Page 1: The American Colonies Review Crossword PuzzleSet+of+Crossword... · The American Colonies Review Crossword Puzzle ... of the Progressive Era. 5. He led the Philippine Insurrection

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The American Colonies Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 5. Native American group located in Virginia when the first colonists arrived

6. Village in New England where women were executed for witchcraft.

10. This first permanent English colony was founded in 1607.

12. He was banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded Rhode Island.

13. This Virginian’s most famous quote was, “Give me liberty or give me death!”

14. An __ servant works 7 years to pay off his/her passage to America.

15. The House of ____ was the 1st representative body in the New World.

Down 1. Nickname for the upper & middle class settlers who came to settle Virginia.

2. They settled in Pennsylvania where they held church meetings without formal ministers.

3. This religious group left England and created the Massachusetts Bay colony in the 1630’s.

4. The Great ___ was a religious revival in America during the 1700’s.

7. The ____ Passage brought enslaved Africans to the New World.

8. Pilgrim men signed the ___ Compact creating a civil government in New England.

9. American Indian girl who helped the settlers at Jamestown.

11. He wrote the revolutionary pamphlet Common Sense.

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The Revolutionary War & Constitution Review

Crossword Puzzle

3. Washington famously crossed this river into Pennsylvania.

5. The 3/5 Compromise said this group of people were not a whole person.

13. He wrote Virginia’s Declaration of Rights, the first Bill of Rights in America.

14. General Cornwallis surrendered to the Americans here to end the Revolutionary War.

15. Nickname for the Massachusetts state militia.

16. Acts passed after the Boston Tea Party to punish the colonies for rebelling.

17. He was chosen to lead the Continental Army against the British in the Revolutionary War.

18. Early battle in Massachusetts that was a victory for the British, but not worth the casualties lost.

Down 1. Americans who were against the Revolutionary War against Great Britain.

2. This Virginian is called the “Father of the Constitution”.

4. This was the nickname given to British soldiers.

6. The first shots fired in the Revolutionary War were at __ & Concord.

7. This Connecticut delegate came up with the Great Compromise.

8. This branch of government enforces laws, makes treaties, and nominates judges.

9. This, meaning official approval, required the agreement of 9 or the 13 states.

10. Group of Americans who supported independence.

11. Author of America’s Declaration of Independence.

12. His pamphlet Common Sense inspired many Americans.


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Page 5: The American Colonies Review Crossword PuzzleSet+of+Crossword... · The American Colonies Review Crossword Puzzle ... of the Progressive Era. 5. He led the Philippine Insurrection

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The Early Republic Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 5. The controversial ___ & Sedition Acts were passed by John Adams and the Federalists.

6. He invented the cotton gin.

8. Andrew Jackson started this system of appointing supporters to federal positions.

10. He was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for Marbury vs. Madison.

12. This canal connected the Hudson River to the Great Lakes.

13. Thomas Jefferson authorized this Purchase in 1803 from France.

14. The ___ v. Madison case gave the Supreme Court the ability to review all acts of Congress.

15. This is one of the causes of the War of 1812 – the British kidnapping American sailors.

16. The Trail of __ was an 800 mile trip was made by about 20,000 Cherokee in the winter of 1838.

Down 1. He was a Federalist and the 2nd president of the United States.

2. Known as “Old Hickory” this president was against the National Bank.

3. This Doctrine was directed at Europeans to stay out of affairs in America’s hemisphere.

4. The __ Affair of Adams’ presidency was over the French demanding a bribe.

6. This rebellion took place in Pennsylvania in 1794 over high taxes.

7. She helped Lewis & Clark explore the West.

9. This territory in the northwest was disputed between England and the United States.

11. As president, George Washington assembled a team of advisors that became known as this.

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The Civil War Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 3. He was a slave who started a violent rebellion in Virginia but was captured and executed.

4. Lincoln named him commander of all Union Armies in March 1864.

6. This battle in Pennsylvania is considered the turning point of the war.

8. After Antietam, Lincoln issued this document that freed slaves in rebellion states.

10. This Confederate general earned his famous nickname at Bull Run.

11. He escaped from slavery and encouraged Lincoln to use African-American soldiers in the army.

13. The most famous abolitionist newspaper in the US before the Civil War was The __.

14. The first shots of the war were fired at this Fort in South Carolina.

Down 1. The first major land battle in the Civil War was here in Virginia and a victory for the South.

2. He was the president of the Confederacy after it seceded from the Union.

5. The Compromise of 1850 admitted California but added this Law which angered Northerners.

7. This battle in Maryland was the deadliest day in American history.

9. Court House where Gen. Lee officially surrendered to Gen. Grant on April 9, 1865.

12. He was the top general of the Confederate army.

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Page 9: The American Colonies Review Crossword PuzzleSet+of+Crossword... · The American Colonies Review Crossword Puzzle ... of the Progressive Era. 5. He led the Philippine Insurrection

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The Reconstruction Era Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 4. The _____ Republicans controlled Congress during Reconstruction.

5. This organization of Southern racists terrorized African-Americans during Reconstruction.

8. Southern states passed ____ Codes to limit African-Americans' freedom.

9. The ___ Bureau was set up to help former slaves prepare for life after slavery.

12. This type of farming system developed was very similar to slavery.

13. Theater in which President Lincoln was assassinated.

15. The ___ of 1877 was a secret deal that ended the Reconstruction Era.

16. This Amendment guarantees citizenship and voting rights for African American males.

18. This Amendment guarantees African-American males the right to vote.

20. This president was impeached by Congress for not following their plan for Reconstruction.

Down 1. Terms for Northerners who went south to profit from Reconstruction.

2. A ___ tax required a person to pay to vote.

3. A ____ Clause exempted whites from the laws that prevented blacks from voting.

6. His election in 1876 was hotly contested but he eventually “won”.

7. This Amendment prohibited slavery.

10. The strict __-__ Bill required 50% of the voters of a state to take a loyalty oath.

11. He assassinated President Lincoln.

14. Term for Southerners who supported the Union's Reconstruction plan and policies.

17. These laws were meant to keep blacks and whites totally separate in the South.

19. Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction was called the “__ Percent Plan”.

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Urbanization & the Gilded Age Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 1. Term for anti-immigration feelings held by the Know Nothing Party and other groups.

5. The ___ Brothers invented the first functioning airplane.

6. The ___ Exclusion Act banned all immigrants from there.

8. America's most famous inventor (light bulb, phonograph, etc.)

9. He became the richest man in the world through his company Standard Oil.

13. Cheap, unsafe apartment buildings in major cities.

14. Term for the blending of cultures in America.

15. Scottish immigrant who founded the US Steel Company.

16. Island on which immigrants from Europe were processed.

Down 2. He became one of the richest men in America by controlling the railroads and shipping industries.

3. The Transcontinental Railroad was completed at ___ Point, Utah.

4. He invented the telephone.

7. The ___ Act of 1862 gave out free land in the Midwest.

10. His mass-produced Model T was the first affordable automobile.

11. When 1 company dominates an entire industry.

12. Island near San Francisco on which immigrants from Asia were processed.

14. This wealthy Robber Baron dominated the world of finance.

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The Progressive & Imperialist Era Review Crossword

Across 3. The ___ Strike against the Carnegie Steel Company turned violent in 1892.

6. America's Open Door Policy was directed at this country.

12. The last Queen of Hawaii.

13. Women demanded this which means the right to vote.

14. She was one of the most prominent women fighting for the right to vote.

16. This union leader founded the American Federation of Labor.

17. Roosevelt pushed for the US to build a famous canal here.

18. This “trust-busting” president wanted to give Americans a Square Deal.

Down 1. Taft began a policy of ____ Diplomacy in Latin America.

2. The ___ Anti-Trust Act led to the breakup of some monopolies.

4. A ___ was an investigative journalist of the Progressive Era.

5. He led the Philippine Insurrection against the US.

7. The US gained these islands from Spain (but they were against it).

8. The ___ of Labor was one of the first large labor unions.

9. This island was annexed by the US in the 1890's.

10. He was Roosevelt's hand-picked successor as president.

11. The Roosevelt ___ made America the “police force” of the Western Hemisphere.

15. This socialist union leader helped found the Industrial Workers of the World.

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World War 1 & the Roaring 20’s Review Crossword

Across 2. Nickname for German submarines that terrorized the seas during WWI.

5. Mobster who terrorized Chicago during Prohibition.

7. Term for the period when alcohol was made illegal in the US.

8. African American leader who promoted a “Back to Africa” movement.

12. Nickname for women in the 1920's who flaunted modern dress and conduct.

13. This cruise liner was sunk by a German torpedo and many Americans died.

14. A Renaissance of African-American art, literature, and music began in this section of New York.

16. Term for the fear of communism in America.

17. The Selective Service Act created a ___ for all men aged 18-45.

18. He was America's president during WWI.

19. The Scopes Monkey Trial was a famous trial over whether ___ should be taught in school.

Down 1. He and fellow Italian-born anarchist Vanzetti were convicted of murder and executed.

3. A ___ of Nations was created for peace after WWI, but the US never joined.

4. The Treaty of ___ officially ended WWI.

6. One-sided information produced by the government during wartime.

9. Woodrow Wilson crafted a ____ Points for Peace plan for after WWI.

10. W.E.B. DuBois helped found this organization for African-American equality.

11. The ___ Note from Germany to Mexico finally brought the US into WWI.

14. President who promised America a “return to normalcy” in the '20's.

15. The stock market crashed on ___ Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

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The Great Depression Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 2. The ___-Smoot Tariff raised tariffs on imports but did not help end the Depression.

4. President when the Depression started and who many Americans blamed for it.

5. This organization insured bank deposits.

8. The __ ___ Act was passed to provide benefits to retirees and the unemployed.

12. Nickname for Roosevelt's plan to end the Depression.

13. This Kingfish governor and senator wanted to “Share the Wealth”.

14. The ___ Bowl was a drought that struck the Great Plains.

Down 1. This organization built dams that provided hydro-electric power in Tennessee.

2. Roosevelt declared a bank ___ and closed them all for investigation.

3. Elected president during the Depression and inspired optimism in many.

6. The __ Army were WWI veterans who marched on Washington DC for payments owed to them.

7. Roosevelt gave radio “___ Chats” to Americans on what he was doing.

9. Organization that regulated agricultural production through farm subsidies.

10. Organization that employed young men for 6 months to do construction work at rural camps.

11. This organization employed millions of unskilled men to carry out public works projects.

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World War II Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 3. This naval battle in June 1942 was Japan's first defeat.

8. The __ Powers was the alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan

9. This Japanese city became the first to be hit with an atomic bomb in August, 1945.

13. America's strategy in the Pacific was called “Island ___”.

14. This American general was in charge of all Allied Forces in Europe.

16. He was the dictator of the Soviet Union during WWII.

17. ___ the Riveter was the nickname given to women who worked during WWII.

18. This is the deadliest battle of all-time and occurred through the winter of 1942-43.

19. He was Britain's Prime Minister throughout most of WWII.

21. He was the dictator of Nazi Germany.

22. American marines famously raised the flag at the top of this small island near Japan.

23. This German general was nicknamed the “Desert Fox”.

Down 1. The US helped England through the ___-Lease Act before entering WWII.

2. The ___ Project was the top secret plan to develop an atomic bomb.

4. This Native American group helped provide an unbreakable code in the Pacific.

5. Nickname of the Allied invasion of Nazi-controlled Europe.

6. The __ Airmen were African-American pilots who served during the war.

7. He favored appeasement as Britain's Prime Minister before WWII.

10. This flying group helped England defeat the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain.

11. America's president when WWII ended.

12. Fascist dictator of Italy during WWII.

15. This general was Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Pacific.

20. When Japan bombed ___ Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 America was brought into WWII.

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The Cold War Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 3. The ___ Plan provided aid to help rebuild the democracies of Europe after WWII.

10. Term for economic reforms made by the Soviet Union in the 1980's.

12. He succeeded Stalin as the leader of the Soviet Union.

15. This US policy called for not allowing communism to spread.

16. The ___ were a husband & wife executed for giving secrets to the Soviets.

17. Alliance of democratic countries during the Cold War.

18. US Senator who claimed there were Communists in the US government.

19. The ___ Offensive was a surprise attack during Vietcong in 1968.

20. The “___ 10” were blacklisted from show-business for refusing to answer questions about communism.

21. He became president when Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

Down 1. Communist leader of Cuba.

2. Soviet-led alliance of communism nations during the Cold War.

4. The Cuban Missile Crisis is the best example of this risky policy.

5. Communist leader of North Vietnam.

6. President who proposed a “Massive Retaliation” to any attack in 1954.

7. Korea has been divided at the 38th ___ since the Korean War.

8. America airlifted supplies into this German city during a crisis in 1948.

9. This was built to keep Germans from fleeing to the Western part of the capital.

11. Churchill coined this term for the imaginary divide between East & West Europe.

13. This was the Soviet policy of increased openness in the 1980's.

14. President who oversaw the Cuban Missile Crisis and Bay of Pigs invasions.

22. This House of Representatives committee hunted for communists.

23. President who oversaw the end of the Vietnam War before resigning in scandal.

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The Civil Rights Movement Review Crossword Puzzle

Across 5. This scandal forced President Nixon to resign.

6. She became the first female Supreme Court justice in 1981.

7. The ___ v. Board of Ed. case declared segregated schools unconstitutional.

10. Nine black students enrolled in a white high school here in Arkansas after desegregation.

14. Term for the keeping of races or ethnic groups apart.

16. This civil rights lawyer was the first black justice on the Supreme Court.

17. She began the Montgomery Bus Boycott by refusing to move her seat.

19. The practice of discriminating against and segregating Black people in the south.

20. This president made a "war on poverty" part of his Great Society agenda.

21. This farm worker and civil rights activist founded the United Farm Workers.

Down 1. Leaders of this student group led sit-ins in Greensboro.

2. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on ___.

3. This president called for civil rights legislation before he was assassinated in 1963.

4. The ___ Act of 1965 outlawed discriminatory voting practices.

8. Bobby Seale and Huey Newton founded the Black ___ to fight for equality.

9. The ___ Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination.

11. This SNCC leader popularized the term “Black Power”.

12. This 14-year-old African American boy was violently killed in Mississippi just for talking to a white woman.

13. This national organization was founded in 1909 for racial equality.

15. This African-American civil rights activist was a member of the Nation of Islam before breaking from it.

18. This civil rights leader led the Montgomery Bus Boycott and later won the Nobel Peace prize in 1964.

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