
Tag You’re It! –

Alvin Chao – James Madison University


Tag You’re It!How we replaced Google Analytics

with Google Tag Manager



Who is this aimed at?

What is The Problem?

What the Solution? / What is Google Tag Manager(GTM)?

Where do you find resources for Google Tag Manager

When / Why would you use GTM/ Real life applications

How: Understanding how to make setup GTM to front end your Google Analytics

Special Thanks: JMU Online Marketing Manager Randy Budnikas


Marketing professionals looking to help distribute Google Analytics across their enterprise.

Technical users who want to pull Event based click information (not easily done in GA without a code change to your tag code).

Managers/Supervisors who want to know how GTM can enhance their ability to roll out analytics data and distribute it to their entire campus.

What is The Problem?

Google Analytics has limits on the # of accounts and view per e-mail address account and you can only use one Google Analytics Javascript code per site.

This poses a problem for those that manage multiple accounts and want to distribute Google Analytics views for subdomain access.

Example: Our College of Business wanted to have their own Analytics for their department, and also per program This quickly used up the 50 views that we have within our main JMU GA account.

Google Analytics Account Limits

Maximum of 100 Analytics accounts(1) per e-mail address, 50 Properties/Profiles(2) per Analytics Account and each Property can have up to 50 views(3) = 250,000 Trackable items

GA Account Limits Visual View

[email protected]

100 Accounts per e-mail address

Each Account can have 50 Properties

Each Property can have 50 Views

Account JMU Academics

Property: JMU College of Business

View: JMU Accounting Department

Level 0: Email Address

Level 1: Account

Level 2: Properties

Level 3: Views

What is the solution?What is Google Tag Manager?


GTM allows you to have one tag to rule them all on your websites instead of having to use separate tags for

each analytics engine(Adwords, DoubleClick, GA, GA Universal, Google Display Network remarketing tag)

Allows you to use multiple GA Property codes on a page.

Tag Manager allows tag debugging in real time and versioning of tags

Intro Video:

Before with regular Google Analytics

Account: JMU


COB Advising Giving Graduate School Faculty Senate Biology Planetarium Health Center Residence Life Recreation

Property: Alumni.jmu.ed



Property: Forbescenter


After with Google Tag Manager

Account: JMU


Advising Planetarium Giving



Property: Forbescenter



COB Biology Graduate School Faculty Senate

Student Affairs

Health Center Residence Life Recreation

When /Why would you use Google Tag Manager?

Break through the Google Analytics 50 views limit

Speed: Optimizing performance for tagging on your site – One Tag to rule them all including third party tags like Crazy Egg(for heat maps), and DoubleClick, so quicker firing of 3rd party tags.

Ease of Deployment: Allow for code changes by non-IT personnel and without editing footer / GA Tag code or even needing to edit CMS content.

Previews/Debugging of Tags and Versioning/History

Event Tracking made easier: clicks, video engagement, and form submissions can be tracked.

Easier Remarketing (through Custom Dimensions in Data Layer Variables and GA cookies – must link analytics and Adwords accounts)

Speed: Reduce # of tags on your page

How: Understanding how to Setup GTM

Login and create an account with a container named for your domain:

Login with Google account

Create a Tag and a Trigger for Google Analytics pageviews

Container code(under Admin - install Google Tag Manager)

recommend after body tag immediately, we put it in footer to reduce lag in load time.

GA Pageview

Tags - New

Pull GA Tracking ID by going into home and looking at account folder for this #.

Check Enable display advertising features to get demographic info and allow for remarketing

GTM Tag Test process flow chart

Track Outbound Links via Links Listener

Click on Variables in Left Nav, enable Click Element and Click URL within the Clicks built in variables

Click Triggers on Left Nav – Choose Click Event, then Configure Trigger by selecting All elements, Fire on All Clicks - Create Trigger and Name it “Link Click Listener”

Click “New Tag” or “Add New Tag” of type “Google Analytics” and Universal Analytics configure with “wait for tags” box and set the max wait time and Select “Check Validation” then Click Continue

Set firing rules by selecting “Click” & Select “Link Click Listern” as a trigger and Click Create Tag

Track Form Submissions

Click Triggers in Left Nav – the select new and Choose Event Form – Configure Trigger to and uncheck check validation and fire on All Forms - Click create and name it All Forms

Click New Tag or Add New Tag – Name it - Choose Product by selecting “Event Listener” Choose Tag Type by selecting “Form Submit Listener”

Configure tag by checking wait for tags and setting max wait time – Select Check Validation requiring for the submit successfully – Click Continue

Set Firing rules by selecting Forms – Name Form Trigger then configure select to fire on all forms or select forms – Click Create Trigger and Create Tag


Twitter:@chaoajE-mail: [email protected]

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