Page 1: Psychology Review Chapter 15. A person’s reaction to his or her inability to cope with a certain tense event or situation

Psychology ReviewChapter 15


Page 2: Psychology Review Chapter 15. A person’s reaction to his or her inability to cope with a certain tense event or situation

A person’s reaction to his or her inability to cope with a certain tense event or situation.

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“Good” stress. It stems from motivating strivings and challenges.

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What is Eustress.

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When a person must choose between two or more options that tend to result from opposing motives.

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What is conflict situation?

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“Bad” stress. Stems from acute anxiety or pressure.

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What is distress?

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Irate reaction likely to result from frustration.

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What is anger?

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Vague, generalized apprehension or feeling that one is in danger.

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What is anxiety?

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This evolutionary response is/was designed to prepare a person for self-defense.

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What is the fight-or-flight response?

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The stages in the body’s stress reaction.

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What is general adaptation syndrome?

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What are the three stages of general adaptation syndrome?

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What are Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion?

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Which personality type is generally relaxed and does not easily become angry?

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What is Type B?

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This is the usual reaction when a stressor involves real or imagined danger.

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What is fear?

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The level of stress a person feels depends on his or her

a. Moodb. General outlook on lifec. Appraisal of the situationd. Cultural background

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Answer: CAppraisal of the situation.

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This conflict situation occurs when an individual confronts two unattractive alternatives.

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What is avoidance-avoidance?

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What do you think Americans regard as one of the foremost irritants causing environmental stress in their lives?

a. Their jobb. Traffic jamsc. Crowdsd. noise

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Answer: D Noise

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A person’s _____refers to his or her initial evaluation of a situation.

a. Immediate responseb. Stress reactionc. Secondary appraisald. Primary appraisal

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Answer: DPrimary Appraisal

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A person under stress may developa. Nervous habitsb. Psychosomatic symptomsc. A weakened immune systemd. All of the above

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Answer: DAll of the above

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True or False?

People who express or deny their negative emotions have a greater risk of getting cancer.

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Answer: False. People who do not express or deny their

negative emotions have a greater risk of getting cancer!

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During which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is a person especially vulnerable to illness?

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What is the stage of exhaustion?

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During what stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the person find a way to cope with the stressor and ward off adverse reactions?

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What is the stage of resistance?

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Analyzing a situation from an emotionally detached viewpoint.

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What is intellectualization?

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When a person decides that the event is not really a stressor?

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What is Denial?

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Focusing attention with the goal of clearing one’s mind and producing an “inner peace”.

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What is meditation?

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The process of ____helps to determine the stress impact of an event.

a. Cognitive learningb. Cognitive appraisalc. Biofeedbackd. intellectualization

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Answer: B

Cognitive Appraisal

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When you first enter college, you may undergo an emotional experience known as

a. Autonomyb. College shockc. Developmental shockd. resynthesis

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Answer: B

College Shock!

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College often challenges the ___a student established in high school.

a. Identityb. Autonomyc. Attitudesd. friendships

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Answer: A


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In college, you will meet people from a variety of different backgrounds. In this way, you will experience greater ___than ever before.

a. Changeb. Diversityc. Developmentd. autonomy

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Answer: B


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The mobilization for “fight or flight” occurs during which stage?

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What is alarm?

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Tony, a young boy, wants to pet a friend’s dog, but he is afraid that the dog will bite him. This is the ___conflict.

a. Avoidance-avoidanceb. Approach-avoidancec. Approach-approachd. Double approach-avoidance

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Answer: B


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A(n) optimist/pessimist tends to see the dark side of a situation.

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Answer: pessimist

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A(n) optimist/pessimist tends to put on the best face on any set of events.

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An optimist!

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Stress may result in ____which are physical symptoms that are caused by stress and tension.

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What are psychosomatic symptoms?

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What are four active coping mechanisms discussed in your textbook?

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Any Four:Hardiness (Control/Commitment/Challenge)Controlling stressful situationsProblem solving (confronting the matter head-on)Explanatory style (optimist or pessimist)RelaxationBiofeedbackHumorExerciseSupport groupsProfessional helpTrainingImproving interpersonal skills

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Social support ____our ability to cope with stressful events.

a. Has no effect onb. Usually increasesc. Usually decreasesd. Has an unpredictable effect on

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Answer: BUsually increases

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