
Shot analysis for two existing music videos.

Song 1) Thirty Seconds to Mars- This is WarSong 2) Rise Against- Hero of War

This ‘close-up shot’ works really effectively at creating a emotional response. The composition of the shot with just under half a face positioned on the right hand side really captures the emotion on the actors face. Although the character isn’t directly looking at the camera, it still presents a very dramatic, effective camera shot. This specific shot will be taken into consideration for our music video.

During the music video they have used ‘old footage’ of riots and protests. This really works effectively developing the narrative and bringing in the contrast of era’s throughout time, almost enhancing the notion of: “Wars have been fought forever, in almost every country, for the same reasons, normally for power, money or greed..”

This specific shot portrays a mid shot of a soldier walking, following with a ‘reverse tracking shot’. This shot allows the audience to view the landscape behind the character, which reflects the mise-en-scene of the setting being very erey..deserted.

The iconography of the mise-en-scene within these specific shots, clearly demonstrate the war/action genre and narrative. The make up is very minimal, however it is the costume and props that enhance this military theme.

Although there would of most likely of been extra lighting equipment within the frame, it has all still been kept to a very naturalistic lighting, however with a slight grey/blue tint, enforcing this ‘mourning’ effect of war. The second frame on the left, shows the soldier getting into position holding his gun up to his eye, this specific action also enforces the theme of military and the notion of war. The iconography captures within this shot, reveals the mise-en-scene of the military costume. The deadly weapon of a gun, and soldiers costume of ‘camo print’ and an army helmet enforces the form of operation & occupation.

This ‘over the shoulder shot’ is very effective, as it makes the audience feel that they are following the actor within the narrative. This is why camera work is very important as it engages the audience and creates an emotional relationship with the lyrics and audience.

The shot on the left is one of my most favourite camera work. Low-angle close up, reverse tracking shot on the soldiers boots, walking on broken glass. This is where iconography is very important, as just by looking at the Mise-en-scene of the costume and set, it is clearly visible that the actor is playing a role of a soldier.

Again this close up of the soldier holding the gun, emits the notion of ‘Army’ through the typical conventions and iconography of the army profession. This plays such a key part within music videos, as it allows the audience to recognise the narrative, as well as the Mise-en-Scene.

The over the shoulder shot featured in the video, shows a gentleman holding onto a photograph, presuming it’s himself and his wife at their wedding. This specific shot is an example of an ‘Conventional Trope’ as it is a camera shot commonly used to convey the notion of ‘memories’. This is an example shot, of what we aim to capture, with a photograph of the young boy and his dad.

This is an example of a long shot, capturing three characters within one frame. It is an example of a ‘tracking shot’ as the camera is following the three characters as they walk through the room, making the audience feel that they are within the group as well. All characters are wearing conventional army iconography therefore establishing the event being established.

These specific shots have influenced us to create a similar representation within our music video. Using various shots such as close up’s and long shots, will help the audience establish the event of which is being demonstrated as well as the theme of the narrative.

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