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arhitektura kot infrastruktura infrastruktura kot arhitektura

architecture as infrastructure infrastructure as architecture

work in progress ...

[izbrani projekti 2003-2012]

[selected projects 2003-2013]

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Arhitektura in teorija kot infrastrukturi

V zgodnjem času dunajskega obdobja je Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

med drugim napisal opero Beg iz Seraja,1 s katero je prestopil meje

tradicionalne opere. Pesmi v njej so dolge in zapletene, kar je naročnik,

cesar Jožef II., komentiral s slavnimi besedami: “Veliko preveč not,

moj dragi Mozart!” Mozart pa mu je odgovoril: “Vaše Veličanstvo, not je

ravno prav.” Prihodnost, merjena od takrat do danes, je pokazala, kdo

je imel prav.

Če bi rekli, da so note in inštrumenti infrastruktura in glasba arhi-

tektura, bi s to definicijo lepo opisali klasično delitev med arhitekturo

in infrastrukturo. Pa ta delitev danes še velja?

Arhitektura se nahaja pred pomembnim razvodjem v svojem zgo-

dovinskem toku, oziroma je že sredi grozečih vrtincev, ki jih to razvodje

povzroča. Ali bo uspela preživeti v sodobnem svetu turbulentnih tokov,

medijev in klimatskih sprememb, ali pa bo potonila v nepomembnost?

Da bi obrnila proces izgubljanja pomena, se mora arhitektura prilagoditi.

A čemu in kako naj se prilagaja?

Uspela bo, če se bo preobrazila, da bo (p)ostala uporabna in koristna.

Da pa bi to dosegla, mora izstopiti iz utečene vloge uporabne umetnosti

in (ali) uporabne znanosti in si znova pridobiti položaj univerzalne

discipline, ki je sposobna povezati dosežke specialističnih znanstvenih in

tehničnih strok s humanističnimi in jih nadgraditi v delujočo, pomenljivo,

[Miha Dešman]

Architecture and theory as infrastructures

In the early times of the Vienna period, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

composed the opera Elopement from the Seraglio,1 transcending

the boundaries of traditional opera. The songs in the opera are long

and complex, which the commissioner, Emperor Joseph II, famously

commented: “Too many notes, my dear Mozart!”, whereupon Mozart

answered: “Exactly as many as necessary, your Majesty”. The future as

measured from then until now showed who was right.

Saying that notes and instruments are infrastructure and that

music is architecture would nicely describe the traditional division

between architecture and infrastructure. However, is this division still

valid today?

Architecture is now at a significant watershed in its history or, to

be more precise, has already been thrown into the midst of menacing

whirlpools caused by this watershed. Will it manage to survive in the

contemporary world of turbulent flows, media and climate change or

will it sink into irrelevance? Architecture must adapt in order to reverse

the process of losing its significance. But to what and how should it


It will succeed only if it is transformed, so as to remain and

become useful and beneficial. In order to achieve that, it must cast off

its established role of applied art and (or) applied science and regain

its position as a universal discipline capable of integrating achieve-

ments of specialist scientific and technical disciplines with those of the

1 Natančnejši prevod naslova Entfuerung aus dem Serrail bi bil Ugrabitev iz Seraja, leto nastanka 1782, KV 384.

1 A more accurate translation of the title Entfuerung aus dem Serrail would be The Abduction from the Seraglio, composed in 1782, KV 384.

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skladno in estetsko kompozicijsko sintezo. Ta kompeten-tnost pa ne

nastane sama, potrebuje nove konceptualne strategije. Tu pa nastopi

težava, ki jo arhitekti skušamo nepopolno reševati in zdi se, da še

nismo našli pravih odgovorov. Na en strani je “preveč not” in na drugi

“premalo posluha”.

Kaj je ta “ravno prav”, ko gre za delo arhitektov? Anekdota o

cesarju in Mozartu govori o odnosu naročnik – avtor – delo. Naročnik

ima načeloma vedno prav, avtor pa svojo resnico (poklicno etiko) kljub

temu investira v delo, ne pa v naročnikovo stališče. Trikotnik je v arhi-

tekturi podvojen s klasičnim Vitruvijevim trikotnikom utilitas – firmitas –

venustas, (uporabnost – trdnost – lepota), ki ga za današnjo rabo lahko

prevedemo funkcija – konstrukcija – estetika. Če ta dva enakostranična

trikotnika obrnemo enega proti drugemu in ju prekrijemo, nastane

koncept, ki ga imenujemo heksagram ali Davidova zvezda in pomeni

dve nasprotni, a dopolnjujoči se sili: aktivno – pasivno, ženski in moški

princip, jin in jang, dobro in zlo. Seveda pomeni še marsikaj, kot tudi

njegov sorodnik pentagram, ki je povezan z zlatim rezom in sveto

geometrijo. Zakaj odpirati vse te plasti pomenov, da bi se približali

odgovoru na vprašanje, kaj ima z arhitekturo opraviti infrastruktura,

oz. zakaj naj bi bili kar eno in isto?

»Filozofija je disciplina, ki ustvarja in izumlja koncepte«, je misel

Gillesa Deleuza,2 ki se jo seveda da takoj prevesti v arhitekturo.

Arhitekta Polona Filipič in Peter Šenk, za razliko od večine kolegov, ki

se konceptov kot delovnih orodij po navadi lotimo šele, ko je potrebno

zamisel predstaviti nekomu tretjemu – naročniku, komisiji na natečaju

ali javnosti – razvijata konceptualni pristop kot izhodišče projekta.

Ukvarjata se z operativnimi metodami strateškega projektiranja v

kontekstu sodobnega mesta in krajine. Njuna arhitektura je, kot sama

izjavljata, zasnovana kot infrastruktura. Vprašanje je, kako operativni

koncepti vplivajo na projektne odločitve, ki jih sprejemata?

Sprožajo reduktivne procese, ki razjasnjujejo nepregledno množico

informacij z izpostavljanjem relevantnih in izključevanjem nerelevantnih.

Arhitekta s tem postopkom “simbolizirata” in osmišljata dejavnike v

prostoru, kot so gibanje, tok, dostop, zvok, položaj in čas. Z diagram-

atsko formo konceptov vzpostavita analitični aparat, ki pomaga pri za-

stavitvi in reševanju problemov, s tem da prevaja “misel” (informacijo,

programsko nalogo, idejo) v “obliko” (predlog, zasnovo, rešitev).

Kaj je vzrok in kaj posledica? Kako lahko vplivamo na procese v

prostoru, jih usmerjamo, jih nadzorujemo? Katera sredstva so nam

pri tem na voljo? Kako jih lahko sistematično razporedimo, kot orodja,

ki jih lahko uporabimo glede na problem? Ali lahko pri načrtovanju

vzpostavimo tak sistematični pristop, ki bo deloval tako, da bo vodil k

optimalizaciji rešitev? Ki bo dovolj fleksibilen, da bo lahko operativen?

In ki ob tem ne bo pomenil poenostavljanja, birokratizacije in redukcije

kompleksnosti? Sliši se, kot bi pisali politični program. Pa ne, gre za

arhitekturo, oz. kot pravita avtorja, za arhitekturo kot infrastrukturo.

Gre za operativni program, ki naj služi delovanju v prostoru. Seveda

bi bilo marsikdaj dobro, ko bi tudi politiko in ekonomijo pojmovali in

vodili, kot da gre za infrastrukturo. Gotovo bi prinesla boljše rezultate

in večjo stabilnost.

Arhitekta sta svoj biro poimenovala Stratum, kar je latinsko ime za

plast ali sloj. S tem imenom sta najbrž merila na geološko dimenzijo

arhitekture kot infrastrukture, ki se kot s strani človeka dodana plast

razpenja preko tal, kot “koža zemlje”.3 Po drugi strani pa morda pomeni

tudi navezavo na že omenjenega Deleuza, ki v svojem delu Tisoč platojev,4

skupaj z Guattarijem uvede koncept Rhizoma,5 ki brez zunanje nadrejene

instance v samoorganizirajočem se procesu omogoča hkratno in stalno

interakcijo med vsemi plastmi oz. registri, ki jih razvija: kozmičnimi,

geološkimi, evolucijskimi, razvojnimi, antropološkimi, mitološkimi, zgo-

dovinskimi, ekonomskimi, političnimi, literarnimi, glasbenimi in drugimi.

Tako znanosti in umetnosti, kot izhodiščema pri svojem delu, doda

tudi filozofijo. Očitno gre za idejo, da bi razvijali teoretsko utemeljeno

prakso, da bi obe običajno ločeni veji poklica združili v eno samo,

močnejšo. Začetni rezultati te ideje so prepričljivi, kot pokažeta ta

katalog in razstava, še bolj pa obisk realizacij in situ. Nova plast, ki sta

jo dodala arhitekta, se do narave, zgrajenega in arheologije obnaša

premišljeno in zadržano, hkrati pa suvereno in z jasnim ciljem nove

sinteze. To pa je kvaliteta, ki že od nekdaj odlikuje dobro arhitekturo.

Na nek način se zdi, da po tistem, ko so si računalničarji sposodili

pojme, kot so arhitekt, arhitektura in infrastruktura, prihaja danes do

obratnega procesa, ko arhitekti in urbanisti posegajo po orodjih, raz-

vitih v računalniškem svetu in jih uvajajo in prevajajo na svoje področje

– pri tem pa prav spričo poimenovanj, ki ostajajo ista (arhitekt, arhi-

tektura, infrastruktura) nastaja zanimiva pomenska pomnoženost na

meta ravni. Ali je infrastruktura fizični fakt v klasičnem urbanističnem

pomenu besede, ali gre za računalniški termin ali pa za spet v prostor

potegnjen tok informacij, ki se udejanja v meta času in prostoru?

Očitno fizična infrastruktura in grajena arhitektura nista eno in isto.

Pri delu studia stratum je arhitektura, v smislu svoje funkcionalnosti,

nekakšna konceptualna infrastruktura – metastruktura, v kateri so

ideje o konstrukciji, funkciji in tako naprej, izpeljane na konsistentne,

pomenljive in uporabne načine. Seveda pa je na vprašanje “Kako se

arhitektura razlikuje od infrastrukture?” možnih tisoč odgovorov, pač

odvisno od zornega kota tistega, ki odgovarja. “Ali je med njima možen

enačaj?” Kratek odgovor bi bil: “v fizičnem svetu NE, v svetu konceptov

pa verjetno JA!”

humanities, upgrading them into an operative, meaningful, harmonious

and aesthetic compositional synthesis. This competency does not arise

on its own, as new compositional strategies are required. This leads a

problem that architects attempt to solve imperfectly; it appears that no

right answers have been found yet. There are “too many notes” on one

side and “a tin ear” on the other.

Where does the “just right” balance lie when it comes to the work

of architects? The anecdote about the emperor and Mozart speaks

of the relationship between the client – the author – the work. In

principle, the client is always right, but the author invests his or her

truth (professional ethics) into the work, not into the client’s opinion. In

architecture, this three-part relationship is strengthened by Vitruvius’

triad of utilitas – firmitas – venustas (usefulness – solidness – beauty),

which can be translated as function – structure – aesthetics for today’s

use. If these two equilateral triangles are turned against each other and

covered, a concept called the hexagram or the Star of David emerges,

introducing two opposing but complementing forces: active – passive,

the female and male principles, the yin and yang, the good and evil.

Naturally, it signifies many things, as does its relative, the pentagram,

which is related to the golden ratio and sacred geometry. Why is it

necessary to reveal all these layers of meaning to come closer to an-

swering the question about infrastructure’s relation to architecture, or,

in other words, why should not they simply be the same thing?

“Philosophy is a discipline that consists of creating and inventing

concepts,” said Gilles Deleuze,2 and this idea can be easily translated

into architecture. Architects Polona Filipič and Peter Šenk develop the

conceptual approach as the starting point of the project as opposed

to most colleagues, who tend to deal with concepts as working tools

only when the idea has to be presented to someone else – the client,

the commission at a competition or the public. They explore operative

methods of strategic planning in the context of the contemporary city

and landscape. As they say themselves, their architecture is designed

as infrastructure. The question is how operative concepts affect the

project decisions they make.

These concepts activate reductive processes, which clarify a

myriad of information by highlighting relevant and excluding irrelevant

information. Using this procedure, the architects “symbolise” factors in

space, such as movement, flow, access, sound, location and time, and

render them meaningful. The diagrammatical form of concepts estab-

lishes an analytical apparatus, which helps identify and solve problems

by translating the “thought” (information, programme task, idea) into

“form” (proposal, design, concept).

What is the cause and what the effect? How can we affect pro-

cesses in space, direct them, control them? What means are available

for this? How can we systematically organise them as tools that can

be used according to problems? Can planning establish a systematic

approach that will function by leading to optimising solutions? Being

flexible enough to be operational? And not simplifying, bureaucratising

and reducing complexity? It sounds like writing a political programme.

However, this is about architecture, or, as the authors say, about

architecture as infrastructure. It is an operational programme that is

supposed to serve the operation in space. Admittedly, it would often

be good if politics and economy were also perceived and led as if

they were infrastructure. This would surely produce better results and

greater stability.

The architects named their office Stratum, the Latin-derived term

for layer. The name was likely chosen with an awareness of its meaning

being linked to the geological dimension of architecture as infrastruc-

ture, since the latter stretches over the ground as a human-made

layer, like “the skin of the earth”.3 On the other hand, it may also

allude to the afore-mentioned author Deleuze and his work A Thousand

Plateaus,4 in which Guattari and Deleuze introduced the concept of

Rhizome,5 which enables simultaneous and continuous interaction

between all the strata or registers being developed, i.e. the cosmic,

geological, evolutionary, developmental, anthropological, mythological,

historical, economic, political, literary, musical and other strata, without

an external superior authority in a self-organising process.

Furthermore, studio Stratum adds philosophy to both science and

art, the two representing the starting points of its work. The underlying

proposal appears to be a call for developing a practice based on theo-

retical concepts in order to join the two usually separate components of

the profession into a single, more potent one. The initial results of the

proposal are indeed very convincing, as can be seen from this brochure

and exhibition, and perhaps even more so from the in situ realisa-

tions. The new layer created by the architects engages with nature,

built structure and archaeology in a manner that is thought-out and

reserved, but at the same time professional, following the clear goal of

a new synthesis. This is a quality that has always been a signpost of

good architecture.

After terms like architect, architecture and infrastructure were bor-

rowed by computerists, it appears that there is now a reverse process

taking place; architects and urban planners borrow tools developed by

computer science, introducing and adjusting them to the their own field

– since the terms (architect, architecture, infrastructure) remain the

same, an interesting plurality of their meanings emerges on the meta

level. Is infrastructure a physical fact in the traditional, urban planning

sense of the word, a term used in computer science or perhaps a flow

of information coming to exist in meta time and space?

Naturally, physical infrastructure and built architecture are not

the same thing. When it comes to studio stratum’s work, architecture

can be seen as a form of conceptual infrastructure in the sense of its

functionality –a metastructure that enables a space for ideas about

structure, function, etc., to develop in consistent, meaningful and use-

ful ways. Admittedly, there are a thousand possible ways to answer the

question “How does architecture differ from infrastructure?”, depending

on the point of view of the person answering it. “Is it possible to equate

the two?” Let us provide a short answer: “In the physical world=NO, in

the world of concepts: possibly YES!”

Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) je bil eden izmed najbolj vplivnih in prodornih francoskih filozofov druge polovice 20. stoletja. Filozofijo je pojmoval kot proizvajanje konceptov.Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) was one of the most influential and insightful French philosophers of the second half of the 20th century. He perceived philosophy as producing concepts.



Raoul Bunschoten, Takuro Hoshino, Helene Binet and CHORA: Urban Flotsam, 010 Publishers, 2001, Rotterdam.Gilles Deleuze in Felix Guattari, Mille plateaux. Capitalisme et schizophrénie 2, Minuit, Pariz, 1980.Rhizom, decentralizirana mreža, ki organizira deregulirane tokove energij in materije, idej in akcij, in jih povezuje v skupek, ki mu rečemo sodobni svet.Raoul Bunschoten, Takuro Hoshino, Helene Binet and CHORA: Urban Flotsam, 010 Publishers, 2001, Rotterdam.Gilles Deleuze in Felix Guattari, Mille plateaux. Capitalisme et schizophrénie 2, Minuit, Pariz, 1980.Rhizome, a decentralised network organising deregulated flows of energy and matter, ideas and action, bringing them together into an agglomeration called the contemporary world.



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Relacija do prometnih,

energetskih, servisnih in drugih

tokov v prostoru.


Relation to traffic, energy, service

and other flows in space.






Topografski, okoljski, sociološki,

zgodovinski in drugi kritični

parametri konteksta.


Topographical, environmental,

sociological, historical and other

critical parameters of context.

Studio stratum sta leta 2003 ustanovila Polona Filipič in Peter Šenk.

Studio stratum deluje v kompleksnem procesu projektiranja/načrtovanja

kot stratum - plast, odgovorna za arhitekturni/urbanistični nivo. V stalni

interakciji z mrežo ekspertov za področja inženirskih tehničnih rešitev

ter drugih strok vodi in nadzoruje proces projektiranja/načrtovanja

od samega začetka projekta pa vse do izvedbe. V studiu stratum smo

razvili delovno metodo uporabe operativnih konceptov.

Studio stratum was founded by Polona Filipič and Peter Šenk in

2003. Studio stratum occupies the stratum of architecture/urbanism in

the complex process of design/planning. In constant interaction with

the network of experts from the fields of technical and other matters,

studio stratum aims at maximizing control of the design/planning

processes from the very beginning of the project. In studio stratum, a

working method with the use of operational concepts has been developed.



Čas kot orodje - vgrajen

časovni faktor.


Time as a tool - in-built

time factor.


Trajnostna zasnova, posebna

ekološka oprema/materiali.


Sustainable design, special

ecological equipment/materials.


Organizacijska struktura,

ki reagira in se prilagaja

različnim pogojem.


Organisational structure which

reacts and adapts to particular



Poljubno priključevanje

posameznih elementov na



Optional plugging/unplugging of

individual elements to the


Operativni koncepti so večplastno kontrolno orodje za projektiranje v

skladu z osnovnimi načeli, ki definirajo glavni namen projekta. Glede

na pogoje prilagodljivosti, trajnostnosti, (ne)določenosti, ponovljivost,

mobilnosti, mnogovrstnosti, enotnosti, cirkulacije, komunikacije ter

konteksta, projekt lahko vsebuje enega ali več operativnih konceptov.

Do sedaj uporabljeni operativni koncepti so: čas, trajnostnost, fleksibilno,

modul, pri-klop, prototip, tok in vznik. Ti v različnih kombinacijah

Operational concepts are a multilayered control tool for coherent design

corresponding to initial premises which define the main intention of

the project. In relation to the conditions of adaptability, sustainability,

(in)determinacy, repeatability, mobility, multiplicity, unity, circulation,

communication and context, one or more operational concepts can be

involved within one project. Operational concepts in use are: bottom-up,

flexible, eco, flow, module, plug-in, prototype and time. They respond to

odgovarjajo na edinstvene zahteve posameznega projekta in glede na

vnaprej opravljene raziskave okoljskih, prostorskih in drugih pogojev,

naročnikovih zahtev ter potreb končnega uporabnika, omogočajo pre-

verjanje doslednosti projekta.

S konceptualnim pristopom, v odvisnosti od programa in prostora,

posebno pozornost posvečamo uporabi materialov, odnosu do okolja

ter stimuliranju družbene interakcije.

the unique demands of individual commissions and enable the control

of consistency of the project according to previously undertaken re-

search of environmental, spatial and other relevant conditions, client’s

demands and end user’s needs.

With the conceptual approach, in relation to space, place and program,

particular attention is paid to the use of materials, affinity to the envi-

ronment and stimulation of social interaction.

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18 [2005




[2006 17

10] 11

13] 14[2008

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[2012 01

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Arheološki park Emonska hiša

Emonian House Archeological Park

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Marko Pretnar, Primož Špacapan sodelavci collaborators:

structure: CBD d.o.o. montažna streha roof: DBS Mont d.o.o. status status: zgrajeno, mednarodna arhitekturna

nagrada Gubbio built, international architectural award Gubbio datum date: 2012 naročnik client: Muzej in

galerije mesta Ljubljana lokacija location: Ljubljana tip type: kultura culture bruto površina total floor

area: 2052 m2 foto photo: Virgina Vrecl

Koncept ureditve odraža

upoštevanje obstoječega stanja,

potek in lokacijo arheoloških

ostalin, zahtevano območje nad-

kritja, želeno pot obiska ter pros-

tor nadgrajuje z novo montažno

streho in plastjo komunikacij, ki

omogočajo celovitejšo percepcijo

arheoloških ostalin.

The design concept reflects the

current state with the direction and

location of archaeological remains,

area for planned new roofing and

the planned visit path, upgrading

the space with a new layer of

circulation paths that allow for a

more comprehensive perception of

archaeological remains.

Zasnova montažnih pohodnih

površin in strehe je z uporabo

materialov in načinom izvedbe

prilagojena specifičnim pogojem

lokacije in potrebam uporabnika.

Konstrukcijski sistem elementov

je zasnovan modularno, je prila-

godljiv in montažen/demontažen.

The use of materials and realisa-

tion method for the design of

prefabricated walking areas and

new roof adapt to specific condi-

tions of the site and user needs.

The construction system of

elements is designed modularly;

it is adaptable and prefabricated/


Zasnova sledi želenemu usmer-

janju obiska arheološkega parka,

s čimer se obvladuje in nadzoruje

večje število obiskovalcev in

njihova komunikacija z vsebino.

Izboljšana je dostopnost in

uporabnost za različne ciljne

skupine obiskovalcev.

The design reflects the planned

direction of visiting the archaeo-

logical park, thus managing and

controlling a larger number of

visitors and their interaction with

programs. Accessibility and func-

tionality have been improved for

various visitor target groups.

Konstrukcijski sistem montažnih

pohodnih elementov, ograj, klopi

in označevanja je zasnovan

modularno, je prilagodljiv

in demontažen.

The construction system of

prefabricated walking elements,

fences, benches and signs is de-

signed modularly; it is adaptable

and demountable.


Infrastrukturni pristop urejanja

omogoča ohranjanje območja kot

izrazito parkovne površine in kar

najmanjše fizično poseganje v

območje dediščine. Modularni

elementi so zasnovani kot

priključni elementi, ki se pripen-

jajo na osnovno konstrukcijo.

The design’s infrastructural ap-

proach enables conserving the

area as a distinctly park area,

while physically encroaching

on the heritage area as little as

possible. Designed as plug-in

elements, modular elements are

plugged in to the main structure.

Modularni montažni sistem

pohodnih površin določa niz

kompozicijskih pravil. Prav tako

niz pravil določa organizacijo

parka. Zasnova pohodne površine

posebej in ureditev parka v celoti

deluje kot adaptabilni prototip

v dveh merilih.

The modular prefabricated

system of walking areas is

defined by several composition

rules. These rules also define

the organisation of the park. The

design of the walking area in itself

and the concept of the entire

park function as an adaptable

prototype on two scales.

Poseg v območje izkopanin je

minimalen glede na zahtevan

program. Infrastrukturni pristop

urejanja ohranja, vključuje,

izkorišča ter izpostavlja urbane

arheološke parke trajnostno. Ti

postanejo del mesta, atraktorji v

prostoru tokov in predvsem

vsem dostopni.

The encroachment in the area

of excavations is minimal. The

design’s infrastructural approach

conserves, includes, avails itself

of and highlights urban archaeo-

logical parks sustainably – they

become part of the city, attrac-

tors in the space of flows and

accessible to everyone.

Zasnova ureditve arheološkega

parka omogoča spremembe v

nepredvidljivi prihodnosti.

The design concept of the archae-

ological park allows for changes

in an unpredictable future.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Arheološki park Zgodnjekrščansko središče

Early Christian Centre Archeological Park

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Marko Pretnar, Primož Špacapan sodelavci collaborators:

gradbene konstrukcije: CBD d.o.o. status status: zgrajeno, mednarodna arhitekturna nagrada Gubbio built,

international architectural award Gubbio datum date: 2012 naročnik client: Muzeji in galerije mesta Ljubljana

lokacija location: Ljubljana tip type: kultura culture bruto površina total floor area: 1419 m2 foto photo:

Virginia Vrecl

Koncept ureditve odraža

upoštevanje stanja z obstoječo

streho, potek in lokacijo

arheoloških ostalin, želeno pot

obiska ter prostor nadgrajuje

z novo plastjo komunikacij, ki

omogočajo celovitejšo percepcijo

arheoloških ostalin.

The design concept reflects the

state with the existing roof,

the direction and location of

archaeological remains, and the

planned visit path, upgrading

the space with a new layer of

circulation paths that allow for a

more comprehensive perception

of archaeological remains.

Zasnova montažnih pohodnih

površin je z uporabo materialov

in načinom izvedbe prilagojena

specifičnim pogojem lokacije in

potrebam uporabnika. Konstrukcij-

ski sistem elementov je zasnovan

modularno, je prilagodljiv in


The use of materials and realisa-

tion method for the design of

prefabricated walking areas adapt

to specific conditions of the site

and user needs. The construction

system of elements is designed

modularly; it is adaptable and


Zasnova sledi želenemu usmer-

janju obiska arheološkega parka,

s čimer se obvladuje in nadzoruje

večje število obiskovalcev in

njihova komunikacija z vsebino.

Izboljšana je dostopnost in

uporabnost za različne ciljne

skupine obiskovalcev.

The design reflects the planned

direction of visiting the archaeo-

logical park, thus managing and

controlling a larger number of

visitors and their interaction with

programs. Accessibility and func-

tionality have been improved for

various visitor target groups.

Konstrukcijski sistem montažnih

pohodnih elementov, ograj, klopi

in označevanja je zasnovan

modularno, je prilagodljiv

in demontažen.

The construction system of

prefabricated walking elements,

fences, benches and signs is de-

signed modularly; it is adaptable

and demountable.


Infrastrukturni pristop urejanja

omogoča ohranjanje območja kot

izrazito parkovne površine in kar

najmanjše fizično poseganje v

območje dediščine. Modularni

elementi so zasnovani kot

priključni elementi, ki se pripen-

jajo na osnovno konstrukcijo.

The design’s infrastructural ap-

proach enables conserving the

area as a distinctly park area,

while physically encroaching

on the heritage area as little as

possible. Designed as plug-in

elements, modular elements are

plugged in to the main structure.

Modularni montažni sistem

pohodnih površin določa niz

kompozicijskih pravil. Prav tako

niz pravil določa organizacijo

parka. Zasnova pohodne površine

posebej in ureditev parka v celoti

deluje kot adaptabilni prototip

v dveh merilih.

The modular prefabricated

system of walking areas is

defined by several composition

rules. These rules also define

the organisation of the park. The

design of the walking area in it-

self and the concept of the entire

park function as an adaptable

prototype on two scales.

Poseg v območje izkopanin je

minimalen glede na zahtevan

program. Infrastrukturni pristop

urejanja ohranja, vključuje,

izkorišča ter izpostavlja urbane

arheološke parke trajnostno – ti

postanejo del mesta, atraktorji v

prostoru tokov in predvsem

vsem dostopni.

The encroachment in the area

of excavations is minimal. The

design’s infrastructural approach

conserves, includes, avails itself

of and highlights urban archaeo-

logical parks sustainably – they

become part of the city, attrac-

tors in the space of flows and

accessible to everyone.

Zasnova ureditve arheološkega

parka omogoča spremembe v

nepredvidljivi prihodnosti.

The design concept of the archae-

ological park allows for changes

in an unpredictable future.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

[Arheološki park emonska hiša]


Arheološki park Emonska hiša

foto: Virgina Vrecl

Emonian House Archeological Park

photo: Virgina Vrecl

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Energetska sanacija in rekonstrukcija

osnovne šole Bled

Energy Renovation and Reconstruction

of Bled Primary School


Stavba upošteva in nadgrajuje

obstoječe okolje z ureditvijo

novih zunanjih športnih površin,

parkirišča, gospodarskega

dvorišča in ločenega šolskega

dvorišča pred glavnim vhodom,

otroških igrišč, mavrične poti,

šolskega vrta z učilnico na

prostem in zelenih površin.

The building reflects and upgrades

the existing environment by

developing new external sports

areas, a parking lot, a service

area and a separate school yard

in front of the main entrance,

playgrounds, Rainbow Path, a

school garden with an outdoor

classroom and green areas.

Zunanja ureditev in notranja

organizacija stavbe z zasnovo

skupnega glavnega vhoda z

nadkritjem in centralnim vetrolo-

vom pripomore k boljši notranji

komunikaciji, preglednosti in dis-

tribuciji ter loči servisne poti vozil

od poti šolarjev in zaposlenih.

The exterior design and interior

organisation of the building with

a common covered main entrance

and central windcatcher improves

interior circulation paths,

orientation and distribution and

separates vehicle service paths

from the paths of pupils and


arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Marko Pretnar, Primož Špacapan status status: IDZ

concept datum date: 2012 naročnik client: Občina Bled Bled Municipality lokacija location: Bled tip type:

izobraževanje education površina area: 8.312,00 m2

Prizidava in nadzidava vmesnega

dela šolske stavbe med traktoma

A in B zagotavlja nadkrivanje

glavnega vhoda, preureditev

vertikalnih komunikacij in dvigala

ter širitev upravnih prostorov

s knjižnico ter dodatne

površine za pouk.

The extension and addition to

a part of the school building

between A and B tracts ensures

covering the main entrance,

reconstructing vertical circulation

paths and the elevator, as well as

extending administration areas

with the library and additional

class areas.

Energetsko-arhitekturna sanacija

in funkcionalna optimizacija vse-

bin znotraj stavbe, zagotovitev

potresne in požarne varnosti

stavbe ter zunanja krajinska

ureditev dostopov, parkirišč

in igralnih površin zagotavlja

kakovostno prenovo obstoječe

šolske stavbe.

A quality redevelopment of the

school building is ensured by

the energy and architectural

reconstruction and functional

optimisation of programs within

the building, ensuring earthquake

and fire safety and exterior land-

scape design of access, parking

and playground areas.

Prenova temelji na uporabi

naravnih materialov (les),

obnovljivih virov energije (sonce)

in energetski sanaciji stavbe ter

rekonstrukciji, ki z boljšo no-

tranjo organizacijo in brez večjih

posegov zagotavlja kakovostno

bivanje in aktivnosti v šolskih


The redevelopment is based on

using natural materials (wood),

renewable energy sources (sun)

and energy renovation and

reconstruction of the building,

thus ensuring quality stay and

activities in school areas with im-

proved internal organisation and

without major interventions.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Ureditev Bevkovega trga, Nova Gorica

Bevkov trg Square Development, Nova Gorica


Zasnova nadaljuje dvojnost med

grajenimi in odprtimi prostori

mesta. Znotraj grajenega se tvori

osrednji odprt javni prostor

mesta, ki je kot podstavek

paviljonski pozidavi oboda in

se navezuje na vse smeri, še

posebej pa z interpretirano

promenado v smeri V–Z.

The design builds on the duality

of built and open urban areas.

Within the former, a central open

public space is created, functioning

as the base of the perimeter’s

built structure and connected

with all directions, especially the

planned promenade in the

E-W direction.

Ureditev osrednjega javnega

mestnega trga s tlorisno ne-

sorazmernostno razgibanostjo

in nepravilno oblikovanimi zalivi

stimulira možnosti za bodoči

razvoj urbane strukture in njenih

vsebin, kot nedokončane in stalno

spreminjajoče se tvorbe.

Based on plot asymmetry,

diversity and irregularly formed

“bays”, the central public town

square stimulates possibilities for

future development of the urban

structure and its programs as

an indefinite and continuously

transforming formation.

Trg je osrednja prostorska

zgostitev in razpršitev tokov glavne

mestne prečnice – promenade,

ki preko mestne osi – Magistrale,

spaja vzhodni – zeleni in zahodni

grajeni del mesta. Trg se na

robovih preliva v prehode

med stavbami.

As the central spatial densification

and diffusion of the flows of the

main urban transverse street, i.e.

the promenade, the square

merges the eastern – green and

western built part of the town.

The square flows into passages

between buildings at the edges.

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Domen Mozetič, Marko Pretnar, Primož Špacapan,

Simon Kerševan, Grega Klemenčič status status: IDZ, PGD concept, building permission plan datum date:

2012 naročnik client: Mestna občina Nova Gorica Nova Gorica Municipality lokacija location: Nova Gorica

tip type: javna površina public space površina area: 5.786,00 m2

Prečna promenada stimulira ure-

janje na njo simbolno “pripetih”

javnih mestnih površin. Bevkov

trg, ki ga preči interpretirana

promenada, ohranja svojo iden-

titeto in pomen, robovi trga pa

postanejo ključni vzpodbujevalci

dogajanja v odprtem

javnem prostoru.

The transverse promenade

promotes the development of

symbolically “attached” public

urban areas. The Bevkov trg

square, which is traversed by the

promenade, retains its identity

and meaning as the square edges

become key drivers of activity in

the open public space.

Trg je tlakovan s štokanimi

ploščami iz avtohtonega kamna

v kombinaciji z betonskimi litimi

tlaki ali prefabrikati, ki skupaj z

obstoječimi (Morus nigra in Fagus

sylvatica purpurea) in novimi

zasaditvami ustvarja prijetne

mediteranske mikro ambiente.

The square is paved with bush

hammered slabs made of local

stone combined with concrete

casted and prefabricated ones,

creating pleasant Mediterranean

microenvironments together with

existing (Morus nigra and Fagus

sylvatica purpurea) and

new plantings.

Urejanje mestnega središča je

zastavljeno kot celovit projekt,

ki je zaradi razdrobljene lastniške

strukture razdeljen v več izved-

benih faz in ob zagotavljanju

konceptualne jasnosti omogoča

izvajanje v različnih časovnih


The town centre development

is an integrated project, divided

into several implementation

phases due to fragmented owner-

ship structures and enabling

implementation in different time

frames by providing conceptual


[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Celovita prenova osrednjega dela Magistrale

v Novi Gorici/izbor strokovne podlage

Comprehensive Regeneration of the

“Magistrala” street in Nova Gorica

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Vladimir Filipič, Marko Pretnar, Primož Špacapan

sodelaveci collaborators: Janž Omerzu, biro Črta status status: vabljeni natečaj, zmagovalna rešitev,

izdelava IDP invited competition, winning proposal datum date: 2012 naročnik client: Mestna občina

Nova Gorica Nova Gorica Municipality lokacija location: Nova Gorica tip type: javna površina public space

površina area: 26.680,00 m2


Z razmestitvijo centralnih

dejavnosti in lego je Magistrala

osrednja hrbtenica mesta, ki se s

predvidenimi poudarjenimi prečnimi

povezavami ter definiranimi

programskimi pasovi vzpostavi

kot osrednji reprezentativni javni

prostor mesta.

With the placement of central

activities and its location, the

artery is the main backbone of

the town, establishing itself as

the central representative public

space of the town with planned

emphasised transversal connec-

tions and defined program strips.

Magistrala je korzo, ki povezuje

šolske in stanovanjske programe

na jugu z osrednjimi mestotvo-

rnimi programi na ‘vzdolžnem

trgu’ in programi regionalnega

pomena na severu. Magistrala je

z novimi poudarjenimi prečnicami

os združevanja tokov urbanega

življenja mesta.

The artery is a drag connecting

school and residential programs

in the south with central urban

programs on the ‘longitudinal

square’ and regionally important

programs in the north. Its new

transversal paths make it the axis

of converging flows of the urban

life in the town.

Prostor ulice združuje tokove

pešca, kolesarja in avtomobila na

skupni površini, ki je oblikovana

predvsem po meri pešca.

Avtomobilski promet se umika

in usmerja na sosednje ulice.

The street area merges the

flows of pedestrians, cyclists and

cars in a common area tailored

primarily for pedestrians. Car

transport is moved away and re-

directed to neighbouring streets.

Osnovni koncept ureditve

tvorijo štirje identitetni pasovi

(programski, zeleni, prometni in

simbolni pas) vzdolž Magistrale s

prečnimi povezavami, ki

pomenijo povezovanje s prome-

tom prekinjenih mestnih urbanih

površin z zelenim zaledjem.

The basic concept of the design is

comprised of four identity strips

(program, green, traffic and sym-

bolic strips) along the artery with

transversal paths, which connect

urban areas interrupted by traffic

with the green hinterland.

Atraktiven javni prostor Magistrale

z umirjenim prometom, poveza-

vami, programi in zgoščenim

zelenjem omogoča mikroklimatsko

ugodje ter kolektivno interakcijo in

ima potencial razvojnega kataliza-

torja prostora mesta, ki skupaj z

gospodarstvom in družbo vzdržuje

trajnosti razvoj.

The attractive public space with

calm traffic, connections, pro-

grams and greenery provides mi-

croclimate comfort and collective

interaction and offers the potential

of the development catalyst of

urban space, maintaining sustain-

able development together with

economy and society.

Koncept ureditve omogoča

faznost izvedbe ter ob ohranjanju

osnovnih izhodišč zagotavlja

celovitost prenove.

The design concept enables

implementation phasing and en-

sures integrated regeneration by

observing basic starting points.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Turistično-informacijski center Postojna

Tourist-Information Centre Postojna

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Marko Pretnar, Primož Špacapan sodelavci collaborators:

gradbene konstrukcije structure: CBD d.o.o., Biro Črta d.o.o.; električne instalacije in električna oprema services:

Progalant d.o.o., Arctur projektiva d.o.o.; zasnova požarne varnosti fire safety: P-Študija, Liljana Ožbot s.p.;

status status: PGD building permission plan datum date: 2011 naročnik client: Občina Postojna lokacija

location: Postojna tip type: turizem tourism površina area: 108 m2


Koncept ureditve odraža

upoštevanje obstoječih prostorskih

in prometnih ureditev. Pas urejan-

ja je pomaknjen na skrajni južni

del območja in omogoča nizanje

različno oblikovanih zaprtih in

odprtih ambientov.

The design concept reflects

current spatial and traffic

arrangements. Moved to the very

south part of the area, the

development belt enables the

stringing of diversely designed

closed and open environments

and ambiences.

Prostor prodajne galerije je

fleksibilen in omogoča poljubno

razporeditev elementov opreme

ali razstavnih eksponatov. Ločeno

osvetljevanje posameznih točk

omogoča poljubne konfiguracije

in poudarke v interieru.

The retail gallery area is flexible

and enables various layouts of

equipment elements or exhibits.

Separate lighting of individual

points allows for various

configurations and emphases

in the interior.

Ob urejenemu uvozu na

počivališče je predviden vstopni

park s prostori za sprostitev, ki se

nadaljujejo v urejeno parkirišče

za avtomobile. Objekt TIC s sani-

tarijami se odpira proti urejeni

zeleni površini, parku

sprostitve in igre.

An entry park with areas for

relaxation is planned by the

driveway to the rest stop, leading

to a parking lot for cars. The TIC

building with sanitary facilities

opens up towards the green area,

the relaxation and play park.

Fasado in tloris objekta členijo

strukturirane modularne enote.

The facade and floor area of

the building are segmented by

structured modular units.

Poudarjena enotna površina,

ki prehaja iz fasade v streho,

nadstrešek in označevalec je pro-

storski atraktor, ki s svojo obliko

ekonomično združuje več funkcij

v en razpoznaven arhitekturni

prototip, ki se lahko prilagaja

različnim robnim pogojem.

The emphasised unified area that

runs from the facade to the

roofing, “canopy” and “display” is

a spatial attractor, employing its

form to economically merge

various functions into a

recognisable architectural

prototype, which can adapt to

diverse edge conditions.

Objekt upošteva načela

trajnostne gradnje z izrabo

alternativnih virov energije

(strešna fotovoltaika) ter obliko

in orientacijo. Uporaba avtohtonih

materialov parafrazira prepoznav-

no notranjsko-kraško gradbeno

tipiko na sodoben način.

The building observes sustainable

construction principles due to

employing alternative energy

resources (roof photovoltaics), its

form and orientation. Distinct

features of Inner Carniola and

Karst construction are paraphrased

by use of local materials in a

contemporary manner.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T] [2011]

Razstavno-prodajni projekt

foto: Miran Kambič

Exhibition and retail pavillion Park

photo: Miran Kambič

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]



rm -


ve r





Razstavno-prodajni objekt v Koncertni

dvorani v Postojnski jami, Postojna

Exhibition and Retail Pavilion in the Concert Hall

in the Postojna Cave, Postojna

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Grega Tramte, Marko Pretnar sodelavci collaborators:

Marko Šenk, Peter Emil Grošelj status status: zgrajeno built datum date: 2011 naročnik client: Postojnska

jama, d.d. lokacija location: Postojna tip type: turizem turism bruto površina total floor area: 337m2

foto photo: Miran Kambič

Objekt je zasnovan znotraj tloris-

nih gabaritov prej obstoječega

objekta v obliki črke S, ki sledi

ohranjeni betonski steni in steni

podzemne jame ter je razdeljen

na razstavno-prodajni in servisni

del s sanitarijami.

The structure is designed within

the maximum dimensions of the

previous structure in the form

of the letter S, reflecting the

preserved concrete wall and the

wall of the underground cave. It

is divided into the exhibition and

retail area and service area with

sanitary facilities.

Prostor razstavno-prodajnega

dela je fleksibilen – opremljen s

talnimi dozami za priključevanje

elementov opreme ali razstavnih

eksponatov. Ločeno osvetljevanje

posameznih točk nad pozicijami

talnih doz omogoča poljubne kon-

figuracije in poudarke v interieru.

The exhibition and retail area is

flexible, as it is equipped with

floor plugs prepared for plug-in

equipment elements or exhibits.

Separate lighting of individual

points above them allows for

various configurations and

emphases in the interior.

Transparentna fasada razstavno-

-prodajnega volumna je strukturi-

rana s poudarjenimi štirimi vhodi-

izhodi glede na smer prihoda in

tok obiskovalcev.

The transparent facade of the

exhibition and retail volume is

structured with four emphasised

entrances/exits in relation to the

direction of entering and the flow

of visitors.

Volumski zamiki in fasadni

elementi so strukturirane

modularne enote.

Volume indents and facade

elements are structured

modular units.


Prostor razstavno-prodajnega

dela omogoča priključevanje

elementov opreme ali razstavnih

eksponatov. Elementi opreme

v razstavni niši se prav tako

poljubno priključujejo na nosilce

glede na želeni razstavno-

-prodajni namen.

The exhibition and retail area

allows plugging in equipment

elements or exhibits. Equipment

elements in the exhibition niche

can also be plugged in as desired

to wall holders according to

required exhibition or

retail purposes.

Gradnja in vgradnja gradbenih

elementov upošteva naravovar-

stvene zahteve po čim manjšem

vplivu na naravno vrednoto.

Trajnostno naravnan je sistem

ogrevanja in prezračevanja

objekta ter nenazadnje prva

podzemna biološka čistilna

naprava v Sloveniji.

The construction observes nature

protection requirements for the

smallest impact on the value of

nature possible. Sustainability

is also reflected in the heating

system, ventilation and the first

underground biological treatment

plant in Slovenia.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Medico center, Divača

Medico Centre, Divača


Zasnova nadaljuje kompaktnost

večjih struktur ob železnici, v

nadstropju pa poustvarja razdro-

bljeni vzorec okoliške pozidave.

Členjen volumen nadaljuje

prostorske geometrije in spretno

umešča obsežen program

v okolico.

The design reflects the

compactness of larger structures

by the railway, while recreating a

fragmented pattern of

surrounding built structure on the

first floor. The segmented volume

reflects spatial geometries and

skilfully places diverse programs

in the surroundings.

Razsežnost etažnih površin

omogoča fleksibilno razmestitev

predvidenih programov v stavbi.

The magnitude of floor areas

allows for a flexible distribution of

planned programs in the building.

Območje stavbe z odprtim

prostorom trga povezuje tokove

prometne infrastrukture in

industrijske cone z zelenimi in

rekreacijskimi površinami Risnika

ter poudarja prisotnost podzemne

naravne vrednote Kačna jama.

The building area connects the

flows of transport infrastructure

and the industrial zone with

green and recreational areas of

Risnik through the square’s open

space, highlighting the presence

of Kačna Cave, an underground

natural value.

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Marko Pretnar, Primož Špacapan status status: IDZ

concept datum date: 2011 naročnik client: BKS d.o.o. lokacija location: Divača tip type: zdravstvo,

turizem healthcare, tourism površina area: 24.000,00 m2

Stavba je enovita, kompaktna

a fragmentirana struktura,

sestavljena iz dveh sklopov, ki

ju razmejuje trg s prehodom

do centra Divače. Hotelski del z

vhodnim lobbijem in recepcijo je

v V delu, medicinski del z vhodno

avlo ter domom za starejše

občane pa v Z delu stavbe.

The building is a uniform,

compact, fragmented structure

with two parts delineated by the

square and its passage to the

centre of Divača. The hotel, lobby

and reception are located in the

E, while health care areas, the

entrance hall and home for the

elderly are located in the W.

Z navezavo obrobja s središčem,

ureditvijo območja javnih

parkirišč in novih parkov vzdolž

železnice stimulira stavba razvo-

jne potenciale kraju. Orientacija

stavbe zagotavlja optimalno

osončenje prostorov in javnih

zunanjih površin. Strehe so

zazelenjene in uporabne.

The building promotes develop-

ment potential in the town by

connecting edges with the centre,

providing public parking spaces

and new parks along the railway.

The building’s orientation ensures

optimum insulation of interior

and public exterior areas. The

roof is green and usable.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Akvarij za človeške ribice pred

Koncertno dvorano v Postojnski jami, Postojna

Human Fish Pool at the

Postojna Cave, Postojna

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk sodelavci collaborators: Klemen Kušar, Valide d.o.o.,

Armin Kovačevič, Winky d.o.o., Arctur d.o.o., Ikra, Roman Čož, Slavko Polak, Notranjski muzej, Postojna

status status: zgrajeno built datum date: 2010 naročnik client: Turizem Kras, d.d. lokacija location:

Postojna tip type: turizem tourism bruto površina total floor area: 20m2 foto photo: Miran Kambič

Prostorska zasnova se prilagaja

obstoječi osi pristopa po poti

skozi jamo. Sprednji del akvarija

deluje kot ekran, ki že od daleč

napoveduje ogled znamenitosti.

Linije fasad sledijo nagibu poti,

kar vpliva na dinamiko dojemanja

velikosti in razsežnosti objekta.

The spatial design adapts to the

axis of the path through the

cave. The aquarium’s front

functions as a screen announcing

the attraction from distance.

Facade lines reflect path

inclination and contribute to the

dynamics of perceiving the size

and dimensions of the structure.

Prostorska zasnova je prilagojena

toku obiskovalcev po obstoječi

poti, njihovi razporeditvi okrog

akvarija in nadaljevanju poti

ogleda jame.

The spatial design is adapted to

the flow of visitors following the

existing path, their gathering

around the aquarium and

continuation of the path through

the cave.


Upoštevanje materialnih zahtev

za zagotavljanje čim ugodnejšega

habitata za človeške ribice (Pro-

teus anguinus) obsega: uporabo

jamske kapnice, osvetlitev z

optičnimi vlakni, ki se vklopi

samo ob obisku skupine ter

uporabo neorganskih materialov

za objekt.

Material requirements for

providing a favourable habitat for

human fish (Proteus anguinus)

comprise using cave dripping

water from the current collector,

turning on optical fibre

illumination only when a group

comes by, and using inorganic


Akvarij je postavljen na lokaciji

prejšnjega neustreznega

bazenčka za človeške ribice.

Zgrajen je montažno z jekleno

konstrukcijo iz sestavljivih in

razstavljivih delov in oblog, ki jih

je možno po potrebi zamenjati.

The aquarium is located on the

site of previous inappropriate

human fish pool. Its prefabricated

steel structure is made of

assembled and dismantling parts

and cladding ,which can be

replaced if necessary.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Kulturno-upravni center Miren

Miren Cultural and Administration Centre

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Marko Pretnar, Vladimir Filipič sodelavci collaborators:

Urška Bavčar, Špela Kukovič, Enej Pungerčar / vizualizacije; konzultant za akustiko acoustics consultant:

Saša Galonja; krajinska zasnova landscape concept: AD krajine d.o.o.; zasnova gradbenih konstrukcij structure:

Armin Kovačevič; konzultant za energetsko varčnost objekta sustainability and energy efficiency: mag. Aleš

Skušek; konzultanti za promet traffic consultant: BO-MO Biro d.o.o.; konzultanta za strojne instalacije

services consultants: Arctur d.o.o, Winky d.o.o.; konzultant za požarno varnost fire safety consultant: Stanko

Ožbot status status: odkup honourable mention datum date: 2010 naročnik client: Obcina Miren-

Kostanjevica lokacija location: Miren tip type: kulturno upravni center culture, administration bruto

površina area: 3.500 m2


Zasnova upošteva morfologijo

kraja in sledi prepoznanemu

vzorcu uličnih žepov. Arhitekturna

zasnova vzpostavlja odnos do

naravnega rečnega prostora in

ulice ter izkorišča višinsko razliko

z delitvijo trga z vmesnim amfite-

atralnim stopniščem.

The design reflects the site’s

morphology and pattern of street

pockets. The architectural design

establishes a relationship

between the natural river area

and the street, taking advantage

of the dropping terrain by

dividing the square with an

amphitheatrical staircase.

Stavba je strukturirana glede na

dialog med določenim/zaprtim

in fleksibilnim/odprtim. Dvorana

je poudarjena in zaprta, okrog

nje se po tlorisu in prerezu vije

niz prostorov – odprt, lahkoten

in fleksibilno zasnovan obod, ki

vzpostavlja odnos stavbe med

zunaj in znotraj.

The building is structured based

on the dialogue between the

defined/closed and flexible/open.

The hall is emphasised and

closed, with a series of spaces

surrounding it on the ground floor

and in the cross-section –

an open, smooth and flexibly

designed perimeter.

Vhodna avla povezuje tokove no-

tranjih in zunanjih površin. Glavni

vhodi so urejeni z glavnega

in dvoriščnega trga. Prostor

knjižnice je odmaknjen nad ulični

prostor in se odpira proti reki

Vipavi. Po obodu se povezu-

jejo večnamenski ter prostori

družbenih dejavnosti.

The entrance hall connects the

flows of interior and exterior ar-

eas. Main entrances are available

from the main and yard squares.

The library extends over the first

floor and opens up towards the

Vipava River. Multipurpose areas

and social activities are lined on

the perimeter.

Urbanistično-arhitekturna zasnova

ohranja in nadgrajuje naravne in

grajene danosti izbrane lokacije.

Energetski sistem je zasnovan po

integralnem principu in zagotavlja

prijetno uporabo ter manjše

stroške obratovanja in vzdrževanja

v življenjskem ciklu stavbe.

The urban planning and

architectural design preserve and

upgrade natural and built features

of the selected site. The energy

system is designed based on the

integral principle and ensures

pleasant use and lower operational

and management costs in the life

cycle of the building.

Oblikovanje stavbnega volumna

poudarja različnost okoliških

ambientov. Prostor knjižnice je

odmaknjen nad ulični prostor in

se odpira proti reki, osrednja

dvorana je introvertirana,

programi po obodu pa ustvarjajo

prilagodljiv trak, ki se odpira na

glavni in dvoriščni trg.

The building volume design high-

lights the diversity of nearby en-

vironments. The library area ex-

tends over the street and opens

up towards the river, the central

hall is introverted and perimeter

programs create an adaptable

strip opening up towards the

main and yard squares.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T] [2010]

Akvarij za človeške

ribice v Postojnski jami

foto: Miran Kambič

Human fish pool at

the Postojna Cave

photo: Miran Kambič

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Trg padlih borcev, Postojna

Trg padlih borcev Square, Postojna

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Martina Ferfila, Emil Grošelj status status: gradnja

datum date: 2009 naročnik client: občina Postojna Postojna Municipality lokacija location: Postojna tip

type: infrastruktura bruto površina total floor area: 2.850m2 foto photo: Taja Filipič, Miran Kambič,

arhiv studio stratum

Prostorska zasnova se prilagaja

zgodovinskim karakteristikam

prostora, obstoječim programom

in komunikacijskim tokovom

ter prostor parkirišča ponovno

preobraža v mestni trg, ki poveže

institucije, kot so knjižnica, šola

in sodišče na obodu.

The spatial design adapts to

historical characteristics of the

area, existing programs and

circulation paths and transforms

parking spaces into a town

square connecting institutions

such as the library, school and

court at its perimeter.

Prostor je opremljen z vso

potrebno infrastrukturo za

izvedbo različnih dogodkov.

The space is equipped with all

infrastructure necessary for

organising various events.

Prostorska zasnova je prilagojena

predvidenim programskim potre-

bam in združuje komunikacijske

tokove vzdolž historične silhuete

Tržaške ceste.

The spatial design is adapted

to planned program needs and

integrates circulation paths along

the historical silhouette of the

Tržaška cesta street.

Modularno zasnovana kaskadna

ureditev z elementi stopnic,

zelenja, prefabriciranih monolitov

in klopi, dinamično povezuje sicer

fragmentirano polje v vizualno

zaključeno celoto.

The modular cascade design

comprising of stairs, greenery,

prefabricated monoliths and

benches brings a dynamic unity

to the otherwise fragmented

space and forms a visually

rounded whole.


Ureditev trga stimulira raznoliko

dogajanje v različnih delih dneva

ali letnega časa. Ob prazničnih

večerih pa mu posebna osvetlitev

doda ambientalno vrednost.

The square development

promotes diverse activities in

different parts of the day or

seasons. Special lighting adds

ambient value on festive


Površina trga se na robovih odzi-

va na lokalne pogoje in združuje

različne rabe. Trg vzpodbuja

mešano rabo ter postane prostor

otroškega igrišča ob stanovan-

jskem bloku, prireditveni prostor

ob šoli in knjižnici in prostor

posedanja ob sprehajalni poti.

The square’s area responds to

local conditions on the edges and

integrates various uses. The

square promotes mixed use and

transforms into the playground

area by the residential building,

the event area by the school and

library and the sitting area by the

walking path.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Dom starejših in

oskrbovana stanovanja, Ljubljana

Home for the Elderly and

Sheltered Housing, Ljubljana

arhitektura, urbanizem architecture, urbanism: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Peter Emil Grošelj, Marko

Pretnar status status: zasnova, preveritev concept datum date: 2009 naročnik client: Pamis d.o.o.

lokacija location: Ljubljana tip type: stanovanja residential bruto površina total floor area: 10.250 m2


Prostorska zasnova se prilagaja

konfiguraciji terena, možni orien-

taciji, osončenju in atraktivnim

pogledom proti bajerju.

The spatial design adapts to

topography, possible orientation,

insolation and attractive views

towards the pond.

Lamelna zasnova omogoča

modularnost in fleksibilnost

razporejanja posameznih

bivalnih enot.

The volume design enables

modularity and flexibility in

organising the layout of

residential units.

Prostorska zasnova je povsem

prilagojena predvidenim pro-

gramskim potrebam in dostopom

do stavbe ter komunikacijam

znotraj njega.

The spatial design is entirely

adapted to planned program

needs, access to the building

and circulation in it.

Modularna zasnova bivalnih

enot omogoča poljubne, vnaprej

nenačrtovane kombinacije

tlorisne zasnove, glede na

programske zahteve.

The modular design of residential

units allows for random and previ-

ously unplanned combinations of

floor area design according to

program requirements.

Oblika stavbe sledi topografiji,

pri čemer ozelenjene strehe

poleg boljših bivalnih pogojev

stavbo navežejo v zeleni kontekst


The building’s form observes the

topography, with green roofs

enhancing living conditions and

placing the building within the

green context of the site.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T] [2009]

Trg padlih borcev

foto: Taja Filipič

Trg padlih borcev square

photo: Taja Filipič

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Vrtec, Ribnica

Kindergarten, Ribnica

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Peter Emil Grošelj, Marko Pretnar zasnova gradbenih

konstrukcij structure: dr. Bruno Dujič, univ. dipl. inž. gradb.; Jure Jančar, univ. dipl. inž. gradb. konzultant

za promet traffic consultant: Borut Dovžak dipl.inž.grad. status status: zasnova, natečaj concept, compe-

tition datum date: 2009 naročnik client: Občina Ribnica Municipality of Ribnica lokacija location: Ribnica

tip type: izobraževanje education bruto površina total floor area: 4.800 m2


Zasnova se kar najbolj prilagaja

naravnim in grajenim danostim

lokacije. Z umestitvijo na SV del

območja se servisni prostori in

parkirišča navezujejo na prometno

infrastrukturo ter omogočijo

odpiranje igralnih prostorov proti

JV in JZ – proti zelenemu

delu območja.

The design adapts to natural and

built features of the selected site

as much as possible. Located in

the NE part, service areas and

parking facilities are connected to

transport infrastructure, enabling

play areas to open up towards

SE and SW – the green part of

the area.

Arhitekturna zasnova stavbe

in njena funkcionalna shema

zagotavljata montažnost izva-

janja, dograjevanje, faznost in

predvsem fleksibilnost glede na

nove potrebe rabe.

The building’s architectural

design and its functional scheme

ensure prefabrication,

redevelopment, phasing and,

most importantly, flexibility

according to new needs of use.

Strukturirana členitev celote

ustvarja niz povezav med posa-

meznimi segmenti ter individu-

alizacijo terasnih površin. Končna

oblika ni toliko pomembna, kot

so pomembni odnosi med posa-

meznimi deli, ki vzpostavljajo

družabne situacije v sklenjenem

toku vmesnih prostorov.

Structured division of the whole

creates a series of connections

between individual segments and

individualisation of terrace areas.

Final form is not as significant as

relations between individual parts

facilitating social situations in a

continuous flow of in-between


Urejeni in ponavljajoči se

modularnih prostorski grozdi

(igralnica, garderobe, sanitarije)

se pripenjajo na členjeno in igrivo

razgibano tkivo ostalih skupnih

prostorov nanizanih okrog atrija.

Well-developed and repeatable

modular spatial clusters

(playroom, cloakroom, sanitary

facilities) are attached to a

segmented and playfully diverse

tissue of common areas lined

around the atrium.

Sistem zasnove se prilagaja in

povzema morfologijo, smer in

členjenost obstoječega grajenega

tkiva ter obstoječe komunikacijske

mreže. Z “atrijsko” zasnovo

vzpostavlja dialektiko in gradacije

med zunaj in znotraj ter oblikovanje

različnih ambientov.

The design system adapts to and

reflects the morphology, direction

and segmentation of existing

built tissue and communication

network. The “atrium” design

establishes the dialectics and

gradations between the exterior

and interior and creates diverse


Stavba je zasnovana z leseno ok-

virno konstrukcijo ter ekološkimi

materiali kot nizko energetski

montažni objekt. Streha je zelena

z nameščenimi sončnimi kolektorji

ter perforirana s svetlobniki, ki

nudijo naravno zenitalno osvetlitev.

The building is designed with a

wooden framework structure,

ecological materials and as a

low energy prefabricated facility.

The roof is green, mounted with

solar collectors and perforated

with skylights enabling natural

zenithal lighting.

S sistemom prefabricirane modu-

larne gradnje je možna izvedba

tudi v predvidenih dveh fazah, pri

čemer lahko prva faza – polovica

vrtca s servisnim delom funkcionira

samostojno do izgradnje druge

faze in se tudi po izgradnji slednje

lahko obravnava ločeno.

The system of prefabricated

modular construction allows for

two implementation phases,

with the first phase – half of the

kindergarten with the service part

– functioning independently until

the second phase and treated

separately after the second-

phase construction.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Hotelski kompleks, Postojna

Hotel Complex, Postojna

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Peter Emil Grošelj, Martina Ferfila krajinska ureditev

landscape: adkrajine d.o.o. instalacije services: Arctur d.o.o., Winky d.o.o. status status: zasnova concept

datum date: 2008 naročnik client: WPG d.o.o. lokacija location: Postojna tip type: turizem tourism

bruto površina total floor area: 28,000 m2


Morfologija hotelskega volumna

se navezuje na relief in skalno

steno na severovzhodu parcele.

Nastanitveni del se prilagaja

zunanjim dejavnikom z namenom

zagotoviti gostom hotela

enakovredno kvalitetne pogoje

bivanja tako v smislu pogledov

kot osončenosti.

The hotel volume morphology

relates to the relief and the rock

wall in the north-west of the plot.

Accommodation facilities adapt to

external factors in order to pro-

vide all hotel guests with equally

good living conditions both in

terms of the view and sunlight.

Konstrukcijska zasnova

nastanitvenih lamel omogoča

organizacijo različnih tipov sob.

The construction design of ac-

commodation volumes enables a

great variety of room types.

Zeleni podstavek v parterju je

odraz prometnih tokov gostov

in servisov. Z gubanjem zelene

strehe ločuje reprezentančni

dostop od servisnih poti in drugih

mejnih objektov, hkrati

percepcijsko niža višino stavbe

ter ustvarja javne ambiente

različnih značajev.

The green ground-level base

reflects the traffic flow of guests

and services. The folding of the

green roof separates the main

entrance from service paths and

other adjacent objects, while

lowering the building’s height and

creating public environments of

different characters.

Fleksibilna zasnova sledi modu-

larnemu sistemu nastanitvenih

prostorov s strukturiranim siste-

mom modularnih senčil na fasadi.

Flexible design reflects the modu-

lar accommodation system with

a structured system of modular

shades on the facade.

Zaključni sloji stavbe hotela so

predvideni iz naravnih materialov,

ki z zelenim podstavkom stavbno

maso vpnejo v naravno okolje

ter interpretirajo in ohranjajo

značilnosti tradicionalne gradnje

v lesu in kamnu.

Natural materials are planned for

final layers of the building,

employing the green ground-level

base to blend the large building

mass in with the natural

environment as well as interpret

and preserve characteristics of

traditional wood and stone


[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T] [2008]

Ureditev turističnega

območja Postojnska jama

foto: studio stratum

Postojna Cave Masterplan

and Tourist Area Plan

photo: studio stratum

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Letališče Divača - rekreacijski kompleks

Divača Airport - recreation complex

arhitektura in umestitev v prostor architecture and urban design: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Peter

Emil Grošelj infrastrukturna ureditev infrastructure: Krasinvest d.o.o., Boris Rep, Nataša Đukić Vasić,

Ivan Čeligoj, Bojan Dolenc ureditev igrišča za golf golf: Bon golf d.o.o., Peter Škofic krajinska ureditev

landscape: adkrajine d.o.o., Andreja Zapušek, Damjan Černe status status: zasnova concept datum date:

2008 naročnik client: Paktum d.o.o. lokacija location: Divača tip type: turizem tourism bruto površina

total floor area: letališki objekti in hangarji airport buildings and hangars: 7,800 m2; objekti za golf,

rekreacijo in apartmaji golf, recreation and apartment buildings: 6,300 m2


Minimalni obseg novogradenj

v rekreacijski coni neagresivno

dopolnjuje reguliran razvoj

športnega letališča z upoštevanjem

značilnosti območja urejanja in

krajevnih značilnosti v odnosu do

naravne dediščine Regijskega

parka Škocjanske jame

v neposredni bližini.

The minimum scope of new

facilities in the recreation zone is

non-aggressively complemented

with regulated development of a

sports airport by observing the

site’s features and local features

in relation to natural heritage of

the Škocjan Caves Regional Park

in direct vicinity.

Objekti so zasnovani fleksibilno

z možnostjo prilagoditve in širitve

še nepredvidenih programov.

The buildings are designed in a

flexible way and can be adapted

to currently unplanned programs.

Celotno organizacijo prostora

pogojujejo smeri vzletanja in

pristajanja letal na stezah ter

smeri vetra.

The entire space layout is

designed according to airplane

take-off and landing directions

and wind directions.

Krajinska ureditev izhaja iz

obstoječih prostorskih kakovosti

ter usmeritev, ki omogočajo

nemoteno delovanje programov

v odprtem prostoru. Ureditev

poudarja krajevne prostorske

značilnosti in predvideva

uporabo avtohtonih materialov.

Landscape design is based on

existing spatial qualities and

orientations that ensure a smooth

functioning of programs in open

space. The design highlights local

spatial characteristics and pro-

poses the use of local materials.

Prostorska, arhitekturna in

krajinska zasnova omogočajo

postopno in fazno vzpostavitev

rekreacijskega parka.

The spatial, architectural and

landscape planning design allow

for a gradual and phased estab-

lishment of the recreation park.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Dom starejših, kamnolom Preserje

Home for the Elderly, Preserje Quarry

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Marko Šenk krajinska zasnova landscape: adkrajine,

Andreja Zapušek, Damjan Černe konzultant consultant: Damjan Tepina status status: zasnova concept

datum date: 2007 naročnik client: SCT d.d. lokacija location: Preserje tip type: mešana raba mixed use

bruto površina total floor area: objekti buildings: 17,500 m2; podzemni prostor underground spaces:

20,100 m2


Zaradi konfiguracije terena je na

lokaciji možna enostranska V ali

Z osvetlitev bivalnih enot, ki so

locirane po obodu kamnoloma.

Skupni prostori so prosto raz-

porejeni znotraj obravnavanega

območja in se odpirajo v zelene

vmesne ambiente.

Terrain configuration on the

site allows a unidirectional E

or W illumination of residential

units located along the quarry’s

perimeter. Common areas are

freely positioned within the area

in question and open up towards

green in-between environments.

Fleksibilna zasnova sledi modu-

larnemu sistemu nastanitvenih


Flexible design reflects the modu-

lar accommodation system.

Konstrukcijska zasnova

nastanitvenih lamel omogoča

organizacijo različnih tipov sob;

konstrukcije skupnih prostorov

omogočajo razporeditve še

nepredvidenih programov.

The construction design of ac-

commodation volumes enables a

great variety of room types, while

common area structures allow

for the introduction of currently

unplanned programs.

Shemo dostopov in notranjih ko-

munikacij nadgrajujejo povezave

notranjih in zunanjih prostorov s

sistemom zasteklenih in nadkritih

prečnih prehodov – pergol, ki se

točkovno razširijo in tvorijo pro-

gramska območja za dejavnosti

na prostem.

Circulation scheme of access and

communications is strengthened

by connectivity of interior and

exterior spaces through a system

of glazed and covered transverse

passageways – pergolas, spread-

ing from different starting points

and creating program areas for

outdoor activities.





Izbira naravnih materialov za

stavbo, zazelenitev streh ter pre-

plet notranjih in zunanjih prosto-

rov so usklajeni z zazelenitvijo in

sanacijskimi ukrepi renaturacije


The choice of natural materials

for the building, introduction

of green roofs and overlapping

of interior and exterior spaces

intertwine with planted areas

and rehabilitation measures of

renaturalising the quarry.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Urbana regeneracija – Nova Gorica

Urban regeneration - Nova Gorica

arhitektura in urbanizem architecture and urban design: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Grega Tramte,

Matjaž Brglez krajinska ureditev landscape: adkrajine, Andreja Zapušek, Damjan Černe konstrukcije

structure: Vilko Šuligoj promet traffic: Krasinvest d.o.o. požarna varnost fire safety: Stanko Ožbot

status status: zasnova – vabljeni natečaj, deljena prva nagrada concept - invited competition, shared first

prize datum date: 2006 naročnik client: Mestna občina Nova Gorica lokacija location: Nova Gorica tip

type: mešana raba mixed use bruto površina total floor area: priklopni programi plug-in programs:

ca 2.000 m2; garaže parking garage: 12.000 m2


Zasnova se prilagaja obstoječemu

stanju in zahtevam politično-

ekonomskih in socialnih vplivov.

The design adapts to the current

state and political, economic and

social impacts.

Modularno zasnovana urbana

oprema in programski objekti

omogočajo poljubne, v naprej

nenačrtovane kombinacije

tlorisne zasnove glede na

programske zahteve.

Modularly designed urban equip-

ment and program facilities

allow for random and previously

unplanned combinations of floor

area design in line with program


Ob prisotnosti dominantne

stanovanjske strukture je pojav

in obstoj ostalih programov

nemogoče v celoti predvideti,

zato posegi nujno temeljijo na

konceptu fleksibilnosti

in efemernosti.

As the presence of a dominant

residential structure renders it

impossible to fully determine the

introduction and stability of other

programs, intervention must be

based on the concept of flexibility

and ephemerality.

Prostorska zasnova je povsem

prilagojena trenutnim program-

skim potrebam, možnim spre-

membam in njihovi komunikaciji.

The spatial design is entirely

adapted to current program

needs, possible changes and


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Programske ploščadi so urejene

kot javni odprti prostor z vgrajeno

infrastrukturno mrežo, ki omogoča

priključevanje elementov ter svo-

bodne prostorske organizacije.

Program platforms are designed

as a public open space with an

integrated infrastructure network

that allows plugging in elements

and differing patterns of spatial


Umestitev zaradi nestabilnosti

programov v prostor ni v naprej

določena. Kolektivni prostor

se spreminja glede na trenutne

potrebe rabe in ko postane neza-

nimiv, se odstrani, zamenja, brez

vmesnih stopenj in degradacije.

The placement of programs into

space is not determined due to

their instability. Collective space

is thus transformed in line with

current needs and can, when no

longer relevant, be removed and

replaced without any degradation


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[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T] [2005]

Papirnice Tempera foto: Blaž Budja

Tempera Stationary Shops

photo: Blaž Budja

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Povezovalni hodnik med hoteli, Portorož

Hotel Connection Passage, Portorož

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Marko Šenk, Gašper Kociper konstrukcije structure:

Spit d.o.o., Leon Hladnik instalacije services: Arctur d.o.o., Goap d.o.o. status status: projekt project

datum date: 2006 naročnik client: Istrabenz turizem, d.d. lokacija location: Portorož tip type: turizem

tourism bruto površina total floor area: 620 m2


Zasnova objekta s prostorsko

palično konstrukcijo, ki omogoča

večje razpone in previse ter

manjše število podpor, se prilagaja

zahtevam povezav hotelskih

stavb, bazenskih delov in kon-

gresnega centra ob zagotavljanju

minimalnih posegov v njihove

obstoječe konstrukcije in teren.

The building’s design with a

space frame structure, which en-

ables larger spans and cantilevers

and fewer supporting structures,

adapts to requirements for hotel

buildings, pool areas and the

congress centre while ensuring

minimum intervention into exist-

ing structures and terrain.

Modularna zasnova jeklene

konstrukcije in ovoja je iz sendvič

panelov in stekla.

The modular design of a steel

structure and envelope consist of

sandwich panels and glass.

Prostorska zasnova je povsem

prilagojena komunikaciji z

vzpostavitvijo optimalnih povezav

med različnimi nivoji

hotelskih stavb.

The spatial design is entirely

adapted to circulation by es-

tablishing optimum connections

between different levels

of hotel facilities.

Interier povezovalnega hodnika

je zasnovan kot priklopna infra-

struktura za elemente usmerjan-

ja, informiranja in oglaševanja.

The connection passage interior

is designed as plug-in infrastruc-

ture aimed at providing direc-

tions, information and advertising


Manj konstrukcijskih podpor po-

meni manj izkopov z ohranjanjem

kakovostne obstoječe vegetacije

med hotelskimi stavbami.

Fewer supporting structures

means less digging, taking qual-

ity vegetation between hotel

buildings into account.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

OPPN se navezuje na celostno

vizijo razvoja regijskega turizma.

Zasnova upošteva naravne da-

nosti in kulturne znamenitosti

prostora, z namenom zagotoviti

nove javne površine in omogočati

javni interes predvsem z

ustvarjanjem zelenih površin in

dodajanjem primernih programov.

The masterplan is related to a

comprehensive vision of regional

tourism development. The design

observes natural and cultural

features of the area in order to

ensure new public areas and pro-

mote public interest primarily by

creating green areas and adding

appropriate programs.

Sistem urbane opreme (kiosk,

stojalo za kolo, smetnjak,

označevalne table, klop, pipa za

vodo, fontana ...), se prilagaja

zahtevam posamezne lokacije in

potrebam usmerjanja obiskoval-

cev ter zagotavjla njihovo udobje.

The urban furniture system

(kiosk, bicycle stand, dustbins,

information panels, benches,

water tap, fountain, etc.) adapts

to location requirements and the

needs for directing visitors and

their comfort.

Postojnska jama je osred-

nji turistični center na širšem

Notranjskem in Krasu, saj letno

gosti cca. 500.000 obiskoval-

cev. Nova ureditev omogoča

obiskovalcu jasne komunikacije

ter celostno turistično ponudbo,

nadgrajeno s fleksibilno urbano


The Postojna Cave is a major

tourism centre in the wider

Notranjska and Karst regions and

attracts around 500,000 visitors

every year. The new design

provides visitors with clear circu-

lation and an integrated tourism

offer, strengthened with flexible

urban furniture.

Sistem urbane opreme je fleksi-

bilen in modularen, elementi so

usklajeni z modularnim redom

kamnitega podija obloženega

z lokalnim kamnom – Repen, v

praskani finalni obdelavi.

The urban furniture system is

flexible and modular; elements

are in line with modular rules of

the stone podium, which is lined

with a Karst stone called Repen

with a scraped final surface.

OPPN in ureditev turističnega območja

Postojnska jama

Postojna Cave Masterplan and

Tourist Area Plan

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Grega Tramte, Ana Štebe status status: zaključeno

completed datum date: 2005–2008 naročnik client: Turizem Kras, destinacijski management d. d. lokacija

location: Postojna tip type: infrastruktura infrastructure


Montažni elementi urbane opreme

so za potrebe fleksibilnosti

zasnovani kot priključni, kar

omogoča različne postavitve in

pogoste spremembe konfiguracij.

Designed as plug-in elements,

prefabricated urban furniture

structures provide flexibility, thus

enabling a variety of arrange-

ments and frequent configuration


Sistem urbane opreme je zasnovan

kot prototip, ki se glede na nabor

pravil, prilagaja danim situacijam

in poenoti ureditev na celotnem

območju urejanja.

The urban furniture system is de-

signed as a prototype that adapts

to given situations and unifies the

design of the site following a set

of rules.

Ureditev ekološko pomembnega

območja turističnega parka

postane atraktivna za lokalno

skupnost, obiskovalcem pa

omogoča spoznavanje njegovih

značilnosti v središču svetovnega


The plan for ecologically impor-

tant area of the tourism park

becomes attractive for the local

community, while visitors can

learn about its features in the

centre of world karstology.

Sistem urbane opreme omogoča

programsko raznolikost in

enostavno spreminjanje glede na

tok obiskovalcev in ponudbo v

različnih časovnih obdobjih.

The urban furniture system al-

lows for program diversity and

simple configuration changes

according to the flow of visitors in

different time periods.

[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

Papirnice Tempera

Tempera Stationary Shops

Prilagodljiv sistem opreme

sestavljajo prepoznavni elementi

pultov in izložbe iz nagubane

pločevine ter generični elementi

za prodajne artikle. Asocia-

tivni princip oblikovanja sledi

oblikovanju z gubanjem papirja.

Element zaradi oblike dobi trd-

nost, odpornost in funkcionalnost.

An adaptable furniture system

comprises recognisable counters

and shop windows made of folded

sheet metal and generic elements

for sale products. The associative

design concept reflects designing

folded paper. Such shape gives

the elements strength, resistance

and functionality.

Modularnost in fleksibilnost

omogočata različne kombinacije

opreme, pa tudi dodajanje in

menjavo izmenljivih elementov.

Modularity and flexibility allow for

different furniture combinations,

as well as the addition or replace-

ment of interchangeable items.

Zasnova prodajalne sledi pred-

videni cirkulaciji strank.

The shop design is related to

customer circulation.

Elementi posebne opreme (os-

nova je iz lakiranega mediapana,

funkcionalna obloga pa iz nagu-

bane prašno barvane pločevine)

so zasnovani v modularnem


Special furnishings (lacquered

MDF serves as a base, with folded

powder-coated sheet metal as

functional coating) are designed

in a modular system.

arhitektura architecture: Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk, Grega Tramte status status: zaključeno completed

datum date: 2006 naročnik client: Vele, trgovska družba, d. d. lokacija location: Kamnik, Grosupje,

Murska Sobota, Laško, Ljubljana Ruski car, Ljubljana Poljanska, Maribor, Domžale, Sežana, Sevnica, Idrija,

Krško, Ljutomer, Lendava tip type: trgovina retail foto photo: Blaž Budja


Posebna oprema se priključuje

na instalacije v stropu. Elementi

označevanja se vpenjanjo v niše

nad prodajnimi skupinami.

Special furnishings are connected

to the ceiling infrastructure.

Information tags are inserted into

niches above product groups.

Zasnova elementa opreme je

prototip – niz pravil za posamezne

elemente opreme, ki se adaptira

na posamezno situacijo.

The design of an element is a

prototype – a set of rules for indi-

vidual furniture items that adapts

to the situation.

Zasnova omogoča spreminjanje

in menjavanje prodajnih skupin v

času funkcioniranja interiera.

The design allows for replacing

product groups while the interior

is in use. In the event of interior

renovation, most furnishings can

be recycled.


[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

[studio stratum smo are … mag. Polona Filipič

1999_ univerzitetna diplomirana inženirka arhitekture, FA, UL

2003_ Master of Excellence in Architecture, Berlage Institute, post-

graduate laboratory of architecture, Rotterdam, Nizozemska

od 2003_ soustanoviteljica in vodja projektov v biroju studio stratum

od 2006_ asistentka na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, Univerza v Ljubljani

od 2009_ članica strokovnega sveta Arhitektura in otroci (AIO)

od 2012_ članica strokovnega odbora OHS / odprte hiše Slovenije

1999_ University Graduate Engineer of Architecture, FA, UL

2003_ Master of Excellence in Architecture, Berlage Institute,

postgraduate laboratory of architecture, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

od 2003_ co-founder and project leader at studio stratum

od 2006_ assistant at the Faculty of Architecture , University of Ljubljana

od 2009_ Architecture and Children board member

od 2012_ Open House Slovenia (OHS) board member































dr. Peter Šenk

1998_ univerzitetni diplomirani inženir arhitekture, FA, UL

2003_ Master of Excellence in Architecture, Berlage Institute,

postgraduate laboratory of architecture, Rotterdam, Nizozemska

od 2003_ soustanovitelj in vodja propjektov v biroju studio stratum

2003_ soustanovitelj platforme FWC - First World Camp

2006_ soustanovitelj in član sveta IPOP - Inštitut za politike prostora

2006_ tutor na Piet Zwart Institute, Institute for Postgraduate Studies

and Research, Willem de Kooning Academy, Hogeschool Rotterdam,

MA Fine Arts

od 2009 _ predavatelj na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo, Univerza v Mariboru

2011_ doktor znanosti (Filozofija in teorija vizualne kulture), Fakulteta

za humanistične študije, Univerza na Primorskem

od 2012_ koordinator programa Hiše arhitekture Maribor

1998_ University Graduate Engineer of Architecture, FA, UL

2003_ Master of Excellence in Architecture, Berlage Institute,

postgraduate laboratory of architecture, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

since 2003_ co-founder and project leader at studio stratum

2003_ co-founder of theFWC - First World Camp platform

2006_ co-founcer and board member of IPOP – Institute for Spatial Policies

2006_ tutor at the Piet Zwart Institute, Institute for Postgraduate Stud-

ies and Research, Willem de Kooning Academy, Hogeschool Rotterdam,

MA Fine Arts

since 2009_ lecturer at tha Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of


2011_ PhD (Philosophy and Theory of Visual Culture), Faculty of Hu-

manities, University of Primorska

since 2012_ House of Architecture Maribor program coordinator

Marko Pretnar

Primož Špacapan

Marko Šenk

Vladimir Filipič

z with sodelavci collaborators]


studio stratum

kersnikova ulica 3

SI-1000 ljubljana

f: +386 (0)1 230 21 29

e: [email protected]


arco d.o.o., nova gorica

grčna 10

SI-5000 nova gorica

f: +386 (0)5 3023265

e: [email protected]

Urška Bavčar

Matjaž Brglez

Martina Ferfila

Peter Emil Grošelj

Gašper Kociper

Tinkara Kodelja

Špela Kukovič

Klemen Kušar

Saša Marinšek

Klemen Muha

Janž Omerzu

Enej Pungerčar

Tina Silič

Tine Škrlj Jakomin

Ana Štebe

Grega Tramte

Nac Žuber


: N





[BU] [FX] [FW] [M] [PI] [PT] [S] [T]

uredila/arhitektura in opisi edited/architecture and descriptions: Polona Filipič,

Peter Šenk / studio stratum koncept razstave concept of the exhibition: Polona

Filipič, Peter Šenk oblikovanje, grafični prelom in priprava za tisk graphic design,

layout and print preparation: Urška Bavčar, Luka Kravanja spremno besedilo

accompanying text: Miha Dešman lektoriranje proofreading: Eva Horvat prevod

v angleščino english translation: Mojca Trampuš fotografije photography: Miran

Kambič, Taja Filipič, Virginia Vrecl, arhiv studio stratum studio stratum archive, Blaž

Budja, Nada Mihajlovič tisk print: Camera d.o.o. založnik published by: studio

stratum, Ljubljana, 2012 naklada printing: 100 izvodov 100 copies


KOT ARHITEKTURA v Hiši arhitekture, ZAPS, december 2012

© avtorji, studio stratum

Ljubljana, december 2012


ARCHITECTURE at the House of Architecture, Chamber of Architecture and

Environmental Planning of Slovenia, December 2012

© authors, studio stratum




[katalog ob razstavi, 2012 exhibition catalogue, 2012]

Hiša arhitekture, ZAPS

Esal, Mavrič, Modro,, Arco d.o.o

House of Architecture, Chamber of Architecture and Environmental Planning of Slovenia

Esal, Mavrič, Modro,, Arco d.o.o

Vsi projekti med 2003 in 2012 so nastali v okviru delovanja studia stratum. Zahvaljujeva

se vsem sodelujočim v naši projektni skupini ter zunanjim sodelavcem, ki so v vseh teh

letih z osebnimi talenti in znanji prispevali k uspešnosti naših projektov.

Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk

All projects were conceived between 2003 and 2012 within the framework of studio

stratum. We thank all participants in our project group and outsource colleagues, who

have contributed to successful projects with their personal talents and expertise in all

these years.

Polona Filipič, Peter Šenk

Ljubljana, December 2012

[razstavo so omogočili the exhibition was

made possible by]

[zahvala thanks to]

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