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Strategies to effectively manage your time

Prof Lalit Chande


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Benefits of time management

Reduce stress and frustrations

Improves performance and job satisfaction

More time to enjoy life

Have control over your life through planning

Get a sense of achievement

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Effective Time Management

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80:20 RulePareto’s Principle:

80% of results are achieved with only 20% of the effort

Focus your time and energy on the high impact tasks to achieve the greatest benefit possible

If you have achieved your expected outcome and done what needs to be done, then you may not need to do 80% of the task

Otherwise break the task down again working out the 20% that will bring the best results

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Goal SettingTo avoid the pitfalls of confusion and lack of motivation,

you have to clarify what you want to achieveSMART goal setting guidelines :

Specific - Have you clearly defined your goal?Measurable - How do you know if you are making

progress?Achievable - Is your goal really achievable? Be ambitious

but honest.Rewarding - Is your goal something you are willing to

make sacrifices for?Timely - Is your goal achievable in a meaningful

timeframe?Write your goals down and be familiar with them

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PlanningWrite down appointments, classes, and

meetings on a chronological log book or chartFirst thing in the morning, check what's

ahead for the dayIf you fail to plan, you plan to fail and you will

waste a lot of precious time while failing

“Action without planning is the cause of every failure .”

Alex MacKenzie

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Prioritized To-Do ListWrite down all the tasks you need to completeBreak large tasks into their component elementsAllocate priorities from A (very important, or very

urgent) to E (unimportant, or not at all urgent)You need to differentiate between urgency and importance

Rewrite the list in priority orderTake action immediately and finish them one by oneThis helps you to focus on the important jobs first

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Urgent versus ImportantImportant activities have an outcome that

leads to the achievement of your goalsUrgent activities demand immediate

attention, and are usually associated with the achievement of someone else’s goals, or with an uncomfortable problem or situation that needs to be resolved

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PrioritizationThe Pickle Jar theory:

if you start by putting stones into a pickle jar, then pebbles and then sand, you will fit more into the pickle jar than if you do it the other way round

focus on the big, important taskshave plenty of time left over to

do other less important activities as well as the things that you enjoy

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Top FourIdentify your top 4 tasks for the week and for

each dayPhysically write them out, to give them a

tangible formPut your top four tasks in priority orderComplete the first one on the list before

starting anything elseYou need clear goals in your life to decide the

top 4, and motivation to complete the task

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ProcrastinationWhat is procrastination?

Putting off things that we should be doingAvoid high priority, challenging tasksSeek comfort in doing tasks you know you're

capable of completingCauses of procrastination:

Have doubt on your skills or resourcesDo not know where to beginWaiting for “right time” or “right mood”Underestimate the difficulty of the taskPerfectionism

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Recognize that you are procrastinatingWork out why you are procrastinatingWays to overcome:

Find a small part of the task you can do right now

Identify the emotion associated with doing itFinish an incompleteDelete it and move onFace your fears and the risks head-on

Overcome Procrastination

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Get organizedTime is saved if you prepare your work

environment and equipment beforehandTidy your desk, make sure your chair is in the

correct position and you have all the information you need close at hand

Having your appointments, tasks and key notes in one place

Helps you find information faster and also helps prevent stress

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Utilize Time GapsTime gaps are intervals of time free of

activitiesE.g. gaps between classes, between meetings, in

a queue, waiting in your carDiscover where you are likely to experience

small, wasted gaps of timeUtilize them to finish tasks that can fit inExamples of utilizing them effectively:

Make calls while waitingRead up somethingPrepare for the upcoming activities

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Using your time TwiceDoing two activities simultaneouslyProductivity and efficiency are not being

sacrificedFor example:

Read or study while using public transportation

Listen to the radio while drivingUse home exercise equipment in front of the


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Learn to say NODo not say yes when you don't have the time,

motivation, interest or skills to do the task

Say “no” to tasks that have little impact on

your targets

Prevent stress

Avoid overworking

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DelegationAssign task responsibility and authority to


Delegate to the right person

You are still responsible for the completion of

the task

Give objectives or expected outcome, not


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