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Organic Fertilizers• Compost• Animal Manure

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Increase the organic matter content in soil – nutrient availability for

crop - nutrient management plan

Reduces Well water contamination – minimize

surface water pollution

Increase water retention factor (water holding


Why Agricultural

Waste Management?

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What is a Nutrient Management Plan? A Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) is a

tool that identifies the nutrient needs (in terms of timing and amount) of a given crop or crops being planted in order to maximize yields and minimize nutrient runoff.

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Why Develop a Nutrient

Management Plan?

Maintain an adequate supply of

nutrients for plant


Ensure manure or other organic by-products present

are maximized as a plant nutrient


Minimized the pollution

of surface and ground water

resources from excess


Manage the physical,

chemical and biological

condition of soils for future

crop production.

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Biomass  biological material derived from living,

or recently living organisms. It most often refers to plants or plant-based materials which are specifically called lignocellulosic biomass.

biomass can either be used directly via combustion to produce heat, or indirectly after converting it to various forms of biofuel. 

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Biomass Energy Source on The Farm

Biomass Residue

Energy crops



Oil Plants

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Methods of Biomass Conversio

n to Biofuel


Thermal Biochemical

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Biomass Products

Liquid or Gases to produce electricity -


Ethanol (Fermentation of Sugar cane

or Cone)-to make beer

Transportation Fuel – Biodiesel from Soy bean and Canola oils (vegetables oil or animal fats)

Methane gas – For cooking

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Energy Crops and Feedstock for Biogas Production

Typical Energy

Crops For Biogas







Alternative Other Organic Material Such

as waste Products



Vegetables waste

Glycerol –From Biodiesel


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Future of biogas Biogas recovery systems are another potential source of

income for farmers, including those with swine operations. “Codigestion” describes a process in which multiple types

of organic wastes are fed into a single digester, enabling higher methane output.

Eg: U.S. EPA’s AgSTAR program, a voluntary outreach and educational endeavor that promotes the recovery and use of methane from animal manure, has compiled a list of online resources for those who are interested in employing such systems.

Adapted from:

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Agricultural Biogas Plants Agricultural biogas plants typically consist of a

number of low digesters built either from concrete or metal. They are often topped by a twin-skinned gas storage bag, giving them a characteristic appearance. The majority of biogas will be produced by the first digestion tank with a lower gas yield being attained in the secondary digestate storage tank.

An useful approximate rule of thumb is that for 1 acre (0.405 hectares) of whole crop maize will produce enough gas to generate 1kW of electrical power.

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Economics of Agricultural Biogas Agricultural biogas plants typically

generate returns via the sale of electricity alone,

Gate fees as a charge for the acceptance of waste materials may be low or none-existent.

GE’s Jenbacher Gas Engines

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Organic fertilizers

Organic Fertilizer


Sewage Sludge


Animal Waste –Manure


horns, etc…

Agriculture Plant Waste


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Compost organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as

a fertilizer and soil amendment. Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. Compost is rich in nutrients. Difference: Fertilizer provides nutrients to the plant in order for

them to grow. Compost is a mixture of organic waste that provides nutrients to the soil.

Composting is an aerobic process where organic materials are biologically decomposed, producing mainly compost, carbon dioxide, water, and heat. Conventional composting processes typically comprise four major microbiological stages in relation to temperature: mesophilic, thermophilic, cooling, and maturation, during which the structure of the microbial community also changes, and the final product is compost

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HOW COMPOST WORKS? At the simplest level, the process of composting simply requires

making a heap of wetted organic matter known as green waste(leaves, food waste) and waiting for the materials to break down into humus after a period of weeks or months. Modern, methodical composting is a multi-step, closely monitored process with measured inputs of water, air, and carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials.

The decomposition process is aided by shredding the plant matter, adding water and ensuring proper aeration by regularly turning the mixture. Worms and fungi further break up the material. Bacteria requiring oxygen to function (aerobic bacteria) and fungi manage the chemical process by converting the inputs into heat, carbon dioxide and ammonium. The nitrogen is the form of ammonium (NH4) used by plants. When available ammonium is not used by plants it is further converted by bacteria into nitrates (NO3) through the process of nitrification.

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Key Factors Affecting The Composting Process

Air Factor

• Many microorganisms, including aerobic bacteria, need oxygen. • They need oxygen to produce energy, grow quickly, and consume more




• Organic material provides food for organisms in the form of carbon and nitrogen

• Carbon and nitrogen levels vary with each organic material


e Factor

• Decomposer organism need water to live• They need oxygen to produce energy, grow quickly, and consume more

materials. • Microorganisms can only utilize organic molecules that are dissolved in


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Temperature Factor

• Related to proper air and moisture level• Temperature between 90 and 140F indicate rapid


Particle Size Factor

• Affects the rate of organic Matter breakdown• The more surface area available, the easier it is for

microorganism to work.• Microorganism are able to digest more, generate more heat,

and multiply faster with smaller pieces of material

Volume Factor

• Retaining compost pile heat

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Corn stalks 50-100:1

Fruit waste 35:1

Grass clippings 12-25:1

Hay, green 25:1

Leaves, ash, black elder and elm 21-28:1

Leaves, pine 60-100:1

Leaves, other 30-80:1

Manure, horse and cow 20-25:1

Paper 170-200:1

Sawdust 200-500:1

Seaweed 19:1


Vegetable waste 12-25:1

Weeds 25:1

Wood chips 500-700:1

Table 1 provides estimates of the C:N ratio for selected composting materials.TABLE 1. Carbon:Nitrogen RatiosAir Factor

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Biomass to Fertilizers: http://,109209&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

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