
NEWS Continued

I be l ieve that the cl inical p rac t i ce of dent is t ry is served wel l by general dent ists and the recogn ized special t ies. No need has been ~dentified for addi t ional special areas of p rachce - - recogn ized or non-recognized. The proposal appears to cen ter on pract i t ioners a t temphng to ach ieve "a spec ia l ty s ta tus" w~thout satisfy- ing the demands of a formal educahona l program, the responsibd~ty of pat ient care or a requ i rement for l imitahon of p rac t ice to that special disciphne.

These are my ob jechons to the CDE proposal . AAE m e m b e r s should also study the issue and make their thoughts known to the ADA Counci l on Dental Educat ion before a f inal resolut ion is p resented to the House of Delegates.

Char les J Cunn~ngham, DDS President

Health Practitioner Data Bank Underway The U S. government has issued a re- quest for proposal for a con t rac t to design, imp lement and opera te a Prac- t i t ioner Adverse Credenhal ing Data Bank (PAC-DB) The data bank, re-

qu i red by the Health Care Quahty Im- p rovemen t Act of 1986, Publ ic Law 99-660, must be in operat ion on No- vembe r 14, 1987. Indwiduals, hos- pitals, s tate medica l and dental boards, p r o f e s s i o n a l s o c i e t i e s and o t h e r

groups, such as peer review agenc ies , will be requi red to report all adverse

achons taken against physic ians, den- t~sts, and o ther health pract i t ioners as well as payments made on their behal f to set t le legal claims. Individual prach- t ioners will be able to ask at any t ime ~f

they are hsted in the bank and hospi- tals w~ll be required to request n fo rma- tion f rom the bank when a p rach t loner

appl ies for cl inical pr iv i leges or a staff posi t ion. The cont rac tor w~ll be re-

qu i red to deve lop and opera te a se- cured data bank, receiv ing and dispen- ing the requi red informat ion in con- sul tat ion with the ADA, AMA and other

profess ional organizat ions. A twelve- m e m b e r PAC-DB execut ive commi t t ee must inc lude representat ives of the ADA and the Amer ican Assoc ia t ion of Dental Examiners.

NYU Dental Center Renamed In recogni t ion ~f a $4 mil l ion gift f rom David B. Knser, the New York Univer- sity Dental Center will be renamed the David B. Kr iser Dental Center. The gift ~s the largest pr ivate g#t to any denta l

educat ion inst i tut ion in the United

States. Accord ing to the university, Mr. Kr iser 's gift w~ll be used to strengthen the qual i ty of dental educat ion at New York Univers i ty through suppor t of stu- dent scho larsh ip aid, facul ty develop- ment, and research Presently, New

York Univers i ty 's Col lege of Dent ist ry is the third o ldest and the largest prwate restitution of its type in the country. The Dental Center has bene- f i t ted from Mr. Kr iser 's phi lanthropy through prev ious gifts to establ ish a Prevent ive Therapy Chn~c, Institute for

Rehabi l i tat ion of D~sabled Dentists, Ore-Facial Pain Center, and Oral Can- cer Center, wh ich are all named in his honor.

Conhnued Massachusetts, Boston Area--excephonal oppor- tunity for a consc~enhous, personable endodonhst leading to early partnership in an upbeat group Must be Board-ehglble or -cerhfied Send resume, photo and phone number to AR-0805-4

Massachusetts, Chelmsford--Wonderful oppor- tumty to Join successful prachce as associate leading to full partnership and ownership over three to five years depending on owner's state of health Send resume to Dental Marketing Pro- grams, 4 Courthouse Lane, Chelmsford, MA 01824 617/937-5687

Massachusetts, suburb west of Boston--Quahty endodontlst wanted for group endodont~c prac- bce Full-bme assoc~ateshtp leading to future part- nersh~p Reply to AR-0801-4

M~ssoun--Assoc~ateship leading to partnership ~n busy, quahty-onented prachce Reply to AR-1108

MJssoun--lmmedlate opportunity available to associate w~th endodonhst who needs full-bme partner to help wwth busy, expanding prachce Eventual buy-out ophon available Reply to AR-1109-1

New Hampshire, Vermont--"Country Iowng" en- dodonhst needed for ~dea! professional and family Iowng opportumty Guaranteed ~ncome wdh ~n- centwes Please forward complete resume w=th photo to AR-1007-2

New Hampshire, Vermont border, near Dartmouth College--Board-ehglble or -certified endodonhst wanted for association leading to partnership in quahty-onented prachce Send resume to AR-0505-7

New Jersey, CentraI--Endodonhst needed to join mulh-speclalty group practice Personable com- municator skilled tn all phases of surgery Wllhng to treat pahents with TLC Should have strong knowledge ot peno and prosthehcs Part-time leading to full-time Buy-m potenhal Reply to AR-1107

New York--Endodontlst wanted for assoclahon leading to generous partnership In high-quahty, progressive endodontlc practice Position avail- able dmmedlately Reply to AR-0903-3

New York, CentraI--Endodon'hst wanted for all- season recreahonal area Association leading to partnership This Is a bonaflde offer Reply to AR-0901-3

New York, Long Island--Endodonbst wanted part- time leading to full-ttme and partnership Reply to AR-1106

New York, suburban NYC--Opportunlty available for endodontlc associate 2-3 days per week Jn established endodonttc group practice Reply to AR-1103

New York, upstate--Endodonhst needed to jo~n busy endodonhc group prachce Excellent earmng opportunity as associate leading to early partner- ship Send resume to AR-1104-1

New York, Westchester--Prwate endodonhc practice seeks associate w~th potenhal for part- nersh~p Need is immediate Send resume to AR-1001-2

Oklahoma, TuJsa--Endodontlst wanted for assocl- ateshlp leading to partnership Send resume or call Dr Edward W Grimes, 6112 E, ast 61st Street, Tulsa, OK 74136 Phone 918/492-9415

Pennsylvania, eastern--Endodontlst needed to join well-estabhshed specialty practice Excellent earning potenhal as associate leading to early partnership Send cumculum-wtae to AR-0902-3

Pennsylvania, south centrai--Endodonhst needed to join growing, multt-ofhce practice Opportunity for partnership and eventual full ownership of practice Must be Board-eligible or -certified Please send complete resume to AR-0605-6

Washington, D C --Busy practice has immediate opemng for an industrious, personable endodon- hst with impeccable credentials Rapid advance- ment to partnership Ws~t at our expense An unusual epportumty Send resume to AR-0807-4

Note: A notice for the Registry of Associates should be submitted two months in advance of the month In which the notice should appear AAE members are not charged for placing a one-time nohce Members placing a notice for more than one month, non-members & institutions will be charged $12 for the first 30 words and 50 cents for each additional word for each month Orders without prepayment cannot be printed. We re- serve the right to edit notices to comply with style and to fit space available Direct all inquiries, using AR number if indicated, to AAE Central Of- rice, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1501, Chicago, IL 60611. Telephone 312/266-7255


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