Download - Redesign on a dime

Page 1: Redesign on a dime
Page 2: Redesign on a dime

Workshop Outline!• Defining your goals. !• Our personal stories.!

• Money-saving tips. !

• Questions and answers.!

Page 3: Redesign on a dime

Reasons to Redesign!1) To improve aesthetics.!

2) To help readers navigate your publication.

3) To update the look.

4) To take advantage of new technology.!

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Time to Redesign!

• Skillset is developed.!

• Design is NOT doing justice to the editorial.!

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Otherʼs Assessment!• “Too gray”!

• “Too cluttered”!

• “Too hard to read”!

• “Too piecey”!

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Otherʼs Assessment!

• “Too gray”!

• “Too cluttered”!

• “Too hard to read”!

• “Too piecey”!

Not gonna happen!!

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Now What? Now Who?!

• To improve aesthetics.!

• To improve navigatability.!

• To modernize.!

• To use direct-to-plate.!

Something STILL needs to be done!!

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Here we go…!

1) Critically analyze current publication and determine what has to go or simply be addressed.!

5 Steps to a New Design:!

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Here we go…!

A) Fonts!No more Korinna!!

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Here we go…!

B) Table of Contents

Page!• Little to lure reader!

• Stories lumped together!

• Poor-quality graphics!

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Here we go…!

C) Column Headers !

• Inconsistent styles and sizes!

• Poor-quality graphics!

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Here we go…!

D) All Justified!

E) Small, Square Pictures!

Think outside the box!!

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Here we go…!

F) No End Marks!

G) Text-Heavy Copy!

H) Heavy Rules!

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Here we go…!

2) Take into account special considerations.!

5 Steps to a New Design:!

KEEPERS: Branding heritage, Masthead/cover!

CONSIDERATIONS: Uniqueness of columns, !! Partial-page ads!

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Here we go…!

3) Build a folder to generate ideas.!

5 Steps to a New Design:!

Clip and flag examples of what you like!

AND what you donʼt like!!

Fodder: Other ag and non-ag publications!

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Here we go…!

4) Make your choices.!

5 Steps to a New Design:!

A) Fonts

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a

New Design:!

B) Table of Contents Page!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a New Design:!

C) Columns • Common artwork!

• Resource info!• Uniform look!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a

New Design:!

D) Alignment • Justified body type!

• Ragged right sidebars!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a

New Design:!

E) Photos • More photos!

• Bigger photos!• Various shapes!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a New Design:!

F) End marks • Signals the end!

• Complements other artwork!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a

New Design:!

G) Break-up the Copy

• Larger pictures!

• Blow quotes!

• Bulleted lists!

• Tables!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a

New Design:!

H) Rules • 1 point vs. 2 or 3!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a

New Design:!

I) Masthead/Cover Good to go!!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a

New Design:!

J) Partial-page ads Scoot to the bottom

and left.!

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Here we go…!5 Steps to a New Design:!

4) Evaluate. Revise.!

Wait. Repeat.!

5) Launch and enjoy!!

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Pros and Cons!

PROS! CONS!• You know your pub best.!• You set your own timeline.!• Itʼs rewarding. !

• No one to collaborate with.!• Time investment.!

Redesign – Doing it yourself!

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Money-Saving Tips!

• DONʼT skip the goal-setting step.!

• DONʼT feel compelled to do it all yourself. !

• DO it right the first time.!

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