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St. Louis Catholic Community Page 1

“We, the members of St. Louis Catholic Community, are united in faith. As a Eucharistic people, we celebrate our Baptismal call to proclaim the Gospel message and to minister

to one another in the spirit of outreach and service to all.”

Christmas Collec!on

I really do not know how to begin to express

my gra!tude to all of you for your amazing

kindheartedness and support during this past

Christmas Season. We have received $103,422.00 for our

Christmas collec!on. We had budgeted $82,300. We are

$21,122 over our budgeted amount. I am in awe of your over-

whelming generosity and though"ulness. Your ability to pro-

vide for our ongoing outreach and faith-life as a community is

truly sign of how the Light and Love of Christ shines brightly.

Thank you ever so much. May the Lord con!nue to bless all of

us with much Peace and Joy throughout 2018.

Lent 2018

I know it is difficult to believe but Lent begins on Ash Wednes-

day, Feb. 14th

. We will once again offer the li%le black books

for our Lenten Prayer and Support during this Season of

Change and New Life. More informa!on is forthcoming.

“A New Teaching with Authority”

These were the words spoken about Jesus in this weekend’s

Gospel a&er he had healed a person with an unclean spirit.

Jesus reached out in the Spirit of Compassion and made a

difference in the life of the person cured as well as the people

who witnessed the healing. Jesus was proclaiming the power,

strength and energy of the Authority of Compassion. Henri

Nouwen in his book, Bread for the Journey, shares this reflec-

!on en!tled:

The Authority of Compassion

We usually think of people with great authority as higher up,

far away, hard to reach. But Spiritual authority comes from

compassion and emerges from deep inner solidarity with

those who are “subject” to authority. The one who is fully like

us, who deeply understands our joys and pains or hopes and

desires, and who is willing and able to walk with us, that is

the one to whom we gladly give authority and whose

“subjects” we are willing to be.

It is compassionate authority that empowers, encourages,

calls forth hidden gi!s, and enables great things to happen.

True spiritual authority is located in the point of an upside-

down triangle, suppor"ng and holding into the light everyone

they offer their leadership to.

Do we live and proclaim our Authority of Compassion through

all we say and do? Shalom


Background Created by Nenilkime -


Macomb County Rotating

Emergency Shelter Team at St. Louis

March 4-11

Collection Next Weekend

See Enclosed Flyer

Tax Statements Requested Statements are available in the Crocker St. entrance this weekend or in the Parish Office during the week

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Page 2 St. Louis Catholic Community


Parish Office x 100

Cindy Gustafson, Anna Jackson, Nicole Walters

[email protected]

Business Manager & Bingo x 103

Michael Wortman [email protected]

Maintenance Office x 108

Edward Trabilsy, Nicole Walters, Gary Gustafson

Music Director x 109

Linda Knopp [email protected]

Parish Nurses Voicemail X 112

St. Vincent de Paul Voicemail x 150

Faith Forma"on Office

39140 Ormsby,

Clinton Twp, MI 48036

Faith Forma"on Office x 104

Barbara Cilli - Office Manager [email protected]

Faith Forma"on Co-coordinators

Linda Bauer x115

[email protected]

Kathy Huebener X114

[email protected]

Central Macomb Vicariate

Knights of Columbus

St. Louis /St. Hubert Roundtable

S t . L o u i s C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y

24415 Crocker Blvd Clinton Township, MI 48036

586-468-8734 Fax: 586-468-9647

E-mail - [email protected] Website:


Parents meet with Fr. Larry

to discuss prepara"on.

Bap"sms are celebrated in

conjunc"on with one of the

weekend Liturgies (excluding

Advent and Lent).


3:30 pm Saturdays.

Opportuni"es may be

arranged by calling Fr. Larry.


Arrangements should be

made at least six months prior

to date. Pre-marriage classes

are required. Please call Fr. Larry

Sacrament of Sick:

Rite celebrated annually in

Church. Home visits by request.

Requests can be made through

the parish office.

Parish Offices Directory

Liturgy Schedule

Weekend: Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Daily: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 9 am Monday & Friday Scripture w/Communion 9 am

Bulle"n Submission "me is Monday morning 10:00 am

Church related ar"cles take precedence over neighboring community news. (Dates for early deadlines will be posted in the bulle"n when needed.)

Please send copy ready items to bulle"[email protected]

Pastoral Team

Rev. Lawrence A. Pe#ke

Pastor & Worship Coordinator X 102 lpe"[email protected]

Laura Veryser Pastoral Associate, Chris"an Service Coordinator

& Bulle"n Editor x105

bulle#[email protected]



Last Sunday at the 10:30 Liturgy the following

Confirmation Candidates

Madison Cannon Katherine Danaj

Ryan Darnell Alexis Gray

Luke Jungwirth Celia Manauis

Alexander Martin Olivia Rowe

Johnathan Tapp Danielle Webster

were presented to the Parish Community. We

ask for your continued support and prayers for

these candidates as they continue their journey

of faith in preparation for this sacrament.

Attendance Reminder

Please notify Barbara in the Faith Formation Office, if your child will be

absent from class by phone, ext 104, or email, [email protected].

Presentation of

First Eucharist Candidates

Aubree Arnone Connor Atwood

Christopher Barrows Hailey Frankowiak

Chase Hilton Rylie VanPeteghem

Ainsley Vigrass Daliela Wronski

As these children are presented before our community for recognition and support during this time of preparation for this sacrament, we ask that you take a keychain tag with the name of a child, found in baskets on the entrance tables, and remember them and their families in prayer over the next few months.

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St. Louis Catholic Community Page 3

Monday, January 29, 2018

9 am Scripture with Communion

Handbells 6 pm

AA Mtg 7 pm

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

9 am Liturgy

Kni!ng & Crochet Club 10 am

Faith Forma"on Sessions 6:30 pm

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

9 am Liturgy

Faith Sharing 10 am

RCIA Session 7 pm

Choir 7pm

Thursday, February 1, 2018

9 am Liturgy

Chimes 5:30 pm

BINGO 6:30 pm

Friday, February 2, 2018

9 am Scripture with Communion

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Community Meal Prep 10 am

Liturgy 4:30 pm - RCIA Dismissal

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Liturgy 8:30 am

Liturgy 10:30 am

Coffee Social A$er each Liturgy

End of the Year

Tax Contribu!on Statements

If you would like a contribu"on summary for the

2017 tax year please call the parish office. When

you submit your request, please allow 48 hours

from the date of the request to pick up your


For December 14, 2017

Budgeted Amount $9,800.00

Envelopes $7,189.00

Online Giving $1,500.00

Loose Monies $358.00

Total $9,047.00

Shortage for week $753.00

% of Budget 92%

For December 21, 2017

Budgeted Amount $9,800.00

Envelopes $6,861.00

Online Giving $1,734.00

Loose Monies $333.00

Total $8,928.00

Shortage for week $872.00

% of Budget 91%

Year to Date $10,178.10 Fiscal Year July 1, 2017—June 30, 2018

St. Louis Catholic Community presents a

Christian Service Initiative

First Meeting Takes Place

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

10 am to Noon in the Aggeler Room

Seasoned Needle Users…

Bring your Supplies and some to share

All levels and gender of yarn enthusiasts are welcome to join us as we work on personal projects or create

items for different charities — from hats for babies, to lap blankets for nursing facility residents, to prosthet-

ics for women who’ve had mastectomies — anything is possible with this group!

Any Questions — anything needling at you or have you in knots? This Christian Service endeavor is the dream child of

Sharon Pernicano & Marilyn Bondy, so hunt these two yarnologists down!

Check for a list of Yarn Donation requests and other info

Remember Our Veterans

on Valentine’s Day

Send a Card or two: VA Medical Center 4646 John R Street Detroit, MI 48201

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Page 4 St. Louis Catholic Community

Florence DeFer Resurrection Liturgy was

Tuesday 23, 2018

Natalie Dopkowski Resurrection Memorial Liturgy

is Tuesday 30, 2018

Liturgical Minister Schedule

Date: February 3/4, 2018 5th Sunday Ordinary Time

Celebrant Celebrant Celebrant



of the Word


of the Word


of the Word

Carol Wortman Mary Knapp Sue Flis

Kelli Hoffman Margaret Ruffini Dick Hamlin

Commentator Commentator Commentator

Eric Rader Bob Arrigo Barbara Cilli


Tom Yaeger Linda Bauer Colleen Burke

Catherine Allar Janis Clark Frank Defever

Carol Bouthillier Pat Dunsmore Ginny Do#erer

Norm Bouthillier Ann Fraley Kathy Gle$e

Be#y Curzenski Carol Gardner Lauri Hunsanger

Janis DeCabooter Brian Geml Karen Johnson

Tom Giacobassi Janice Groenert Laura Kirsch

Gail Hoffman Kathy Hatzenbuhler Linda Kolos

Mary Hunter Charlie Korpal Rosalie Lavigne

Larry Pettke Larry Pettke Larry Pettke

Usher Usher Usher

Linda DeHelian Jim Bawks Gary Gustafson

Tim Inman Mary Carter Dan Burke

Chuck Pe#ke Lore#a Clark Larry Hinds

Mary Gay Reinhold Mary Inman Buzz Lume#a

Lynda Heck Debbie LaFleur Robert Roehl

Altar Servers Altar Servers Altar Servers

Ray Heck Joyce Thibeault Evan Beran

Tanqueray Hurst Katie Danaj

CLW 10:30 am 4-6 year olds 7-9 year olds

Leader TBA TBA

Helper TBA TBA

Coffee & Donuts 8:30 am 10:30 am

Bagel pick-up: Ann F& Tony M

Ann Fraley & Tony Muscat

Gloria & Rick Adelsbach & Amie Stone



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m L







ay 4








ay 8






St. Louis Parish Family offers their sympathy and prayerful support to the family of:

AIR FORCE: TSgt Stephen VanHamme, SSgt Glenn Fetty, CMSgt Wayne Fetty, SMSgt. Tommy N. Tucker, Tech Sgt Christopher Geml ARMY: SPC Andrea E Alexan-der, PFC Heather Bissonette, Colonel Brent Coryell, Capt. Joshua Fender, Jeff Grzybowski, Shawn M Hunter, SSgt. Thomas Johns, Renee Lewis, CW2 Ayala Michelsky, Clayton Muller, SSgt. Gregory Pauch, CW4 Jeffrey Pauch, Specialist Tyler Rogers , Pvt Patrick Rowland, PVT Benjamin Schunn, Pvt.Derrick Skorupski, SSgt David Skorupski III, PFC Steven Stone, Steven Veryser Jr, Sgt. PFC Michael Wichmann, NAVY: PS3 Jonathan Chambers, LCDr. Jason P. Karle, MASN Alec Kohler, AT2 Erich Kohler, LCDR Leah Kohler Spring, Nicholas G. Mayer, Petty Officer FC, MARINE: Brandon Griffith, Brian Griffith, CPL Robert Lozen, Matthew Mazza, Capt. Tyler Spring

Pr ! f#$ #%$ M&'it (!

Monday–Wednesday 9am-8pm

Thursday & Friday


Closed Noonish to 1ish pm for Lunch


Jesus had a way of amazing the crowds. There was

something very different about not only what he taught

but how he taught it. He brought an authority to what

he said that gave it a credibility that was not experi-

enced elsewhere. His words were not only prophe%c

but rang true to the experience of the people, especial-

ly those who were poor, marginalized, vic%mized, lost,

or forgo#en. Do Jesus' words ring true to you? The Gos-

pel message transcends %me and space and has a pro-

found relevancy in every genera%on. Jesus is s%ll trying

to point us toward our truth and have us see and ac-

cept who we are in God. Are you ready to hear this?

We are asked to bring credibility to this same Gospel

message by how we live our lives.

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St. Louis Catholic Community Page 5

Our Lady’s Circle Meeting

Monday, February 5, 2018 at 7 pm

All Ladies of the Parish

are Welcome!

Stay up to date with the latest St. Louis Catholic Community


February’s Monthly Collection for the Area Needy goes towards

the week we host the MCREST program.

The collection takes place Next Weekend February 3/4, 2018.


St Louis S.V.D.P. Client Report from December1 thru December 31, 2017

During the month of December, St. Vincent De Paul assisted our friends and

neighbors who were having financial difficul#es:

139 families (279 individuals) received emergency food 1,925.00

22 clients received clothing debit cards to our S.V.D.P. store 250.00

2 clients received help with u!lity bills 178.00

51 transporta!on (gas, and bus !ckets) 535.00

4 clients received help with rent 1,150.00

0 clients received help with prescrip!ons

0 MI ID’s and Licenses

7 clients received help with shelter 1,610.00

4 clients received work shoes 134.00

Total Expenses Billed and Paid in December 2017 5,782.00

Our generous parishioners made sure that we helped every family in need

we could possibly help, with food and gi"s for Christmas. We are blessed

to have such a charitable loving parish. God is smiling :) God Bless!

Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.

Volunteers needed: Intake or pantry posi!ons, Mon-Fri 2:30 to 3:30ish

Our pantry could use donations of Toothpaste & Bars of Soap

Items can be dropped off in the entrances at church or at the Parish Office

Thank You!

Were your family and friends overly generous during the past Christmas season and now your home looks like a store?

Donate those New, Unused, Never-removed–from-the-

original-wrapper Items to our Parish Auction. All New, Unused, Unopened Items can be brought into the

Parish Office during normal business hours. Please leave your name and address and estimated cost

of the item for our records.

Dear Larry ,

Parish Staff &


I wish to let you

know how very

much I appreciate the cards and notes

you send to me throughout the year,

Due to my advanced age, my par!cipa-

!on at Mass is limited, but your out-

reach to me goes a very long way. It is

comfor!ng to know that I have not been

forgo$en. I became a member of the

St. Louis Catholic Community when my

husband and I married in 1947, so you

can only imagine what this means to


Thank you so much

and may God bless all of you.

Marguerite Buchman

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Page 6 St. Louis Catholic Community

JANUARY 27 Massimino Franco-age 85 (1978) Joseph Utash-age 62 (1981) Marianne Perse-age 74 (1992) Josephine Primeau-age 94 (1994) Raymond Hornung-age 66 (1998) Mary Ferro-age 84 (1998) David Lozon-age 90 (2008) Patricia Miller-age 64 (2009) Neil Betley-age 73 (2012) JANUARY 28 Max Dembinski-age 75 (1980) Frances Allor-age 61 (1985) William Bjornson-age 69 (1985) Genevieve Fox-age 75 (1992) Ida VanHollenbeck-age 102 (1996) Catherine W. Eberwein-age 84 (1996) Luke Bickell-age 79(2002) Estella Ann Veryser-age 87 (2003) George Murray-age 79 (2010) Alphonse Domienik-age 87 (2013) JANUARY 29 Mary Nutting-age 79 (1971) Susan M. LePage-age 40 (1982) Elaine Dora Simon-age 46 (1985) Gordon L. Fox-age 72 (1987) Marilyn Johnson-age 61 (1994) Margaret Lunuzza-age 88 (1996) Magaret Koss Stanulis-age 94 (1997) Mary Szajkowski-age 95 (2007) JANUARY 30 Elizabeth M. Kropik-age 51 (1973) Philip Dugas-age 75 (1976) Joseph W. Whalen-age 54 (1982) Louis Peltier-age 72 (1987)

Dolores Kellum-age 60 (1995) Francis Henkel, Jr.–age 75 (2000) Bernadette L. Fera-age 83 (2004) JANUARY 31 Anna Campeau-age 49 (1971) Ward A. Forton-age 74 (1979) Jesse Belcourt-age 62 (1983) Mary Peters (1983) Beverly A. Logan (1984) Vito Comito-age 68 (1994) Pauline S. Walters-age 73 (1985) Earl Moore-age 79 1995) Josephine Giannosa-age 85 (2000) Joseph Mulawa-age 63 (2011) Elizabeth Kaiser-age 95 (2016) FEBRUARY 1 John Healy-age 78 (1978) Alex Boillotat-age 77 (1986) Charles J. Perry Sr.-age 68 (1988) Frank B. Hogrebe-age 31 (1989) Margarita Vitale-age 73 (1990) Margaret Skladan-age 70 (1991) Pauline Doran-age 78 (1991) Thomas Jock-age 56 (1996) Mary Katherine Bitonti-age 72 (1998) Kathleen Mares-age 49 (2003) Danny L. Giangrande-age 61 (2014) FEBRUARY 2 Sidonie Geldhof-age 84 (1985) Joseph Flood-age 54 (1988) Bernard Scherer-age 86 (1988) Mary Wolenski-age 79 (1994) Josephine Tocco-age 81 (2006) Dorothy Sobieski—age 88 (2012)

Mary & Robert Agius Marilyn Allen Harold Alter JoAnn Alfonsi Marie Amore Janet Arbaugh Eleanore Arrigo Carole Balcerzak Bob Baker Georgia Basch Teresa Bell Phyllis Bellmore Mary Beltkowski Everett Bissonette Keith Bradacs Shelly Bradacs Dawn Brass Joann & Phil Briffa Nolan Brouwer Albert Bryer James Bohrer Elaine Botzen Ian Card Pat Card Tony Carlson Dan Chambers Henry Charbeneau Dorothy Chauvin Alexis Cherevert Brenda Ciesliga

Albert Cilli Wendy Corrion JoAnn Coules Jason Courtright Gregory Curley Lauren Curzenski Eleanor DaVia Judy Demick Frank Demo George Derisley Mary Dubay Ann Duda Karla Duhaime Frank DuPont Charlie Eckhout Dolores Fahndrich Shirley Fay Janice Fileccia Robert Foley Mark Gauvin Al Gelineau David Glefke Kathryn Gillespie Anna Grillo Antoinette Grillo Kristen Hamilton Barbara Hausmann Jennie Hayes Diane Hillis Maryann Hikade

John Hinson Marie Hornung Terri Houghten Kathy Howe Susanne Hughes Janet Huvaere Mary Inman Edna Jabbour Edward Jabbour Mary Jakubowski Joseph Jaworski Karen Jeffery Desiree Jenkins Greg Juliana Vicky Keelean Dee Kaltenbach Allen Kidnie Andy Knapp Troy Koyl Joyce Kralik Herb Kuehn Julia LaDuke Mary Lauhoff Jillian Lentini Dennis Lents Donald Lewandowski Betty Lombardi Helen MacDonnell Michael Maras Mary Manciinelli

Barb Manhold Vincent Marhevko Pauline Martin Robert Martin Bob Mason Susan Mazalauskas Kevin McCaffrey Colleen McCarthy Daniel McCarthy Rachel McLaughlin Sr. Judith McManus Nancy McPherson Mark Meldrum Grant Christopher Messens Ronald Milas Jessica Miller Pat Miller Vince Miller Carolyn Misplon Christine Moceri Marilyn Mudloff Marilyn Myrna Hannah Neace George Neumann V Dan Nicklay John O’Sullivan Susan Olson MaryAnn Pacek Doreen Painter

Eric Parker Carola Pechey Nicole Pellerito Elizabeth Pfuersinger Virginia Pimental Barbara Plescow Donna Portelli Jeanette Portuesi Leah Rader Ramona Ramero Michael Rea Gayle Reaume Madeline Reid Rose Rhodes Rose Marie Rose Charlie Rupers Kathleen Rusinosk Karen Russo Josh Sajor Janice Sahr Debbie Sanders

Michael Saraceno Sarah Schrope Bob Schultz John Stephan Cynthia Shae Rita Shendel Lora Ann Shoemaker Clifford Shunk Virginia Shunk Stan Skavery Gail Skutar Meghan Stavale John Stefan John Storrs Bill Swaney Laura Thomson Roger Thomson Lou Thumm Theresa Tines

William Vanderginst Janet VanderHorst Paul Vella Jennifer Vitale Ida Vonitter Jeremy Wallyn Dan Walker Denise Walters Theresa Webster Carol Wendland Doug Wendy Kathy White Joe Williams Kathy Wilson Millie Wollborg Caery Zanotti

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, January 27, 2018 4:30 pm Liturgy —Presentation of First Eucharist Candidates Leon, Mary, & Shirley Huvaere, Jill Wirick, Stella Veryser (15th Ann) Johanna Krasnicki, Mike Shannahan (1st Ann.)

Sunday, January 28, 2018 8:30 am Liturgy Deceased members of the Vancoppenolle Family, Darrell Reed (7th Ann.) Nora Frederick (18th Ann.) 10:30 am Liturgy —RCIA Dismissal — Presentation of First Eucharist Candidates Frank & Helen Kolar, Mike & Joann Doyle, Joe & Rita Bryson Monday, January 29, 2018 9 am Scripture with Communion Tuesday, January 30, 2018 9 am Liturgy

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 9 am Liturgy Thursday, February 1, 2018 9 am Liturgy Friday, February 2, 2018 9 am Scripture with Communion

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, February 3, 2018 4:30 pm Liturgy —RCIA Dismissal —Arnone Baptism Gifts: Arnone Family Benny Ehlen by Family Jane Hahn by Family Kathleen Evola, Clara Watnoski, & Robert Costa by Janice Gnacke

Sunday, February 4, 2018 8:30 am Liturgy Antonio Giovanni Vittorini by Erni & Denise Boulos Richard Labrie by Friends & Family 10:30 am Liturgy People of St. Louis

Page 7: St. Louis Catholic Community Page 1


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