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Psychonomic Bulletin & Review2004, ?? (?), ???-???

Creativity is a fundamental activity of human informa-tion processing (Boden, 1998). It is generally agreed to in-clude two defining characteristics: “The ability to producework that is both novel (i.e., original, unexpected) and ap-propriate (i.e., useful, adaptive concerning task con-straints)” (Sternberg & Lubart, 1999, p. 3). Much has beenwritten about creativity from social, psychological, devel-opmental, cognitive, and historical perspectives, and anumber of theories have been proposed from those view-points (Amabile, 1983; Csikszentmihalyi, 1988; Eysenck,1993; Gardner, 1993; Gruber, 1981; Guilford, 1950; Mar-tindale, 1995; Mednick, 1962; Simonton, 1988; Sternberg& Lubart, 1995; Ward, Smith, & Finke, 1999; Wertheimer,1982). However, little is known about the brain mecha-nisms that underlie creative thinking.

Research on insightful problem solving, creative cog-nition, and expertise acquisition, as well as historic casestudies of individuals with exceptional creative accom-plishments have replaced the view that the creative act is amysterious or even mystical event (Simonton, 2000). Cre-ativity is grounded in ordinary mental processes (Boden,1998; Ward et al., 1999; Weisberg, 1993), making creativecognition an integral part of cognitive science and thusneuroscience. Indeed, the view has been expressed that“any theory on creativity must be consistent and inte-grated with contemporary understanding of brain func-tion” (Pfenninger & Shubik, 2001, p. 217).

Despite such agreement among investigators, the find-ings of modern brain research have not been incorporatedinto research on creativity. Current neuroscientific expla-nations of creative achievements remain focused on hemi-spheric asymmetry (e.g., Boden & Boden, 1969; Carlsson,Wendt, & Risberg, 2000; Katz, 1986; Kinsbourne, 1982;Martindale, 1999). If we are to further our understandingof the generative capacity of the human brain, a broaderneuroscientific approach must be taken.

A substantial amount of evidence demonstrates thatdiscrete circuits are involved in specific aspects of higherbrain function (for reviews, see Cabeza & Nyberg, 2000;Damasio, 2001; Duncan & Owen, 2000). The capacity toidentify the brain areas that are recruited during norma-tive information processing, coupled with the data thatsuggest that creative thinking is the result of ordinarymental processes, forms the foundation for the frameworkof creativity proposed in this article. A basic assumptionof the framework is that neural circuits that process spe-cific information to yield noncreative combinations ofthat information are the same neural circuits that gener-ate creative or novel combinations of that information.

To integrate the neuroanatomical correlates of mentalprocesses with the knowledge base of the field of cre-ativity, a brief outline of brain function is presented thatconceptualizes information processing as hierarchicallystructured. Such a functional hierarchy localizes the mostsophisticated mental abilities, and thus creative mentation,in the zenithal higher order structure: the prefrontal cortex.However, no suggestion is made here that the prefrontalcortex is the “seat of creativity.” Rather, the prefrontal cor-tex contributes highly integrative computations to the con-scious experience, which enables novel combinations of

1 Copyright 2004 Psychonomic Society, Inc.

I thank Nelson Cowan, Tony Johnson, Hilde Haider, and Paul Frysh forinvaluable help with the manuscript. Correspondence should be ad-dressed to A. Dietrich, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences,American University of Beirut, P.O. Box 11-0236, Riad El-Solh, Beirut1107-2020, Lebanon (e-mail: [email protected]).

The cognitive neuroscience of creativity

ARNE DIETRICHAmerican University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon

This article outlines a framework of creativity based on functional neuroanatomy. Recent advancesin the field of cognitive neuroscience have identified distinct brain circuits that are involved in specifichigher brain functions. To date, these findings have not been applied to research on creativity. It is pro-posed that there are four basic types of creative insights, each mediated by a distinctive neural circuit.By definition, creative insights occur in consciousness. Given the view that the working memory bufferof the prefrontal cortex holds the content of consciousness, each of the four distinctive neural loopsterminates there. When creativity is the result of deliberate control, as opposed to spontaneous gener-ation, the prefrontal cortex also instigates the creative process. Both processing modes, deliberate andspontaneous, can guide neural computation in structures that contribute emotional content and instructures that provide cognitive analysis, yielding the four basic types of creativity. Supportive evi-dence from psychological, cognitive, and neuroscientific studies is presented and integrated in this ar-ticle. The new theoretical framework systematizes the interaction between knowledge and creativethinking, and how the nature of this relationship changes as a function of domain and age. Implicationsfor the arts and sciences are briefly discussed.


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information to be recognized as such and then appropri-ately applied to works of art and science.


Modern brain research conceptualizes cognitive func-tion as hierarchically ordered. Evolutionary pressuresforced the development of ever more integrative neuralstructures able to process increasingly complex infor-mation. This, in turn, led to increased behavioral flexi-bility and adaptability. The cerebral cortex, and in partic-ular the prefrontal cortex, is at the top of that hierarchy,representing the neural basis of higher cognitive functions(e.g., Frith & Dolan, 1996; Fuster, 2002). Historically,consciousness was approached in a similar manner (Mark-owitsch, 1995), being defined by selection of various at-tributes, such as self-reflection, attention, memory, per-ception, and arousal, which were ordered in a functionalhierarchy with the frontal lobe necessary for the top attrib-utes. Recent theories of the neural correlates of conscious-ness similarly emphasize frontal cortex function for higherattributes (e.g., Ashby, Valentin, & Turken, 2002; Crick &Koch, 1998; Dehaene & Naccache, 2001; Dietrich, 2003).

The brain has developed two different types of neuralsystems, each designed to extract a different kind of in-formation from the environment. On the one hand, theemotional brain is designed to attach a value tag to theincoming information that allows the person to evaluatethe biological significance of a given event (LeDoux,1996). On the other hand, a separate and parallel line ofinformation processing that is devoid of any salient in-formation is designed to perform detailed feature analy-sis. This perceptual evaluation of the environment isused to construct sophisticated representations that func-tion as the basis for cognitive processing. Each line ofinformation processing contains a functional hierarchyin which increasingly higher order structures performprogressively more sophisticated computations.

These two functional systems can be dissociated in anat-omy as well as in the way they process information (e.g.,Churchland, 2002; Damasio, 2002; LeDoux, 1996). Whileanatomical dissociation has received more attention, theprocess modularity of emotion and cognition—that is,whether or not they compute information in a funda-mentally different way—is still a matter of some contro-versy. However, the case of E. V. R (Damasio, 1994)suggests that, unlike the computational mode of the cog-nitive system, emotions are a form of “bio-computation,i.e., dirty, me-relevant computation” (Churchland, 2002,p. 228). E. V. R had sustained ventromedial prefrontalcortex damage, and cognitive tests showed that he hadno deficit in assessing and judging hypothetical scenar-ios of complex moral and social situations. In addition,he outscored healthy subjects in a variety of standard-ized tests. Despite his cognitive abilities, a real-life situ-ation did not trigger the execution of appropriate socialbehaviors. Damasio (1994) suggested that the deficit

was confined to “actual” social behavior, because E. V. Rfailed to assess the emotional (personal) content of theevent, which is not necessary for solving a similar buthypothetical scenario. The process modularity of emo-tions is also evident in artificial intelligence where “fail-ures in programming computers to conform even roughlyto common sense, or to understand what is relevant, arean indication of the nonalgorithmic, skill-based nature ofrationality” (Churchland, 2002, p. 231).

Initial processing of affective content occurs in vari-ous limbic system structures, such as the amygdala (Le-Doux, 1996). The computational product of these limbicstructures is used by the next levels of affective process-ing represented by the cingulate cortex and the ventro-medial prefrontal cortex (Damasio, 1994). These struc-tures produce complex emotions and are capable ofevaluating the significance of complex social situations.Cognitive processing is represented by another set oflimbic system structures, primarily the hippocampalformation, as well as the temporal, parietal, and occipi-tal cortices. The required level of selective attention toprocess information is also supplied by these structures(Taylor, 2001). Each track keeps a record of its activityso that emotional memory is part of the emotional cir-cuitry, and perceptual and conceptual memory are partof the cognitive circuitry (LeDoux, 1996).

Although there are multiple connections at variouslevels between the two information processing systems,full reintegration of emotional and cognitive informationdoes not appear to happen until both types of computa-tions converge back on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(e.g., Fuster, 2000b). This region is involved in execu-tive function; that is, it further integrates already highlyprocessed information, formulates plans and strategies forappropriate behavior in a given situation and instructs theadjacent motor cortices to execute its computational prod-uct. At all levels of the functional hierarchy, neural struc-tures have direct access to activating the motor system, butbehavior that is based on prefrontal activation is mostsophisticated.

It is evident from this outline that the prefrontal cortexmust be the central structure involved in creative think-ing. To understand more thoroughly how the brain mightengage in information processing that results in creativethoughts, it is instructive to provide a more detailed re-view of the functions of the prefrontal cortex and howthey relate to concepts of creativity.


Perhaps the single most important functional divisionin the neocortex is the central fissure. It demarcates thefrontal lobe from the three posterior cortices—the tem-poral, the occipital, and the parietal—which will be col-lectively referred to as the TOP. The functions of theTOP are different from those of the frontal lobe. TheTOP neurons are devoted primarily to perception and

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long-term memory. The primary sensory cortices of allsense modalities are located in the TOP, and its associa-tion cortex further assembles and assimilates sensory in-formation decoded initially in the primary cortex. It isgenerally agreed that the TOP is the site of long-termmemory storage (e.g., Gilbert, 2001).

The frontal lobe, located just rostral to the central fis-sure, does not receive direct sensory input nor store long-term memory. The prefrontal cortex, which comprises ap-proximately half of the frontal lobe in humans, integratesalready highly processed information to enable still highercognitive functions such as a self-construct (Keenan,Wheeler, Gallup, & Pascual-Leone, 2000; Vogeley, Kur-then, Falkai, & Maier, 1999), self-reflective consciousness(Courtney, Petit, Haxby, & Ungerleider, 1998; Vogeleyet al., 2000), complex social function (Damasio, 1994),abstract thinking (e.g., Rylander, 1948), cognitive flexi-bility (Lhermitte, 1983; Lhermitte, Pillon, & Serdaru,1986), planning (Norman & Shallice, 1986; Shallice &Burgess, 1991), willed action (Frith & Dolan, 1996),source memory (Janowsky, Shimamura, & Squire, 1989),and theory of mind (Frith & Frith, 2001; Povinelli &Preuss, 1995; Stone, Baron-Cohen, & Knight, 1998).

Three other cognitive functions of the prefrontalcortex—working memory (Baddeley, 1996; Fuster,2000a; Goldman-Rakic, 1992), temporal integration(e.g., Fuster, 1995; Knight & Grabowecky, 1999; Kolb,1984), and sustained and directed attention (e.g., Posner,1994; Sarter, Givens, & Bruno, 2001)—provide the in-frastructure to compute these complex cognitive func-tions by providing a buffer to hold information in mindand order it in space–time (Dehaene & Naccache, 2001;Duncan & Owen, 2000). It is this superimposing of al-ready highly complex mental constructs that dramati-cally increases cognitive flexibility.

The prefrontal cortex is not a single unit. It is func-tionally divided into ventromedial (VMPFC) and dorso-lateral (DLPFC) aspects (e.g., Fuster, 2002; Petrides,1996). Lesion and functional imaging studies haveshown that different prefrontal circuits, along with theirrespective cortical and subcortical connections, are im-plicated in specific cognitive abilities. A discerniblehemispheric specialization further suggests that thesecognitive processes are not global functions of thefrontal lobe. For instance, semantic memory retrieval isimplemented in the left DLPFC, whereas activation ofthe right DLPFC is most closely associated with sustainedattention (for a review, see Cabeza & Nyberg, 2000; Dun-can & Owen, 2000). Anatomically speaking, it has beenargued that the DLPFC developed from hippocampal tis-sue and is phylogenetically different from VMPFC tissue(Fuster, 2002; Petrides & Pandya, 1999). The DLPFC isalso heavily interconnected with the TOP regions, whereasthe VMPFC is heavily connected to the amygdala and cin-gulate cortex (Damasio, 1994).

The most common deficit associated with the VMPFCregion is impaired social function. This deficit was epit-

omized by the famous case of Phineas Gage, who after afreak accident that damaged his frontal lobe, exhibitedwhat is now recognized as the typical frontal syndrome:inappropriate social behaviors, lack of moral judgment,few social inhibitions, few abstract thought processes, aninability to plan for the future, and/or difficulty of main-taining a plan of action. He showed a lack of concern forhimself and others and behaved with little regard for so-cial constraints. It appears that the VMPFC region iscritical for internalizing the values and societal standardsof a person’s culture. Damasio (1994) suggested that theVMPFC, with its intricate connections to the limbic sys-tem, might assess the personal consequences of one’s be-havior, and that the resulting emotions are an essentialprerequisite to making logical and rational decisions.Given that creativity is both novel and appropriate, it wouldappear that the ability of the prefrontal cortex to evaluatepropriety must be critical to assessing whether a particularnew idea is creative as opposed to merely new.

Damage to the DLPFC does not involve changes inpersonality and emotion. The DLPFC does not receive di-rect innervation from subcortical structures such as theamygdala that are involved in affective behavior (Pet-rides & Pandya, 1999). Its primary input comes from theTOP, and its primary output is the motor cortices. Re-search has implicated the DLPFC in working memory,directed attention, and temporal integration (Fuster, 2000a;Goldman-Rakic, 1992; Knight & Grabowecky, 1999; Pos-ner, 1994).

Working memory describes the ability to process in-formation online. It is a monitoring system of ongoingevents that temporarily keeps in mind information that isrelevant to the situation, so that one can “work” with it.Electrophysiological recordings demonstrate that, asTOP neurons decipher sensory information, a represen-tation of that information is also present in workingmemory, so it can figure into the immediate decision-making process (e.g., Quintana & Fuster, 1999). Cogni-tive research has shown that working memory is severelylimited in capacity, either in storage, or processing, orboth (Baars, 1989; Baddeley, 1996; Cowan, 1995; Cowan,2001; Halford, Wilson, & Phillips, 1998). With its abil-ity to sustain online processing in real time, the workingmemory buffer appears to be a prerequisite for cognitiveflexibility, abstract thinking, strategic planning, accessto long-term memory, and sentience. It has been sug-gested that full-fledged, self-reflective consciousnesscomes about in these DLPFC circuits (e.g., Baddeley,2000; Courtney et al., 1998; Cowan, 2001; Dehaene &Naccache, 2001; Posner, 1994); in other words, our im-mediate conscious experience of the here and now ismade possible by the sustained buffering of informationin working memory. It has been suggested that a work-ing memory buffer is critical, indeed a prerequisite, forcreative thinking (Damasio, 2001). It allows holding inmind knowledge that is relevant to solving a particularproblem.

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The ability to sustain attention is a prerequisite to aneffective working memory buffer (Cowan, 2001). Atten-tional processes in the form of selective perception occurat all levels of the perceptual process, and thus in theTOP. However, intentional control of focus and the main-tenance of concentration appear to be a frontal lobe func-tion (e.g., Posner, 1994; Sarter et al., 2001). It has been pro-posed that the focus of attention is capacity limited,restricting the amount of information that can be held inworking memory, as well as central executive process-ing that can be performed in parallel (Broadbent, 1958;Cowan, 2001; Kane, Bleckley, Conway, & Engle, 2001).Humans have a great deal of intentional control overwhat they attend to, and the attentional network of theprefrontal cortex is not only a mechanism to select thecontent of consciousness (Cowan, 1995; Posner, 1994),but also to maintain the chosen content online longenough for a creative solution to mature. The frameworkof creativity outlined in this article proposes that thereare two types of processing modes, deliberate and spon-taneous, that can give rise to creative thoughts. Much ev-idence exists suggesting that creativity can be the resultof defocused attention (see Martindale, 1999), but theability to deliberately direct attention to pertinent infor-mation must be a prerequisite for creative thinking thatis the result of effortful, constructive problem solving.

A number of researchers have emphasized the role ofthe prefrontal cortex in the organization of behavioracross time (Fuster, 1995; Knight & Grabowecky, 1999;Kolb, 1984). Frontal lesions in nonhuman animals haverevealed deficits in time estimation and temporal mem-ory (e.g., Dietrich & Allen, 1998), temporal ordering(Kolb & Whishaw, 1983), and sequencing (e.g., Kesner& Holbrook, 1987). In humans, this deficit is most strik-ingly seen in the inability to plan, formulate strategies,and carry out sequential tasks requiring a step-by-stepimplementation of behaviors (Jasper, 1995; Milner,1995; Shallice & Burgess, 1991). Thus, the prefrontalcortex orchestrates action in accordance with internalgoals (Miller & Cohen, 2001). It follows that aesthetic orscientific goal-directed behaviors depend on prefrontalactivity. It is hard to imagine how creative ideas canoccur in one’s mind without continuity of thought andwithout the capacity to order information along the tem-poral dimension.

Perseveration, or the inability to shift between modesof thinking, is the most reliable deficit associated withdamage to the DLPFC (Brauer Boone, 1999). Persever-ation is perhaps most indicative of a lack of cognitiveflexibility and ability to think abstractly. It is commonlytested for and quantified with the Wisconsin Card Sort-ing Task (WCST), in which cards are sorted by one ofthree characteristics: color, number, or shape. The pa-tient is required to discover the sorting rule empiricallyusing only feedback from the examiner about selectionof the cards. When the examiner changes the sortingrule, patients are required to adapt to the new rule. Pa-

tients with DLPFC damage show perseverative errors inthis task, continuing to sort according to the old ruleeven in the face of obvious discrepancy. This is fre-quently interpreted as a failure of working memory be-cause relevant past behavior is required to perform thetask successfully. Functional imaging has shown that theflexible shifting of cognitive sets in normal subjects isaccompanied by prefrontal activation (Konishi et al.,1998; Monchi, Petrides, Petre, Worsley, & Dagher, 2001).A comparable deficit can be produced in rats. A rat in aT-maze is trained over many trials to find food located inone of the T’s arms. Once the rule (right or left) is ac-quired according to some criterion, it is changed to theother arm. After a number of reversals, a strategy emergesthat is called win/stay lose/shift, or in other words, the ratacquires the concept of shifting. Prefrontal lesions causerats to perseverate and adhere to the previously learned rule(e.g., Dietrich, Taylor, & Passmore, 2001). Given that per-severation to old information is anathema to creative think-ing, it is evident that a fully operational prefrontal cortexenables cognition that is necessary for creative ability.

Finally, it appears that the prefrontal cortex exerts in-hibitory control over inappropriate or maladaptive emo-tional and cognitive behaviors. Lhermitte (1983; Lher-mitte et al., 1986) documented this tendency by showingthat frontal lobe patients are overly dependent on imme-diate cues. They tend to act on what they see without tak-ing into account the bigger picture. Similarly, such pa-tients show a strong tendency to imitate inappropriatebehaviors modeled by others. As Lhermitte put it, “Thesight of the movement is perceived in the patient’s mindas an order to imitate; the sight of an object implies theorder to use it” (p. 330). Without a fully functional frontallobe, the patient can utilize only immediate cues and failsto select behaviors based on more universal principles.Thus, the frontal lobe provides for cognitive flexibilityand freedom, and releases us from the slavery of directenvironmental triggers or the memory stored in the TOP.

Creativity is the epitome of cognitive flexibility. Theability to break conventional or obvious patterns ofthinking, adopt new and/or higher order rules, and thinkconceptually and abstractly is at the heart of any theoryof creativity such as Guilford’s (1950, 1967) concept ofdivergent thinking. Moreover, the fact that stored knowl-edge and novel combinations of that knowledge are im-plemented in two distinct neural structures, the TOP andthe prefrontal cortex, respectively, is critical to under-standing the relationship between knowledge and cre-ativity, as well as the difference between creative andnoncreative thinking.

In conclusion, creativity requires cognitive abilities,such as working memory, sustained attention, cognitiveflexibility, and judgment of propriety, that are typicallyascribed to the prefrontal cortex. Not surprisingly, thecentral role the prefrontal cortex must play in creativityhas been stressed by other investigators (Ashby, Isen, &Turken, 1999; Ashby et al., 2002; Bekhtereva, Dan’ko,

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Starchenko, Pakhomov, & Medvedev, 2001; Bekhterevaet al., 2000; Carlsson et al., 2000; Damasio, 2001; Ko-rnhuber, 1993; Martindale, 1999; Scheibel, 1999).


Production of novelty is not rare in human informa-tion processing. One only has to consider the combina-tional potential presented by human language to appre-ciate the brain’s generative capacity. An assumption of theframework linking creative information processing to nor-mative information processing is that every neural circuitthat computes specific information also produces novelcombinations of that information. Indeed, novelty mightbe inevitable in such a chaotic system. Furthermore, it isreasonable to assume that the more integrative the neuralstructure involved in the computations, the more combi-national novelty might occur. On the other hand, the sec-ond defining characteristic of creativity, appropriate-ness, is not inherent in every neural circuit but dependson higher order structures that are capable of assessing aset of very complex and constantly changing rules suchas the values implicit in a person’s culture. This is com-patible with the theory that creativity is essentially a Dar-winian process; that is, it entails a variation–selectionprocess (Simonton, 1997, 2003). Ideational combinationsare generated all the time, but a selection process is re-quired to determine which ideas are truly creative.

Considering the definition of creativity, it is proposedthat there are four basic types of creativity. Novelty pro-duction can occur in emotional structures or in cognitivestructures, and crossing the type of information with thetwo modes of processing (deliberate or spontaneous)yields the four basic types. It should be stressed, how-ever, that a given creative act is not suggested to be themanifestation of one of these four types in pure form.Just as any behavioral act is the result of a combinationof normative cognition and emotion, the four types ofcreativity are basic elements of information processing,and creative behavior is ultimately the result of a combi-nation of these basic psychological processes. Once anovel combination has been generated, to turn it into acreative idea, a value assessment by the prefrontal cortexis required. Thus, all four types of creativity share a“final common pathway,” regardless of the circuit thatgenerated the novelty.

It is proposed that the role of the prefrontal cortex inthe creative process is threefold. First, to evaluate the ap-propriateness of a novel thought, one has to become con-scious of it. Given the view that the working memorybuffer of the prefrontal cortex holds the content of con-sciousness, a novel thought becomes an insight when it isrepresented in working memory. Information that is notrepresented in working memory is unconscious to the ex-tent that we cannot reflect or report on it (e.g., Gazzaniga,Ivry, & Mangun, 1998). Since neural structures at all lev-els of the functional hierarchy can activate the motor sys-tem, such unconscious novel combinations can produce

novel behaviors. However, sophisticated creative behav-ior is based on the prefrontal integration that followsonce unconscious novel thoughts become manifested inconsciousness.

Second, insights are only the first step in convertingnovel combinations of information into creative work.Once an insight occurs, the prefrontal cortex can bring tobear the full arsenal of higher cognitive functions to theproblem, including central executive processes such asdirecting and sustaining attention, retrieving relevantmemories, buffering that information and ordering it inspace–time, as well as thinking abstractly and consider-ing impact and appropriateness. Innumerous insights turnout to be incorrect, incomplete, or trivial, so judgingwhich insights to pursue and which to discard requiresprefrontal cortex integration.

Third, the prefrontal cortex must implement the ex-pression of the insight. The prefrontal cortex orches-trates action in accordance with internal goals (Miller &Cohen, 2001), such as aesthetic or scientific goals. Ineveryday problem solving, planning and executing con-current subgoals while keeping in mind the main goal arecritically dependent on prefrontal activation (Channon &Crawford, 1999; Koechlin, Basso, Pietrini, Panzer, &Grafman, 1999). In art as well as science, the expressionof a creative insight requires a high level of skill, knowl-edge, and/or technique that depends upon continuousproblem solving. Great works of art or science such as Pi-casso’s Guernica or Einstein’s theory of relativity are theresult of goal-directed behaviors that took months oryears to mature. The creative insight is but the first stepin the creative act.

Processing ModesThe framework of creativity outlined in this article

proposes that creative insights can arise in two process-ing modes—spontaneous and deliberate. Similar dis-tinctions between modes of thinking, for instance, intu-ition and analysis or explicit and implicit, have beenmade previously (Ashby et al., 1999; Shirley & Langan-Fox, 1996; Simonton, 1975). There is much evidence tosupport either notion. A number of researchers havepointed out that creative insights are marked by suddenrealizations that tend to occur in a mental state that ischaracterized by defocused attention (Bransford & Stein,1984; Eysenck, 1995; Martindale, 1999). Indeed, anec-dotal reports in the arts and sciences abound that de-scribe the creative process as automatic and effortless.From Kekulé’s daydream of whirling snakes forming a(benzene) ring to Coleridge’s poem “Kublai Khan,” suchflashes of insights are the very cliché of creative genius.It has even been claimed that creativity goes beyond therational (e.g., Torrance & Hall, 1980), and the view, orig-inally expressed by Kraepelin, that there is a link be-tween mental illness and creativity, has received muchattention (for a review, see Waddell, 1998). In particular,a positive correlation between psychopathology and cre-ativity has been asserted for schizophrenia (e.g., Sass,

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2000), bipolar disorder (e.g., Jamison, 1993; Rothenberg,2001), on setting of dementia (e.g., Miller et al., 1998),and depression (e.g., Post, 1994). In addition, drugs suchas alcohol and opium that lower inhibition and attentionalfocus, have a longstanding reputation of fostering cre-ative inspiration in the arts (Goodwin, 1992; Post, 1996).

Other researchers have argued the opposite view—that is, creativity is the result of deliberate and methodi-cal problem solving (e.g., Boden, 1998; Guilford, 1982;Sternberg & Lubart, 1999; Weisberg, 1993). From Wat-son and Crick’s discovery of DNA to Edison’s inventions,and Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos, it is abundantly clearthat creative work can also be the result of laborious trialand error.

To integrate these seemingly conflicting positions, ithas been suggested that creative insights can occur inboth processing modes (Finke, 1996). Given the astro-nomical amount of sensory information, attention is be-lieved to be “the result of a limited information process-ing capacity” (Broadbent, 1958, p. 68). In a recent reviewof the available literature, Cowan (2001) argued that thislimited capacity caps the amount of information that canbe held concurrently in the focus of attention, and thusworking memory, to four independent chunks or items.In addition to this limited capacity, research in cognitivepsychology has shown that focused attention is a taxingmechanism and cannot be maintained indefinitely (e.g.,Posner, 1994). As a consequence, mental states that aremarked by defocused attention or drifting, such as day-dreaming, might simply be the inevitable result of theconstant demands placed on the attentional system to se-lectively process information (Singer, 1978). Contraryto the conscious brain, the unconscious brain appears tobe a parallel processor (e.g., Gazzaniga et al., 1998), sothat novel combinations of information are constantlygenerated, regardless of the state of attentional control.Given that the working memory buffer of the prefrontalcortex holds the content of consciousness, and that theattentional network of the prefrontal cortex is the mech-anism to select and limit the content, it is hypothesizedthat the main difference between deliberate and sponta-neous modes of processing is the method used to repre-sent the unconscious novel information in working mem-ory. While deliberate searches for insights are instigatedby circuits in the prefrontal cortex and thus tend to bestructured, rational, and conforming to internalized val-ues and belief systems, spontaneous insights occur whenthe attentional system does not actively select the contentof consciousness, allowing unconscious thoughts that arecomparatively more random, unfiltered, and bizarre to berepresented in working memory.

Several lines of evidence corroborate the notion thatdeliberate insights are qualitatively different from spon-taneous insights. Data strongly support the hypothesisthat the prefrontal cortex, and in particular the DLPFC, isrecruited in long-term memory retrieval (for reviews, seeCabeza & Nyberg, 2000; Hasegawa, Hayashi, & Miyashita,1999). Neuroimaging studies have implicated the pre-

frontal cortex in semantic retrieval (e.g., Bruckner, 1996;Cadoret, Pike, & Petrides, 2001), episodic retrieval (e.g.,Desgranges, Baron, & Eustache, 1997; Nyberg, 1998),autobiographical retrieval (Fink et al., 1996), solving “tipof the tongue” phenomena (e.g., Kikyo, Ohki, & Sekihara,2001), priming (Janowsky et al., 1989), and explicit cate-gorization (Ashby et al., 1999).

From these data, it can be concluded that the pre-frontal cortex has a search engine that can “pull” task-relevant information from long-term storage in the TOPareas and temporarily represent it in the working mem-ory buffer. Once online, the prefrontal cortex can use itscapacity for cognitive flexibility to superimpose the re-trieved information to form new combinations. Recentlyreported empirical evidence substantiates the notion thatcreative behavior can be mediated by a memory search-based mechanism (Friedman & Förster, 2002). There isgood reason to assume that either process is inherentlystructured—that is, the search engine, as well as the re-combination of stored items, operates under a number ofconstraints. Given the evidence that the prefrontal cortexhouses a person’s cultural values and belief system(Damasio, 1994), the search engine is likely to be pre-disposed to retrieve knowledge that is consistent with hisor her world view and past experiences.

There is abundant evidence suggesting that perceptionand cognition are strongly dependent upon a precon-ceived mental structure (see Gazzaniga et al., 1998). Inaddition, evidence from creativity research indicates thatpast knowledge or conscious thinking about a problemcan be detrimental to solving it (DeBono, 1968; Frensch& Sternberg, 1989; Guilford, 1950; Koestler, 1964;Lunchins & Lunchins, 1959; Schooler & Melcher,1995), suggesting that solutions that would violate whatis known about the world are not readily considered ineffortful creativity. It is further postulated that databasesearches and cognitive flexibility operate using formallogic (e.g., A causes B), holding assumptions aboutmeaningfulness, and preempting, for efficiency reasons,“remote associations” (Mednick, 1962, p. 220) or coun-terintuitive paths. Thus, while the deliberate mode allowsthe thinker to direct cerebral capacities to a particularproblem, it has the disadvantage of limiting the solutionspace.

This type of creativity might be considered analogousto Boden’s (1998) notion that creative thinking is the“exploration of a structured conceptual space.” As shewrites, “Many human beings—including (for example)most professional scientists, artists, and jazz-musicians—make a justly respected living out of exploratory activity.That is, they inherit an accepted style of thinking fromtheir culture, and then search it, and perhaps superficiallytweak it, to explore its contents, boundaries, and potential”(p. 348). Furthermore, according to Scheibel (1999), “wemust assume that the more nimble the prefrontal cortex,the more capable it is of playing with new combinationsof stored items” (p. 3). Empirical evidence for prefrontalactivation during effortful problem solving has been re-

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ported (see Ashby et al., 2002, for a review; Bekhterevaet al., 2000; Bekhtereva et al., 2001; Carlsson et al., 2000).

In addition to the limited solution space, any informa-tion that is retrieved deliberately and is thus explicitlyavailable for conscious manipulation is subject to the ca-pacity limit of working memory (Cowan, 2001). Care-fully controlled experiments in which subjects are pre-vented from rehearsing or chunking support a capacitylimit of 4 � 1 items that can be held in working memoryat a time (Cowan, 2001). The more famous 7 � 2 is acompound estimate of the capacity limit that allows forexecutive processes such as rehearsing and chunking butis thought to be more typical of real-world situations. Ei-ther way, working memory limits are a critical consider-ation for deliberate creativity because they constrain thenumber of possible ideational combinations.

This capacity limit of four chunks appears to be validonly if the chunks are part of a coherent scene. If twochunks are logically inconsistent or mutually exclusiveto common sense, such as the Necker cube, the capacitylimit is even more narrow (Baars, 1989; Cowan, 2001).In those circumstances, humans appear to be able to pro-cess only a single item. This restricts even further thecreative potential of the deliberate processing mode andis nicely illustrated by the amount of time it typicallytakes to combine two seemingly conflicting ideas into asingle concept—for instance, the fact that electromag-netic radiation is a wavicle: a wave and a particle.

Alternatively, it has been suggested that “workingmemory limitations are best defined in terms of com-plexity of relations that can be processed in parallel”(Halford et al., 1998, p. 723). Halford et al. have arguedthat the number of dimensions humans can manipulateconcurrently is one quaternary relation. Information ofgreater complexity overloads the capacity limit and in-vokes executive processes that collapse dimensions intofewer chunks and/or process chunks in a serial manner.This course of action, however, makes some informationtemporarily inaccessible. Regardless of whether the ca-pacity limit is understood as a storage limit of four items,or a complexity limit of one quaternary relation, it is clearthat the ability to form novel associations deliberately isseverely restricted by the bottleneck of consciousness.

In contrast to the deliberate processing mode, creativ-ity due to spontaneous insights is presumed to be quali-tatively different because it is not initiated by prefrontaldatabase searches that are limited to preconceived men-tal paradigms, as well as quantitatively because infor-mation is not subject to the capacity limit. During theinevitable times when the attentional system is down-regulated, thoughts that are unguided by societal normsand unfiltered by conventional rationality become rep-resented in working memory (Dietrich, 2003). In such amental state, conscious thinking is characterized by un-systematic drifting, and the sequence of thoughts mani-festing itself in consciousness is more chaotic, permittingmore “loosely connected” associations to emerge. This isconsistent with the view that creativity is a stochastic

combinational process (Simonton, 2003)—that is, cre-ative behavior entails an element of chance. Recent re-search has also shown that the DLPFC is activated by sur-prise violations of learned associations (Fletcher et al.,2001), suggesting that novel combinations of informationthat contradict conventional wisdom might have a lowerthreshold to enter conscious awareness.

Conscious thoughts that are unguided by prefrontalactivity are by no means random. Although a number oftheories describe the nature of the brain’s representationof knowledge, there is a consensus that long-term mem-ory is stored in associative networks (e.g., Anderson &Bower, 1973; Collins & Loftus, 1975; for a recent review,see Gabrieli, 1998). Similarly, hippocampal-dependentmemory is thought to be associative. Hence, memory re-call follows rules that predict the likelihood of retrieval ofa given stored item. Research on priming, implicit mem-ory, and insightful problem solving support this assump-tion (e.g., Ashby et al., 1999; Nisbett & Ross, 1980;Weisberg & Alba, 1981). In addition, it was noted early(Hebb, 1939) that people with frontal lobe lesions per-form normally on conventional intelligence tests, sug-gesting that knowledge can be acquired and manipulatedwithout prefrontal integration. It follows that, even with-out the guidance of the integrative prefrontal cortex,spontaneous insights are unlikely to be irrational. Indeed,empirical evidence demonstrates that many “insightsoccur without much warning, in a manner similar to per-ceptual restructuring” (Baker-Sennett & Ceci, 1996;Metcalfe, 1986; Ward et al., 1999, p. 195), suggestingthat the spreading activation through a knowledge-basednetwork alone can yield a new, sophisticated Gestalt.Thus, new ideas can be assembled unconsciously andthen represented in working memory in their finishedform.

Moreover, it is argued that the spontaneous processingmode is the underlying mechanism for intuition, a con-cept closely related to insight and creativity. A largebody of evidence from neuroscientific and psychologi-cal studies suggests that we are aware of the product ofneural computations but not what produces it (see Gaz-zaniga et al., 1998). Consequently, neither processingmode, deliberate or spontaneous, offers a window intothe mechanism of how knowledge is computed. How-ever, if intuition is “the ability to arrive at a solutionwithout reasoning” (Shirley & Langan-Fox, 1996,p. 564), intuition can be conceptualized as knowledgeobtained while the frontal attentional system does notcontrol the content of consciousness, which would resultin a mental state in which knowing occurs without in-tentional reasoning.

Additional evidence that prefrontal activation providesthe basis for the qualitative difference between the twomodes of processing comes from altered states of con-sciousness. REM sleep is a mental state that is marked byprefrontal inactivity (Braun et al., 1997) and is charac-terized by mentation that is largely void of prefrontal-dependent cognition (Hobson, Pace-Schott, & Stickhold,

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2000). For instance, self-reflection is absent (Recht-schaffen, 1978), time is distorted with past, present, andfuture freely exchanged (Hobson, 1988), and volitionalcontrol is greatly diminished (Hartman, 1966). There isalso little indication of abstract thinking, active decisionmaking, cognitive flexibility, and focused attention indream stories. The capacity for semantic and episodic re-trieval of specific memories, which relies heavily onDLPFC areas (Cabeza & Nyberg, 2000), is also greatlycompromised.

According to Hobson and McCarley’s (1977) activa-tion–synthesis model, the brainstem’s activation ofmemory during REM sleep is random, and dream storiesare the result of the brain’s attempt to make sense out ofthe activation without the help of the integrative capaci-ties of the prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, the bizarrenessof a dream is related to the extent of the prefrontal hypo-function (Hobson et al., 2000). Not surprisingly, dreamsrarely conform to societal values and conventional wis-dom. Yet, more often than not, a coherent story lineemerges, presumably due to the associative nature of sub-sequent activation. Dreaming is regarded by many as themental state with the most creative potential (e.g., Hob-son, 1988), because the pattern of cortical activation al-lows for unregulated and unlimited combinational cre-ativity due to the coactivation of stored items that are notclosely associated by conventional wisdom. Thus, dream-ing might be regarded as the most extreme form of thespontaneous processing mode and can give rise to in-sights that are difficult to come by during normal wakingconsciousness.

It has been argued that daydreaming is also an alteredstate of consciousness attributable to prefrontal cortex

downregulation, albeit not as profound as dreaming (Di-etrich, 2003). Anecdotal and historical accounts high-light the fact that associative combinational creativity dur-ing altered states such as dreaming or daydreaming canplay a vital part in the creative process for the arts and thesciences.

Description of Basic TypesThe content of consciousness can thus be determined

by deliberate and/or spontaneous modes of processing,each of which can direct computations in cognitive and/or emotional structures. Figure 1 provides a schematicrepresentation of the resulting four possible types of cre-ative insights. Again, it should be explicitly clear that nosuggestion is made here that creative insights are exclu-sively of one particular type. Rather, these four typesshould be conceptualized as the extremes of two dimen-sions, deliberate/spontaneous and cognitive/emotional.Consequently, creative works arise naturally from a mixof these four basic components. For instance, an emo-tionally inspired painting requires the employment ofperceptual/cognitive processes such as spatial reasoning,while any scientific endeavor entails emotions such assurprise, evaluation of importance, or motivation.

Deliberate mode–cognitive structures. Neuro-anatomically speaking, insights of this type are insti-gated by the prefrontal cortex. The frontal attentionalnetwork is recruited to search for task-relevant informa-tion in the TOP. The subsequent activation of TOP areasis brought online, so that prefrontal circuits that enablevarious other higher cognitive functions can manipulatethe information. Considering the evidence implicating thehippocampus in the consolidation of declarative memory

Figure 1. It is proposed that there are four basic types of creative insights, each mediatedby a distinctive neural circuit. Creative insights can be the result of two processing modes,deliberate and spontaneous, each of which can guide neural computation in structures thatcontribute emotional content and in structures that provide cognitive analysis. Crossing thetwo processing modes with the type of information yields the four basic types of creativity.

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(Squire, 1992), it must be assumed that for the retrieval ofrecent memory the hippocampal formation is recruited,as well. Prototypical examples of deliberate/cognitivecreativity are the methodical piecing together of thestructure of DNA and Edison’s systematic approach toinventing.

It is suggested that the quality of these types of in-sights is closely related to two factors. First, a prerequi-site for creativity in a cognitive domain must be the num-ber of domain-specific items stored in TOP areas. Themore knowledge is readily available, the more relevantitems can be “juggled” in working memory. The qualityof this type of insight depends directly on expertise,which is evidenced by the fact that few inventions or sci-entific breakthroughs were ever made by individualswith an “uneducated” TOP. Considering that the defini-tion of creativity includes some form of appropriateness,this type of creativity appears to be domain specific.Second, since it is well known that expertise alone doesnot constitute creativity (Weisberg, 1999), quality mustalso depend on how “nimble” (Scheibel, 1999, p. 3) theprefrontal cortex is. This factor would appear to consti-tute a general or domain-independent trait for creativity.

Deliberate mode–emotional structures. Again, thistype of insight is instigated by the frontal attentional net-work. However, instead of searching TOP areas for rele-vant information, attentional resources are directed towardretrieving affective memory that is stored in emotionalstructures. A prototypical example of this type of creativ-ity is an insight gained during psychotherapy. The result-ing item is temporarily represented in the working mem-ory buffer and can thus be consciously manipulated forfurther insights. Considering the evidence that basic emo-tions are processed by limbic system structures such asthe amygdala and more complex social emotions by thecingulate cortex and the VMPFC (Damasio, 1994;LeDoux, 1996), it is likely that insights of this type de-pend heavily on the specific emotion. As reviewed ear-lier, limbic system structures such as the amygdala do nothave direct connections to the dorsolateral prefrontal cor-tex (Petrides & Pandya, 1999). In addition, although theamygdala has a massive projection to the VMPFC, it re-ceives few afferent fibers from the VMPFC in return(LeDoux, 1996). Consequently, the limited ability of theprefrontal cortex to direct neural processing in the amyg-dala (LeDoux, 1996) makes it doubtful that insightsbased on basic emotions can be deliberate. There is noneuroanatomical limitation for deliberate insights thatare based on complex social emotions because theDLPFC is richly interconnected with the VMPFC andthe cingulate cortex. Nevertheless, emotional insightsthat arise due to prefrontal involvement are likely to con-form to a person’s norms and values. It would appear thatthis type of insight is independent of domain-specificknowledge, since emotional experiences are universal.Thus, deliberate emotional insights are principally en-abled by an “endowed” prefrontal cortex.

Spontaneous mode–cognitive structures. Neuro-anatomically speaking, this type of insight has its origin

in TOP areas during associative unconscious thinking.The involvement of the basal ganglia in implicit learningand execution of automatic behaviors (see Ashby et al.,1999; Mishkin, Malamut, & Bachevalier, 1984) suggeststhat the basal ganglia also takes part in information pro-cessing in the spontaneous mode. Due to the periodicdownregulation of the frontal attentional system, suchthinking is allowed to enter consciousness when it isspontaneously represented in working memory. Datashowing that DLPFC activation during surprise violationof learned associations (Fletcher et al., 2001) suggestfurther that novel combinations that do not conform toconvention might have a lower threshold for being rep-resented in working memory. Because there is no appar-ent effort or intention associated with these intuitive in-sights, they are often described as mysterious and indicatedby such metaphors as “being hit by a ton of bricks,” or theproverbial light bulb turning on.

Problem solving is marked by impasses, particularlywhen the solution requires “outside the box” thinking. Ithas been shown that impasses are broken by the relax-ation of constraints (Knoblich, Ohlsson, Haider, & Rhe-nius, 1999). One common method to overcome impassesis known as incubation, which “refers to the process ofremoving a problem from conscious awareness tem-porarily as a means of gaining new perspectives on howto solve it” (Finke, 1996, p. 389). It is plausible that incu-bation is successful because it leads to the spontaneousprocessing mode, which in turn results in the relaxation ofconstraints. Evidently, the experience of trying for hoursto desperately solve a problem only to have the solution“pop up” into consciousness, while performing an unre-lated, mundane task, is a commonly reported phenomenon.

Some of the most brilliant ideas in the history of sci-ence are of this type. For instance, Newton is said to havethought of gravity while watching a falling apple; Kekuléwas daydreaming in his study in Ghent when the idea ofthe benzene structure hit him; Einstein thought of rela-tivity while riding on a beam of light; and Poincaré wasstepping on a bus when he realized that Fuchsian func-tions are identical to transformations of non-Euclidiangeometry (e.g., Weisberg, 1993). The quality of thesetypes of insights depends on expertise. If relevant infor-mation is not committed to memory, it cannot be super-imposed in working memory during times of defocusedattention. Or as Louis Pasteur said, “In the world of ob-servation, chance only favors the prepared mind.”

Spontaneous mode–emotional structures. This typeof insight occurs when the neural activity of structuresthat process emotional information is spontaneously rep-resented in working memory. Because conscious infor-mation processing is severely limited in time and capac-ity, neural structures are thought to compete for access toconsciousness (Pinker, 1999). Since emotions signify bi-ologically significant events, neural activation in emo-tional structures make for “loud” signals that are de-signed to enter consciousness and impress the organism.Not surprisingly, intense emotional experiences create astrong need for creative expression (Torrance, 1988). Pro-

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totypical examples of spontaneous/emotional creativityinclude artistic expression such as Picasso’s La Guernicaor Coleridge’s poem “Kublai Khan.”

The experience of spontaneously generated emotionalinformation entering consciousness is likely to have aprofound effect that engenders a distinct phenomeno-logical state. It is perhaps the mechanism that results inwhat is referred to as a revelation, an epiphany, or a reli-gious experience. While the emotional nature of the in-sight certifies to its importance, the unintentional natureof the insight adds to the conviction that such experi-ences must contain universal truth.

Again, because emotions do not require specif icknowledge, insights based on emotional processing arenot domain specific. However, creative work based onthese insights might require specific skills for appropri-ate expression.


By differentiating among types of creativity, the theo-retical framework proposed in this article can help dis-entangle some of the classical controversies regardingthe nature of creativity. Two fundamental issues, the re-lationship between creativity and knowledge, and the ef-fects of age on creativity, are addressed.

Creativity and KnowledgeIt has been widely accepted in the literature that

knowledge is essential for creative thinking. However,there is less agreement on the nature of this relationship.On the one hand, it is thought that a positive correlationbest describes the relationship between knowledge andcreativity (Gruber, 1981; Hayes, 1989; Weisberg, 1993,1999). Indeed, the view has been expressed that “allproblem solving is based on knowledge” (Weisberg,1993, p. 117). On the other hand, since “creative think-ing by definition goes beyond knowledge” (Weisberg,1999, p. 226), some researchers assert that too muchknowledge may restrain creativity. Bearing in mind theevidence for negative transfer of past experiences to newproblem solving tasks (DeBono, 1968; Frensch & Stern-berg, 1989; Guilford, 1950; Koestler, 1964; Lunchins &Lunchins, 1959; Schooler & Melcher, 1995), proponentsof this view postulate that the relationship betweenknowledge and creativity is best described by an inverted-U function.

By distinguishing among subtypes of creative think-ing, it becomes feasible to study this relationship in amore systematic manner. First, it is imperative to recog-nize that knowledge and creativity recruit different braincircuits. While knowledge is primarily stored in TOPareas, creativity is enabled by the cognitive capabilitiesprovided primarily by the DLPFC. With respect to theevidence for discrete circuits in specific brain functions(e.g., Cabeza & Nyberg, 2000), it has been noted that“subtle modifications in the function of such circuits are

likely to account for the different cognitive capabilitiesand talents observed in the normal human population”(Pfenninger & Shubik, 2001, p. 216). For instance, it hasbeen shown that individual differences in attentionalcontrol are related to working memory capacities (Con-way, Cowan, & Bunting, 2001) and that these variables af-fect task performance (Kane et al., 2001) and by extension,creative problem solving.

Accordingly, one could imagine an individual whopossesses an “endowed” TOP but a less-remarkable pre-frontal cortex. Such an individual would have encyclo-pedic knowledge of a particular discipline but wouldmake only minor contributions to its advancement. Thispossibility could account for the observation that knowl-edge does not constitute creativity. On the other hand,one could imagine an individual of the oppositepredisposition—that is, possessing an endowed pre-frontal cortex but a normative TOP. As mentioned above,if relevant information is not stored in memory, it cannotbe brought online by TOP circuits and is thus unavailablefor prefrontal modules to be included in the computationof creative solutions. It follows that such an individualmight be a rich source of new ideas but would be un-likely to augment existing knowledge in a meaningfulway. Either case, if correct, would argue against the no-tion that knowledge and creativity are positively corre-lated in a simple manner. Rather, optimal levels of cre-ative output in a knowledge-based domain would requireexceptionally capable circuits in both the TOP and theprefrontal cortex. Given the evidence that performanceon conventional intelligence tests is frequently unalteredby mild prefrontal damage (Hebb, 1939), a similar argu-ment could be made for the relationship between intelli-gence and creativity.

By proposing that creative insights based on emo-tional computations are universal, and thus independentof formal knowledge, the relationship between knowl-edge and creativity can be refined even further. In par-ticular, the role of knowledge in creativity is proposed tobe domain specific—that is, the greater the knowledgebase of a domain, the more formal knowledge is requiredfor truly innovative work within it.

It might be useful at this point to reiterate the distinc-tion between creative insights, which are conscious real-izations that occur in working memory, and creative ex-pression, which is the implementation of that insight. Forthe arts, it is argued that creative insights do not requirespecialized knowledge; however, their expression doesrequire exceptional skill. For instance, La Guernica wasinspired when Picasso witnessed the Condor Legion bru-tally destroying the town of Guernica in the Spanish CivilWar. Picasso’s work is not based on any historic, military,or other knowledge that can be acquired by formal edu-cation. It is based on understanding human suffering, in-justice, and fear. It is likely that other witnesses to theevent had similar experiences of empathy, but Picassohad a special way of expressing it. Similar arguments canbe made for other creative arts. Modern popular music

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requires little formal knowledge, often as little as a fewsimple chords (Frysh, personal communication), but fewpeople would argue that the Beatles were not creative.Equally, creativity in literature and poetry is not basedon special knowledge of grammar or a degree in com-parative literature. Once the specific mechanics of ex-pression are mastered, creativity in the various arts isbased on emotional reactions to environmental stimuli.This does not preclude the possibility that the creativeartist possesses a finely honed emotional brain. For thesciences on the other hand, creative insights, as well astheir creative expression in the form of designing andimplementing experiments, depend heavily on formalknowledge.

Hayes (1989) and Gardner (1993) have proposed whatis known as the 10-year rule, which holds that a period ofdeep immersion, regardless of discipline, precedes cre-ative master-level work. It is suggested here that this pe-riod of incubation is devoted more to the fine-tuning ofexpression in the arts, whereas it is devoted more to the ac-quisition of formal knowledge in the sciences. Perhapsthis is best thought of as a continuum rather than a rigiddichotomy with the arts relying more on emotional knowl-edge and the sciences relying more on cognition. This no-tion might also shed some light on the fact that originalcreative achievements in the arts can be appreciated by awide audience, which is not the case for the sciences.

Age and CreativityThe division of creative thinking into four distinct

types also bears significantly on one of the oldest re-search topics in the field—that is, how creativity changesas a function of age (e.g., Lehman, 1953; Simonton,1999). If the prefrontal cortex is, as proposed in thisframework, the pivotal neural structure mediating cre-ative behavior, creativity ought to be closely related toprefrontal cortex development across the life span.

The prefrontal cortex is the last structure to developphylogenically and ontogenically (Fuster, 2000b). In hu-mans, it does not fully mature until the early 20s. Thisconforms to frequent claims and might well be the un-derlying reason why the creativity of children is lessstructured and appropriate. In terms of the present frame-work, children’s creativity can perhaps be conceptualizedas somewhat limited to the spontaneous processingmode, with the added disadvantage of limited amounts ofknowledge stored in the TOP. Likewise, empirical evi-dence suggests that prefrontal functions are among thefirst to deteriorate in old age. For instance, performancein the WCST is stable in mid-life and then declines as afunction of age in a linear fashion, particularly the abil-ity to adapt to changing rules (Axelrod, Jiron, & Henry,1993). In repeated reversal paradigms that test for cog-nitive flexibility and working memory, aging rats showcomparable perseveration to old information (Means &Holstein, 1992). These results suggest that the elderlyare less able to inhibit well-learned rules and have lessindependence from immediate environmental cues or

memories stored in the TOP. Consequently, one wouldexpect creative achievement to peak in mid-life at theheight of prefrontal capacity.

Historiometric studies are consistent with this pattern.In a recent review, Simonton stated, “we can now con-clude with great confidence that . . . creative output tendsto be a curvilinear, inverted backward-J function of age”(1999, p. 122). He further concluded that the zenith ofthis function varies by domain. Although the average oc-curs between the ages of 35 and 39, mathematicians andmusicians reach their prime earlier, while historians andphilosophers peak later (Simonton, 1997).

Simonton (1997) has convincingly demonstrated that“creative productivity is a function of career age, notchronological age” (p. 70). Although career age andchronological age are highly correlated, latecomers to adiscipline show the same career trajectories and land-marks, as well as conformity to the 10-year rule (Simon-ton, 1997, 2003). For instance, mathematicians peak onaverage at 26.5 years of career age, while historians peakat 38.5 (Simonton, 1997). Because prefrontal-dependentmental functions do not significantly decline until oldage, the distinction between chronological and career agecan be accommodated as long as the creator’s career onsetis not at an advanced chronological age. In such a case,the career trajectory might be altered in one or more im-portant ways due to the premature (in terms of career age)decline in prefrontal functions, even if the creator livesuntil very old age.

It is remarkable that revolutionary advances in science,as opposed to paradigmatic or normal science (Kuhn,1970), particularly in theoretical physics, are predomi-nantly made by individuals in their 20s or individualsvery near career onset. A long list of eminent physicistsincluding Bohr, Chadwick, Einstein, Fermi, Feynman,Gell-Mann, Heisenberg, Pauli, and Rutherford seem toexemplify this most strikingly. This curiosity is known asthe Planck hypothesis, which states that younger scien-tists are more receptive to innovation (e.g., Hull, Tessner,& Diamond, 1978). Even more curious is the observationthat scientists who made major, revolutionary contribu-tions early in their careers rarely made a second one ofequal impact at an advanced career age, suggesting thatage rather than individual differences is the responsiblevariable. In music, on the other hand, creative achieve-ment peaks early and can be sustained until old age.

It has been proposed that creativity is stochastic in na-ture and that creativity in the arts and sciences “differ inthe extent to which that stochastic process is constrained”(Simonton, 2003, p. 484). In either discipline, the start ofcreativity coincides with the maturation of the prefrontalcortex. However, a major difference between music andphysics is that the latter requires constant adaptation to anew set of rules. Physics is a field with a rapidly growingknowledge base, which means that previously successfulresponses have to be modified to fit new paradigms.Again, a striking parallel can be drawn to performanceon the WCST, in which the elderly have little trouble

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adapting to the first sorting rule but seem unable to in-hibit knowledge of this rule when it changes. They alsoreport awareness that the old rule no longer applies, butthey continue to emit habitual behavior nonetheless.Consequently, the decline of cognitive flexibility due toaging might affect scientists more readily than artists,who can continue to operate creatively on the first set ofrules they acquired.

This tendency to adhere to outdated rules might becompounded by the fact that mental states that enable thespontaneous processing mode, such as daydreaming, godramatically down with age (Singer, 1975). Thus, in ad-dition to perseveration, the deliberate processing mode,which favors solutions that tend to be consistent with aperson’s belief system, becomes the more dominant prob-lem solving mode of thought. This is consistent with thepreviously cited data showing that negative transfer andpast experience can interfere with creativity. It is alsoconsistent with the observation that revolutionary sci-ence, as opposed to paradigmatic science, is rarely per-formed by scientists of an advanced career age. It seemsthat, as we age, a certain version of reality becomes so“hardwired” through decades of reinforcement that thecontinuously diminishing ability for cognitive flexibilityis overpowered. Or in Nietzsche’s words, “convictionsare greater enemies of the truth than lies.”

The present framework is also able to account for thehistoriometric observation that historians and philoso-phers achieve their zenith later in life. Unlike the sciences,history is not a reductionistic field in which the knowl-edge base can be compacted into a manageable set ofequations and concepts. In terms of Simonton’s (1997,2003) stochastic model of creative output, physics andhistory differ in their ideation rates (i.e., the rate at whichnew combinations are emerging) and elaboration rates(i.e., the time it takes to convert insights into creativeproducts). Thus, it is suggested that in history, althoughthe prefrontal cortex reaches maximal potential at thesame time as in physics, additional time is needed to un-derstand complex, multifactorial subjects and committhem to memory. There is a view among historians thateminence in the field does not occur before the age of 40,and indeed, there are no 25-year-old savant historians.Also, few philosophers and historians submitted morethan one original idea to the edifice of knowledge, demon-strating that the cognitive inflexibility that seems to ac-company aging operates in all knowledge-based domains.


Direct empirical evidence for the brain mechanismsunderlying creative thinking is remarkably scarce. Thepresent framework is largely based on the cognitiveneuroscience of normative information processing, cou-pled with the putative notion that creativity is groundedin ordinary mental processes and is therefore eminentlytestable with the tools of modern neuroscience and cog-

nitive psychology. A few possible lines of research areoutlined.

The proposed framework offers a point of attack forfuture research that should be primarily aimed at estab-lishing a more direct link between creativity and neuro-science. Most of the empirically derived knowledge basein creativity is built on psychometric measures of cre-ativity. Despite the recent proliferation of hundreds ofcreativity tests, very few tests such as Guilford’s (1967)test of divergent thinking, Torrance’s (1974) test, Dunck-er’s (1945) candle problem, or the Remote AssociatesTest (Mednick, 1962) are widely accepted in the litera-ture. Together, these tests provide timed measures of flu-ency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration, and aregenerally identified as either problem solving tasks (de-liberate) or open-ended tasks (spontaneous). In addition,some tests are generally regarded as cognitive in nature,while others take into account personality variables suchas emotionality.

Due to the lack of communication between neuro-science and creativity research, none of these psycho-metric measures has been used in combination withfunctional neuroimaging tools, optical imaging tools,transcranial magnetic stimulation, or EEG equipment.First, the present framework makes clear and specificpredictions about the activation of specific brain regionsduring creative thinking. For example, creativity testssuch as the candle problem or the Remote AssociatesTest (RAT) are classified as involving deliberate and in-novative problem solving and have only a very limitednumber of correct answers. The framework predictsthese tests to be associated primarily with the activationof the DLPFC regions but not the VMPFC or TOP re-gions. On the other hand, various subtests of the Torrancetest are open ended and thus require the spontaneous gen-eration of as many items as possible (e.g., name all thingsthat are red or all things that one can do with a safety pin).It is predicted that such tests require the spreading acti-vation through a knowledge-based network and thus pri-marily the activation of the TOP regions more than theDLPFC regions.

Second, this line of reasoning can be extended to condi-tions that are characterized by altered prefrontal function,such as neurological disorders, psychological disorders, or altered states of consciousness. For instance, patientswith prefrontal damage are predicted to be more impairedin deliberate problem solving than in spontaneous-typecreativity tests. Similarly, schizophrenics show hypofront-ality (Taylor, 1996) and should score poorly on the RAT orthe candle problem, while having little trouble generat-ing original ideas of what to do with a safety pin. De-pression might be particularly interesting because re-search shows that it is associated with hyperactivity inthe VMPFC region but hypoactivity in the DLPFC re-gion (see Mayberg, 1997). The present framework notonly predicts that creative ability is altered in those indi-viduals but can make precise predictions in what direc-

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tion, and for what type of creativity. If this is the case, thelink between mental illness and creativity can be de-scribed more precisely, as this connection is only re-ported for artists, writers, and musicians, but not scien-tists. Finally, the framework generates similar predictionsfor altered states of consciousness (drug-induced states,hypnosis, or distance running) that temporarily decreaseprefrontal activity. The induction of these mental statescan be used to conduct empirical tests of the framework.

A third possible line of research might make use of thefact that emotion influences cognitive processes. For in-stance, positive affect improves performance on a varietyof cognitive tests (Ashby et al., 1999). This work typi-cally involves exposure to a short film clip that evokes ei-ther a positive, neutral, or negative mood. The frameworkpredicts that these emotional manipulations would influ-ence certain types of creativity more readily than others.

Finally, and perhaps most important, the frameworkcan be used to develop new and more precise psycho-metric measures of creativity. The generally poor valid-ity and inconsistent results of existing tests is recognizedas one of the biggest hurdles to progress in creativity re-search. The framework suggests that future tests wouldbenefit from the intentional incorporation of cognitiveprocesses that are associated with specific brain areas.For instance, working memory, sustained attention, orsemantic memory retrieval require prefrontal activationand elements in creativity tests requiring their use canprovide insight as to the dependence of creativity onthese psychological processes or specific brain regions.

Equally important may be the use of psychologicalprocesses that have not been used at all as elements increativity tests. For instance, the ability to use a theoryof mind (ToM) depends on the prefrontal cortex. Currenttests for ToM are cognitive in nature, but it is clear fromthe literature that ToM is a module that developed forpredicting behavior in a complex social situation, andthus has an emotional component (Povinelli & Preuss,1995; Stone et al., 1998). It is obvious that empathy, orthe ability to experience another person’s point of view,is critical for works in the arts but perhaps less so forworks in the sciences. Using ToM abilities in creativitytests can expand our concept of what it means to be cre-ative, especially to be creative in the arts or in a complexsocial situation. The framework makes overtly clear thislink between the prefrontal cortex, ToM, and creativity.

Thus, in addition to providing a coherent account thatsystematizes current data in the field of creativity, thenew framework suggests many new avenues of researchthat are currently not considered in neuroscience and/orcreativity. Its adoption would be heuristically beneficial.


Supportive evidence from psychology and neuro-science was reviewed in order to outline a framework ofcreativity that integrates current understanding of thefunctional neuroanatomy of normative information pro-

cessing with the findings of creativity research. Althoughthe model is admittedly tentative at present, it is proposedon the strength of its heuristic value, and it is hoped thatit will encourage researchers from diverse backgroundsto address testable hypotheses derived from it.

Concisely stated, creativity results from the factorialcombination of four kinds of mechanisms. Neural compu-tation that generates novelty can occur during two modesof thought (deliberate and spontaneous) and for two typesof information (emotional and cognitive). Regardless ofhow novelty is generated initially, circuits in the prefrontalcortex perform the computation that transforms the nov-elty into creative behavior. To that end, prefrontal circuitsare involved in making novelty fully conscious, evaluatingits appropriateness, and ultimately implementing its cre-ative expression.

From the proposed framework, a systematic reorgani-zation of a substantial body of creativity research emergesthat has a number of advantages over other theoretical ap-proaches. First, the framework provides a coherent neuro-scientific account of a wide variety of well-known phe-nomena, and thus places the hitherto dissociated area ofcreativity on a neural basis. Second, it unites into oneframework a substantial amount of disparate researchwithin the field of creativity that currently cannot be sat-isfactorily explained by any other single theory of cre-ativity. The resulting novel synthesis clarifies a surprisingnumber of classical controversies in creativity research—that is, by distinguishing among several types of creativ-ity, the framework permits the dissociation of factorssuch as knowledge, domain, and age, and systematizesthe relationship of each of these influences to the creativeprocess. Finally, the framework opens new lines of re-search that can greatly expand our knowledge base of thisundervalued area of psychological science.


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