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  • this, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, a middle-aged British astronomer and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society wentpublic with a daring theory that proposed a scientific basis for the ancient practice of astrology. Doctor Zodiac's name is Percy Seymour and he waged his professional standing that certain predictions made from horoscopes can be explained logically and tested scientifically. Not surprisingly, the astronomy community camedown on his head, denouncing his ideas and damning him for espousing them. Astrologers for their part, wereonly marginally more supportive, since they never asked for a scientific justification of their views, on the grounds that astrology lies beyond the realm of what science can fathom.Seymour, was a principal lecturer in astronomy at the Plymouth Polytechnic Institute in southwest England and director of the William Day Planetarium there, laid out his theory in a book titled Astrology: The Evidence of Science(Lennard Poblishing, 1988).In sum, Seymour's theory holds that astrology is not mystical, or magical, but magnetic. It can be explained, he says, by the tumultuous magnetic activity of the sun, churned to a lather by the motions of the planets, borne earthward on the solar wind, and perceived by us via the earth's magnetic field while we grow inside our mothers' wombs.The physical agency that Seymour deduced is a magnetic signal from the cosmos,which would be amplified on magnetically disturbed days. The fetus in the womb might receive magnetic signals via the cells of its nervous system acting as an antenna. In the same way that a baby resembles its parents in appearance. Seymour says, its magnetic antenna is wired up like theirssensitive to the same frequencies and resonances. So when the baby is ready to be born, it waits for a magnetic signal from the deciding planet to trigger the moment of birth.It is therefore no accident that this or that child is born with certain planets in primary positions. According to Seymour's theory, the positions of the planets set off the magnetic signals thatchildren are waiting to hear as their cues to enter the world. And each child responds to the signal that his genetic makeup has programmed him or her to receive.After birth the infant nervous system is swamped with so many other kinds of input from its "ordinary" senses that most magnetic messages are simply drowned out. At certain points in later years, however, if the planets line up again in the same positions they occupied at an individual's birth, the repetition may come through loud and clear, coinciding with times of momentous personal growth or changes of fortune."It's really three theories in one," Seymour says of his concept. "It's a theory of how planets can affect solar activity, how solar activity affects the magnetic field of Earth, and how changes in the earth's magnetic field affect the fetus to determine the moment of birth."Every part of Seymour's theory hinges on magnetism, which pervades the universe, as gravity does, and has far-reaching effects. The entire earth is a magnet, with a north and a south pole, surrounded by a magnetic field that is 20 to 30 times larger than the planet itself. Jupiter's magnetic field is the largest known feature in our solar system. And the magnetic field of the Milky Way, though very weak, extends for millions of light-years through space. The sun is a ferment of magnetism, which manifests itself in sunspots, solar prominence's, and solar flares.Many kinds of Earth beings perceive and respond to magnetic cues, from the ocean-dwelling bacteria that use magnetism to guide them downward toward their food supply to the birdsthat navigate by the magnetic field. Human beings, too, have some inborn sensitivity to magnetism, and experiments have shown that many individuals can find north without a compass or any other obvious clues. Is magnetism the signal that calls the fetus from the womb? Is that fact the origin of astrology? And if so, how would it work?Seymour says the forces generated by the planets in certain patterns are responsible for the reversal of the sun's magnetic field, which happens roughly every 11 years and kicks off the beginning of each new sunspot cycle. As part of a thesis project, one of Seymour's students demonstrated that changes in the magnetic field of the sun correspond to certain aspects, or angles between the planets, that astrologers deem significantoppositions (180 between the planets, as viewed from Earth), quarters or squares (90), and conjunctions (0 or close alignment).With a bit more work, Seymour thinks he may be able to use these correlations to predict the next period of peak solar magnetic activity, called the sunspotmaximum. "No one has yet been able topredict a solar maximum with success,"he says. "If I can do it, then that one part of my theory would have predictive value for astronomy."Unlike other controversial cosmic theories of recent years, Seymour's idea is explainable and testable within the bounds of present knowledge. It invokes no master race of visitorsfrom another planet, no worlds in collision, no new physical forces. In this respect it is an apt reflection of Seymour himselfa steadfast, straightforward man who preaches a simple brand of do-it-yourself astronomy from the pulpit of his planetarium.Astrological theory of Dr. Percy Seymour

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    The eminent British astrophysicist Dr. Percy Seymour has formulated an original theory of astrology. The theory develops dialectically

    with radial terms in his book "The scientific basis of Astrology" and subtitled "Tuning to the music of the planets."

    My own theory of the "Astrology of the13 signs of the Zodiac" takes into consideration the theory of Percy Seymour primarily on how the

    planets affect the fetus and the human nervous system.

    Dr. Percy Seymour is dividing his theory analogically to the evidence level it is using:

    1. In first level, it is accepted by almost all scientists that the sunspots cycle affects the magnetic field of Earth, and the agency

    responsible for this effect, the solar wind, has been detected. It is also beyond doubt that the Moon causes tides in the upper atmosphere

    which give rise to electric currents, and these generate the lunal daily magnetic variation.

    2. In second level, there is plenty of evidence that both the steady state as well as the fluctuating behavior of the geomagnetic field can

    be used by organisms, including man, for purposes of finding direction and keeping internal body time. This is much documented and

    widely accepted.

    3. In third level, there is evidence, largely ignored, that positions and movements of planets as seen from Sun, play a role in the Solar

    cycle. Furthermore, there is some evidence, highly controvercial but difficult to dismiss, that some positions of the planets as seen from

    Earth at time of Birth are linked to personality characteristics of individuals.

    The interpretation that Dr. Percy Seymour proposes that can be scientifically tested has the following steps:

    i.Planets affect the solar cycle in specific ways.

    ii.The solar cycle affects the geomagnetic field.

    iii.The geomagnetic field affects life on Earth in certain observed ways.

    iv.Specifically, many species, including man, can be influenced by particular states of the geomagnetic field.

    v.These particular influences appear to correlate with planetary positions.

    vi.The behavior of the fetus at the time of birth is linked to cycles within the geomagnetic field, which in turn are influenced by the Solar

    cycle and positions of the planets. Resonance is the phenomenon by which the fetus is phase-locked to specific cycles.

    Dr. Percy Seymour's theory proposes that planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune control the direction of the convective motions

    within the Sun, which generate the solar magnetic field.

    Thus, the planets play a role in the modulation of Earth's magnetic field by the solar wind. He is also proposing that the tidal tug of the

    planets on the hot gases trapped in our magnetosphere will, because of resonance, lock some of the vibrations of the Earth's field in step

    with planetary movements.

    The resulting fluctuations of Earth's field are picked up by the nervous system of the fetus, which acts like an antenna, and these

    synchronize the internal biological clocks of the fetus which control the moment of birth.

    The tuning of the fetal magnetic antenna is carried out by the genes which it inherits, and these to some extent will determine its basic

    genetically inherited personality characteristic.

    (This text contains extensive excerpts from the Book "The scientific basis of Astrology" by Dr. Percy Seymour)

    Vasilis Kanatas


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    First time poster here.

    I've been browsing the internet for astrological stuff as I often do, and I've come across the site of a Serbian astrologer named Nikola Stojanovic. On his site he has an introduction to

  • his, as he calls it, "the theory on the degrees".

    Unfortunately the site doesn't give me a direct link to that page, so I can't post it here. But I would be interested to hear if any more knowledgable astrology folks here have heard or

    read about him and this theory of his? He explains how he found out about each degree corresponding with each zodiac sign, beginning with degree 1 being Aries, degree 2 Taurus and

    so on.

    As this being my first post, I just found out I can't post direct links, so you would have to google his name to go on his site. His theory is found on the left side under: the secret of

    each degree has finally been uncovered.

    He has some more info on these individual degrees in some of his articles on his site. While I found this pretty interesting, I couldn't quite make out what he meant the 0 degree would

    be? As he states the following:

    "And what comes next after the 29th degree of each zodiac sign? We get to the zero (0) degree of the next zodiac sign hence repeating all 12 zodiac signs in a


    So as in his theory Leo is the last one on the degree 29, before it starts all over again, but if Aries is the 1st degree, I don't get what zero degree is. And wouldn't the 1st degree (Aries)

    be from 0'00-0'59 instead of 1'00-1'59? At least that's what I've learned from reading here. But maybe he has a different understanding of this. Pretty much, for some reason a more

    modern thing to do is have the degrees as 0-29 of any and all signs, whereas they used to be numbered 1-30. This doesn't really change anything, except that the degrees of

    exaltation, face, and term need to be pushed back one to correspond correctly.

    So, for instance, it's written in classical texts that Venus is exactly exalted in the 27th degree of Pisces. Since this was written when the norm was 1-30, Venus is really exalted in 26

    Pisces for our modern day charts that use the 0-29 way.

    ull circle = 360 This is numerology but I believe that numerology and Astrology are related. In numerology 9 is always the end number and any number that has a 0 at the end is

    always a beginning number. In numerology you simply add across until you get a single digit hence, 360 becomes 9 the number of completion.

    We have 3 sets of completed elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water...

    3+3+3+3=12 signs of the zodiac

    3 sets of elements x 4 signs = 12 total

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19... 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29... 30

    10,20 and 30 represents a zero point. Again a zero point represents the beginning point and any number with a 9 at the end represents the end. Keep in mind that in numerology you

    add across until you get a single digit.

    First 3 signs out of 12...

    Aries = 0


    Gemini= 2

    Take notice to how 0+1+2=3




    Take notice to how 3+4+5=12=3




    Take notice to how 6+7+8= 21=3




    Take notice to how 9+10+11=30=3


    Taurus =13










    18+19+20= 57=12=3


  • Aquarius=22


    21+22+23= 66=12=3




















































    There are so many other patterns to point out but lets see if you can discover them on your own.

    Starting at Zero point is always best, it is the ancient and natural order...

  • Zero"Zero is a powerful number which brings great transformational change, sometimes occurring in a profound manner. It has much intensity, so caution is needed wherever it

    appears to ensure that extremes are not encountered.

    Zero represents the Cosmic Egg, the primordial Androgyne - the Plenum. Zero as an empty circle depicts both the nothingness of death and yet the totality of life contained within the

    circle. As an ellipse the two sides represent ascent and descent, evolution and involution.

    Before the One (meaning the Source--not the number) there is only Void, or non-being; thought; the ultimate mystery, the incomprehensible Absolute. Begins with meanings such as,

    Non-existence; nothingness; the unmanifest; the unlimited; the eternal. The absence of all quality or quantity."

    Cultural References

    'Taoism: It symbolizes the Void; non-being.

    Buddhism: It is the Void and no-thingness.

    Kabbalism: Boundless; Limitless Light; the Ain.

    Pathagoras saw zero as the perfect. Zero is the Monad, the originator and container of All.

    Islamic: Zero is the Divine Essence."Beileve it or not, the 360 degree circle of our natal chart and all astrological charts are symbolic to this ancient symbol representing a zero,

    nothingness point, from where everything begat, and came into being... The Big bang got it's name from this symbol. The spiral never ends, it just keeps going. Without the number

    zero, numbers cannot grow and grow on into infinity. Hence, all that is, would not be. Everything would come to an end. would end

    Re: Interesting theory on the degrees

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    Thanks Kaiousei no Senshi and Astrologer4U for enlightening me on the degree issue.

    What I still don't get however, is, as that astrologer obviously uses the 0-29 degree counting method, why does he start with Aries on the

    1st degree, instead of 0' degree?

    I've checked with some of his theory examples in his articles with charts from real persons. For instance, he thinks that Marilyn Monroe

    must have been born 1 minute earlier because he doesn't think she has her ascendant on the 13th degree (being Aries degree according

    to him) , but he thinks she must have had her Ascendant on the 12th degree (being Pisces degree according to him), instead. I've

    checked her chart and she apparently had her ascendant on 13'03 degree. So by 12th degree, it is clear that he means between 12'00

    and 12'59. I'm just mentioning this, because now it's clear what he means by 12th or 13th degree, what his counting method is. And this

    is why I now wonder why he puts Aries as 1st degree, which would be between 1'00 and 1'59, and not as the real starting point at 0'

    degree. So what is the very beginning 0'00-0'59 then, if Aries is the starting point at 1'00-1'59?

    Well, maybe I should send him an email and just ask him personally, since it's his theory. I was just asking this question here, as I was

    wondering if maybe I was doing something wrong or not seeing it right.

    From my understanding, the guys theory is a bit contradicting. From the above, he seems to be advocating Zero as the starting point. If Zero represents the next sign, that means the

    previous sign is over. In the long example that I gave. Earth, Air, Fire, Water=4... Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable=3.

    3 dualitys x 4 elements =12

    Mutable represents the end of one cycle when you go from the first house moving around. Aries cardinal, Taurus fixed, Gemini mutable and Cancer begins the cycle over at Cardinal.

    Hence All beginning signs are Cardinal and all ending signs are mutable.

    From the theory this guy gives representing Leo at 29 degrees, that leaves a fixed sign representing the end which according to Astrology is in accurate.

    If you start properly with Zero as the starting point, Virgo becomes the 29th degree.

    Maybe you should email this person because I think he is on to something but there is a slight flaw he seems to have over looked.r concluded).....And what comes next after the 29th

    degree of each zodiac sign? We get to the zero (0) degree of the next zodiac sign hence repeating all 12 zodiac signs in a circle.

    Seems to me that all he is saying in that conclusion is that 0 degrees is a marker for the start of the next sign.......where we begin again with Aries = first degree of sign.

    If you do e-mail him, I'd be interested to hear his answer........particularly as he does not seem to use zero degrees in any of his examples......which also suggests he has not yet

    resolved this issue himself.

    ccording to the rationale on Scorpio at the 8th degree, by the time we get to 13 we will be back at

    Aries Making scorpio the second time around, end up at 20 degrees

    Yes, that's what he does A4U..........1/13/25 = Aries in each sign and he ends at 29 = Leo.........Then 0 = Next sign.

    It all makes sense and seems to work..........until we get to the 0 = Next Sign......when my head spins:69:

  • Re: Interesting theory on the degrees

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    We have already discussed his theory (partialy) on this Forum, here is my post translated (for the 18o degree - the dangerous one).

    Here is the ling for the Thread:

    And here is my translation:

    The secret of the 18o degree (by Nikola Stojanovic, Serbian astrologer)

    The Sun eclipse happens at the 18o degree at Leon and the ruler of the Leon is Sun

    The man who made the atomic bomb (Openheimer 22.04.1904., 20:00, EST 73W57, 40N45) has his AC at 18o degree Scorpio, the cup of

    the 8o house (death) at 18o degree Twins.

    The man who made the decision to use for the first time in the history of the man kind so powerful weapon (American president Harry

    Truman 08.05.1884., 16:17, CST, 94W16, 37N30) has his Sun (decision) at 18o degree of Taurus.

    The date of the explosion was 06.08.1945. 08:16:40 AM, JST 132E27, 34N24). AC of this event was at the 18o degree Virgo and at the 18o

    degree Cancer were Moon and Saturn.

    The ``ruler from the shadow`` David Rockefeller (12.06.1915., 00:12 AM, EST, 73W57, 40N45) has his AC at the 18o degree Pisces


    The ``Angel of death`` or ``Dr Satan`` - Dr. Mengele (16.03.1911., 11:44 AM, CET, 10E16, 48N27) has his Neptune, the ruler of his Sun, at

    Pisces, at 18o degree of Cancer.

    Charles Manson, also called the ``murderer Satan`` (16.03.1911., 11:44 AM, CET, 10E16, 48N27) murderer of the famous actress Sharon

    Teit the wife of the famous director Polanski, has the Venus the ruler of his AC at 18o degree Scorpio and his 6o house begins at 18o

    degree Virgo.

    Leopold the II (09.04.1835., 22:22, LMT 04E20, 50N50) the Belgian king (1869-1909) who was known as the most barbarous colonizer in

    Africa (Congo), was personally responsible for mass killings of the local people: he used to ``hunt`` their children, cut the parts of the body

    of his servants and he killed his mistresses just for not liking their hair cut. The ruler of his AC, is Mars and is at the 18. degree of Cancer.

    Now, the main character from the film ``Silence of the lambs`` existed. His name was Edward Gain (borne 27.08.1906., 23:16, CST, 91W14,

    43N48). His house was full of ``souvenirs`` just like in the movie, his mother was very dominant forbidding him to see a girl or to have

    normal personal life, after her death, he went to live at a farm where he studded anatomy books and ``collected`` everything that the character

    in the film above did. At the year 1954 he committed his firs crime and the second one at the 16. of November 1957. His AC was at 18.

    degree of Twins and Venus (love, woman) at 18 degree of Libra at his 5. house.

    Those are some of examples about the aspects and planets at the 18. degree which is (by the astrologer above) a ``dangerous one`` because

    the Sun eclipse happens at the 18o degree at Leon and the ruler of the Leon is Sun, so, when there is no Sun, the dark comes at have its

    chance to perform.

    I only translated the text, there are more articles about the 2. and the 5. degree (which are also important), but those are for another post (and

    I dont have much time at the moment).





    Now, for today`s post, if you need any more information, I can translate it from Serbian in to English and post it but I think also that

    something is ``missing`` in this theory since if everything is a ``circle``, at the end, we can not stop at Leo or Libra and ``cut`` it in

    this way. Nature is perfect and it contains integrity. Also, every number in mathematics is not just a point - like a dot. It is ``space`` -

    like from 1. Dots between 0 and 1 are that space.

    If all of you people think that he does not have his theory completed yet, maybe he does not indeed.

    Best regards


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    Re: Interesting theory on the degrees

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    I finally got it to work. I tried it by copying the email text into the Word program and copied it from there again to paste it here. For

    some reason this seemed to work. It's not in the original display anymore though, so it might be a little harder to read, but now that I

    finally got it to work I'm not doctoring with it any furthur....

    So, just to make sure again. The following text is an excerpt of a book by the Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic about his theory on

    the degrees. He kindly gave me the permission to copy and paste it here in this thread for others who are interested in it to read.


    Defining the position of a planet at a degree is very simple. One need only look for a degree at which a certain

    planet occurs (minutes and seconds are not important). Therefore, if, for example, Mercury occurs at 1 00'

    00'', it occurs at the first degree with the influence of the first sign of Aries. Similarly, if Mercury or any other

    planet is at 1 59' 59'', Mercury will still be at the first degree. Consequently, the degrees do not have the

    orbit of influence. Thus:

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the zero (0) degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 0 00'

    00'' and 0 59' 59''.

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the first degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 1 00' 00''

    and 1 59' 59''.

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the second degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 2 00' 00''

    and 2 59' 59''.

    And so on ...


    Researching the zodiac degrees, it did not take me long to realize that a particular degree corresponds to a

    particular zodiac sign: the first degree (from 1 to 1 59') has the symbolism of Aries, the second degree (from

    2 to 2 59') the symbolism of the second Taurus sign, and so on. However, the secret of the zerodegree (from

    0 to 0 59) of any sign remained unsolved. For months I tried to fathom that secret, but in vain.. until one

    day when a secret of the zero degree of each zodiac sign was revealed to me. On August 20 1998 (18:00,

    EDT+4, 77W02, 38N53) the US government decided to launch two cruise missiles on two countries,

    Afghanistan and Sudan . The missile launched on Sudan hit a pharmaceuticals factory.

    Let us consider the horoscope of this incident: Mars is at the zero degree of Leo in exact opposition to Neptune

    at the zero degree of Aquarius. In astrology, Mars symbolizes an attack, aggression and war, while Neptune

    symbolizes drugs, among other things. What happened in that incident? An entity with supreme military power

    (the United States ) bombed a pharmaceuticals factory. Hence, Mars at the zero degree of Leo indicates

    someone who has supreme power (Leo) demonstrated by aggression (Mars); in this act, a missile destroyed a

    pharmaceuticals factory ( Neptune ) (Aquarius/Uranus).

    So, Neptune at the zero degree of Aquarius tells us that the pharmaceuticals factory ( Neptune ) was destroyed

    in the explosion of a missile during the bombing (Aquarius/Uranus). This incident helped me understand the

    real meaning of the zero degree: The zero degree symbolizes the emphasized essential features of each

    sign. Thus, the zero degree of Leo symbolizes all the essential features of the Leo sign: power, authority,

    supreme power, while the zero degree of Aquarius symbolizes all the essential features of that sign: explosion,

    bomb, bombing, missiles.. Just as there are 12 signs of the zodiac circle, so there are 12 zero degrees.

    The zero degree (0) of Cancer has all the basic features of that sign: to be emotional, water, need for

    water, to be a patriot, to stay at home, house, attached to ones family, attached to ones mother, to remain in

    ones place of birth, the human race, people, nations..

    The Turks were the first to carry out acts of genocide against the Armenian people in the 20th century. On 24

    April 1915 at around 8pm, mass arrests and executions of Armenians began in Istanbul . According to some

    estimates, approximately two million Armenians were killed. Let us look at the horoscope of the

    commencement of the genocide against the Armenian people (24 April 1915, Istanbul , 20:02,

    EET-2, 28E58, 41N01). The ascendant is at the worst of each 18th degree - at the18th degree of Scorpio;

    Pluto, the ruler of the ascendant, is in the eighth house (death) at the zero degree of Cancer. Pluto symbolizes

    mass executions and sufferings, and the zero degree of Cancer symbolizes the essential characteristics of that

    sign: the Moon, ruler of Cancer, also rules people/the human race. Thus, the zero degree of Cancer symbolizes

    people, human race, peoples and nations. Therefore, Pluto (mass executions, assassinations) at the zero

    degree of Cancer (mankind, people) resulted in genocide (Pluto) against a nation (the zero degree of Cancer).

    The horoscope of Rose Kennedy (22 July 1890, 18:00, EST+5, 71W03, 42N21) is a very good example

    of the zero degree of Leo. Her fifth house (children) starts in Gemini. Neptune and Pluto (abundance) are in her

    fifth house and thus she gave birth to many children. Mercury, the ruler of her fifth house, is in the seventh

    house of politics and consequently, many of her children were engaged in politics. Mercury is in Leo conjunction

    Sun, hence her children rose to power and took ruling positions in politics. However, Mercury together with the

    Sun (the supreme power) is at the zero degree of Leo and, due to the influence of the zero degree (the

    supreme power, authority, president), one of her children, John F Kennedy, became president of her country.

    How was it that he of all her children became president? It is because Mercury and the Sun are at the zero

    degree of Leo, which means that the president of the country (0of Leo - a leader, a president) will be one of

    her children born under the sign ruled by Mercury (Gemini or Virgo). As we know, John F Kennedy was born

    under Gemini. However, as much as the position of her Mercury and the Sun at the zero degree brought John

    the presidential position, Pluto (death, killing) conjunction Neptune (plots, assassinations) in her fifth house

    (children) resulted in his assassination in the streets (Gemini) of Dallas . As Gemini is a dual sign, another of

    her children, Robert Kennedy, lost his life in an astrologically similar way: as the result of a plot, he was

    assassinated in a hotel ( Neptune ) stairwell (Gemini) while delivering a speech.

    One of my clients (24 August 1971, Belgrade , 20E30, 44N50, 11:30 AM, CET-1) has the Sun (vitality,

    to be healthy) at 0 of Virgo and is constantly worried about his health (Virgo - health/illness).

    There are many examples for the influence of the zero degree of the signs. For example, one of my female

    clients, born on 27 September 1968 (11:14AM, CET-1, 18E56, 42N47), has Venus, the ruler of the sixth

    house (health) at the zero degree of Scorpio (surgeries), and has had to have her thyroid gland (ruled by

    Venus) operated on (zero degree of Scorpio). The cusp of her eighth house (surgery) starts at the 12th degree

    of Cancer, and thus she kept the operation (the eighth house) a secret (12th degree has the symbolism of

    Pisces - to keep a secret) from her mother (the eighth house in Cancer - the ruler: the Moon - mother).

    One of my students (4 December 1954, 21:05, CET-1, 20E25, 44N51) has the Moon (mother) at zero

    degrees of Aries (to construct, to build). She says: "My mother can never get enough of constructing and

    building; she would build 500 houses if she could.." In addition, the Moon trines Jupiter (abundance).

    The United States , and the rest of the world, well remembers 24 October 1929 (11:15 AM, EST+5,

    New York , 74W00, 40N43), the day when the New York stock market crashed. The day was nicknamed

    'Black Thursday' because it was the beginning of a great depression, with much misery and poverty. The

    ascendant of that event is at the zero degree of Capricorn, having all the essential characteristics of that sign -

    misery, sadness, depression, darkness.

    A client's son (22 December 1985, Belgrade , 20E30, 44N50, 20:15, CET-1) has the Sun in his fifth

    house (the things we like) at the zero degree of Capricorn. My client says of her son: "He likes black men so

    much that he has even begun to dress the way they do." The Sun rules his ascendant (face, appearance) and

    so he wishes to resemble black men (zero degree of Capricorn - Capricorn rules the black race); the Sun is in

    his fifth house, hence he likes (the fifth house) black men (the zero degree of Capricorn).

    Our great scientist Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856, Smiljan, 15E17, 44N34, 0047 AM, CET) has the cusp of

    the 10th house (MC) at the zero degree of Aquarius, and gained great fame and success (the 10th house)

    within the symbolism of the zero degree of Aquarius - electricity, discoveries, inventions, brilliant mind. His

    Uranus, the ruler of the 10th house, is at the 23rd degree of Taurus, and this particular degree has the

    symbolism of Aquarius, lending special powers to his Uranus.

    Nikola Stojanovic

  • Re: Interesting theory on the degrees

    / icon and title message

    I finally got it to work. I tried it by copying the email text into the Word program and copied it from there again to paste it here. For

    some reason this seemed to work. It's not in the original display anymore though, so it might be a little harder to read, but now that I

    finally got it to work I'm not doctoring with it any furthur....

    So, just to make sure again. The following text is an excerpt of a book by the Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic about his theory on

    the degrees. He kindly gave me the permission to copy and paste it here in this thread for others who are interested in it to read.


    Defining the position of a planet at a degree is very simple. One need only look for a degree at which a certain

    planet occurs (minutes and seconds are not important). Therefore, if, for example, Mercury occurs at 1 00'

    00'', it occurs at the first degree with the influence of the first sign of Aries. Similarly, if Mercury or any other

    planet is at 1 59' 59'', Mercury will still be at the first degree. Consequently, the degrees do not have the

    orbit of influence. Thus:

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the zero (0) degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 0 00'

    00'' and 0 59' 59''.

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the first degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 1 00' 00''

    and 1 59' 59''.

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the second degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 2 00' 00''

    and 2 59' 59''.

    And so on ...


    Researching the zodiac degrees, it did not take me long to realize that a particular degree corresponds to a

    particular zodiac sign: the first degree (from 1 to 1 59') has the symbolism of Aries, the second degree (from

    2 to 2 59') the symbolism of the second Taurus sign, and so on. However, the secret of the zerodegree (from

    0 to 0 59) of any sign remained unsolved. For months I tried to fathom that secret, but in vain.. until one

    day when a secret of the zero degree of each zodiac sign was revealed to me. On August 20 1998 (18:00,

    EDT+4, 77W02, 38N53) the US government decided to launch two cruise missiles on two countries,

    Afghanistan and Sudan . The missile launched on Sudan hit a pharmaceuticals factory.

    Let us consider the horoscope of this incident: Mars is at the zero degree of Leo in exact opposition to Neptune

    at the zero degree of Aquarius. In astrology, Mars symbolizes an attack, aggression and war, while Neptune

    symbolizes drugs, among other things. What happened in that incident? An entity with supreme military power

    (the United States ) bombed a pharmaceuticals factory. Hence, Mars at the zero degree of Leo indicates

    someone who has supreme power (Leo) demonstrated by aggression (Mars); in this act, a missile destroyed a

    pharmaceuticals factory ( Neptune ) (Aquarius/Uranus).

    So, Neptune at the zero degree of Aquarius tells us that the pharmaceuticals factory ( Neptune ) was destroyed

    in the explosion of a missile during the bombing (Aquarius/Uranus). This incident helped me understand the

    real meaning of the zero degree: The zero degree symbolizes the emphasized essential features of each

    sign. Thus, the zero degree of Leo symbolizes all the essential features of the Leo sign: power, authority,

    supreme power, while the zero degree of Aquarius symbolizes all the essential features of that sign: explosion,

    bomb, bombing, missiles.. Just as there are 12 signs of the zodiac circle, so there are 12 zero degrees.

    The zero degree (0) of Cancer has all the basic features of that sign: to be emotional, water, need for

    water, to be a patriot, to stay at home, house, attached to ones family, attached to ones mother, to remain in

    ones place of birth, the human race, people, nations..

    The Turks were the first to carry out acts of genocide against the Armenian people in the 20th century. On 24

    April 1915 at around 8pm, mass arrests and executions of Armenians began in Istanbul . According to some

    estimates, approximately two million Armenians were killed. Let us look at the horoscope of the

    commencement of the genocide against the Armenian people (24 April 1915, Istanbul , 20:02,

    EET-2, 28E58, 41N01). The ascendant is at the worst of each 18th degree - at the18th degree of Scorpio;

    Pluto, the ruler of the ascendant, is in the eighth house (death) at the zero degree of Cancer. Pluto symbolizes

    mass executions and sufferings, and the zero degree of Cancer symbolizes the essential characteristics of that

    sign: the Moon, ruler of Cancer, also rules people/the human race. Thus, the zero degree of Cancer symbolizes

    people, human race, peoples and nations. Therefore, Pluto (mass executions, assassinations) at the zero

    degree of Cancer (mankind, people) resulted in genocide (Pluto) against a nation (the zero degree of Cancer).

    The horoscope of Rose Kennedy (22 July 1890, 18:00, EST+5, 71W03, 42N21) is a very good example

    of the zero degree of Leo. Her fifth house (children) starts in Gemini. Neptune and Pluto (abundance) are in her

    fifth house and thus she gave birth to many children. Mercury, the ruler of her fifth house, is in the seventh

    house of politics and consequently, many of her children were engaged in politics. Mercury is in Leo conjunction

    Sun, hence her children rose to power and took ruling positions in politics. However, Mercury together with the

    Sun (the supreme power) is at the zero degree of Leo and, due to the influence of the zero degree (the

    supreme power, authority, president), one of her children, John F Kennedy, became president of her country.

    How was it that he of all her children became president? It is because Mercury and the Sun are at the zero

    degree of Leo, which means that the president of the country (0of Leo - a leader, a president) will be one of

    her children born under the sign ruled by Mercury (Gemini or Virgo). As we know, John F Kennedy was born

    under Gemini. However, as much as the position of her Mercury and the Sun at the zero degree brought John

    the presidential position, Pluto (death, killing) conjunction Neptune (plots, assassinations) in her fifth house

    (children) resulted in his assassination in the streets (Gemini) of Dallas . As Gemini is a dual sign, another of

    her children, Robert Kennedy, lost his life in an astrologically similar way: as the result of a plot, he was

    assassinated in a hotel ( Neptune ) stairwell (Gemini) while delivering a speech.

    One of my clients (24 August 1971, Belgrade , 20E30, 44N50, 11:30 AM, CET-1) has the Sun (vitality,

    to be healthy) at 0 of Virgo and is constantly worried about his health (Virgo - health/illness).

    There are many examples for the influence of the zero degree of the signs. For example, one of my female

    clients, born on 27 September 1968 (11:14AM, CET-1, 18E56, 42N47), has Venus, the ruler of the sixth

    house (health) at the zero degree of Scorpio (surgeries), and has had to have her thyroid gland (ruled by

    Venus) operated on (zero degree of Scorpio). The cusp of her eighth house (surgery) starts at the 12th degree

    of Cancer, and thus she kept the operation (the eighth house) a secret (12th degree has the symbolism of

    Pisces - to keep a secret) from her mother (the eighth house in Cancer - the ruler: the Moon - mother).

    One of my students (4 December 1954, 21:05, CET-1, 20E25, 44N51) has the Moon (mother) at zero

    degrees of Aries (to construct, to build). She says: "My mother can never get enough of constructing and

    building; she would build 500 houses if she could.." In addition, the Moon trines Jupiter (abundance).

    The United States , and the rest of the world, well remembers 24 October 1929 (11:15 AM, EST+5,

    New York , 74W00, 40N43), the day when the New York stock market crashed. The day was nicknamed

    'Black Thursday' because it was the beginning of a great depression, with much misery and poverty. The

    ascendant of that event is at the zero degree of Capricorn, having all the essential characteristics of that sign -

    misery, sadness, depression, darkness.

    A client's son (22 December 1985, Belgrade , 20E30, 44N50, 20:15, CET-1) has the Sun in his fifth

    house (the things we like) at the zero degree of Capricorn. My client says of her son: "He likes black men so

    much that he has even begun to dress the way they do." The Sun rules his ascendant (face, appearance) and

    so he wishes to resemble black men (zero degree of Capricorn - Capricorn rules the black race); the Sun is in

    his fifth house, hence he likes (the fifth house) black men (the zero degree of Capricorn).

    Our great scientist Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856, Smiljan, 15E17, 44N34, 0047 AM, CET) has the cusp of

    the 10th house (MC) at the zero degree of Aquarius, and gained great fame and success (the 10th house)

    within the symbolism of the zero degree of Aquarius - electricity, discoveries, inventions, brilliant mind. His

    Uranus, the ruler of the 10th house, is at the 23rd degree of Taurus, and this particular degree has the

    symbolism of Aquarius, lending special powers to his Uranus.

    Nikola Stojanovic

  • Re: Interesting theory on the degrees

    / icon and title message

    I finally got it to work. I tried it by copying the email text into the Word program and copied it from there again to paste it here. For

    some reason this seemed to work. It's not in the original display anymore though, so it might be a little harder to read, but now that I

    finally got it to work I'm not doctoring with it any furthur....

    So, just to make sure again. The following text is an excerpt of a book by the Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic about his theory on

    the degrees. He kindly gave me the permission to copy and paste it here in this thread for others who are interested in it to read.


    Defining the position of a planet at a degree is very simple. One need only look for a degree at which a certain

    planet occurs (minutes and seconds are not important). Therefore, if, for example, Mercury occurs at 1 00'

    00'', it occurs at the first degree with the influence of the first sign of Aries. Similarly, if Mercury or any other

    planet is at 1 59' 59'', Mercury will still be at the first degree. Consequently, the degrees do not have the

    orbit of influence. Thus:

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the zero (0) degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 0 00'

    00'' and 0 59' 59''.

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the first degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 1 00' 00''

    and 1 59' 59''.

    If a planet (or a cusp of a house) is at the second degree of any zodiac sign, it is placed between 2 00' 00''

    and 2 59' 59''.

    And so on ...


    Researching the zodiac degrees, it did not take me long to realize that a particular degree corresponds to a

    particular zodiac sign: the first degree (from 1 to 1 59') has the symbolism of Aries, the second degree (from

    2 to 2 59') the symbolism of the second Taurus sign, and so on. However, the secret of the zerodegree (from

    0 to 0 59) of any sign remained unsolved. For months I tried to fathom that secret, but in vain.. until one

    day when a secret of the zero degree of each zodiac sign was revealed to me. On August 20 1998 (18:00,

    EDT+4, 77W02, 38N53) the US government decided to launch two cruise missiles on two countries,

    Afghanistan and Sudan . The missile launched on Sudan hit a pharmaceuticals factory.

    Let us consider the horoscope of this incident: Mars is at the zero degree of Leo in exact opposition to Neptune

    at the zero degree of Aquarius. In astrology, Mars symbolizes an attack, aggression and war, while Neptune

    symbolizes drugs, among other things. What happened in that incident? An entity with supreme military power

    (the United States ) bombed a pharmaceuticals factory. Hence, Mars at the zero degree of Leo indicates

    someone who has supreme power (Leo) demonstrated by aggression (Mars); in this act, a missile destroyed a

    pharmaceuticals factory ( Neptune ) (Aquarius/Uranus).

    So, Neptune at the zero degree of Aquarius tells us that the pharmaceuticals factory ( Neptune ) was destroyed

    in the explosion of a missile during the bombing (Aquarius/Uranus). This incident helped me understand the

    real meaning of the zero degree: The zero degree symbolizes the emphasized essential features of each

    sign. Thus, the zero degree of Leo symbolizes all the essential features of the Leo sign: power, authority,

    supreme power, while the zero degree of Aquarius symbolizes all the essential features of that sign: explosion,

    bomb, bombing, missiles.. Just as there are 12 signs of the zodiac circle, so there are 12 zero degrees.

    The zero degree (0) of Cancer has all the basic features of that sign: to be emotional, water, need for

    water, to be a patriot, to stay at home, house, attached to ones family, attached to ones mother, to remain in

    ones place of birth, the human race, people, nations..

    The Turks were the first to carry out acts of genocide against the Armenian people in the 20th century. On 24

    April 1915 at around 8pm, mass arrests and executions of Armenians began in Istanbul . According to some

    estimates, approximately two million Armenians were killed. Let us look at the horoscope of the

    commencement of the genocide against the Armenian people (24 April 1915, Istanbul , 20:02,

    EET-2, 28E58, 41N01). The ascendant is at the worst of each 18th degree - at the18th degree of Scorpio;

    Pluto, the ruler of the ascendant, is in the eighth house (death) at the zero degree of Cancer. Pluto symbolizes

    mass executions and sufferings, and the zero degree of Cancer symbolizes the essential characteristics of that

    sign: the Moon, ruler of Cancer, also rules people/the human race. Thus, the zero degree of Cancer symbolizes

    people, human race, peoples and nations. Therefore, Pluto (mass executions, assassinations) at the zero

    degree of Cancer (mankind, people) resulted in genocide (Pluto) against a nation (the zero degree of Cancer).

    The horoscope of Rose Kennedy (22 July 1890, 18:00, EST+5, 71W03, 42N21) is a very good example

    of the zero degree of Leo. Her fifth house (children) starts in Gemini. Neptune and Pluto (abundance) are in her

    fifth house and thus she gave birth to many children. Mercury, the ruler of her fifth house, is in the seventh

    house of politics and consequently, many of her children were engaged in politics. Mercury is in Leo conjunction

    Sun, hence her children rose to power and took ruling positions in politics. However, Mercury together with the

    Sun (the supreme power) is at the zero degree of Leo and, due to the influence of the zero degree (the

    supreme power, authority, president), one of her children, John F Kennedy, became president of her country.

    How was it that he of all her children became president? It is because Mercury and the Sun are at the zero

    degree of Leo, which means that the president of the country (0of Leo - a leader, a president) will be one of

    her children born under the sign ruled by Mercury (Gemini or Virgo). As we know, John F Kennedy was born

    under Gemini. However, as much as the position of her Mercury and the Sun at the zero degree brought John

    the presidential position, Pluto (death, killing) conjunction Neptune (plots, assassinations) in her fifth house

    (children) resulted in his assassination in the streets (Gemini) of Dallas . As Gemini is a dual sign, another of

    her children, Robert Kennedy, lost his life in an astrologically similar way: as the result of a plot, he was

    assassinated in a hotel ( Neptune ) stairwell (Gemini) while delivering a speech.

    One of my clients (24 August 1971, Belgrade , 20E30, 44N50, 11:30 AM, CET-1) has the Sun (vitality,

    to be healthy) at 0 of Virgo and is constantly worried about his health (Virgo - health/illness).

    There are many examples for the influence of the zero degree of the signs. For example, one of my female

    clients, born on 27 September 1968 (11:14AM, CET-1, 18E56, 42N47), has Venus, the ruler of the sixth

    house (health) at the zero degree of Scorpio (surgeries), and has had to have her thyroid gland (ruled by

    Venus) operated on (zero degree of Scorpio). The cusp of her eighth house (surgery) starts at the 12th degree

    of Cancer, and thus she kept the operation (the eighth house) a secret (12th degree has the symbolism of

    Pisces - to keep a secret) from her mother (the eighth house in Cancer - the ruler: the Moon - mother).

    One of my students (4 December 1954, 21:05, CET-1, 20E25, 44N51) has the Moon (mother) at zero

    degrees of Aries (to construct, to build). She says: "My mother can never get enough of constructing and

    building; she would build 500 houses if she could.." In addition, the Moon trines Jupiter (abundance).

    The United States , and the rest of the world, well remembers 24 October 1929 (11:15 AM, EST+5,

    New York , 74W00, 40N43), the day when the New York stock market crashed. The day was nicknamed

    'Black Thursday' because it was the beginning of a great depression, with much misery and poverty. The

    ascendant of that event is at the zero degree of Capricorn, having all the essential characteristics of that sign -

    misery, sadness, depression, darkness.

    A client's son (22 December 1985, Belgrade , 20E30, 44N50, 20:15, CET-1) has the Sun in his fifth

    house (the things we like) at the zero degree of Capricorn. My client says of her son: "He likes black men so

    much that he has even begun to dress the way they do." The Sun rules his ascendant (face, appearance) and

    so he wishes to resemble black men (zero degree of Capricorn - Capricorn rules the black race); the Sun is in

    his fifth house, hence he likes (the fifth house) black men (the zero degree of Capricorn).

    Our great scientist Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856, Smiljan, 15E17, 44N34, 0047 AM, CET) has the cusp of

    the 10th house (MC) at the zero degree of Aquarius, and gained great fame and success (the 10th house)

    within the symbolism of the zero degree of Aquarius - electricity, discoveries, inventions, brilliant mind. His

    Uranus, the ruler of the 10th house, is at the 23rd degree of Taurus, and this particular degree has the

    symbolism of Aquarius, lending special powers to his Uranus.

    Nikola Stojanovic

    Percy Seymour on: March 08, 2011, 04:50:17 AM

    A couple weeks ago I stumbled upon this interview dating back to the late 1990's between Dr. Percy Seymour and The Mountain Astrologer.

    Interesting? I am thinking there might be a link to McCanney's work but do not know enough about either theories (got to order some books!) to say.

    You might want to check out the link for the images.


    I would post the article but it says all rights reserved and is about 16 pages.

    A brief synopsis:

    Percy Seymour holds doctorates in astronomy and astrophysics, according to the article, and is a charter member of the Institute of Physics and member of the Royal

    Astronomical Society.

    He is attempting to make a bridge between astronomy and astrology, in particular, that certain astrological aspects (alignments) effect sunspot cycles.

    He draws on Michel Gauquelin studies, which coined the "Mars effect" on planetary heredity links.

    In short he is making a case for planets playing a role in disturbing both earth and solar magnetic fields.

    I will try to give more detail at a later time but it might be an interesting discussion among those who like this kind of science.

    I found the link by researching astrology, which I find fascinating but am mostly dissatisfied with due to discrepancies and a multitude of methods. So for an astrophysicist

    to pay attention to astrology and in some way bridge the gap is interesting.

    Just off the top of my head, it seems that he could be giving too much credence to the planets effecting the sun rather than the sun being the cause of change in its own

    way, but that is again, off the top of my head, and based upon what I remember the C's having said about the sun being a reactor more than reactionary. (paraphrased)

    I am sure there is an interrelationship, I just don't know if what he is proposing is necessarily correct.

    It was news to me though, so thought I would share.

    Here is the first paragraph:


    Since the dawn of human history, stargazers have sought to discover the forces by which the planets influence life on Earth. Now, as we enter the 21st century, the long

    search for a physical mechanism that explains how astrology works may at last be nearing an end. Apropos to these times, which many astrologers believe to be a Neo-

    Renaissance period for astrology, an English astronomer named Percy Seymour has formulated a scientific theory of astral influences that describes the solar system as an

    intricate web of planetary fields and resonances. The Sun, Moon, and planets telegraph their effects to us via magnetic signals, says Seymour, an astrophysicist and

    respected authority in the field of cosmic magnetism. Omnipresent throughout the universe, magnetism is known to affect the biological cycles of numerous creatures here

    on Earth, including humans. In sum, Seymour's multi-link theory proposes that the planets raise tides in the gases of the Sun, creating sunspots and their particle

    emissions, which then travel across interplanetary space to strike Earth's magnetosphere, ringing it like a bell.[1] (See Fig. 1) These planetary magnetic signals are then

    perceived by the neural network of the fetus inside the mother's womb, heralding the child's birth.

    The Magus of Magnetism: An Interview With Dr. Percy

  • SeymourAn Astronomer's Magnetic Theory of Astrology andHow Planetary Motion Orchestrates Solar Activity and Geomagnetismby Bronwyn Elko[This article first appeared in issue #80 August/September 1998 of The Mountain Astrologer. Thanks to The Mountain Astrologer for allowing us to post this article from their magazine!]

    Since the dawn of human history, stargazers have sought to discover the forces by which the planets influence life on Earth. Now, as we enter the 21st century, the long search for a physical mechanism that explains how astrology works may at last be nearing an end. Apropos to these times, which many astrologers believe to be a Neo-Renaissance period for astrology, an English astronomer named Percy Seymour has formulated a scientific theory of astral influences that describes the solar system as an intricate web of planetary fields and resonances. The Sun, Moon, and planets telegraph their effects to us via magnetic signals, says Seymour, an astrophysicist and respected authority in the field of cosmic magnetism. Omnipresent throughout the universe, magnetism is known to affect the biological cycles of numerous creatures here on Earth, including humans. In sum, Seymour's multi-link theory proposes that the planets raise tides in the gases of the Sun, creating sunspots and their particle emissions, which then travel across interplanetary space to strike Earth's magnetosphere, ringing it like a bell.[1] (See Fig. 1) These planetary magnetic signals are then perceived by the neural network of the fetus inside the mother's womb, heralding the child's birth.

    Seymour's "magnetoastrology" theory[2] expands themes from French statistician and scientist Michel Gauquelin's work, in which human biological clocks keep time withthe planets.[3] Gauquelin's studies, which showed striking planetary similarities in the birth charts of parents and their children, comprise the strongest scientific evidence in support of astrology to date. But, whereas Gauquelin's studies showed planetary influences for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon, Seymour proposes that Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune also play a role in orchestrating the sunspot cycle and violent solar activity.Like Michel Gauquelin before him, Seymour's alignment with astrology predictably raised a storm of protest from several members of the scientific community when his book, Astrology: The Evidence of Science, appeared in April 1989. In an Omni interview later that same year, Seymour commented, "Of course, I expected people to take objection to my theory. But I didn't expect the reaction to be so vehement or so irrational."[4]Seymour brings to the astrology-science debate a rich body of experience and credentials. His grandfather taught him to identify Orion's belt and other southern constellations. Growing up as the son of an interracial couple in apartheid South Africa, Seymour also learned what it meant to be labelled "Cape colored," a racist colloquialism applied in that country to non-whites. It was an experience that has left him intolerant of bigotry of any kind, including the prejudicial arguments against astrology employed by some scientists. Holding doctorates in astronomy and astrophysics, Seymour's expertise in the study of the magnetic fields that thread our galaxy, and his book, Cosmic Magnetism, have won him academic acclaim.[5] Director of the William Day Planetarium and principal lecturer in astronomy at the University of Plymouth, Seymour teaches gifted undergraduate students and conducts research in astronomy. In addition to Cosmic Magnetism, he is the author of five books: Halley's Comet, The Scientific Basis of Astrology, Astrology: The Evidence of Science, The Paranormal: Beyond Sensory Science, and Adventures in Astronomy, a hands-on approach to building simple astrolabes, star clocks, and sundials.A chartered member of the Institute of Physics and Fellow member of the Royal Astronomical Society, Seymour's fascination with navigational instruments and the history of science has inspired him to organize and hold a pioneering conference at Plymouth University entitled, "Navigation in Astronomy." Scheduled to run simultaneously with the "Astrology in the 21st Century" conference, which is being organized by the Astrological Association of Great Britain, these two events will bring hundreds of astrologers and astronomers together under the full shadow of the much-discussed eclipse of August 11, 1999. Conferenceattendees from the sister sciences will be observing the total eclipse from Plymouth Hoe, a vast, elevated, southern-facing waterfront with adjacent promenade, from which spectacular open vistas will maximize visibility.Seymour lives in southwest England with his wife, Dianna, and his 16-year-old son, Bruce. He enjoys walking the moors in the company of family pets, a beagle and a spaniel. A Sun-sign Capricorn and self-described "inventive fixer-upper" with Uranus in Taurus on the IC, Seymour restores old family furniture in his spare time and reads extensively. Our first transcontinental conversation occurred during an exact Sun-Jupiter conjunction.[Editor's Note: A Glossary of terms is presented following the article.]TMA: How did you first become interested in astrology?Percy Seymour: In the summer of 1984 a BBC film training crew came to Plymouth to do a film about astrology. The film crew interviewed people on the streets and byways, asking their views on the subject. They sought out my opinion due to my reputation here in Plymouth as the reigning authority on astronomy. Of course, as a trained astronomer and physicist, I trotted out all the normal objections. I told them that I knew there was some evidence in support of astrology, but that I couldn't think of a mechanism that might explain how the planets affect human life. It was actually the first time I'd been put on the line, so to speak, with no other astronomers there to back me up. (laughs) Suddenly these arguments didn't sound right to me. They ruled out the idea that any progress could be made in this area. They were totally dogmatic. And that got me thinking.Then one of the BBC interviewers asked me whether I'd read a book, Astrology: Science or Superstition?, in which authors Eysenck and Nias suggest that solar disturbances and their particle emissions are the most probable link between biological and extraterrestrial events.[6] Also mentioned by the BBC people was the work of a radio engineer named

  • Nelson, who had apparently noted heliocentric planetary alignments corresponding with bad radio conditions.[7] At the time, I hadn't heard of either of these works. After the film crew left I found myself delving deeper into the scientific objections to astrology, and it became quite clear to me that the arguments being put forth were based on single-link theories, simple models that are easy to disprove. A well-known example of this is using gravity to explain how a planet might directly influence the fetus, and then showing how this can't possibly work because of the weak tidal tug of the planets. This type of approach completely ignores the possibility of multi-link theories.A multi-link theory being one that draws upon several different scientific disciplines?That's right. It's my view that those who use simplistic models to disprove astrology are violating the principles of the philosophy of science, which is a particular interest of mine. From the viewpoint of the philosophy of science, any number of theories may be shown not to work, but to say it follows that no theory of astrology can work is just bad science. It totally rules out scientific method. So, having examined the arguments that supposedly disproved astrology, I came to the conclusion that they were totally unscientific - a form of rationalized bigotry cloaked in academic language.I know you've been influenced by Gauquelin's research. Have you been following the controversy that still surroundshis results?In The Journal of Scientific Exploration, Gauquelin's Mars effect[8] has again come under attack, most recently by the Committee PARA of Belgium.[9] One of its members decided to defend their earlier arguments, claiming that, although the Mars effect showed interesting correlations between planetary positions at birth and eminence in certain professions, Gauquelin's controls weren't rigorous enough because he failed to consider all of the sociodemographic factors involved, leaving his results inconclusive. On the other hand, there are those who, over the last three years, have reassessed their original objections, largely, I think, as the result of Suitbert Ertel's and Ken Irving's book, The Tenacious Mars Effect.[10]What do you think?I've always known about this argument regarding the Mars effect. Basically, the difficulty lies in defining in objective terms what constitutes eminence in professions. I found Gauquelin's work on planetary heredity links[11] much more interesting, as it dealt exclusively with hard data-time, place of birth, and the planetary positions for both parents and child. In those studies, it was shown that, if a certain planet in a parent's birth chart was placed in a Gauquelin planetary zone of influence (see Fig. 2), the child showed a tendency to be born with a similar planetary placement. So these new objections to Gauquelin's work are limited, in my view, because they totally ignore the planetary heredity effect.Gauquelin's studies also showed that on days when the geomagnetic index was high, the planetary heredity effects of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and, to some extent, the Moon, were enhanced (see Fig. 3). This seemed very significant to me because geomagnetism is known to rise during periods of heightened solar activity. The level and intensity of solar activity waxes and wanes within the eleven-year solar cycle, also called the sunspot cycle. My theory proposes that certain planetary alignments affect solar activity. Thus, the build-up of sunspots within the solar cycle can be accounted for by the complex interactions of planetary forces acting upon the Sun's magnetic field, which in turn affects Earth's magnetosphere. (A sunspot is a dark area in the Sun's photosphere, or visible surface layers, that is associated with strong magnetic fields.)This brings us to another intriguing aspect of Gauquelin's planetary heredity work that his critics often ignore, and which fueled my interest in astrology-the fact that the four-pronged pattern, involving two large peaks and two small peaks, that emerges for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon, is very similar to the shape of the average lunar daily magnetic variation for one month. Earth's magnetosphere (see Fig. 4) contains a wide range of frequencies, one of which we know is connected to the Moon, and is well known to geophysicists. This lunar daily magnetic variation is caused by the Moon tugging at the layers of plasma, or charged particles, trapped in Earth's magnetosphere. When this plasma is dragged around by the Moon's tidal forces, it causes variations in the atmospheric pressure at ground level, and these we can measure. So, this resemblance between Gauquelin's four-pronged pattern for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon and the pattern for the monthly average of the lunar daily magnetic variation suggested to me that the tidal tugs of the planets were in some way disturbing Earth's magnetosphere, just as the Moon and Sun are known to do. I began to suspect the existence of a daily planetary magnetic variation, different for each planet, which might account for Gauquelin's planetary maximums all falling into this same four-pronged pattern.

    Your theory posits that the planets play a role in disturbing both Earth's and Sun's magnetic fields. First, tell us how the planets affect solar activity.According to my theory, the tidal effects of the planets on the geometry of the Sun's field disrupt that field, causing violent solar activity. We're saying that it doesn't matter that the tidal forces of the planets are weak; they can be amplified via what I call magneto tidal resonance. I'll try to explain this as simply as possible.

  • The Sun's magnetic field can be pictured as a series of meridian lines that, roughly speaking, come in at the south pole and go out at the north pole (see Fig. 5A).Because the Sun's equator rotates faster than its polar regions, these lines of force become stretched and distorted over time (see Fig. 5B).The indication is that, as the solar cycle progresses, just below the surface of the Sun the magnetic lines or tubes of force are getting twisted, dragged sideways. The field is getting "wound up" by the differential rotation of the Sun. As the sunspot cycle builds toward maximum, because the equatorial regions of the Sun rotate faster than the polar regions, the north-south lines are distorted, forming a series of magnetic canals parallel to the surface oneither side of the solar equator (see Fig. 5C).The eddy currents twist and braid the lines of force in these canals to form ropes of magnetic force. It is these ropes that will eventually form the loops for the generation of the field. Conventional theory requires that the lines of force generally remain in circles parallel to the equator (i.e., without braiding). Bundles of lines of force in these regions, all pointing in the same direction, will repel each other, thus creating elongation "bubbles" in which the density will be lower. These lower-density bubbles will rise to the surface because of their buoyancy. Unfortunately, this simple theory gives a solar cycle that is only a few months long. Our claim is that braiding considerably reduces the effects of buoyancy. So, in order to explain why the tubes come to the surface, we have invoked tidal resonance.

    Now, what's important about the Sun's magnetic canals is their capacity to greatly amplify the weak tidal forces of the planets. Such canals can amplify planetary tidal effects because they are able to channel the Sun's very hot gases parallel with the equator. If you could pluck one of these canals with your finger, it would vibrate like a violin string. Thus, the magnetic lines of force actually behave like the strings of a musical instrument. And what we've shown is how the weak tidal effects of the planets on the gases trapped in these lines of force could give rise to resonance late in the solar cycle.

    What we've basically done is apply George Biddell Airy's canal theory of ocean tides to the magnetic canals beneath the surface of the Sun.[12] Airy worked out a rigorous mathematical theory which showed that if you constructed a specially designed water canal around Earth's equator, a wave traveling around the canal could become amplified. Amplification of this kind is called resonance, and it means that you can get much bigger ocean tides than normal. How you get tidal resonance in the case of the Sun works like this. Say you take the subplanetary point of Jupiter and plot its course across the surface of the Sun. As the Sun spins on its axis, Jupiter's subplanetary point moves across the Sun's surface at a specific speed.Now, the braided lines of force vibrate with their own frequency as they travel around the Sun's magnetic canals. The speed of the wave as it goes around the magnetic canals is called the Alfven speed, which varies within the solar cycle. The Alfven speed of the free wave moving along the canal travels faster and faster as the solar cycle progresses toward maximum. When the speed of Jupiter's subplanetary point matches the speed with which the free wave propagates along the Sun's canals, you'll get resonance. In other words, the free wave that keeps step with the subplanetary point grows as it travels around the Sun, and will gain amplitude. I call this phenomenon magneto tidal resonance. When the tidal tug of a planet sits on a given wave crest traveling around the magnetic canals, it causes the wave to grow in size, until eventually it erupts on the Suns surface in the form of a bridge, or prominence. The "feet" of the bridge, or prominence, are called sunspots. The loops or prominence of sunspots that arch high above the visible surface are still anchored in the active sunspot region of the Sun (see Figs. 6 and 7).

    They will be stretched out into interplanetary space by a stream of energetic particles, called the solar wind, which gusts against Earth's magnetosphere, causing it to fluctuate.

    Which planetary alignments disrupt the Sun's magnetic field?Jane Blizard's work for NASA showed evidence for heliocentric planetary conjunctions, oppositions, and certain 90" alignments giving rise to violent solar disturbances.[13] No one could explain the squares until we put forward this theory. Since each planet possesses its own orbital speed around the Sun, the speed of each subplanetary point differs as it moves across the surface of the Sun. Say, for example, that the speed of the Alfven free wave within magnetic canals of different depths lies between the speed of Jupiter and the speed of Saturn. Then you can actually get a Jupiter-Saturn heliocentric square configuration that gives rise to strong events on the Sun. So our theory is able to explain this aspect of Blizard's work.The theory also goes further in proposing that the regular magnetic reversal of the Sun's field, which occurs roughly every eleven years, is due to the tidal effects of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The Sun itself actually moves about the common center of mass of the solar system with a period of just over ten years, and this is mainly due to the pull of Jupiter and Saturn. By violently tugging on the common center of the mass of the solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune cause the little eddy currents that

  • generate the Sun's magnetic field to reverse or flip over from being in one direction to being in another direction. (See Fig. 8)

    As these four planets cause the flipping over of the Sun's magnetic field, and the Sun's equator rotates faster than the poles, the lines of force are dragged into the form of canals. Then all the planets in turn can play a part in disrupting the Sun's magnetic canals.So, we've clarified how the planets can affect the magnetism of the Sun by amplifying tidal resonance. We've also generalized the theory by extending the application of magneto tidal resonance to Earth's magnetosphere. We're saying that some of the planets can have a direct influence on Earth's magnetic field.Certain planets directly affect Earth's magnetosphere, not just via the solar wind?Yes, I think so. Earth's magnetic field shows myriad bands of frequencies, ranging from a few minutes to several years. We know one such frequency is associated with the Moon-the lunar daily magnetic variation. Not all of these frequencies will have a coherence about them. When they start and end will be random. But, say you have a spectral line or frequency in Earth's magnetic field that is very close to the synodic period of Mars. If placed on a graph, you would see a peak that closely coincides with the synodic period of Mars. Just as resonance occurs when the subplanetary point of Mars moving across the surface of the Sun matches the speed of the free wave, resonance can also happen when the frequency of Mars closely matches a frequency already present within Earth's magnetic field. It then becomes phase-locked. In other words, those frequencies in Earth's magnetosphere that are close to the tidal frequencies of the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will remain in step with those planets. Youll have one magnetic frequency associated with Mars, another with Jupiter, and so on.Your theory draws upon research into the biological consequences of fluctuations in Earth's magnetosphere. How did thisresearch impact the formulation of your theory?In the process of trying to formulate a mechanism to explain Gauquelin's results, I was led to consider magnetobiology, a vast body of knowledge that links planetary alignments with magnetic events on the Sun and the biological consequences of fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field. That's what actually gave me the idea that there is a mechanism, magneto tidal resonance, which can not only explain the Sun's magnetism, but also why specific fluctuations in Earth's magnetosphere can get phase-locked with the tidal effects of the planets.Research in magnetobiology shows that a wide variety of organisms respond to changes in Earth's magnetic field.[14] Forinstance, Professor Franck Brown of Northwestern University, who has done much work in this area, showed how mudsnails and turtles followed the lunar daily magnetic variation even when these creatures were removed from the sea and lodged inside laboratory tanks.[15] The experiments of Dr. Robin Baker of Manchester University suggest that humans are also sensitive to changes in Earth's magnetic field.[16] Baker first placed people inside a darkened room and asked them to locate North. Most of the time people got it right. But when Baker then fitted these same subjects with a little magnetic skullcap, they lost their ability to find North. This strongly suggests the presence of an internal compass or biological clock.What I think might be happening is that the fetus's neural network acts as a sort of antenna that tunes into fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field. The imprinting of the neural antennae depends on genetic heredity, which gives us our basic congenital personality. Thus, the fetus is genetically predisposed to hear specific planetary signals, much as a radio is resonantly tuned to receive a particular station. So it's not that the planets make the person. Rather, the planets label a person's genetic predisposition to respond to specific magnetic signals.Take the Moon in the case of the lunar personality. We already know that the lunar daily magnetic variation has two peaks and two troughs that roughly correspond to Gauquelin's four-pronged pattern of the child born with a lunar personality. This suggests that the fetus is responding when the lunar daily magnetic variation is at either maximum or minimum, but nowhere between these two extremes. It doesn't matter whether it's a peak or a trough because it is acting on something in the body that is responding to the lunar daily magnetic variation. The neural network of the fetus thus tunes into very low frequency fluctuations in Earth's field that are connected with where the Moon is, and ignores all others.Looking at the lunar daily magnetic variation around the globe, however, shows that the peak of the lunar daily magnetic variation doesn't always occur when the Moon is about to rise. There can be a phase lag, which is a function of the longitude and latitude on the surface of Earth, that is actually telling you something about the geometry of the field in that particular locale. This can be caused by geological deposits of magnetic materials. The Moon rises at a given observatory, and the lunar daily magnetic variation peaks, but at another observatory where the geometry of the field is different, it might peak up to 40 minutes later. The peak won't exactly coincide with the Moon rising on the horizon. There's a time delay vis--vis the Moon's position due to the phase lag. So the fetus doesn't really respond to where the Moon is in the sky per se, but to the actual physical agency that the Moon is affecting, in this case the lunar daily magnetic variation.The fact that a phase lag occurs as a result of changes in the local geometry of the field could explain why Gauquelin's third study of planetary heredity effects failed to support his two earlier findings.[17] After successfully replicating the planetary heredity link on two separate occasions, Gauquelin was deeply puzzled when the third study failed to yield similar results. This anomaly might be explained by the fact that the local magnetic field alters over a given period of time, due to variations in Earth's field that are longer-term changes of internal origin (see Fig. 9). And I think this is where a theory can perhaps help improve astrological prediction. What we need to do now is actually observe and compare what the lunar daily magnetic variation is doing at the time and location of the births of lunar-personality children. If my theory is correct, these children will be born when the lunar daily magnetic variation peaks.

  • You propose that pairs of planetary alignments dominate the solar cycle during specific periods. Does this mean that certain conjunctions or oppositions possess greater intensity than others?I think this might be so. It might well be that the human neural network has a threshold above which the magnetic fluctuations of given planets must be in order for it to respond to these signals. So it's likely that certain planetary alignments will cause the geomagnetic tide of specific planets to be above this level.As things look presently, it seems likely that Mercury and Venus are the planets that first play a role early in the solar cycle by giving rise to high solar activity. They are followed by Venus and Earth, then Earth and Mars, gradually working out toward the outer planets. Because of their size and relative proximity to the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn cause larger tides than the other planets. Jupiter and Saturn play the major role late in the solar cycle, whereas the inner planets play an important part early in the solar cycle, but only for short periods. This is because the formation of the canals and the braiding are giving rise to an enhanced magnetic field. The Alfven speed depends on the strength of this field, increasing as the strength increases. The inner planets soon pass out of resonance, but the outer planets stay in resonance longer because they move through only small angles during one rotation of the Sun's equator. Hence, according to our theory, the dominant planets would be Jupiter and Saturn later in the solar cycle. One of my Ph.D. students is presently trying to map this planetary sequence, but the rigorous calculations have yet to be further worked out.We've expanded the theory since 1992, but we still can't explain everything about Gauquelin's results. We know that high sunspot activity causes Earth's magnetosphere to grow in size, amplifying solar-terrestrial effects. Gauquelin himself noted that periods of violent solar activity corresponded with enhanced planetary heredity results.[18]You mention in your books that, while there's strong evidence supporting the effect of planetary alignments as seen from the Sun, only some evidence exists to support geocentric aspects. What does this mean in terms of your theory?If you have, say, a Sun-Jupiter conjunction opposite Saturn, the planets are actually all in a straight line. It doesn't matter whether the view is heliocentric or geocentric, but, with the square, it depends on which planets are involved. An exact heliocentric square of Jupiter and Saturn, as seen from Earth, would be about 98" instead of 90". Tight squares involving Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are possibly influential. But the theory thus far rules out geocentric squares involving inner planets with outer planets because, heliocentrically, the orb would be too wide. Smaller aspects, such as semi-squares, also do not appear to be influential.Where does Pluto fit into this scheme?We haven't actually plotted Pluto because its orbit is too elliptical and the planet too lightweight to have much of an effect in terms of my theory. However, we're not ruling out the possibility that it may play a role later on in the solar cycle.Ten years have passed since you first proposed your ideas on how astrology may work. Have there been any new developments or discoveries since then that either support or alter your theory?We've found out that the strength of the field that we've calculated is in keeping with the strength of the field measured by other methods, such as the Zeeman effect, which is how the magnetic field affects the light of the Sun. The theory gives us an independent method of calculating what the strength of the magnetic field of the Sun ought to be in sunspots in order to make this mechanism work. It also explains quite naturally why there is a migration of sunspots from higher to lower latitudes as the solar cycle progresses toward maximum (see Fig. 10). According to our theory, sunspots should migrate toward the Sun's equator in a way that is consistent with a solar cycle of roughly eleven years. This just sprang out of the equations once we began dealing with the more detailed calculations, and we didnt realize it until 1993. In other words, the theory explains sunspot migration in a way that suggests the theory itself is correct in some respects. Interestingly, our critics often ignore these facts. We're not saying our theory is right, but at least it doesn't run into certain problems presented by other theories that say the solar cycle should only be a few months long.

    You once mentioned hopes for predicting the next sunspot maximum.[19] Have you made any progress?We're still working on this. Our calculations thus far seem to suggest that the next solar maximum will be around May 2000, when Jupiter and Saturn are making particularly strong alignments.[20] Both planets play a role in two different aspects of the theory. That is, Jupiter and Saturn both affect the canals of the Sun and play a role in determining how the Sun moves about the common center of mass of the Solar System. So, given what we know so far, May 2000 should coincide with the next solar maximum.You've organized a conference to be held at Plymouth University during the August 11, 1999 eclipse. "Navigation in Astronomy" is scheduled to run parallel with another conference, "Astrology in the 21st Century," organized by the Astrological Association of Great Britain. What hopes do you have for astrologers and astronomers rubbing

  • shoulders at these event?The Astrological Association of Great Britain is holding their conference in conjunction with ours at my suggestion. The conference I'm organizing is on the impact of navigation on the history of science. Nautical instruments are another keen interest of mine, so in a way it's an opportunity for me to combine several areas of interest under one umbrella. But I also hope the conference will inspire scientists to realize that astronomy wouldn't exist without the two main stimuli of navigation and astrology. Greenwich Observatory, for example, wasnt founded solely in the interests of science, but to solve the longitude problem. Then Greenwich broadened its work to include all extraterrestrial events affecting navigation. And when it was found that the compass needle had a deviation that depended on the sunspot cycle, a solar observatory was also set up. Some astronomers are snooty in that they dismiss all astrology as superstition, which is wrong. The Greek and Babylonian astrology that arose 200 years before the birth of Christ was different from earlier star lore, which was more the result of an associative process. From Greco-Babylonian astrology emerged the first systematic attempt to form a theory that could explain life and the universe, a Theory of Everything, which is basically what physicists strive to formulate today. The great historian of science, Otto Neugebauer, pointed out that it is wrong to dismiss the astrology of the ancient world, because it heralded the beginning of an orderly methodology as a means of formulating a theory within which all phenomena could be explained.[21] So I hope conference attendees will mix their diet with both astrology and astronomy.Any comments on the eclipse itself?As far as my theory is concerned, an eclipse is not any different from a conjunction because the Moon doesn't have a magnetic field that stretches way beyond it. So I don't think it's going to be dramatic from an astrological point of view. The solar cycle will be approaching, but not near, maximum. I do think we're going to see some spectacular solar flares, which would enhance direct planetary effects on the magnetosphere, but not dramatically so. From the point of view of solar activity, May 2000 is the time to watch.The language describing these solar-terrestrial events evokes images of a living system. Particles eject from beneath the surface of the Sun and energize the plasma of Earth's magnetosphere, which resembles a sort of womb. It's similar to how living bodies operate.Yes. The way sunspots are born out of the Sun is very much like the way a baby is born out of the womb. Changes in the Sun's magnetic field can be likened to a gestation period for sunspots. The "flipping" over of the eddy currents, due to the movement of the Sun about the common center of mass of the solar system, determines the total length of time that the field will have one direction of polarity rather than another (see Fig. 8 on page 24). This process and the differential rotation of the Sun are the astrophysical processes that "prepare" the solar magnetic field to respond to the resonant tidal tug of the planets. In this sense, the formation of a sunspot pair plus a loop prominence is somewhat akin to the birth process. And so you have the biological process taking place inside the womb preparing the nervous system to respond to the magneto tides of the planets-causing an ejection from the womb.Modern physicists' viewpoint of the subatomic, deepest level of reality is not dissimilar from that of the mystics of old. I think concepts presented by Fritjof Capra in his book, The Tao of Physics, are essentially correct.[22] And I see my theory in a similar light. We're actually attempting to quantify and rephrase in scientific terms ideas that

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