  • 7/25/2019 Parrafos Locutor Boda Salom 121013 Version Final


    God declared that He will make righteousness and praise spring for the whole earth. Now,

    in any direction you turn, there's a new song, a new spirit of worship, a new sound of


    Something significant is happening. God himself is working something new in us. The HolySpirit is raising living adoration among his people, paving the way for the ing to visit us in

    never seen !efore ways. So as we heard in the chords of "# just want to !e where you

    are", He wants to !e where we are$ in our cities, our churches, our homes ... and in our


    # really !elieve that God arranged everything for us to meet at this time, !ecause he wants

    to show us his grace and glory. %lthough He is worthy of our worship and delights in our

    praise, He did not design this practice for their !enefit. &orship is for our !enefit, since

    worship is the atmosphere that welcomes His presence and leads to His mighty works.

    adies and gentlemen, good afternoon. (n !ehalf of Holloway and Gon)ale) families we

    thank you for your presence and welcome you to this simple !ut important event today,

    Saturday (cto!er *+, +*-,that will forever mark the lives of ean and Salome.

    &e will start this program !y invoking the name of God, who in his heavenly plan planned

    Salome and ean would meet each other one day, despite !eing !orn and raised

    thousands of miles away from each other. Today, God allows this marriage and gives us

    the privilege of !eing witnesses of honor.

    &e would like to welcome each of you, !ut especially want to ask you to salute the

    Holloway family mem!ers with a fraternal applause, who have traveled from the /.S. tocele!rate this important moment in the life of ean.

    (n !ehalf of the families Holloway and Gon)ale) also wish to thank 0raternidad 1ristiana

    de Guatemala 1hurch for opening the doors of this temple and allowing the wedding

    cele!ration of ean and Salome.

    %t this time we respectfully invite you to witness the entry of the groom, ean Holloway,who, dressed in his !est clothes, will wait to receive, at this altar, the woman he loves. #t isaccompanied !y the wedding godparents, r. 2odolfo Gald3me) and ic. Nohem4 0alla deGald3me).

    #n the same respect, we invite you to witness the procession of ladies and gentlemen who

    accompany the spouses.

    "ord, we thank you !ecause your strength is made perfect to our weakness. &hen we

    are weak, you are strong. %nd you are a!le, The Shaddai, our fully relia!le supplier. 5ou

    are worthy ... you are true. "

  • 7/25/2019 Parrafos Locutor Boda Salom 121013 Version Final


    %nd now, ladies and gentlemen, # invite you to witness the entry of the !ride, 6aria Salome

    Gon)ale) 2odas, who, like a rose of Sharon, and lily of the valley, goes to the altar to

    marry his !eloved, ean Holloway.

    &e invite people who are on the second floor to come out to the corridor for the entry ofthe !ride, who is coming !y the arm of her mother, %mparo Gon)ale), and escorted !y her

    !rothers, doctors 2eu!en and aniel Gon)ale) . 7eople in the first floor, please stay in

    your places.

    ean and Salome, with God's !lessing and the permission of their parents, have decided

    to unite their lives and start a family, following the precepts esta!lished in the 8i!le, and

    that is what !ring us here today to witness this marriage !ond.

    &e invite you to view this presentation which,in a few minutes, tells and shows the lives of

    ean and Salome, from the first steps to adulthood, until today at the altar.

    Through these images we have seen a !it of the life, works and actions that ean

    Holloway and Salome Gon)ale) made separately, with the help of God, the Supreme

    1reator who one day allowed them to meet each other and formali)e a commitment that

    will !e sealed today with the divine !lessing.

    ean and Salome met each other in the winter of +* during a medical9dental journey

    made in a town near the !order with :l Salvador. % mutual friend, 6arcelo ie),

    suggested that ean could get to know r. Salome more.

    %fter several visits to Guatemala, the relationship grew and in 0e!ruary +*+, they spokeof marriage for the first time while walking on the !each of ake %matitlan after visiting thecamp 6onte Sion. This year, a day !efore the cele!ration of the ;alentines ay, in thesame place where they first met, ean proposed to Salome ... and today we are living thee happy ending to this story.

    The candle ceremony, also called light ceremony or unity ceremony, is not dating !ack

    many years, !ut has taken off !ecause it sym!oli)es the union of the !ride and groom in

    one person, in the sacred !ond of marriage.

    #t is done with the 8i!lical !asis of Genesis +$* Then the (2

    God said, >#t is not good that the man should !e alone? # will make him a helper fit for him.So the (2God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of

    his ri!s and closed up its place with flesh. %nd the ri! that the (2God had taken from

    the man he made into a woman and !rought her to the man. Then the man said,

    >This at last is !one of my !ones

    and flesh of my flesh?

  • 7/25/2019 Parrafos Locutor Boda Salom 121013 Version Final


    she shall !e called &oman,

    !ecause she was taken out of 6an.@

    Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they

    shall !ecome one flesh.

    &e invite the mothers of the !ride and groom, 6erris Holloway and %mparo Gon)ale), to

    accompany the candle ceremony.

    "ord, thank you for !eing here with us. &e !less your name. This evening we thankfully

    entered his gates. &e have entered into His courts with praise ... and seen through His

    &ord that God has always made a way for us. He is the God of the past, the God of the

    present and He is the God of the future. He is :mmanuel, God with us. ets lift up our

    voices and give Him thanks for !eing with us this afternoon. "

    &ith the wedding vows comes the "# do", the most anticipated and eAciting part of the


    &e invite 6arcelo ie), %rgentine missionary, director of &ord of ife Guatemala, who,

    with the authority given !y God as a minister of the gospel, is responsi!le to marry ean

    Holloway and Salome Gon)ale).

    "%t the end of a dusty road in Guatemala our hearts met and we decided to put our lives

    into one"

    .a.B :ntrega de %rras o

    !.B :ntrega de 8i!liac.B :ntrega de los %nillos

    d.B (raciCn por los novios

    e.B eclaraciCn de 6arido y 6ujer a los novios

    f.B 1olocaciCn del la)o DpadrinosB

    *. *E$+ a *E$+F 1anto congregacional$ :%T%:#0T H#6 /7

    This is a time of joy. There are tears in some faces, !ut we are confident that they are of

    eAcitement and happiness. #t is understanda!le !ecause we are witnessing the !irth of a

    new family that is now part of our society. adies and gentlemen, we present you the

    spouses Holloway Gon)ale).D%pplause from the congregationB.

    &e invite you to stand up and sing with joy this !eautiful song titled "ift Him /p" included

    in this program to give thanks to God for all his !lessings and to put this couple in His arms

    of love.

    This wedding would not !e complete without the eAposition of the &ord of God. &e are

    pleased to welcome /ri 8ar!osa, pastor of the 1hurch Ieriel in )one *F, who with his

  • 7/25/2019 Parrafos Locutor Boda Salom 121013 Version Final


    eAtensive eAperience as a pastor, hus!and, father and counselor will share what God

    desires for the 1hristian family.

    Thank you very much 7astor /ri 8ar!osa for your advice !ased on the &ord of God. They

    are certainly !eneficial to the newlyweds, !ut has content for everyone else as well.

    &e now invite spouses 7ivaral Hector and 7atricia, who will show us their talent through


    Thank you 6r and 6rs 7ivaral for your participation in this afternoon.

    Now we invite 6arcelo ie), who is responsi!le for the pastoral !lessing to come !ack to

    the stage. &e ask the congregation to stand up and eAtend your arms out to the spouses

    Holloway Gon)ale).

    #t is a very important occasion for everyone, !ecause we have !een witnesses of this

    marriage !ond, we are also now committed to !ring in a prayer for the new couple, asking

    God in his infinite mercy to grant them wisdom and gifts from the Holy Spirit.

    adies and gentlemen, # invite you to stay standing up to witness the egress of the

    wedding party.

    (n !ehalf of Holloway and Gon)ale) families we appreciate that you have joined in this

    uniJue and special occasion. &e cordially invite you to share a social time in the lo!!y of

    mega auditorium.

    God 8less you.

    SesiCn de 0otos

    *. os ahora esposos

    +. os papas de la novia

    -. os papas del novio

    =. %m!as familias DpadresB

    F. Hermanos de la novia

    E. Hermanos del novio

    K. %m!as 0amilias DhermanosB

  • 7/25/2019 Parrafos Locutor Boda Salom 121013 Version Final


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