nyu dental center renamed

NEWS Continued I believe that the clinical practice of dentistry is served well by general dentists and the recognized specialties. No need has been ~dentified for additional special areas of prachce -- recognized or non-recognized. The proposal appears to center on practitioners attemphng to achieve "a specialty status" w~thout satisfy- ing the demands of a formal educahonal program, the responsibd~ty of patient care or a requirement for limitahon of practice to that special disciphne. These are my objechons to the CDE proposal. AAE members should also study the issue and make their thoughts known to the ADA Council on Dental Education before a final resolution is presented to the House of Delegates. Charles J Cunn~ngham, DDS President Health Practitioner Data Bank Underway The U S. government has issued a re- quest for proposal for a contract to design, implement and operate a Prac- titioner Adverse Credenhaling Data Bank (PAC-DB) The data bank, re- quired by the Health Care Quahty Im- provement Act of 1986, Public Law 99-660, must be in operation on No- vember 14, 1987. Indwiduals, hos- pitals, state medical and dental boards, professional societies and other groups, such as peer review agencies, will be required to report all adverse achons taken against physicians, den- t~sts, and other health practitioners as well as payments made on their behalf to settle legal claims. Individual prach- tioners will be able to ask at any time ~f they are hsted in the bank and hospi- tals w~ll be required to request nforma- tion from the bank when a prachtloner applies for clinical privileges or a staff position. The contractor w~ll be re- quired to develop and operate a se- cured data bank, receiving and dispen- ing the required information in con- sultation with the ADA, AMA and other professional organizations. A twelve- member PAC-DB executive committee must include representatives of the ADA and the American Association of Dental Examiners. NYU Dental Center Renamed In recognition ~f a $4 million gift from David B. Knser, the New York Univer- sity Dental Center will be renamed the David B. Kriser Dental Center. The gift ~s the largest private g#t to any dental education institution in the United States. According to the university, Mr. Kriser's gift w~ll be used to strengthen the quality of dental education at New York University through support of stu- dent scholarship aid, faculty develop- ment, and research Presently, New York University's College of Dentistry is the third oldest and the largest prwate restitution of its type in the country. The Dental Center has bene- fitted from Mr. Kriser's philanthropy through previous gifts to establish a Preventive Therapy Chn~c, Institute for Rehabilitation of D~sabled Dentists, Ore-Facial Pain Center, and Oral Can- cer Center, which are all named in his honor. Conhnued Massachusetts, Boston Area--excephonal oppor- tunity for a consc~enhous, personable endodonhst leading to early partnership in an upbeat group Must be Board-ehglbleor -cerhfied Send resume, photo and phone number to AR-0805-4 Massachusetts, Chelmsford--Wonderful oppor- tumty to Join successful prachce as associate leading to full partnership and ownership over three to five years depending on owner's state of health Send resume to Dental Marketing Pro- grams, 4 Courthouse Lane, Chelmsford, MA 01824 617/937-5687 Massachusetts, suburb west of Boston--Quahty endodontlst wanted for group endodont~c prac- bce Full-bme assoc~ateshtpleading to future part- nersh~p Replyto AR-0801-4 M~ssoun--Assoc~ateship leading to partnership ~n busy, quahty-onented prachce Reply to AR-1108 MJssoun--lmmedlate opportunity available to associate w~th endodonhst who needs full-bme partner to help wwth busy, expanding prachce Eventual buy-out ophon available Reply to AR-1109-1 New Hampshire, Vermont--"Country Iowng" en- dodonhst needed for ~dea!professional and family Iowng opportumty Guaranteed ~ncome wdh ~n- centwes Please forward complete resume w=th photo to AR-1007-2 New Hampshire, Vermont border, near Dartmouth College--Board-ehglble or -certified endodonhst wanted for association leading to partnership in quahty-onented prachce Send resume to AR-0505-7 New Jersey, CentraI--Endodonhst needed to join mulh-speclalty group practice Personable com- municator skilled tn all phases of surgery Wllhng to treat pahents with TLC Should have strong knowledge ot peno and prosthehcs Part-time leading to full-time Buy-m potenhal Reply to AR-1107 New York--Endodontlst wanted for assoclahon leading to generous partnership In high-quahty, progressive endodontlc practice Position avail- able dmmedlately Replyto AR-0903-3 New York, CentraI--Endodon'hst wanted for all- season recreahonal area Association leading to partnership This Is a bonaflde offer Reply to AR-0901-3 New York, Long Island--Endodonbst wanted part- time leading to full-ttme and partnership Replyto AR-1106 New York, suburban NYC--Opportunlty available for endodontlc associate 2-3 days per week Jn established endodonttc group practice Reply to AR-1103 New York, upstate--Endodonhst needed to jo~n busy endodonhc group prachce Excellent earmng opportunity as associate leading to early partner- ship Send resume to AR-1104-1 New York, Westchester--Prwate endodonhc practice seeks associate w~th potenhal for part- nersh~p Need is immediate Send resume to AR-1001-2 Oklahoma, TuJsa--Endodontlst wanted for assocl- ateshlp leading to partnership Send resume or call Dr Edward W Grimes, 6112 E, ast 61st Street, Tulsa, OK 74136 Phone 918/492-9415 Pennsylvania, eastern--Endodontlst needed to join well-estabhshed specialty practice Excellent earning potenhal as associate leading to early partnership Send cumculum-wtae to AR-0902-3 Pennsylvania, south centrai--Endodonhst needed to join growing, multt-ofhce practice Opportunity for partnership and eventual full ownership of practice Must be Board-eligible or -certified Please send complete resume to AR-0605-6 Washington, D C --Busy practice has immediate opemng for an industrious, personable endodon- hst with impeccable credentials Rapid advance- ment to partnership Ws~t at our expense An unusual epportumty Send resume to AR-0807-4 Note: A notice for the Registry of Associates should be submitted two months in advance of the month In which the notice should appear AAE members are not charged for placing a one-time nohce Members placing a notice for more than one month, non-members & institutions will be charged $12 for the first 30 words and 50 cents for each additional word for each month Orders without prepayment cannot be printed. We re- serve the right to edit notices to comply with style and to fit space available Direct all inquiries, using AR number if indicated, to AAE Central Of- rice, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1501, Chicago, IL 60611. Telephone 312/266-7255 552

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NEWS Continued

I be l ieve that the cl inical p rac t i ce of dent is t ry is served wel l by general dent ists and the recogn ized special t ies. No need has been ~dentified for addi t ional special areas of p rachce - - recogn ized or non-recognized. The proposal appears to cen ter on pract i t ioners a t temphng to ach ieve "a spec ia l ty s ta tus" w~thout satisfy- ing the demands of a formal educahona l program, the responsibd~ty of pat ient care or a requ i rement for l imitahon of p rac t ice to that special disciphne.

These are my ob jechons to the CDE proposal . AAE m e m b e r s should also study the issue and make their thoughts known to the ADA Counci l on Dental Educat ion before a f inal resolut ion is p resented to the House of Delegates.

Char les J Cunn~ngham, DDS President

Health Practitioner Data Bank Underway The U S. government has issued a re- quest for proposal for a con t rac t to design, imp lement and opera te a Prac- t i t ioner Adverse Credenhal ing Data Bank (PAC-DB) The data bank, re-

qu i red by the Health Care Quahty Im- p rovemen t Act of 1986, Publ ic Law 99-660, must be in operat ion on No- vembe r 14, 1987. Indwiduals, hos- pitals, s tate medica l and dental boards, p r o f e s s i o n a l s o c i e t i e s and o t h e r

groups, such as peer review agenc ies , will be requi red to report all adverse

achons taken against physic ians, den- t~sts, and o ther health pract i t ioners as well as payments made on their behal f to set t le legal claims. Individual prach- t ioners will be able to ask at any t ime ~f

they are hsted in the bank and hospi- tals w~ll be required to request n fo rma- tion f rom the bank when a p rach t loner

appl ies for cl inical pr iv i leges or a staff posi t ion. The cont rac tor w~ll be re-

qu i red to deve lop and opera te a se- cured data bank, receiv ing and dispen- ing the requi red informat ion in con- sul tat ion with the ADA, AMA and other

profess ional organizat ions. A twelve- m e m b e r PAC-DB execut ive commi t t ee must inc lude representat ives of the ADA and the Amer ican Assoc ia t ion of Dental Examiners.

NYU Dental Center Renamed In recogni t ion ~f a $4 mil l ion gift f rom David B. Knser, the New York Univer- sity Dental Center will be renamed the David B. Kr iser Dental Center. The gift ~s the largest pr ivate g#t to any denta l

educat ion inst i tut ion in the United

States. Accord ing to the university, Mr. Kr iser 's gift w~ll be used to strengthen the qual i ty of dental educat ion at New York Univers i ty through suppor t of stu- dent scho larsh ip aid, facul ty develop- ment, and research Presently, New

York Univers i ty 's Col lege of Dent ist ry is the third o ldest and the largest prwate restitution of its type in the country. The Dental Center has bene- f i t ted from Mr. Kr iser 's phi lanthropy through prev ious gifts to establ ish a Prevent ive Therapy Chn~c, Institute for

Rehabi l i tat ion of D~sabled Dentists, Ore-Facial Pain Center, and Oral Can- cer Center, wh ich are all named in his honor.

Conhnued Massachusetts, Boston Area--excephonal oppor- tunity for a consc~enhous, personable endodonhst leading to early partnership in an upbeat group Must be Board-ehglble or -cerhfied Send resume, photo and phone number to AR-0805-4

Massachusetts, Chelmsford--Wonderful oppor- tumty to Join successful prachce as associate leading to full partnership and ownership over three to five years depending on owner's state of health Send resume to Dental Marketing Pro- grams, 4 Courthouse Lane, Chelmsford, MA 01824 617/937-5687

Massachusetts, suburb west of Boston--Quahty endodontlst wanted for group endodont~c prac- bce Full-bme assoc~ateshtp leading to future part- nersh~p Reply to AR-0801-4

M~ssoun--Assoc~ateship leading to partnership ~n busy, quahty-onented prachce Reply to AR-1108

MJssoun--lmmedlate opportunity available to associate w~th endodonhst who needs full-bme partner to help wwth busy, expanding prachce Eventual buy-out ophon available Reply to AR-1109-1

New Hampshire, Vermont--"Country Iowng" en- dodonhst needed for ~dea! professional and family Iowng opportumty Guaranteed ~ncome wdh ~n- centwes Please forward complete resume w=th photo to AR-1007-2

New Hampshire, Vermont border, near Dartmouth College--Board-ehglble or -certified endodonhst wanted for association leading to partnership in quahty-onented prachce Send resume to AR-0505-7

New Jersey, CentraI--Endodonhst needed to join mulh-speclalty group practice Personable com- municator skilled tn all phases of surgery Wllhng to treat pahents with TLC Should have strong knowledge ot peno and prosthehcs Part-time leading to full-time Buy-m potenhal Reply to AR-1107

New York--Endodontlst wanted for assoclahon leading to generous partnership In high-quahty, progressive endodontlc practice Position avail- able dmmedlately Reply to AR-0903-3

New York, CentraI--Endodon'hst wanted for all- season recreahonal area Association leading to partnership This Is a bonaflde offer Reply to AR-0901-3

New York, Long Island--Endodonbst wanted part- time leading to full-ttme and partnership Reply to AR-1106

New York, suburban NYC--Opportunlty available for endodontlc associate 2-3 days per week Jn established endodonttc group practice Reply to AR-1103

New York, upstate--Endodonhst needed to jo~n busy endodonhc group prachce Excellent earmng opportunity as associate leading to early partner- ship Send resume to AR-1104-1

New York, Westchester--Prwate endodonhc practice seeks associate w~th potenhal for part- nersh~p Need is immediate Send resume to AR-1001-2

Oklahoma, TuJsa--Endodontlst wanted for assocl- ateshlp leading to partnership Send resume or call Dr Edward W Grimes, 6112 E, ast 61st Street, Tulsa, OK 74136 Phone 918/492-9415

Pennsylvania, eastern--Endodontlst needed to join well-estabhshed specialty practice Excellent earning potenhal as associate leading to early partnership Send cumculum-wtae to AR-0902-3

Pennsylvania, south centrai--Endodonhst needed to join growing, multt-ofhce practice Opportunity for partnership and eventual full ownership of practice Must be Board-eligible or -certified Please send complete resume to AR-0605-6

Washington, D C --Busy practice has immediate opemng for an industrious, personable endodon- hst with impeccable credentials Rapid advance- ment to partnership Ws~t at our expense An unusual epportumty Send resume to AR-0807-4

Note: A notice for the Registry of Associates should be submitted two months in advance of the month In which the notice should appear AAE members are not charged for placing a one-time nohce Members placing a notice for more than one month, non-members & institutions will be charged $12 for the first 30 words and 50 cents for each additional word for each month Orders without prepayment cannot be printed. We re- serve the right to edit notices to comply with style and to fit space available Direct all inquiries, using AR number if indicated, to AAE Central Of- rice, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1501, Chicago, IL 60611. Telephone 312/266-7255