ato afcemr,

^>trttitng fa batne to take tbe crotenefrom Iohn,

Z&txt Conflancc,anD ber fonne tbe "Dukt of Britaine^

Oeirc to trjecltrer bjotbetof tbe king.

Pet bee flrepes on,an& toitb a Uttle Cpurne,

%\)z maimer ano tbe pjmcebotb euertnrne,

Sgaine tofjctilnfurrctfiontbem affifts,

^tirti by tbciTrencb king^ arte tfeetojongcb Carle,

<I©bofctrotb»pItsbt urife,kinp; Iohnbao tanetolmfe,

l)z onlp claps bis bantt bpqnbt* foflojti,

Spuckctb tbetrtbjeatning0,ano iiubeir attempts,

SLfce b atmelelfe I)nucc rccciuc0 rcc ureleCfc oea cb


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Earle 61 Huntington.

SSl&omr t&ep too late toftb baocelcflctfarcs lament.

f Enter Queene, with two children borne after her :fhe

afcends,andl'eemgnomotion,fhe r'etchcthherch;!*

dren one by one; buc feeing yet no motion, fhe defec-

dcth wringing her hands, and departcth. Enter Af.t-

ttlda> in mourning vaile, reading on abooke, at

whofecom nmghe liarteth:andfmeth vpright: as

fhec pa(Tethby,hce Imdcs, and foldcs hn amies, a>

if hee did embrace her; being gone,hefrartiibdam-Iy,andfpeakes»

King.Mar;ida,flap Matilda,HOC but fpfa^C:

fcHboest&crc'Jntrcate Matilda to conic uackc.Bon.cXlOo luoulo poa baue,mp Lo;D?Kin.JO!jp,mp JUjD BonmllrJ tDOUlO fcatir Matilda?

Cfcaf but eucn nolo, paft b? totoaro tlje oooje 4Bon. J faujc bet not mp iiojo.

King.^aufl tboti a loutra cpr,

3 gnat.a moat c a fliaootoc toouluoulDd fpp:

tfomcfollotoe mc,0>« caunct be fo farre,

JBut J fnall ouertake bericoine atuap. Exeunr,Fri. Cbc lall appearance OjaDotoeDtrje fai'rc £uceac,

2no bet ttoo cbii&jen,attoboi"c figbt Kingloimsebctoo nctt'octQ^rnc no? ujetoe ofpadionr

2Sut tobfn tlje funnc came mafke o in a clouDc,

2no bailee btauticiopnoc luttb eba&ttte,

QppcarcDtnMat;ldae»looclpiapf, *tyc ttarts^e clafpw,rjc toaaesjje cals,be feekos

^be CbaDotae ot* tfjat (ubftance be affects:

Co bee be feojes,but (be bis futc reiects-

^3 bimujcfeuics,but be betfutc neglectes:

fce Cuts to be bf r louc.Qje ootrj Dcfptfe;

$tje fgea ta iiue a maio;tt>bicb be Denies",

®i COIjat

Page 72: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

~ iheucatnoTRobcrt 7—


%b\z no nnt» nfi^tljtB qwcncftleircbootlcCc fire,

Cuts cclo affect ion,anu tbis bot DeGre>

^Ije act itfelfe fl>atl tell,ano tbepoo^e jfrfer,

2£our partiailfauouw bumbluDotb requirc4£xit.

Sound trumpets, £nter langfBomti/e^Satfturf;Loras*

KingjQeto 3! percefue.tbta onty teas a became;2>iutae Matiidacs gngelloto appeate,

DccRt Ufee a aeffal^reaDiefoj &ea«en0 quire,

&mi to tf; 10 eartfjlp tranche null not come neare.

ZJ9Lt\\,\tt ber goe : 31 muff pfattb,3I mull,

3no fo 31 imThfewg* tbougbtjs (boulb be Diufoe:

^0 are Matildaes,fo bencefojtbujallmfae*

Old Anb.&ooomg,peaceujallB)aitbpon pour crofotr,

0no blefftng upon bletfing Qjall befall*

Kin 3!tfi truemplLo^31 fenofco full toelltbereujall.

Salf,£>our people totll toar p;ou& of ftttb afcing,

SCbatof (nmfelfe is fcmg,Lo?o of bis fyonofrtBi

SHbtcb bp aflertfon ofpbilofopbers,

310 belo to be tjje greateff Ctnperp.

Kin,anO f1KB 6t0 UJifel^, noble Anbcry.

Saff. JCbeft toiUFitzwater *mt& bis gallant trooper

3gafne feeepetrmmpbes int&eCnglttyCourx,

CbenUJiU Matilda

King.MatiIda,tobat offjer?

Salf.lUae a bjtgbt ftarte,aoo?ne tfjelotielp traine

Of bfrautious Laotes^obtcbatteno tlje &ueene,

t^ljofe onlp beautpequalletb tbem all.

Ki. tike an olo foole,tobofe ttm cpes toanttng figbf,

Compar tt t be funnc,to common eanole Itgbt.

SaH,iparDonmpltege:3 uoeconfeflY, berfatce

HxtteutB all t&eXe,a*farre as oap ootb nigbt.

King.(©ro(relp«UnOeD.mgb( bp moone,bp tfarre*,



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JB? toan&jfog RrC0,er!inTcn metroes,

15$ artificial! Itgljtcfl, by epes of bc<.ir

9nD little rjloiu^uoimcsjfittmpfing in t'qc Bathe,

patbfomeujljcrc blfgfetnefcjMgbtnelTe, anofu:

CinDcreacfj Common inallparts clear::

55uc tljev at no ttme,noU5ljrre can 0? faiO


pitcfj calourcD,£ban fact, blacker ttjan blacke,

Cabileljcrfatre epc6giursbcautp folmgutDap.



O,0«5 3 fucrj a thought 7 UjouId

rtpent, Tohiinlclfc*



3 fearc 3! fyall be tprco nutlj tuts taoc.

Sal. Ztjc eommon-tocalt'.j mill fla.uilj j encreafe.

K. <5ooo Oxford of tijofc tbtngs noU) tjolo pour peace:

flnc take tuc paine s to fctclj in Ifabcll.

J banc ftrange tpm'nga fen" me out of jTranre,


8s 3 accept rjcr p;atfe:fetclj l;:r £ fap»

Exit Salibury.

cctlj at is t!je olD foole gonc-noto gae tbp tuap*

CO^atttitnkitcbouoviimHubm/tcUnumaa.Hub.^sofagooDolo gentleman itt? Lo?t>,


Qb fje ootb s ano 1 toarrant pou

tGill not conrealccrjofepjaifcsfi 0111 tljcOueenc,

CClbiel) as ijcc neemes you nttreo in bcr piatfe.

Km. I toouio [jauc tljem bclecue tt fo tnoccoc:

¥>i\t I p^otctt, 10 no part ofm$ Creeoc.

Hu.jfattr) pour ©race DioOxfoi drears great toj$g;

Co curtail bis gooo loo jUc,tlj at fccniD fa louj:

frcperaoucnttuetooulobauebjougbt in moje,

Ctfter rjis pjcface;to riclj plenties ttoje.


Page 76: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert

pcrcbaunee be tooulo baue Ojetoft Dametja«(e(^

'Sbat in pout Court is CurTcreo bowertp*

Clttt) ban pou punitf) ruffians to(t^ long bairc,

j3eu)e fACHotts.anD fuel; topw/afpeeial care

ll>as c!?ae gco^ man: be curnes tlje Uatute booker

About bis baft ano chambers ifpou looke,

^Oe moialluertucs infaire effic;i^

3re Imelp paimeo :mojall ^UofopKeOasnoc a fentence,bc it great o* fmal!*

^?ut it i0 paintcc on bis dponouw toall*

£ntaQueene 3 Oxford. »

Kin, ]peace,pcace,be comes, note lets be Glettf all.

Salf.3 tell pou 31 toaspjouoofbisgooo toojos.

^u, o3oo boio tljcm Oxford: fo ) its often feene,

3 reconciles foe fmallpjooD affojos-f&olDpouDeare*.

Saif.sD fo?bearc:trutt me, 31 cage mp Concur fje oot^-


$atb Cent tfefianre to tbe feing pour bufbanoy

3ud lifee atrieo taUfoulDicr,ffo &w Ooto*

J|u £(3arcblano;Cabcre be knotoes,nefpigbtonrfm)

"lino all tbe mentbac be therein can raife,

tting lohn coulo baue Cent oogs enotee to teare

^betr ill arnvo bofrte0peece»meale, ere bts banns^)l)sulD toieb bafeblooo banc ttamottjeir noble b«W*^notobetberi3tOt3U)o?n;ipfullgGooCarle


®one tbinfcs pour Haoifljippe? jfo jfootb, goon man,Co $ojmanop; ano tbere be Uirs bpcoales,

3nu brgetb ffrong aio foj eonfeoerates,

cdbo^ae be rat'eef,arc treacfjeroultp oifpofn.

Qu* Jf be Ooefo^be greater 10 bis Qnne:.

pcojcman/J baue no intcrettinbim.

King.05ut be bat& ban in poujasttfljoulnfeeme,

Cls tuoulD be not make fonnets ofpour bjotoe,

Jiottr epc.pour !ip,pcur ljann,pour tl;tgb»

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Earle of Huntington.


CbjougbraajepoulbakCjbecatifcpou rannot raw•But annDeremc;3KIIbp AjouiD tfce 13e0lam flauc

entitle a U)ljok];3ofm to ^otirhtOr,

Calling (c cberp,rubp, Hhs ana trjie?

31 tellpon, j am tealous of poor louc,

tftbicb mafces me bjcafee into tfjic p;.lflou«

t^ere'0 tbekinoe noble Anbcrydc Vcrc,

ftnotoe* toljat J fpc afcc is true:

S£p lojo,mp LojDj J Doe appeal* to potu

flret&efc tbt'ngs to be borne*


^befeloucrime* are tljetokentf of final! gooB.

Hu.CQbp mp gooo Lo;D,\ua0 neucr Ipoetrp,

©ffrcfi bnto a llaotea patronage?

Salf.^e0,but not tahen.

*Ju.J>e0,ano taken too.

Cboaajb muoop flattcs, tobofe ballafmng rimes,

iftitb bJO?D5Unpolt(bt,fl;ciDC tbcic bjutilb tbopgbts,

gaming tbnr Cpau&ins in escb luftfull Itue:

let ne celcmall beautie lootte aiDjp



8re offero to tjer bnttain DUcrttteo epe.

jfo^ poetries bigbrp^tgbtrt'founeglui II ratfc,

'Crttc beantie to all toityt etermtie:

Cberct'ojempllojD,ponragci0miKbto blame,

^trjinkeatakeniaocmciuoiestbame.Sa. pou fee tHcKtng,tbat<5 better reautban poa,

9no far mojeUijongo tban i ^tahr it not toe!,


Cbe toojfefoj anp UJ^itmcjof Brunct*


Bno tljougb 3 be art olo inan.bp mp ftoo^,

SEg armc fyall iiUhuc mp conflam ibo jo •

Page 80: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert.

Qu . $fte t a Jong ttojme in a troublous fea,f£\)t ^ilot ts no glatJDcr of a calme,

%\)m Ifabell tofcetbeuerc&lookcs

SDHjer lou Dlio^cbang'o intoftoeeteafpecfa.


? uiiUnot tclltbecbJbata&ojlDoffoes,

SCo} tbplo«e;tjeareIoue;rCfcap;atntt mp life.



31 tot'.lnot number bpefjemanptooeat£bnt (ball be multtpIteo,(rrtfe upon ffcife

fiatUfolloU) ^ut to fijunne infm'ng* iIsf,

3!le take Ante!; pleases ns Ojall pleafe me asfee,

OfeacljpjouaTSaron^ttKlitngtnt&eitartme*Brufe l\i nfman,anti rbe&eputic coMa:ch3lj)at& a bt'sb minoeD laop to but toife,

$Jn able Tonne foj armc^anu aleffe boty,

Cbat istfte c emfojt of l)is fatberss life:

<$aname53 huoto pott Uue tbe Labp toll,

Sins ofber toealttj pou map be bolb to builb,

•35 p fenotng pou foure Ijunojes uibtte milcb aine3Sno ten line colouceo bulled, to feme tbat (jearO:

Ǥ>o fatre^tbat euetp coto did 16 feeme,

9no euerp bull Europaesrauifbcr.

<£o frteno mp fclfe ttutb fucb a fubtectsi truflj.,

t£b«s3l commaun&;2*ou, ann Carle SaMbury

^>ball,untb lubat fpecbeeonuenientlp pe map,

l?W pe to Gilfordjtbere t&e lauie lie?,

Sinn bet Tonnes too.aa 31 amtoio bt> fpies:

911 tbat (be battj,31 nnottjefl&e calletb pours?,'

SUltbatuje batb,31 glaMptoonlo call mine,

31 f (beabufe fee :tf ujebTepee tocll,

\jfo?euerbe,tobatfbcretaine0jberoto^SDnlp ojoc bp a0 SXwenw in p^oojreffe Doe,

$no fentj me toojo (pto (be receiuetl; eou.

Q<j.^eU;31 auouc&ujetoiUjbefojea pjoe,


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Earle of Huntington,

irarrebcitjlohn fyoul* pjooue tojoBnifcsfoe,Come noble Oxford,3 Ioitjco be at Gilford.Sail « ju fad; a bufincfle^aDam/o Doe 31 • Fxcunt.Kmg

% (5jcotT,gootitfales,noUJ Gilford is mincotomc.Hubert,j djarjc pou take an IjunDjeb l;o;fc,

UnDfolloiuebnto Gilford Caaic gates,

^(KQuecnc,pjctenu,pou eome to tenbbpou,&nit cat cftmp from bs : tobcurou arein,



t&bomeu%npccbaue,tjpontbeCafflefci^2«o kerpe it to our bfe untill tueccme:speane tabtlcletme atone im'tfj Hugh pour tonne,<Co bjo^nc abJonoer,tfno p^ooigic:

0)5ut,U3batfo£rc 3 it(ballattcmptcDbe.


S^avfceme contentfull,tbereto 31 agree.

Kino .<8oe tben to Gilford,anb a bictoj be.£xic Hub,

Moubray,our mafke?are pou ano Ch -Her reaop.'

Mow.jae toiu before pour OraccJ toarrant pott,

King$Ob)tbinBttoftt, Mowbray?Hu.fls on a mafke ; but foj our toKb-bearers,

£cU cannot r*ake fo maD a crelue as J.King.iraitb.bJljoiscbicfc':

hu« Will Brandy LojO,

^ottfjen pour <25race mutt eurbefctscrucltp:

Cbcraigneoncepjot,be'0 aptfojbtllame.

K'm.% fcnotox tljeutliaine is botb rougft ana grim:

13uta0atp*Dogge3totUmu^lebtm.3lle b)ingbim bp to fainne tipon mp frienbs,

9nb toojrp Deao mp foes. IJtaf, to our maCkc.

31 meaae *bis ntgbt to reuell at t be fcaft,

CCltM fair* Matilda gracetf; cucr^ gueQfj

flaa u mg fjioocn curtcile Q)C grace,

C 3 ©^

Page 84: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

*Thedeath ofRobert

©lb Balnaids Cattle goobFitzwatcra place,

lohn will matte ric&Amtlj ropall Cnglanos toeaWj:

15ut ifC^c to notmot tbofe fcattreo bands,

£)?oppingfrom Auttria,ano tbcl£>olr lano,

%W boaft fo muc& ofglorious bictojies,

£bail flop pe tbe immo attons of tbofe fooes,

Xbat like a Deluge3 toill b;fncr. on tbem:

3 ft notuc tl;e crtte is tb c cc, baailb all feares


3f to;onp,tbcp ujall be our03 tf toelcomejtbefrs.Exeut

^ Enccr Fitx^water and his fonne 5r*/^ and callforth

his daughter,

Fltz.flHbP&ato noto botatp ?ffill at pourbookc?

€ucr in mourning toecucstfty lbame,foj fbame,

£2iitb better entertaincment cbeere our ftfenos.

i!5o to bp tbe bleff croffe pou are mucb too blame,

3£o erode our mirtb t&u*;pou are mucb too blame 3lfap*

(Kooo LojD,batb neoer tooe inougb ofujellaba.'

3RDeeD,int>eeBe, *

&ome fojroto fits: but t&fe fe mo;e t&an nrcoe.

Mat,d5ooDfatberparoon me,

JJou fain 31 fate tbe fupper ano fbe banquet, *

2>oufcnotae 31 cannot oance,otfcourfe 31 ujunnc:

33p reafon tbacmp ttiif,but fmall before,Comes farre beljinoc tbe ripe tints ofour age.

Young B.j>oulbetoo ripefoj martage,

3fpott&elap.bE Da?,ant Uap,tbus long,^berets tbe noble Wigmorc^lojDofcbe^arcbj^Ctjat tyes on WycjLug^nb t&eSeuerne ftreames,

fyis fonne is like tbefunnes fpjes Ganimcde,2no fo; pour Ioue,batb fent a Jlojo to plcab:

#is abfence,31 biopurpofe toercufe.-


l5ut Leflcrte tbeman foj bim tbatfues.

F.flfty eoufin Brufe batb bene pour ^joker >U(k«,8t leaft batb bjofce tbe matter to mp girle.

UI\4£> fo? a barber at tje time ofneeut,

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Earle of Huntington.

Qi one of tbefe tb it o;efifc3 periMga,

Co tirckc mp gcap bean to (tb a pontbfull Oatre?

ODat imullteO'C. Matilda, tf)U3 It f0;

&ap,canpelouc mctf | am Wigmors fomtr.



Ley.TSuc 3 3buC 3!,pou Tap,

9mratbcr like oio Ciucmcs i« a plap.


•But Up attucnepQnppe maoe beputfe*

Macaco ncurr Iiftc tofpcencirJcU.aU^u Iiff,

Cbatbpatturaevfucsto toinneattJtfe.-

•But graunt pou arctobome pou fecme notbtag like,

goung Wigmorc, tbc fjctrc to tbts noble Lojo.-


Old.BrJffpou grant lotit,tDben btsfonncDotbtoooCj


Y.Br^no fo^ a 5oocr,co(ht fake mpiuojD,

lookcfc}agooQ tnaa a gooo biro:

Cocke a tbe gametfaitb,neuerfearc.


Bccaufe be fates bte founds namco Will.1

Fififinotobp goooDangbtct'-.Oatbrome Ipalmiffer,

&o%dKigur,o? fome Draining Calculator

("/ojlucb 31 knoto pou often bearken to)

35eue plating gatrtu" tbe namtfCo tco.gotco,

iDocnot bclecue tbem.Lcftcr,faU to niooe.

via .J mud bclecue mp father ,ano tie fsa,

t^bat tf 3 ougbt mifbiD^repjooUB me fttll,

Qno cbiotng faio, pou'r tocDoctj to four toifL

Fitz,<6ob fo; tbp mercp.btoc pee catebe me trjere':

Wigmorc t5 William^omari'Leacrjlpcake,


Lett. ?>ou banc put me out^fbefcatbtookemetroWm

goutottb pourtalhe,fh? \jiitij b^r rcaop cinque,

gotuolo me J tyoulo uno bcr miloe ano Bill,

C 4 foa

Page 88: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedcath ofRobert

8m> fcarcc a tuoiue come from bet tn an bonier,

'Ebcn did J tl)tnUe,3 fljotrto baue aU tbe talhe,

anbtnojeo up pour DailUngncITe to belpe,

ftuanftoerD till 3 ban no moje to fap • 2no tben

Y'B.eBgaftom^aje tottb a courtly curtfie faymo; nay,


£2#tb as great creott , as oio tbat ©?ato?,

COtjicljOanoltngan ©?atton,fome t^ee^toersSj,

311 fo? tbe matterjtoojfe tban bao fin pbjafo:

flatting fato Dixi; l80Rt?anofouno not one,

SDopjatfe o?Difp?aife bis ©Ration


jfoj,ti>eawD tottbbis taifce,tbepaUnierea;onc*

F, jftoto bpmp trotb.tfanptrotbibaue,

3 am!aa merrp at Matildaes mtrtb,

8s J teas Ojlao to fee ber firft oates fo'rflj.

ft01 till tfjfe&otoer,fo belpeme (joUoam,

g>tnce tfceloo ftmelp oeatb of Huntington,

jfrot abucbelnojo bao paiTagetbjougb ber lip*. ^Ley.^eetobatapleafingbumournjooersbnng.Cof.B .£) but pee leaue tos foone.


3 ttano too Iong,(&aH 31 cbufe pours oj fym?Mat* Cttberfo?beare,3p?ap?^fo? atobiIe,r-v

tKHelComeloiO Richmond. **4

^ich.tabat,0-!tb Matilda fmilef

SPbat fttil line faonede fplitarpfat:

"&ben off toitb toiuotojes toeeoes,ano teacb your ktte3


0n& bp tbe meanes pour fojrotoe bad no meane)

Co creao a meafure : fo? a gallant crue,

©f courtly markets lanoeo at t^z ffatres,

315efo?e tobome tonintreateo,3l am come,

to baucp;ettenteo, j beleeue,tbeirpa^e,

Wmbo tomb bis tojcb is entreo.



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Earlc of Huntington.

3fpoubaucou$ffofap about trjemafkenj35efeccbtbc<0entlerrimfo enter in:

fo} c^cy arc toelcomc prtts to o!D Fittwtier.£xitMcflengcr.

&onne,formc,3Ip?aE pou frtcbtf>r Ubies in:CCIe baue becne talking bcrc about a matcb,9no left our nobU frientia in oiCcontent.

Rich, ja ap bp m* fattb,toe baD mocb merrimenti#ft tbougbt it Iono;,pou neitfjer came,no; ftnc.

^Matilda faints, and fits downc.Rtz. fcoto noto Matilda ?p j ap t&ee cbeere t&ee gfclr;


Mat.3: tbougbt it bias a lisOtm'np; befojeocatfr:^oo fooainc to be certaine .• (yooo pleafure &*?.

Enter Ladies,


After maske.Ki- Cabat?cban(r/D To foon^fo foon falne to pour Dupe 4


Cbeerlp:tfee mafkc come* in.Q <8oe,tbt* Ufik 9 loo&eJTitnottbtefpojt.

Mat,Jleleaue it*'(flap.

Mj3ap:foipwclottf,Wil!itim fake, fatremaioen

Dance: Ma (leers take each a Lzdicylebn M*ti!.Uibutrtfu/ing, father;

Cbtsfsnotourtajipoaugbte^benotnicc,^oubotbabufebimanDDiCparageUB:£is fdlotoesrjao t\)t taDie* tbepDlocDuff,2no tuel pou knotoe, berea no mojemato* tban 50«uo:£our felfe are all our ffo?e:3J pja? pou rite,

©;bpmpfait&,3( Cap yoaooebstujona;.Mat. J toilootobatpou totl:lcao,leao pouraauncr.Ki,2>ouknolDmcbpmpfpeacb,Mat.3f m? LiegcS ••©•' tfjat temptatiwa tongue

t?a& no toftere to be plat t but m pour bcao,

f King

Page 92: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert

KuWi cl!,fa? 31 banc bcr ton&ue,bab 31 notmm,mW pou baue botrj tier e^efrnap all^cr ujape--

&ble to tempt cuen loue Ijimfelfeto rape.

Ma.(Sooi3 mp Lojo Icaue; oj 31 fctlleaue t^e place;

Dauncc3gainc:&in the firftcouifc UHaitieUBngs

from hirn:/«A*followef,.

Fitz^Dauncfc out pour <&alliarB:<Soo& aeare Ijolibjea*,


are too fojg;etfuU:tiauuce,o$ bp mp trotb,

3?ou I moue mp patience mo;e tban 31 toillfpeane.

Shevnwilling, Iohn roughly puis her«

)3ap foft bnmanncrD u"r,pon are too rougr):

$er iopnts are roeafce*pour armes are Grong $ faugfr

31 f pee come r)ere fejfpojcyctt toeltomebe,

3jfnot,betterpourroome lljaufacbbao companyJobtt threatens him by fignes.

Doff tfoeaten mee.? tbeu tetU 31 fee tbp face.

Kin. &nD fo tljoti (balt,!eoke on me rebell lop;Cboutbat tocrtlateafacttous ring-leaser,

j3no m tbe open fteXo gau'tt me fierce tlgbt*

art tbou agatnc gatberiug anotber beab,

©battoitb toth ruDeneOetbouDoffcntcrtttnc

<&\)Z gentlecommmgef tfop&oueraignc1


Fitz. 2©rj ojca15 lop, bcare me^ana fo?gmctW fau!f%

SObat a baue carft oone,long ftnee pou fcjgaue:

31f3 bio leao tbe Barons in tbe ftelo,

Cfje Karons cbofe me,tuben trjep couto not cfjute

"But maHe fome leaner, pou were fo mifteo.

£Oben better tfjougbts entreb i?ourropallb*eau\

Wit tben obepo pou,ag our gjoueraigne beau.

King.^ou mo euen tofart pou lift, ano fo Doe Sill*

31 am tbefetngjbut pou mutt baue sour mill:

%bc platne trotb ts, toe are not come in fpojt,

%^Q%^1 our conu^in&ttjte toap our beft cloakf ; ^

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Earle of Huntington.

50; if toe ncucc come,ttn pott 00c fend,

mt mutt not be pour gueffs tobile banfectslaff.

Contentious biauls roufjotocrlp fcnDtobs:

^uttoemaprenDanDfeu^anopou rcturne,

CJ ib Lojo is fccke,tbat painco toitb tbe gout>

£)c no from bome.tfou t binfc c 3 finBe not out

£our clofeconfeseracies:pes J; boencboubc.

Lc(\.%tt\)cn be bere a clofe confederate,

(Sods bengeance ligbt bpon rjtm to itb mp b ate,

K. fiot pou are open Lcfter,tfcat J fcnotoe.

Ch.3 bp tbe to;tr,mp 8,ojB,?our open foe, (Che ftcr,

Lcft.Q5ptbrto^osJlo^anDmine,p?ouD Rafe of

Cbou art! not fap fo,toer c 1bou from tic kino;,

mow, ^es.buc tie Dares anb ujall*

Rich. Mowbray,ifpon ttanb bp,

f)e bares per cbance^ls bill t be DaffarD flp. (fpeaeb:

Ch.Spp otonc ftoo;b (ba 11 maintaine mp tongues trot

JTo; it is not frequenteb to fucb lies,

§8 to J angling Left crjfinDpjonb Richmond bfc:

l$t cannot fct outlike a fbunoiingDjurame,

C} roaring Canon, ttuft toitb naugbt but bjags,

*C\)t multitudes of feas bieo rco to it b blooa,

^nb famous cities into cinoers turn d,

T3$ tbeir ttoo anruo armrs.King.3 Chefttr.

3no tben tfjep tyetoebs rags, tojmc off bc'i the,

from pooje oecapcO1 aoies pctticotes


jfojiieitberbill>no$featbcrct» (rjot,noj pike

£Bace balfe oj anp oftbofcrents tljep baue:


Cljcytoill not flick to Ctoearc,bauebecneaouanct

agamtt tbc Sophie Soiridan 3an0 tbe Turkc.



2?cs poui^aUbearet()em,Xfare, unopet not bite:

Page 96: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert

ZZXc baueyw mu^elo noto: remember oncegou^au'o^luttipour^ombaroboaftingtoojwtCome bjtefelp,£cfter,Richmod,bOtb Fitzwacers,Brufc,

Deliuer top your fruojosfmrneotatls:

iVio ettbcrpielopour booses to our jjaMtf,

©jgiuefucbpleDgesi asvoetbaU accept,

Unto our ^teujaru Wincheftcr,tnitb fpeeoe.

Left .-3! U)ill not leaue mp arme*,noj bjean mp foo;&j

Crcept 3! be pjouon't : j?ourliege-man 3! amfaojne:^I;aco.n|j ispleDgcciiougJj.afpott

Kin.^ljou Ijearcff me fap,3! aoe.>J rcptp,tbat pleoge rtfuf o,31 baue no m^cfojpott,

Rich^no Richmond fates aa noble Letter Cattb;

SlrcnMc baue toe pligbreo fame ana fattb:

QSHbicfc being fcojnt>e,return0 to Dgagajne,

3no bp tbe Rings otone moutbjtoeare&ifcbarg'o*

Km,Fit7.water,lflbat fapEOU?

Fitz.^abat pleoge oefires mp Liege*King. 31 aCfte pour ftubbojne uaugfcr.Yong Br.Cbat toere a gage to beingag'o*

Fitz. ]peatf tbott beao-ftrong bop,

Maroon me foneratgne: allmp poiuen'$ ponrs:

S^p goots pou map commauno4mp life pou maps

9pp cbilojen too J knoiu lute b botb tbei'r liuea,

XXtill rcaoilp aottenture oeatb0 too;ft to?ougsf,

^o Doe Curb feruice as true Ciibiect0u)ouUn

3ut bono jablc fame^true cbaffttie

Kin^aHeno erccption^pirfo berbp to mee,

£); Ioone foj euer foj mp enmftie.

Fnz.jftap t})tn Fitzwatcr tcls pour S^ateCie,

2Jou uoe btm tojong; anb toe 11 uitll let pou Uut>

*pe toill Dcfcnoe bis fjonour to tbe oeatbi

King. Slno Brufe, pou are no otbertoiCe BifpoCo,

3Jou]UHll not pjiue pour fon* to me fo? pleoge,•-Br,

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Page 99: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle of Huntington.Br.3!^aucD«tonr,6cmn;mpIeircrbop,

CQbo to at Gilford : (o) mv otfjer fonne,Ki.0e b?aucs mc tottrj t be red.

JDell it is n(rj(,c,anD tbert no funnc CoOucarc fr



2 n1?m !,

,,0C Cfafe^bi!e ®BBl«nD fftaetfc reft,

31 toill ifait|»,aj5 true as Cod io trne.

LcftXfjcn ffjal a ftoime be ratf'D atjatnll a ffoime,3nDCcmpeC be Uutb tempeft beaten bache

Hn& manp soooip bnilDmj* ff0 e to U)iacbcfanpatoiDotoetocepcbctDpinfffonnr3no manp a motrjer to bcr belplelTc babesCrp ontoncomfojtablp ;ebtloicn peace.£our erpmgonto me is all in brineDeaotfl


mp bufbano, pourpoo?efatbfr flame.Yocg Br.cae can not belpe if bnkle. ,'potoer.-Ri.jao,poufremtreaes* bumble fuces bine nolo no

tf lit {off and fa»atb ebe hincjDome botbbenoue.

ft/Siffi r »'Tacc


£ anD mMC& 3! &«"ipe toill to Gilford, anrj bcUeo;e mp toife,

^©,bpe to fane fcer. Richmond noc with bfo.R»ch. utto atoap Bru^leatt Uie come to late,

3nDtoubbstakeromefco;eofmentociiarmDe.Exeunt Richmond,

Fitr 5)oe:Lc fxcr,anrjmpfelferi)m ieepefrjecu(e,gil toe arc furniQjt tDtefp an able armie


^ouraepbeuj %Brufc,0)alcakeanbunij;etiarmeomenflntj poatt to Hartford Cattle toitb ponr after:*"9to

?ongiDniu>aKe tiptoe totUkeepefwblwifefc.


-Exeanc omiici,

Jf3 fiw

Page 100: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedeath ofRobert

^ Enter Queene,/?/-#/« \Ad\z9 H*bcrty$*lJhxryl

Q.vj$e ccmfojtco gooo $paoame,Doenot feare*

^utgiuc pour Tonne a* pleogebntotbefcings

gottr fetfe at Court map feeepebim companyWif.a am betraio,alas3l ambetrato,

Slno little tbougb t pour flptg&ncffiebao bene fcent,

&>o mucb agatnff me/o? mp maup louegf,

Ssto prepare an entrance fojmpfoe*

Qu,3s a OjalUtuc in Ijeaucit^ viu not fcnotoe

Of Huberts comming : but lament not t\)i&:

$>our Tonne pou fap is gone; ttljat feare pott tfjen?*°Wi>£> maoamc,muiDcr,mifc^iefe^uonpofmen

H feared ftacc: foijat iff 33 M* not f«te?

igmb hope is fo fatre of,fefpatrc lb neare.

Ox. ^nCiueumeegoooHubcrc,3p;apt^e Hubert ooe.

eabattbtnfce pou oftbts matter,map 3! on pouttoop

^ertoaae tbe iuoman tbat aU things are toeU?

Hu.gottmap perftnafce lier,tf pou can mp ko}ta

Sc o?1 pjoteH 3 fcnotoeno ofbertbmg,

aeuttbatt&e kingttoulobaue&imfoja pledge of trje


Salf. ana reafon too. j$oto bp mp {ponour^u^rt^

pjoteff it t* gooo reafon.

Brufe,3! tell pou pUine,

3s no rouna cloafte, to Keepe lohn from tfje raine*

31 toill goe to ber- hu. SDoc gooo (imple Carte-

3f not bp tij?eat0,no? mp tntreatjujepteio,


SDjieo^p \»rt(> carc:$ neuer urill (bee $eto J)W fon&

Ibee^tfjat bautng poU)er.>toanttttBit *

Br,Wife.*| ouerljeare tfjee/iubert.

Ox«&o l?o 3 Dame Brufe:

^ut ttir no coles ;t(je man wloeUbeloH' 8,

&nomcritsmo?etbanfo,Bru.w% ^ut^ttUtanC&ere,;


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Earle of Huntington.

Hubcrr,tf)OU fatall keeper of pooKbabrs,

tbat areappointeDbottaajesfoj lohn,

ipaD 31 a fonue ljrrc,as J} bane net one

(Jfo; pcftctDap Jt

fent bim into Wales,)

^bmhfl tljou 31 toottlD be fo Degenerate,

p8 farre from htnue,to rjtue bim bnfo tticcr*

3 lDoulo not 31 pjoteft : tboukno\ucft mpminbe.Ox. LaDte,pou fcare moje tban pott neeoe to doc,

3nDeeDepouDoe>inberp DceDepott Doe:

Hubert is lo;ono;o about tlje tbtng pou meanf


Stboutpoung; Arthur £), St&ougbtttoasfs:


JOtD all \)t mtojbt foi fafcfjatD of trje cbiloe.


£.w.T5ut be fcojongs me,ts feefpempCnftle tbus,

Difarming mp true feruants,armmg; (its.

33orjo mo?e ofoutrage comcsjtDbat ujall 'J cor^

f £ncer t\\cV\n^ iA /(owbrayifVtncheJ}er

iChcller t

King.O trjia is tocll. //ubert,\uberes £rufcsfounc.'

Wi. cciljcre tfcou ffiafe neur r fee bim,lohn.

XXaDf e,U)e (ball Ijaue talfec Uutb pon anone.

tQrjcrcisbeHubeit? (coconfcffc

Hu.fpiD^o? fleD mp to jD:toe can up no means get Ijec






&b*H mareb to Harford. ^>\i)cete Ifabcll,

flnD iftbOUloacme^pIaptbC Amazon.Matilda tbat Ijatli loner, bctoitebt mine e?c,

3s as % bcare bp fpiaIs,noto in tfarford CatHe;

3S5eltege fjer tfcere: for nob) ber feautp fatljcr

Uufftans it fep anD Botone,ano all tl;c brooD

£Df sipcrotw traitors tobet tbeir pcy/onco teetfc

Cbat tbcp map feeD onbs tbat foffer tbem


©Defoxl»arD;anD cjoc toitrj yau btctgrtc:

Page 104: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thcdeath ofRobert

m\)ith to afforCjmppotocra (ball follotoepon.


flay be la rbang'D, ntiD care* no moje foj foer,

^OanjtJoc^aDame.King,l3c ccnc3Tap,bcgone.-



S£ap (tiue ?our fat* fbe bappfe glojfeu* oap#


Qu -&bcti> ttjat pooje tabic ptetfe^ bcfeec&.Exeurrt,

Kin. 31 totll tnueeoe' ComelaDie, Ictus m„Jieu bauca fonne^oc in nnobjingbimmec,Snofoi tbe&uccncpfafce Xtttllfauour pee.

fc.w.31 bauc no fomcomcjcomercometn anb feared,

Sno ifpou finoc bim,\o?ctebeDmap 3 bee £xjc .

K\< Che iter ano Hubert,fce pou fceepe goob toatcfj.

tftot farre of Doc 31 fjeare a toarlthc fottitD.-

Brvifconmp Iifc:looketoo tUJljileJ goctnCo fcekc this bop; fojneeos toe mutt (jauefn'm.

Come UliCl) to0 Mowbray, Exeunt,

f £nter Brufr> Kicbmand, Souldicvs.

Rich.Cbe <laftie pees; are Qmcurijat bo'rtnljatWSou tbat arefecuants to cl;e 1 abp Brufc,

3rifc,makc entrance fo? pour Lo?o ano frtenw.Enter,or zbo\ic


Hu.CQetoiH mafee iuue erepee enter fjerc.

££tbo baue toe tl;ere,Richmond anb Brufefjffpou*

£&bat,bpfo foone,are pcefoearelpbcrc4


3n pottpfaitbtbe Pjouerb'sbertfieo:

lyarc carelp bp.ano pet arc neretbeneare.

KichXbctoojfeourfojtune.Brulclctbsgoebence,££lc baue no potter to figbt^normakc Defence.

Cfu£tbat Hichaiond.iutUpou pjoucaUunatoap.'Kkh,jfrom tljtc SOOH VVinchciter:j2oU> plojO DefenD.


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Page 107: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

I £ar'cofHuntington.

^nife.tuetotH ffapanDfigljt.

^mmiattuntittjua melon Hubcn



ttotttefuttt""'''•' S",cnt0 a" SBBinoektiict of


Page 108: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert

mow.JSou mutt not goctt^e king is moon's ami totfl


L.fttjDV.t ticfl)all!)farc mee^ittte meentng Iohn,

till Mowbray backciijcaremcefo^pittUgCa^regarii

ttjc t ante BrufesiDofall erg,


La.jfirft call baefce Mowbray.

K^cafi Mowbray;nouj bebjiefe,

L.J vjaue fome HnnengarmcntSjietoeU^es,

laaefet in a bamper berc ti)itbin tbeioage:

<D lec me fane it from confumincr, ftte.

A'.ftnOis ttjigall*;

La.its all tt;c little all,3C berc foauelefc,

King.3luap 3fctfirc;UnncnaMrtrafl),

L»Q once moje beare mce,tbcres a p?etiott0 3Jem,gou b aue not ant richer in all rbe ftealme:


Co bis true colour,cantfccfamereftoje.

A'i.ffe£ct) ttrttoo oftie belpe t;cr iti bcr hamper rjttber,.

La.^ap3nap:oncU)illf«ffice: tfoe SkuieUifSifaue, 15

allljaffee. £xicwithChetfcr,

Kin.^e fljall&crUctoeUbaue.

Hu.^be umtpfearefuH 3 fijouiD kcepeber fonne.

Witrnn 5La,l)c Doc, pee Doc


Ki.^laspoo laDic:Ijarke,chcftcrij (foe are c&tofng;

Enter Cbefler and ihe^lcading the boy,

£a.Ict goe bis banMs t^jtes a paU)e3tbinfce £ow,

Co bolOe atcnoer bano in? 6c tojtyaute:

£1 noble man lo cljutlt(l).?llooKe31 p?ap3^)is acmes are c^nQles.

Kmg.fpoUJ nob) taDp flrufc,

Dotb Cbciier burt ttje Jetoellofvottt ietft

jSoui i>*> m? trotb it is a p>cttic bop


La. j,:kncuie pw^ateftte as nutty ns2,?$«8iottt&




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Page 110: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 111: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earlc of Huntington,

Ki*flEtettjK «no ro» of Us no to:ong (ball bate.-

13ut (hp in YVindlbr OftlC tolttj Hr Walter Blunt,

flub bonourablp be tofeDiuwu.i'iD Gill,

jDourlj-ufbanDanDpourfcnnr oUcp ctrr iiuff,

Z,.JTojtbie great mcrctc,iftlKT&tfcbQ\£P>»fclfcUJillc|jiDC tncni'jFojtuncfoHoluc fohn,


K* Come let tosnoto after efrStaecneffOxfoidExeunt oinncs.

Enter the Queerie^OxfordjS-iuMiers*

^u.j»fioU3 arcpcf^too^tljraaDrcfoItrcDmetT,

Come to toe cage toljcre ebcbncIcaneliirOB bi'oc,

Cfrlt tprcon all tljcfatrc flight int&ettcalme.


^tjis cage of ntgbt-tjtDotoJles^tgbt-flrtflgbtrD?.

Offer co fumxnon.£ntcr yoDg Brufc^MAttlci^^



JSP? rather tuilfull:fo?Cuct» me e^tnkecljcpbr.


^IjoTe clouoc foloe in tbe Comet, tbac poitcnb*

£a& Herniation to tljtSiopallEealnu:


let b3tnfrobe&erotcurtj little bcame,

3m> tben pour Phoebus tuill one Phoebe baue,

^rjattobiletievrtusrbauui^ronr lanDtcueltg^

*Stue -op unto poor oapjceff to pout tkgfct


Ox.fctap, ano affatetbem Brff.

3 fa^topou^aircQucenejtbisfact tsfcnle.

let not piouoUiugtoojOflnbct Dull eog'Dfmo^ec



aw> tell tfoee, it is fyame fo; fuel) a bop,

0? Co

Page 112: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert

^c leao a man? able men to figbt.

3no mo or ft looking maib, 31 fee sou too 1

£no bufie u*gbf,to bteto* btrgmttte

<&naroeo tdttb ctfecr foulDiet3,tb an poo p j atcrssr

tBuipoumillfa? tbefctng occaaonatt.

&ap toljat pou king but moulo take caafe'

£)fiutt offence; ^telD pou i?oungBriife:pot!tmatijer te

in tjolue*

gielo pon poungmatotpourfatfjer (0 in fcoloe*

m a . s&tu tbe i&ueene keepeme fcom t&e Inttfnll hixsgt

^T-bcn tutU jt

Qu- a plague apon t&i0connwfaittngqneane%Mar#6oD9 blefteo mercp,to)ill poti Hill be mao,

SttD tojong a noble b irgiue mit b bile fpeactj?

Ox, JUt me alone.-Matilch,matoenfaire,

Cbou btrgtne fpoufe,true Huntington* iuft fyetre,

<IOtlt tbou come ftttber?an» 31. Boepjotetf

STfje ^ueene ano J, to mitigate tljtss Ujarte*

catillooe tobatttjonfcouloclr&aue.

Ma.3 come*Er.gou (ball not goe : fount" b;nms to toatre.

Ox. alack, alack fojtooe:iuell (fikjofo* b&fltfc is


Alarum, fight,ftayt


Br.Matildaes cry C0 Ooe flap b0.

Mat^Qxfbrd^ camein bep; tftfypdefence,

Br*£i& mill % nttjtit pou (ball pielo pone UKe;t£o anp comacb lo;o tbat fecues tbe *Ktug.

Ox»€ofa>atftp?0U& bopftboufinDeft me nufoebbeaff»3no tbou (bait rue in earneft tl; t s root uff*

Fight againe, Mstilda taken,lcd by the hairc b$twoSouldim,

Ox. IRuoe bant)0 bom bale pou bertuouB honour tojtfe?

Qowm not toell;atoap:nx>toby m^faiti^^


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Page 114: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 115: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earleof Huntington.


«;akcber, fairc&ueenejbfefjrr asfljeDeferne*:

^bccs fatrcjfljccs nobIe,cbau\anD Debonatrc.

3 muu\acco;Dtng to Due courfeof toarre,

S)ce tbat our fouloicrsfcatter notcoa fare,


QH.istbistbeHe!en,tbistbeparagon,Ctjat mahes tbe englifl) liinnus flame fo fall?

Mat.? am not tyc ,pou fee 31 am not tyzt:

3 am not r aat(bt pet,as Helen map,

3 fcnoto not lobat toiU come oflohns oeCr^

Cb at rages liKetbcfea,t&atburocsIiKe8re, ^


face:tlms,tt)U8 31Iebfepou,

Enter Oxford

Ma.^oe,Boc,tob«t pou mill.

Ox.OoU) goes tbta gcerc?ba?fottle fall fo foule a DeeO,

Pooje cbattcbilDe ofFftzwatcrDofitboublceDc.


Sno mojc J tcUpon true tban J tooulD beare,

Caere not tlje Danger of ttjc r amy e fo neete.


Meff. 9pp lojOj tfce foes baue gat&ereD bea&:

JL02D Brufe tlje fatljer,topnetb toitb tbe fonne.^p teres tbe matter, toe mnttfpeno our time,

Co kecpe pour natles from fcratcbing innocence,

tabicb ujoulo bane bcenc bettotoeofoj our Defence.

Uibat (ball toe noto ooe/belpeme bolp (Sod,

^bcfoeUcome.anDtoeareoutofranfte.£lurtnifh:Quecne takcn,cJW4fi/<£«reicued


£iiter olde Brufe woundcdjlcd by his foonc and

up**Br.JetbeSelDours^Young B. i,tban^sto nobleLeHer.

Br^iue 0oD t|)anhs,foime,be carefull to tfjp motfjer?




Page 116: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedeath ofRobert


jf eirftcr armc*,o| pjatens map Jjim rccotter.Fals down,

Lcft.Oottt cTjccrcs otu iJrufc?


Ibfe-ttmfc is in mp bofome buriefl.

Lcftflpis lifetoas DeaieIpboua;bt..foj m*W$ latoc

gfoambles ofDcau men about btefeete,


mitb bonoor burp bim.-eeafeteareg goot) 2rufc«

Br.%mt*%t\w notj confeffopetmutf3 foeeoe.

fcotilofeWrfMir belpe to beare Ijtm to mp tent-

£xcun:, cumtfrufe.

Ma-55c comfbjteo great(nueene:fo?£Ctm2to;ott&s$*

%t toaamp fortune anonofaultofpoure-

Qii 3!gujctijusmilDc?o?totbu;emocfem?cbance?

zTcft.duceneElianor.arcppu apjifoner?


313ut Uobaf foule banD batb barnrt Mauldaesfairtf

g>p*ake bonourabie maiostoboWWP »««*

£)to Oxford o) tb * &ucenc t&is biolence?

M^ aiwetitlwoomea 6rft toofce ano foje me t^uet

STromrcbom olo Oxford , cbamfino; trjetr tojong,


Wbolaio berfoft ban* on mp bieeotnp;cf)eefce0,

<Paue biffes to mp It^toept fo? mp tooc:

ami toaBbeutifoft; bot» to feno me:


eumtotoPOttrteftalatam&WWW' ainBnc(retoeretume#aDame,be free.


OnJ'aretoeU Matilda: if3 tfue,beleeue,

31 totUtemembei:tl;is.^bottJ3! gtteuc,

Cljat 3 ujoulo tojongfo innocent a matb.

€omeLabte3olbBtzwaterisnotfarre: _

tytUtotwp fee t^cfe fcarre^ full Weil 3 R«otoc* _

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Page 118: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 119: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle of Huntington.Ma L&outoBJtocrcfromtrjis touofull toojlDof foarrcr

^)iirj BtUitllfcape^nuto fome#unrp£oc. £xcunr<£ntcrkin£,OxfordjHubert,

K^pau voubcc t^cn'-.fjan you f;cr fti powr polucrf

Ox. J marrp Ijao tioc;U)c bao taken \)tt.

K.® bao Oje beenem mine, fter.

j3ot all cactljs potocr/rommp potoer.tfjoulD fjauc frcco

Ox.^ouare a kin&anD bfsb arc Winces tbougbta


Jt mar be U>itb pour Ggbt pou coulo Ijaue cljac c

§n bott ofarmco metric map be fo.-

15ut toe poucfubiects Did tljc bell toe eoulo:

get Brufc tbcfatrjer.bacliing Htuic tlje fonue,

S>eattreDourtroopcs:bjiougl)crcrcucfo Matilda,


A'.©n all tbc race of #rufcs,foj t1;t 5 lu^ono;,


9pp lojoof Ox(crd,5iucV)filtauc a UibUe to be alone.

Ox.3| tuill mt» liege:butOepoucoinfojtcD,

^be £uccnc toill be rccouer'o,ooe not fcarc,


K'Oxtordifo^beare 3PW (3I feare.Exit.

Or*£ct k) tbeiDjongfljc did imto Matilda/jfrare,

K.^bc father ano tbe founc did refcue bcr:

^be motber anD tbe Connefball rue cljc OecDc:

5§>o it ujall be:31 am rcfohi D tfjereon.

MatHdajmpfoulesfoooe^bofebauc bereft:

3no tbefc of boDies fooBe 3 toill bereaue-

£iuci Hubert,Brand*

K,WiOnnd?Brand »J)our^atf (lie* Make legs.

KXcueof pour cuccQe. Hibcrc,ffanDa(iD£*>

£)oaft fpcoilp to vvindforualie tl>t* ring:

$5io Slunt oclmer £mfcs Uiife ano f biloe,

3nto pour ljanDs:anoa(Ue bun fo^tfjebep


©4 3fo

Page 120: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thcdeatlr ofRobert

Jntfcat, fee pen Ojnt bp t&etram ana bjat.

pmenD to Blunt tbat t>ou fcaue left tbem meat,mi\\ frnie fomefcnntajbttanD unto bimfap,Itt to m^toillpoubjingtbefter attar.

3no bere poufit,? tbaroj* poujm pour life,

gou noe not leaue a bit ofbjeao toitb tl;em.Brand. 35 toarrant pou,letme alone*

Ki. Come baefceaajaine britb all the fpeetie pottmay,Hugh.^ome crtteU taffee in potnteu foj tljat flaue,

SEtbicb be toill erecute as cruellyKin, fito ruttj>no pittie (ball baue Ijarbour bete,

^ill faire Matilda be toit|)intbefe annc0t

Enter Oxford with the Queene.Oxf.Cemfojtm j> tojvomfoj tmp srattottieslop,

£ottr lotte i0 corns ajatne.

Ku^bOxford.tobete?Ox. lj)ere mp o?eao @>oueratpe.Kin^bou Ip'ft uje is not tfcere«

Ox.&noer correction ponto;ono;mpage»$ap J befeecb pou,tsnof tbisthe akueene?Kin.3 crpvoumercieOxfbrd.,ti0 inoceae.

(ITOere to Matilda?

QuSHbere bertu&c&affitiejami innocence remain,thereto Matilda.

King Cpoto comes ftje,pjap, to be fo cljaffe/o fatre, fo


Qu^&e freeo mefrommp foes, anoneuer forgo2^p great abufe,niben u;e l»as pjifoner •

Kin^2Hbat oio pon to ber*:


^ben tare ber batre^anorenter tenoer c&eefees.

K,£D beauen.'niao not fbe Dap oar&e at tbat foule oeeo ?

Coulo rbe futme Cectoitbout a reo cclfpfe,

Kty purple cearw fallfrom t&ofe tyrant tooiroos



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Page 122: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 123: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

rCarle of Huntington.

£ttt Arc!. iopc,Gypfic,tl)tcMiptT3lacUamoojC:

Caolfc,^T!5»frc,\Mcre(baucttbcroftbembotb %

Ox.arepou atmtCo mp toio.?

K.©utDottno; Carle.




K.tteno mp loncs cbcekcs-'tbatmatcblctteCrTtrjic,

£f toonDcr'ttwkiug.naturcs crjtcfctt too;kc.

-£carc Ijcr rtcr) U3ljtc(j,t|olo topres,

£unncs rapes,anDbdrofbe0[ compares

(3(n ttjefr m3ftp;ioc)baucno comparifon.

abufct)ccnamefMatildac$fdC«o name?

O barbarous . .Tc raerctlefo*

ou. B tolD pou Oxrbrd.poo miaooke tfce king.

Ox. 31 fto inoeeoe:tm> Urge Loja gtue mc leaue,

^oUauctbc€ampe»X. aujap olo foolc : ano take totttj t&ee tljat (call:


Ox.Come taoie,eome aniap.

fcempt notW racrerruinc tojatb altoaies bjfngs


lutf beinglo;U,trjere is no trull tu kings- fine.

1 Enter Mowbray.

mou.Co armed king Iohn;Fitzwaten ftdB is pttct)t,

Qboutfome mtlebctice^n a cbampafn plain*.


Cbetoinffs aireaop tjatte begun tbe fig&t.

K.'CbittjcrtoeUiill toitb tutngsofijcnjcanrcflp,

3no toinne M«ilda,nj loofebictojp. £xcunc,

£merLa<lic jffr^/Jr.and flr**/.

La. S3b? ottj mp keeper put os in tr)p banos?

CClrjercin bane toe offendeo 51unt oj tbeC:

Brand.^ou necoe not make tbefe too?BS:

$ou mutt remoo tie pout loDging.tljts id all.

Page 124: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert *

*$t not afeato.come come3 beret$ ttieoooje,

I. O^oubolnoai'lteftfe-'

Brand (Bat in goeurits Ijtoc^cttop tf>e (tafresf.

La.^vmemblinglKattfojbiogi meetopein.©tftijoufjauecompafl'ion.tcUmetru?,

v&tjac mp pooje bop ano 31 muff trutf unta.?

7»rid.i tcUtbcc true, conipaffion 10 m? foe:

get battel Oao of tyre compaction.

JTahe in ttip c&iloetas 9 bane faith 01 trotfo,

Cbou^tljp bop flwll be bntpjtfoners:


t mn 1 &atlp bitno; uou meat ano tytnfte-

La.C&eli eljou baft fniomano <S»oo fogtiietrjeeli^fj,

9s in tl}t0 carta place tijou 'emembjea bs«

tpoojc ljcarr,t&ou laugft'-.., ano baft not lute to tljtnfte,

Upon tije many fearcs tbat me afflict ,

5- v<:i,

Inottn:bctpcU8:,afftft'b6 Blunt,

IZl t (ball be murojeo tn a mingcon.Branrj,<£rp toitljouf caufcfJiie fjaue t»eettt^fattlj*

£a.gj) it r mr bct> an'o J.but tiinc toitrj Blunt,

Sinottjen 5 Unlluutb pauencc ^cet«» .xu

Br.gKItilpc^o; ntU^ec^^ounog^e muff goe ui,



.*onot\mcb Blunr,c

jmeanc.(!ooein3! Tap*

©jfcE t^f0 &anb,peeg(t no meat to bap,


£ra.<rdbP,auo petooulo goetn,tinmcDtatelE.

La. J toil! goe iinbu: berpmucb J Doubt,

0oj.J!,no?mppoo?cba?n;ail ere come out. Exit

Bee feemes to locked iloore.

BrJi^ere tobtiepcelitt; ,pf.-nb: no'o) are tljep fare,.

CrptiU t!/eir !j« a: ts ah»-,no anvuarurjem f)eate#

&mifcrable mifefamiffjment:

^ut urijut carrj^tire JuagcommaunDcflme.Alarum

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Page 126: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 127: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle of Huntington.

Alarum whhin:excurficn?- Enrcr Ftt^Mery Brufe.

Fit7.*j3oU) Dofl-faiti" fortune offer fjope of ipccoe.-

25uc rjoUJfoere \uefpeeoe:{Toco csi:n onifc,

Sparcb to: tii thief (NtntofftbObJCfi 9 pilttffo WimJfbr,

<&pjcarnng a i amour tt>tt(K Dap is ours:

&8 ouro tt flidll be,Untb the belpe of fatten.

2?lunc Icttee our partfacrc better Mian cbdUnrts:

£lnD totll, | (rarjc nip lifespan tije ueiacs,

<&urrcmier up tijcCatfis toottrbfe,

?$ot\)\$ means OiaUvoa freipelWCOa holoe,

!£)oto ere it caance.fct tree poiu- iaop mocbet

Chat Uues tna jifon tbcre^tot'ct) pcur pounp; li^of^ec-

Br&jtoaf poo tnklCjCotljc battel tjoe:

15ut that a ccrtaine ctooD infues 3f knotoe,

4Tei alltrje Uio^Id,3I tooulD noc leaue pou fo,

Firz. 3to)ap,atoap.

(Doo feno tbee Winafor: bs tljia ^ippte Dap,

Alarum dill. Eutzt Hv.ghbcrt.

77u.Uou cannot biDc pour felfe Matilda: no Dt'frjaifc

CCltUfcrue tbctnrnetnotomuffpouco tl/CKtng;:

flno all trjeft toarres toill toicb ponr piefcnce ceafe-

2>tclo pou to bitH,!jrcfoone toill piclo to \icacc.

Ma- ^bcrfay cboutooU'ftfomeptctieofae&iiDc,


£$m doc repajc tbee to be iutt of ujojd,

fluD a Dcare loucr ofme Lc-;B :(k aintr.

Jt tbou Dtod tbaf if ttjou be one of cljefc:

IDtttti: MarilJa^jcftratcat Clj rVfte.


«pp\j3o;ci8iu(t; Uj:jicb Ji liauc-.jtucn the tuna;,

^be king 2 lciu:ano tfj;c J. {no to: be lcuc0.

Compare tbefe.-thenboiu ran J pkafaretfcce?wa ^plittiti^intefcapcfobunmow^bbcp,

W|m j toill e«D mp life a bctarp,

tyz Hugh.

Page 128: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert. i

Hu.flnerfje kmgBiettntbootingontrjp lour.

m a c.jao,no tttj is fire of lull UiouId be foone I a tor,

31fonce tje Unetpe me ftoojnc a fjolp mato,

HuJWw tcares ano loue of oeuue Ijaue t&e potoer


^rtte to d t ftrcfleo beautie ano rare cbaftitie:

iFalfe (o king lohn,trjat Ijolos trje figbc oftfjee


($oe Ijappie fottle^tbat in fo ill an age,

Upaftfucf) faire beautie fojtbp heritage:

IHt goe noe fo alone. £>oC rjcare tall fouloterf


3*1 knotu ttjec rjonetf. guioe cb is gentle mato*

%o Dunmow &bbcp: uje 10 one 3! knotoe.

35 toill cjccufetbce ann content tfocetoell.

Spp figne t tafte,-tbat rjee map palTe unfcarc&f

Mar.lKtnDe Hubert.manp pjaper0,fo } t&te goob Decor*.

fcijaH on mp beats be nailp numberco,1" £ntcr Lcftdr/Richmottd


Lefl.© trebblc beat ofOonour,tople ano rage/

^oti) cbeete* carle RichmondFitzwatcr, (jreafce olo man*ZSXz are note neere together; anftoere mee.Fitz. Letter,rfjemojeour tooe,

%ty likelier to be taken bp tfce foe»

Rich,© let not fucrj a trjougrjt abufe tfcp age:

SBeele neuer piel* 00 to tbe tp* ant* rag e -

Fitz.^nt ifmp gtrlebestetoeo,


Firy^.juljereiei no man but ft)aU fjaue fctetime tot&Left . jftoni 10 our rjotoe^tot) tc|? t&ep u)all oeatlpbuy

1" Enter king, Hugh^Che^it^MorvbrAj*Rich* Lcftcr,toecle ffano like tfoee battalion?:

8D|K(W(I one noble (Seneull tyerecoav 3

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Page 130: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive
Page 131: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle of Huntington.

Fitz.CUbp,1 Tap Dae;U)biU;$ candle keepe mp place


Kint;.Ootutio\Bmp bu5-bcarc3U)iU rcno\ufubmtt^



Rich. Carle Richmond toill not piclD-

K^CtijmliCfi Fitzwater.pQUfljoulDbautmojeUm.


3nu fo in tbis,mp urill orcrules mp totf.

Ki.aiarum tljcu,umb tucaponsiuili (tote.

CCtt Tconttje pour oefper ate toiIl,ano teacb pee to fococ

Fighr.dnuc back the king.


K.0f bicb bcroichefptrits be toe? all:

tacttJiUlDit^ujaUJf alicleauD CDiifcrre:

jfoj tbcv are circlet) roun&,ano cannot fcape.

Rich.© tbat toe tbjec,tobo in tbc funs ante,

^CrC UkCtrjftbieC TriumuiratcsofRome)

©moeof anboaa.abletobanqiii^Romc,

gUcnotoalcnc.inclofDnutb enemies/



Left .Goura^f,anu let to mcjtbep come ajtamc


Jts Loin Hugh *Burgh alone> //ughberr,tobat netoea4


Hu.tbisoatf* &;rce flaugbtccloh^our i\in£,lamct*:

flno to pou tb?cc,grcat leaders of an beaft,

•Cbat note baue not a man at all to leaoe:

Pflutoojtlnecaptaincstoitbout companies

Left.Fitzwarer,Richmond; bptbebUCTcD^Unne.,


h u. T5* tyt Spoone 1 ooe not ,anu put (| c blcOct> toot.

3t is assooo an oatb as poubaueftoojne.

S£p bcart cirlcuc«,tbat Co great beatts, as poura be,

£boulo put pour fortunes on a fojt of Uaues,

^batbjmsbafefcarc\Bitbinti)cmto rljc&clo;

\^3 Stt



Page 132: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

^Thedeath ofRobert

!65ut to tfje matter . fettb pour ffacete fitc&,


(eaaijtcl) 3 am Cure, ano ujc!(>« pgbneffe fcnotoefy

f&ou 00c not feare at all ; pet be gtucs granf,

£)n iuft contitioniB pau ftali Cauc pour Hues.

Fitz.finnoionotftonfcnii 3 fauempltfe^

Crcept Matilda be returno agame*enbiemtff)t,bnab';fo;an&tben 3 pieltr,

Hugh. <§>be noU) to toberc (be nctter totUretttrne,

Fitz,3f5cuer?JdD 600.' 13 mp Matilda oeao ?

Hugh^Deaue to ttje ittojltf.- oeab to tins tooe (fcete.

$8fot tittc0 at Dunmowjanu tssstioUJD a tftannc-

Fltz.Doe notoeliiocme #ubeit,gemtefomie.

Hugh, iBp all tbefaitb ano fjoncur ot'mp aim^p mp unftatn aUcagiauce to tbe king:

^p mp otomctt)on>>t&atbat& rep joouelcffe bin,

£>be W at Dunmow.Fitz.£>,lj0h) came flje t(jerc.?

Hu.^Llbcn all tbcCefalosujeretoalfofojragcf fear

(^b^t0,tjotoliwglibc abeao ofbungrj? tucto:Cbat,fcuooing as a ftearo offctgbtcf oeere)

ZSXfaxi ouff arifmg Ithe a cole blacke fogge,

jfromfrteno ofuioeo ftteno, iopnOfce to toe:

£et nettber t&ofe^noj tbete couto eitber fcnoto,

%i\ bcre an t cjjere t Jj?oik# large Urioe mautbeo tootfog

Ipjouo Itfe^tten in tbeglujteof In* beat,

Jtofing potfeffion, be! cbt fojt fj ftreames ofMoo?:

£®bofefpout0 in faliing.maoe ten tiioufanO Djops,

2no toitt) tftat purple lb otoer tfce DtifT alato:

£tt fucb a time met 3 fbe trembling maio,deeming a ooaetfrom all berfelfonjesparfeii.

feenie^hnotonejano tafcen.-oufcene $ tonanotone,

'Coanpotbertbat rrtBRnotoef^botb,

at ber entreat? 3 fent berfafelpgnioeo,

CoDunoiow^bbegjanotbe gutoe returns,


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Earleof Huntington.


\p it tieD:ano In bis fight Dto taUc bcr oatfi


Fuz Hubertjfo^ tfjis rljp honourable DrcDe,

3 anD mp tjoufcuJillrcucrcrce thp name*Hu*het,3 beffcebpoubioe it from tlje fting;

£t lead chat 3 eomtart Ocr to the place


Ft z. Hubert. 3 kill.



Coitus toicbctit our ItbcrticuJifcojne.


Lett* ^tjen Letter boiuce hio mice to bis licrjc £o;B,9ao bumblv btgfl Ijts Diajhneuj: tODtttttrc

Ofunjnatnaiunotaiccjasbebatboone.Rich. tC^elthc Richmond Dcfirco;tpielOBl)isC\uo;D»

Kin. \ Dec imbjnee pc botb*ano bolo mi fclfe

Utcbcrbp a bailing pctt^

Fitz,03tichts nip lujongrpct Jfubinituiit&ibefe,

Pegging &fe4eaue,w ituca pmiatclifc.

Kinp.O In bjanoa of malice in tb? bofomc reff.

tfyou ftjal: banc Icauc to icauc mcf jticncc uoubt-

Fitzwater^fectboulbtpyctbccfiraigbt to ^ jfrvuf,3nr> ncuttftttbrfoorc on CngUtyftjoK,

^iUJ rcpcalcc^ce,C5oc 50c ftcn« inpeace.


King.31 riQtbt bis njjongjbe'a Uirarte of tbc lanD-

flich.j^otof tbc lano.butofapublikelife,


iZXr muQ not keepe a ojone ainonojotir bjes.

Fi:z.J am as glac to goe^aspou to feno



Cbar I mav fee Matilda ere 3 part.

Al.Mjtildn ;$>reMatilda,tttl]OUCantt

Kcfojc^ttuiufetjOaP nor anotljer ba?-

pj- lira

Page 136: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

1Thedeath ofRobert

Slppcare twtbm l>cr ^aplcffc fathers Cgbt

3farcti>cHmp feouetatpe.LcHe^Richmond^lLojWJ

3faretoell to all:grttfe gtaciet no tt>ap to toojus.

King* Ficzwater&W LOJ&S.gtue t38 ieattC 3 tojjtfe..

Hubert,goe pon beforebntotbe&bbeffe,

gnu Hgnific out commtng; let bee tying


Matilda to berfat&er* Come olo man;

15c not too frotoart^ami toenail be friend

about tbis Stele our mojtall iarrcs began:

anoiftbon\»ilt Jbere all our quarrel! enos.

Fuz.i&eferue mp bononr,anomp oaugbters fame,

3no no poo?e fubicct rtjat pour ©race eommanas,

&|aU totlltnger fubmit,obep,ano feme.

K.Oo tlren but tbis;Perfteaoe tbp beauttoas c)HB,

Co Ieaue tfce J3unrp amKcturne to Court:

3nu 3I pjoteft from fcencefotfb to fojftoeare

aw fucb conceipts ofluff as J| baue bojne*

fltz.3I toill,mp Lo$D>ooe all tbat 31 map ooe:

?5ttt giueme leaue, in tbis,toDoubt ofpo«.

K ^btsfmaW tbinggramit,an« affceme antt&inj:

<D? elfe Die tn e rile.loat ljt> oftbe fttng*

ntz #gou u)aWpereefae3l ttflltoe fc>bat3lmap.

£nter,on thewall,Abbefle, Matild* .

ffo Matilda (0 afrato to Ieaue rbe foutet

3$ut locen Conner battlement tyz aanos %

I5ut tn no cafe totll come toftfcm pour panose

K. mftartfmll nrp Laop abbeffetoarres totefcbs:

^peahelL(rote:tobercfo;e(btit poubp^onr gatesAb^aueme not ceafon,foben an tjoaft ofmen,

*pun t ano purfue religious crjafhtte?

King iohn, betbtnbe tbee tobat tbou tafcU in fyano,©n paine ofinterotctionoftbp Lano-

^urojers ano fellows mapfcanefanctuarp:


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Page 139: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

— " ganc ur nnnnngron.

flno0i«Unot6onojabIcmaiM BWrcCt

So"? ftttat C«h«ine ftffID mpWJUltttt:


K*Contenttt.etHub«t,tIJ«famemottHem <*.

anothcttojO come.m?mtttumenw (ball be.

«nt« « «otm¥te (ball off«t P»« offence,ft?


«• Lop ttfc Kii«ilo|M«no»rtinewre J pjap.

Tad», tttllmptinnaino»onoue«top.

SSereaaetljee of ftp M^-^'^KfU.*,CbouUcftout &oaecaJ5ne,lo}oof•»«>««»«•

bJ?<Sob pjooioca; Stance to appoints«3M bc«U»S« to tempt aielp #unne:


wSd eoe not oet.m? a***^»"9 wmfo*tnr'

3 amD baltam to ctuttKuce,


3 ™*

Page 140: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Tfiedeath ©i Robert


Cbefe feauen peaw baft cftou bio a $)artpr* gam&


Ecamngm tbpfelfeiuft-grottunsfieci

jfo* being mo^amarct^u baDftoedre.

^ud Sue fan tomeer* bawetbetc foil courfe tunmtg>ince tbon oinff burs noble Huntington.

3lR tbefe pears,manp months ,ano mant) nmesf,


Oau* beneconftmro,tbptoertae0to eonfume*Qtftg baue benebcralDjs.panDara oiDpjefumeCa tempt tbi? c(j a&eare*,toit& tbeir tmebaft tongac*:Slliincffcctjtoojhtao;tono effect.

tfoj 31 toas (fill t&e toatebman of top fotoer;

^befeeepctoffo\jjIetoojme^frommpfatceflotiJer:3Snt note3norao?e3tto moje FnzwatermapS>efenn bispooje lambe,from tbe Upcng pjegt

%\n> ojoer amj tbp bolp pjapew map.©o belpe tf;ee,tboubAffpjiui!eO0;ebpialne:

Cbecefojc be refalute.ano noblp o fe,

Sbbo>re bafe luff^e&ttD tbr cfcaffitto

K» Dtfpatcb Ficzwaccr^inmnote&pc&ifberSpanp preferments Doe on free aluaite.

Vitz.% sicie,31ftnotDCf;ott(baltbeoefetOtijealtfi.

(tffticfc t* a fyetobefmtcemero in fao fcanf)tfreat bonour* to lift up tbp lotte cftaie,

^nir^oitoua titltst to eternije tftee. .

SU tbefe Doe but g i In oaec ttglp firmer

€>ucfc teealtfc mp c&tio, forerun* releafcleflenee*£ucbbonoureuerpjooue0biq>otymrate.jfoj ttrle*,mme come? neare a bettnotts name:,^feeepeiceuer^tboubaa Donepec^flm> tbouojb tbefe oarae fimest&ouio foiaet tbi?tuai&.«n age totil come, tbat (ball etemi?e it.

*fifomgfam»eii,anof»eafeeit tnatoop.

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Page 143: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

EarTe ofHuntington.

Ma.tfaretofH&eare fatter.

Fir7.Db farewell fmcete cbittre*

<S0p ltejjcfareiDeU:Lcner,Richraond,//ughbeft,

Chcftcr3auu Mowbray: frienDH ano foes facetnell

Matilda^e t&ou neepe tty fpotlefle fame,

8n& tiueeterni^clBOiefoonetDitbtyame. Exit.

Na.3men,amcn:fet&erJaoteu >aD<eu:

t&riefe&toete toft&mee,n»erfeeomfo?tfoUoto pott,j

Ab.Come bangbter come; tbtew a toofclt Og&t,

M&engooD enoeauowo artoppjcftbp mig&t;

Excuntfrom abouCjAbbeffe, Matilda.

K.^b Hubertjeett t&ou not t&e funne go baton*.

Clouiopann oarfee? Matilda,aapo«e tooj&.

£>be Qjafcea ber beao,anb fcojncfultyism ««?•

Ricru^ott Cljecrfl tljou Letter*,.

Left.^ao man, at mp Hate:

C&at cannot; r a(fe true bononr ruinate*

Enter Mcflengrr.


Hutck ucngeanie on rfifs girle foj fcomng me.Aea^ongBrufc,mp tojDjbatb gotten Wmdfor cattle,

fijlaine Blum pour Conff*blc,ar,B ttjofet^at Ucpt tt:

8no finning in a totocr l)is mother ueao,

CCUtb bis soung fyotber ffaruti ano famtijjcb;

fcbat euerp one map fee t&e rnfull figbt,

Jntbe tljtcktoaU jjeatuiDetotnootoema^cs: j

gnbaab*fonno fbenijfobelctatbemUe

afpectacletoeucrp commerbp,

«: bat beauen ano eartb.pour t^ant &)amemiB fee,


ibe tpjant mcrcilelTcmfj umane Iohn.


&uppjefTe tbat traito; Brufe, oabat if bis nam,

3n U)ilfuUfurp,tDoulDreceittenomeat,

jftojfufferbcr poungebtloe imp to cat,

2iiUourtanItrlDa0tpee tmtbCpeeoeatoap>

3* am

Page 144: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert

$ntttoe toil follofoe.-goe.begon J p?ap.£xit>Ch .mow;Hu.Q Macs ano toofull oceoe/jD pittioag tMng,,

flBbenuaueB atfeno C&e fierce tbougbt* of«ltin&Left^Lo;t> ::«Mlttegoetao.?

Kin«£efter anb Richmood,3: J Bjap ytt Ooe.'

Lcft,(5et 3 mp 13eate $ raggeo ftaffe once moje


B aiCu in tljc fido,fo$ cbefe topaz*^mc ujaU ware*£xic 'SJchmof/d>Lffier9

K,jfetc&in tbeS£omieofBury,tfratatalfct or,£xic /fdbcrtjfor the Mpnkc-

0«9 bio Will Brand,mp inffrument ofoeatij,

Come liketoife in* Corniert,to raging bate*Monke, fiTugh^rand, cnicr.

S£p long reftfteo lone .ageleome gooo Spoake;Mon. ^?;cn«0 tomp Clege^

X.Cbou&att bene lung in fate,

^obe inttalleo abbot efponefcoufer0no to pour fauottr manpfrfenbo rjaueRtoK#>ote ta ttjegotijer fbat pon (bail be^eftro,apon conm'tion^no tfre matterfmall.g>ijo?t ifoiftto mafcejgooo &oue& £onfe(To*53 ioue a faite5Pumte,noto in Dunmow abbep*%\\t abbeffelatteapotMtuj pottpleafttrc &ur»

ilioto if,bettoeenepou ttoJO,tt»is p#itie ta&ifcCouID beperftaaoeo to affect a king,gour fate fe grannteD; ana on Dunmowe9bbe&3ltoiU beffotoe a bunojeirmarkega peare*Mon.% bolp 5ftunne,a poungjaunne,auo a JUop*

£>earetoare mp Lojo;pet bin poatteU a* mapbs;^ttikebano^abargaine^e^aabeBOttrotiwe;iPjif (be toill not

Kutfiapjtfujeooe refute,

3llefenoa»eatbs-man tott&poti.t&tefo&ee:

3f£ (be be n)ilfull,leaueber to toe baeo*:

Sine. oQtaoume{ie«obe!icr *jatoenat

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Page 147: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive


Earle of Huntington.

Mon.fcbe matter tyallbc bone.

Kx 58>itra,to|>at potfons baue po« rearte?


tf.<3ttaitc on tbe monfee tben,an& err toe take tojfe,

3U gtift rou Cuci) tnftt u ction a as pou nrcue.



hu. gour tprannfes bauc loll mp louc almoff:

QnD pet 3 cannot cljufc but lou: eternally


£D boto are all tnspjinielv vjertueo ttatn&,

kKtttbluffabbojrcD anolafcluiona beate.'

CStbub htn&ltnoc firG to fire,nota>e in a flame,



Lihe ouerfljtonng full fcas,l)aue bene fpent:

3m» manpaozplanDBjimkcumb ljumaneblocD;


£atbcr tbcp aooc oplc to bis raging Are,

Upcate to bio beatr,t>eQre to bis oeDre,

^ometobat i feate,isnoto a managing.

JFejtbat pjooigioas bloooie fttgmatiqae,

Jsneucrcalotonto biskinglp flgbt,

J5ut like a Comet bepojtenoetb tltll


<nruell,bnht,iDlp,bujrio ,full of hate:

astbatbtleoccoc at w.ndiur.Bone oflate»

(5entle m a ; i Id a fomx U)') at J millruf!


|Pet tbee 3 nccbe not feat efucbts bisque;

9gaine,tbe place ootb gi«e tbee nurrantife:

get 31 remember toben bis OtSbnelTefaiD,

SBie lutttull monke of Bmy fljoula bim oft:

3 fo it is; if ilicb.MteanpiU,

t£b?ougbpU'mo (bawling tort ber (bamc betojcittfbt,

3CU Co cbauiice,MauidacsgutltieacDajo:^

33 «Mft

Page 148: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

——y—^mraeaicn or KOTErf

Oltittttrttbtbe Iofleofmanp atifebeboug&e.

«315ut Hub«t tgill be (till bte D$ea& lojuj5 frieim,

tyoucucr be Dcfcrues,bi* matter feme;

3£bougb be neglect, b"n tonll not 3 neglect:

CSSboeuer failes l»m, 31 com John affect-

5To> tbougb kingsfault £n tnanp a fettle offence,

^ubiecc»muartte,not.menfttoitbbiolenctc £*it*

Enter Ox/M>Queene.Ox.|5oto bp m? faitfcpon ate too b:ante §gaoame;

^uertoitrnmingeuerbetingpou/'Ceafe off tbefc fretting bumoucs,n;ap peeboe.

©rieffc teiU notmenu it, nougbttar. pleafare pon,25nt patient futtering: nojbp pourtraces iea«e>

l^aue ton fucfj c aafe tMiafee tbts bue ano crpSfcer a bu sbano ; ponbaue not in gooo footb.

gearelp a cbiloe'tbis paimrnt is not na a.

Contentfalre&ueene?ano do nottfjjnkttffrange,

^barkings ttoeXometime* Ceeke oef tgbt in change*jfo? noto ano tben,3! tell pottipooje men range,

$tt bourne a little,J toiU make yon fmi le*

^bongb SI be note like to tfce fno tole Alpcs,

31 was as &o: as AEtna inmp poutb'

811 See tfaitb>trne beart ofoake, rigbt ffeel*,

& ruffian iabie : oftenfoj mp lpo?t,

31 to a Icoge ofmine bib make refo&Co btefoem? b eere 31 fai& ; beare (SJoo can tdl,3!t toas mp keepers n>ife,1»bome ? lotto toell.

^p Counted C<$og be toitb ber)toa0 a ibjotoe,

#a b)omeiibe,pour j^aieOieootb Knottier

#n& fome oobfpicktbanfeeput it in bee beab,au 5nas nof toeli : bnt fneb a life 31 leb,8n& tbepoojekeeper,ano Ins fmootb'Dfad toife,

Cbat teffl 3l,nil 31,tbere $e migbt not mt;SBut foj c&e peoples ate toel! p^ottio«;

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Page 151: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle of Huntington.


31 ttickt bcr in bcr kinoes Ccrtt'D bet rtgbt-


Conic tittbrr,J at Lonoon ttottlo fotournc: .

Came (be to court.from court 3 ttratsbtuiar ftcpt:

Return, j) to ebc court laoulDbacRcrctumc.

£c tola toap, tbat toap,currp teas 0>c tocnr,

3< ffillu)aaretrop;rat>c,felti oppose-


jaemet,ktu\iopn D,am> berc left all fufpttton.JQu.^oUJ out topon pou Vcre5 31 moulo baue tbougbt^

%,\>i tnojlo bao not contains a cbatter man.

Ox.«oU),br mpfc&,lto»Hbe{tooine,!ain. /

Jn all 3 tell pott,J ccnfclfr no tll>

35uc tbat 31 curbo a froUjaro tocraana ttrilU

$et bao ms keepers imfe bene ofmp minoe,

Cbere bao bene cauCefome fault untbU3 to ftnue.*

33ut i pjoteft>ber noc0 ano napea toer e Curb,

%\) at fo;m? life Cbeeucr kept cpemucb.

Qu.TDou tooulD take nap:but out Ring lohn fair* no:

Ji5o nap,no autoere tottl fufficeW turne:

^e,fo?b« cannottempt true ebathtie,

jrffle«aUtbe Lanouutb boarteerueltte.

310 it not U)ame,be tbattboulo puniQjfinne,

Defenotbertjrbteoua,belpetbe Innocent,

Carucs tettb bis (toowbe purpofc of Ijia U)iH,

Upon tbe guarocra oftbe toertuoua,

<3ntj bunta aomino fpotletfe matoen* bead,

SOitb all tbe Dattaofoefolatlon,

35ecaufeQ)e fcomctbtabeDiCTolute'

Spe,tbat be leatteaJ ooe notmurmur at•

Cbat be lonea ber, ootb no tobit me perpler,


3f(be Dio loue bim,o? nurfelfc oio bate:


$eleaue*raetbatloucabinMuiobwpwur& ^3L4: «fat

Page 152: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive


Cbatloaty btmanD lone* me;boto can 31 tyufe,

3$utfaoIp gmue3anti ntcujne tn mp grcenepouty 4


OTctt noj of ber,up? meebetafcety rutyz*


SCfjfa raging bumour totil no ooubt be ita to-

Clertuona Matilda igpjofefta jflunnc:

CSttty in a mile,atDunmow Hue* tyc mato:<©o& tJtllnocntffcr an? tying fo tile,

$ee mill not ft*re,tyat be ftouln bee oefiie


Qu •tfloj <£burty,noj ebappell^bbep^jaanr?,

3t e p;imlet>gt> from bis intemperance.

QBut Icaue toe bim,ano let n$,3l entreaty

©oetrifit faire Matilda: mucfc 31 am3!nDebtbntotbemafocfOx.gouareinoeeoe.


13nt tfpstt pleafe to utfit ber3faire name,

flDur coacb id reaftie: toe to ill (bone be tyere.

£u.<£bann$ Oxford ; ano toitb tjs 31 ateane to beareCbebeautionggarlanOjCent me out of frpaine:

CGbtcb 31 toil* offer in tyeabbepcbappell;

00tottne(Te ofMatildaes cuaftirie.-

££tyom tohile3i liue,3I euerboto to lotte,

3in recompence of raft) ano caufeleffe to;oug*

EmctBrsffd folus^with cuppc,bottlc ofpoy fon.

Ttand.d&ooo>by ty ia bans *rccDmi pairing gooD.


&o grtnsme toitb bis feetb-'lpeg &otone,antJOie$*

gugbff quotb 3*:bp gogs blouo gee tbB toateg:

fiDfaii typ line anp generation,

caaaneuerDOgio iDo;Ibippactyuuart»

ifoj ere tyou oituUbou toert an oftcm3 Ip not,bp tyefe nat lee,a (quires plan:4To> the btle cur became a counted* taller,

60 Djeo tbe oog^oto in our uert account

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Page 155: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle of Huntington.

SCbf CotintciTc comcs,Ut0 tec a dountc flfe fr a tfhtnnc


£Dbac luoulD ilje baue tbc Uj^ole toojlo quite tmoonf*

COccIc mccte I;er foi tbat trick CCtljat^not a htngf

f)anging s coo goon fo? ber; j am but a platrtc hnauc,

<3no ret fljoulo a rip of tfjcfe no fo^footljs,

^befepjap atoapc^tbefe trip ano goep,tbefettt0,


3ulag;uc opon tljts bottle ano ttyt cup!

31 cannot act miueoatb i but too t agatne.

"Bp tijefe ten enos of flcilj ano blooo,3l ftocarc:

ifw(ttottljtbij3bauo fujounotljus about bet baire,

3nOumb tljts Dagger luffiliclambacfct:

j iMottlo ^fattb,1 ,bp mp Uillanp,

3! UjjuId : but bcrc,but Ijcrc uk comes,

icDupttooDortoiBtufujcete letcberp:

3f tbep fpceocuntb mppopfou 31 goebp;

JfhcMmwc at pott maio ;tben Beppe in % %

Enter /l/*f//i*,be tvvcene the vionke andclieNunne.

Mon.^noas 3 raior,faire maio, vou bane Done ujtll,

3f ii roar otftrefle,to fecke t(;ts bolp place-

Bat tell metruel^,bo\DOoe^ouerpeU

^bc ragcof lutNartQng fo Cat in pou*:

M i I3p iviatcr,bp fattingjbp conDoerinj

Cbc fl;amc of tll; ano mecoe of ootns lucll.


(Pane row no fleifclp figbtmgs noln anbtlj.n': whifper.

Bund, jflelblp qnotb pou^amatoof tb^eefco^epeaw,




Ab. iNou doc confeffe tbc king batb fempteo pou,Qm> tljmhing noto ano tbcu on gifts ano Ifate^

3glototno;t)catbatbp?ouD|tf puftpoubp:

36ut efeankp to ©oo,rjig Q3r aec batb Done pou gooo.

ft Mon.

Page 156: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

THedtatKoF Rofeerc

Men. tffl&o, tfKWn$« (Peace?

*a,jao:®oD«0tace,(;olpmonfce* (matowo^terhrngs ©race fainetoeulDDopott ftooo,fairr

Me.JIU &oo*:be meane* my fame to isolate*

Ab.flHelUcitbatbc.t2r# <$ooo baua,o;ooa motber t*»

Ooto fatue yon to ouio tfjat tbat poo oceo GKroto lief

Ab. 3! U)ds about to (tup fom^jo^at topon a tfyttg£> fbttf£2Je maios tb«t alt ebe Dap ace oceuptco, (ftt**3>n labour ano cfcaffe foaUotorD e terctfe,

^renocbtng To mutb tcmptco lolnl: da'p laft*.

8s Doe aretneo auo pi jcitro ini be nfg;bt»/

ftellmeeMatilda,baDpouffnce you came,3&o o;eameo3tiot)tliona,nfieUtnp;U)o;tbtbe note*Ma.jao,3! tbanke<£ou.Ab.^rutypou UHll,pcutmlf;

Crcepejjou takrgooB beeoe an* bTetrepourfcKrv5To^ ifJliebutonmpbacfeea labile,

3 am pair recouerp,furcofabao ojcame.2>ou reeronreueren&gponkemoto <&o&bc*notDf&3 loue bim Dearer foj bt* boUneffe:£no J beleeue t ly: otuell fenotoeg it too:

5fo? fb* foule fterm comes to me manp a tiijbt,3s I ifee rbemo ifbe toere tbeman-S9anp a bunojeo nigbte,tbe jQuob bam fcene*^ap,crp^tiaae croUeo.ooetbfp tobatttwp caifi,

£>nce gotten in^benooe | fall to feoffee*flpp bolp toater bucfcetbefop; nerre ban*,3 tobifper fecrrtfpelleB,arf coniuee b*b^(;attbcfoule8enttijatbnomiJtepo^etofta«i**t>e Dotone,ao 3 can qttiefclp get bim law,S bieiTempfclfe,anDltReabolpmaio,,1£urHe on mp rtffbt HocrtDbere 3! Oeepe all irfg&fc«Oitbottt mojc *2eame«,oj troublmp;of tfcelpjtffW^laaQ.aa^felKfljtfb^tftectoircofmp goobbla**


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Tarfc of Huntfngton.

$n errellent mother to b j tntj up a maio,

jTojmee3meane,an*mpo;ooomattct/ohn;15ttt ncueranpfoi an onttt man. Coughs,

Jftoto fie upon c^at tt)o;o vf ijoneftier


Mon,/3©f trifle time. jTat're* tfjus in bjfefe;

&bts Qbbepbp touuneanesmap rjanereltrff.'

3n buno ;r market a pcare;auftuctc | pjap,

v&tjat Brill pou ooe brrani*

Ma.CuenallTmap.Ab.^its crjarttablp fpoh^mp fafre cjjilDf1

9 little tbmg of pour 9 ,a little fjcipe

CdiH feme tbe eurnejearoe bat to beare,to brare

Cbe buroni of t rj 10 to j 1 Id ,ano it vutll Doe-

Br a.CClell goc t bp luatcs: 3 c|iie no bauo t !;tnb pou?

M>9g)aDam>tbe beaiueUur&caofcbeluojlB

$ Alb long oppictfmce-

Ab IBat not pifttpoutttjrjt-

$o1d Ojal! pott beare a buroeu farrr mc je Ifgbt

Ma.W bat burDen beanmrrtubert tends t b is talRc

non.Co vou, to Da, tins abbep ano King Iohn,


woniaop make (bo?t,tbe king mutt lie uutypou*wa. CCl it b me,toitbuui

Firii (Ui n$ to 1 f-.e m onke ,then to the Abbefle.

Ab.&foeetc newer Ioofee fo ttrantye


|)c tt)aU come bootefljallfee.

Ma.OoU) can be comc.but cne b«tfo epec to fee?


*at»Xut no batle from mp conference lbaOuun& me.

Ab.^mnllrbe Dunnes fentqoietlp to beD.

>«a»l5ttt tbep tailIrife,ano,bp imjblufljliis rc&,

DuUMp giue %ucttt ofmp lott maibenbfao.

Bra,g>bc ffcea pf«itb,bp Coofljeii ttjeiutone.

*o»3&«ttoc fo nicr,tbc fin i» bewail;

li* Can*


Page 160: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

The death of Robert

Confiuermgpou pielofoj tfaxitk,

$nD bp tout falMbejftunnerp fljallrife.

Ab.l&epto erooo counfcll oaugbtewap be torife/

MomComejljere'a afttrre-ttriUooetoenrb'toil it*ooV

Ab,&ap 3l,Ca^ tbefouno ofno:

®l elfe fap no ana take iutoilt tfau fo'r

Mar,Doc pou tnteno tbujs letooelp aa pott fpeake?

^f.?bpgog0bloQOe oo tbep.*$moppee,pounjerebe(i

®o take tbcit pjoffers^eaft iftfjc^ fojfakepou,

3B plaiHbeoiuelspart,tteptn anotakepoi;.

Mat.feomc bolp toafer,^elpemebleffeo j^ttnne0-


Attempt to tempt mpfpotlefTetbaffitte:

8no atbtro UiueH japing; foj mp (onle,

W&it () bojrto ftarms0,o;afflp frigbtetb me.

Ab.gon map call wbite pou U)iU:but mato liff tub at1

£>j be aflmfttbte is pouropin$oap; (toe far* ujDmvvcs a GruCifix.

Mat, 3lnbis name tbat did fuffer fojt mp finnc,

9no bptbis blcffco (fgne5 31 coniurepout

Depart fotolc ficnD5,returne from tebenee pee came:

3uotoe pre fien&Mno ceafe to trouble mec- (rer?

Brand.5ounos 5(be tbintebs Dtttefe .fpearepou coniu-

C wept pou ofe tbat trtcke,ioc8mure Dannie

^be ffanainaj fptrit ofmp Lojo tbeEing,


%q coniure Bourne tbe fptrtt oftbe 89onke,

jfBot alipout croflcs fame tbepotoerto bleffe

jjour bootefrom a fijarpe ano fpeeoie Deatb-

ua^repje notfienDa,butmotfaUboDie$ t&enVFecles them alf. (tttetti

Brand.^aiD,maiD:catcb lon)er5nu)m pou feele poGg.

£>Mooo,3i toas neuer taken fojtbe Btuelltill note?

Ma *£> tofcere (ball cbaftitte baue trueDtfence>

S&bw£*}urcbjncn lap tfcis fierce to innocence?

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Page 163: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earle ofHuntington.

rtlrr c (ball a ma» a banc ccrtainc fanctuarp,

rniun tao.c Luttrulcs all tbe tfhmncrp/

ttoU) 0c upon v cc botb, falfe feeming featntf,


a coVDlcu ^onkcan agco nailcD £««n;v

Income bafc^anr>ars.'artUU)ttljluaful»fpeac^

qfiTaic thccDaftearcsof truemaioenbcaD.'


Ab £>uce*c l)cc J PW tftffttboulD tbc baggage hue,

fehecUaaunotraUt^cbattcjammwintftcLanu.Exeunt Mcnk<",Abbci1e 4

Bra cacUjiocU. 50c get pou tioo bnt pout corottung:

JLct mc alone to lap bcr on 300s grouno.


Bra «Ti^maiD,bccaufe3!niutt:

3 haucameflage to youfrom tbe king.

Ma. ant) tbon ert tocUome to Uib bumble rnato,

^ tbouibt tbec to be grim ano fierce at:


05ut no\» tbou baa afmeete afpecuniioe looltc?.

<fot ttjou not come to Rill mc from tbe Mag}

MaSni tbou att tocIcom,encn tbe toclcontfc" man*

Chat eucr came unto a tooefuU mato •

15c uiiefegooofelloUi : 31 bane tntbcbJojlo,

V5ogooustogittc,noU)tU at allto make:

iufeoM niiilanDtbckinga onmebcoone

g little monep kept to cinem almea,


T haue about mce }ueatbs-mantaUett au ;


Sften be affailes mee*. 3:0 it knife,oj Ouo jt>e':

3 Wangling co^jfonatac flaming fice?

Bran i3eituer 3tboumanVe mate loose tjecejooftfocre:

3 tn$ ofyopCbn - CW^ercfo^e uoft tbou fmilc*

»3 Marc

Page 164: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedeath ofRobertMat. f5^o5,<nt^«t^eh(ttgfetwrrifii!t

f)ptearc IflU'ft Huntington bp popfon owtt

cod kHote^Htbf UwJmntelitsQwn


5Jouleauet^«bboir<ecourff,anoree^tofatteC(JP CduU immo?ta%c!oreD in ftp b?r&

G;u« it her.

»b?(efe3fwaptbfe:notDfoKfngrohn$bcaItb3 full carcufe; ano goo renumber notWt wrfe bejatte Wmfelfe at Robin* beatfcaOflbftnbppopfon btmt$btew) bteHfe,Jfetterbefoltriteomploae.


8no brftb tbe labour , 31 am foje t to reO.5r«.?oDttb« (be farea not,uje makes bearb a tea*.

Ma.^be ffttiWeffefearc not bcatb-JTarcfcal gooo fti?*apwtdeebeaotroublefttmprnb. •

mc Hands flaring and quaking,ErttcrOifbrHjQueeene.Abbc^attcndamiL

Ox. anitfap poo ta&te abbeffe tbat tbere camei£acfromrbeKmp;bnto&crt tobatteaabee/Ab«$onoer be Caobs,i fcnoto not labat be <*


StilJ he tfands flaring.

^efttat«iemercp.Oxford,comenoenlgbWm.0«. *2ot ntgfc bim qpibame.tya: keepe ?ott atvap.-^t>Comem gooo iitwene:J ooe not meanto ttap.

$o> 31 to Hittt,befbje 31 fee tbe enb*

Ox^xbpttareatOotttboa^eakeWtobi^mftoermt,tCtypartfyotrt ^Bra.a blootfe btllattt^aob a mnroerer.

£boiibjebba«e3iflta«8 toitb mmeetonedanb* Z5?»«3I tbatttarnbtbeLaofeSiufc to oeatb,anofter ?ounfiOmne,at Windier Cattle late.


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Carle of Huntington.

fchf7&aueH c^in^MariMa Jble^^cDma(D,,

J3n0 notj) toill tourrp to Bam nations mourfc,

JFojfl bp the guatirng \Dojme of confctencc Bum in.

Ox.$i-to l)im to} goDaiahetftap tbf t>cfptrat e tojttcfr,

mi.O fomepoD pittping man compafltonate

^Ijat lu^etcljeDmanjffi UjocfuIUffpcratf


£anc fjim foj goos faKr:be f>atb fct me free,





3 toil! take ftrengtb ano bn*elc. girle,

Q^i.Matilda Gt,3le kneclc to t&ee.tftygtee racfietla


Ma. $ aire beau t ioua £iucene,

3 gtue got) t!janUcp,3! Doe not tljtnke on to?onga,

OtOotonolDFiczwatcrsctjtloc^oujBctttboucttie^ S«Od tojD Of Oxford:p;cttic well;

§ little traucllmo?e>antr31 fballrelfc

jTc;i amLrmottatmpiojnepesenD.

©that nip tjeaD^freraifDa littletop:


gffiiic me it (a almoft time to deep,


3 t^anke rour 0^ne(Te,3 baue note fome cafe

3l5e\nien tTe,^ befcetb poucflpateftie,

Cbat J' fo?rjtue tbe king, toitb all my beart.*

tCJit b all t be litie of nip lining be art,

Cbat rjtue a me leaae to fa?, 31 can fojatae:

2nd J btfeecb bigb beauen belong map huefl bappie &ing,a King brloou o ano ftae ft,

OxfordjfojgoDsfake. tompfatbertojtte

£ bf lateS commeuoat tonaof bi» cbtloe


^oDfap.Matild a keptbtB honours cbarge,

Dp ioa a fp&tlcOg miuoen vm&eaiBc,

&4 Ste

Page 168: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

3Itbatoto turnct^stDcaicto bittettode."

%M hint) aw> !;c toiH-qu ttfeIp nob) grotoe frfenus


Slnt) bv etjc it ftfennnjippi miicb concent toil! grotoe,

&inhe eattb to tqetfafanz fiobJervojoaino totabe:

15 ut pafleft&tbfouietmto t$tti)}int*tp^ace,

15eg tbereattonemtntmaEtoquicklpma&e.

5Falre$Uieene,ktnae Oxford^U gooo pou attenut

ffIp fo;fb mp fonle TIjeauens king be tbere tbB frtena.

Ox^pirttr,hiourntngfi5^ 3agciitttaefle: »

Sfre^efetfrmufTrigea kfno; lohn ootb fena/ ' •

&ftgft tn,mp tcare0,foj u)ame,ponr conouit0 keefce,

g)ao. nfeetoebol*ta$ejpe*:no,toiHt!e not?

C$bp,tben a ®oos name uieepe. Sit.

Qu «3! cannot toeepe foj b)jatb-#


3Hk bttfleo boufc of tijfs noble mato:

tri mithetobttc cloatbuig let tbefame belatb,

:I3 .ExiuritVvlththebodie*'

Upon an open bter*e> tb at all map Cee

KinglohnsUnRincflplntfanoccuettte- :

Oxj, bettfo.gourTelfe,tf fopoupleafe,

CMl 3 atcenWpon , antfbotb \js watte'G




n)btcbniitb(]?cew, •'>-

Co Windfor Cattle toe tofll bence coiinep:

Cbcre i0 anotberfpectacleofrutbi

iSDlo Brufes famifbt iabte ano ber fomte*

Qu.Cbefrt0fcb^nwffbefiea;t3a;ofpdUnj:Bi-ure, ?

$t0 Lojte are tber* ** u>bo foben tfjey fcetbte tiajbf,:

3 knob) tottltfaue fmaUbeatt foj lohnto ffgbt '

Ox.T5ut bJbere* tbe mur&erer,ba/i0 not keilalttt

^er.'Boiine mitb a violent rao;e,|be climo a tree,

anononeofbscottlBbinaec bt0 intend

06»t getting to cbetoSjp bougbe** faflbMrt^D


5)t0 garters to bfe nermann a tueafce bjancb,

mbitl) buns enable to faffaui* Dte tteig&t,

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Page 171: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

EarJe of Huntington.

Ootonc to fbe &ronnD be fell,toljcrc bones ant fUTn

lie patbttoejetljcr, in a poolc of bloooe,

Ox.aias fo; toot; bat tbu* w iuft bcaueno *oome

£)n tbofe tljat lute bp bloow:in bloooc tbci? Die.

9pav an eeample cf tt ,bonefffrienD0,

Doe IdcII, calie patncSjbetDarc of eracUie


Come apaDam, come,to Windfor let 00 (joet

3notb«ew5niicsgriefr, acoe greater U>oe. £xetrot

£oter5fw/r,vpon the wallcs*

Bra.KSill not my bitter banning* ana too plaint*,

9$V inff ano ereerable execration*,

flpp tear«,mt» pjapers,mp pittic-raouinp; monerpjeuaile,tbou jlojtous bjti&bt Lampe of tfce oaj,

'Co eanfe t b ec fteepe an obit fo j tljcic (bale*,

3no Btoell one mont» toirb tb* Antipodes4:

55 jtcbt fumte rettre,gploe not tips uattlt of oeatfr,

iHIXttb tbptUuttrate rare5:retr?e,rctp?e,

QnDpieb blaca niggt cbp Cmpetp a tojjile:

21ittleH»bil€,tiUa« mpteareo befpent,

95p blaoDebeliketoife fljeD in raining dj ops,

S5p trje tearpefhtouB rage of tpjant Iohn»

learneoftbp lone,tbe moinino;:fbe rjarbtoept,

&botoerbponQ)otoee,ofBluer oeatoie teare*.

$igb treeOjlotoe plant*,anD ymtic little flotoero

CHitnerTe bee too* i on trjem ber grief* appcare*:

9nD ao fbec o;ctprs on tbcm, tbep ooe not let,

j5p Djoppe ano Djtoppe,tboir motber eartb to ttet.

ftec tbefe bars tones, fjoto fad fmall rouclet*

31tToefrom tbem^tbottfrj) tbep feemc ilTucleflfc:

3no toftcpcD moeoncnerp tbtngis uictoon

&au* in ibP faefibat fmilff at m? DitTrerte.

£> ooe not tyinke tljett teare* tf>it* greeo ilp :

Set let t&emojninp;* moajnlna; garmentMueUClpontbefao eartb. tfcilctb at* notion cljiule?

t CI;en

Page 172: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive


T ineaeauror KoDcrt

C*)*h tutfct toitfc t&p erfjalatfons fpeeotlp*

tfojaUcartfjatocnemous infecting trojme*

ifraue belcbttbetr feuerall popfcns on ttie field*,

firing tbctr (tmpleg in tfcp compouno ojattgrjt.

2Bell phcebu$toeU,ojmfceon 31 fap^ojinaemt:

05 ut Mjent bo u BoC tmowget&ee, errant me rtjte,

2E &ou potoet tljofe popfong on t\) e yeao of Iohn

Drum. Enter Chefter3Mowbray,Souldiers:^/?<r^Richmond at an other : Souldicra»


tCJuft tbebebsloing oftrjatpjopertic,

££l!n'crj lohn ano ottjec tmtroerew r)aue tojoug&t,

Upon mptraruco mother anofcerfonne:

%\)M pott ate came apinw&ljall 3 againe

& ft open fbcp, (rjeto mp oeao teare,*eare bought* ;

£f a relcmleffe merchant trjat ootrj trace

€n tbercffea, fnjolnennstjtietoft^ trjeblouj


SKHrjofe coleblaclmffell is ofEbonie^

^Ijctr u^ouos $ tactile (u)joucr,i)t $ toou'n bp tojon&)$fretcbttoit& noot&erpIeoftoinoe,butgrtefe:

£Orjofe Ojbes teitl; foil Wafts beatetrj on rjee ifyotto*:

C&e gaffer muroec fottjelpilotujamej

Clie sparine^ rape, ttjeftjanrj periurps

^fje bumen,tp.wnuou0 opp jeffion,

SOTcb boteerty rjefn englano ootb bnlaw:feapjfljaU 31 open fl)op,ano tyetoe rap toarest

Left.jfto, gooo JLojo ^rufc,toe^aue enough of tfafcDrum :£ntcr king, f/«£m,Souldiets.

Ki.^o Windlbr fc)0lcome>//uberc« <§)Ofome t&tnfc0


Srufe ano our t o?b* are at a parlp noto?Br. Chcflcr ano Mowbray,pou are Iohns fiMojnftienOj&r

Will ?ou fee moje^peaHe,anftoet emem loja?;

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Page 175: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earlcof Huntingcoii.

31 am no ni^garo^cu Ojall fraxt your fill.


Dr.ftrepou all full ?Oerc corner araiifnuiRhice,

Cbatuotb all uiiUCmitc.

J£c Qjall,be nmflj,.mD btc La*?, mapCommauno mc to 5111c oucr belp Dap,

3nD Crt tutDc opm,to)bat por, u)aulo not fee

KUSttyp llano ?c Lo?D0,ano fee tfjw craitouc pearc^t,

CIponourCaGleBbattlementa fu piotine*;

Come ooumepoung^rufc,fctopec^e raffle gafc0:

Onto tftf foueraignejet tbp knee be boto'D,

#nb merrie (ball be Kitten to t (jec atiD tbine,


Gomcsmemcfroircbemoucb of John oar king?

tab? tbenbelifee bell mill be pittifull.

3 toillnatopctbe gates, tljc gate 3[ttH'lI:

Cbe gate Mbere tbp (b imcaoc mp fojrotoe Gf*.

|5eem;' ocaD mot')er,am betfamtLbc (bane:

©pen tbp tpjanta epesrfojtotbetoojlD,





OntoUlingtoillingneffc it ujall appeare,

33 p tben 31 banc p !oouc't,as J tirfll Doe,

W)C iuff peremptions gninft rour ormtft art,

K.flffaiUtbc rattle Loinst^larumojums:2no Djonm tljii frrietrfcouib ecpes 16 pour oeepCbonw.

Left.J tell rbeeDjununcrjiftbpojumtbou finite,

Tpbeauenjlefrnotbpioule tobels Darke ntjbt,


13e gone3fap,miiutnotmppatiente» Exicdrum,K. arepouaouifcD Lefter.uibatroaooe?

Left J am aDitifcDuei mp ^oueratgneknotoe,

SCber -* not a lop ijerc null lift up \j\$ arrne,

% z 3&amff

Page 176: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

eath of Robert

ggalufttbe perfotiof po>r«iile poutl),

%\Xl pea fcaue |>e art tue tircumttantsaH trutfc,

*Bs goo* p^fumptlon*,tottt&ing tbiofoule beeb*.

SLberefo^e goe on noting Biufc,pioceeDe, refell

<&l)e allegation trjat puts in t-bis Doubt,

tGibetber trj? motber ttyougb ber tmlfulneffe*

jfamiibt bcr (fife ano bet ftoeete fonne,o? no*Br <l«liRelpfuppou"r ion mature nrftoenie*,.

Cijat amp motber^abenberpoungling crpei*,

31f tbe bauc meanest Co unnatural!

<&o let it faint ana ffarue. 'But me mill pjooue

@>be oao no meaner ;ertcpt tbtsmonefullmeant,%U* torture ofber felfe* Come fo*tb,come fojtb,

ft>ir William Blun^tefcome 0aunoer faie* 3 fictoet'

Come tell tlj e atng ano iojos nitjat pou knoto true.

/Cmg.q&bou ball betraio our Caftle# frepojryBlunt,$o:<8obcantelUt toaofurpj#b bp politicks

3no afftrmat ion tbat pour <8race mas flaine.

RicM&ao*,(irWilliam Blunt*

3Paffc btfefelp to fbelauie* familrjment.

Bl -about fome ten Daies Once^tfjetecame«m BrandyStaging a (tgnet from mr lojo tbe king,.

Shd ttjio commimon Ogneo ioitb bis bano.Lords lookc,a nd re ade the thing.

Commauno tagme (ao tbe eontento ejtpjeCfc)

Cbat 31 fbouUrpjekntlg orlitter ftp

^belaoie Sruie ano bee poung tonne to |tm«Mow, Citrjat; time a Dap boas tfjist

&£t toajUlo;*Mowbra^fometobatpad eleatteiK

tfoj toe toereenen tben fltting Bourne to ottie*

Left.T&utaiDpeeome* _ >JJAfte Haoie ano fee* (oune bin not:

Brand nioulo not Ua«.Bru.^o LeftermOifb* (jew f* 90 focjf ffffttf



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Page 179: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Earlc of Huntington.

Rich/Eat bp tbe toa]?. Cellos 3 piap pott Blonr,

ttlbileOje remained tuttb pou,\»ao fye Diuraugbt

'*£ltt b gw fc,o> anp or ber pafttoKo violent/

Blu. frbe nol» ano t be n ujouIo often pi a?,

Jfo; retoncilementttofrt tfye king ano Loio*.Chert. ^)ott to fjer Tonne oio &)e Affected ftaao*:

Bin .flffectton conlo not anp moje affect:

00} iniojbt a mother fbetnemoV mot bero lone.

Mowb^ototompLojitbehing*; (ktngmoje:Bl,£) mploio<$oD/3fneuetknetoe a fubiect louc

febe neuer tooulo Mm telling botn bis (fcrace

^au'o ber ponngfonne from foaloiero^ from fire;

Ooin fatrc be fpake,gattc bet ber (onne to keeper

Sno tben,poo?e t aoic,fljc toioulo ktflc bet bo?,

lP;ap foitbe Ring fo bcartp carnettlp,

tbat in pure ?eale.fbe Wept mofl but crip.

K.3toerpcfo|bcr,ano Doe bp beauen pjotefr,

3 bonout'o Bruicj toife. Ijpolu ere cbat flaue


£et toben be came againe, ano 3! b c tfcowgb*,

cabat bitter pennance 3 bao put tbem to,

$0} my concctu o Dtfplcafure gainttolo #ruf<r5

3 bao tbe nillaine pofte ano beare tbem meat


tClbicb be ejecuf o, p jottftincj ptttte mau'o bint

$Lo leaue Uune,b zeao , ano otber pouojeo meate,

$&0}t tban tbcp t inatiie coulo in a fo ztnigbt eate«

Blu.JncccDc , t bio tan 31 Uittneffe toitb the feinff,

£Qbit b ar goes in tbat point lj tc innocence:

frand oto beare in a montbs pjouillon;

*Bat locat it like a oillaine,farrc from t hem:3uo lotkt tbem in a place tobere no mans eatc

Sptgbt beare tbeit lamentable toofull monw •

Jfoz alltbeiiTucbotbof ucnt anoltgbt,

Came from a loouet at tb e totocrp toppe,

% ill n oto tojo '5mie maoe open t & to totoe cjappe.

fc 3 A*.

Page 180: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedeaih ofRobert

BrX)nn % notwafmt,twtike pott, to mafcetofM^bftoinBote£thatO)u«lTJictfonutcI)to)cefo^9'

ta^crc Ctemp mot fter martpjBe Up ber feffe


Roping rofauc ^cr cbilocfrom martprfcome.*

t&ccrc ftanbgmp ujctber martpp bp bimfclte,

5£e caufe tie tooulo not ta0e 10 mo cli cr0 bl tto •

jfoj tbna 31 gather t&f0:im> mot&rri* feet^ sud din$rc blouop limb tfie fauagr cocherr,


&efpeetlefff,maDerjer pjaettfeon fjcr Cclfe:

Rnotyr r ig & c banc ;to 1 1 offrinp; it t be djtio,

30 toit^ ber etomc pure blouo ftaino antj oeftlot,

f!3P Mttlr b^otbcr&Upp ano ct!tii,alonf>

Sire tatnteo toitb tbe blouD.-bnt bi0 eauen teetb,


Jpauenotonettucb ofbiouo,onc little fpot:

Cabicb te an argument tbeboj* toculo not

£)nee Git bt0 itp^rotaffctfjat blouopfoose,

UDurcruell gentle mother miniffreo:

l^ut a0 it feem o(foj fce,bi* p?ettie


jToj on tljte doe tbefebleffcO reliqueo Ipe,

•Bpfaminc0rao;eoiaiDeDfcom tt?t0 ^ine,&ao toofull motber in lerufalemj

t&bo luben t&p fonneano tbonoioff faint fojfoooe,35urpco ^0 ftocefe fleu; tn tfjp b«ngrp toombe •

#ou> inercilette toert tbou,ifi»e compare

^bp face ano thie'tjroimv pooje Laoie metfjer£>iD kill ber felfejtofatte mp otingbjotber*Sno tljon bngeftrlcfottne of Miriam,

tab? otoe tbou beg life Mjcn t&p motber lacfee?

$p little b?ot&er George oio noblp acemoje C0nragiou0 part; be fooulo net eat,

#2o? beg to liuc, it feem be oio not crp:

tf*U>etwo* Uano on b t» c&eekc,fmootb f* eac& e^e?

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narieor rtuntmgtoo.

*)$[it to lien be fatoc mp mother bent to ft it>

pc dt>cd lutcb ber:D cbilOiUj \)aliancic'

KutCooU ^rufc baue ooncmip beart rail not ronraftu

Cbe&ricftttbolDSjmpepcamafftyourc DoUmraine.

Lcrt,C£lbtcb ftoU)fr0 are earn as cjood,




CCUjni neigbbourtng meooaes lack cfje motticra ficbe.

^ A march forburialJjwith drum and fife. Enter Oxford^

iJ\Uul<l* borne with Nuns,one carrying a white peru

daoc-Thefe words writ \n2p\&t\AmortS)C*jlit*US)&

Honoris hixes.The Queene following the #iere, car-

rying a Garland ot flower* : let icinthc mid(t of the


flichX ill Le ftcrjbeari! thou itoc a mountfull mareb?

Z^it.pf6R>chmond,ano it fcemetbolDdcVcre.

Ox,tojD0,bp pour Icaue,tB not out foueraigu bere?

K.$Jes goofl olO Awbury.


Cbat pou fo mucb pour bigb (rate (b3u!o neglect'

Qb 1300 in beaurn tojgtuc t Ijib blouDtc occDc %

^ounoj^ruie.pounoj^ruL,^ uiee^e,

t£ lju motbers &nu tbp b jotbers tojong:

|?ctto afflict tbee moie 5mojca;cicte jl b)in$>

Br.® IpOUOttrable Awbery dc Vtre,

let feiroui in a fable furc appcare:

Doe nofmtftbape tjc r garment*, Itfce oclicrbf,

if it be grtefe 3 U)r)p clotb ff tbou ber tn tubitcc

Ox, 1 cannot tell tfceepet; 31 mulr Ct ootome.

Stteno voting ^ruie^nDltflen to tlje^ncfctie:

fc bede not be tongue tpeCUie Qjall banc a (litre

Snone,! fcare.tootilD make a man balfe fieU«:,

Q&arepQubevcleatchflyS intemperate fcing,

Page 184: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive


Witt tfeott not tee mce?come>comc3 tfetoe pour fate*pout (Prate* gracelcffcfeittgSjtjnfeinglp face.

mW> mute,ban bs foloeMpeefe on tlje eart|f

^befetnrnets were noto to tie mut&ereo?Cbefamiu)t Brufesareon ponoernoe:

©ntbt$ anotf>cr,3I tnfll name anone:

£)ne foj tobofe beao tbfs garlano 3 noe beared8no tbt? fatre mti&c-tobitc fpotlcfle penDant too.

looker king Iohn.fetjponoer tits top l&ame.*

ponoer if lpe0tto^at>mua 31 (ell Dec name?jt f Matilda^popfonen bp tfcee.

Ki* Matilda: £> tfjatfotsle ftmftfootet flaut,

Cbat bil0 ere one bane time to bio Dim fane*

^alre gentle girle5nngcntlp maoe atoap-

Br.^ baniOK Ancles Daugbtcr^rf tyoutfcte*C(jen 31 &efie all bone, ano ftoeare

Left.&tapBrufe, anoltffentoelto&at oat&fofteear*z^ewystbe DolpMn,pittpfog onr tttatt,

3!0*p tbeCbjtttian fc(ng bte fat&er,reneM ttb ato to ijeipe D03ano i* lanfteo too.

Eo;D2 t&at MM flp toe oenne of crtteltp,3no figbt tofreeponr feluc0 from tpjanmj,

ftuf^keepefbat Cafile^totDeonlpure£>tonr electee Ring,Lewys ofjfraunce*

Oxf.<SoD0 pafflton ooe not foxing Iohn is fcere,

Ho;t)0,tt)bilper not toitb £cfter»Lettetjfie;

&tir not acjatne regarolefleimttinie:

%eaBetotbcmHiigh:3fknou)tbouloou'fftbeWnjj,2Paoame3goetotbem,nap &oe>fo? gooofaae&oe:Dotone tim& ponr ftomac*e:fb?tf&e goe ootonc,Sou mutt ooftne toe,ano be no longer Cluteneta&utfe ?o«,goe intreat t&cm fpeeoilp


fyv foueraigne.ttberefo^ Ot pou figbfogt&ere?C&e JLojta are all about to foliotoeLcwys:

$p ana intct a t ttem,el0 tfy% to ill atoap-


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Earleot Huntington*

K,©oo& Oxford let tbem goe.VD bp fljottlo tfcep ffap'

Ox.<!ClfMt ;atc pou befperatc': tfjae mutf net be,


KiXbtspcwMW let nice fee*

Ainoiis,CaOicatis,& Honoris henos.

&!;cU)astnoec be of London tljcljonouru:

tabcrtujc toas lotto ofbcrttnus ftratiagca

£f cljattttic tbc bouour,all ber life:

d) impure tljjuijbts fl;c neucr cottio be toonnc.


15p lite.Qjc bonour (jonoucco.

'Bjing in (too tapirs lt5ljcco,ciuick, Difpatcfj.

L:it.Efmtbet Biufe,^ djarscComeLojop auiay.

Alljbut Oxford and //ugh,


Bring in twowhireTnpcrs.

Ox.I)arhe £.tftcr but one tuo?M little flap*

tpdji: wee ijooo Huberr,bclpe me gentle a&ueene-


K.fpjtuMmtljefr Capers burne. tbcp trine no li$bt.

bete cjcrc tluo beantioiu Lampd.p coulDfjanc taught

Cbe^ttnne to fljiiic up oav,t&cQ9oonebp nigtjt;

15 ttt tljcp arc Dim too:Cleane erttn^utibcD.

SUuap luitb tbefr.fltbebore fatre lifj&L* be oeau.

Ox^nD as J fay, barke B\ ale unto our n!'.u\

^tnkepottitisfojloueofCflfflariDjLt riscomcif

Jiap:ifcauneetsnotrokmDe:3itouulo it lucre,

H 13utfcpoucfelaca,barke;Do(tti)^ubeaLcine'^n»fc^


Px.Can noble C ngltQ) Ijcarcst beare tlje Jfrencrj pohc1


J^O Lcfter;Richmond tljiuke cm Lewys fire,

Cbatle tpou, aim pour king, to Palestine.

Qu 3trt tljinls brftD^pou knoUi not Lcwys nature,

COl)omapbe a*bao aBiohn^ratrjetUJojrc tfrutfcX 9 Hm%

Page 188: The death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. 1601 - Archive

Thedeath ol Robert

Dt5 fouled r,ttljcTJOo;eof ficac!) 31 fcnotne.

£>ee IjcId Ije feckes to fuck, if Ije coulo tijatte,.

popfeu from ocaD watiWaes afyte lips.

;i;Ubct>ome l;i0 berpbcart {{tings ntps •

J3 VKiinjcance outsat flauc,fbat curfeu #>W,31c kill tjim if J Uu.:,ttutl) tbts rto;i)t bano.

Ox/&rjoit canff not Hubert, t)e batr) ftfftr$imfelfe:

'But to our matter* Lrfter.pja? tbeefpeane*

^ottng Bruic,foj goos fake let us knotoe tfcp mtnoe.. Bru-31 luoulo be loatb to be a Grangers flane.-

ifcj englanos loue,3! ujouId no 5Trenc|> lung bane.

Left»&Etell OxfordjtfJ be &ecew& (n lohn agame,.38ts long ofpottjiojn #ubert,am> tl;e £Uteene>

gieln up tfce Caftte tfrufe, toeele oncemojc trp

JKing lohns pjoceeotngs* Oxfordjtell btot fo.

Oxfordgoes to the king, does his duety,andtalkc* /

with him,.

5r-31 toill come ootamebut 6rft faretoell near mother .-


jFaretoell p?ettg b?ot[jer.

i^oin imli 3D fljutmp gambles in agame*jfaretoeU^faretoeU'

31n e uerl atttng bliffe gout* ftneefe foules otoeU.

OxfTdut ipou matt menopfaitb.tnfattb pou nraffe

£efl.pp IojtJ,onc(mo?e pour ftfbfects do fubtmt>

OiSefcecbingpou to tbrnkeljototbingsbaue patt,

8noiet (bme comfort (bine on bs pourfdenog?,

'Cfoougb tfce bjigbt fplenuour ofpour bertuous life*

K. 3 ttjanke ?ou all; ano LeflerJ p*oteu\

3 fcrtll be better tbanj pet bauebeene»

£r.©fWindforCaftle ijrrc t\iz kepes Jpielo.

K.^banbs Bruic:fojgiuemee,ami 31 pjap tbeefer

%ty mother ano tbp bjotber burtet?,

Brufc offers to kiflc m atilda,


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liarleol Huntington.


tClccpc tbou on tfcat, on cbis ftoc $. lutll toeepe.


K. tctV)85oc onto Dunmow uiit|p t\)w mato:

dmons tijc IjallotucD Dunnes Icttjcr ue taioc;

Unto feet tombe, a mont&lp pitcfrimagc

jDotbhing lohn\joU)c in penance fojern'stojono;

(Doc fo^Uiaro mauwonUricfo Matildaesljerfe,

gno on bcr Coombe Tec pou tngrauec^is uerfe;

Within this Marble monument, doth lye

^/4///^martyrde/orhcrchaltitie t £xeunt.


Thus is UlUtildaes ftary fhowne in a#,

And rough heawen ouc by an vncunninghand:

Being ofthc mod materiall points compackc,

That with the ccrtainft date oftruth doc ttand«


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Munday, Anthony

kIh? .The death 0T

M6D* Earl of Hun-loulab




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