  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus for Class 4





    I ntro du ctio n to Ma rin e Engin ee rin g Ma te ria lsProperti~ and uses , Processes . ' ,

    Marine EQpaeerUl l Materia ls ,BaSic Me ta llu rg y, meta ls, and 'processei; .Iron Ca rb on Equilib riumbiagrim, Heat "trealm en t of carbon steels, N on F errou s alloys, Non-meta llic ma te ria ls , We ld in g, Gascutting, Ma te ria ls u nd er lo ad , Vibrations. " -

    IDdu.trjal Cbemistry. ,FUndamentals, Ac idi ty /Alka lin ity, Cor ros ion, Water t es ting l tr~en t, In tro du ctio n to'fu eis an d lu brican ts, to xic an d o th er ill effects o f carg oes o n h uman an d en viro nmen t.. ,Fabrication, welding, Joining and CuttblgPermanent, jo in ts . R iv etin g" Soldering, S elf secu red jo in ts,' S afety and heaJth whenweld ing , Pr inc ip les'o f electrical a rc w eld in g, Principles'of gas w elding. We ld ed jo in ts'and low carbon steels, C ommon faults in welded joints, P late work-m arking out.Thermal Cu tt ing, Mechan ical cu tt ing, Forming, Bending pla tes , Inspect ion, P ip e work,Manu fa ctu re o f'c ompo nen ts, G au ges, deck machinery, 8earing,c1utches, '

    ,. . ., ,

    In tn Jd uctioD toibipaad Ship's routines , ,Sensing anq m onitoring devices associated w ith m arine, equiprilent; ,Propulsion ,tra nsmis sio n s ys tems , in clu din g th ru st' a nd sh aft b earin gs, .stern tubes andpropellers;S teerin g an d S ta bilisin gsy stem s, in clu din g 'b ow th ru sters; R emgerarlo n rn acb in ery an d"a ir c on ditio nin g s ys tems ; Safe a nd e ftic ie ni o pe ra tio n irith e'UMS'modC;''P roC edures to' .b e a do pte d fo r o pe ta tin gmain~ery ,under Cmetgency cond it ions, , " '

    ' . .. .. . . . . . . .' .

    A~ry 'sttPl boiten aD d Auxiliary steaal 'plaat ,St~ boilermoUntingsand feed ~ei' s ys te m s; A u x i1 i8 rys te am bo il er sID d usociatedequipment, Bo ile r wate rte stin g a nd co ild itU? nin g.Operation o f a ux ilia ry s te amplant,p ip elin es , c on de ns er, d ra in c oo le r. Auxilia ry b oile r fu el a nd , a ir b lower s ys tem.: ,Methodso f c heck in g water le velin steam b oile rs a nd actio n n ec essary if w ate r lev el is ab no rmd.

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    , Safe Engineering Watch-keeping. ' ,Procedures to be adop ted in safe watch keeping. P rocedures for taking over andhM dingover watches, Routine work dU fing watch, keep ing such assoct blowing,c lea nin g o f tilters, p ump in g o ut'Of b ilg es th ro ug h o ily, b ilg e s ep ara to r, ro utin e.pumping "operatioris of fuel oil, ballast w ater, fire pum p, and cargo pum ping system , rem ote'


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  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus for Class 4


    operation of pumping system and ,associated controls, purification and clarification of'fueloiJ ,purification of lubricating oil. .Construction and characteristics of Separators ,Purifiers and Clarifies. Location of common faults ~ machinery and plant in engine and boiler rooms and actionnecessary , to' prevent damage , ,Interpretation of fuIlctional tests on commuaication and control system . Maintenance ofmachinery space log book and the significance 'of reading taken .

    Ship DOge/ B /cargo oU- pumps and puinpingsysteui. ,. .Various types , of pumps, . construction; operation and .characteristics , Compressors

    ,. Construction; operation and characteristics . . Compressed air system. Air bottles, ,construction , mountings and . issociateQ. ~stem . Hydrophore system . '

    hesh water generatbn and Vacu.u~ evaporators , ,

    Construction , . characteristics and operation of fresh water generators and ' vacuumevaporators.

    Safety & emergency procedures . .Change over of remote/automatic to local control of all main and auxiliary systems,Safe working practices. Safe practices in carrying rout hot 'York and rwelding .

    . Procedure to be taken ' while handling heavy machinery parts and overhaulingof engines , .Cleanmg, man-entry and hot work ,in enclosed compartments . Emergency procedures

    . such as ,actions to be taken in case of-fire including fire drill, flooding of engine room 'compartment, rescue operation of injured persons, .actions to be taken .in case of .stoppage of main engine, auxili8ry engine ~ associated system.


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    ,.'Marinc 'Piaat Operation ,".Co~~~ ~cs .and operation of ' largebore and medium speed .engines . 'Diesel 'EDgme parts: Performance 'characteristics of diesel ' engines by taking indicatorcards, St~g gear, Auxiliary ~~il~. '

    Operation orMarine Machinery, Equipments and Diesel Engines.Marine Di~l ' engines, A uX.' k eambOilers; construction and detailS of all parts andfittings, Fuel and combustion . syatems ," 8rine diesel engine, (trunk and cross -head

    types) gea .nng systems "~ clutches; Starting. and reversing systems; Cooling andlubricating systems; 'Fuel .oil preparation systems; Auxiliary , diesel engine andu~ated ,equipment; Co~61 and abirm syst~ aSsOciated 'W ith: auio~tie petattoi(9f ,a' cll~l ,plant; Assessment of engine 'power, the running adjustments to maintain performance ;. s a r eand etficient operation and inaintenailce .of marine diesel engines/Steam turbines .Cr~ ,caae insPection; depth Sause and Crank shaft deflection . . UMS operations .Governors. TUrbo chargers. Supercharging and Scavenging system .

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus for Class 4


    AJ~rnating t\lrrent theory.Simple contlnuous periodic waves : frequency, ,amplitude instantaneous, maximi1m, un.'.and average values, form , factor . PhaSor rcpreseDtation of A .C:, quantities . Phuedifference,The inductor . Inductance and its etrect on th~ circuit. The capacitor.Capaciiance . n e tits effect on , the ' circuit . Simple series and p8f8llel ,'cireuits. . Relationship ~resistance, reactance and lmpedance. Simpletrcatplent o fpower factor. Power inliDglo ,phaseAc. circuit. Instruments.. Qualitative tiCatmentof the Principlca an d tbncti6naof.'A.C. and D .C. indicating iDstrumCntsand [Clays. Uses of shunts and seri~ resistances , ,

    ,to increase the range . Rectifiers and transducers, ' . ' ,. . ',. '. ' .'

    For Steam candidates: .Steam boilers , mountings , feed water systCmsaod lubricating oil system. GlaDdscalingsystem . Assessment of plant efficiencies . 'Steam turbines, .Gearing and Lubric:atingsystems , steam distribution systems , and associated . equipment , condcnsen , ejectors ,

    ~ exc~ and feedbeaters, air ~ and economisers and drainina syJtem ofturbine and plants includingsteam traps" ~ ~ includingAstern running .


    The electrical ' circuit "Units - ampere, ohm , volt . Difference between electromotive force and potent ialdifference, ohm's Law, ' Kirchoff's Law~ Simple .series an d parallel circuits involvinge.m.f current and resistance . -Non-linear resistors in parallel wjtb coDJtant valuc 'resistors. Power and energy . Specificresistance. ' Temperature coefficient of i'esistance.Conductor - resistance, effect o flength , area, materiBI and temperature; D.C. wiredistribution system. Types of insulation. Wheatstone's ' network bridge, slide wirebridge; applicationsto steering gears, r~ pyrometers, strain gauges .

    E lectrolytiC action an dsecondary ceIb. , , ,Theoryof.electrolytic dissociation applied to eoni niOn,solutions . 'U s e .of electrolysis .Secondary Cells(acid or alhline), ' construction and principles, maintenance, chargiIig .Watt hour ~ ampere-hour efficiencies. ..

    E)ee tromagne tUm, e Je ctr omagnedc.iQduction, simple gnedc c ir cu it.Simple ma,gnetictheory " Magnetic field due to current in straight conductors , loops ,.coils and 'solenoids . Relative directions of current and field. Faraday's .and Lem'staws : Ma.'SiUtudend direction ofin~uc:ed 'e.mJ: Force .produced on a 'current cairying

    conductor. Flux det\Sit} r. Effect of iron Magneto motive force (nuaf), .permeability.Reluctance .: Simplemagnetic circuit; typieaI'BIH and HIB cir~t . "

    Distribu6oiuyStems. "Systems. Systems o f AC. and D.C.shipboard ,instal1ation. Protective devices suChasfuse, circuit breakers , earth lamps. Cable m8ier i8 fand lnstalletion. Connectionol shoresupply ' D.C. machines. The priilcipl~constIUCtionai details and protection ofD.C ., series, shunt and compound wound motors and generators . Self excitation , e.m.f and ,

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  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus for Class 4


    load voltage equations. Load characteristics. Method of voltage control parallelingprocedures and load sharing for generators. Need for and types of starter, speed andtorque equarions, speed control of D.C . motors .

    A.C. machinesSimpleexplanation of the principles , constructional details and protection of alternators . .squirrel-cage induction motors and single-phase transformers . Parallel running andsynchronising theory . '

    ElectronicsQualitative treatment of : Atomic structure and bonding . Semi-conductors . Junctiondiodes, junction transistors and their operating characteristics. Simple transistor . circuits .Conduction in gases, insu lators: Semi -conductorsand Conductors . Photoelectriceffect . Control Systems ' - Simple theory -of all control systems, location of commonfaults and action to prevent damage . '


    Marine Engineering MaintenanceFastening , Preparation for work on machinery, heat exchangers . Generai maintenanceprocedures. Centrifugal pumps fitted with a means ' of air extraction, reciprocating~pumps. Screw and Gear pumps, pipes, valves, air compressors, heat exchanger ,

    ~aintenance and repair of enginesDiesel . engine, auxiliary steam engine, petrol engine, turbocharger, diesel enginecomponents, wear and tear ,' alignment of machinery components, correction of defects ,breakdown repairs, steering gear. .

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    Maintenance and repair of auxiliary equipmentMaintenance and repair of oil fuel burners, propulsion shafting, refrigeration, deck 'machinery , .~tenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment;~ternm.ce l U lQrepairo fAuJQliary Boilers;~qe ofg

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus for Class 4


    Transverse stability , .Centre of buoyancy . Metacentre arid its location . Transverse movement of mass.Stability at small angles of heel (given the second moment of area of the waterplaneor ,formulae), stiff and tender ships, range of stabil ity, righting moment , calculation of Ship's .stability, Atwood's formula , Wall sided formula , angle of LoU. Descriptive treatment ofthe effect surface of liquids on stability . "Cross Curves of stability, curves of Statical stability, Range of stability, initial

    . m~eptriq . height righting " lever, dynamical stability, free board , International "conference en -Load lines, Load line certificate : ""



    Displacement, Structural strength . Simple problems on strength of structural member toresist liquid pressure. Loading due to head of liquid.

    Centre of gravity.Shift of centre of gravity due to addition or removal of mass , calculation of centre of.grav ityof'regular figure, the Inclining ~riment . '

    Coefficients of fonnBlock, Mid-ship section , Prismatic and Water-plane area coefficients .

    Laws of FlotationDraught and buoyancy, Archimedes's principle, Tonne per centimetre immersion ,

    Alteration of mean draught due to change in density of water, Buoyancy and reservebuoyancy . Effect of bilging a mid-ship compartment . Loading to a given load line. Freshwater allowance . Wetted surface , area . Application of Simpson's Rules toarcas , , ,moments o fareas, \ : I~mesand 'moments of volumes.

    Trim ' , ' ,Ceptre ' of flotation , change in trim du e to. ~on of masses ,' ~ngitudiJlal Metaccniie,Moment to chang etrim by one centim eter, C ~go in trim due to bilging.

    ae.b~l1ce and propulsion.' " . . "Comparisonof skin fiictional resist3nceofhull with m~elat ,d.ifferent speodJ, It S . " ".Residual resistance - wave , making; form, ' eddy IUld '$T .resistance. 'Admiralty ind f u o IcOefficients. Fronde's law of ccitnpar .bon, .Specl:tlcJuel consumption , JtcIation betweeli ,'speed ' of vessel and fuel Consumption withconstailt displacement ~d , assuming that ":,

    resistancevaries as (speed)", " ,

    Propellers and Rudders .' 'Elementary treatment of propeller and simple problems on pitch , pitch ratio, apparentslip, true slip, speed of advance, wake , thrust and various powers . Tyj>esof rudders ,force acting ana rudder, angle of heel due to force on the rudder, Angle of heel due toturning . Dry-docking.

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus for Class 4


    Ship constructionC ommon term s used in the m easurem ent of steelsh ip s - le ng th b etwee n p erp en dic ula rs,breadth overall, m oulded dep th, draught and freeboard. D efinitions of shipbuilding

    term s in general use. D escrip tio ns an d sk etch es o f stru ctu ral m embers in o rd in ary ty pes'of steel ships. Watertight, doors. 'Ha tch es a rid ' h atc h' covers, Rudders , Bow-thrus ters.Propellers.Watertigh t b ulk head s. Do ub lebottoms. . .Anchorsand cables, loss of'anchor-cracked rudderplate. .F ore and aft p eak tanks, d ou ble b ottom an d d eep tan k fillin g an d p umpin g arran gemen ts.Compartmen ta l d ra inage. Lev ellin g a rra ng emen ts fo r d amag ed s id e compa rtmen ts,

    Ship d.imensions ~d form: .. '. .. .' ..Definitions'o f c amber, rise of floor; ~ sheer, rake. GeiiCral ~ o f gCne ra J..

    .cargd, oiitank~; b.i llk carriers, .COtXibination::~,' contaj .ner:s .~~". ~ - ,cairiCn, .chem ical carriers and pwenger S hip t,presSurlsed 'andlor rCfrlgeri\1edCama.gc dfLPG,.LNG , ethylene vessels;double hull oil tan kers. Arrangements to r the .carriage . of

    dangerous goods in bulk. Ventilatio n arran gemen ts (n atu ral an d mech an ical)'for pum p"room s in.ta nk ers a ndfor holds 'a nd o il f ue l t anks:' . .

    Fittings: . .'W~er,tiglitness to. the hatcheaop ening in oil tankers,chain lockers and attachritent ofcables,. bilge p ip ing system, b alla st sy stem, sounding' and air. pipes.. R udders andp ro pellers : Cons tmctio no fn id ders a nd p ro pe lle r, c on tro lla ble p itch-p rope ll er ; s temtubearrangement, L oad lines and draught m arks: D eck line, free board, Plimsol1ine..Stability. o f s hip s, Wo~kin8 la iowtedge !U1d app li ca tion ofs tab~'an d trim, fundamartaJs .' ..o f wate r tig ht in te grity, ac tio ns to b e ta lc criijl th e. eveat ofpartiallo~ofintactstabili ty. .'Cathodic proteeuon,saCriticlal8nodes;.imP reSs eC i c urre nh ysie q1. . ." .,

    Ituo structure and ship's stresses;Proper 'names for th e var iousparts, standard steel sections, B ow andstem : stem fram e.Hogging. . sagg in g, rack in g; p an tin g, .pounding, slamming, s tr uc tu ra l a rr angemen tsforward and a ft to withstand .panting andpounding .VIe ld in g; c uttin g a nd gougin g p rac tic es , man tia !a rcwelding,' tu ng sten in er t'88$ Welding,.metal in~' gas' wddmg,safety' in welding, cutting m ethods, testingo fwelds -destructive andnon-dest ructive methods,fa ult s i n we ld edjoints.

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    Demonstrates the knowledge of the precaution to be taken to prevent . pollution of. . ..the MariQe environment ' . . ,While b unkCrln g, loa4inS ldiseharging " oil cargo, tank cleaning; p umping out bilges,lm owlcdge of conS truction and operation ofOil po ll ut ion p revent ion' equipment in. engine room ar idon ~ers. .

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus for Class 4


    L~lation with regard pollution prevention .MAR PO L 73ns and other nat iona l 1egia la tion likoOPA - 90. MARPOL equipment .Know ledge of, C odes of Safe WorkinS Practices as published; knowledge of type ofinformation issued ', by _,D , G, Shipping, ,with regm.d, to safety - at .sea; , Safe ' .workingPractices; Oil record book andSOPEP ln4DuaJ. " , .' " .

    Pree.utioDS '.pinst fire and e xj,losiou., -' fiR prevention, deteCtion aild extillction ,in all parts of a ship Personal survival t~hniques and Ufe saving appliances onship, Medical Care. " " "Theory of fire; F ire control aboard ship a; S hip's firefighting orgnisation; Training ofseafarers in fire fighting; P rocedures for tirefishring;, Inspection' aDd'Sciv ic ing offireappliances and equipment; Fire fightinsproccas hazards;' First . aid; Fire investigationsand rep ortin g; C ue stu die s; I ntro duc tio n a rids a f e tY;Emergency' situations; Principlesof surviVal;Use, of survival eqUil?m~. , ,

    LifebOat. and theh:lauuching ,'sQ.l"Vhral pi':lifd>o4ts :> " " -., ',,SurviVal c r a f t':a n 4: rescue ,bo~; Meth~ "of llelicoptCrrescue; I annching arrartgement~;Lifeboat, engineand accessories; Evacuation;Signallingequipmtmt and pyrotechnics;

    , First aid; Radio ~p~e tit; Launching and handlingsuivivaI

    craft, in rough wea ther;understand practical.applicarionsof'medical guides;, understand process' o f rad io medicaladvice;'demOnstrateknowledge .of actions to: be, taken in case of accidents orillnesses 'that are like ly to: occur onboard ships; , , ' , '




    ~Ilatioli " ," " "Knowledge 9f. National ' & ,IntCrnatio~ , l~n; !MO & Conventions . IndianMer.chant -Shipping Act & .Rlil~"Cla .Ssification societies, Charterers, Personalrelationship o n b oa rd sh ip , S tatutory S urveys a nd C ertifica rio n, P ort S tate C ontro l. F lagStateInspection , ISM C ode: " " , "


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