Page 1: RBBU.ATISM, - Memorial University of · QUE'EN lNSUR.l.NCP. BUlX.DlNO, ~lVERPOOL; ... llo bl' ob\lliocd



THOMPSON'S Medical Hall.

1 QUEIEN Insurance <(ompany.

• I

(Establlebed 1866.) ' .

.T ullt recei \'00 t tbo Sl'rin!;'s Stock of N.K\V GOOD::! I

(;iliT'Aiwo1ys on b and-a full supt•ly of M b:Olt:I~ ~. DRUG::!, TU.(I,lo..'T .Anl'ICL~S. ~c.

~Purliculnt· nttention pn id to PRF: · r-1 . ~C4n l l''~lONS. ·

Wltolest\le agent fo r J & cf.

• 'fill\ fu\lowing II re IIOU:.U Of the ltcn~.--

E11os Faui~ Suit, Qn1uine \\' i ' K c:ttinc;'s Insect l'owders

o T hoo1ns'" Eclt>ctric Uil DI\,Y lhuu. Benzine, ltiaing N ixoy's Ulaf1clt>ad. Uham~n.•u~aa Hroau;o. CJul1 · ~c:~f, llrllllllWick Le:-.r"s I': IMt~ l nllia Hubbtor V .. ruiah h:a 1 1\.fll •'s~, P oli•h Cl .. th..s Bru h oa, Jl '\lr Uruah,•e 'N •• ;: d o r ocoth d o l:ill:." iu::~. do.. n rca "'t Heliu•·.,n Ch'ltor l)il per ga lln u • .Io. in bottles Uour t P!Mter, ~<•ll\ Crumm C:oJ Li1ur Oal pcr ~::~11 on tlu , i n bolt l~:;, D rcu:nu Cof\bs. t inc C.:u.tu hs. Cawa.ry Seed C•lflccutrnt~ Lyo, llo ttlu Corks Cream of Tan!lr, l~ncmM, G.lyccrino }<'u ruituN l 'oliah , Glue, (;tu uarnhic. llun~~ lui:uat.! Feud in!l 11uttlc•. lln•:tat G IM 1c•. Dunnul Gino. 1\.riV'at.; .. a·~tal ino , l.uuwn_l'cd l~imo J uice, Li•\;' o•ico, ~l 11ch i uu l til lltncilago . :\ il'l' cs fur 1:-'t·Nian;.t H••ttlo• lS 0!\\.sfQ<•~ Uil, Re<l nd \' cllv« o~ltTcll D ry hoinu- f\11 • lt:\\les. ~'itw Cl;)y ] ' ,I ll Unxca an.I l'ulfa. l'iu k Jt,,.,t l ' tllltiCC Swno. lluain. S11, l. 1-'runo·lb. S.di\J Oil J.Ot l(nlluu, ch •. in bvt d cft f'l\lt.s .,r Louron. t pct ru. :<eid lil:r. l'u•Ydura G <Jnl Shdl:.c, Snuff llcnns, Culilu So4fl Thumpauu's ~l:l lk" ~•"'!' ) lro•Tu \\' incl .. ·r d .. . Cllyecrino tlo . ( ' r l..-•u:r.te .,; ::-:oJI\, Wulaiuo; Cn ·atal Sp ric.a of Turpcn~o,~, Sj*IJinl(l flluo s1 ... n •c• , Tahlo &H. \l.;thera Pltt.atoro AIC(~i 'a P<>rona f'h 'l'uturic Acid F~eucc. .,f Lenton. Tooth Pt~wdllC & p...,,. Cop"l \ ' uaU.h. Vinc;:~tr. Cuprena E ~:tp.c:~ of Ln~\'ioo4, (;rnun•l tin. . Atl.~a\\·& l ndiati S,V\'0, Wat.rc•u 1 !:lcholut!avn Mro Alhm 'a Uair ltc•to,·cr . Aycr a Cherry Poc:tc.: ''· Aycr'a ~rup11rill ~t l t "oJ"ay'a ltt •oh ·en r, Bnlta'h "01l

do !l-ead,. l~cl iuf, C!lclwus Urown' • IJr ln~hi&l 'frachev. Flor i• I" W,.Lcr l hv wn'a CJ.urmliuc, .z\ ycr ·• U1u r \"igor~ Chiltlfull'a Jlx'lh iug R in;:s, I::s. Pupvcrmwl llonrya Oal!incd ~a;:ncaia . . lhii""'"Y·~ Ointanont , livllolfny • Palla Ou.:klo'a P illa, H unt 'l do No.-wn•a do P :m 10n'e do Ayc.r'• do ~lo.rrMn'a do H·•d""Y'11Ao Wilaou'a do J ohn-'ou'• Aoody'lo Lii111on l

CA.PIT.t. r .-£Sl,ooo,ooo S.:t.orlin8. QUE'EN lNSUR.l.NCP. BUlX.DlNO,





PORT. 'f11e Ropon 1\nrl Accounts fO\· tho

YCJ.\r IST8,1.\l'CSCIIt.6'1 to thn S bat-chohle t'tl at the Annu11l MHeting,on 1\u~.sday,27tb

\ 8i9,1\t wloich ~crnM'I Rail, Esq., ,,..,,. .. ~, .... tllauwccl, in tho nh·idend and Bonus ut the ntto to;;r thcr of 15 pt>r cont. wa~ec:J.u·cll, £J4,035 llcing ca.r­rit:ol lon. d.

FiR!-~ llRAt\CH, That the Prc111iums lo1· 1878, after

dcJnct ing R o-inMUnHICCK1 l' llh)lllll<'• l to .£-1.5G,27-J., uoit1g nn inc rc:tliO o f .£5,3!)1 ovor tho P reu1ium Tt11!0 IIIIl of l 8 i7 ; IUld tho Lol!Seti 1.o ..!::!51,6(j I , uc iug ~~5. 1 G P"'' cent. on thu Prcnlinms Ql t\10 \."oru·.

I N T il E Ll FE DEl'L\RT~ENT, That Kc w P ulio:ios had bl'en issue.!

f.1r £ :!:!:!,..1 :)5 ; all'l tb:1t tho f,ife Fund, U}' tlt t iUI\K IU:u1 0 lu it liS \ItO I'Cllll)l of thol yc:u-'s O)tl't'tlt ionll !tOW G7.9 JK't· ccnt.of tlto c.u~ire net l'1-cm.i:uus ro:cc i •·eu 0 11 c\·ery P olicy 111 force.

Tlao s url'la:R ' ' " la uco in llac fire Ac· COIIIIt Willi l<h U\\\1 lo lou J; illi ,f!~!) , OUt Of w hich .£:lO,UOU was r I' Jtroprin~d to SaspouHC ,\ c.'OII I\t , mi,.iu;; t h nt A ccount to £11CJ,OOO tln<l mnkiui; wi th tho Hu· •en ·o Fund uuJ llllluiiCtl Cllt'l'ied fu1 Wtull .£ :.!·1,000. -

FU ~O::! c~p: ('aid 'lP . .. ............. ... .. ... ~1 ~"1,03!1 Oenc"'l ltCSC{IIO Funcl. ..... ......... 171),\!W fin' Fund fot \ l auJarneu l'rcanawJIS l411,0ll() Bllla·aco cnrricd forwn..U. ....... . .. . .. \ ·I ,O.'l~ Life Accuuw't&lion Fund ........ . .... 000,819 Ao:auic.~ Fllnd . ... _ ......... ... -. ..... l.~

1'~1-11 ,4 :!8 SDION DONO VAN ,

<:~ucml Agcut for :'\flJ. Su o- ,\ llt:~Ts :

A . T. DJ f\' f>D ALE, H url,or 0 11u:c,

H . 0. SHI~E I I t\N ~ C:O, S t . P ierro.

Oo•c. 2 i , 18 7fl.

Northern Assurance . Company.

F Oit

F:I:B..~i '*' L:E.FEl 1\:enling• Cough Lozcngcll . .

do w.,rm 1'1\hlPta, Mnawng Lammcnt Wootlil'e • • McLe.-m'e Vn~tMfw;;c . \lcJicumenl um M orohond 'a Mnr;nntic l'!aator .

CArrrAv-£ 3,000, 0 0 0

FIR F. J'HE lLll.;li.S ........ . ... ...... ~-t03,C 00 1,1n: do. . ..... . ......... .. , l b7,l00

r o<>r ~Tan'a Vriond, it o.h'" R.s.~ P otaon Rns.~ia S.1l re. Spirit I<'l..1alta ShcriJan'a Cond itiO!\ l'o wder .t\ian.uet'a Lime J uico :1nd Glycerine A La.rge au 'lrlmeut of R imtnel'a perfume Singletcua Golden Eyo Ointmonl W ilaon• Cbc~y Halaam, Violet l'owder

d~ &othing Syt:UJI, Win!llewa· do. Smolcing T ohl\CCO. :Pipu Penknivea Paper}.;, a'(alo pcs, l'l.u4, l'epcila Writing ai·,4 larkin~ l nka T ob&f'Co Pou ea, Camel P eucila Rcating W1 Oipn AuiJinl! D'G' in 6d. pecka~te'a .

. G B c E R I Eji. I

Or~u P ea.nned,) Swul\~ Com, • ~ Olives{'~ led), Cigen, Cigaret«;.a.

Corned Beftf-2 and 4lb. ~ins. \ ~a_t Grou nd Cotre'e, 5aio £nowroot, P earl Barley ~ . Candied Citron Peel, Flavouring E ncoa

do. Leu1<m do. do. Orauge do. Bottle<\ :Frui

C•mt~, Jolliea, Marm&lade, Ottnnod O,aten J, ~ilk, P re.servt:d. 6eot .PHM-rved Yottoo, Soop and Dou illi Ootted To~to, "Potied Hu11, Potted Beof Pom Flour, Pepper, 8pioe1 C innamon OQTO'II"t.T f'eod, Olovea, Ptcklca, Sauces

rrie Po\Jlu, Tb.1ftl"· Sage, l'an!oy 'o.-amt!'face, Table Vinegar, Nntmep

yeDDe npper, Capen. Hatch .. Neleon'a Ot~latio• and Taln~tlaaa ' W oodin'a BakioiS l"'owdor, J>reparecl B ope Robinaou'a Patent Rarley, Eppe OOCC'&

do. do Groab Nene'a 'food fM lofaata, Ball Bhte Mui&rd in ~~ a11d boil!" Peak, FT- A Oo1a oelebrat.d Biacn.ita

In .n, tloe. • · p,_.,,~ laleo~~, d•. LQbmr-, 8a1'Clinee

A larp k CJf KESOSBNB OIL and OBIJ ftB.ete., alwa.)'S on band.


l~TJ::REST ............. ... . . .. . .. . .. ; . 10100< ,

II I::AD QFF l C F.S : I .o:-mmc-::.1 Moorgalo St.r«t • Alll!nDI:Es~ King St reet.

Ia•urance fteffccc d on Property io New. louucllnud at Curtootltn~ca of Pr..:. c.ium.

l?roapeat'n.llea.-ltohna ol A p.p\icatiot! fur 'l{lrJ a01\ Life I us urn:l<'e nnd al1 other InfJ rmnl\on o:llo bl' ob\lliocd at the Offico of

A. U. l M Y'W Af)D 81. Joba'• , Agont for Nfld

Gu~di~n FIRE & LIFE.

~suranc~ Co~'ny OF L~DO,N\

\ • :RGTASLlS H.EO I R?l.

S tnscnta£n CAriTAL., . •.• , ... £2~001),000 " TOTAL F t:!i!IS UP·

• ·•• • •••••r~ · · ·· ' 2,754).()()() ' ' & t'J'I\'AROS OF S.51J,OOO ••

' , _;:?· I • ' • .• t •



RBBU.ATISM, ,e111'tl!gt., S~i«tica, Lum6ago,

Backache, Soreneu of the Che1t, Gout, QuiMJ, Sol'fl Thrord, Swell·

ing1 anti S~in1, Burn1 ar.d $cald1, General Bodi!J i

Pain1, Tooth, Eat" ond 1/eadacH, FI'Oited

Feet Gild Earl, and all othor Pain and Achu.

lfo ~ • -.rtlt eQ1011o tlr.J•<'l• On. .. & .. , ,._ ... ~ , ..... aDd .. El.1c:Nal lloJ1101d7 A UW ntaflo bat tiM -ponU•ti J t11Glnr octl.o1 Oil 10 c .. lA, aad rYW7 oao "'lftrift& trllb polo.,... ba• -p iuMI .-+Un ,_r of U.

~":!.u-. ........ t-r-coe. SOLD BY .lLL Dlt17GG18TB UD Dt!Ltl!.S

II' JreDIOlW:C. A. VOGELER & CO., .u.,,. ...... 4., 11 • • • .AJ


' . &qs., a_re the leading member., Mr. 51lJ. on bla getting weli on i.r tbe nbrth before ttr haVJng beea tho ori,a.ioal organizer of .tbo .ovese Arctic wio~r i.:~ in. Oa the the • OOmpally. .Negotiatiooa for workio~t lSt.b or Auguat the ac.boooer appeared, aotl ' tlt.e!!' 00 au cxtealivo aealo earlr ne,:~ tho Jcannate took In a fresh aupply or coal IJ>nog hue been concluilcd ·witb a atroog ud provisions, nlliit1r for st.· Law. co;upeoy of AmeriCAn capitalist-. Tllo rcoco Bay on tho :!hl. The Fattny

~~~r.fl;~~~=~tJ~~..:;.:!-Hm~m~e~n~w~b~o~w~ero~~~ac~o:~~t~o,e:um:~~io~e~an~d~r~o:-l~H:gde lcrL au extra tupply or coal Ia• uint .,.. ·--~""lfJPlUIO""Mm~ it ia t he 1o SMI Fr.\l'iclsco, bringing 1'1lport• ftom

finL in which . and ai( ,·er hll'I'O Lieut.. D o Lon~. Ho waa in fino epiritt, tncllr ~ OWMFIWil'OliDPT.]

S'f. Jo•~·s, ~Od~ Uec. 1. bun found io 'proximity with copper in anlicip!ltCd 1\ uuld winter, aod wrote with this count ry. Whether t bo lead iK in a eor~ry r.onftdcoce io tbe auc:ceM or tho ex­d iffe rent formation from t he copper ia no~ pt dition. Tho fnrtl, be .Wd, boo bcoa dia­~ll\tcd, buL l 8hould expect to fiud t~t lobia tributed to tho men,hnl they. were notyot in i• tho ct\le. Tb.:~e repeated di.~~eoverios oJ 0 110, n11 the ~mporature waa etillllbO\'o :1!'>0


minemle all go to pro \' C' that our ialaod is e\"Cn in the nigbc.. Ooo of tho Cbiuameo rich in prccioua metals, aud tbu if tho w.,s eick, and w~.Uont back to Srlo Fmaciaco alight cxplor11tiooe now 011rried out havo io tho ~~ellooner. The reel 11f the crew were ~:iven aucb retul\rkablo retulta, the fut ure all well And e.ger to prc111 forward. ia likely to bring with it far richer diacov- 'J1>o J caRnttle re:~cbed St. Lawreooo' nay. c ries when tho country alaall have been in BebrinJ: Straic., Aug. 2~. alte r a .,-ul of open~<l up br milwaJa and thoroughly ex- four d.'Y" Her~ ahe remained for two amiocd. Apart alto~:ctber from our fe r- oii\JI, taking on bo!lrd adeck-lond or turplus ulo: l11ncb, t4erc i• cuo~b io the tt>iooral coal. two n11tivu, to acL aa llrivr n of tho treuurea,fwhich beyonll all doubt tho ill· aledgea. and 40 dog3. She left St. L:t.w· lantl coutl\int , to warrant the cooatruction renco Dny, Aug. :!7, . for tho Arc tic So:~. or a trunk line of mil way, aucb aa that now De Long's plan then wu to mnkc direct uud~r cooatructiou. for Cllpo Scrdze Knmen, in 1\titudo ti7Q

north and \oogitudo 172°, 11h~ro ho hoped

Ja, my leiter o( Norember Sril 1 referred at .. mo le\ucth to ao appareoll) very valu­able de~l or cop~ recently dlaco• ered 11, 1Ja1 Verte , ou ~e }lll!t of the coMt hitherto .known aa- tile "Freoc~ Shore." t-lapplly the name ia DOW no lonl!lfr 11ppro­priate in any uaa, ~w• cao aay tho whole ahore of the iallllld • our own. 1 IN now iu a potitido to repo IIDOtber bot.auz:t. In two lfml\11 ialan<b o« NoLre Dame '&y, called rupcctivcly O~n Ialand and lruli11n h lnnd. 'J'hu c ielaoda are iitoated to the south of Fo~to hla.Ha, and noL hr from the harbor of Sddom-cOtne-'>y. All the cop~cr miuu uo w opened are on tltoahort!s of Notre Uatn~.&y1 or of oue 01 other of its UII11Jcrona arms, Tbe· bosom of the l!rCI\l b.'y ia l tuddiJ wltb DUIDeNua iJiandt , A.nd tht pariial e1plal-lltion to whlcll theJ Tho Story ot the " JeanneUo'a" Voy-buo iaitherto be~a! .. bjected baa ~.o.wn age. that somo of tllem Pf:<1!8<1Dt -rery pror~taaag indic.ttiona of belog wL- Ieu ri~ io mtocral Un tho 8th J uly, 1879, tho J u wntl/e d epo.tin than the iDal,oland, iD proporti,on 111ill!<l from San Fnooi..:o on he r voyage to thetr ex lent.. 1_1 ~unday Covo hlArid, \o t bc Nor~b. frc to which •he was never to l 'illey"s bland, Nri 'W orld lllaod ~nd rctnru. It wu a great dey a t the Golden 'fwillingate Ia land,, aepoaiu

1 more or lcaa C aUl, nntl probably no v~aael ever a:~iled

valuable: hue beei:tooud. Tho cop~er from tho Paoi6c cou& carrJiog with her 10 ore in this r t,:;ou ~~ ~~ lind In lower ailurtau mauy j(odlpceda an.d hearty wi&bea for sue­formations, and U~t uloaulaa re(arc~A~nt CCS9- '1 he boata . or tlae Saa FraocW:o ~I o~•.portioua of ~ lower ai\uri11n bc~a YI\.Cit t Club coiCercd tbo bar, filled with which bave been aW. 10 reai@t tho gl.rlou1l bd1u and j!Cotlemen anxioaa to escort tbe d" uudallon which ~•wept away froru t be heroic bclnd of e1plorora to the Golden aurrot:ndinl! re~;ioll M ancient ! ormauon. <Tate and wave l a. them a LMt farewell. 'l 'ho ialanda in th8 y appear to corre&· T elegraph llill, from wllich tbe moving pond iu character1 t\c peninaulu. and b ollia could be seco Wllft c rowded with

crow de.erye ~~TMt priiae fM their eooln~ t.rylnr clrcoumaoCMII ud tort&. klod m&~~aor Ia which the 1!M~Dta ~ IJII'• tcogen were aUtod~ to. Wheo we lei\ lbe illaad lhe ablp • • fall or water.

Mean. A. 0. Wefdl.'lll , jr .. J . O ' Brirn,

J~rwa~".,Qf..J\woi • .AQI! repot'tt water lo tbo .:UIJniDiDn to &he aal~ Boor at bigb water. l'lae puacugera CO'!~ lot:

' to Yarmou th to-day, by the tug ·Prt~bfor ~ . are upcctod to arri•e I OC?D. (;&plAin Do11ne 'hioks there ia not much cbaace or ~ving t ho vellSel. ·n,e Wl\\er ;. Ia the eo<Plae room aoa Ule boile r at4rt.ed.

o· u ·rF .. •n·. YAIIIIOtml, J11n. l. •

There ill no farther ncn frOm lobe .llortz· r i11n to--day. 'l'he weather ill elondy. There ..,,.. a strong breez.o: this morniolt from tbu W eat ward, ·wbicn gradually de· Cf'e!ISed till now only a ligbt air prevail.t. Tho ~ngert are comfortably pro\· for 1\t the hotel s. Mr. l'ercy. fro iD Cah· fomiA who "'~ !Mrried iu l'or"an~ , tho e1'eniog proviona to t ho l!tCJirnor'a whog, with hla wife, are among the ~ngera til rOllte for !::niland. 11., . baa mado some po:1cil drawmg of tbe wTeOk and 1~10diogw, wbicb.-will doubllea aooo bo publii)od io the illnatrated ncWipapcra.

A ~rtion ol the cargo tl\1\)' be enpJ , but there i3 lillie bope 'of the vea.l, "- llho 6\la with each t ide. ller chsrU; ehrooo· metcni aotl other Implement. will be saved. C•pt. A-rcher and tho crew 11ro still at tho wreak. 'l'be ateamen NLrDjield aud Nttc·­founrJland are doubtleM ).t t ho aeene or lbo wrock now, 11nd .oewa CIII\Y be expeote4 to-morrow. Tbero ia a large quantity of fresh beef on board in the rerrlgerator11.

.A teallmooial II beiog dn\WO u p, and aigood by all tho paueogen, to C~pt. Archer for bia coolneaa nnder the tryms: circu011tanoet, and his lttod attention to t!•o wanta of tho ~ugon. Tho pas.•cngcrrt will be forwarded by train to-IUOrrow lo lbliftu. may be regarded ~~ice or tbe old ~l~r!an bten and some 10,000 mea, woroeo and

berla. and co~eequtiDIIy, aa very prom.1aau:; cbilllren t brooged the wb•r1'oliADd cheered i eld4 for m1oer:ll pplorert. Ezpenooco Lie u&. JJeLong 1\8 he passed to the Jean­seems lo confirm 1111 yiew. 'J'bere aro nt.Jle w itb hill wife leaning oo bill arm. At t,..o Cano lsiAUda, ~Great a~~d Lituo; 3 o'clock, awid tbe ulYoa or artillery, t he the former is abon~ .!~ife.e wil~ In circuu1- waving of llagi. and the cheering of rho fert:ll t:e, tbe latter abQat tbre •• quartert of mnltit udoa. tho Jcanii(Ne weigh~d bor a mile. '11o~y are ~ted by a urro• anchor and begnn her loog vo,J&ge. 1'he , . tickle" wbicb b' a ore tllao 100 feet "'C~ela in tbo h11rbor djppcd tbeir flags in

Wm,...,.... A "Y..T in 'll'itlth. Here il p wllter cl011e lo1tbe j:tTRceful 111lote 11!1 abe passed, aecom'J>IInietl WARREN& ~~" la'iJd on both aidet, tre the mioer~l hu by the number!~ yachta all Sailf decked

to le11n1 tidingw or N ordenskjold. failing in which be> proposed to steer for Wrnagol!And and there mako hie winter quarten. After leaving ~t. Lawreneo Dny be bt.d no direct coanmunication with tho ooler world, and lor over two ycara hia rate and tbaj or tho pllllllt cr•w wilb him bad been a mystery until now. Capt. Barnes, or tbo whaler &a Br~, reported aeeing ttc Jc?nnt.Jk, oo Stpt. 2 aau S, 1879. abouL 60 miles to the south of Honld Ialand, which lica in latitude 71° 20' north, loogitulle, 17~" lG' weat, and Capt. Kelly, of tbo whaler Daaon, "'ported seeing emoke from a atcm111~r oo s.:r~ u Wl~hiD twenty· liYO ·miles or Her­at leland. Since then nothing baa been b~ud of the Jeannette until Je&tcrday. "At tho wbalert reported a Dlln'OW paaaage to tbo north ttill open wbeo they aaw tbe steamer, i' w14 111ppoee<f tha~ J.>e Long bad continutd to pueb further oo, and aa ho was well prepared l.o winter io the ice, no apecil\1 fears for bia 111fcty were entertained during tho winter or 1879-80. Du' tho win~Alr of 1880-81 paaaed without bliogiog tidiojlt of the bold explorers, and then friends of lobo men llnd the public aL Iorge became IICMOUIIy alarmed. LaaL 110m1110r the Cor1cin. Alliance and the RtHJgn-1 wi\re &eot \o ~bo A rctio to 1103tch for tho miaaiqg .Jwnntllc. The Coru.-in aoll t.ho Allia

would beg to atate to tuelr patn>oa and bt-cn di~W•ered. loU. -.:as II ... \ fonod, in buating. 'll•e •144m t us,.. Gotv:f'ftor otllen tbu tbey have on bud (6ni1hed) a• more lhao t!o J-..ID~Jf, ID LitUo Cann l :tt:ifl, ltlil'!_,., f!1ri.Jlilll, aod Raboni actod .~• qnantit,1 of NEW OARRIAOES ef difn-. ......._ .. 1 .. 1' I .. -pi••1J a.nd ~· .a COD\'01, llntl 011 lhUIII ,;tJet'O. GoL Irwtll, eot atylca. ~"~' waotil)g a carri~ge will appe11ra ln GreaL Caoa blltid, wbere it till" &n.tor DooTh~aod a number orSCna1o111i do well to give ~hcau l\ can, ~ tb~ir curi- bcea~ tn~~od for a tooridenble d~t11oce. Cungre~•cn, cmpitalia,li! aod mercb•, ... ta, agca arc of auplXior makl', bcmg nann 11fae Jlnrang the past eomner a f~w expen_enced nceompaoaed hy a mahtnry band. 1 h_c turcd ont oft he beat obtainllblo atoc:k and minen were eet to ,.ork wtth the VIO\Y of page11nt mond ~lowly down tba tny no.l>l

baY! reW~ ~ilobout find' • &II , t or 11er, u'1flhe Ri1d!ltn ii 1M1111 a-Lawrence U.y, bet coiiKOiodtr loc.odiDI to coot.illa.e tile aearch oellt season.

fioilhcd iu the Ia teat atylea. UoorouJ(I.Iy t eat ing tb' lode. Tho re.ult.a arc 'the C:oldeo Gate WM reached, when Mrs. -ALSO- of the moJt ut.WI\Otorv cbauct.;r, and Aet'm Dcl.onj.!, \\·ho hi'Od been on tho .Jt m wtiU

Thoy hllve A Df.ACKS :\IlTII on tlaPir 'PI~ to place it beyond a doub~ tl;AL there is a with bcr huab!lud. &'lid tho bat good-bye miaea whn is an cxeollcnt hone-ahot'r - lar,:td ftnd Vl\\U4bll.'l dq>aait o.i-copper or 01.- nnd w M tmollfcrred!to tho Gn~rtor Tr1~in. .,

1•11 g'oarao\ee 10 help all m6rmities ioci- cellen~ quality. The miner$ fouull that tho T ho J tn1mtllt pasud throus h tho G,te. re·

l.>de. which on the s ulace was l ilt or tight ceivcd her l:u~t Mluto or ten l[tllatrom derttglp ~~~~~Gi:.fci r A l~TING se,·ond· inches, 11t the dept of four fee~ widened to Fort Point, aod hend.O uorlbrt~~rd for tho baud Carrin,.ea will b e dono in a manner !i.-e or Hix f~t in b~dlla . They were able ice- fie lds. She had on bOArd t'i.;ht' officen thllt will ena~re Mlisfllction bot b iq price, to t i1\Ce i~ fQJf 111.Dut " mile in length. l\lld a orew of tweuty-thrco men. 'lbe

5l'ID1plu of lie ore fonod a t tho aurf11ce, offi een embraced tbc followtog : Command­qunlity, aod qu)cll: c.HepaH:b. and nt t bo depth of :hree or four feet w~ro cr. Li,ut. George , V, DcLon~t ; executive &r$tricll\tlentioo paid to outporl order. forwArd ed for analJt~il to ltobL 11. Rich- office r; Lieut. Charles W. Cbtpp ; muter,

Prices moderale. Arda, Esq., l'rofl'Uor or M.inin~ io t he MM· J ohn Wilaon Oancolmuer ; cbi .. f eo::ioeer, Will have al!'igha aud cariolca io the~' 1.'\thusetts ln~li tu t,.c t l Tccltoolo;:y. lloaton. G.eorge W. Mch·ille ; s111geon, James Mark-

proper atl\1"11. . ·1 have hia IUIA)' bcloro uae, which fibDovs b:ua ~lnr11hsl Ambler ; metcorologiat aod l'uet: 0'- Bu~'IJISS-Water Street, n eAl thaL tho ore cootllilll ten p.~r cent. of cop· and biatorino • • J~rome J , Collins ; taxider-

~Iartio'l Bl )ok. per, 11nd t hat i ta "a:ue I• @:t per ooit, or mist, R"yn.ond L. N eweomb ; i~.c pilot, WARRE~ & Wlil'fMAN. ISO per \Do. This ia u uouauall.f high Capt.. Wil liam Dunbar, of Now Lourloa,

May 29. r.<;r-ce.utage of c:opp:l' in aurf~tce aptCJmeua. Con a. T he cre w ~n!iatcd or Louis Pbilip

Baraaias. Bargains. --AT-- .

Parsons's Fumiturt Store --o--

'l'be Subecriben tbo~ntrul fo·r put favoura beg to intimate to t he ppbliogeoerally that they DOW offe r for aaJo-1()6 nEDSTEAUS at 12/ •od upwards.

8 den. J.O•JNGES at 27/6 and upwards. 4 doz. Toilet TADL&! at 7/ r.nd upwarda 4 do1 WAS IISTJ.\NDS at 1{ and up10•ard.

12 doz. C riAIRS-C.-ne aea~ and Com!QQQ 1 Walnut P.,lor 5011'.

Onl, Round and ~k:\eo TADL.ES. Chamber ~ult.a, W blltnot& Window Polea&~~d Cornices.

ADd a. kit ot COROMOS ud PIC'fURES, RUSTI,C llif'Framtt, P ieLure 1\tou\lling, &a.

FRAMES mado to ordu: •

Nov. 30. A. tt E. PARSO~.


M •. CHrsHOLM, M.D., C.ftt. (M~Gill Uojvel'tlily, Mont~)

Phyeioft~P,, 8ur1eou and A ccoucheur --- ... BA '\ ROBERTS aod POR·r.DE-GRA. VE Sept. ~1

--------~--------REI).t]CTLON I. REDUCT~ON I.


;For- e~e Month. Onl)"t

l he rock with ~h1sh the ·oro iaauocia\ed Nora.s, H erbert W ood Leach, Henry Dnvid ia 1be UJual chloriti:: alate,and ia pronoono· W11rner, Jnmta 11. &rt"t~ Geo~o ~rt by tLo miner. "very fuorablc.'' Oo Stephenson, Atlol ph DrOMicr, Carl Auguet ~ach 11ide or tho G1ke cont11iuiog the lode Goot:r.. PAtter Ed xard Johnson, Hcury Wil· is a. clearly dtfio,ed.Jrall, whjcll teems to In· eoo, Edwnrd ~Ulr; HAUa IJalnor Erickaoo, dacate that it i1 a lcuc vein. 'fwo minert Henry ll anliCo Kni\.Ck, N ellie h cnon, who had h11d l' ighhen ye!ln' uperien~o !n 1o11d Albert George K\tihoo, acsmco; Walter various parts of the 11•orld, have el..'lted !n Leo, maehiniat i George Wuhinglon nod writing tba~ " io all t heir experience 1n Willi11m .Nuidorman, carpeutel"'l; Allred mlnmg \YOrk, t liey never a:~w better pros- Sweetman, carpenter's mate; Jack Cole, pecta for covper, lxtb in qaulity and q11an· boatawailf' ; Goo11:.e Y11odettao!<, coal t ity, the oro teing kltb valusble and abuu · heuer i Loug Siner, C hioe110 aieward ; Sam, daot, and facilit1u for •hipping \'Cry ~od ." Cbineao cook ; aud .Ah Siog, Chiueo cabin 'l'buy fnrthc:r aay lJat "n Great Caon Ia- boy. land, COPI•er oro can be traced l\ll a round On thq day pre, lou-July 7- tbo the it land. nud th" no fear aoed bo cnt~r- acboonor Panny II!Jd~ had aailed from San tained of tho IUCCIU or mioinF OpOn\tiooa Frlln!iiC'l for S t . lllicbacra, in Duhriosr properly 'condoctet Iu Littlo.l Cann lslnnd, S~t.s, with 100 tons of COlli, 22 IOUS or 111ineral indication• are atilt mora abqodant, provilliooa, a ad other materials for the u ­bdDif traceable eurywbere." plore... '.fbo Jtallntt~ w&l to moeL her at INDIAN ISLAND-SJL\"l:E, LUD .L'<D cor r am· S t. llllcbncl'e l\utl recoive n~w atorea, ao

. , . thl\t abo could enter tho A-retia u well pro· Tna11n l •laud •• about three mtlea from vided 11!1 when ahe niled from &a Fran-

Cann lei~ ad. a~d l ~~parat~d from F~go ~~- Tho plan or Lieut. DeLong waa- to land by a "uatlie .. 1~ II fpur nules 10 Dehring Straltuod roree'tho Jcan11tll~ length and abo_ut & mtle lo breadth. Here a north aa poeaiblo before tbo Ice clo•ed mineral d~pOtlt . b~ beeo dl~~eover~ . -~ abo\ her In ror tho winte r. Whop abe l~aa than lllX~ widt~ and C?a lalotog WM fro:tea in woro to. be u'n! ou IIUQI~rout coppe elo• 1utorm1xed. As wit 1ledgu te p~aa arouad in lobe direccion ,:c~ .It baa . not. be t~ttld,, ~nly aor~aee> of the uorth polo, the Jta .. tttt beiog uaed tpecamel'l havmp ~a eb.ta_iged, whtcla, almply ..,.._. bue nf auppliea. The liltle h!lwever. are of alh~L ~n•.111og_ chai'!\Cter. ate:oruor eocooo~rod.a auccewoo of calma (j~~ jnd~tu ba11e g.• en a haghly ta~orable lllld bead-wioda from lhe outlet, and her optuton or t hla claim. In the sallie ••land, progrea-. tbe .~..,.. v~ry. alPw, u ita .nor.tb-eut.nn extrero.hy a •e•,n of but ou Aagua~ 2url abe reached Oooalaaia, leall, 11eld1ng a \jlrge per ee.o~e er mlvor. one of tho Aleutian lalaodt,. ud dropped bu ··~0 bMu ro •• td, and, J!ldaiult by the ~ncbor io t bp port Q( Jllullok, latit.ude analya11 o( t hCI apeoime~ '' ~d• fair lo li:J" 62' ,a;ortb loofltade 166!' s~· w•t... throw both the, othcn Into tlj~ al!adt. U!od waa m~e through tho fog 00 Ute pre­Prof~or t-1-oiJr*ay! or St. . John •· Nftd., ceding day, and a pan~ w-.eeut oo ahore leu $JYCD tbe fellow log certiftcate ,or aoaly · and explored it. 1&. proved to be tlto lal111d• - 1• :- • · • of Ooplpo. Tile weather wu very mUd

JuLY 27tl!. ~1• al tbil poloa, and Ute o.ativea predicted aD. "AIIIIly,.ia of~ -pte of galena (aolpbllle or opell winter to the No~ .• wblch tol&ed

lead) •ubu'lltt-:t !0 !'"' oo ,~lt~Lfr of the Ueut. 'D e Lot~r'• p~ ptrftoLIJ, Tile C!)mp!lnf by \\,. I'; t;aj&er, J:Aq •• - Jta»"MIU tc.~k ill t. fre.Ji nppl1 of .-!; 116' .. The 191ft liel .... MD cntbnof ironl)J• dooalaal\a, and OD \Vellaeeday, Aaau& e.

ritea ou tbe -llille, aotl eiale 1par on ·lbo tailed for&. Michael' .. Aluh, where abe olher. C ryttala Df Jroo pyritet and qaarta waa,to m"'·ihe Pa""l HP. Uea• J>e. occur in 141811 q~Llt7 tbroapou& the Lonr WI'Ole from Oo~~· to the Store· aample. War tbu the ertw wen Ia JOOd

•· The ore eopt&Qia 7f>a or llltll&al (teed e11d &ba' he bopecl to and idlur. Oa qa"llalioo 181 ,..ula ot befort .. elee ~OIIId.

,DMtal pu .b9 Jft'J""• £ t,, ._ UIO ol wfater \Un., 1" Jl,• ar:alD of pure lilltaUie allnr. 'J'hit _. sa. M-r .. meua tbat ...,will 48 oa. 3 • .,...

~·-Pft··WD:~'gq I


Advicee from the Wreck:.

Page 2: RBBU.ATISM, - Memorial University of · QUE'EN lNSUR.l.NCP. BUlX.DlNO, ~lVERPOOL; ... llo bl' ob\lliocd

'" her ~ta111 to,..., when it Ia apMI!Id lilt will baYt a aood qUMtltl: of C¥10 to

I.e. ·a~. aiC!fllltr BGAa.o .. wblcll '"'ftd o&& eYeoloa ! rom St. Joho'a, ""illcl., broaJhL 1p ISW droma•d SOO ball dra- cocl8all ., be abipped b7 her to B~l.

' I A Cbtoaco d111ai¥ 1014 tu .'l• f,!'tOklad

airl a lodoD wbicbbo W&lllldoct,.wcMW\ n­~" &lae ~labta from !ter 1-. .&Qd 10


f>he Jtanbarb, --.~


lial" IU1"8 tnu.t.IIIJ \~ il oad.a, to JN" ... __...Jiiil~Oitl bOINlallnU-~.aewl ~ • .....,_ ,-. to ooaa~ Ua the world w cW•·h::r t.o baYe .... weft fll wllui...... ...

MIT "6 IWIMb&l&ladlaal fa tile PI!' ... Wull tqaiYunJ .m a.a11uao for~ oiA~Mrica. ~ ...... w......s1 piallMr fll ~ i bon roll well wlaere ..... IIWeoDI Ia tbtlr wu

waakacnro:-fteof. ~· Foe&ar aod Wife, •rr. IIDd Mra.

'""I hen•tomt ia ~bt bcfota ua. Th / .utili 11'"\"1 ~~~lt&a & \-l lA dia&rt-... an• thu Cavtaiu changM hia OOUI'III ~ud run• .a.<~roN th• atem of lobe ~~. t,Ja ia tot .-tus ut in a aiuki•g 'conditioo ud tile ore YAnL c.o b. taken o lf, bul buo no mMDt t ~~lp thetnt~Civu. Capt. •1-'rit&. of the lA• -w-1. calla for volnot~o,. to make tho~

-cue1 nml at ouco. tho ~ooml mnto, Ocortz W. ,JI\lue!, IIIlo) rour IUCII Arll rohud reAd ,o fllO all dlln~ter co a.'vo their (.,Jiow-crCA· \UI'\'1 (roW de~tb, All~ thCJ go UI)WO upon I

A Stranp Colncl~noe.

(SL Job'• CorrUpOIIciCn« ·'¥_· 1~ nuald.)

Tho at.umabip.. Mwli• from Dalllu, · uinpa Lhtl flra~ lncomotl~o ovtr aeeo in 'owfounollanol. Wbeo plnc:td on tho r11ila ond 1111~ into lifo and motion 1t w1ll bo tho h1t iron horae thet oYer mvaded 1 hll t]l•l 101:·trot.,. conterVI\UYC lnOYOinCOI.a and roU• IIIC pace or tho 61dcat of E'lglaod'll coloniea. uod 11\ tho Mme timo one or l bc m6tt ttllhlriallv weAlthy but leuL known and le:~tt dc .. ~lopcd of any cqu41 nrel\ of· rrtory in the Old or New •W orld. Dy A \!range comcidt nco, tho fll"l!t rtgolnr 111311 •tcnoner that ever connected Xowrountlland ><tth llnti1h r."orth AouenCII an.l the ultcd ' t11tca ia t ho umo tlo11t now b~nus to·day

from lhhfu to Sl, J obo'a the Brat ra1lro,d locomotiYo. '1 b~rt7·two JUri ago tho •ere• ateamer Mcrl111, t !loo regnnitd u a tlrat-clua ocun ateamahip, arrnw aL tbut port. She waa builL for Cnnard and Co. In~ w~ro then under contrucL w1th the New ouodlanll Go.-crnrneut to c:~rry tho lln eb malla from llahru to St. J obo'a, :\o•foundland, and reYeraely. For llli\O)' yeara the .lf«lill csrnc:d tho royftl m:UI11 and thow:Aada of paaeo!lCrl bolwcco "lOan­"'"'""u'l'•"'J NlC\)•1\•lu liUUt\.t.hUC\)'. ~hC flr\a 11nc.s degenerated anto a XewfouoJI:\nll 4eftlc r, nntl dunng t ho pall fiflcon ' cars h..- bronght homo mAny A rich CArgo from reduntll\ltt oil llelda of tl1o Dorth. She 11

~t1ll all\uoch &nil lltron~. but presents, no oloubt, a \'cry rem.'\rhblo c:on!fUt LO tho

did, bu' t• a1ao bot'11ed ·awa1 0.. a\lo, Jea•log aara that permaoenllJ d.,flaure her. · She 11 ~u1na-'ror tweat1 thouand dollara o.laalageL

"''C AU lCOf RISPOliSIJIL& roa.. KOI DO 1fX IT PUII.II lUIIO, IIC~ TIU: Of'INlOliS Or OUtl Q()&aiUOifD&HTL ~

J.•&ellro~. Kn. Job a ~ KIM New• hook. IIJar ColttP&D, Mr. Jollo Jaoee, llr. G. Nacle'; Mr. Jamu (iraot, ~lt. Jolla Dobert1 and IOD, ~lr. Ed. Oobert1, lU.. W&tkiltl, N .... Jamea and aoo, Mr. Cbaa. Power, Mitll\fary llayleJ.

l'Rll'IITT, J"n. 10-" Tho Cabot bro~b' only the body of Mrs. Croaa.. Not.bu11 more koowa bu' tlao fact that •wo hatchta ba•o beoa found. Cabot Ieana LO·morrow momiog. T ho PrDI)(r baa arri\'ed here froaa the Northward."

lha~ •• are no~ .. si•ang •••1" anything palo' tb,.taoocl \\e We of &laeir teacher, like 10 mach lead per milt iUr the l)o.. now atood a Ohrlllla• Obanlll appor&td minion Go•emment are ginng for ',beir no loopr b7 Mlal~ 00Dtri~ti9D1 baa 0 . P. Railwa1 • kno'" fall well thd b1 C!fertap oldie dlue ~~, ...

'd • 1!. t L- b"'- L.. DOW "lliltia1 It tlat feti of JIIU, clotheJ

. "boiu,rous llua i•• an opeo bo:n and eonten• with tho n<Jtiug atorm until o vercome hy • fo•nrfultqu:•ll tbt'y are cn~ulfo:tl 111 tho boil lUI! oea 1111d hko blroel IDt'CL a fAIO frou wh\cb they 10 nobly strove to II\ YO oth~ .. t hete ""' oono '" auch a fo:Arful IC .aDd they "'"'t co U•o•r de:uh m aight .o l >olh crew._ :Sigl•t cooum)l on on moro -could bo dont'. but tloe ~tgul\l "wo will lu hy'' you 1• aenL up to clo~cr the h t Arta of tb• htll'lcu cn•w on tb" wreck. J>urin~~: clu tlt):ht the J:nlo wcn•Mt<l 11ud the eloort loamled new ~~~r un•bl11 to ca'rry a;ul '<• work tl•~lr 11lur t • md•u•ni. 10 that tnQrn lUj! ~110\\f 1\ J!u:f f fiX no ilea bet" N O thi:U•

• .and th\1 ~iuk1111: "rerk '1 he ll'to iDCI'I!:Ia· 10!: th~v arc dlivcn further to leow11rd un· t tl tl ... ~ hul,• ar~ck on tho oCCIIn. YbcrT fluatl\ 1\ belplci.'t ere"'· is loaL LO aigbt, but all 1h11t W.y nnol 111,.Lt and next llaJ an.d ni"h~ how noloh d11l l'. r•tn1n 1-' rtU and b1> n.:i,te n.eo Ptru;iglc n..:nmsL tho elemeot.a !o r~d~cm 1lo11 t ll"n~tl lt>d pwmlae, "wo Will ho by ~ ou ' 111~d rt~uc fro•n t he j"•·a ol dt>ath a 'rcw puor f,lto>rll who l,,.rJ uotLing

\P,nMii.'IIJ(i6'\fl're.r\ni ~\!'~ .. ~~~ i':u.~"o~'~7~ inaptrc men·~ aoula to succou r And 8Svc Lbr wretched or perish tnlhe attempt? JlOt't!IIOt tho c:~n~ofhumsu1ty o.ltm~ndlfl:ntho a.~•lor ~hould be ext•n•lerl " lodpon:: l•and to hft him to :1 hiuhedtl\tc of mAuhood 11ud ml\k~· l111n feel that lu.• hM fntnds on &hore wbo t11 kc 1\ro 1otertst in his welfAre nntl that In• hnrll hfc Jocs not l~ck ayrnpnthy from thua" \fbo t!Cnd hnn nway from h" home? Ill• mnuy bmvo anJ generous nclll, of winch tht

,abOve hts only one 10 tbou11.~uJs p<lrformcrl by l.lm. hank •utb tbo deC<Ia or ~l'io grclllell m en Suroly 1t !• not too mugl to ASk fo r one who is Ill All• limes rcnoly to a: ~cc h1• hro for 1mpenlle.l ones at ~·· pro!:ctct10u &gi'IDU hll' onem1ca when ou aho~r, a1ul 11uch uoblo fello1u '"II bo tn.'\Je no ""I! wo.-.e rot koowmsr thi\L th.,re aro m3 y on ahoro who liy their Jccda UCJCr\11 b.: ~0011 u as Jack a Fro~nds. _


A Furt.hor Gr1t t.o Prince Loopold.

Tho mnmns:o f tloo P nnco Leopold is likely to 1.~<1 to an for 11 ~rlmmcnt nry !:"'nt. W heu Ina Hoyal lil~hocas nt· t:uueu bl8 m:~Jonty 111 J8 i4. th" llouac of Commons voted bun nu :uonmty or r I •.· 000. Ills el<lcr bro ther, the H nko uf Con· D8DI:ht, bu eujoyed a &lmtl:&r rco•ion atnc~ I il, aad aa au atldllloUAI euw or £1 0,00<• per nuoum ,.,, .l3kctl for on t'•c occ>soou of hi~ mama::e on 18il, II as nlmost r~rtmn that A 111111lar npp 1c:nu on "111 hu 'lJnJc 1n tho C3liO of tho \ t •l:e of All».n ' \ suit tuoro hbeflll pmj_•ce wu.for oLvaouyrc:\· 110111 obacn e.t 10 l'tor..'l\nJ to the l'n nctJ or \\' alu, who l:u ao ~tnnutly of £ lll,OOI) 111 11ddt110o to tho revenues o£ lbe Ouchy of Cornwall fho .Duke or l::dmburgh, "hn from tho dntc of hiS m"Jorlly h:ul !Jeen nl lowed .£15,000 per annum. bnd thl\t ~:rnnt 1ncreMed, M 10 the c:\S4: of tho Duk e of Couot\u~:ht, to .£:!;, 000 "hen he mnrr.c•l the <bugtu.:r of tho l:.te I::mpcror or UuSIIo:t IU lij7 L As for

Ttl£ 1.~011:5 01 Til£ 1!0 '1' AI. I \llll l,

the PnnceM- of Willes rtceovea from tbe StaiA £10,000 per IIDtntro, tnd the fo llowm:.: IIIIOUitiCS h11\e been g rnote.J L0 the ~UC<n S

daughters on ~narrL~j:O by the llon~~e of Common• rho l'riooeu noJ :tl, .!.~.ovo , t bo lt•to Pnoccu Aloce. Pnocel!.ll Uolcu'\, 11nd l'nnceas Lou11c, .!: ti OOV encli per '"'· nnm I be oth~r annuiUe& pnynlilo to tloc: Ho)'lll FAmily Are-l'no~as :\JAr) ( l>ucheM of J cck). £),000. l' rmceM Augu•tu• of lll ecklenh~r~: Strehu, £ !1 ()()\) (r;:rnntr•l on 18-1:1) , th" l>uche"S of l:Bmbru)go, £ l,v\)0 (nlao J!rnnte<t 1n 1 ~:1) , llnd the Duke of Cncnbntlg~ • .£1 2.000, 10 nddollon to m1l11ary p:tyanol Olh~r allowanceA. l'roocel!ll lie:!· tnce bt 1ng at. II unmarned bas no dorcct al· lowauce. ll~·r :\laJCjLy tho Queen, u~s well-kDown, recc1vu £1i0,000 per ftDnum !or her pnvac..• purse, aoll tho erpeo!('ll of the Uoyal ll onachold, alao p:ud out of tho conaohoiMed runol, amount to a boot~ 10, • 000 Lell aballow·paled f(Ailicala abould MILO npon tb" H~uru I havo quot.ed as A proof of what the monarchy co1t1 the LAX· payora, 1t m~y be aa well LO remind t hem oaco a:;tua of tho ootonoaa fact that these paymenta are bnL a JDIL return for the reYcnau of tho Qneea aarreaoleretl to Lbo State OD her accea1oo to the Crown.

l:XDARII4$51:0 llt:SI.STtltS,

Jo the Jut two~Puhameota tJ.I I royal pula and dowriu were opposed by "" to· ai~:nifiCMt miDonty of memben, bu~ in tho preteut lloiUICI~f mmona tbc oppo11t1on to any aucb pro will bo moro aerioua in ita ch•racter t tho general election a luge number o etnbera pledged thcm-••lvea to •ote at graata ror any. ber of the Royal llliiJ. 1 caooot ray many memben took t he pledge, bot l.boy are «~llicieally nameroaa to Ctlnllil.aiA a con•id11rablo min;r1L1. Tho OOCUJOO Will alao ~u10 conalclarablo ombarruameot to certain membera or GonmmeDt.. It -.rill 11e recollecled that Mr. CbamborllliD, Sir C. D ilke, and )Jr. Fawcett vot.ed u ia­dtpendeDL roe01bora agalnct. aimilar propul· ata. 1 belic"o that when• Utey jol ned tho Gonrament tbeJ ..-"ed their freedom of action wbeo royaii!TaDta were aubmiu.ed to l'arl~ ha& a&tU 1'' ..W bt dlacWL lor them to YOtt aJ!alb.:t a propotal made by Lbt Firat Mioiatu of the Crown.


SATURDAY',.J.&NIJARY 1-&, l882. ~

- < •

oo.t.i o. oapata .... &a .... n ._uto . ..-n aacl iD &heir ript aalAcl." Be woalcl blc tbe cbaef devel?pent of our .lllloeraJ tlltm LO do wba~ the7 ooald ; to ain a1JU weal&la, a10d arf likel1, D&J oert.aiJ:l, t.o be and a1ao to help witll &laelr praJen.

Tho · royal baroa o! beef wbiob peed Queoo Victoria'• &ablo oo Clan.t.maa 0.,. weighed about 300 pooada. b wa cue from a Jlrimo red and whlt.o ahorthom, l ed by tho Dnko or Coooangbt '' Bagsho~ pafk. which fetched .£iS -' hor llajeatJ'a recent ale at !)haw !arm. Tho hagb joaot wu roaated .. , W indsor caatlo, aod forwarded to Oaborue.

Suroa luL going t.o Prea, nowa bu roeohod ua of ooe or tho moat melattoboiY QCCarrencee thd U baa boon tho 10& ·0£ Lho cou ntTy to deplore. ·,

'l'bo hatebea would, of eoarae, loat' ap. Tbt P/JJm- h119log arrl Yed at 'l'riolty witb • ouL bringior any lnfonoa&.ion raptoL!oa IM•, Ilia eYident Jbo &t~gtr, wbioa mart havo arrifed 11t G;iieoapood before tbe!orm· er lch &hcu pO(t: eould baYo aeon no&laiDg of Ute miAaio( lhlp, II.S wo!Would notr ban wonJ or 1t. " •

10 ror geoerationt j kUI)WI full well tbat llr. William Hawker, of Cti-boDAr, ... llao more , money thoro ia brouq/u tnW tbe.n lafited to add aome wordl .to thoae tho countrJ t.o develop ita ro· wh1cb bad alreadJ beea apokoa. Bta know· 10urc.s, ~bo better • kuowa tb"L thoee ledge of CarboDear, be ~d, weot ._. :t!}

· rtia end o ther recently built ate3tocrs.

T ho Pope's Ohriatmns lloceplioti.

·n1e l'opo ~::~.•o btS cn&tomnry Christmu E•·c r rccpuon to tho Cardmals, of whom thoro Wl.'ro twcnty· thrco tn nltcndancc, tll­cluJ!.'ng tho Gcrmnu Cardmal llohculo he l n'rc~y to tl1c1r nddrcN , tho Pope &.~Ill hi8 pos1hon Wl\.S bccomuog more 1\nd more mtoler~~ble. " 'hen he clnnned tcmllOml power 1n o rd to accuro llttlt peodeoce of tho 1pmtunl wer, ho wna nccuscJ or be· wg n rebel. nn enemy to l tnlums <:11tloo· he~~ who dcn1nnded effic1ent gunrantcea o!

t<lono ror tho hcnd of their <.:hurch w~ro almilnrl) ltljllll!lh&ed. and p11gr:ms to n ome were 101ultcd by the preu ami popul~co It wu, therefore, only nnturnl tlo:.t the Bishops ahould cousader Lhu exlstiUJI 11tua· lloD, wb1ch wns 1ncompnhblo w1th tho dignity or tho lloly ike llo predicted far more lle\CI'I! per&o!CUtton tn tunc to COIDO, bt.t woniJ COOC':I\'Or to ~utde tho or l'ctcr thrpu~:h tho troublc•l ten, lookmJ! for11ard to the mowcuL when God would calm the te1o1pU l

!'he ftnlmn (;o .. erumcnt IS con••der~Dg thu quesu on of more etllo:.'\C:IOualy r;unmn· t~c•ug the h'>crty lllld llldependeuco o r tho Pope 111 J:omc, m orJcr LO prcv.,ut 1\ll fvrcii(O JUterferCIICC teud10g to ll" C tbO lnw of gunrnutces au 1uternalloonl cb:mtc· tcr.

Progro311 of tho Nowfoundla.nd. Rrul· rond.

AhnndAncc nr tho fin t>~t tomber LM been roo111•l Alous: th~ hoe of four buudrcd nul~s O''"' -.luch 1ho rond 1s to oo bu1lt. 11nd con. tncls h:.~o ll<'en mnole for tho eulltnS' 11nol enpply of ; vI OliO molw •.r liB.• from lh•·•c \lr ~111 fore~!.<. ,\ bout ~•xty no ales of Urcl mol ' of tho mo...t nppro• r<l I'"Ueru loft\'ll been landcJ tlt :SL .lohu I , With \'Mt IIIOOUOll of mtlro.,J appurtcnnncea. 'Inc Compnoy rmplo .. s at pro·~l.' nt nhnot Lwrh·o hunolrcd llh'n hut,.l'<'n :;~, .lohn 1 11ntl IIM!x>r C:rnce tLc hnc hc1n!: AIN•A<IJ complc'ted to the "I IAge of I orsnol 11nd beynnol, one hunolrcd ~t~olca of the roi\J be111!: gra<lt•l nn•l rol\tle reo ly ro r th" 8lccpcnt T he nuonbcr of opcroll\'CII cuopiO) ~d " oil lie mcr~!\.c;:J 1U the •rrons: to ll'.' "!O on tho • MIOOS 'cc­t•ons between llatl • 1:1\y 11nol St J oh n'l. !110 screech o r the locomot11 c """ soon clol\nn tho enr of t ho IDhAbo:nnts o r tl11• • 11nc1tntnnu lo)RI clcpcmleucy, 1t bcin.~ the mteut1on or the cooopnny to run dnoly trntns between tho c.\piiAI . ami TopSAil :.t ooce Haole on but a few m1les of tho road hA•t ht'l"U II\IU wbto a splond1d <nMa of tho fiue•t ,::n.mto wii.S at ruck, eMily 11cceni· blc, 11od chrnply worked Thta atone " the 1101., prooerty of tlao Synd1cate, being located on one of tho C1ghl-m1lo blc.c:ksap· propr,al.l'd by them under tho ~rm5 or the1r contn<ct with tho :\ewronodll\n<I J!o•·· emmc:nt. Efforta "'II be made by tho IJOY· crnmen~ to to rn 11 port1on or tho llde of emiB'"'lion toward• tho • irg.a aoil o( New­foundland, which upertl engaged upon aa"eymg work o r tho rol\d aay ro-eccs aome or tho beet lJnnhllea for sueceurut agncultuml opcmt1ooa. Several fino \'Cias of copper h"' c been dltcOYered ,.,thro " row month~<, and altor;cther the yel\r closet! wath :1. brigb~ ou1Jook for tho colony.

(~ . One or our tlomiDion contemporaries tx·

preasea tho opuuoo tbat tho next atenmor of t ho C11nndu\D anol Duwlhao hoe-tho 'lliRcorci/le-wlll lAke a largo quautity of

r to tho latwr couDtry on her flrat t rip, and, probably 1\ party of Canad111n bUIIineu men and NewfouDdJaod merubaota.-T,/t· gram:.

llor.t.owAT'5 Or~-ntCIT AND Ptu.s.-Evtr UKful. 'fbo a1ll1ct.ed by illnra aboeld look the1r diaeuea fall1 in ra~, and IlL onco aeek 11 re1uedy for them. A ehort ~c11rtb w11l coaYincc t ho moat .cephcal th11L \hue ooblo modlc:~monte have afforded euo, comforto~11nd ofteatnnea com pine rtcovory, to the mbaL Lohured aaiJcf"!.... 'fbe Oinl.­meot •OJ caro all descrlptlooa, or 'aorea, woanda, bad l~ga, raine, eruptiooa, erJ-a.pel.u, r heu gout, aocJ akin alfec· tiQn-. The Pll never f111l in eorroctlog and atreagtbo · g tho atomach, and in re­etonnsr a de god liver to a wholcaomo coaditlou , lo ~aaiog torpid kidoeys to lo­creaao tbtir ae tioo, aoil io re·eatabllshiog Lbe 0Aiuf111 bea y ac:tiYILy of the bowelJ. Holloways -aro ,,.. f'OIIIedlea c~ OO!Dplalnta or all claaMa or i$fy.

t. lxwanrn Onoq. • TltllA.lnt!fl AlCT on

lrOilblfd "11'Jllt a b.oddns f!Oillh. l alwnmatloo wtl• It aUAcb tb• .s.Jbte tta.ia1 oti.IM lwooddaJ lllble, tra•tt.l willa pertlou ltltw-lh&a rau- to ~a cold. ro do eo l .. hnply &o I!J'ri .. CX!a•ll•ip&l<tlll &ltd cl•tb. Dot\11 ..... ~ ed

The Empl'C!III Eu~oie-wbo b11.111110med tho pe rmaaenL htle of " CounlCII de l'u1rrefonds, relict or hie Jato Majo:aty Na· poleon ll L."-lat.dJ fell down atnlra at her realdcnco In London, 11ud recei"cd a aovero ahC¥=k to th0111tom. ~ho 1r nol\ble to lcMo the' houau. Q neou V1oLOrla bu m11de daily 1nquiries about her, aad baa tA\:oo • apocial JOnrooyto Loudon to viaiL tho in•alid. ---Tho Pall .ltall Ga.:rtte beliona it to bo anbtiAnti~lly true tha~ tlio ~;~ycroment bat fliY1ded tho d11t11rbed )OCIIhlles of lreJrLOd into lin or au: d11tricta. each of which Ia to ho under A ~upenor sort. or wa!listmto. who , ,u be able to act w~tboutprcviOUI aupenor ' ,ae!IOn. Jl,nd .b.f.'(l' .~all.illt. 'ifl\\~ qf,&tnrr.; ' e 0\ cut or dietur~eo.

I Tn£ IliO nn.\S 0 On DtS\STEn.-W e heAr

l ' r umorod thl\t t wo men tnamod Lake, of ' ~ewroundll\nd, look pllllfts;e h om bcro ror I t. Ann's in tho tll.rl\~tl tchr. E:zptnH, \Aiuch wns los~ m tho U•g o~ d'Or 1\nd re, r o rtecl •n our III.St ISiJIIO \\' c c.'\nuot youch for the correctncts or the rumor. ' I ho bo1lt<•A of thoto who pcnahcJ b:.•·o not yet been reco• ercd -.\'orlli S!Jd•ltiJ llm1/J.

A '1\'toc •• \ \V \ 11£ ){£TO liT -Earl RnA• ell rdahl8 au Incident nbout :\ orth "luch would itnply thnt the lAtter al.\tcsman 1'"8· IICssed j;ifte of alecp quite equal L0 tboau of ll11rteo. " llo ( l.o rJ :\ orth) often 1ndul;:· ed in rent or aeomoogalumller; ru1 opponeut 1n the uml!t of an invec th•o cxchum.:d, ' E• Cit nnw m ~he midst of tbeae penl•. the noble lortl is A&lcep.' • I w1sh to gooo.lue:l3 1 1\ IU,' r~JOWcll Lord North."

Tho girls abould know th11t high ~.celed shoes 1\ro very IIIJarioua. \Vhea tho heel or the root 1a kept up nboYe U.o prop11r Jc ,·cl, the muacle~. who110 duty i~ 11 to rni110 11, aro enfcchle•l by l he lo.'ll\ o r tl1nt oxer­CIIe. Thcac muaclea arc the c:~lf of tho l eg, which woll Lbua dwmdlo away to t ho leM­nr&S of ·l~rtplt ace nnd become" tllln un. aLnpclcu thank, if th.s uaaecwly dtatortiOII be long 10.

A number or:wc:ll-known firma in Chi­ca~to htl•e bo>on :nrrcsted fo r aellm~: "bult~r· •no" M butte r. I t •~ uid that 10 tlu•t cit)' thia compountl hilS bron extCOII\'Ciy scl<l for butter. ~ovon,IM::o,fnctonea bcmg keptcm· ployccl an ota mnnufllcturo. The nrreat of the 0 ChiCftA'O dealera r. tlou-rt.'! ult or work m:.pped ?ut t~ro, wcek•(a::n: by the butter .And cbeeao men AltbCTr natioo:tl conveauou lit. Ced~tr. Ra p1da.

1 ho Prinee~~t ne:~lnci."·A birthday bonk lll pubhshe<l Jt cona11\ft of twelve taltefully umnced croups of J!nrlftntLI aone.~hle to the mon h 1 thry re1orc8enc.. "1th a <tUOtl\11011 from the !'"""" The 1 llu~trnt10n~ 11r0 he r Hovnl I h~;hnell!t' own dell tlln& h IA1!re111ly

l•flllaed. 1'ho 'IW"K""'• qaollulf t lto IDOl' ""'\,

1-••tr nuneol tn pnmp an•l pl•uurot \\ t.~nr~ ltarned y,,u th~t btrufc ma.uar,.,

M~l. " llo" d1d tho l'nncess lenro to dmw 10 lrulyllltll ao \fCII '('

Guilty of Wrong.

Some people h:w o A fuluon or conru.sinJ:r excellent n:me<hca With the lnr11o m111111 of "p~tcnl mc•hcmaa," noul In tb1a they nre ~\lilt) or a wron:r There aro aoroc. adnr­ll!('d rcmed1e' fully worth all tbftL is ASked f<or them, And ono a t leaat we know or­Hop Ollte..._ 'fho writer hftl bad OCC:JI'IOn to uao tho Bittere in jllllt 8nch a olimnto as wo lll\'rO moat or the year in Hay Cit1, and has always round ll11nn to ho flrat ciiUII Md reh:tble, llo1Dg Ail that t1 cltimc:d for them. -1'robuuc.

W hy<lcm11nd that tJ.IItho morahtyahoot.l bo on tho lido of womAn ? W loatover do­l!n<dee a woraiSD1 alto dtpdcs a mao. Tako aomo of lito "1cea aod babita of the dny. A man amokta. a fii\Jiy CigAr, or C&rries about baU aD ouoco 'J[ tobeeco in bia check, and JC~ expec:ta bis wifo to pre. aono CL clenn mouth and a awee t bre11th. A pin, a youn~ot man atarll out to •pend tho eYonJog w1th butadorod E•elina. ::ihould ho find he~ oo~ at bomo, but in Lbo neighbor· ing u loon, howenr genteel 1L llllj:ht be, thmt wouhl ho hll Jut via1t. lu hia catlola· tifln abe would have annlt below: hia le.Yel, And ye~ thaL young tna.n blmaell ia A dftiiJ vi! itOr to lbat 1an10 aaloou, aod eopgea io all it.a exereiua. •

Sr. PAm.. Minn, Dee. 21-Ed. 1\fuwell. a/uu W1lhama. ODe of thO fllnJOUI dt,ptrado brotbcra wbo han croated ao much terrbr •od ucitemeot 10 W 1econeio. anrl wbo.e brutal murder of tbo two Coleman brothcra created gTNL iod1gaation aomo mont:'•• ~~go in that rogioo, wu receatiJ captnred After a ·deaperate raelatanee, hi• brolter Lon, however, making good hia eacape Eo.l. wu lllteo c.o Ouraad, Wla., on hiday oisbt, anclaut~~ He bad wa!Yed tnmituilloo, aad wae lloleblog a 1tat.emeD~ about Lhe ebooliog when a number or mea mebed opoo him, · drasrged b1m to a tree 110d hung lolm. In 1\ pre•loos atatemeot to a reportAlr he eatd. " h waa teadio~r dime ao•e1• or auoa etufl Lhat etart.o& Dl OD tbt roadJ' '

• Who enr be~ of an1 ooe beiDg pnnbb­ed for atealiol a '11'1\ertlleloa ? It was tried onc:a Ia 'l ton~. threo or !our/tara ago. Good old .Jadae Fradar, o the Dafidaoo aDd Rntherford ~ircait., wu pre­lldiog; aa UJtlooltJ llep wa the priaoaer; a •ery JOIIDI la")'_er •a dtltllcltoa bim ; •""'"" 1Jood llloll aad trat were lo box. Tbet't' waa oo cloabt that the priaooer had atolea &lat meloll ; tbt aploa& .h.lm

oJ.-r a tile DOOJII·~IU.

On Thuntd•J week las~ abod mid, night, tho good ship Lion, one o,r ont 801lliDi ateamera, left St John a fo~ ~· Oo board were, boaiqu ber crow of 10mo \wel.-o han•ls, n number ot

1)fluengera-lt. ia feered llLirt.y or more. These wero moatlJ persons raiding in or noor Trinit1, ttho had boen callod to tho Capital by buaioeu, or bad been pay· ing viaata t.o frioada io AYalon. L they ateppod on boarJ, ~tat leaving be· bind thoru maoJ kind bt!IUU wns mingled with pleasure at the pto~pecL of 11goin meeting cl.-r on1111 a~ homt!. Tw I) or throe cow let bore the rolaltOD to o:~ch other of buband and wifo. One luul boon marrioJ \tot a short week : •••u ,..,, lodA- luot.l j.aat \:nd..l- - •-· t\ol

fnrowoll to tho bOtbe oC her childhood and youth, aod w very tllany t.> whom ~ho hod OJldoarod h~rself by htr m any lovnlilo qv11htios, 11nd 'WtL'I with 1esolnt.o he.'\" looking forwarU t.o II u~rnl, aupJ)Y hCo ftm;J new tceot~s Thero were fJ.tbcnJ wd u1otbers on board, noxious to 1100 t bo lllilmg faeoa of tbott obiltlron ; sons ftad t.laught.ers on tboir wsy to tho JlAiernal roof, " 'bt-ro warmast of grc«in~ from tho warmest of b carl.s ll\\'1\lttd thorn.

Tl.., night is a bua.,tiful molnlight ono, ".Ill bright as UI\Y," Scarcely II rippJo dtiiturb5 tho breul or oooan as tho !;Ill· hoo t Jhipspeeda on bo•r conr~~e. In e1ght or nino hours an.or leaving tho light.a of the port eho is qn1Uin~, sho wtll hail the ncur 11ppronch of tho hnvcn she u sock· iug. J n n few ahort hours, homo will gl .. d• den tbft eye~~ .,r tho homowuu bound, who in Proii'C!Cl arc already tl1ero, and clu,.nu,q tho bands .or beloved onos.

She is alrcaiy moro ~hnn baJf.wny on her cuurto. Tho IJUSOn:;ent d oubtlcll!l­l.boso o( tholll who ba,·o et..yod awhtle on deck t.o t.ako a IIIJlt gl11nco ftt IJ1o lnrniliar shore, and en;oy tho unusu:tl hcauLy of tuo moo:~ht IQilno-havo ro. tirod below ; but not to alecp. [n ~·•y, nniml\teU d1sconrae, tbo compt\ny, ox· ccpllng tbe few wbo choose ruthor t.o in· dnlgo in h a lf ;>telliu:t, half ,.d nl\'Orit, wlolle a \fay tho bne{ aoten nl that I CJl:l·

mtcs them fmm ho:ut and fnenda. hone lS plllllling on swift 'jflll

0'11 : laugh and JOS~

tiro c ircling around : no drearu or dangel <li~turlls tho mintb ol ftny Oil•l. Huvo\ they D:l~ a good O.'\lfen •"Cssol nndomeat b nod a~ouod t~cm' l I~ not the oc,'nn in ita po.•oolul mQ.O<I, tho widooxp111110 o f WI\Strl l1~ UJI and lp.'lrk· hug 10 tho ih •er.f l>ums or tho 'liOOn ! Do)lot tbe c:al>lAin aad tho crow know 0 \'Cry Slcp or tho way, Mer wb1ch Lbuy luwe llllftsly at.cMsrod t.Joe ir oours"o aco~ of t.J moat Truu, th6f are now f' \Slling tluougb 1\ 0 1\frQW at.rotch or wlllora ; Lilt tho puugo is n ot 1ntticato nor dauget ou,., ospoci11lly on aecb a mgh t ns t his ; Rnd m any o n boml lu\Vo 6~hod hero Binco bovhOO<I. Ihltdes OM lAdy wbn pn-fcnt th& fresh 1\~ from tho ~tea t.o tho moro bnatod a tmrsphero o l tho. cauin, tho ateonmnn, and mayhap tho m om on ~ho lookout, aru th~ qnly ones o n J ock, and it ru•y bo tluw'a llell38 or aoc:urity. born of 11ucll a •· fiuo tuoo," t.ompta one or o th!lr o r 1 hem t.o rclu: !Jia viJigance. Du/ of this Jot liB apeak w1tb eare, lost we wrong even ~be un . known ones who ~i<'611 tb,o Lion on he r WIIJ lbllt mournlullJ ruet:OJ)rablo night.. 811udenlJ Cae good abiv is JJO more aeen on tl.e of tbo deep­hrr career is o• more w11l 11he thread her wa1 a mil pcrtlous ico· fiOil!l ,n quest c.f tho trtllll~es or tho northom deep-the beart.a of1ber merr1 oompany will no m ore beat fltb pleuut'ltLie an~ tio1patioo, no more aobo witl. t ho psngs of JO('IIratiot from Jo.-ed ones . tbOIM' who ao laleiJ' b .. do thoro a I11R~ ndion, those who id Yl\iu w11it for tbch· cominF, wtllaco thdr fllco no more, uo lea tho Ma gifo' ~p ita dead : thoro is Wf'I'Jling and Wllihog iu man1 a houeo.. bold ror t~!liO who wcro aod are not-t he mournent' oniJ couolation h opo that the dead have gone before to li h•Pt•i•r home t.o w~ich LhoJ too may sooner or later 6od flei.r way.

A ental, biJden 100k h" goTOd the aidoa of tho ill·fRlell ahip, or she bu been dMit a deadly. ~ow bJ a procipit­oue olilf and r~ lfdily beneath tll.o 'll'afeL •

A few cuke, tho Jl!ip'a hatclaea, por­of two or her:9:(• moaoa of

eafeLJ which U, n rompl!nJ bad oot Lima to tum t.o ~). tbe body

woman ftoating on the aarf~1 jour aomo cape. & lore\ ba

beam-are th~PJl~Jt'OU ot a groat dia-ute~.

The LWre wu Hilt ~· Greenoolr, BcoLlaad, ill 1866, bJ R. 8Wiel ell Co.; ehe .... btrqoo.-ri. ; wu or 292 t.ona burden, 76 horae·poww, aod about 160 ree~ in longtb. • •

Wo are indebted to our s-. Jobn'a ooottmpore..U. ror tht followin& par~· eGlan ot &Ida ad loa :

· BAm H.&uoa, Jaa. & ToW. Ga~rn 6 Co., ,

IIEAnTS Con&n, Jao. 11-Tbe latest nowa bere of the tmfortan11to f ,j(m eteamer is that betides t t wo boat1 already foaod and the lterQlleoo oil CMka, a thinJ boaL baa been round, aollle deck beAm! and doek lftdden h&Yo boen pickud up, and 11110 1om• molaaaca punebeooa a od tubs of hillier.

'!IU.-mT, Jan. ll-A parct I, addreue•l "M .... Kyan, Dace~~hea lsl11nll," Willi picked up our tbo laodlog CofO of lalaod on yoatorday.

TRINITY, Jao, 11. (£vg.) -0wioll to &

fierce aoow.drirt aDd strong ple or North· eaat w10d tho Stea•n-tusr Cobol baa been uo­....... "' ·- r·--.._1 \.lvwu w ~IOU UC:~h:. to eearcb ror ADY recnaiuinr port!oo• of tho wrook of tho unfortuD&to 1LeA1111hip f.ion. Moutt.~FIJI. ll'l m I~EOBirr.-W o l el\rn

by " ipi!Clll despAtch from Trimty that t ho bod1 of the uofortonate lady, Mrs. Cross, ,.1\1, wheD picked up 1n tho l11nd-" nt Rnccllheu, perfectly iolllct.. !lor aca.rf, clupod by ll brooch·plo over her brtlltlt.,. bad ooL bcoo dia turbetl , and abo belol m her rij:bt hand a amall p.ucel clu~hed with tbe rigid leO:!.CtL1 of deat h. ,

IJy t ho arrival or the Pln«r from tho NorLbwanJ on Tueadzly uigbt, we hue ' lltl' follow1ng further particulara1111 tho result of " convl!fllhOn t.t 'fnuiLy botwoeo CapL~ms Uland(ord or tbo l'icP(I' Md Whitton or t he Cabot, that 10 AdditiOn to t.he port ions or tho wreck of tho Lio11 alrudy menuonell, there had alao becD rooDd-ouo mnin deck beam, t wo poop deck bellml, t wo 11\ddcrs couneot1pg tho ? OOp wllb the mnm !leek, ouo ro reCMLie II\Jd~r, one 6rkm of bolter, OIJe ltlOIIl&JeS puoohOOII 11no.J11 rarecJ addreU· od •• Mn. ltyao, llacc:Liieu.'' Tho 1oatruc· t iODI of the Cabot were LO lllllkO all pos· 11~lo search around ll4cc.~hcn, and 1f pos· 111Wo to apc:~lr. IO::tho pcoplo of t ho Lir;ht· houac.

·n.e report thA~ l beroj'll'u:l\ large qMnt.i· ty or powder on bonrd lbo s s. Leoti Ul tO· 1.\lly Without foundllliou

fireat aorrow bu bt>eu e:t:biliited ftt BoM· n ata, <.:AtnhaA And Tnnitr for tbu unfor· lunAte YICUillll c r t ho Lum dillllsle r.

S;aso ron Til t LosT OsES -13y tho Poolffr from Cat.aliutl Mr. Norman Soolgro•·o CftiDO up to IJI\y de Y e rdc, whdro he bu lured ~ bont aud crew LO proceed on~ to Onecshe:t hlaud, LO aearch for t he bodiea of hiA brother and brother • \Yifc. ' 'th• aleAruer Raugrr, t hlll left tbL, port

a bOll\ an hour boforo the unfortuo:~1e f ,itm. renchtd Greeospoo.t w1thln IG houn alter her lleparture from St. J olou'a. lle r pu· A.:o down 11 IICICnbetl 111 " " rogular sum· mer v<.~ya:;c, w1th;A <::~hn;moooht acA. M S.~d contrartety of human rortune I Whea t be Limo wM aink1n(t beneath tho WI\\'CS w1th h :r doo~nod )iYIDg freigh~ tho l lt•ugtr, bot II fo"' miJea d111l\nt from bor, \I'M pllnl\lin~t •&tranquil voJIIgG througiJ au alu.oat s11m· IIIOt ItA. ~

'file burn referred to by our contom­pomru:s "'M a foro·and·l\rt hatch tc&lo u~~<:l to aupporL tho hntch·cov~ra. aoeb M mOJL •·cuels rArry. '!'bo report that on~ of the " loold-beaWJ'' bad beco p1ckod up IS llltog~lher 1ucorrect.


' Arrival of tbo Tug·Bo:~t •• Cnbot.."-Somo of tho Lugg;,.go Picko:l up ' I ht tn:;:·bo~L Co:..Jt t'\rrived at :St J ohn'v

on 'I hura.J:.y III.St•from tho auno or tho l oo11 di&,J~r. 1\lld WO Are thul put Ill JlOSil'I:UUII of all thn~ 18 )'Ol known reepectong tho tern· bJo affair. ComiOU•UClltlOII WM 01,0ned UJ' between tho LUI: Alld il:u:cftln:u hhnJ, liy meAns Of whieb it ... M II.SCCrtntnool tJut the Li,lh~ Jlouse people 1/\W nothin~t of tbe Lmu 11t tho umo or the fh~ter, nor d1d thc:y lcilow 11nylhinsr 11bont tho tnell\noholy u ont unt.i l tho Cabut'• •ilit. In a 11mal l gulch between Puffin leland and tho laodln~ place, tbo aool.bwut oorner of Dace&· lieu, four truulta wero pocked up About noon on Fml~Ly, one of wh1ch conwaeol A

bundle or lettcrt MidresacJ to .Mr. o r Mrs. Wbito of 'frinlty, aowo <::Lpa, Inch a' IleA­

men geoorall1 wur, wero alao fount! Ooat­iog oo the water, and a tub containing " snwl qnantiLy of butter Pro~hly U•is w.,. 10 tho gallov .t.l t he time tho ahip wont down ; but no c1uo hilS beuo (lbll\iotd aa to tho oxac~ loe~~htf' 10 which the Lioo1 aut! bor gbaaLIJ fre1ght now rests. ' •

4' 8o OYI!t• Yiollnl.. llr OYtr-CilrjJ, TbAl ourymt'\ whb him it Ood or OeYil.'

b 'II th ' L. 6 ,. Jears aod duriog tbU time be bad eeeo a w . ~ ••. reap o most ""!lo t a rom the stead .r-at.e of proarea Uo remeoabored uhhznttoo o{ onr l&oda, w1ll be our own Uto ofd Cllauch 111 willoll LbtJ Gild to wo.­bardy lOIII or toil. H e kno ... all this, llhip.wbiob bad giYOn waJ to tho fAOre com­-this New P.art1,-ud,yet, ho pentista modioaa and band.aol4e atrec&llnt in which in ln\•eighing against the co11nlry and they tbml et.ood, and OMaae waa very ltgialataro for doing wbat be btauelf muked. H'o belieYed that &Do Improve­would bavo dono gleefully bad be tho ment would go oo !rom ~1 ~ da1, evoD b · · 1 • u tho1 lad beeA 11npronog Ul Lhe put.

~ aoco, vtz., gl\'en theeo • audp, IJ!rlg Bu~ there were 101111 amooJt' them who !dlo and worth loss to ua ~or centurull, wero ready to 11110rt: "'.l'bero ia no eood In ID.exchaogo for the cu:pendit.uro of 110mo Miaaiooary work." Do could 1Alt11 aay of nullioos of dollant ia tho country, aod aueb that t.helt be11rL WP not iu tba work. tb0 rea10naulo pro~oec~ of haYing theso llo bad bee a at • Miaaiooary meeliogln t!.e a me l.ftnds developed ror tho COoJDtry'a Old Country beforo. bo came to Newfound·

•· 1 benorit land, aud thnL moct1og was lor tho pu~ Oipi'C~Il • • • • of raiaiog fullds LO MJJd out to thia country.

Tb1s lOdtvldual lately proju.t~ to bo to make Jl>od tho lnts ca~d b1 the gNat greatly a l:1rmeJ d tho prospec~ or tbe flro in ~t. :robo~a. Uut more than tbia. o ..... t ..... f .. , .... uulllug "t .. M .~... Vftry . .,,~ .. ,. • ., C:hureb Dlld been partly built " minor.! rcaono" [thOIIO lands ad(lorllll• and their owu ciOf¥YIIWI patUf .eupPQrto<l od for-Mio aome time this month)," anu ro r many yean by mltalonar7 eonV'Ibollon•. "swecring itnWAJIOI.o tho London.Monoy them boar t hose fllcl.a then in m!nd And u ~ltlrkdt for tho pnrJlO'O of • raisiJII•' re1pood hbemll1to tl1o appeal wh1ch th11

, , ., 1 1~ d 0 Re• erend s:co tlcmen hl\d coone c.o m.Ue. mo~ money 0~ '· " 111 !•relet~ cd Tho ltev. C. J::rnut Sm1th, of Heart's allll shoddy p:\ln olutm, ho ahneka Ot~t : Con~Dl, wu tho IML 1peaker to aodre18 "No" fomullomdors, (bcro Ito Jll , tho m~ctin~e. llo 1\S: rood ootirely wuh

•luh:es in 1111:&11 cnpll:j llWIIkn I aomo of Lh~ rennrk.s wluob bad fallen from "Your N L,tivo LmJ 18 nt Rt,,kc 1 .\lr H.•kor relnti\'C to the work which h111l " Y our p.'\tdmony is 1\t stnku 1 ~con dono anol to tbo priDC1fhls opoo wluch "Yonr Country IS bein" h 1rt.ored away 11 bl\ol to bo et.Urled out. Ood waa wo)rk­" ~ Ill I H I t ['t r l k mg 1\ll t!nnga ro r tbe bcn.nlthough it miglo'

or go · . you.' o no 1 n ~~ tl"'0 0 nppenr co aome 10 • royatcrioll3 w11y. Uo "soon, (1t.nh.;;r n;;mn], nmt drnc thcstJ had j 'llt he•r•l o! the death or a colouud " poltttc·•l J;ll•nl•l<lr!l' ' [.-ommon typo•, UWoop wlon h11d dteol brokcu- loett.rtcd be· to any !) " from power, yon will catUc neuher' men nor mouey couJ.I bo "nwnko 'l.tu•r on ,' only to G111l thnt Y"" fo11ud for '".8 fnr-ofl wesl.Crn l>1<>eue of "nre ,., ~"'1nn w1thout 1\ Country 1 snol Al~o<ol\. \\ oulu thty allow ~<3bops tlou~ " n P eople "' lthunt " 1 [01110 r • • sm til to r~ ov1tb men nnd sr•vo. on rct pODIC? . J L l !Jere Uly'o J!rCI\l ol..<!tru:lea trl tho WllJ of cnps. ng•un \VIII\t buncoanbo tlus 18 I t he 'l"':"d of t ho GOllpel. Tbero wcro 111 Not to 1ueutton t lu1t ~he hkehhooJ, wo eo~nc plnctl stro ng ayato n!l of b,3 thentaw mny any ccnuml~·, IS th11~ whnt ho to bo lirokon down-htLViug IU.~oifiaca' nllc:;cs to lie n rum(lur, \ u~. . tlmt templt's, n wtnltby 11nd nncieot pr~.,•thoOil , tho lt.Hiw~ty Comp.'\ny h11vo ticon 11 •~orJhotl mos~ gors:cou' 10 cbnrac~er, Mol npplying lo r ll gnmt or IRn.l, \lll!r (l numbctlo::il!l 1\ltrncUODs-ero ('hrisu~uoty crwtion or htJ« own bmin or of tbnt of couiJ be built up. ln other plac 011 tloero

. . k waJ the ~ro.M~:.'IL 1gnoranco aDd dl\fknus to ono o.f h11 11 ,-not to m ention t.ha•, coo tolnd aptoat. 1u :WJ11ioo to apeeULI ob-thore lll no chnnco of tho Con•p my ~::~~· at.,cl~a anch 1111 the ~roo eyllem of Oi!to m tmg JlOS!I!IItSIOn o r AllY htn.Jtl 1111111 lboy IndiA. but btyoml 1111 t bcn tlnn~:s M tloo~ h11.vo bmlL 1\ tivo mil11 scc~ion of r011d in 11111111 hinolmncc to th~ spr~ador tno Goapel tho manner 8t>eci6cd hy tho conllnct. h•l pl:~ctd •lou lll<lofft!r\1nco of ChndiiAu~. W lu•n thev lmvo done their put ol ~110 ll ol tru•tt:o.l tb t lUI he nncllus lellow·lpelk· bllrgu1n ,;0 " 1J1 th •n a11d tU)I 1,11 tl~tm Crll bnd en•IM• ourod to llo tbcir ~rt, ho<Y-

1 ' 'TI ' 1 I I t f• ever ua~ffc.:tuellv, thllt the people woul.! do t 0 011111. ICro I S not l 10 8 IS' tiel~ J'rOO thcll"ll- • ' thnt 01ther tho O n\ eo nmtnt or :\lr. :llr Jobn~n then •i~b 11 r0 ,.. 1111t11ble CROOSOAt.t: hM nny m chnMton wha le • !'I worJ• ol thnn~J to the o~putati<~n cl01otl to deal unlaorly with tho ooontry, n ot tLe weetiog wuh prayer. \\'Onld they tlttro to, 1f thoy h11d. A pi~I\IIIUL fcata ro ID tho u::cetins: wu

H tho Hailway OomJI•ny eoHt any of the mu~raperam~: or .\ utheoas aod llymn.s t hese R Cllf r VO lttml!l soon to ho "''~' b..·~l\t'en tbe k \'l!rlll au lr~AiiU Tho C 'aOh'

. ' act·mcd to be l caloul In tb, ar work, wh1ch t llf'J' w1ll como mto thu mRrl<ot h k11 ccrll\uoly cont r1l.mtcu to n con~tlll!mlilu cit• others, a~otl b11l for them- t.,kc our wQrJ l"u~ to thu •n· ce'ill o r thu ru.c~m~: TloQ for it ! l\101y tho e<.hlor 111-Cihic f or the /'l)C~ches were f ull of ~10uu r nud 11 0ro lu· E~~miny Tt~:Jram bo th~re to outtml \cued tu "·~h nuO~!:.:iu.: int.-ro..t. them l H tho country ho ' i-t s uch c:r · tiOIUO clrm;;ur o r being II lltLtct ed ll\\'UY lnt hy Ltt, IIIOl t;; lgCtl (01 lll\lllO)', (l.!WIIe<l , fur gnlol," IL 1~ c•ery J\:\lnu~·~ duty to huy up M much ~fitll-, ho em, nnd tlocn ,Ju,elop 1t ,, n ,l yh-e it atlll!J " free :;nllu, f->r notlnn~ .. (uo t 11'11 1~ fv1 !!Or<h<l got.l) toJ tho hl\1 ,1\· II""",£ to1l. 1'ho 111nn "hu, ud•e \·1n0 tl~~~~ NowfounJinml of In~ t•• 1 .. on w ch lll'n l, would not ,J,, 10 much .~ till>~ for lolA " 11cbvcd Country," ts not wo~ny or the nume or f"'triot

--------~·.-------(fOil Til& IIMtllOit OR ACE ST,\liO \ nll )

!tiaaiooluy Keeti.Dg nt Carbonenr. A \halouMy Meeting or. 'tory heArtJ

ohAra.cter wii.S hdd m St. J.amea' <.:hun:h, Carboncar, on 'fue~ll\y cycning. 'l'bc ltu. lt. :\1. J ohneon Introduced tho depu­IA~Ion wb1ch hnd como from a UUIIAncl! to Adare,..4 tlrom on a auLject o r mach Im­portance LO t hem M Church people llo would w1thou~ any del11y cnll upoo the Rov .• lobn (;odden of lbrhor Gmce, (Sonth Sid .. ), u tho llrat ape:.kor. Mr t:odden hc:.'l\n hie apoccb by reronrkmu that the C.,IIIO or MiSilooa wu tho (::\UIIl of Jesns Chri•t. It wu a grCAt test of our own smcortty M CLnati11nt 1£ wo took no interest 10 M1uiona. U Gorl t ho lloly Srlim wu e~~rrying oa bie work io oar aonla wo ahonld llko CllrO of l bo IOU II of othe..._ J nn aa tho eon mn•t pour lil(ht on the \!:trlh :1nd cannot CCMO from domg eo, 110 the man who ba.s go:!pel hl(ht tn his aoul must o( nrccasity uolaim wbun good work is to be done · " tiAJrc am J, •eoll m~ " Oat tloia J!OOII work WNI uot rot t ho clergy 1\loue. All woro work era in <.:britt's anuy : t.h1 clergy wero bu~ offioera in LhaL 11rm1. · Ue then J;IIYO 11 careful ri.tun1e of miu•oaa 11nce tho day wben i11 17G3 tho lirat c:lerjry· man eot&led in Oritiah North Am eric.'\. At the present time Ia t ho Domlni\)D of CaWlda Utere wore ool le .. tb11n 18 Hi:bopa and O\'tr 9GO cleray. J n 17S,I tlto firaL Dtahop wu cooaecratod ror tbe United Statee, now lbe Mitllooary Roll reoonJed llui faol t hat there were more tlULD three acore Diahops and 01\r S,OOO ctorv. Jn India, in New Zealand aacl elaewbere tho P~- hAll oeea Utllptll. Ou ...., rnnco or Walel' 'liait to Ute 6ral.-oamod dependency of lhe Orilia.h Empiro 10,000 oaliYo Chrillian• a-ro biro a glad wo!como to the province of Tiooo~elly. ~ meaL eneoaragia(l tolr:tn or tbo aubltaotitl nature of tho growth or Ml .. ioaary .-ork waa atronJod by the faot that more lllltl 200 oativea o r lbat collalry are eopged a ordained aomwta of tbe Obnrcb in teacbiDJr their countrymen.

By Telegra!Jh. J

H\l.tF\'t. N. s .. J:tll. 1-13-i,!hL lind Ch~'!''lt'rlnin •"Y th" on th" or~mn.: .,r Pllrhnou ~uL a ,.,.,,..on of l'uh'\ u~nl'\"Y proce,l uro must t:ll.:.c prccetldUCol of 11Ll other llnAIOO"

' j he J•>nrcrl)r Of ft I "''I I h11~ ~ttiOO~J (110 l'ull~h ll:.hop~ e~· l·· I in Uj; l

.Cnt;lish hn ll<~rJs nu I t!.\p t."\h ,t~ IJ!Ivo purch' J4! I t'ttans•nt t r:t~l3 .. r J.u1d 1n C1o ~otth \\ <'•t.

'l1•c L?rJ ~hyor'11 do!•·nrc fund h:u now rel\chrol ~wt:l ••c: thOn'll\nll ('Oun<l'\.

'111o l'a•n~lht~~ •r11l c \II 1\ ~eocml mee't· 101: 111 Londpo before Parh\IOCDt mtel.l.

.\leohc:al lllOD :uo eompetin.: for Ouituu't bo•ly. 11nd oue btts oiJ~r"d ten Lhou111D l doll11ra.

J 1,: !I - Wcsleynn ;\("le .\callemy, Sack . v1lle, .No"' Urunawlck, wu deatro1td by lire on Suml~y rooruiug. Lou 8:i0,000 ; maumnctl ~IG,IIOO.

1-'resh oo.tont~,l elec:hon.s gJVO Hopnb· hans tw~nty·two new e<ellt.~.

G~trubttla baa n l argo ru3jority iD lllAI Sconto nnd <.:brlmbor. ,

'l'hc C:'lvernur or ~r Ill rio t !a cltnd E:ul Co" pc,. refa•e•l the rcq'ltBt or tb!l

Oobhn <.:orpn~lloo to allow Parnell nn l 01llon to 1111•' '"'"' the <:uy llaU to receovtt cerulicatea or Cltlz.cnwlup

JA~ 10.-&mooe oomplit:11hoae bsn oc· onrred In E~:.rpt.

Tho Driuah Cabinet haYe dec1de•l to allopt cloture 10 Parhamontary pr~l'•lin,t:~~.

WIIIII\WibJf); Sl!g'\f n e l!lltl')', ~ew Yolk, lwt been bnmt ; lc»' tl'fO m•lhon dollars.

Tbo Emporor Wtlhnm h11.1 tltued A He· acripl clauning pertonal rlgb~ to condw:~

'Government, repudiatmg ro:rponalbilit)' to i\llni.ttcn or to Chamben ; · MioiJ~ra oniJ Eru;>eror'• aorvaota, carryiag out hla "ill : all IOC\1 ~Ds IOtumoned to YiDdicale the So'erei:;tl's nght to mould the policy br Govc'romenl, and aupport thl\t pollCJ ovin nt elections ; all olliciala, rememborinR thoir oath of ftlle~:il\oce, must boll! aloof froru aglt&ltOO 11plo~t Uo"e1'11manL.

JAN. 11. -Tho oumbor or ootf118H in Irelaud in Deecrubor waa 6H.

Boiaaoo hu been re·olocted rrcaidcnt of the 1-'rcooh Chamber. , • n. ,._~__. WilliAm'• ~t Ia ro­

IJilrded M hli:c:lylocaoae a revoluliOO, £x. cltomeot In GertnanJ ia iooreaiaz. Bia-1111\rck ton Rciehatag wbilo tllo aobject wu under dlaou&'lioll· The Emperor will pi'O· cla1m tho !'rinco Imperial llegea~ .M&roh 22ncl.

Tho aulpbar miou iD llaop.r1 are bam. ing.

'!'be l(iag aQd QaC!IID or Sp!lio are at l4-boo filitfOI( tbe Ki ng or Portapl.

An eartbqualto at Tanobow, Cbi.Da. baa deatreyed 2llo dwelliDp.

JA!f. ) !l.-.Lord Lorna •aaJJed JMltrda1 bJ &ho /'orilitut from Lhwpool fo~ llalilu.

'I'he1fpanlab Sonrtlpt 1111t 1ri&la a brlt .. llant recepUon a& Uaboo. Poara o!a rt• poblican IIWlifMtatao.a oaaaed 66 arreate.

A, rio~ &Qok pi~ aboard of &lit ... blp DiaD~ Wtlliag~a ~ POfi8111oa&la baoaoM 160 teaa~n were cderecl to joia o.U..

Je &lao Limt mllll.,r.=· of two bc*a 'Wit b. DalAl 011 ODAlWAa ed Dp DIU Bacca­litca oa Friday ; aJao amber •d tfch• or •• U.O.aa cuka, ud .U bodJ rtl • ~ fODOd IOILIII; &lit bocJ.1 Ia DOW -' Rod Head Cott · aa~ ller to 1» Join. .lob.a Croee, ol Tnol'J'. W'IIM ia to be clOM wl&la tbt bod&:.

) • E--. ll.uCia.

Tuc Evmi119 Telegram 11:\1~ t hnL t~o Jromi119 Mercury b111 r tlfe rred to t)ie !fdoyram'~ cditor1al of the 4th illllt., holded " Our W eekly Brul~r~t fro~ t he lMJ," 1\.S " frantic," " low,'• " re9olt· lug," •· pnaaionate," and " indec:oot.'' Wo hue not eet~n the itom io lho E .• v. thua '!1\rred to; bu~ wo dAro say wo a~ •uppoeing tha~ our cool.ern· porary d id cbaractorim the T«egram artiolo or ~Ito ·~b insl .. it is repre-8Anted as doing. Now, we giYe the llltea~ bora oC our J1ai1iee oo" Lt.anh r~ .. Ita outipobnodl. 'l'bo opinion it hu eX)X'OISC<l fotptcUniJ tho II JOWDea" or anch litoratare ia lbe amt u wo ba.o aJ,o.ny1 held roprding !.&-tho • "ame opinion tba~ all roa~ble men bold. Tn PUf111lllDCO or !l dutJ t.o &he public, iL is no doubt nooeaaary for the preu t.o record tbe\r pro~ agllinst auob o~,ra­ngan~a~ i 'bu~ u rigarcla the iodi•idua l or illdi•iilU&Ia ... iled with auch a l*t1 atorm of worcb u "tboa ala"' I thou wretoll I t.bou oo'l!'ard I JOU mi8orable poltrooo I" \here ~ no n~~J whatfter, to t&ke any Dotioe or ft. We do noL allow oar aerenit,r or aplrit to be In the aliabtetc .cl..-~ b7 auoh a

t.em~ in • -~ .J'ilaa.:.a .LJ. belief that '" &an clooe ootblo1 to cteaene IUob &ratmeDt. ud lb&' cc DO lq&ll WU •~ .,mtteU oqt of "TOpntation "' by. himaelf," .. e oan woU alf"nt ~ aaille at aucb u UDID&DIJ ulaibltiOCl o( "!al*'·

Tbo Rn. ()htlrlea 8akor,of Salmon Cove, 'lfM OAld call~ upon to addreae tbo meot.­lor. N.r. Baker dlreotod attAloUao to' tho pe\itioll to the Lord'a Prayer : " Thy Kiqclom 00111e." Tboutelllfon ofCbriat'e K'tt~pom waa therefore whal the1 prayed aad worked for. It bad broDjJbL bim and )Ia bn&larao to Oarbooaar t11a' ntolor: ~~r-ail the Molama aad the lapae of 01111• tariea '' ... ·.uu .a to aokoo11'ladJ1 *'' lo\f. ou.& of 1TJ17 S'n DeGDI• •ara atlll be&theD. lleJt•lta 'fi8N. fDdeecl _.u, .. 'PI• peo... "*!! bat loo ap• to 1np, DO' • a raUoo far tol:lllf lwdor ud PIQI~~ fernotb, but aa

:.,:;-c~~~ ~-:.-::

ald~• ll.a1or o1 Roe• .. ~a ... qatL ~ to n•rua cleolaNcl tlla' tba ~~· w~d

elly laid Ia •• lo bfioa Jiallal dNII:atloll •

1"1' Duh of w .. , ewtri-... lnld III:IP• hlaa ol..._ .... : .......,~t~q._ .... -...loW .,_ .nr-rriL. S.otdtft,• ....... "So .a;:~=~:! :-.: -~-,1:,

0 ............ ~ llalbor. -B~llt.Dolt, J ... t. ~~ ..... ..


Page 3: RBBU.ATISM, - Memorial University of · QUE'EN lNSUR.l.NCP. BUlX.DlNO, ~lVERPOOL; ... llo bl' ob\lliocd

' , ... ... Local ~d other Items.

1 ........ -

Good Ol'en to ••• aw.criblh p&,.iq : iJl .Ad.anoe.

The .. n arbor G~ StAndard'" And the ltont.real " Weekly Hel'llld" for ool1 1 1.00.

Tbo " Hnrbor Grace St:andatd" and ·I>omorelta' llhiltrated Mootblr Magazine Cor only.'$l).OO. •

The " l:lt.rbor GNco Standard" and tho "CoU~o l:leanh" for ooly f4.00.

' Tbo •· Harbor Grace Staodw'' and t bo "Canadian Wt o!klylUuatrated Nowa" for only ~7.00.

Tho '' Stllndr~.rd'' &1111 tbo " Cnnadinn ' · t iftc and Mecllanio'e k\.laga· u no" for .>nly .00. t

Tho " Har Graeo S b\ndard" 11n•l t ho "Toronto Weelr.lylliil" Cor ouly $ <1.25.

- Tho C. IV. Oulto11, Capt.. Lllytoc, a r ­rived bero tb;£' orniog from Driatol.

-To 110 i t~ io issnc. tho omiaion of tho cuato nnry mft rke, obliterated tho • i!!nl or II qnottltion ff9lll ll Tcltpm,m llr· t iclo "on tho q011li ty of tho milL' Ne:ltly t ho whole o f t bo Article, however , W:\1 io the worda of tbc E. 2:

- An E nte rtAinment.. in aid of the Dorcas O"ltl S~. \' inetnl·do·l 'aul Societies, '1\'&S

beltl iu tho Tout ~batloeoco H11ll on 'l'hu~Jay oi::bL last, auu w:u " oleoid~d eucccas. '1 hu youn;t men who do'l'oted t heir t ime :\n(l en~"':Y t.o c!Jo work tlescn o the ~;rc:~tut. pnisc Cor tho v.•ay in which they produce• I their varioos pa.rta ao aucc.:a~fully. 'l'hc proceeds a uaouuteJ to about .1: 1.'>.­C''"'·

T ho lec t)II'O oo the EduoalioDI\1 require· na•nta of rhis IOCllity. delivered in the 'f. A. & 1U. Socicly'e 1h ll on T ucsdny lMt loy Or. :\l :~c..: re~:or, was l:sn:oly llttenole d nnd mnob 11pprecil\!cu hy nil who hnd tbu

r-J,,I~a.;uro of hc:1rin,< iL In be fitlych:u nctcri.31.'d M 11


· Dou htlc&.•, tl•o pub I "'~ny opportuni t i ~s ro lcctUN r 0 0 other

- .\ :\li ioo~ry meeting w:u Hri ti•h 11311 on ·~·~:csd•yn wllid• •u~ •·cry:l11q::d y 11tlc

,\Lolc n1ltl rcliCs on the l mi~siona of 1ho (.;hurch rleli•·crcu by rho l~c"Js.-:r-..,,_. ""'v~ ··· .... "-· ]l .. H. II. T o)•lor, A . C. J . , And ,lu•l.:c Bc•nneu' DntinJ; tb;~ inlcrrnl~ ft n . tl"'",. anJ hy1 ns were suuz , "hich ntlueu tu thu rhcrrfu• .t' ~ nf t !ll' llhl tliu~. Fu~thur l'~ulll.ra "ill bo givan Inter

on. 'tJ \t.\11,\1',\1' t:l.\'t!l r;;o Xorr., . ....::\!r. T win­

i n;:, C. E .• :trrin•d in town lnst C\'llniu~:­hoviu;; just COI!.plcte•l the ~un·,·y from Uri i!u~ t<> ~prcad 1:::•!(1<' l'cn~. lie proc~c:ds o n .\lrlnJAy 10 ' t. Juhn ';~, 11n•l s tnrt.1 thcnctl f,•r Ulru:k P.ivc r (:-nuth \\'"cbt Arm of Triuity u.~~·). to ~nn·o•y from r. poio ~ thero t.owt\rJd C N lll ttt l. :\lr. Bri;;ht , t:. K, b:L, nlr, nJ y cuoumeucotl sun·eying from fl autem sou th,..arJ to Sprend E:tglc l'rnk ; !lnol :\l r. Cbanollcr , C. E. , goes aoou to aurvey fro1u l~utem to lllru:k J.t iver.

- T ho S. S. l 't~h tta, ~loul:'l n·j: to .\l eaar•. I.o rd & .\l ann, .\loutr•nl. u rivcol hero oo 'fu~~dny l:nLl'ioJ ='t Jolon ·~. ~t which pii\Cc she lautlcJ !I portion of her !rt·ight. consist ­ing uf fl our. bulle r. t·tc. 'J ho l 'nlrtta hns l't'~D chort~red '•r l\1 ,-ufll. .Jul.o :\l nm1 & l' o , ol tluK J>Orl • o t~lw a cmr;,;o of fi•l1 and to l.lrntil. t-.hc lt:\,cS 8hor tly for ll •lifu :u <II ""'It to 1\·rnambuco. In r"""'''lncuro of tho domnzc rt'CCIItly ~ua. t:\in~d h\' t hree uf :\le .. rd .\J unn·~ for~i;.!n · J.'<•lllj: , . .;,.,., • . 1hc f1r 111 lo:t8 b.·cn olJligro l to d ·•r• (.' r rht· :tho,·e ~h;, lll C'r in or•lcr ll~ ~, .. t. t\

l'O:I ion oi t ht:ir lioh nnd oil to tl.e lluu.i lian marl: c t. .

-11. r.. \' , F. lki • :II>I~.,.:J:bc ,\nnunl :O.I .. ·tinc: ul lh~ II (rl or I i rn~• \ 'o1unwer For,• llrt:;n.J,. ' ''"" pl,•e,• nt thei r l!o~m , on ) ( .. noln~· C\'~nin~ tb~ 9th irl•t.. when the r .. IIO\\ u•:: niDceMI Were elected for tho en­.. ~ 111~ : -) Jr . . Juns Srt: \ Tlllr.. elected First T>ir·rrtor.

.. P .\liUCK \ \ ' .\1-' IJ , .\;({'nm l d fJ. 'I B. I' A!<$OS<, rc ·cledcd Trfa.<urrr. " ,J. ;\I. G nAn.n t, elected S. rrrtai'!J. " r;. F. U.\~S£S, re-elected St~paiult<td 1.

C.:o~··tlrrtt :!...:' .. John .Strathic, Pnt. r i•:t \\'nl ·h. ll~rn~rc1 1'Maono, J . M. Grn­b~on . G. ~· . ll~rnu. Will i11m l:111110n. ' I honuu \\'al1h , W illism Smith, Edward Callllu&n, .l ,.mes Griffin, J Qmt.>l t:o r<lon. J ohn liar­eery, Tboo•n~ Foley, St<'lll,cn llre~kor.

-Xotwilh,14nding the unpleu :\nt oha. Tlld(·r o r t he f"foninsr, tho ' 1 Open Jnat&lta­tion M•·etinr.:' ' of l !ftrbor Grace, Diviaion ~o. l C. !:i-o:ts of T c ropcranct, wu attended by " lar:;c numbtr of pen10na, includio~: 1nany of tho f11ir l!eX. After tho officcra h~d !;>een Inducted into tbeir at.ationa, 11 pro~mme, COnmtiu~: Of 11011gl0 TfCitations, rClld inp and addrea~~e~~, wae gone through. T he addrrat'l of the W. Patrinrrh, of t ho Rc \'. J . q oodi!oo, nod tbo !lev. A. Ho~ "'ere alone '&'ell worth allending for. Tbe Divi~"!* doing aomo good work io the c:ommut i • and de~ervea' &bo support of the frien of 'fomperauce.

·n.e follow g are th'l names of th .... a ~UI fOJ' t~o onrrent.qaarteT : _ HrcnAno Ruro£RF'ORD, W. P.

W . A. 0KR, JV. A . NORMAN MuNX, Jl. :f.

• W. D. PAJISOSS, A. R. S. J.l/1. llft.'l-"ll', F. S. ALU.N PARSONS, T. Rn. J . OOODISO¥, Cltop. N. DAVIll1 Co1t. .r . .,-~, "'· c. W. KolCAJ', I . S. c. Wn.u_ O. S.


- Tho Ooo~ of! Q narter Se.lou wu holt! en oo \fonda' week Ill\, Hie Worebip T. t.Alenaott., FAQ. , ~ Jndp, prulding.

11 i• 'Vorehlp, lo ildarellbtg tbe Grand Jary, dweh ill 6 t.Wic ud fordblelanauaro on tbe oeee.lty Ucl adN&bill*7 of the JlOOple of l 00111aait,r. dwelliq in .,..ce and coueord wlda oae ano&ber. He ftUotd on t.he ja~ p.n..Ji:.- of ll!4aeooe and deelrou of U. ..,.. ol tlle ootDD:Ia;

• ni&y, eurdD& .._.._ to MCGN &he ........._ abo.,. dllirabfe ...,.. of ..U.p.

n. GIUdl:'t;!!.~ ~n Joha . Ryu ... olaOIID ..... iiM follOW•


. , SlftP 8tJ'ILOU(o.-By Mo~n•-..trioe~ per

Piowr lfOPL:~ no,:thwant .. baYe aQCIII iot.ol'llllll.l infonnadola reaud1aa &he pro· grete of elalpbo,lldiDa ba -&he ~ of ·r..,iWgp&e ud Foao We ain &he fol· lo•i"" - of patti• ••peed ill .&lio pi'OieCIItion of &hfe impo~'·· i.DaDetrr • 1fitb tho nUIDbor , 9f ' io 009rM of ~oatriletioo.. b7 ~. durinr &ho ,preaeot 1flnler :- · •

i\[r. J ohn ~ Patldoclt~.l.; Mr. Joaepb P addock I! ; M:r. Franol* W arr 2 : Mr. Geor:s~Q llawlcint 1 ; M.r. Jobn R idout 1 ; Mr. Robert Hull 1; Mr. Goorl(o W"tteman 1 ; Mr. E li Paddock 1; Mr. E llae Croucher 1 ; Mr. Ger1rgo Uurton, 1: Wo &110 gin <tho following IDider dato, Dec. 2~th :-'l'ble morning, llr. Jo~n ilo'!'IOII, Ward'a Har-' ~r. ~roeo llay, found 2 Hooda in bia not.. - AdfOCOte. ' .

"' COOIIT OF Q uAJina Swro~s.-On Tuea· day tho Court of Quarte r Soaaioos was he ld in tho Court Ho:1ao in thia city- tho Stipcn~ ~tratea preeiding. James Wat.aon, Eaq., ILt1 . .\ .. h11viog been chosen foreman, ud tho G rand Jury, wore addtus­ed by Judge P roweo •• Collowe :

11/r. FortnUv. a11d Gtntl;_ll :-It iR our C:u~y to call you togotber and your duty to nUond a t t hia period of U1e year. Wo a ro h. ppy to inform you that there iA no orin,in · ai to occupy your attention ; and as theN! havo been DO lJill1 of Jndictmeoi IO lay before your body for m~ny years p..,t, •o tnat tho wisdom of tho Lcgialaluro will alter tb!) law and do away with tho nooeuily of your aUen~nco on tbia Court in future.

It ia our pracLice at' thle senson to lay before tho Gr.t.od Jury tbo criminal alatia­t ic:s Cor tho pM~ year, nod to com moot upon t ho reaulca. Tho returns t bnt aro laid be­foro ua by tbo Pollco abo,., 9. cousid~t.lo llllJl~reot locrc:'lle or crime, M compared with tho previous yc:ar of l SSO. Tu tbu yc11r 7!18 prisoners wero confinod in t ho Lock - up. '"hile for tho year ISt\1 t ile nmn ­bcr is 904. In rho ycM 1880 thoro wcro committed to tho l'~nitonriary by tho Sti­pcmliary M~islmle4 for ~ho Centml Dis· trict Cour t I !J!'> pliaone1'11, a:;:Unsc 17:! for

yenr '!hich h.-.s juat clo.,cll. '.flois IIP· p.~rcnt iocrcuao doe& not, i n our opinion, 1udirolo Boy inaN!M<I or criruo in l bo com­munity, a l to o1Tcncc11 aro mol tly of 1\ tri­,·ia l ch11m r nnd :If~ •luc to tho ioc rellScd drunkcnnc.'>! which is afjliu canscJ by tho proepcrity of tho yenr I l.- T imr1, Ju11. i .

Tbo followiDI T.W.Ihewe &U ~Uo( I ~...,j,~-~~5!!~~~..;..;..;, OQdlleb ad Coc1 OD frolll ADJ. 11&. _~3'1.1& t'f 0.0.. 188l, boaapuied wl&b 11111t peri0cl.J64 )'ell' :-:- • ~

Oodlbb, qtla., 188l ..... ....... 481,036 .. •• 1880 , .......... 89<&,ll88 .

. Incroue, 1881 . . .... ~.,.... IS6,M8 ----qod Oil, tun~, 1880 ..... .. .. •• .. 1&11 .......... ..

Jneroaae, 1881 ... ........ . -Com.t~ial Jou11al, h tt. 6.

:J'orty.!'ifth Anllual Beport'otthe lfew-· foundl&nd Britl.ah Sooiot7.

O o retiring from office, your Oflicere and Cotamittco beg reaptotfully to submit R eport lor tho year 1881, as follows :-No. molllboreon rollae per toporH 8S1 ... <&67

" ,.. ad111illod duriogpa._at year ... 17

.. ..

474 deceuodduriog past year. .. 6

on Roll to dato . ..... m ...... 4G9

Balance on hand 1880 .... ..... ... £ 61 !l 1 Rocoiyodfromalleoureoa 1881 ... GOG 18 1

Mmo plaoe, OD Ul l~t., Cba:rles Fr_.ler­lclt Ohllcor,..youog~t &nol oDij 804 of Oaorp aud Suaan llu1l,ud, •led • wruo1tw. 1

Al liL J oba'a, oo tbo Olb \Df!L1at Uw or llr. Gladnor, !Allor , W~~'1!uee'• llr, \ \"JJ . lt.m \\'allur llnaol. ao-ed ~ 'l"U1't . ll&tf'IO or

T otal ... : ............. .t658 7

Twllli.Dg•to. \:.'11 ·At SL J nllb'a, 011 tho 81" )Ill" Ellen lhry,

2 daus;b1er o>l Catbntfne aud E4watd .DOIIUIII)', aged • ye.u a nil 8 mob\ !a, t.t • .; •

;\ mono L expended for liclr.nea 1\Dd deathA ........... ........... SS2 17 S

Tocidcnl.lll npe~Uea ....... · ......... 167 l:J . 7 lJepositell io Bank ...... ............ 111 18 9 llal. iu T reasurer's banda to dato. · 56 17 7

T otal. ................ !G38 7 2 ----The funds 11nd ofl'ocl;or lbo Society up to

t his d111u 1\rD u foltowa :-

A mount tlepoailod In S:wings' & nk .. . .............. ............ 1133

A moun t of Goreromout Dcboo-t uroa ...... . ........ ............... 801

Vr~lo111ioil of J!roporty ...... ...... 20H li11lllnco iu baud.s of T rcuurcr... 6lJ

6 11

18 G JG 11 17 7

Total.. ............. .£4038 18 11 82 n1cmbe~ htr.\'O received bcncfit.s iu

t ime of aicko0111 during tho past year. Tho tot.'\ I amount paid £:;l:J2 17• :Jd. Fi vo mom­be~ 1111d t lfo ruombera' w.ives hBvo clierl. l'ollll amouut of mor l.lllity money paid f>eing roo.

On tbo 2otl J anu\ ry tho Soc1otr., as usuttl, lnet a t t he ir Llall and proceeded to t ho Gower Street Methodist C hurcb, whore an ap proprillto scrnon WM praacbo<l by th o Uuv. W. \Y. l:'erc i. al, afte r which they m11robod in proceasioo:sl order tbrough tho town and roturucu to their llall.

On tbo bt lott., Atuta~,r~•pt child ol Oeorgo and Prllldlla Knfr;b ~·'II & mootba.

On U.O llrolloa~ .. Etl_aa yLt.'olllr. )Ucbaol Froncb. agood lli y011rt. , ,

On tho 4tb fo•l,~ .1\uoo, Hlftt of £fro tot.~ Mr. John K elly. a nati•oof 1ba ClcNi11 Wu!nrd, l rtt-land, In tho Doth year of h·r~ •

Ou tbo ~~~~ io•t..J.A!o.ry Aoo: daoghterof lbo lat.o William llaroe• , ~· agwd 81-Yo..ra.

On 1bo 1u1b ult.. . at IC...101i, :J'loomu; 100 ol .U.o an<l ll1~ !Aio John.U.rrlnstoo, Q( tbLo oily.

A 1 lblllu, Doc 17\b, oft or a IDOlf &nd palnlol lllr""''• J nbu lla gbt'¥. ar .. bat«, a Wlthu 11! l:il . J'1, NOJ ., &1fld•66 y-.n. •

New Advertisements,. .

Notice to Debtors. If nll debts d ue to the Subscriber

nrc not pnid ~ the

1ST li,EBRIUARY· I ' '

legi.u proceedings will be tnken to. recoV'cr the snme!

C. BUDDON. JQo. 13, 1882.

lALlA~ Winter Sailings -1882. . .


Faox HALIFAX. FnQx ST. Jolllf'J. . . I T OtSI>AT, J an. Sl •t., MoMDAT, Fob. 6tb. .. .Fob. Htb. .. .. 20th •

" .. 28th. •• Maroh 6th .. l\lareh 14th I .. 20tb ' " " 28th. .. April Srd Aprll 11th .. .. 17th

Coonoetin;r with Steamers from Liver· pool l or Halifax-

J an. 18 th. Feb. }st. F eb. 16Lh. . N ar. let.. Mar. 16th. · Mar. 20th'

St. J obn'a, Ju. 7, 1882. 1\. SDl<.:t\, ll~nt.


AVALON HOUSE, Water Street West,


T I:IE SU RSC RIBI::Il deairoa moat respect. fully to intimate to Lho general pub­

lic that Kbo hu tnkeo tho bouao ownad by the l11to Mr. Jon~ llttTCIIINOS, n few doore wca~ of tho mercantile promikla of tbo llon. W. J . S. Dos~tLL\'1 wbero.•bc ia prep~r~d to 11ccommouato re1pectablo DO.\ UOEitS (pcrto.:~aeut or lrnnsieot) aL moderate ratcJI.

Mr~:~. B. FURLO~G. Dec. 2!?.3m, ·

P~otographs, Tintypes, &c.

PERSO~S requiring anything in the nbo•·o ' line \fould do well to p_ivo a

Clllt to tho l ' hotn,graphic ltoo101, No. 8S W fttcr S treet, Uubor Grace.

Do:e. ti.


,~,... .... , .. , t4E I tmlPN . Hife Insurance. ~o., of ............ .

I DOO~U.;m;--ur l ' --- . JOHN E. DeWrrr. -. ~ - .,_ President.

DIRECTORS' OFFI~E,-POR'DLAND, MAl~~- v GoYWnment D~poau.!a&. Ottawa ..... .I.. .................. : ........................ ~,Obo oo ~ .... &bollt ... , ... ... . ........ ..... ...... . ~ ........ .......... _ ........ .. .......... t1,000,000 09 8~1"' ovw all LiabWtJee .................. ...................... , .... ............ t 630,000 00 Di de11th tO Polley-holdera1 t.o 3u~ December, 1880 .................. 13,938,08 ~ Total Pa~te t.o Polley. hoJdeia ....... .... : ..... , ................. ...... 117,4a6,1126 Ul

'!'hie ie tho b lfLT Compeoy tbaLiaeuea rolicies giving tbe beocftta of Lbe .AlA~ NON• FQilJIEITUitllaw, and apecifyiog in dofioltc tenne by ile J!ol1cy Con tract, dta t tbare can bo 1>0 FORFOTUR£ Of tltO iDSIIrtlDCO by XIOD· p&J'!Uent of }<rt:mium aJtsr tbnofl anD~ p rO• miuma havo beco paid, until tho "'.Juo. pro vided for ie exluluated iJi EX'l'ENDED JN-SUBANC E . 1


Odd lfellows' Building, (Union Street, St. John, N. B. . W. D. H. KENNEDY, ·

GeiJ. Agent for New -BmTISJ}!ick}J· Njld. W. M. ALLAN, EsQ., 1\I.D,, Medical E:~:aml1le1· .A. T. DRYSDALE, Agent ( or Concepti(Jn B_ay:

., ---- _.....,.. EXAMPLE FOR SlOOO.

F or 11 ('o'lrty Agt 25 who pays not IC41 t hl\1' 3 annunl promiomt, the policy of t ho Union Mutual providws and guaranlece tbe following oo lf, aqd ~ .)'Cl\1' eudowweot.J :-

1/) YEAR E~DOWME~T; • • S an nual prethlnma of 60.02 dola. proYidce. Hi yeAI"'I inanmoco and 6!i.S l dola. for each

• 1000 dola. 11t end or endowment, c01t oni!J !1.81 d ols. auonnlly. 6 nnooal premium• of GG.02 dol11. p rovidea lfJ yenrs in1urnnco and 1 !l!l. dol•· for tncll

1000 dolt. a t end or eudowmcat, coJt o11l!J !1.6:! dole. 11nnunlly. . 10 aanual premiums of 66.02 dots. proYidCll 16 yc11rs inauranee and Gl G.CO dole. for eliCit

1000 dole. l\t end of ondo,r1oent , co«t oroi!J ~.9 1 dola. auounlly., 16 annulll premiums of GG.02 dol•. pro,·idea ll> yenre illsJ.raucc nn•l 1000 dol11. :lt cud of

endowment. ~rith aU tl~ prnjit1. 20 YE,\ R E~DOWMEN'£. 1

S oonnal premi11108 of 47.68 dots. providu J:l yenr8 nod 303 daya iaaumnce, v:itlw•t /wrtltcr JKI!I"W:RI, coat only10.20 dolL llllllUIIIIy.

5 aouual prowiums of •17 .G8 dol a. provides 20 yen1'11 iosumnce and ~7 .BG d ula. for each 1000 dole. at end of ondow111eD' , co.~~ only 9.21 dolB. nnnuall).

10 annual premiums of 47.68 d ola. providu8 lO )'tl\rs inauraooo and :11>5.91 dola. for ellCh 1000 dolL a t end or endowment, coat oal~o dob . aanuall1. ·

20 aooual premiums or <&.7.68 dola. provl.dcsl!O y ea!') inu muc:o aud 1000 d ola. at ~ncl of rndo~rmeat with oU tlt~ projiU. 'Ihi11 calcnlat.ion ia not mtrel!J wirnatu ', but ai:Jua/ly guaranlt t cl io tbe polic;Y, 110d

doea not include tho diyidenda which wilta~cruc to tho policy. &'Tho endowment policy issu;u by tbo U:uo~ llt.'Tt!.u. Lm: l ss urtA.-.:c& Go .. ia tho

f:lir411t contract offered to t.ho ioaariog public'. (Nov. 1~.

New Books & New Editions JOIAS A ND NEW Y&AR ~

Tnr. Dnr UocK.-Tbo C ily Council took n new dcpnrturo in tho tlry clock 1\Jia ir YC!fl· terday by \'Otinjl' Co place tho work in tbo hanJa or :\lr. W riA"ht, of London, who is uaociAted with the Fren~:b com~ny owning the now llruililln lino of atcamera. Mr. Wri~:ht hM given tl1c aohc•no tho first fin an­cial botto~n ir hu r<'t:eivcd, by proYidlog tho d.Wosit woooy, $ :?,000 of which will bo placed th tho :\lnyor'R bt'ntlc:~ at once ; eo if misfortune ngnin fall II(JOn th.; project t ho c ity ,.ill J.n,·o nt leMt 9 2.000 for ita 1roubl'! in net;olinting with Mr. Wrij:ht· Tl111t ~;cot lem,n bl\ll to got t ho Dominion ftnu Imperial ~mnll! bcforo ho c:~.o go ahead . Tho Dominion concession w i\J gmnted to Mr.· T urner, anol probAbly tho Imperinl concession atnntls in tho Mme position. Uulcaa d ilficnlty occurs on this point, lho d ry docl: ~emc slloulol now prove sncccaa­ful. It is to bo hoped thnL :\! r. Wri~ht will hu e nil his 11rmng o:rnonts completed within the t ime allowe<l. T here hu been IW much delay 10 t ho a lTair tloattr.pplicntion for exlt-n­sion of t ime mi~:ht not boJ looko:J upon witb fa vor. - -1/fllifa.r f'tiJI(r.

Your officcrJ nud committeo would c:all tho Attention of tho Society to tho rules of ord.eT and propoliCd ameudrocnta to tho by­la \fl ae auhmiu ed by t ho commit~o ap­pointed to re•iao them. nnu wourd ask you to givci th em your J~Criout considcmlion, 1111

tbey$:U1 co_mo up Cor !lppron t or d is.\p-

Hurrah lor the .Brigade I he.s r tmoved to tho Rooms lately occupied lllwstntcd Diographies of tho Great A r-: by .\lr. J:o'. U . ARCDJ.D,\.LO, corn or of tilts, each illustrated with from 14 to 20

Eog ravinga.


pro wo mon th hence. You.r tficor-a and conlmitteo, on reti ring

from office, tru~~ tb.!l~ thuy h W <l duuo nil iu tl!eir ~w~r for tbe 11cl>•nncomcnt nucl wol ­faro O~bo Su~ict_y, :\UtJ,whil.n 1\~knowluJo:­inl( &W.. bountifu l~odneaa c;f God in aiol­lng Oltm, express 11 10po th:\l th~:ir •uc:oes­IOrs 11111y rccoire cqu/\l aiJ.u u of fnvor ff'OD.I IJao f:i vc r or nil good.

• . Hcspectlully eubmilled, lUl:ll ARU A. ~l'COUURJ::Y,

i 'r,.itlcnt. • . ,;: EDWARD F. COLTO~.

.. .lo~~ & crtiOr!J 'fur. L\TT.L\' · Wr. tma;o .\I.L\" I.r!'ltn. ~

- Tho .Hrmll'ifl tt, commnn•lcd b1 l.ien~. ~ ppe_ , a rc th!l ~ (~r tbo yeu l SSJ!; Archv. H. N. ll., is cu1 iron screw atc11nlcr 1 ~ oi :l:ltj t••n~ ~:ron ron n~~o. ~00 horao .J . · ng hos, clcele11 Prviclrnl. pnwcr. built t\1 Gr~enock in l l!lrl , aod Wl\l ' D. ron, "\, re-elected Vice do. lrn .z t l l ~llc<l in l .,i4 , h~ilcll frorn (<1Mgo1•,11n<l G. hh, " 1h rumrtr. ~l r .. H. c; . A ll:~n is her r eJOl i&t~red owner. B. ~olton, " ( Stcrrtar:J. She l .. rt- l'ortll\nd on Th u1'11t,lAy afternoon Ja~~ooro, " • Stnl'Qo'd. 11t 4 o'clocl: for t hia port nud W \ll to emil 0Q F.£':-~lc«~ra. T . Coffi n. Nl·t'lccl· this afl~rno>on fur Lil·crpool, G. B., • ia St. c•l ;-& per. E. !Jennett, W. Wlle iM, S. .John's ~lid, tnk it>g t ho mnils for both Boonpt ' C offior, U. llcr•lc r, L. U.;ytUouu pl11rcs. A number of l 'M-o;cn~ " ere r. R.-~. elccted.-'r;mu. ' l.ookc<l nl t hill poH for Ltvtrpool and S t . • 1 --.Tohu's, :\!IJ. by the .lforat•iuu. ' Qt;OTATIO~S.

---- • Bni;r cwt..- Loc:al &koriea-~o. 1, :\l nd J, lonrl is s ituMed 1;; milt~ s. F.:. ~· · No. 2, 21a.

fr6na Yllrmottt h, AnJ nbout four miiM north FLO · •. · r br!,-<;:no~ Superior Extra, of Sc11l Jal11nol. T ho ieland i& l o•~. with A S7i,i ~ew York F.stm :::tMe, 3:JJ to mudoly aurfnce, from which tbe place ~ New York Superfine, :l b . New Ulkes itJi n:llne. T ho bott.oru iJ rocky11od Yort No. 2 Snpcrlioa, SOs. tho w .. ter IS quite ~h03l in tho vicinitY or COR."f l\JitAt., yellow. 221. tho ia!11od. Any• '~ind from n Weslem 0 ATli£AL (C~Mda), per brl-2& Cd. ~''"rtor will bo ~rcat ly Celt there, and it ill ftlet-(EiltL l ndi11) per 01111- 2011. ... hkely that t bo etca:ner will break up 'lt'ith (Round) per brl- 1!la. tho lint aea. . BtiTTilrt, per lb- Catllld11, 11 t to l a. N 0 ¥11

-- Soe&mn, t Ot to ls. American, !ld to Is. Tho All~n llno hnvo lost a largo nuO:'!Lr Poh , per br - Meas, l OOa to 10~. Ext ra

of ate11mers sinco their orglln iZI\~Oo as " P Hwa. !lOa. at.eamship co1Dp11uy. Amoolr tbom were B1~ (Priw.e) per bri,~Oa to 100.. tho 1/unttariall, lost with all hand• e i Capo RIJ)C (l:)ttong)-~ Imperial gallon, 12s 6d. S!lblo, 23 years 11go, ncar wbeto tho Jlora- MO~I!S-1" gallon : iU usco\ado, 2.i 6d viau now is. Tho St. Gtor~ a t the aMno to 21 7d. place, about t O yenrs ngo, when ilo lh·ea S_uo.ut ( Tteftnod) \)' owl-4Ss Gd, to 47! , were loat.. A lao rho / Hdia111L MaritiJoeopb, CoFYE£, ¥' lb-Wd to 11. when aomo elf her crow aod ~naore we{!& ToBAcco (:\t.oufactured) t bo lb-1e t d. drowood. The Bohtnaian at Porlfaod, Mo., CollDAO£, ., cwt-751. the G~MII<f'l¥. on t bo cout of Franco, t ha S.u.T (C adiz) .. hhd- 7a. .·b gfo •. "iazzOt ~t Capo 1taoe wbeo her oa.p· ' EX C H ANGE. talft and a na mber of her ~ngers were London--811ok d mwlnqo ~to, 20 per coot, drowned, ' • o•tearnc rs el{lid &bo Canadian. • ~akpurebuiugmte,19! per coo L. the Jll7'f1. oo t bo EuglJIIi~ll .. tho N ortlt Non ~tia, ....................... Par. Brito1t oo tbe cout o~ Mo•foU'Ildlaod, Oancida ............................... Par. Cort-ctll lut summer oo &he S t . Unitotl S tatu Cold ............... Par.

11nd acothcr llhip"'oallea &he N otVJ ";c~~~:~t--.~c~·o~n;•·!!.t~o~ll~nt~o;l~, ~J~o~"·~~~~·~====~ In nino ycara tile Allllb CoinpMy los' eiCYen ataamere. 'l'he a&tamer l'bm, from BIB.'l'BS. -Boetoo, of Md lor Weet t-la rtlepool, with a ' 1

t ueral cargo. wu 'lfreoked uear Oape blo two yeare ago, and •uD~. ip doop •wr

~a,ncing Assembly. Water and Victoria Streets. · - - 1 · Q"EnLmuc:c from VictoriA Strc:c t..

A U ANC l NG ASSElHILY (with rofreab- Dec. 10. U>Cnta) u nder tho auspicta of tho Ru - - - ------ -..,.------

bor Gn~co Volnnt.tor Fire Bri;.')'ldo will bo bel<\ on .


The Subscribers· 1~ WlSillNG 'l'llE IR PATRONS

--mr A MERRY CHRISTMAS ST. PATRICK'S ~L. I&""TI.CK~:l'S-..3 ahitliop eJ~Cb:- to bo' bad

Ill tlio door. s 1 Doors o;ruo nt 7 o'clock; daaol.og to. com·

mencu nt 8 allarp. \• - ,

J an. 13.

'fllOM.lS FOLE Y, &c. Com.

P UBLIC N(Y.riCE . A R EQ U ! lT fON b~'fing been pre­

sented to t bo undcrsi~ood Stipeodlllry Magi~trato of Cnrbones r !torn over onc­fi fLh of the llegist~rod Eloctor4 of t ho Dis ­trict, requiring IJI~t 11 voto n1my be tAken to d etortuiOO U~ whether t~O·thirde Of tho qo11li6ed E lcctora polletl a to in favor of a l'roclam.'\tion being iaauod by Ilia Uonor t ho Adtoiuistmtor of lhB Govemmeot for tbe prohibit.ion of t llo ll:llo of iotosi~tiug liquors iu tho abo,·o-nametl Diatrlc~ :

And where!ls tho Atlui nistm tor acd Council llt.\'O a~otod to 11l!oll being tAke n onder tho proviaio41B of . tho 'f emperaoce Act of 1871, s ~ Vic., Cap; 7. Sec. 2, I OU

have np~inted MO~D.\~ tho·T birtoeuth dtr.y of ~ ebr~u1ry uost, oot ng, for lbo pur­polO or taltlug 8\ICb l' ol • In t ho tnlUer llfortaaid • .,~, ln the IC'fOdl ;Jectiooa of tho Carbon4:~r E lectoral Diatrnt; including Vic­toria V ll lago 11t which pta.c. a llooth for Polling will bo opened : c ~

AU peraoos concerned._., horeby roqpir­ed to tako duo notice aot goYcro Uiem­eol yes according! y. · ,

l SitAEL L. McNF.tL, •1 SliPf~tdiors •Magntrate.

P olice Office, Carbocear, l t J an ., 12, t 882. S

Commercial Barik of Nfld. A DfVlDE :-JD 0o1 t b., CapiW Stock of

•"'- t hia Compaay a t t lut rate of T eo per C oot.. per Annum, for .the half year ond1ng :Un Deeomber. 188l , wiltbo pa,abloat t bo BankinJr llouee in l>uckwg. rth 8treot on and 11ftor T H 0 R.SI>AY,tbo 5UiUIIIln.,Y ihaiaut, during tho u sual boore of> buelueea. '

• ( llf o rder oltb~,) . • ' ~~~ · m DBO\VN,

' ~ ao • .-~ Ma~r. RL. .Jobn .... Tau . t :t-f. :


beg to c::~ll S PEC IAL ATIE~T£0~ to

t heir large and nriod uaortment of Cboico

New GROCEREIS con•istiog in part of

Light Brown nnd Cube

SUGARS New Sc:\SOo (Souchong & lly•oo)

T E A s ' Epp'a, .Frr'e and Taylor's

11 o mooopothic nnd Solnblo

Cocoa ~ Chocolate G ootl Green and Pnro G round

COFFEE , Now Fruit

PRESERVES, .,-a,,., s db .,-e111es.

EogU.h 11nd American

HAMS· & BACON, W bolo R.Dd Crouod S PICES, Ciooamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmega, Pimento, Gioger,

Orang~s & Le]llons. Citron aocl Lemon P EEL, P opper, Nata oatrtU.~lt:a,, o...apet-.. CondewsocMJ.ili:, •


Claiaae aai· l11lter, P lain & Fa111l'fDISOUITS & C RACKERS

CONFECTIONERY Ealeoco of Lemon in email bottlu C,.a of T artar, Honfly lo 1110&11 paobgoe .Plotlee, Vloepr, Spiced Boof, Stewo~ K.ldoera, Coolr.od Cora~ B~f Ll~li'• ~ rQ~ ~ o&a., • ote.

-' full line • of Beet

. . i


So~ Ex. FLOUR, B)t&AD in b&Jf ~

~ool!.~~:=MOliASS&i OATMEAL Ia ~ barrele, Bte. Etc.

r.a &haolrtDf oor MtDeroaa ~Oftlln for _... llbenl pMNDIP'•• .Ootd wiltl Oteto all A llaar Clmtrlrd Ali'D A HAPP1' N11t Yad. '"


T ho following in Stock :-Micbael Angelo, by C bnrles Clements; Haphool. froiD ,J. D. l'115Mvaut, by N. D'An· 'fe rs ; Titian, by Richu d F ord · !leolh, M. A., O:dord ; Rubens, by 0 . W . Ketl. M. A., Osford ; F igoro P aiutere of Uollaotl, hy Lord R ocold Gowor, F. S. A.; Sir J oahuo Hcynolda, by F. S. Pulling , M. A., Oxford; J . W . M. Turner, by W.Coamo Monkhouao ; Sir Ech•in Lnodaoor, by F rederick G. Stepbcna ; Gaioaborougb and Cooalnblc, by G. lll. lJrock Arlloltl, M A., Ox!ortr; S ir Uavi(l W ill;ie, byJ. W.llallcU, ll.A.,Oxfor\1: T bil L ifo of Geor~;o Stopbeneoo, by Snmuot Smiles ; l'lutnreb'a l..iYell, for C\'ory q.{y re11dors ; Confcesiona of no Opio111 ~er, by DcQuincey ; ·n1omas Cnrlylo, by Ilcpry J . Nichol ; Tho J:o' rench Hovolutlon,. by Thomu C11r1)·1o ; T ho No•v I lluat.nltcd l\aturft l Il il<lo ry, by tho Hcv . • J. G. W ood, :\L\ .. F.L.£..; Stor ica of O ld Fnmilie3, by W . Chomuers, L.L. D.; St.oriee of ltotwuk­ahlo P uraoua, !)y W. Uh!lmbors, L . L·b . ; ·Yourh'a Coillp4nion and Couoaollor, by W . Ch:1mbors, L. L. D. ; St. Giles' Lectures, tho

' Sco tt.iah Churuh, ·rrom tho car lien times to 1881. S LJoho'R.Nov. l!l. J . F. ClllSHOL~l.

Newfoundland lights. Tb Mariners.

<NO.2, 1 881.> ROCKY POINT, nAR.llOR BRET ON,


Latitutle .... - ..... , ...... . :11° 27' 30'' Nor th. l.ongitudo ....... ....... : .. 5G0 47' 46" \\'eat

T lto Light Tower burot down in June last has been rcpl110ed by a CJRO ULA R 1RO~ in which, oo and afte r 2 Iat Novow · bcr " F1XJ-:D WHITE L1G11T will be exhibited oightly, from aunaet lo annriae, 111 no e.leVIltioo of G8 foct llbof~ tho len I of tbo l!ea, nod illomiuatlng tho whole hori:too eeawllrda, oxccptin~ towa.M& tho Har bor llock. 'Jhialrock b eare N. E. ' F..; 2:l0 y11rda diatau~ : on tbi8 benriug tho ligbt is ob.'ICured. j

Tbo illuminating IIPI_>artlllll is Dioptric or t ho 8th ordor, with a eanglo argand bnmer. 1'bo T ower ~ painted Hed and Whlto iu alternate horizontal llaoda.

<NO. 3,· 1881.> HAN'I'S HARBOR, TRL."il1'Y DAY . ..

Latitude .............. ..... 48° (U• 07!' North. Loogit~de ... ........ ...... 6:1° 16' 07" West

.A W OOD, OOTAGON TOW E R oo a ~u .. o IJ- W c u - .... ~ _. t l.!. u -Lto..- ._ .. N. E. Botll, oa which, at an etenlion of 06 feet abovetbe levol of tho...._ a FLXE U RED L IO R't will bo exhibit~ nigbtll from auoae~ to aunriao on aad aftor 21at ~OVUI­u n, and wblch will UlumiDAto t.ho -.hol o bori&OD ll!ll'lftl'cl,

Tbo appayattie . ie Dioptric or tho ,8111 order, wt&b • aiojllO ar~tand, burut~r. '!bo buildiop are paiutod W hito.

J OUN STUART, &crd ars.

Tho following a:o 11. few of CUI I mmCUR Stock :-

ELE GA}.'T FRENCH T OYS, Consisting of Snperts

MusiCl\l nod ~leohnoiClll Dolls,. lll uai0.1.l T oys or nrioua kiod3, Meehanicnl llur nod Iceberg, MechahicnJ Monkey, MecllllniCill Cat and .\lot111c, lllcchanicnJ Ro.bbits, MeebAnirol I.:uly nnd Doy on llorae~ck, lll echnaicnl Chnrio~. & c. . &:c.

W histling Bird1, llird <.:nile, Toy Uioncr nnd '.l'oil' t Ser.., T oy GuiUI 11ud t' iatob, 'ft~mbourinea, C limbing Uoy~. Mi~iaturo !.1fcR, Cubes and Blocln. lloya' Tool Ch!!&ll!, 'l'reu uro Ooxca, lligic Lante rna, and a host of o ther U~ya. 1

Papier Macha Goods. . ; Coo4ialing of Tallies , W ork-Doxu, Book­Slides, r .eltp r ltncks, CArd Trays, C r:amb Scle, W ti t.iog·Folioa. l nkslancla. Drsck ebl, Cnrd· lloxee, 'l'riol:ct Trays, 'l'riokot lloxea, Ullir -P io. CIIICS, &c., &c.

J . }',"' ClliSUOLM. St. J obu'a, Dec. 22.


tto:-WAY:s:l ---· _____ _j

Pills & Ointme.r1 t; .

---o-Purlt7 of Blood Eaondal to II o.ltb,

S trength, and Lon & Lite. -... ~

1\i:ti!t~NUI 1

aurJ14alall othor M odioines Cor J;1uriry. ing t ho BIO<Y.l ; they are availabfo for all u o. domestic IUid hon,obold ;ncdy fur Rll dirordera of the STOll' O H , LlVER, KID~EYS and ' BO\ :LS. In Consution a nd Obstrnc~ions of~vc~y kind t boy qnickly remoro tho cauJ , anu in ocoKtipMion and dtaordored oonaitiQn uc •uu 1:D<.c'l\ .,.,., ~uey • uo'IUI a Ol~lllug aperient. '4

F or DobilitaLod Con at i l u lione .did all F cmt\lo Compl•in ta t hnse Pilla 11 e un· • nrpo.uud-Lbt'11 correct l!lr~ularit.i~ ttn d Wea.Jcneaaee Mtn wh Atever csuao a t ising . :. .I

Page 4: RBBU.ATISM, - Memorial University of · QUE'EN lNSUR.l.NCP. BUlX.DlNO, ~lVERPOOL; ... llo bl' ob\lliocd

ww la l'aiiM •

• r.- P Je It I" yj· h P.arnJM tSta!l7 an a wbllela ao..,

Nat, llo'rU,., a.S...O pkl&u,., Ue& ,....., -- ...... .& ........ .._,

T* to ......... the- uel(ll:hb.>,.. ·~It ,.,.. w._ 11 .. 1 -roa• mut~r!ll-,

.. o.- ''"' lu .. tlt Ul .,..lntlo.l! 1'"-"'"­Tab o~~lldl 11-.llll<l •lbo• ,,.... 1~

Aaclle 11 lo write a ~ OlowluK "'llh po.tlo dre, •

F ull ot ..,...,.,,., oDd I be lonll'lnlt A liM" -bln~t l..a&rr. hh1h"f',

Some 11- .... d II to •b~ n"IJChbo,.., ADd tb•n leoollna likP a lot>l,

D•,.. oae •1· •· I • Ole •udl •~rM Yery ollw wblte al KbOol ~

J'•- P 11 Ia In her"" palotlor, JV..v,.. wrill••s lflneh-1.

Tllltloe •orl<l 11\.ol Ike'"'"""" 701& Yoer ~tlunhudellnN.

lt lalabor.llll7o~r ph:tnroe Are ... ciMn~for "'' onudl gnld 1

Till ;YOur ,..... , lllle putoJoee, lo e&u bo ooolol.

Afltr 1no u • ollmbed I be ladd•r, F'rvnl the loweet rouod,

Tb.·u tho IMl~tbbore pel 1nar ahoaldtr, ADd 1wr fulenm flr&len eoa .. .t.

.Ahtr ha•lnlt, whb your taltal, l ... rt><d tbe mo,...J .. ukior ori.

Tb~o tlteJau. " W• ·l~re luY...t 1011; .dlwa,.. u !.t ll>at,..... wore IW>trl~'


Poynsen of Poynsen Hall. Dt LCCT IL\SDALL COIIFOtT.



Mn~. Cau.dor Poynaen, in.apt d'uaife and noity welcome wbicb o had ut.enrlc<l to bt'r, wu not e p !eued to ban her aeok a mug again under tbe maternal wing.

• Wlen one marriea off ono'1 dAu • aid tho Ienior widow, Jitoonteatec:ll ~no

naturally especta the done "ith ! or ooure l'w ••ry aorry abe moat bue manl\ged •cry bAdly to aet them all again1t ber I Howc~er, wo do the beat we can. Flo i1 younrc yet.­thero'a no 1011 of doubt but tb&t abo will wany apin I'

And ., ebe went about, loudly proelaim· lnJr tbe c:ruel t.reatmoot which " dear Flo" bad re«iYed from bor' busb&Dd'a relati~u, and iovokiog any amount of public aym· pathy for both tbe widowa of l'oyuautt Ball.

• Oar bopea are bli~;hted,' -said MnL Po}'llaelt.&illhing iot.othe depths of 1\ black· bordered poeket-haodkcrchief. • lienee­forward lifo will be but a nlo of teara lor me and my dArlin~r Flo !'

\\'hilo FIOMy, glidio~e aron!ld the Tesli­bulea and corriaora of t bo line old llalllik~ a blAck abadow, felt a atrange I'XIIl~on io the fact that ah~ wu under the f&me roof tbat had theJtered Julian PoJDIOtt from a child. Tho perfumea aileoce of tho flower­filled rooms-tho grue, sad eyu, ao like hia own, of the f:uuily portraits that hung upon w&ll\, aad seemed to follow her, with ~odcr, wiatful gaze, where,·er !be went-tlto eloquent mutcnc:sa of tbe thou­unct little things t~1at• b:ld been once de~r to h1m thrilled her to tho very hel\ft. Sho bad loved Donglat Germond witb an inno. ceo~ hithlul loy:1lty-Ahe ruourned him truly-but, ' '" dowu iu •ho very ducp• of her 110ol, a he cherished tLo lira I love· dream or ber girhah daya.

• I know it'a Yery wrong cf mf,' aaid Flouy, aoberly, t.o.bentelf, • to kot'Jl fln cAr­ing for a man wbo bu flung my hurt con­templuou~lyn-.ny fro•u him. bu1 I can't help it. I dt• lo\'e bim,.:....:md 1 aluul con­tinue lo•inv hiou to tllo day or my clcath. :Uu~ I nnt.>r, ne~er will tell any ouo of it, Dot eYen mamma !'

And Flouy cried aohly, And wondered if it waa uultiad toward the memory of ber youu,:r hnaband, thua to c:hcrilh the recollec­t illn Of another 1111\n.

' For Dougla: was goo<l to me,' Floasy. • And lleann koowt that I was gntdul to him.'

S.• the two widow• ktpt their tolitary stAt.t' in the loH1 rooma of l'oyoaeu II all.

• )htoma,' ta~d Flouy, one dAy, u •he ut with clat.ped banda on· tbe lum wberc the s;:ianl beec:h-t~o dung ita banner of ahatlow athwart the cl--out turf, and A ml\rble ttatuc of Poeahoow gliateoed in I!Uuabioe u if it bad been DloulJed out of tnow, • why doea no one come to Yiait ua?'

• Becatll10 tbey don' t chooto to, I ltlr.· poee,' Aid ~1"1. Poyoaett. with a loa of l1e head whicb thowed tllat the en'I'Caomed ar. row load already eotert'd iulo ber aoul. l'm rot going to g people to co•ne here. lf they prefer to 1 away, let tbom atay away!'

• Yu, of u , mamma,' aid FIOIIJ', 'only-only it' a tber lonl'IOme. (;o..tldn't 1 write aDd uk llie Pott11.1 to COID4 lor a few daya ?'

• Pe&tlll. indeed,' aid Mra. Poya­wtt. • Certainly not, Florence I Do yon aoappoeo lam going to Melt for society &JilOO~ tbo Ellie Pettt11 grade?'

• Slie wu nry kind to me,' Mid FIOIIJ', ..cttr.

• Ptbaw r aid Mra. Po}'llteiL • Z.tamma,' aid FIOIIJ', • J ean't ~lp

thinking tbat i& ian'c 10 -rery ~trand to be rieh after all. We baore got aline houae, aDd a carriuo and bol'lel. aDd l9ta of .. r .

- 'f'U!Ut'llliu 'lir 111e lUll eJOUits we 'WaD~ to wftlr, aDd ye& I am •cry., n~ un· _,. r

acl the bir 1..,. .:atbe~ lo Fl01111'• feU. oDO by one, upon the bts'Y

Ida thai lria.meJ ter droa 'Fiddle«icu,• 111id lira. Poynaelt, • im·

pati~nUy. • 'l'llo fact Ia, Florenet, til&~ you are bf a diloo•••ted dl.poeitJo~t I ~otbiug ,a- Juar

• I liJ' tCI be h8ppy, nwnma,' aid floll'y, -atr. • Has---'

• Mr. ,..,.,JI, -- r UBOilliCed Jaek· -. .... fooc-. achaaclnf aeroee the

•· &Del ..,_,, .. a aucl to Mn1. POJD· ........... _ ..... ,. • n. Mr.,FortiH apia r lfallfd Floay, _.. • ,...., a,.. of -~..,o den.

- .............. -.-...... if hpl ..... .UdijU.. Uoc.ll oa are ~r

1ltd »• ,.,....,bad ri~et~ from laer _. ud .,.. llli.ld• oat ber lo11110111, 1111· '.ililllw ........ ...,. ..... of ........ ....._. ...-.... ncl Wlor MfYOIIII7 , ... ~~~~ ... to ... . ....... ~ .._u ............ d,

r~~~~: ............... . iii: •• ,... B•••-

iliii~SJ~· .-.:-- ...

• Yoa a~ apeaklac of m1 tutu. hu­band I'

'Uam.Da !'

• Mr. Vuloader.r ..W ... !.Wild OD earth 011a Mr. VaDeacllt .,.., wkb llri?' -OBAPTBB XXXDL Flo.tJ ball alarted ap. p&le aDd lllaock·

ed ; ~ln. Po,....t.& &oiled bet bud ooa· ecioUAIY oooo-an 10 I'OTIIDTT.

• a e: tona me, Floreooe,'lllaeaid. •Ancl Mn. Po.J'DMU butlecl "'of alae room• l hue proru~lld &o be bla, u -• u &be ber jel ebaloe &lid bnoelete IPUkiiDR u you ol IDOGnalagallallltaYt expiM.' abe went, aDdu aclor ol molk, berfat"ori~

• But:, awnma-· perfame.liopriJ11behiDd. F10111•t look-!olra. Poynaett, however, did not wall For tar alter hor, in a 10rtolle&baru ol detpllir.

&Df.lurther upoetulatioa, but hurried off, Wba\ wu t.o becoate of Iller, dlil. JOUDI with a almpet apoa her f-, while~ nbUd·wldow, M belpl- Uld loupeci!_IIOICI little Flouy 111nk back Into Lito prden· u a ~~ bfrd wllo llu nenr &riii1 Ita chair. aud burat out crying. wlort I fo FIOIIJ', the .,rorld 111cned ngao

Mrt. !•oyueet\ had bRa laancbln~r ont and cruel ADd immenee. Sbo knew of no into A eerira of 1111\.J ellranpncet of late way in which ahe Nald earn borown tiring, wbiolo Appalled eYeD Flouy. ljtnorin& the Ia tbe too probable eveat of her motber'l Philadelphia drea·malr.o~ and uea Ute turning her out-oF-doo~~· certainly 'liew Yorlr. .oclilt~•. abe h'ad lk:Dt an exteo· could not ~g; aDd ataning ..... by no Ai•e order to Worth iu Pa~ for all bcr meaoa a plcuant alteruative to cootem­dl't'C&~a. wrapa and ciOAkl :-.tthe hall open· . plate. ed an account with Mlle. Vietoire Victorine She looked ont throogb bor tear& at Lite for bon nell, eAch of "Which, .. i~ p3&l4!d the 110lden aummer l:\ncUcape, where a butler· Cuatom Uouae in ita DAlly little wooden fly wu poising himaelf on a clu1ter of bril­box, reJirt~nted whA~ would huel~D a liat.~ aladiolua, and a bird, perched on the amall fortune to h11r in the olrl d"J" Sbe marble ahoalder of the Poc:abootu, wu had enR"'CI!d a ll\nd~~e~~pe jrtrdener to lay . ttd!ring hia tiny hoart out. nul l'oyn,eu Jalaod after an entirely no,.,l /,rOb, dear,' thoujlhl our wretched little plan, aha had bcgttn to build a aew tuAuao- h~roiae, • whyw .. n't 1a bult-crfiy ora bird? leum in Lite e~1uete", where Faith and ~nd then, when tl&Q..!_unahine aud the •um· Hope, a pair of life>·aize lis:urea, ahoultl keep mer were o•or I ihotild bo oYer, too I But wa~ OYer tbe aluwberiog elfi1:1 of her I have had my liUie glimpee of aommer, bua d upoft a aarcophagut all conred and DOW 1111 heart ia winter-cold, and all wi ~wo-reliuoa-he had gi•en out th alone; aDd atnt 1 am fi.&ed to li.e ou and coatrac\ for baildtng a new chapel at Poyn- lulrcr.' tell., wbera tho •tainttl·glau caaementa wero Aod drooping ber bead on tho window· to be a man11l of art., and the c:atYed roro· led~:e. Fiouy aobbed bitterlT .a- -.1 ..1- ....:t. -~·" •u o.:u•~ n~y tnou- .111111. l'oyaeett, Ul the wean tlmo, had and dolla..-nd abe had ordered new ruatled iot.o the atUOJ "Whore Mr. Valleoder furniture aud hanglogt for ber atl!llm-yMht w&a waiting, aeated in I be big euy-ohair in at a price wbiah would ha•e equirped balf which poor Cuador Poyneett had 1pent ao a dozen rotpeetable dwelling houtCL But many houn1. Mra. PoynMtl did not all theae fraalta of fancy were u aol.!.ing. naetlyltlr.e Olaf Vall onder. He bad al­ia poor Flouy'a ideu, to Lite coatly aa:l way• been alrictly polite and panalilioa&ly permanent ut.raYapaceof a tl!ltdbuabaodl eeremooioua in bia 1111\naor toward hor, but

'Wbat will people •1 ?' abe uked ber· Mra. Poynaett ltoew very well that bo Jid aelf, wrioJriog her banda In a 1011 of de· not • ?prove of her ext.ranaant teale of ox· apair. 'They deapiaed poor maa1ma before poaditure, and that he wu At heart a loJAI -they willloolt a till more coldly upon her parti1111n of her bani&bed et.ep-eoa: And eho now I .And of ooarae I mus~ ICO away-1 wu OYen DOw a•cretly contemplating the could Dol 1tay bore in the ame l•ouse wi\.b transfer of hor le~tal patron ~'go to one )I r. tha~ baLeful fantut.ic little mao witb tho DicltU:lrid~ • . a •mooth-faecd, obuquiou• yello_w face and tho lonr black hair baagin~r friend ')I ~k :1-etix Forelli, who wa~ rather

lfown over hia coat collar!' lu need of A w:ell-to-do clicut or ao. And 10 poor Floay boc:atne more miacr· • Wtll, Mr. Valloader,' •he aaid, rather

able tlun e•a. bna<qlltly. u abe leAtcd heraelf on a aola Tho Pbii9Jpbia poet preued bia. auit feeing him, • 1 really do not remember aeoll­

warmly. Tli&t ia to uy, be came e'<'ery ing for yott I' day Tbe luxurioua atlllotpbore of Poyn· • No,' aaid Vallendor, quietly, • you hne

Rail, tho ro•tri,. of tho French cook, not aent for me, M 1"1. t;uador l'oynaett .. d the rare cob-webbed bottles of old wiue Bu~ 1 judged i~ beattocooto to you. llereisa

which Martin reluelautly produced from cheek,' alowly openh1a bia poektt-boolc and the cellar at hia miatreu' command, auited produeinrc a long and narrow alip of paper bia tlllthetic lltat.ea better thAn a 6releu h&ll -• a cboclr. for fiyo thouund dollars, pay· bedroom in a third-rate boardinll·houae, able t.o MeasnL Shubrick & SburtletT, fru­wilh a perpetual siege of tailor'• bills and coora and decorator&, on tbe Uauk of Udle­unaettled boot-malt era' aeconnta.. Aocl ono moot..' day ~MI. Poynactt c:allcd bor daughter into • Yea, • lftirl ~1111. Poynaett, looking at it the boudnir .there abo at, with Mr. Fe lix throogh her eyeglass. • Wloal of it ?' Forelli bending gracefully o'er tbe back of • It hM been aent to me, as your buai-be r low 10fa.. . neu &nan, wtth a notice that your,J\ccount

FIO:IIJ, came, with alow, languid ro8t,. a t tho & ok of u .. llcmoot ia OYI!rd'i\WO.' steps, h.,r long liiKk rotea trailin~r OTCr tho • It-a't-be-posailile !' _guped MnL carpet behiud be r. Mr. Forulli bo<Yod low, Poynaett..' • Where u• tho Uuited SlAtes but R ouy pretended not to eeo hinl. . ~urit.lea ?'

· What ia it, mamma?' aho uid, in a low 1 • 1 • wu ubliued to aell them out whtn voice, her ey•·• and liouera intent ou diaun-jyou wanted ready monoy for tho mauso· IJ\ngliug be r j et chain fro&n tbe lonu rraas- . leum.' like fringes of tho light ACI\rf that Abo wore.; j • And tho City Uood. ?'

• Don't you aeo Mr. Fore lli, love?' 'Tbey wero aold Ju t .July. I huo bore Flossy iuclioed ber bead witb ' froua a full and complete aqconut of "II n-ceipta

politeneM. ' and expeuditurl'• peflainin~: to the l'oynaett • You muat pardon her, Felix.' a:~id )Ira. esll\te,' adi!ed Mr. Vallendcr. • You 1\re

Poyo~tt.. am;lina aweetly. 'She is a wil- not perhAp4 aw&re that, in order to gra~ify ful, Bpoiled cltild !' your fanciea about rebuilding thu II all,

• A crtnturo of impulae,' uld t!lc poet. 1our Jato husband mort;a:;ed tbo hland to ' Exnctl) ,' Mid ~Ira l'oyn•ett. tl.s full vnlue.' • \\'b11l woulll lifo be without these wild, • I ocrer dreamed of ·it I' criqtl Mrs.

fao~tie aunbcnros thnt cross our path ?'. l'oyn~Ct~. her Oorid cor9Piexlon becoming llltid l\tr. Fore IIi, ponaiYely. of a tallowf tinge. ·

' A b. wbat tadood ?' uitl Mrs. l'oyn••tt. • Madatn,' uid the lawyer, regarding her ' flu~ Flo, my dnrling, I wauted to take cmlmly, • yon have~un utraus.(Ant 11nd y.>u into my confidence!' reck leu beJood all bounds. I lad yon pos­

. :\l'"''ru&, if you pleaae, I'd rather not,' oe811Ctl tho fortune or 11 Holhaeloild or an .Wd FIO....y,- in liOro perturbation. t\Ator, you could uot hue plunged iuto

• Ff'l ox bAS OYer ·pel'lua•led rue,' Mid ~rra. madder dt-ptha of folly. 1 hue warned Pnynsett . with tbo old Uoton amite that you of tbil, M you will tloubtlcll remem­Ji-•plnyctl all he r teeth ao hbcr:11ly. • I havc be r, metre lhnn uucc, bnl1on lone ICCU fit "ll"''·d 1:1 a printu m:arriago D< XL month. to treat my warninga w.atb deruion aud Aurl - - ' acorn. 1 havo dono my beat to fulfil the

· )J,.mmn,' c ried Flo,.,y. scMtlnlized in tho trull reposed iu me hy tny deceaecd client lost dl'~trrc, • ~lr. l'uyu•ett has not been nnrl fricull, t:i>e laul :\lr. (;uador Poyoaott, den<l tltreu moutha. yet !' and ruiU>II)!O hi.s pro perty to tho bt'tl adnn·

• \"u , I kunw,' 1111ul M ra, l'oyoaett, un· t.cgo. ll ut, tlumka W ynu, m:~daoo . thin~tl f:.trliog her black satin r,.n, and w&Yin J:; it hl\\'o reach~J auch 11 I'~ that tbcrcl is no alowly to 1\nd lro. ' r.ut. :llr. l'<>yn•""· lou~:er .. ny cst.ato to wauage ! Here a re deu, good rul\n, loved toe, and would. I '"" my \·oucbera, mtmor~~ndA, and account&. aure, l•"•e connl<!llcd me to consult my If you will do rue tbo .fuor to exawiuo own happinea. And besitlus. the marriftge tbem--' is not to be made public for eome t.lwe yc&. ButMra. Poynsetl wuedaway tb.e packet To me, I muat confeu, it acema rather pre- of pape ... in de~pslr. mature, but dear Feli:t--' • 1-J d on't w&ot to e:amlne them?' 1bo

• M&Dlma, ~rl\) think a little ! Pray con- cried. • I don't know anytbinp)'bollt­aider.' cried Ji louy, • before you take eo ir· ne• ! l thoogbt we wero rich! reYOC3blo a atop.' 1 • In tbe year which you bavo been m,.r-

• I Aare coaaidored r aid ~Ira. Poyaaetl, riod to Mr. POJUIOtt, madam,' Mill the bridlin~r a little. • And I have called you lawyer, 'you bue aquaaderod throe ordi­iu bore, Florenc., not to argue I be qaestlon nary fortuneL lticb I Why, the nry with me, but t.o hear my olt.imate deciaion I Bank of Eori&Dd couldo't atand aucb a Go and kiJI your now pe~ Flo, my dar- drain on ita rl'IOurcea loar !' ling r • You are nry bard on me,' whimpered

·1 won't I' aaid Flouy, rt10lutt'ly lttep· Mn1. Poynaett, ooworiag beaeal.h bill COD· iag back ber acbL . temptaoua glAD CO.

• Florence I' ~·ed 111111. PofDaetL 'Madam,' Mid Mr. Vallender, alowly, • !'Jo,-1 wrf.9' ' reiterated Flouy. ' I hltte DO 1ympathy wbAtaoever wil.h Mr. Forell i, w o had advanced on tip- 1011. You are no~ a fool1 yet you haYo

toe, with hia &Allow eouatenanao wreath~d acted like one. You &N a good hual· in pAternal amil~a. aud hia band held out, ne• 'WOIJI&D, yet you buo !lang .. 11 atopped rather awkwardly. diterollon, wiltdom, aDd common aenee t.o

·My dtar FloUJ--' be began. tho winda. You have deliberately allo wed • You tball not eall 010 FlOII)' !' cried youraelf to become the prey of a eet of

~rl. coloriug aa angry acarlet.. • My DAIIIe 1harh and aharpera-yoa ban eltned 1.1 !\1111. Germond I Ob, mamma,' with a ebeeka without nen looltin:r at tbeir piteoua. appealing Jtlaoee to ber mother, amnanta, and JOO han now oal,youraelf • pleue let roo go. Indeed, indeed, I caa· to tlwlk for dl-.lpatlag ooo o tho 6neat not end are thia anJ longer I' eatalel Ia PenDIJIY&Dia, and brinalo~r your-

And aloe h urried out of room. aelf to ponrt.J, not to uy di•a-rac• !' Mra, Pornaett and the poet eyed one ao- .Mn~. POJnleti looked ,Piteootly

othtr in 1001e diiCOmlltnre. l the bundle of papera, wbtcb rtprMOuted ao • DI!Ar Folix, I am 10 aorry I' cooea the much tribulation.

bride·etect. • b there IIOllU.g left ?' aid abe. • ,l)oDJ,t let 3'0nraelf be annoyed, my own 'Abaola~lyl- tbaQ notltla.a.' Hr. Val.

o""" .... -.111 '"" tN"•• wna ra'l.ller • byeua. 1enaer nptriid. • 1 do not lito to think like I mile. • 'fbe weet girl will 11000 be wbat the deftci& will probably be, wben all nconclled &o all It it .onlJ natural outetaoding liabilltiH are called io and ac-t.haL abe ahould a littte je&loua tba& you couuta liqalda•ed. • are tbe 6rtt to rrJ apia I' • But-bat'--pped tbo widow, • "What

' Do yo a r ly tblolt it ia jealonty ?' aaid 011 I to do ?' Bn~. PoynM • That, madAm,' aid the ta...,er, •bo

• 01 coorw~ia r aid the poet. eri~ll1 fell ftry liltlo IJmpethy, • ia But If f1 oould han looked into both a mat~r for yoo.r O'l n flltore coneldara·

their be&JU, ju ~lha~ n1omeat abe 'WOUld tJon r -caretiJ hafO bee pleated wiJ.b the feeliop ' And FIDIIJ r ahrieked Mra. PoyneeU.. that tbty wera b eDtertaioiDJ towvd ' ' J eD~rtaiD tbe ainoefel& &ytDp&tby for beraelf. roar beautiful 'yoanr daarbter, madam,'

No aooner had boroe Ute aid ValleDder, • bu& I do ao' bow bow pot& back 10 tb• lll&lnlaad thaD Mn~. Po7D• ebe Ia to be prorided for r . -~ wen• to ber daaa'tter'e roota. ' A ad thea foUowtd~ l.._eh7 recapitala-

• Florence,' aaid iLe, eenrely, • I woa' ' tJoa of 11009UDta, wbiala .U lilllded to Jlro,o ban All \.bi1 DODieDIO r OIHI DltlaaobOIJ faot-Mn. o-dor Poyu-

• .w--r . , eeti'a att.r im~. ' I :.I_,. that you 1ltall apol. to Mr. ' I do DM •1 ~ ... either at pritate

Forelll. dte Y"JBflSt UIM &Ita& JOII- bla r or pobllo llle,. v ...... llkl, ..... en.d lln~. PoJnMtt. • eiOM ol bill • tlao ,....._ of

• I .eh-'lnenr do tW, -.· llidd ftrlo• .n. .......... lrNI-c-~ PI~. ll~r ebeek lalaiaa ap. aacl ..., -' oslllaclilll

• noa 100 will l•n .............. Un. Po,--.., MtMale.litell• ... ·olt,--r . · · • •1 ... -. ...... ~~P:=:::

Uanauo.._ UIM I lllriletl •1

1.';:i..:.pli-;'-llt ~ .... ~ Ill .ll.ld,M DltW,.ft

"' airour& ....... ~ ..... .,. The lut wera apoltu 1111ort17, u ll

be &be wllole &laiD« onr wi&b. &' Ura. POJIIIII.& ooafd oat, replr trit.b

ber &eua. • I-1 abo~ald lib to &elepapb to Mr.

ForeW ' abe after a II ttl .. T'Fenx·Tafttn:t• Ur. V.alleGder eleftted

hi.a tona •nepatliiGIIDla wboee rnor 10 IIWIJ cbaeb hue been drawa of Ia~ ?'

Nn. PoJD~el.& crimaonecl. • He ia m7 ~cecl baab&nd,lir I' llid abe.

• Very well,' ialtJ Mr. Valleader, ah~­(lilt1r bia aholl.lden. 'I will teleppb If you doeiro iL' ' • . So be Jert ber,-aod Mn~. Po}'lleett., port. l.f.o..&Q..d 1operbly d..-d u u~, yet aborn 6T an - ladcteribabJo 10metbiog of majuly aDd tmp~UMWJ~J, went back w FIOIIJ.

The 'young Widow looked ap iD eome alarm, u abo ao~ the ttartled aDd woe· begone osprsaloa of ber wotber'a face.

• Maa1ma_' abo exclaimed, • wba& ia tbo matterr' •

• 'fbe onatter r ecb~d Mra. Po/nMtt, a). moat with a ten&fD. ''fbo 0&4tu, Flor· eoc:e, is tba~ we are ruiaed I'

FIOII)' looked ball do!lbtlnll7 d bar mother. \Vu ~e w&Dd~rinJt ia ber min I?

' w 0 aro ~1"1 r ebrialr.ed tbe elder lady. • Po~'- Rail ia m,rtaaeed-the bAnk aocoonti.' 'onrdra"WD. and we bave no mor. rlgbt t.o bt liwor bero &hao..,..than ~lale Pou.Q.a ltoraetr or &DJ other poor, pen-a ilea waif &Dd,ltlaJ r .

Flouy roae up, with a long hro:~tb of re· lief. , ,

• Mamm11, • aid the: •I am glad of it! I'm tired of thia lr.lnd of lifo I 1 would like t.o .he JNOr again.'

•Silly, nnthinlr.inlf ehildr gTOI\ned Mn1. Poynaett. whose a.rtiOc:ially colored cheeltt were aeamed &lid plowed with tbe t~• of tea11, whoso noee wu ••olloar&Dd whoao eyea were rod, 'bow lit tid you know wbat you aro talking about I l'tm 1\nl &lo no and nnprotoated in tbo world. I haYe my noble f'elix to lean on and lofe,--but you, poor baby, hue no one I'

Flouy'• tiv curled. '1 c:ao do very well by m)'IOif, mAmru,'

aho wd. 'Aa for Mr. Forelli-well, l &Ill almost 1nre that yon •·ill find that he loYed you only for JOUr wealth.. 1 do uot he ia or the material that true friend. art madn of I'

Mn1. Po711"tt briatled up like aD iadlg­D4Dl nld ben. 1

• lf you C&Dilo~ expreu youraetr better th:\a thia, Florence, • aid lbe, •1 muat dclire thl\t you will be aileul !' •

• !fery well, mamma,' Mid Floay, quiet-ly. •

'You aro tbo ltrfngl'Si girl I enr uw,' uid Mra Poynselt, petLiably. • Yon acreana at a apider and ahriok away at tho 1tiag of a wASp-yet I ero you eitaod hear that you arc dopriYed of ah your fortooo witbout ~ ein2lo oxpreuion of aurprile I'

Flo&.•y ~rntled lo'\dly. 'J ha~o alway• felt,' Pid abc. 'AI if this presoallifo of oura wore like 1\ brilli11.0t ao~p-bubble, liable to nuiah into t hin air at au~ time. I neYer quie~ believed In it I AM ind~ed, indeed, dear mammA.' alto added, f tlnturiuv to 1t~AI ber hand aoftlylnto that of her mother, • I think wo ah&ll be happier llway Crotu this fated apot !' •

llut MnL Foynaett only }ar'ted her hand away from 1-'lou.J'~. tWd toitlter that • abe talked like " fool !'

Sloe p:wtld the afte!Jloon in &lterullle 6u of.delpalring lean Md unreasooia~ anger, -and wbon niee o'clock came aho U~ltc:n•ph­ed a aecond tlluo to Phlladolpllla.

Uut no anawcrc:amo-tben or ever. The Philadelphia Poet, bia friend• ai•l, hftd bceo uenxpectedly ealled from the oity. Tbey h:1d not hta addi"Cl!!l, M r ditl they know where !I couiJ be obtaineJ, neith~r could they uy wbeo I~ w.. hltel• to re­turn. llo ba~ &!ready been tbe ricLJr by aenrftl tboullf!d Jollara, draW'n out or l 'w depleted Poyoaett colfc111, llnd bia r•o. tiu aoul could nol coodeacend t.o atoop to a pennileu bricb.

• Doell the tid 1 .. ~ auppo~o that ForeJii inten•led to tale ~er for thl' I!Jike of her au· tumoal be.'\uly&lone ?' aoec:red one.

• Sbc would hi\VII been a tough pill to ew•llow, e .. en if abe wore gilded all pver,' rcm11rktd 11nother.

And tbu1 peor :lira. Poynaelt was forced to drink a aectnd bitter cap of diaappoiuted hope. ·

• Mamma,' •poke Flouy, no~ darin~r to ay what abo (,It in he r eecret hurt, that tbia auddeo cl•ppearance of hrr lit11rary ji4Nct Will the belt thing which could JlO&· libly have bap~ued t.o ber motl1or, • wbDl are we to do ?' ' •

' Do I' laanMI7 repealed Mra. Poy1110~ • Why, whatriboold we llo ?'

• Dear mamOD&, the I &land It to be aold '\t public aneUoa, aud tbe men aro eominr hero to-morraY to appraiae the picture• and boob W funilnro. Surely, WO OO&bt DOt to be hero at a time like t.hia. And Mr. Vallender aya thll we can obtain room1 in Pblladtlpbia al a Yery moderate rate, aDd we caa hlro a litt.le furniture lor the pre· aont. Tbat wiU be cheaper thaD boarding, you know, lor we two womea cao li'e o.n aJIDOII& DOl bing, aDd--'

• Don't tellt to me,' walled Mn. Poya· aeU, aurtiag the lace that bad grown 10 1traaply old and hanard within a Jew daya. ' I don'& care wbero I COo or wbat I do. I only w~ I wu dead I'

Her mother'l bJ~terioal Yehe~neaee de· terred F1011ylrom erplaioing lbe pleoe abo

already formed,. but, In b~ eec:re& aoul, ebo clWif' to lbem with deaperate ,

ho~~ bad, heraelf ~o Mr. Vall eo· der, at biaofB~I11 tbe city looked our tht anprourial~ ..Ou12 foroed ll•neU to admit tbiQ Iter mother'a allll •tra· ftPDCI had nibid Lite flue old Poyoeetl ella\e.

• Tbeo we .are qalte, IJIUte poor, Mr. Valleodef,' aht aid, liftio1 ller liquid brown eree to ber laoo. ' .A. poor, aciD• ally and l.rnly, u yonder wret.ched old wo­IIW) who ,ia polr.lai the ubes aDd ref~ aboat In the barrel to bd a l&tay cinder or 10 I'

• I fear10, Mra. Oermoad I' • ·Do roa no& bwllll&. Air. ;Yallender ?' • Well,-~ I am IOrrJ to •1 tba& I

do bow 1&. adml\ted tbe laWJer. •'11aeu1' llld rt-r· • I •lll&bdeome

work to ao u eooo u IIOIIib:e.' • Ia I& poeelbl .. •1 dearJOaor Wr.' ex­

oJelmecl Jlf. VaOorder, • tba& JOIIr baa· buld'a raladtte wfll 8M protide few JOII t•

• I allall n"' Ill& them, • llid ,..,. -­p....m, Iter Up-. • .HOI' cJo I ~fnk ''"' they wonld .. iaJt!allltr f• .. U I ciW ult &b... 1 Jla'#t...., .. ,., t0 dopoD4 DJIODo llr. Vallenclor.'

~"':. ·~ 1:'£. Cltntoad .,, ..W M. Bw liP, qalnncl,--eH laue do............ . .1. •I ._.. ...

-'"i:~·A '"'d ... -··-·· ... ..... ,. ......... :.·

lfMI._..-r:r lUllo..-e oU of u. ... iil"W..O U..laocaolr ~•del ola oliUDQ blnl-doo, fowL Ia ltla .t,c1 M tanled .ww 1M ftriou app!Joe&._. tor ealariecl ltoJf ftiola w .... o11a• ea.a ... kim:

• Site certidal1 wocilda '& do u k..- to &baa C11UJ 1rCIIIIUI Ia Fa&er10a,' ealcl be &o lai-.ll • .b\fl aboald be ,any to ~et~d ber: "' to tkroadaborg to lake lin~. lofa. JOOD'e plaoe 111 &be railwar re~taoran'­Anclmy old aunt up ia tbo woode wbta aa able-bodied JOIUif womaa to toke tlM aare ol Ute bollia aDd &be f&nD-work ; bat I ~o DOl tbluk &ha• ?.Ira. Doqlu Germoad woald onctly meotber14eu. lmiab' eeacl bet. &o MIa Graoe1 to the keep boo\al11 Lite Cbeatnn& Stteet f&Dcy atore, bat 1 doiab& wbatber ber healt.b would l&aDd &welYe boaTI s dayln a litUo gaa-llgbted dea with no moro Yetttilatioo tb&D Lite Black Hole of Calculi&. But there 11 Madame~oUni'a l:ietnhwy at Holmeaburg-the Yery place. u 11in! Wby on eartb dldu't 1 th1nlt of i~ before ?' ·

~lr. Valleader'a 1peenlatiye orba bright. encd,-be turned to E"Jouy, wbo bad beou aitling ioteotly watching bit face.

' Would ynu like a poattioa u Entliab go•ernea iD a ladiee' aehool ?' aid ' be. ' Cau you teacb little children?'

'IcoW.d teaeb little children,' aid Flouy, dilllden&IJ. 'But I don't kuow wbet.ber 1 know enough to be a gonrnea r

'lt'e all tbe aame tbit~g, my dtsr yon11g lady, it'a alll.he eamo tbinr.' aaid Mr. Val­lettder. •'fbe thjog i.a eewed. You ah&ll be a teacher r

• And mamma?' plended Floay. • Mra. Cuador Poynaeu DlDit talco care

of beraelf,: aaid tbe lawyer, hia (ace growing grim. 'She'a quite able!'

Hu oft'eeted lOme lllanelOI&I CUret in O&MI of Cance. 1 •

Vegetine Coree the wora cue of

Vegetine Meete wi&b wooclerfnl IOGOIMla Mercurial

Dile&MI.' Vegetine

wm eradicat.e Sale Rheum from the ayatem

Vegetine RcmoYea Pimplu ud tlqwon from tbe


And in bcr burt Fl011y ltaew wu true.

Vegetine tha\ t bia Curet Conalipat!oo aDd regulatea tho Bow·



"IL 511.11108 AKERICA.'CO."

' llow ia 11 Signor Americaao &Ilia mOrn· in~r?'

The September 1noahioe wu aleepiag aoflly on t.ho t.owor1 and colnmoe of tbe Pontifical Palace nn tho Quirinal Hill of ltorue ; the lhicketa or ol~ander and bay­trees rbatled aoftly in the breeze, while tho n>oaaler ObeUak, ataodlng between tbe Coloual lloraea, glistened bri,l:btly : and, far in the diataace the dome of St.. Peter'a roae up, grand and aileut, with tbo long cOlumns of the Vatican beyood, and tbe cool green ahadowa of ~onto Mario seem. log to c:loae the Yiata, lilce a curtain of emerald. And, paciug alowly op and down one of the paYed pla:w~, whore a fouu"'in throw its vail of 'aparklinjl epray bigh up illto the blae air, and golden lernoas glim­mered through llleir hedge or dark-green leaves, wu Julian Poynt~:~tl, pale and em!'· ciated, wnoppod In a plcturetque ltalil\n doalt, and luu.lnc on tbe arm or uwarthy­altioaed Ylllet..

Three yeara had elapsed aiaoo he l eft l 'oynMtl'w hlaod,-nor had they ~eu al­together nneYtntfulyeara in hia life. Con· vinood that he bad aothia,.r to upcet frorn the liberality of hia father or the amiahilitl of bl• atep-motber, J uli&u had lool.ed bta fulore fairly i11 the faee, and, laying uide \.bo tradition• of the pMt, bad gone to J::u­rope ADd enwred into buaine.u with aome (;ouatantioople mercbaata, w~ote •bip4 dot~ tbe blue plain or tbe l.lJely llediter· ranean.. A l ittle abre,..d wladom-a bold venture of all he hlld u poa the at.ake of a cerL'l iu h~Wtrd-and he found hima.:lf a rich ml\a Agt~ia with rnagielll auddenoeu. J..eay. in~ hts intereata in the charJ:ll of hi& Gret k frh·ndJ, he nest iadulged biruaelf with a n:aitlcucc of a few month• in ·ltome,-11nd there and then the m&larial 6Pntllaid ila re­leu~I~I!S touch' upon him and amote bim nearly to tho Yerf:e of tho gr&\'C.

~ick, anti in a @trangc lantl! What an­utterable &hp a!l o( tleaclation clo the wo~ c:on,eyl A nd yet J ulian l'oyns.:tt' fouud t!•"L ho h,d frien4r. ,eYen yndtr tbe freaeo~J ct'ihngtt of l~e luurious little •ilia ~pon the Ah~dy aJopt'S Of the Quirinal l~ iJI, wbich ho had Mlet:"'d for bia auwwer huuoe. l'"olo, tbe dua'J llalil\n ct~urier, who )r,.. cook. raltJ, an butler. &II in ono, une:t..­peeted ly deYdopod" rare IJ\Ientfornurain~r, anJ showed a fai thful, dog-liku &JJectloo which JuliAn marYelled at--a htmdaomt• yonng American artiat, Audley Fabyan by u&mo, of whom Mr. 1'oynaett h12d ordo1 d a land-reortwo,-u prHeata for hie Greek frioada, c:nme in alt,Doa~ daily with pictures­que buketa'ot'rruit1 dttJY buncbesof roeeJ, and awee~ Naplea 7ioleta wet with the fl'l\­graut dew-And, krodeat and moat couataot of all. Mr. Median Sellthko, of the adjoin­iu~r villa. ut bdide 'hia!.illow, nigbt r ight, wbile poor, weario ·Out l'aoloaoatcb­cd a little eloep, bathed hi1 bumin!t fore­head with iee·water and ad111inlat:ered cool­ing driou with;uaUriDg patience tod geu· tleneaa.. •

' Under Proridllnce1 Selltirlte, yon haye IAYed my life,' Julian had uttered, wit.h a molaturo on .biaeyelubea, when at Jut they led him out ,on r;Df.rb)JI payemeac_ wbere the . .. eet air f&Dned bia brow, and enry bree:te aeot a abower of blood red rose le&YI!I do'll'u at b it fe(t, from tbe hedge• of roay bloom. • How uall 1 ut:r tbaok you'/'

• Aly dear fellow,' aaid ,_be other, • I han done only what 0111 C bdatien oogh~ io do for another, all \ \.be world over. J.>erbape aome day you may do u mncl) for Dle.' ·

• God belplng 01e, I will I• Poyuset&uid, jn a low, deep Yoiee.

And upou tbla briiH&Dt day of earl7 aa· tumo be bad jtODe OU' t9 ~~~ J'rdea, of the ronti6eal Palace for tbe ftrat time le&DiDjt oo Paolo'l arm, aDd Andley Fabyan ]),.<J ebanct<J ~ meel blm eloee lQ the fonatain.

• Uo i• 11 Signor Amerioano ?' be bad .. gblogly, ualnJ tbe name b7 wblcb J .. known lllllODf tlte lrio-'IJ·Da• tared Jtaliaoa- tnd l'ofDMtt aoawerod:

• II Sh:pur Americaoo Ia ao mDcb be~ter that be ie thinltiJII aeriou&IJ of return1ng hn,...' _.. ·

Jo'abyan leao~ aplnat ~e tranlr. or a moo~r letllOD· lree. Be WM ~ bril!bt·eyod, handeOmo yoaog 111&11, with bair of 10 deep a brown tbat l& wu at mOll blact, a dark, alllt-ooh maatacbe, ,bleb onrabadowed lanJZtyna Tf!d II~ aU'&Iab&blataree, aDd one of thnae perftot round oh~ •bleb bafl a alight dimple to tho,.oont.n. He woro a a a it of deep browa •eiYetren, a ta.eled telYe~ pap, ~d a roee lo hia IJation·hole,-ad the I'IIDO coe&ume, whlcb would han 111m· ed flnl&ltio in the a&r,eta of .Loadoa or Philadelphia, ..... artia&io~Uik:,ropria&e tbera, oa the Qulri1l&l HUt ol Aacl, u be eiOOd there, be tal!P.ICI hia eboo7 cane Jiptly on Lito ~ eclre ollbt foant\lA.

• Ab !• be eald, noddiorltlll .,-41111 tMocta'­fallt. , 'l$1 "ltoaae," JOa _. Coutaa· doODle ?•

' !io, • -.JaliaD r,epoqdocl. •I IMUl UaUad 8tat.e1 of A-rloia y. ··

' Hera Ia a et,.... oolacldenoe. • .-lei l'a­braa. lalllhbac· • naa 11 preollel, .W.I ... aor•a .,..u dill raJrr•

.JaHaa looked a& Ill• io eqme nrprleo •

•1 U.~~ bad "'ap JOV l!aa-. Mid_. ... .....,or .... v..-. forliodu .JI•.WH.

•1 . ....... ~ ............. . ..Wllb.Ju.IIP~· .,,.. • ttmolll...­._..;.w uc~, AJMI, to~ ....._ ...... ,_,.JIIU, l ....... cl ....... .., ..... .... --~- . J · f~ .. t;.~" . . ,., ~~· ....... ) .

Vegetine X. a ftluable remedy for Beadal:bo.

Vegetine WUI eare Df'pepais.

Vegetine Reetore.a tho outlre •ratew to a healthy cou·


Vegetine Romovea tbo canso of dizzineu.

Vegetine Relinea Falotuesa at tho Stomaeb.

Vegetine Curet I'.U nJ In tloe Uaclt.

Vegetine E1leotually cures K idney Cornplaiut ...

Vegetine )a cfteotiYe in Ita Uuro of Ft:m&le Woakneu

Vegetine la Lito grcllt remedy for ticnor-.U Debility.

Vegetme Ta acknowledged by all dauea of people to be the heal aud moat reliablo blc.oJ !JUrifier In tbo world.


Spring Medjcine. Vepl'.ne Ia aold by all Druggist.a UlO

ALLAN LINE:-"rnE followin~t will be the Snilinl!s

the t\I.LAN s-n:.\~IE :t.S Yl hicl• ... ternoinato the .Uumcr Ocs,, .:c l:i1:H\'tC& fur ~be Seuon :- , ·

P'Tom St . .John'~ (or LiYerpool :

llt8F.Il~IAN .................. fl FCt.llOI:tt 25 . llORAVIA:\ .. .... .. ....... _., .. .J,\SU.\IIY ~0\' A St;OTlA!'l ............. •·

From Li.,.rpool : NO\' A SCO I'IAN ............ lh:cr.llllr.ll 20. SAillH~IA:-< .................. JASt'ARY •

A. SHEA, 4gent. St.. J ohn'1, Dec. :t2, 1 88~.


WE aro ~reparcd to aopply tho importera of :S K I'S, St~I NES. POU~OS, &c.,

all of tho higheat RnWO, at ttoe Jowett mar, ltet prie1111 for 1882. ·

C'looda for.nrded to Qne~e d11ily, to Halifn weekly, anJ to St. J obo'a"N.F., by lransicnt Vellel or l'Dl\ll bQat.l.

Fiahormeo will pleue apJll! to their homo morchaata, and they can have any of oar warea IJL'de to order.

..utERI CAN NEl.' '& TWJNE Co. Boat on

r!foY. 12.2m.

Hurrah fo·r t~e Railway I BUDDON'S

Clothing Hall. WBEREAS Lite Snbaeriber finds it im·

poaible to eon.tiuue bo1iaeu onder tbe protont credit ayatem, be ia therefore oompeHed to adopt a ·

S!,~~~~~~=~~e;w~ conaldered u good ~ ~h. r.r,Ol'B~ ~4 ..-• .,.. 11 tvr tDO

following pncea ; OVER-OOA PS ~ ............. , ...... t Fine PltOCK COA'I'S ... ;u ......... G.OO TWEED 81Ult'l! COA'ns ...... ... 6.IJO SAO COATS ... J ..................... 4.60 PAN'l'S tt.60. ~·rstt.oo ...... SAO OOAT, PANTS& VEST ... 7.00

Gr'.3eLiafactioa iuarantced or the moue1 ,tap dod.

Addreta, Dee. 24. lea.

.JAKES VICK, Rocbtswr, N.Y

·Harbor Grace Stove Depot -AND- •

Glue, TiA • JI&nlware BMabliel!ment.

(To tho eut of Alet~n1. J . AlUlOf & (~o·a .UercantiJo l'nmiaea.)

C. L. KENNEDY thattlo:ful for paat fayou~ wi1bea to inform l bo inhabitaota of lbia town and tbe Ot.ll­pon.tgeael'l\llytbal be hae recnlly rectiYt:d

•aact hu now ready lor l.,pecdou a large ..ariety of

Stoves ! Stoves t Stoves ! with alltbe latett tmproYemeni~ODI('ri~· ing Cooking, Fancy, Franldiu and ll•ll ::!ton1, tojCet ber wllb GltATLS aud FlT­Tl:\G::! o1 all aiua.

Also, a bne auort.mer.t of lhe ne'Wet' atr~·• io GO l'lllll GltA t'ES (Uritiab and Ato · n.)

'l'bo uhacrii'er bu lilo:ewiae IMf!~lr adtle.d to hit former aloelt of :t:aslltill llAHDWAlt r:, GLA.SSW AH~. ete., etc. Ameriw1 (;u~. Wro\la,:ht tncy Fiuioiloiug NA ILS or all alzea, ~l ... aya kept on hAutl: together witb lliuii!IBud ::!cre•n, l>oor aud Clo•et Locka.

I n addition to the abo,Ye. he hu juat .re· ceiYed • aupply or PAl!\'1' · or Dll colo,. LI:\SF.IW OIL and TUHPEN'l'I~E ; u well .., WiuJow G LAS::> (all aizcaJ auJ PUrl'¥.

'fbo rollom ng articlea, Q&ht'rt too nu•o.,mua to apedt1 are aiao alwaya kept in s tock: Amcric:nn Adzes dod Ul\tcheta, Sbc11th 1\nivca 111111 Uelt.l, Cflrris;o YarDit b llarnea, ltine;a and llucklt~. Trunk Furniture VDrnlah, \\' uhboBrda; Urooma Llruat.e-l' .. in ~,l'orubbiug, StoYe, (;lulbtl \\' ool Carda, Cual ~culllee , ' Lov.,Ja, Cufl'ca Mill•. (;lot io~• l.inrs, Water l'tlill, Kero"c!ulo QjJ, Lawpa, Llurucra aud Clot lA·

nCJII. G ltOL:t;Hit:.S.- Coiieo,, hhtcl:(•s

etc, etc. • r7' l'o a ll of wbich Inspection is iuvitcd.

(;, L. h 1:::\ ~ I!.IJ :&.". ~ov. G.

Fishertes. rrnF. Dingram or a Cod-Trap in tlo.e

l:iT.aSDARO, 17th $~pt. , is Yeryaimill\r to the kind II)<HI epproYetl of by experi· enced t'fJlJICr• in t bia-country. Fiiherwcn, by &]•plying to houw tnt:Nhi\ntl', c:an proeure from u.a uU.graii).S or nriuus kinu• of 'lllA);'S.

.\:UE ill.CAN N.I-: T&: TWINE Co., lloatou.

Sept. 28.

Pll<ENIX Fire Assqra.I).ce C'pany,

Loll,.a.RD Srnt:tT & CoAnt)(O Cn05S



TRtrsTEES <t DIRECTORS. John Bdwanlllo~III,Etq•ood Uonbur1, F.•q Oecimna Burtoq. t.:.q. ILU.Uo<lpoa,E.q.,ll . r . T be lioo. Ja~~ U;f••8· lilr J . l..abbork, llan., J ubn Clut ton. 11.1'., f'.R.K. 0 . t;. Coopo. t:.<1 , )I, l' Cb.u. '1'"- LaCOt:o. E.q Jobo Cnope 'flnlo, E.q Jao. D. lloreu•, Ecl<j. 01'0rgo> A. Fall.r, &lq J obn 8tawon0oltr,£:oct. Gha._ E. Ooodbart. E.q Cborlre niYaa. t:.q. Dadlo1 IL Smltb, Ef<l· Wm.J .'l'bo01poou,E"l

AUDlTORS : Walter Dlrd, E.q. I Lonl Wm.Droolr P)llppe

J OMpli tr•ocl• ~u, l:a<J.

JcoiTN J. ULOOlffliLD, &crtfOTJ. •• ICANCIS n. McUONAt.p, Am. SccrtiGry.

Jqearaaee. agaiaat Lou by Fire are ef· fected bJ abe

PHtENIX COMPANY upon ererydeacriptiuo of Property in every par~ of the world,. on the mOll fayorable t enns..

The prornptjtodo and liberality wltb "'hich ita eopgetnente are alwaya met on thia <.:ompany are well ltnow11J ad .. b.o j u ... ~""""•"" 01 1 .. nrat .,.. orna tue Publio n111 be eatlmated from tbe fad that aluco i-. eatabllaltment., · · nu peid moro tha~ TWF.LV.Jo; Mlt.LhJ!'JS t;1'~RL~6 ill dbcharae of claim• for Loeeee by fire.

Raw or premium aad all ather lnfornt&­tion Dt&1 be obteloed-on appliqtlon to

\V. & a . .ltEND~LL, ST. J OHII'S,

Agtrllfor Nc•fow•dla.d.


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