
Q:Compare and contrast the terms industrial and post-industrial societies.

Ans L The long 10000 years old continuity of the agrarian world did break down and another transformation occurred in the human society. This was the unique unprecedented transformation from the agrarian society to the Industrial one. The consequences we live today in an Industrial world. Broadly speaking, an Industrial order can be identified by 03 features. (i) Building of large scale units of production and manufacture and the application of technology of production of process.

(ii) The utilization of large chunks of human population into production processs. Since the production process is increasingly centralized, it involved displacements of people from their habitat and their being harde together at new places. (iii) Constant innovation and growth and the application of the new knowledge and discovery to the production process. The three developments, mentioned above, occurred in the last three centuries. The new changes were not confined only to the economic zone. Every area of human life came under the spell of industrialism. Indeed a new type of social order was born which was different from the agrarian society in fundamental respects. Some of the basic features of the Industrial societies can be summarized as follows : -

(i) It was marked by the use of new type of raw materials(iron and steel) and also new sources of energy (both as fuel and as motive power) namely coal, steam engine, electricity, petroleum etc. (ii) It was based on the invention of new machines like spinning jenny and powerloom that permitted increased production with less human energy.(iii) it was based on the new organization of work such as the factory system, which entailed increased division of labour and specialization of function. (iv) important development in transportation and communication (team-locomotive, steamship, automobiles, aeroplane, telegraph and radio provided the industrial revolution initial impetus. (v) Important development in transportation. (vi) it was based on the increasing application of science and technology to industry. The nature of the industrial society changed dramatically from whit it was in the 13th century to what it became in the 20th century particularly after the Second world war. It has been argued by some scholars that since the 1970’s a new type of society has emerged and begun to replace the Industrial Society. This is called the Post-industrial society. Following are some of its features as different from the industrial society.

(i) Rise of new technologies in the sphere of information and communication have resulted in greater global integration. (ii) New patterns of consumption have emerged and there has been a shift from a production driven economy toa consumption driven economy.(iii) The dominant manufacturing sector has been replaced by a service sector. (iv) Knowledge has become an extremely component of the economic activity.

(v) The concentration of workers, managers and implements at one place, so characteristic of Industrial stage has been replaced by a decentralization of production and manufacturing. The new communication technologies enable people to work from their places. As a result there has ben a greater flexibility in management and employment.

Q2: What do you understand by the term ‘human secruity’ discuss?

Ans : Ever since the Cold War ended, the world has been rapid globalization of human and economic activities, alongwith the liberalization of trade and investment and the marked progress of information technology. while globalization has provided substantial benefits including the growth of the world economy and improvements in the standard of living, such benefits have not necessarily gone equally to all the countries and people in the world. We have further witnessed at several places a change in the nature of conflict with ethnic and religious conflicts increasing with some instances of civil war. Because of these changes it is becoming necessary to come up with a new concept of security that addresses peoples vulnerability of these types of conflict which threaten their lives and livelihoods a concepts that goes beyond national security that is largely provided by the state. the specific phrase human security was first put forward by the 1994 united national development programme annual development report. While the term human security is of recent origin, the idea that underlie the concept are not new. According to article3 of the universal declaration of human rights the right to security of persons is a fundamental human right, together with a right to life and liberty .human security emphasizes the need to strengthen empowerment of the citizens. achievement of human security requires a global political culture that is founded on shared values of human dignity and human rights. Hence important issues in human security like children in war, landmine ethnic conflicts should be discussed from a broad human rights ,their safety or even their lives. Human security as defined in the UNDP report consisted of seven componentAnd dimension economic, food, health personal, environmental, community and political. it emphasized that human security has geographical and even international dimention . human security does not supplant national security. A human security perspective asserts that the security of the state is not an end in itself. Rather, it is a means of ensuring security for its people. Human security provides an enabling environment for human development. It can also be an important strategy for further human security. By addressing inequalities that are often the root causes of violent conflict, strengthening governance structures, complementing political, economic and legal initiatives can enhance human security. The two basic components of human security are health security and food security. The two concepts are interrelated in that nutritional status. Health security means having low exposure to diseases and high and proper access to health services or cannot afford medical care. Health is an area where publication acquires tremendous significance. The public action is not limited to action by the state and includes actions by non government organization and voluntary organization. Their effords have been remarkable in combating and building awareness about deadly diseases like aids and in the on going pulse polio programme in India. food security is a flexible concept, many definition to this concept have been attempted. It is a multi dimensional phenomenon. National and international efforts are needed to meet and ensure food

security, especially in the era of globalization and liberalization . attention has been given to long run food security and focus should not be limited to transitory food insecurity.

Q: Highlight the key issues in Modern governance ?Ans ; According to UNDP(1994), the goal of governance initiations should be to develop capacities that are needed to realize development, that give priority to the poor and women, sustain the environment and create needed opportunities for employment and other livinghoods. Several international institutions, reserarchers and policy makers have identified certain basic characteristics of good governance which ater stated as here under:-(A) Participation – Any democracy to be truly representative needs to seek the participation of its citizens to the maximum extent in public affairs. In India, for example, the Panchayati Raj Insititutions (PRIs) at the local level and municipal bodies. These bodies comprise of peoples elected representatives who have an initiative in participating in matters that affect their lives. (B) Rule to Law – Governance needs a fair legal framework to ensure the smooth functioning of administrative machinery. Rule of law protects the interests and rights of citizens. (C) Transparency – information is not generally shared with the citizen public or private organizations. But now people and demanding that relevant information be made accessible to them. Governance is attempting to ensure openness and transparency in the system. (D) Responsiveness – We citizen expect a positive response from the service providing agency. Providing basic services from government such as electricity, drinking water, better roads etc where a dersired response is awaited. We want responsiveness from the elected political respresentatives. Similarly, the administration is expected to provde effective and efficient services to the citizens. Responsiveness has become a two way interacting process between citizens and government. (e) Equity – Governance has to ensure participation and equiy brining all sections of the society within its preview. (f) Effectiveness and Efficiency – This implies better utilization of resources towards improved service delivery, for instance, we go to Railway reservation office for booking a ticket, it is expected that the service is provided efficiently and effectively without causing inconvenience to us in ter of efforts, time and money. (g) Accountability – Governance requires accountability on the part of the government private sector, civil society or community based organizations for their activities, for example, during the question hour in the Parliament the Ministers, Members of Parliament are held accountable for various aspects of the functioning of their ministries and implementation of various programmes.

Good governance has certain significant characteristics. These include :-(i) Democratic policy(ii) Peoples participation (iii) Effective and efficient administration. (iv) Decentralization(v) Use of Information technology(vi) Co-operation between government agencies, private sector and people.

Several measure are being taken up to operationalise there principles.

Q : Comment briefly on the Modern Indian painting ?Ans : toward the end of the 19th century, stallions of degenerate school of painting and time was ripe for the rise of truly Indian painting. Quite a few talented Indians however become adepts in the current style of European painting and the techiniques of oil and water colour. Raja Ravi Verma of Kerala gained much reputation in the period through his paints of mythological subjects and portraiture. Rabanindranath conscientiously tried to re-create a national style in painting. He and his worthy pupils experimented in techniques of Indian miniature frescos, scroll and pata painting. The new artistic faith spread far and wide in the country. It gave rise to the Bengal School of painting. Naturally enough, the exponents of the school, charged with the newly awakened cause of nationalism tried to coy and initiate old water pieces of Indian art, aiming at revival. But no sooner the romantic renaissance phase come to an end then the School readily yielded to stronger modern inspirations. As early as in the early 20, Ravindra nath Tagore dissociated himself from the entire revivalist thought. How do we define modern painting? It is not easy to explain in words, wht belongs to shape, colour and form. Modern Indian paintings reflect the complexity of modern life. Modern Indian painters are city dwellers who are not free from the complexities of modern life. Moreover, intellectually they accept the tenets of modern art as much as they share the experience of modern man. Rabindranath’s credo thus provides Indian modernism with a character from expressionistic art of all types. Gaganendranath, studied the pictorial possibilities of light, especially in interior scenes. He experimented with cubism and coalescence of forms. There was nothing specially Indian about it. He used his art for social comment, often with a pleasant satire. In her heredity as well as her art, Amrita Shergil symbolized the interaction of Indian and European tradition that is visible in the bulk of modern painting. It can be seen in her works that preference for a forms is reduced to their essential planes, suggestions of volumes through colour modulation seizure of effect of light, even in open air scences, less by play of light and shade than by the brilliance of the pigment itself. Tamini Ray returned to the far more vigorous tradition of folk art, of the Pat and the scroll, the clay dolls and pottery decorations. The positive achievement of their period was the creation of ferment rather than a precise definition of aesthetic objectives and stylistic canons. This format has led to the trying out of every conceivable manner of a quick scanning should be enough to show the range.

Q : What do you understand by ‘Renanisance’ Discuss ?Ans : The Term “Renaissance” literally means rebirth and is in a narrow sense, used to describe the revivial of interest in the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. The Renaissance however, was not a mere revival of ancient learning. It was maked by a series of new developments in the fields of arts, literature, religion, philosophy, science and politics. The intellectual and cultural life of Europe for centuries had been dominated by the Cathelic Church. The Renaissance underminds this domination. It went beyond mere revival and give rise to a new way of thinking. The chief characterirstic of the Renaissance way of thinking was humanism. Humanism controlled man, stressed his essential worth and dignity, empressed invisiable and

proclaimed freedom of the individual and his inaliable rights. It meant the glorification of the human and natural disposition and rejected the other worldliness of Cathelic belief that human existence has its origin in sin, therefore it is tinted. The humanism reject or even redeclared religious mortification of the flesh and with drawl from the world. They argued man to seek joy on this earth rather than an after-life which the church adjucated.

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