
I asked people “what type of magazines do you enjoy reading?” From these results I can see that there is very much an eclectic range of magazines that the people I asked enjoy reading, although interestingly 3 out of the 10 people questioned said they did not enjoy reading magazines at all. However, they were all very much ‘middle aged’ individuals, ranging from 35-52 years old, which is not surprising when taking into account the target audience of most magazine companies. As expected, the younger females said they enjoyed reading fashion, gossip and women’s lifestyle magazines.

Even more intriguing was that 2 people said they most enjoyed reading regional magazines, although they were 60 and 81 years old which arguably shows that regional magazines are most enjoyed by the older generation. In addition, these individuals were both male, suggesting that regional magazines may appeal more to the male consumer rather than female. Some of the other answers given were: Film Cricket Fishing Football

As you can see, a larger percentage of the people I asked said they did in fact know what a regional magazine was. What caught my attention was that the people who said they had never heard of a regional magazine were 14-21 years of age, opposed to the others who answered “yes” and were much older. From these results it is clear to me that regional magazines aren’t recognised by younger individuals, because regional magazine companies just don’t take that particular audience into consideration. I feel younger people should be considered more when deciding on the content for a regional magazine, as they are part of the community after all.

The pie chart on the left shows the amount of people aware of the regional magazines in their area. I decided to analyse this alongside the pie chart on the right, which shows the amount of people who said they would read a regional magazine. As you can see from these results, a large amount of individuals said they were not aware of the regional magazines available in their area; however they said that given the opportunity, they would choose to read a regional magazine. Because of this, I will make sure everyone in my chosen area is aware of my magazine by advertising it widely.

These are the results of asking people: “would you buy a regional magazine?” As we can see, a large majority of the people asked said they wouldn’t buy a regional magazine, which raises enigmas about whether this would still be the case if the content within the magazine was changed, or put across in a more ‘fun’ way. On the other hand, this could mean that people are just more prepared to pay for popular magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Mens Health etc., and feel that regional magazines should be free. Looking at these results, it is likely that I will make my magazine free to the public, as it means more people are likely to read it.

A large percentage of the people asked said that they would be more likely to read a regional magazine if the content was less boring and had more of a fun vibe, also adding that there should be more content for younger people within the magazine. After looking at these results, I am considering making a regional magazine aimed at students who may be new to the area and are looking for ideas on things to do there: such as shopping, restaurants, bars and clubs.

The answers given to this question were very mixed. The responses most popular were that the content should include: fashion and gossip, ideas for days out, social events and clubs, and good bars and restaurants in the area. These would all appeal mainly to a younger target audience of around 18-30.

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