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The surfaces of banknotes are home to potentially pathogenic organisms, thereby becoming a medium for the transmission of diseases. The work consists of a panel on which are mounted Petri dishes and test tubes used to detect the bacteria on money. This involves the use of culture media within which are incubated bacteria harvested from money. The study aims to determine the presence, type and nature of the bacteria that can be found on the most common types of banknote in circulation in Romania: Lei, Euros and Dollars. The banknotes were collected at random. The transformation of money in an organic language has a visual impact which can be interThe transformation of money in an organic language has a visual impact which can be inter-preted by the contrast between form and content.

Petri dishes, test tubes, written conclusions of the analyses, 2012


The transformation of an arts space into a place of exchange foregrounds its interactive function. The work invites the viewer to interact with the arts space: the currency exchange office offers a rate of 1 Daniel Knorr pig dollar to 1 real dollar (the real pig). The spectator has thus the possibility to own the artwork and to also shift the meaning of Daniel Knorr’s installation. Office Exchange represents a convention for a new system of exchange and, at the same time, a test for the capacity of this system to function.

Temporary structure, 2012

Graffiti, 2008


Found poetry is a type of literature which uses texts circumscribed to non-artistic mediums. By playing with words, reformulating or changing the context they were initially used in, the texts are bereft of their primary meaning and are bestowed with a new significance. Associated with imagery, the text becomes flexible, debatable, personal. The metamorphosis of a billboard into a TV screen aims at bringing back the public space to its The metamorphosis of a billboard into a TV screen aims at bringing back the public space to its right owners, the common people. It indirectly forces them to recreate it. The pedestrians become more than simple spectators by interpreting what they see in a peculiar way and asso-ciating the message with their own cultural and emotional background.

Public intervention, graffiti, billboard, self-adhesive, 2011

The comfort / What is happening to us?

I asked her what’s the meaning of life and she replied “Say what?”

I want to live with an artist. With another apart of me.

PLASTERIntervention, 2011


Images functions like a cartography of my world. Different subjects and various techniques are brought together by common features which form a cyclical structure. During the experiment I took different pictures which I later grouped in new cyclical sequences that were also attached to the initial structure.

Photography installation, 2011


A dialogue between me in Taietzel Ticalos.

Can you teach others something you are not confident with?

Soup, 2011-2012

Someone more garrulous thought me how to play with silence.

I once wanted to see God. I looked him up on facebook and found more than one person. I didn't know which one was the God I was looking for. I gave up.Aren't you going to catch a cold with those bare elbows?

Even in the city I wear mountain gear. I pay attention to very detail.

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