
will take the time to type our outformation which will be helpful to all and this will be the 1st time you have heard or read these words together in this order, come home before it is too late, if this touches you, it is for you and your soul will thank you.


words are a voice and voices are sounds and sounds are tones and tones are frequencies in music that are notes pitch and key. know that frequencies are only resonant when the one wavelength is an exact multiple of the other of the same key. on a piano keyboard of 88 keys of repeated octaves of 8 keys of major notes and white notes and 5 sharps and flats, we deal with the majors to get harmony. 

 C D E F G A B C the notes A is the body's tone the note  F is the planets earth tone the note  C is the tone of natural nature, cosmos 

So to link with the ancestors who are now elemental beings or etheric beings you need the key of C To align your physical body with them you need the key of  A To create harmony between you, you need the key of F 

So the foundation is A, new borns when they 1st enter this world , the 1st sound they make is the frequency A or note A this is the root key of you body A 

The 3 together as F A C for both males on the left side of middle C and to the right of middle C for the females, middle C in the middle of the keyboard. 

In order for perfect pitch use tuning forks held in the left hand. For unison, you must always be in the key of A and for harmony F A C 

So your human body has been tuned when you were designed, your natural height was 4'5'' for females and 5'4'' for males. 

You have been un-tuned after mixing and unnatural intakes, be it food or liquids of any kind. You have been mixed with unnatural DNA and our females have drank from more than one male and  after 4 it alters or transforms the DNA 

your voice is music your heart beats in rhythm a tempo or at least it used to, substances like coffee change your heart rhythm or rate. You are drugged by food, drinks, contact and fear and fright, all of this is done to un-tune your body from A to change  your sound, color and size and weight the actual physical and energy structure of your human body 

The reason for chanting is for you to be or become a clean you, inside and out, outside and in. From who you exchanged fliuids with and their past and their 4 generations of relatives, 30 personalities 

As a people if you do not wish to chant in unison A together in harmony , F A C then that is your choice to remain unaligned. You will reamin under the control of other beings, human kind or otherwise who are not on the same vibration as you once were, and need to return. 

You hum Aum, OM Amun or whichever you decide, yet you must hold and cycle, or hold this tone. Each person starts one after the other so there is no break in sound. That way the sound itself is continuous and all are able to breathe without there being a break or ceasing of the tone. End your tones with Anun, Atum, Atun, Amuuuuun 

wake up my children for now is that time to attune to your 24000 genomes 24 hours by day 24000 yrs by cycle 


What i must impart to you is wu-nuwaup the importance f relaxation on self control, relation and meditation. It's the key to health. The importance of a healthy you. A healthy brain, body and spirit. A healthy mind, soul and etheric being. A healthy deity being. All by proper relaxation. Make time to sleep relax and meditate, its heathy. Make quiet time each day, undisturbed time with little or no motion except breathing. No noise except your own inner heart beat, peacefulness. Absence of worldly thinking, relax and let go let your mind go to a place you never go

Remember the very word healthy begins wil heal. To heal ones self is step one ,  to heal ones whole being will heal ones whole bodyRemember if you eat flesh that has blood in it, this was spirit, life and it becomes a part of you. 

mental states such as anger, frustration, greed, hate, jealousy, lust and outer emotions that can overpower your beings by desire or by physical intakes such as foods, drugs and alcohol. 

Smokes of many kinds, junk, food, cigarettes, white sugar, white flour and salts all processed by evil demons in human form to prevent you from divine transformation. Also by sounds as unhealthy music or lack of it. Also by lights as unhealthy cinema and tv and the likes. Each person you stand beside or touch exchange their being with yours.

When you smell bad odors, your breathing in matter or material substances of other beings. Bad carcasses, carcass, dead body or cells, eggs or spoiled fluids in a human beings of any race. Dead cells, deteriorate, deterioration, the smell of death of many kinds; rot, decompose, decay, putrefaction or disease. A bad smell, order, unpleasant scent, odorous, odor is a sign of unhealthy filth. Body odors are dead cells. Inner body odor such as bad breath is a sign of something rotting in the mouth or inside the body.

Genital organ, vaginal organs inner or outer that have an odor is a sign of disease or uncleansiness or rotten cells, dead eggs and this state should be avoided, bad odor is a sign of bad health. Avoid those with bad odor or you will intake their bad health, void what is bad for your health

Your physical body can affect your mental state. Your body gases affects your mind as you breathe in and transform smells to liquids and into your bloodstream.

People who are always angered is not healthy and is a sign that their 29 other voices is able to take control of them at random, avoid them.

Any venereal disease of any kind it is recorded in your dna even if cured.

True relaxation comes from removing the stimuli, visual, audible and otherwise. Proper relaxation is needed to maintain mental spiritual and physical health. Turning into the inner awareness of who you are without the they or inner voices speaking to you all the times, the whisperers (ancestors) and those you exchanged dna with and their ancestors the 30 spirits.

Most diseases of the mind and body can eliminated by following the 5 basic points, proper exercise, proper relaxation, proper breathing, proper diet and much water and positive thinking.


You must bind the 30 spirits that seek to control you. The very voices of your own ancestors who lived in the image of beast and at death have been trapped in his hell.

You must bind them and free them from the realm of hell that you will be free of their whispers into your heart and mind which affects your very actions each day of your life. They seek to use your frame for their own use even unto your death, and each of the 30 spirits in your dna are linked to their 30 spirits dna and all the spirits they have encountered during their lives. All one’s life thee evil spirits can have their way, messing up their lives, and hinder their learning by erasing memory in the subconscious mind, making it seen hard to learn, to remember, destroying your life. Leading you to drugs, drinking, smoking, sex, crime, to lying, to stealing and to killing. Making you live by danger, chance, gamble giving you diseases and sickness; making you think you are mad, crazy and insane. And there are walk-ins that are eternal links and transfers from one person to another by means other than sex. So ka’aanu- can transfer their 6 etheric spirit forces to you by their wiccan rituals in their churches, temples, mosques and contact.Just as disease is passed on, airborne or liquid, so also in the spirit being passed on. Your ancestors will protect you once you open up to them and speak with those good in your dna who have transformed from flesh to spirit and ether.


LI KUUM ! MY BELOVED NUWAUP KHARADU Nuwaupian children, you asked about tthe soul and spirit. Do you know and remember all I said to you of them, amd you as females and males ?

Nuwaupians I told you of Baa- soul and rawah soul and I spoke to you about kaa- spirit and nafas - spirit And abut Aakhakh - etheric being and Khu - oversoul and you asked again about these parts of your existence 

1 Paa Khu - the oversoul 2 Paa Aakhakh - the etheric being 3 Paa Ba'a   - the creative expressional being 

4 Paa Rawah - the breathe of the living being 5 Paa Ka'a - the exoplasmic being 6 Paa Nafas- the lving being 7 Paa Khatat - the physical being8 Paa Khabat-u – the demi gods that are children of Paa Nadjaru called angelic beings both agreeable and disagreeable

Some were cast from above and became known as naphilim fallen ones they call them eloheem in the bible and aaliht in the quraan The agreeable ones are called malakhim and the disagreeable ones molech. They come in 3 groups 1 Milcon 2 Moloch 3 Melech The 2 most known are the disagreeable cherubim and the agreeable saraphim the Sumerians called them anunnaqi and the Chaldeans called them Anaqim and Raphaim. They are tribes also the Islamic faith of the quraan calls them jinn who can be in human form as males and females. Some came down to earth called sons of god and had sex with human women. The results were wicked offspring or demigods, being half divine and half human, most turned out to be demon persons of greed and lust and pre-natural cruelty. Both males and females are khabat-u and are linked to the evil race in earth .

So they come in all races; yet serve the Kaa’an-u in actions and deeds, the original fallen ones, the moloch, cherubim, HUHIAs you see my children you are many beings as the supreme beings, All in one, unique.Ad beings is both etheric and atomic physical and before physical this is ;

Naught = no thing Aught = thing

Or the sum of a thing and without sum, amount, total, arithmetical problem, summary, weight, volume, density and matter. It is called kawun – be, exist. So beings can exist as in be found, yet not begin, start at H1 or hydrogen which comes up as hydrodynamics, hydrostatics and hydrokinetics and hydroelectric.So for years the kaa’anu misinformed the world with the lie that all existence comes down to the lightest atom, which or whom they call the hydrogen atom or H1. Now they have been forced by Actual Facts to rethink their lie by accepting that there exist sub-atomic beings. Again they say sub-atomic matter and even anti-matter.

So before hydrogen was, being is. From hydrogen came or she birthed all elements if matter and gas and liquids, yet they all exist. They are aught, they all have substance, essence and it really means substantial, sub below, downward, under and stantial ; solid, important, substantiate bring evidence, for substantiation. And male’s physical body becomes subtenant or as anti-matter. /the male is subted and is very subtle into making the female sub-mit by sublime or inspiring awe, and in time she became the subordinate being as a house wife, girlfriend or sexual partner, became subservient.

Nuwaupians you wish to know why and how she has given up and into men. So I return you to meanings as I often do for in meaning you find reason.

So let you both female and male reason together. 1st we look at Paa Khu the over being or oversoul, pre-existence being of mental and then we look at Paa Aakhakh the etheric being or creative expression which is linked to all as an energy double. Paa Aakhakh the Akh vibrates on 1 through 10 levels and 10 is only a repeat of the 1st level on higher dimension. 10 is in fact 1 again And then we look at Paa Baa’ called the soul, creative expression of the emotional being. And there is a countersoul called in our language paa rawah called also the soul, yet it is breath or wind and affects the body actions.

It ignites with the 1st human breath or air or the mixture of gases, ether, one breathes’ the atmosphere, or breath. Then we look at Paa Kaa’ called the spirit , ghost plasma comes into being at the moment the sperm and ovum contact or spermatozoa fertilizing an oocyte or ovum. The sperm head is the spark, it thinks, it travels in the liquid or fluids in the womb, through the heat to survive and reach its destination.

So there is mental activity in the male sperm from the brain of the male from being - oversoul called synapses or brain nootsIt’s nutaat ,brain noots The thinking processes started in the 2 testes or testicles paa khasaytwy creates paa manan the sperm/semen or sea=man, liquid male seed.

This is divine mind at work, yet the female holds the egg that must be fertilized making her mother earth, physical nature as in fertile, fruitful producing abundantly, fertility fertilize or pure earth which is called fertilizer.

So in fact woman do not need the male, she like other creatures can create a daughter cell inside, equipped to form her own, this act of child birth can be performed without the male as she used to be able to do before she fell in love with her own son, the male. This process by which reproduction happened is the bartholin gland within the woman which is located on both sides of the vaginal orifices that secretes a lubricating mucus. It is equivalent to the bulbo urethral glands in the male which is located below the prostate and it discharges a component of the seminal fluid into the urethra. The prostrate secretes a thin milky fluid with a characteristic odor. The fluid constitutes the greater part of the thinking, acting semen, swimming fluid that travels by its own will in competition with 7,777,777 other beings

So it has a mind as mine, linked to the mental realm, melts down to fluid from energy to the brain synapses the total being and thinking male Nutaat – noots, this is the life of the living sperm cell

And a woman was capable of reproducing seminal fluids on their own internally, without the male’s ejaculation in her womb. Just as you see that once a female has a male sexual partner over time they begin to act alike, even in some cases look alike, that is because a woman is a shape-shifter controlled by her 8 telomeres in her chromosomes being the mammal. Just as if a group of women live together eventually their monthly cycles can line up or change to sync up at the same time during each month. It has been confirmed that when a woman is ovulating that is when she starts to release eggs from her ovaries, that she physically shapeshifts on the outside to attract a male donor even making herself younger inside out and outside in to donate his sperm to be more sexually attractive, the female actually transforms herself, gives herself renewed youth by her tolemeres at the ends of her XX chromosomes. The male can not do this he only has 7 tips to his XY chromosomes. He has lost his MAFKHYZHAT. She in fact changes to become what a male wants, this is how she lost her powers over males, today it is called devotion and loyalty.

She became dependant and will follow the male because her mother received her soul form her father by submitting to males and now she gets her soul from her male partner, the more she has the weaker she becomes. She translates this in her mind as I do not want to be alone, or I want someone who loves me, who needs me. This is not the workings of a mother, a matriarch.

There is also a counter part ot kaa’ spirit called nafas – spirit personality and it is the essential character, genderIt is formed after birth and it grows with each person as the develop their own ways. The nafas can destroy you by moods, depression or actions. Your personality affects your whole being inside out, outside in. So there are 2 souls and 2 spirits linked to the khatat, physical you.

Both genders are called mammals, warm blooded, but only mammals breastfeed their young, so in fact that would be the female, the woman, the mother, she needs to shapeshift into another person, a child of youth out of which ever age so she uses her chromosomes to regress in age. This is why she looks fresh and young while pregnant.

Now, the male does not have this, in fact he is not a mammal by those definitions, males do not breastfeed and carry their fetus in their womb- raham. The female like other animals is the creator of nature’s rules.

She as a mammal was 1st, yet as all animals she has a living spirit.The male also has a living spirit he is also flesh, an animal

The men or man are mental The women or woman are physical Man is not greater than women and woman is not greater than man, both are equal, both formed of water or liquid Just as in Wu-Nuwaup, the Ogdoad or paa khaman-u of the chaotic waters so nuntat and nun, so when you see these safaf-aat hieroglyphs, they are symbolic and have meaning, Nuntat is a snake being, as female, and Nun is a frog being as a male, symbolic of sperm cells and tadpole and from the waters is the 3 water symbols because you live in water in the womb for 3 gestations

The 3 Nu bowls represent the 3 stages of metamorphosis while in the womb

A snake as a tadpole with a tail, on to a grey to a humanoid; And the loaf of baked bread stands for the feminine called Tatat; the Damam – blood or flesh is the bread of the physical life , baked in her ovum or oven, the womb paa raham

The sperm mentally generated genetic outformation and the ovum physically generates genetic information The male came from Saah-aat Orion The female came from Sabat-aat Sirius For the seeding of the planet earth the then water or blue planet, so it’s the celestial male, and it’s the terrestrial female

Gender is ingenious that is clever at contriving ingenuity, skill in planning

To be feminine or masculine, both physically female and mentally male and those 1st formed or hermaphrodite and hemaphrodite So in nature there exists no extremes. First there exists neuter or neutral, neutron uncharged particle of atom and or cell

Yet the male is linked to paa khu the oversoul which is linked to the mental, look men-tal


The spiritual planes are operating at 180 degrees to this physical plane you se this on the drawings in ancient egipt, the realm of the mawat dead, is always upside down and backward the realm of the living. The dualism theme is reversal, as above, so below; or when you’re standing on an orb such as earth which is not at the bottom of the universe there is no real up or down, you are not at the foundation of anything; you’re in a state of something. So the theme of dualism is not a fact by generating out of itself to become as ancient egipt was called the two lands or hatat kaa ptah and hatat baa ptah upper and lower egipt or north and south. Next is created the dual realities pr good vs evil as if there is extremes of each others, when in fact they generate out of one another from a single point.

How hot is hot, how cold is cold and which is the center, warm or cool ? The deception is in their use of binary or two fold, double star or two stars revolving around the same center of gravity that translates into a force that has both good and evil, what is the center force ? Or being you and your choice so in fact you create what is good and evil or what is god and the devil, generating out of the central point in space and time.

Now ,in ancient egiot this fact is included, you have the body which is linked to the spirit person paa kaa or rational and conscious being and you have paa baa’ the soul which is the emotional conscious being and paa aakhakh the etheric being the creative astral being existing as a link to realities a craft called the black bird and is called by a person, the secret name.

The Aakhakh – etheric being is in degrees of sakham – power from the weakest 1 ether to 9 ether and on the opposite side of the 180 degrees of ether.

We come in contact with energy from 1 hydrogen to 9 levels which sub-divide by biaps, ze-ads even lighter forms of the hydrogen atm, weightless existence or gas, ghost at H1 or atomic weight of hydrogen a colorless gas begins links to E1 or subatomic weightless ether.

Ether, called a substance or fluid that fills space used as an anesthetic to render one unconscious, energy in motion, energy, vigor, force or activity. Its understood in a sleep state or ethereal state one containing all memory. One can not lie to oneself and identity takes you to the realm if true form and images, recollection or dream.

At physical death of the body the soul paa baa’ and the spirit paa kaa’ are separated and after 70 days are reunited. If they are unable to reunite then the soul will continue on to higher planes alone leaving the spirit and all sense of personal attachments to fade or gradually disintegrate into nothingness. That’s a loss of soul to its higher link paa aakhakh the etheric self. This will happen to all who give or lose their souls as did the kaa’anu whole etheric being is too weak only reaching E6 are not strong enough to fly the heavens, so they do not receive their wings. This to a ptahite or nagaru this is considered a terrible fate and that was the reason for the ancient funerary rites or the opening of the mouth ceremony, when Saah-aat or Orion was above in the sky to reunite the baa’ soul with the kaa’ spirit to give power enough to radiate and integrate the state called Aasar – Osiris, that is raise the sakham power of paa aakhakh the ether, all done in 180 degree operating state as the dna double helix are inversw worlds positioned at 180 degrees.

The conscious soul, paa baa’ can be stolen to control your ether, aakhakh the etheric bing from your khatat body while it is still alive. If this happens the conscious being of the kaa’ spirit person looks the same,yet the baa’ soul linking them to their aakhakh ether weakens, the sakham power becomes sluggish and the person is reduced to the image of 6 ether beings.

All kinds of drugs, alcohol, caffeine or alkaloid in tea, and cocoa and coffee as well as nicotine or this poisonous oily liquid in tobacco affects you.

The misuse of your genital fluids and this is for both male and female, staying up too late for the melanin works for you at shadow hours; tv , lights sent out false colors of light which affect your melanin flow. Or melaninic – black melaninism or melanite, a high explosive in your genes. Hanging out all hours of the night in red lights also drains your soul and weakens your aakhakh etheric being. You become the living dead like 6 ether beings and in time, loose all ability to remember the past or operate within a subjective state of mind. To lose your own mind to be in another’s mindset, working for them, killing for them, sleeping and mixing with them. Or trying to be accepted by them is to lose your very soul and any chance of a continued like after this one.

Know this, the ethereal plane, to which we are connected by way of our glands or seats, is the abode of many diverse elements; each of the nine etheric states vibrate and sub-divide. Thoughts take forms and imaginations become … images, memory, ghost , elements, atoms and cells, human out of body projections. A wide variety of disincarnate and non-human entities. Each of these gravitated to those of similar vibratory resonance on the ethereal plane, like attracts like.

With thought forms and entities of dense and heavy resonance lower in the field than those of quicker or happier vibrations, know that every event that takes place in the physical realm is imprinting s thought form onto the ethereal, yet most fade over time. Mortals, that is very physical humans live in the slowest frequency level; in the field of vibration as is to be expected. The higher levels in the field of vibration are composed of the fastest frequencies. Entities that exist within these levels think and act faster than those in the lower levels or slower planes; and their mental states are much more unified in paa pa’at – the all, a group mind called mental. As one descends through the field, gravity increases, dragging down through into separateness, allowing for the development of individual consciousness, choice, will, and easy access by the demon forces. Who dwell on the lowest level waiting to step into their bodies, take over their emotions then once they cause them to do or say something wrong, they move on to the next person. That’s the inner voice that leads many to their death or to fight and even kill and they walk- in.

Many fights between lovers are caused by these lower level beings. Many dead who wish to feel life again being trapped on a lower level can’t move on, they become evil forces and cause all kinds of events that lead to sufferings. They move on ill-feelings, anger, jealousy , hatefulness, envy and so on. These are lower forces from 5 ether down to 1 ether working on all physical elements from H1 hydrogen working on all cells and atoms in the physical realm.

Now how does it come about just as paa rayay the sun is composed of H1 and He or hydrogen to helium. Hydrogen atomic number one, a colorless gas which combines with O8 oxygen to form water H2O and Helium gaseous element once H1 is changed inot He it burns and the sun is born. Hydrogen fusing into Helium and you have the source of all physical and light.

So also on the other side of elements or atomic construction you have ether one and ether two combined to create spiritual life and light. A class of organic compounds in which two hydrocarbon groups are linked by an oxygen atom, that’s aether, ether, breath, breathing. You have the outer sun and you have your inner sun; Solar = outer sun and solar plex seat of the inner sun.

Continue later will add excerpts from paa banana, ghost, dimensional shift and prism

Will say this 1st to you. A name is made up of letters and vowels which in actual fact is sound and tone. All sounds and tones vibrate and vibrations manifest or materialize. Music is tones, or sounds and vibrations so one can record sounds as music notes, tones, sounds and scores. Also a name is a score of music. This is the same for titles and attributes and therefore vibrate, that is move to and for rapidly and continuously.

Oscillate, quiver, vibrate.Vibration, vibrator, vibratory and vibrant Sound is also recorded as color and color is hue, tint, and complexion. So colors are also created by sound, tone and vibration. /sound is waves, that is motion. And the right sounds or waves can affect your emotions; as does the song or music you like. If fast and upbeat it can make you happy and want to move or dance. If slow and downbeat can make you sad and want to lay down. Both are affecting your emotions; and or energy in motion in your brain, which affects your body as well as mood or state of mind and feeling.

Being moody or changing your mood being gloomy or joyous. It all means movement or function. Affecting the living by sounds, tones, notes and beats and how they are put together by a musician and or come together by natural nature. Such as rushing water against the shore can be relaxing. The breaths blowing the leaves also can be calming all by natural nature makings sounds which are music tones. Now with that overstood let us think on this wise. A sound a tone or a note in music you have octaves, that are 8 notes, one after the other. If you move on a keyboard to the right, the sound or tone gets higher, if you move to the left the sound or tone gets lower. Each key on a keyboard when touched moves or beats and the striking of a certain string gives you a sound or tone or note. If you started at the middle of the keyboard at what’s called the middle C, next to it on the right is D, that is moving to the right, of you have moved from middle C to the left that is B. so B-C-D

Each is a note, a tone or sound, each vibrates on its own sound and is why there are different letters which represent them. So one octave or 8 notes is from one C note to the next C note ;

C D E F G A B C From C note to C note is one octave on a keyboard. So each name, title, attribute is made up if sounds or tones or notes If a name is more than one part such as Amun you hear 2 notes or beats such as Ah and Mun. Now look at Zdahuti, Har, Asar, Ash-Et and Satukh and Nabt-Hat

You see by these are a form of music, notes even rhythm, sounds and beats They are all vibrating. Now nuwaupians pay attention to what I am about to teach you. Remember C D E F G A B C are one octaveYou notice that there are 2 letters for C. The 1st note and the 8th noteIf you have lined up for each of these 8 notes in this one octave what called a tuning fork, which is used to define each key or note. Then strike the 1st C note ad by that it begins to vibrate and make the sound C major You will find that it also vibrates on /c noteNone of the other 6 notes D E F G A B will vibrate with the C noteThe vibration will pass all other 6 notes and only affect the 8th tuning fork. None other, only the one that is the same C note. Striking the C note will vibrate past the others and only affect the other C notes or the one that would vibrate the same sound or tone or note. If you have more than one octave set up you would have more than 2 C notes and each one would vibrate all if you strike any one of them.Yet bypass the other notes, which each would do the same as C if you struck one of them. When 2 or more keys or notes or tones which are the same are struck and they begin to vibrate together that is called unison They are all linked to each other because they vibrate on the same wavelength, this is how sound works Music, singing, talking, crying, laughing, screaming, praying and chanting And know this all things, everything vibrates. Your voice has tones and you can raise it or lower it, and yet you have a natural tone of you. Sound can make you sick, sad or kill youSounds get into your spirit, mind and soul When people come together on the same sound called singing, chanting etc it can affect physical and or material things. If you are named after someone in your family it is like you are on the same note or tone

This is the reason your ancestors had so many names attributes and titles, so they could change their own vibration levels as why I gave you so many names changes over the many schools From Nabab to Neb or Nab from NB or SKR to Sakar, or symbols, no vowel sounds, so invaders would never know hoe to pronounce one’s true names. You see greek spellings Zdahutwy became Tehuti, Djeheuty, shortened to Tut, and Thoth, all are done to protect their etherican being They had birth names, given names and slang names and shortened names as well as titles and attributes, throne names and after physical life names, each a tone, sound and vibration. So to protect their true self, think of the names you keep.


Li kuum ! My beloved kharadu children, The bananu is a composite of the falcon and the stork, it represents resurrection, new being, re-born making or recreation BARA in hebrew and Ba'ath in Arabic. The mound of creation in Ancient Egipt rising out of the primeval cosmic ocean, Nuntat/Hu, Nun/Hi. This action was called Ben, Benben, Bennu, Bennu Ibn. It was Atum, Tum, Atam . Atom that raised Atum-Re, rebirth June 1945 He raised out of the womb of Nu, Ny Nun as YaaNuwn. The vortex reopened in 1943 AD and the implantation occurred in October 1944 AD There was a substance that is found in the Ancient Egiptian text it was always referred to as the ''what is it'' I am purified of all imperfections, ''what is it'' I ascend like the golden hawk of Harar (Horus) ''what is it '' I come before the mortals without dying ''what is it '' I come before my father’s throne, ''what is it'' and it goes on and on, page after page, talking about these attributes that you acquire as you ascend. However they always stop to ask the question , ''what is it'' It was also called white dew, white condensate or the white dove depicted as a white feather in the alchemical texts and the symbol of Baa' soul bird and the link to the Aakhakh ethereal existence from the dove , bird through the etheric cord, to the rebirth the Elixir of Life, MFKHZHT , sacred Ash, white powder of high spin gold platinum group metals iridium, rhodium, palladium, platinum, osmium and ruthenium 

Now it is known that the high spin powder of the good gold has a distinct effect upon the pineal gland, increasing melatonin production also the monotomic powder of iridium has a similar effect on the serotonin production of the pituitary gland which reactivates the body's DNA of the maimed gland, the barathary gland and the junk DNA reactivating the full use of the brain and the 4 higher senses. 

Now this is how it is done to transform from good gold converted into a sweet tasting, impalpable white powder. You know a normal atom has around it a screening potential. A positive + screening produced by the nucleus, the majority of the electrons going around the nucleus are within this screening potential, except for the very outer electrons. 

However, the nucleus goes to the highward or highspin state when the positive + screening potential expands to bring all the electrons under the control of the nucleus Electrons normally travel around the nucleus in pairs a spin forward electron and a spin reverse electron, however when these come under the influence of a high spin nucleus, all of the spin forward electrons become correlated with the spin reverse electrons When perfectly correlated, the electrons turn to pure white light, and it is quite impossible for the individual atoms in the high spin substance to link together. Hence, they can not reform as metal, and the whole remains simply an impalpable white powder and through applied processes. Its weight will rise and fall to hundreds of percent above its optimum weight, down to less than absolutely nothing, and its optimum weight is actually 56% of the weight of the weight from which it was transmuted.

The other 44% becomes nothing except pure light and translates to another dimension beyond the physical world. When placed on a scale it can outweigh its quantity of gold, yet when it is transposed to ash-dust, even the feather will tip the scales against the heart.

So weightlessness, as well as the powder of highward firestone has the capability of raising human consciousness; yet it’s also a monotomic, super conductor with no gravitational attraction.

So do not be fooled by fakers such is called etherium gold, is gold, manatau gold and others. None of these are MAFKHUZET In its real state, make note that because gravity determines space and time; then the powder is capable of bending space and time. It is exotic matter with a gravitational attraction of less than zero – 0 Nothingness, yet existenceOriginally the white gold was in the bodies of the Nadjaru who came to earth from Orion and Sirius It was called the spittle of the gods or the semen, or even their damam blood ad jasad flesh called wine and blood

The Europeans used to dig up Egiptian mummies and chop up their bodies, mix into drinks or bake into bread and eat it to cure their leprosy called the order of the rose, if they needed blood. This weightless powder forms a gelatinous suspension and looks very much like a vial of semen, and many of the Roses changed to dragula/Dracula or vampires or headhunters as far as traveling to afaf rayay ka seeking the elixir of life from the Nubuns the original Napatans, MoreansSo they created the art of snake love or oral sex to drain the nubuns of their life force, sending out their daughters to seek them out. They are called ORME orbitally rearranged monatomic elements, its for humans, encoded in their DNA, others lost it and are called a lost soul.

The slave trade was for it

Blood banks were created for itThey kidnap 1000’s of people each day seeking it, many are missing children. They create any and all systems to get blood tests from the melaninite children. Know that because of you, this quantum recursion optimized in gold electron valency, when gold is made soluble in your blood

It has the function to create wormhole magnetic implosions in your blood elixir of immortality

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