
o B E S E T , T R O M T . H K F I R S T N O V E M B I K N E X T ^ ,

TOR THREE LIVES, ' r f - ' . T h e - D W E L L I N G - H O U S E , and T A N -

Y A R D now held by J . LOCHNANI.—Apply at said House. Ennis, Sept. 19, 180$.

Irr.rncdin'.c Possession Will be given. w

sp™ A General;.Meeting, of the G O V I R N O R J D E P - U T Y ' G O V E R N O R S o f t h e C O U N T Y o f

C u AE: Js requested at the Court-House of ENNIS, on T H U R S D A Y the 31st instant.

Signed by order, ' Oct., ?4j 11180$.• D. ElNXJCAN'E, C. G. M.

A 'List of the Names, Places of Abode, &c.. of the seVeral/Peisons who have taken' out Certifi-c a t e s i c i kiil&g Game, agreeable-to Act of Parlia-ment, from tlie Distributor for the County of Clare, between the 6th day of April .arid the »cth day of October, 1805 >—

1 R . John Hinds, Esqi .Cavan Militia. . % Robert Crowe, of Ennis, Esq. . <5 Rev . Frederick Blood, of Roxto'iv Clerk, ' 4 John Fallon, of Ennis, Esq. J Eindon Blood, of Riverston, Esq. 6 Richerd Fitzgerald, pf Glenville, Esq, 7 Thomas-Crowe, of Ennis,- Esq.-8 Robert Armstrong, ol Ennis;' Esq; . 9' Henry Brady, df Raheens, Esq.

10 Richard Barclay, of Ballyartny, 'Esq. Sir Joseph Peacocke, Bart, fur.' Mat. Shea-, his

Game Keeper. . ;

ri Daniel Fmucarie, of Enr i s , Esq. ; 53 Cornelius O'Brien, of Poplar, Esq. 34," of Loiigforii Militia. 1 5 Rt ' Hon. J . O. VanceleuT,. of Kikus-hi 1.5 PooJe Hjckxan, o r KHmorey.-Esq. 17 Gcoree Lysaght, of Ballyfceal, Esq. :8 BedifSt iaford, of Czvan Regt.__E.sq, 19 ^J. A . Levrng,'of same Regt. Esq,' 20 Nickojas'ConTYn, of Moyne; Fsq," si Ja»es i fafcoc, ot Er.nis,. Gent.-' zz Kobert Armstrong, of same; Esq. ^ dj T.-IC. E a z o r , Captain -Armagh Militia, -4 Hcrii Col. Acheson, of-sair.c-Rt-gt. 2 ; To'r.n Arastfong,-of Ennis , Esq. S 6 M.. Stritch; 01 Toumullen, Gent.

By ihe Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ire/and.

P R O C L A M A T I O N H'nr pardoning Deserters from Bis Majesty s

Regular lorces. i h M p W R . K K . WH E R E A S it h a s . b e e n f e p r i f e m e d ti- 'I'M ?. K i m o , .

Ti-a*, t h e r e a r t at this t i m e l e v e r a l D e f e r t e r s f r o m H i s M » l ' : : - . y ' ; » R e g u l a r 'L»nd : For- :cs- , - w h o might, be in-d a - . i • cc ret!.- ri 1 0 their Ut-.ty by <ra O.Ter of H i s M a j e f l y V O r s c . o c ? P«r«Veo, and t h a i luch an r. ltance ol H is Rcjy . i l tfie&'iiiv i ' b o l I h a v e a due I n f l u e n c e upon t h e i r f u t u r e

"I ' - . - . . ,

•By che L o r d L i e u t e n a n t G e n e r a l anA G e n e r a I O o v e t a o r of I r e l a n d ,

\ - A P R O C L A M A T I O N . ' ' " ' " HARDWICKE. : f ' t M l "

HERE AS His Majefty's Service doth at- this. W require a fueedy Supply of Seamen and Seafaring

.Men, to manHis Majefty's Fleet which ie'uo.w fitting out., VVe do by Hid Majetty's Command1: direct and".require ail Civil.Magil'.ifites in this i 'ai j of.His. MajeltyVUnited -K'Ugdom called Ireland, 10 uie their belt Endeavours to, c.uule a If fuch' Seiroe n. of St'a 12 ring Men, fit lor His'Mii-ielt'y.'s Service, is muyibemet with!, -lobe taken.op,, and

-Tent' on B o a r a any of His Majelty's Ships or V e l J r W ill the •'Ports,' or on'ihe Coafl of Ir. Unii, or to auy of His. Ma-j.-sc»:s Sl-a Oificers -whomay b'e'empUiyeit to raife Men on Shore foil' tliij Majeltv's F:lLJet:i-.accoi-;ling as. the Places ,where fni-h Ships or. Veifc^J or fuih S'ea Officers may be r e'fpe* c t i v e t y' tla t i 011 e d fliill be near.crt. A Differ the En-couragement of the Pei'fbns'who fhali be enirufted with the.Cafe of .conducting fuch.Seamr.ivand, tliey will.oe the GiyjUin or Comrtia.11 (Ier, oi luch Sh'p or vellel, or 8ei Officer emplbyeif mi SjVore'as afore-faid,- r-elpeaively, a Rewni-'d o l 'TWENTY SHILLINGS ,far-..e.ach Seaman or S,eafaring>!an tit lor His Majefty'a .Service: and S xp.-nce a.M'de, tor. every .Mi.le,. t % ' may have travelled, not eit.oeiiiritr IVeniy Milei in the Mari-time Goumi.V, and, pony Milts in the Inland Counties •Am) Wfi do he.r.cby fiii'thcFiilinest and, require-the laiiiiCi-iviil^iiagilUi'tVf to g'.vc a-ll pofli,hi. Countenance and Ai^fj ta'fee to'•the'"Oliic.-rs ol';His 'MajeVi)-V Ships ami VefltU, ;or tftMhe,Sea iO!ficers'qtuHis'Maje'sty's Ships and VelTclf, iorjt . thcj- Sea Officers, whu may be employed to raife Men |bn-Shoic, iliTh'ipre/iing' or otneiwile procuring. Men for j H I S ' M a i e r . t y ' s F ie fe t . '

G i v . c b a t - H i ' - W ' - i j e t l y l s - C f l r t l e o f D u b l i n , the r ' f i t h ' D h y : . of .March, 1S03.. ; . • , •• . - : •

B y His E x c e l l e d c y ' s C o m m i n d , .

' A; MARSDE:N. .. . . . . • C i O D - S a v e - t h e K. B V ! ' :

• »:•'-.ri • '•-.•• -

Paris, .on the 2,4th ult:- to ihe 6ib; When the difToj-ent divisions reachethhe Ranube, con-cludes with the following eulogy upon the plan of operations adoptee) by the French.

" This.grand and extensive movement; has brought us, in the course of a few days into Bavaria ; it has enabled us'to avoid the Biack'Mountains'the line of those livers; which, running parallel, flow into the val-ley of the Danube; the difficulties of a state ol" operations which Would always have-been Hanked by the entrances into the Tyrol ; finally, it has placed us several maichesin the rear of the enemy, /who has no time to lose, to avoid his total, destruc-tion."

R'ATitsBBN.,_ O C T . . 9 . The WA R is begun.; an action took pla.EE

between the' Austrians.a-nd French,,, near Neuburgh, in WHICH THE AUSTRIAWS HAD THE ADVANTAGE, and preserved their position. The accounts received of this affair, mention a number of prisoners; but we roust wait for the official accounts for accurate information on that subject, as well as with respect to the number of -tha killed and wounded.

F R A N S ^ O - R T , O C T ; I O .

On the 12th, 13th, or 14th, a general; battle is expected between the French and Aiis'tiians. :

I n f a n t ' r y i " f r 6 m I r e l a n d . ' A Second idivjsibn will'specdily •follow, to consist "ot as large ' a body ;of 'InffSn'try, a corisi.detable train of F1 yi'ng: 'AH1 t i V l e ' i y / 1 and' 6 W^ltbems'of Light ' Dragoons. "Fire wlitVle •'a re ex'peeled to reach the point of destination by the loth of.'.' next- monib. ; ' ' • We repeat whtit ••ive stated'-ydst 'rday, that we hrive' e'very lea'sun 'to believe, we shall'' have very- shortly, perhdpi iii it.'few dayf so'tn'e iTOp'ortaiit iritelligC£lL'e'''to.'coff(tr)iiiiic'aie feo:buV i fcatl-erSi / f : " " ' tfii/Vj-iir , r.-:,;.- (-- •

I t

Be^evrou'r, At'.iidnW. !; Si licit.: X C Dailic: •?..".<! i'skitieb'.'K. '' Nev/ry. Watcii-lord.

H:« M a j e i l y has been gra 'c ibul ly p l e s i e d to g r a n t . H i s F R E E P A R D O N to all D E -S E R T E R S f r o m H i s R E O U I , M U S D . f o a / E s , w h o f l ial l I W r e n j c r th e m i e I y e s , on Or b e f u r e the i . f h D a y of D E C E M B E R n e x t , to any of H i s Maje l i - ' y ' s C i v i l M a p i l -t-aiey ' , to the C o m m a n d i n g Otl icer of any R e g i m e n t , to any of the S u p e r i n t e n d i n g F i e l d Of f i cers of the Pvecruitirig S e r v i c e in I R I 1,A-K/>,. w h o f e Station's a r e m e n t i o n e d in

t h e M a r g i n ' h e r e o f , or to the D e p u t y . tnl 'peCi.or-Oenci al

of the R e c r u i t i n g S e r v i c e in p.ub'iin.

• S a c b D e f e r t e r s , i t ' -A.blc-Rbdied M e n and fit for S e r v i c e shalt be appointed to. f u c h R e g i m e n t s as His M a j e f t y m a y be p U a f e d to c o m m a n d ' ; , a m i , w h e n fo p l a c e d , 111 til not b e ' f i a b l e .tr. be c l a i m e d by any o ther C o r p s to w h i c h they i r i ay f o r m e r l y . h a v e b e l o n g e d . , -

K.very D e f c f r e r , not a c t u a i l y I 'erving in any of H i » M i -j , I ty ' s R-.-gitrt.ents, is TO f u n c-ndcr t i i .nlc l f for. C H I E S . ' I L S F . I R V I C I . . . •

D e f e r c e t s fe rv ing ' in o ' .her C o f p y ( M i l i t i a and A r m y of R e f e r . v e e x c e p t e d ) e r e Continue t h e r i in upon declar ing , themfe lve ' s to t h e i r r e f p - c t i v e C o m m a n d i n g O f f i c e r s , w h o a r e to r r p o r t the c i r c u n i t l a n c e tc t h e U n d e r S e c r e t a r y f o r the M i l i t a r y ; D e p a r t m e n t s 'and" tl ie Ati jui-ai i i G e n e r a l in D u b l i n , ' and, 'they fhali hot be l i a b l e , a t any f u t u r e t i m e , t o be c l a i n i c d by the R e g i m e n t s in w h i c h t h e y f o r m e r l y (erved : B 'ut . ihis C iau l ' e is not to e x t e n d to D e f e r t e r s in-l i l i ed by. the C o r p s r a i f i n g . R e c r n i i s ' . f o F G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 5 w h i c h D i f e r t e r s are only to be e n t i t l e d to t h e i r P a r d o n ,

B y i l ie LoVd 'L ie i i te t iacta 'n ' i l C o u n c i l o r Ii e land. , n j . . ' , 1 : ' A T R O C L A M A T l t / N . ' ' ','

. H A R D ' V i r . K ) ? ,

H E IDEAS' by an A f l t p a i f e d in the T w e n t y , l if l l ahd ' T w ' nty-iVi;e.iid y e a r ot his M a j e f t y ' s reii-.n,; ent i -

; t i l ' " An. A a for the b e t t e r fecur inv , the L i b e r t y of the t ^ b . j s ^ V ' a n . l ' c o r o m o n l y f a l l a l t h e H a b e a s C o r p u s A f t ,

i t . ' S prpv .dt 'd . . that i t (hall And. m a y be l a w f u l to it'nti for t W C h i e f G o v e r n o r an.IX7(Sv.crnprs for the T i m e b e i n g ,

U i i d P r i v y . C o u n c i t of f i e b n d , to fiVfpen(l the liiid A r t , • d u r i n g f u c h ; t i r o e ' o n l y a s - t h e r e (hall be an ar tua l t n v s l i o n . .11 . R e b e l l i o n .in I re land or . G r e a t B r i t a i n , and t h a t no

J u d g e p r ' l ' . i ' l ice of P e a c e (hall bai l o r try any P e i l o n or • Ponlonfl chfai^ed wito'-'-tiel'dg c o n c e r n e d in fucli Itiv 'af i6n o r

R e b e l l i o n -Without »n O r d e r f r o m the V- ic i i ieuant , ' 'or L o r d D e p u t y and P r i v y C o u n c i t o f - I r e l a n d for the T i m e b e i n g , i jgned by S ix o f the f a i d P r i v j C o u n c i l , any L a w , S t a t u t e or Ufa-ge to the 'Coiur- l -y :n a n y ' w i l e n o t w i t h ( f ? n I n g .

And. wheivas a da.itig;Ret>ellion hatlr aftu-.dly broken out ,0 i.etiin.t, and it liaih.tjt-come adv.ilVatdfc .to lul'pend t le'O.i eraiion of.the .faid. Ait during the ContiiP.iance t iercbf;: ' • . i • •

Nov/ v.*:* l h e L o r d . L i e u t e n a n t and C o u n c i l T V 'hy tf i is (,urijro;clam;at(,6n dec la . e, . T h a t the. laid t ;e , and the s a m e is h e r e b y i-.itpended, oi w h i c h all Ju . l ' ges , j u l l i c e s o f the .-Peace; o thers i r e ' r e q u i r e d , to t a k e ' N o t i c e .

An- ' wh.-yeas there is r-eafon to a p p r e h e n d t h a t U v e i a l P e r f o n s , c h a r g e d w i t h h a v i n g been c o n c e r n e d in . the fa id ' [ r e b e l l i o n , are . s d c a v o u r i n g to e f c a p e J u d i c e b y ilepai t -ing ' f ror tv l ' e f i n d . .

NLOW WJ; DISC L o r d L i e u t e n a n t ' , b e i n g i l r f n o u s to br ing all i u i h o f f e n d e r s to I'pecdy Pun Pnment, d o , by. a n . L w i t h the A i l v x e o f his M a } c f l y ' i . molt H o n o u r a b l e P r i v y Co.itn-cl ly Itiiictsy forbid a n y Perfo 'n w h o m f o e v e r ' t d depa: t f r o m Ir , -hi i t w i thouc h i v i n g obtaiheti a Par fpor t for Lhar-p'ur-' po le , l i g n - d b y o i i i C h i e f S e c r e t a r y , or the Undec S e c r e -tary (ot thi: C i v i l D - p a r t m e n t , or e i t h e r o f . t h e m , 01 by. f o m e Pef l 'oh W t h p r i f c d by. ah t n ( l r u m e h t f i ib fer ibed by t h e m , o r j e i i h r r of t h e m , to hgu f u . h Pa'fTpoi ts:

A n d w e 11.0. heriehj ftnrtly. eo inmand. a l l . M a d e r s and Cbmm^nd^'rs of a 11 Shi is and V e f f e l s d e p a r t ' n g ' . f r o m I r e -l a n d , that t h e y do . 'opt, np6n. any a c c o u n t w.lvalfoeVe'r, t a k e ou b<iard their V'. iU!--, wil d dep'ari.ih'g liron'V.Ii'elan.l, anv P .rl'on not fuch PaiTport as a f o r e f a i d , l a v e inri

f ep( ' the p f f o n s " a £ t u . : l l y e m p l o y e d to n a v i g a t e f i l ch -V.i.- 'I — I< r e f p e r t 1 ve ly .

A n d w e - d o J u v t h e i cominaru l .nil M a g i d r a t e s , O f f i c e r s of t l ie R e v e n u e , and all O f f i c e r s C i v i l and . M i l i t a r y , and all b t h i r h'r M a j - l l ) • ' ' . ' S n i ' j e r t ' s , to ufe their u t m o f t E n deavouVsao" pi e v - n t ttie d e p a r t u r e of any P e r f o n s f r o m I re land not h a v i n g fuch Pal l 'ports as .a fo . re la jd . •

Civeu at the Council Chamber in Dublin, the 18th. Day'of July,' 1S03.

o h dec lar ing j theni ' fe l»en to lie l i ich, ami w i l l be transj 'ered to f u c h Reg i ix ieots as I^is M a j e t l y m a y p l e a f e lo c o m -m a n d .

T h e M . a g i f t r a t e , to w h o m any D c f e r t e r f r o m H i s M i k ' f t y ' s R e g u l a r . .Forces m a y furr-rnder himl'eli ' , is a u t h o " r - i e d a n d r e q u i r e d t o c e r t i f y the D a y on w h i c h f u t h D.e" f e r t e r f u r r ^ i l ^ r e d h i m f e - l f , w h i c h G e r t i l i c a t e is to c o n t i -n u e in Force ; u n t i l the A ' n i V a J of the D c f e r t e r .-«,< the ' . H e a d Q u i r t e i s o f the n e a r e l l M i l i t a r y Poll ,- p i o y i d e t l he . p roceed at the R a t e of T e n M i l i s a D « y , un iv i s p(e-»-e';.nted by s i c k a e f s , to be ce r t i f i ed b y f o m e M e d i c a l Ol' c o m m a n d i n g at fuch M i l i t a r y P o l l .

N o S o l d i e r , w h o m a y de fec t a ' t r r t h e f e H i s M a j e f t y ' s g r a c i o u s I n t e n t i o n s ure m i t l e P u b l i c , ( l u l l be inc luded in the above ftariion,. .Alit . be p r o c e e d e d ag .a ic f t w i t h , t h e Htmoi t S e v e r i t y ; nor . (ha l l any S o l d i e r , w h o I ' u r r f n d e r e d , h i m f e l f u p o n s n y f o t m e r Proc ia 'mat ion o f H i s M a j ' e f l y ' . ; P a r d o n , and w h o a f t e r v / i i d s a g a i n d c l e r t e d , be i n c l u d e d i n t h e abo've P a r d c n .

A n d it i i to be ctcar 'y u n d e i f t o o d , that this P a r d o n ' i s a p t ' t o e x t e n d io any D e f e r t e r lrom- H : s M - i j e t l y ' s M i l i t i a F o r c e s , or . f i o i n t h e A r m y of P v d e i v c , or A.d. ' l l t ionaf F o r c e ,' btit i l v S o l d i e r ; ; - w h o : (litll . h a v e inlitted tor Ciu-n e r a l S e r v i c e • f r o t h ' t i l e faiii E o r c e f , and (bal l fubfet i i ie i . i t -ly J h e r c t o ' h a v e d < f e i t e d , w i l l be i n c l u d e d in, ilits Hi* M y r l t y ' s , g r a c i o u s P a r d o n .

C - i v i n a t Hts M a l . t l y ' s C a d l e o f D u b l i n , the l i f t . B a y o f : 0 .'.t'ob'e":', i « c - 3 . ' . '

• f By Hisili-xccUsiicy's Command, e . L O S G .

. P c e d c f i ' s l e , C . C h i s . Dub l in . W i n . T u a m i Drogh.-df i . ' .-. • A u r i c ( ley . M u t l c e r r v .


. T y . r a . w l y : I . B e r a s f o r d . I I . E . F o x . H e r . Lantir i l t ie . M - S m i t h .

G O D lave, the K I N G .

H e n r y K i n g . • • D . L a t o i u h e , S . H a m i l t o n . M d u . F i t z . G e r a l d . S t a n d i d i O ' G r a d y .

LOXn.ON, MONDAY, OOT. U. . Tbntpart of the Geiman Legion- which

embarked at Ramsgate, is now. at anchor in the Down's,, where our force is daily increas-ing.—General .I)on was to embark to day or to-morrow on board the Ariadne.

Orders were received at Deal.'on Saturday for the 3d battalion of the. ist Guards and the Coldstream regiments to embark to mor-row and Wednesday, and join the German Legion; it is said too that ihe 41I1, and 14th and, 23d 'Foot,'also to embark—A se-cond erohail-ution of cavaiiy yrill' imme-diately follow the'fnst. .

The/depots at Deal- and Dover have been stripped of flat bottomed boatsy which have been sent out on board tlie transports.— The men of war which have arrived in the Downs from . the Rivet; have likewise, a. number of boats on board. There are be-sides in the Downs,several lai ge boats, re-sembling a ship's launch, each mounting .one carronade of large calibte, and capable of- conveying 50 soldieis.

Every thing is on the alert, and we ex-pect in a very short time to have-some intelli-gence of importance to communicate tio our readers.

Mr. M I L L S , the Messenger, Was dis-patched late on Friday night to Vienna.— He was to embaik at Yaituouth in any ves-sel that was ready.

Genera! RAMSEY is gone to Ilarv.tch, charged with impoitant dispatches for the Continent. This office), it is said, is ap-pointed to attend one of. the Austrian armies; for the purpose of communicating to our Government its operations.

A letter has been' received from an officer on board one of our frigates-cruizing ofFthe Texel, which states, that information had been..obtained froai a neutral vessel, that most of the French troops hadybeen ordered to march from the coast of Holland.

The ffiihMe cutter is a fUiid''from Gi-• brril'fai'v with dispatches; Lo'rd NtLSON, arriVed'With the Vicloiy, A fix', a'n'd Thun-derer, off Cadiz-j on the l&fi ' 'Sebt-emiiefy arid, immediately took the/cb'triroanxl -of 'tlie fleer, consisting of 29'sail oB'tlre line. - T'tie 1 eiiifoicements vi'iiich foi'lo'wed his Lords'bip *

- h a v e long ere this' made up his fleet to 35 sailiof- tlie line.: '

T h e Cdni'bi-ned Fleets cnbtinbVd blockad-ed in Cafii:, where'the gfra'foi .stiatcity of'.,! provision is said to exist. 'Tlie ate reported- ' to. be .34 sail-'of' the'lirie^^ll -'vn'ieatlinesi for sea!-, i f - • :\ : ' i 0 Z


\Ye-he'artilv Wish"'they fiia-y- attempt tn •' force a.passage out—fo'i-'the result,'• c^h-i ^ not doubt,- would be such as 'evefy we'll Wisher to- the country Would rejoice ;rii

•We are glad to leant that the ga-ri rson of Gibr.altar.isin the rnost 'peifect 'h'ea't'h, and lhat now al-l-appreihensinhs' of & return of too lever of lastyearhave nearly variii'tiedi'

g j r S U N D A Y ' S M A I L .

D UB LI N, 0 CT. 24. L o r d .Cathcart is appointed A m b a s s a d o r .:

at the Couit of St. Pet.crsb.argh, in the . room of. Lord L.pvispn GoWer,, who has.': be recal led . . . . . . .

In. the, absence of Lord, Cathcart', -the command of the forces of this kingdom .Will, be exercised, we b.cijeve, by Gen. FJoy.d,.. pro tempore, until his Loiflsliip's succfesstir. . is appointed, w ho has, been, ipoken of,-by. -some, to be his Highness, the now Duke, late Pri-nce William of Gloucester.---D. E.P. ,

It is s^id ;hat the offices of Commantler iii ' Chief and Lord IJetuenant will, as in the ihstance of Lord Cornwaliis, be vested in :< the same person, and that His: Royal -High-ness the D u k e oi Cumberland, vrill be ap . pointed to that important station. — D, j .

His Majesty has'been pleased, by i^eitefs Patent under the Great Seal of 1 re I aiid, io ; appoint W.m'i Conyngham Plunket, Esq. to be his Majesty's Attorney GrneValir. Ireland', in the room of the Right Hon. S. O'Grady, •w I10 has been appointed .his M-ajest-y'sA-hi.-t' Baron, of the Couttof Exchequer in liela-ud...:

Ancl his Majesty has also been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of lie- ' land, to appoint Chas; Kendal Bushe, Esq. to be his M-ajesty's Solicitor General in Ire^ land, in the room of Y/m. Conyngham Phinket, Esq."'

Vic can now state, from good authority, tlitit Parliament will be convened for the dis-patch of business, on Tuesday^ the 2ist of . January next. — D. E.P.


From the Batavian Gazette. H A G U E , O C T . 1 7 .

The French have passed the.Danube near Donaiiwerth. . The Austrians have retreat-ed upon their main army on the Iller. On the 7th of October, a heavy cannonade was heard on the former river. A number of wounded Austrians arrived the same day at Neuburgh ; they relate that a sharp action was fought on the side of Wem.bdingen,

) Which .lasted near 2 hours., (Further par -! titulars are promised in an Extraordinary : State Gazette, to be published on the 19th.) j ' ' P . - A R ' I s, ;

O C T . 13. " | i Bulletin, of the 'Grand Army. \ r Th'e Moniteur of this date,1 has. published •Va Bulletin of the Grand Army, which,, af-| tergiving a historical narration of military . movements from the day BONA,PARTE left

• LONDON, TUESDAY, OCT. 2?.. In addition to the accounts received by .

the Hamburgh Mail, we'have to state that dispatches leceived by Government this morning state, that hostilities commenced on tlie 7th, by an attempt of part of the French army (their numbers not stated) to force the bridge at Neuburgh, and establish them -selves on the right bank'of the Danube.— T H E Y W E R E R E P U L S E D 4 W 1 1 ti . T II E LO S S OF 2 0 0 M E N K I L L E D , A N D 4 0 0 T A K E N P R I S O N E R S . — Coit&r.

Yesterday five companies of a rifle coi-pS marched through Dover to 1 Deal, .Whete they will embark this morning. T h e 'Cold-stream Guards march to day to Ramsgate to embark. Besides the Guards, the liue eo:ps and the German Legioii there will, ic is said, be embarked ; the 4th, 14th, and 23d Foe:—and the 8th, -gtl'i, and 2,81 • j

By a new reguJation announced from tlie General Post Office, the English mails are, hom the-ist of next month.,.-to Ije dispatch-ed invariably at six o'clock in the evening. By this .arrangement the correspondence be-tween Dublin and London w-ill, ior a great portion of the year, obtain an advantage of six hours iii point of time, which, by the circumstances-of the wind and tide, may a m o u n t in effect to .a whole day. As the Mail 'Coach: leaves Holyhead at a precise, hour everyday, the Dublin Mail, though it should arrive only ten minutes later,, is iii fact detained 24 hours longer; so that every minute.saved on this' side becomes of an importance not easily calculated in the general 'scale of intercourse between -the countries., The.British Post Office has also, We .understand, in further the same 'd'.'.sirable purpose of facilitating the com-munication between London ancl Dublin, determined to esta-blsh a'Mail Coach from. Holyhead by the Capcl Cat-rig-road to

.Shrewsbury, by which nearly six-hours .of travelling will be saved to the Mail and to Passengers.

S T A T E P A P E R .

Explanation of the Conduct of 'Bavaria, R AT IS BON 1 O C T . 4 ,

His Electoral Highness of, his caused,thefol lowing Paper to beth-livered to

Historical Representation of the,Events which have d ire ct ed the Conduct j of His EUaorat' ^kness, the Elector Palatine 'of, Bavaria] dated 'ifdrtzs hiirg-h, September 1805. ' f ' Bo wed do wn -by-. the- eonseq uences-:© f a n •

unfortunate.-and exhausting, war, Bavaria reposed in the slumber of the; most profound

• peace. _ Vvrithput. care,, .i;t,savK the different ca tops in the adjoi rpng'A'us'ti Ian States form- . ed,one.after ^qtJljsr, , 'The'^ant ;of 'peace

1, appeared to be general,' aud it neve i: suspect-ed ( that it could befhe intention of the ,'p.ovv-

. interrupt, the the. public ,tranquillity. 1 hough a dryness be: ween France and i l us

si a t h rea tened a .stprm..,f rnimaj-ai,, ;,ycfl^ iwas believed, that the. distance.; betwccm tiifcse two Powers;mi^hra0\)rd a well grounded hope, thjt .the misunderstanding, would; not ceche to a final rupture,' orV at least, that Germany would not be.involved in it,—Be-S1 dJs> e,0bject-p.f th.eiftdispute w»S so ;f(),v reign to the interns of. the bavarian States, that be admitted-, that Wcould be involved in the coyest .against France.— Bayavia.bad no,complaint a.p,a'ins|: th.e£mpero.i; Napoleon.. , By his ; vigorous co-operation,,iiidcm,nificAtion fo| hadsustained'.-in the,last var • arid'the Courts of Vienna and Petei'sburgh ; .Moiot rlcny t.b.b interest which iheJimpe.o:-of ihe French took on,that occasion, in tlie £ feet or of Bavftria. ' '

i;In these, clicu^stances;,; .accounts, were .re-ceived in Munich that the negociations,

|ch. -had:. scarce ly,,-couimonced,-, bet w-een Piftnce and ,Ru^ia, we -e. broken- off, and ''i sainctyne.tli.u a nutne,10u's aimy, of Austrian tr,o<jps,, were assembliug. at>IWels, .""bile considerable , reinforce,mtnts . were marching to die 'Ty-mi. -..Se,VeraT.di vis-ions

.1 loops passed, without previous, notice, on their mai; ;the , T y i;o!,, a, p'art of. the Electoral territory— The,remonstrance made upon rhis subject pi;oduced.the . most satis factory assurances from'the A usrrian.Envoy, at-Munich, t W t h i s had taken place quite contrary to the will of theEmperor.;. an in-qfiisy Was pioniised to be 1 nstituted -into the conduct of. .the Officets who,had fed the di-

'• .Visions,! who they said properly punished'. Nothing more was heard of the -matter, but the passages p.f troops wi'hou: permission, followed more' frequently and' ihgreauir numbers than before. Scarcely weie these accounts received when rhe camp at Wets broke up, and the maich of ihe tioops to-B'iannau gave reason to suppose, that they meant soon tp cross the Inn; The Elector,,., however, hoped to de able to pre serve that: neutrality- which his geographical situation, and the interests of his exhausted States, .seemed to prescribe to,him as the most agreeable system.

The Elector had already commissioned his Miffiiste

rto make overtures' upon the.subject to die Couit ot Vicuna, when p. ;n. Schwaizenberg suddenly appeared in Mu nic b. He b,rought a letter fro m t he Em pe ro r of Russia, ill which his - iuipri ;:d Majesty, inthe most decidedrerfc:, desi i ecl tliedmme-diate union of tlieTavaiian with ihe Aus-trian troops, This letter cont.dned threats incase this .dtesi re was not fulfilled, and an ass u ranee i n. case .of its being acc.o m plish eel that he w.oukt ne ver make any pretensions on the smallest pari of Bavaria. In this categorical,manner an ovei tuie.was made, at a period when we had less reason to e'x-pect any pretensions to be set forth by the Austiian.Court, that the Electoral Ministry had just concluded a Convention with the Imperial Plenipotentiary at,Munich, subject to.tiie ratification, of the Elector, by wiiich veiy considerable sacrifices.weie made in fa-vour of hi s I m pe r i a 1: M a j e s 1 y a n d; h e Elector of. Saltzbuj gh. The Prince of Schwarzen . berg, explained more particularly in an in . terview granted him by tlie: Elector, and in another .w.hicb he had,with the Minister of Foreign Affairs* in a commanding tone, the intentions of the Emperor. Hecfesiied the Bavarian aimy should forth with be deliver-ed, up to the. Austrian Generals, and that in separate,divisions it should be incorporated with, the Austrian army. T h e menace even escaped them that tlie Bavarian troops, it that destre-w-as not' fulfilled, should be dis-ai-in.ed. H,e. required a complete and accu-rate representation of thestaie of the Bava-rian army j and to all his other demands he added another, that rhe Elector should give him an answer on the same day. Nothing was prepared, the Elector thinking that he ought to yield to.his confidence in the Cou it of Vienna, immediately dispatched to his

Majesty the tmperor, vvhose regard top j- Austiian army might not be embarrassed by right and justice are so generally recognized,,. Uhe' Court having changed its place ot resi-his Lieutenant General, ,the-.Count Noga-• ' d;ence,.;,t,he:vEiector appointed for the pur-

pose,of c,ptertaining those relations, his Mi-nister. at, the Cou it;?'"of Vienna and Salzburg, BaI'ohiiii'iivenreuth, w ho happened then to

rolla, with a .letter, . .written by-"-.(-iisTown. lund, in wiiich in the opc.rcs^and,niosi^or- ' dial terms he confidently represented to' his' Majesty ihe situauon^ in which the Electov'' T e at Munich, therebyTWnkmg ta-PiVe a found hims.elf, the ;n.ep?ssity he was Under pf.;-,;iiew pr^oi, .of .his earnest preser ve a abiding by the system nit neut^lky 'tliat, lie i r.iehdly-uncfgopd.under^anding. This'M.V had atjopfed. jJ.W^thottt .permittir^ h,i'ms.elt.' . p.iker, ,dn tho; 13th, sent his biother, « Oapt to take any,steps which, could exciic; (anion' the Electoral Staff, and fo fmer f / l i l

0rj;Si, .thy..E.Iee.toi', iby -, . iach.ed\to/ the 'mission at Vienna, to Field the mission of this General, depriveddiiln- Maishal Mack, to Munich, with a letter self or thecommanderof one,of the p, irsci '.j-. in which, appeaiing.-to the system of neutra'

.pal div.sioiisof his army, ..G^t,., Hog4rplla .},Tiyjhat.had been adopted, he begged to be had scarcely set_ om, when they w e r e sur- j informed of the paiticular tract of country prised in Munich by the intelligence, that ! through which the Imperial ti oops weie-w the Austrian army were prepariiig to cross i pass, and what.position, theElectorial troops the Inn. f hri klecior now casij'y perceived : mioln t,il.-f> •.-!.'.,'• it, ,V.'i., r :„i .. ' that the Austrian Generals weie detei mined tjr put it out of his power^ to:delih^aVe upon the propositions made 10 film, andthaf't

fnight take, in order that the Imperial army might meet tv ith no impediment-on its march, and.sill.occasion forcpliisiph be avoided.— Field-Maishal, Mack,-,in his answer,.-con

Regent him'seif.. A s tri what co'nceriis the troop's, the Lieu-

tenant field -Marshal Mack affected no dis-guise, add-confessed to a Bavarian officer, ' that in consideration of tlie hopes'whicii had i?een heidont to the Prince of Schwaizcn-burgh, he had countermanded the forced march of the division of 'General Klenau, which was combined to surprise JSreuburgh', in oider to cut off the retreat of the Electo-

ral troops. • The moment was now arrived when; ihe : Elector of " 'Bav.afia, who had hitheno lentiipplicit confidence to the friend ly assurances to the Imperial l E ^ o y ; 'should adopt a prompt and steady- rfeojut'ip'n to pre-serve hishonour and. independence. With-out-the smallest hostile view',' but in order to maintain his neutrality, the Court of Munich endeavoured to gain tjme, and to conceal the measures which it had recourse to, under the presure of the moment, from f rince Schwaizcniidrg. When a wish was expressed further,to treat with this General W 11 o Ii -A e\' . 1 n , crv. r - A m rn nr , - , ! !^ ' , . • .

cdii' Bavaria reih,ai:niSg neutral, or to; the,I^ajvarian troops acting a.s allies iir - a dis-tinct- corps," The Field,Marshal, in his' conversation, entered into, a long detail,' commencing, w.ith.tbe n.)i,ssio:i pf, M. Novo.-ziltzofF,. and terminating with t-he tranfer ol the Austrian Munich, and explained the necessity of the vapid prog.ess. made into Bavaria, by the necessity of keeping near it the preparations for an attack on France.

•He -rejected every proposition for a line of demarcation, w-hich he'.'H'i'd would not be

who^had'in so- commanding a tone required |n answer, in.24 hours, the Elector- and ids Minister, found out with astonishment that lie was provided with no powers,, and that oeforecoming to any concl-Usibri, Tield Mar .' shal Mac km ust be-. consul fed. Tlie inter-' view: for which this General add Prince Schwarzenbeig had proposed'-the- gth' of September, -was agreed to,.and in the mean time the Austrian troops, •aef.iallv entered'

le'-' Bavaria-. With their first step.-, they triad hea,vy, 1 equisitions, demanded the atlminis-tration,of ,the country-to be placed in their hands, and began to force their naper mhney 111 circulation-at its- nominal value; while in ihei.r own land' it had fallen to a discount ot- more,than 30 per cent, in exchange for specie, insdcii circumstances, an alliance should be.concluded,'.stipulating the reform and incorporation of the Bavarian army .. f ! the night between the 8th and gih of September,- orders, were given for thc-march of the Elector's.t-rbops. The Elector and his Ministers wnhdicw from further vexa-tions, quitted.the capital, and betook them-selves to- the. Franc-onian -Provinces. Not-withstanding the violent proceedings' taken against the luec'tor, his personal confidence in his Majesty the Emperor, and his Fi.eld MaphaJ Mack, was not diminished. The Electoral Lieut., Cok -Ribaupieie was dis-pa;ched on an appoinied-interview at Haiig -is he was,, ihe person-best qualified to give me Imperial Quarter mastei -the most accu-rate infoi rnation-icspeering t he state of the Bavarian aimy. He was commissioned to represent ihat the union of the Bavarian troops-could not-be assented to as a pieli-minary, but must be the result of previous negociauon-; ,,a-nd paiticulai'ly"to' declaie that his Electoral Highness would never consent iodic disbanding of Ids troops, and'

would-rather perish than submit-to it. He re-marked to Field-Marshal Mack, that the' Bavarian- troops had ordeis io fire upon whatever troops should attempt to disarm them. The Prince;of -S.cbwarzenbere pro-posed to stop the march ot the troops till : a courier was .clispatched to Vienna to ^ c h ' new.1 nst, uction'sy Colonel^.ibaupierre-was:

tef hu't-Fjeid. Marsha l M a c k insisted o.n the B a v a r i a n roops remaining where they..we,ie, while'

the . Aust.nans should be permitted to ad-l vance. The Bayarian officer, .could-not as-sent..t.osuPh conditions ;.. and herei.rljc nego.J ciation was P • A ! 1 , 1 6 ^ MMMK - s d v a n c - ; ing towards the Inn, the Bavarian troops,' which. w;:ere scattered , m m d , dou n - i n M lated garrisons, made ftiieir- retreat -on quarters, oi-ordei; not to coiuo in cwtacrwit-h

^ ^ m y d,at Was : passing. They crossed

the Upper Palatinate. In, order jfiat - the-

observed, by the Russian:-army which was already drawing near; dccla.ed, that die Bavarian troops, if they 'were, not incorpo rated with,-the A.ustiians, would be no where secure, not even in the Franconian Provihc es, and, that , he would'follow them whei e-ever they went, -allowing no consideration to stop him. The General signified that he was empowered to treat Bavaria in a hostile manner, but that' he still'entertained.hopes of matters being settled w-itii friendship and cordiality. , Whilethe MiriisterGravenreuth gave intimation of the^e declarations to his E'Scto,rjal.Highness, and .asked for further orders,'-one-account followed another from the officers employed in the civil admmisua: tion of the country, of the conduct of the A ustrian army. Bro,visions and forage werd cvOi-y v^here driven .away without being paid for, and by the receipts, Several-milli-ons were added to the unacquired oblina-trons of the last war. - . . ' . • " " . ' ; 0

The subjects of. the Elector were obliged to furnish horses for the Austrian Officers who frere tra velling postd horses were taken from carriages on the road, for the purposes of draught ; considerable requisitions' were made of horses, which;were seized upon by execution. The Bavarian peasants were forced to drive the waggons. The Bavari-an soldiers who were absent on leaves and the recruits, were forbidden to join 'their regiments, under pain of the loss of pro-

,.perty. The land was inundated with Notes of the Bank of Vienna, which weie forced .intocirculation at their nominal value; and tlie shopkeepers'and trades people Who re fused to take them, were threatened with a seizure of their goods. The Commanders of towns, and the Commissaries ot the Army adopted measure's which seemed an introduction to a formal assumption of ihe administration of the country.

A t last the Commissaries of the Army ex -tended their jurisdiction to that pan o f t h e country of w.hich they were not in posses-i o n ; and onthe i6th.and i 7 ih of Septein-•ber sent, tinder ordeis of Field Marshal ;Mcak, .general directions- to the Electoral Civil Commissaries at Amb.erg,. at that time ithe .station of the head quarters of the Ba-varian troops. By these directions thetaxes, customs and revenues, of every kind, were' collected into,a c-hest, on the state of which .be given every eight days to the Commissaries of Lhe Imperial armies, without whose instructions, not the smallest sum .paid, with the ex-ception of .a .few- current salaries .and pen-sions,.;, an.d the Public Offices, the V i.en na Ban k. Notes,s.lio.u Id be taken, at thei r nominal value. By another order, they were commanded, to search for, .and deliver up. the-Austrian .desentejs.. The Electorial Civil.Commissaries, in Ajn.bei®, - sent back' these.o,ider,s, wilh .,a , notification that they-' could recei ve,instructions only from his Elec-toral i i igl i i ?css—The Minisrer Graven-reuth., .howeyer, remonstrated,against these,, the military, Commissaries, and on the 26th of. September.dispatched,a Staff Officer to the. Austrian,head quarters. The Archduke Ferdinand, who, in the mean time, had assumed the command of the army,. signified his;.conv.jct<ian that .the Mi-, h t ^ r y . G o ^ i s s s r i e s , hac!,.-£fln,e ; b e y o n d thft i r

instructions, appeared todisa'ppjdve of ihei-conduct, and promised to communicate a„ answer m lour or five days. As tbe Austrj, an troops were now advancing both out of Bohemia, and also by the way of Rain and New.burgh into the Upper Palatinate, the Bavarian troops found themselves obliged rd

defeat , and to withdraw into Franconia —. On the 28tii Sept.; the answer of the iA-icli-

-duke Ferdinand arrived in. Bamberg,- i„ which .he referred to the Austrian Minister

who was then in-Wurizburgh. This Minister, notwithstanding all that'

had taken place, had made no ceremony ic. repairing to the Court at Wurtzburgh. [ n an audience granted him, he dglive'ied to the Elector a - letter from the-hand df the kmpe.ror, in which his Majesty insisted on his hist propositions, anddesired the union ofthe -troops. ' The'Minisier'afterWardsde-c ared-he was vcjsted with full powef'iocon-clucle an alliance with'. Bavaria. Troposi-" t!o,iswere brought so widely different from tire system that had been observed liv Au's-: tria for a century -pa.v, that their sincerity' could not possibly obtain belief. Overtures were renewed to'him, th.e priDcipai.of which ' were to recogmse.the neutrality of the Elec-tor. tile did,not absolutely reject'po-anion, but declared in . the ..most, precise terms, that the Emperor of Austria, would never consent to an'armed neutrality.' His Majesty, he said,. mtght .perhaps Snsant- to -a neutrality, and e.ven agree'tiliu a circle in-sthe.neighbour,hood of Munich slmuld'i'e-:^er.,be occupied by ..the Austiians, ff d e Elector would consent tqdisband hri array „ m-MI9Muu;.ms.-3a'rav. ouch a proposuion necessarily .-ictv^ted the Elector and his Ministers. Insider, bow-over, to avoid'riie slightest reproach of hav-ing ab/uptly broken off a riegikikHOri .'by ;which, perhaps, the Elector , might have ;been placed in a . situation to pceser-ve. his deutrality,-dwrse insulting demand! met ohly-a cool-reply. The-Imperial Minister pro-' ceeded, that if the Elector made a difficulty

fin the general disbanding of his army, die Lmperor w.o.uki ,be contented with lhe c'is-banding.of the Bavai ian and Sua'hian troops, permuting him to retain 'ihe F r a n - -conians. '

The Minister of Foreign A f f a i r rejected a condition so humiliating.for the F r a n c o n i -ans. The A ustrjan.Enroy declared that be-sides the Franconian -troops, ttii Suabian^

•might also be letained, if the Elector would • consent to disband'the B a v a r i a n s . .Wiihout this express conditio, ,how-cvery E O neu- -

- trality- could be thought of. How could the Austrian Minister propose a measure by

•which a difference was supposed between the -electoral troops at once so injurious and in-suiting? H-is'iElectoral. Highness, and the whole nation, are convinced that.,;he same hdtluy, and the sanie couragc prcvades :he' whole army, and know no difference. The

Elector cannot better prove rhis than by en-' trusting the defence of the country to the

Bavarian and Suabian troops, while he de-livers up Ins person.and family to ihe protec-tion of chose of Franconia. The Minister of the Emperor and King further declared, that 1 the-Elector remained armed, his Im-.perial Majesty would not even-on that ac^ count treat him as an enemy, bnt that .this measure must necessarily inspire a just dis-trust,_and -fiat his;Majesty, would in this ca-e feel himself obliged to act, as- ci rcumstanci s might require. It was remarked that this expression was extremely undefined, and might be explained- in any way suiting the occasion. The reply was, that the Minis-ters of the Elector made no proposition to him, while he was empowered to discuss every condition which was compatible with the. disarming of the Bavarian tioops. On this new overture there was nothing further to be.said. The honour and the indepen-dence of -the Sovereign could not permit that the disbanding of the Electoral Bavarian troops should bc fixed as the basis of any negociation. The .Austrian Minister was now aware that his propositions were not and could not be attended to, and. that his' negociaiion had entirely failed of success. He began therefoieto complain o'f the ap-proach of the French troops ; he gave it to be understood'loo, that he did not feel him-

• self in his proper place, and that, if no other proposition was made to him,'he would re-tutn to the Austrian head'quarters. In fact, the Court learned, that on the 27th of Sep j ' at three o'clock in the afternoon, he had taken Jtede.pai.mre from Wurtzburg.

• Thus ended the negociation which Aus-tria. .Wished to.enter, upon, after-it had over-' run the land of a peaceable neighbour with a numerous army. This.faithful represen-tation .put every man in a situation to judo-<s of the intentions;of Austria respecting Ba-varia, and even to pronouncc, that^t-here was nothing left to the Elector of Bavaria' but to throw'himself on the protection of he Emperor of France, against demands.

BS£SS j j ^ a p a f ^ g ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ g g t s y ^ O T g ceiv'ed. A special -coipcfspissioB,. and the

insulting at once to his army and the nation. Confidence in God, in a generous Ally, in a-brave army, and a faithful nation, inspires courage in.'a just ' Heaven will' bless the Bavarian a/pas !

F R O M T H E F R E N C H P A P E R S .

parish curates, are authorised to receive any quantities-o(' li nt,- linen .for bandages, §cc. which they shall be pleased to offer for the s.eryice,of the hospitals'

The second proclamation, is an exhorta- Hon to, the-inhabitants of Austria to b'e pone- j JC isshut. up in a secret room,, together with tuat ia 'the payment of the imposts. His I a man who him- under the e'harac-

T I I E P O L I C E O F P A R I S .

From " The Present; Stale of France."

When there is, supposed to appear some ground of suspicion against a pa t.ty beyond what an.unguarded, expression may excite,

l-ARtlS, OCT. ro. The Senarus, confirming-the

union of Genoa with the French' empire, will not be published until it has; be.e'u pre. s'ented to the E M P E R O R , , and ordered to be promulgated by his M A J S STY. .From, the same respect to- decor u m, •• t he ad,dress - a g reed to on the 27th, by the Tribunate, on, the subject of ,the war, continues to be kept se-cret. This! address will be pres.eflt-.ed. to . his M A J & S T . Y - in th;e- mids t of • his.• airmi es.

All the measures necessa-ry-to-complete the war establishment of the French army'are carried 011 with uncommon activity, l h e operations, of the levy of 60,cop young men, for the Military Conscription • ol the year 14, which, acccording. to- the Impel ial Decree of the Sth Fructidor, were not to commence till the 13th inst, -have been ac-celerated; to such a degree, that in several departments , they are already completed.— This-levy, voted by the Legislative Body, in the Session of .the -13-i-h year, leaves .at the'disposal of Government the whole of the additional reinforcement of 80,000 con-scripts, recently ordered to be. raised for the service of 1806, by a;dccree,;of t-lie-Senate, and who are to be drawn 'from- a different class of the young men subject to'the con-scription. At the satsie time that the con-scripts of. tlie 14th year a re about to.join the army of reserve, they are .already preceded bv the conscripts of reserve for the' anterior year," 'who are now called into active ser-vice. Besides, there are sent off to the fro 11 tiers all fhe old sub-officers.and soldiers, .who, in consequence of the invitation -ad-dressed to them, have .r-e-soIvied to re enter ihe military career. T-he Government is also occupied in the formation of. a new Corps oi' d'Elites. Finally, tlie "Prefects have in all departments opened. Registers for

Saoterlp-'g the. names ol. such. you,ng. men, be ,ioDt>3iHi -to the Guards of Honour already loimed fot the E m f e ® 3 R , or 'any others as without being 1 iab'lesci> serve by law, are willing tOrequip themselves, as, horsemen, at iheir own expence, and to do duty,.about the person oi the E M P E R O R while -with the a.rffliy. This measure'has' been adopted 'in every part of the country in consequence ot

'a .circular letter from the Minister; of the Interior.

-SOI. 'ECR-K, SE P T . 3 0 . In the sitting of the Extraordtriaiy Die

on rhe 2.5 th, the Landamman pi evented a report icspecttng the mission of .bis brother, Colonel G L U T i , to the Imperial Couyt of Anstiia. Col. G I . U T Z had: returned from Vienna the preceding evening', and br,ought with him a letter from' rhe Austrian Mo oarch, for the Helvetic Chief, .Magistrate. This letter.gave an assurance of the interest which his . Majesty took,- and always- had tiken, it: the habpi ness of :SwitzeHand ; a'nd, consequently, stated his-readiness LO recog-nize, io the most solemn manner, the aeu trality tjl the Cantons, as soon as the French Government should'have officially recogniz ed it, on tts part. In consequence of this report, the Diet resolved to send a Deputa tio'o to the Emperor of: the F R . S K c a , at Sc.ras.bti! gh, to make suitable representations to him on the subject. This im portant mis-sion was confided to the late -Landamman, D'A F F R Y , Who sec out as soon as lie re-ceived his instructions. The Diet, then a-p* pointed ten Colonels,to sery'e,;utider the Com-mander in,Chief, and <>rdefod a second conr jribu't.ioh for the'subsistence'of the aimy. TIIE object of the'Extraordinary Convoca-tion of the' Diet being thus accomplished, that Assembly was dissolved-the da-y before .yesterday. . : - . ,

V.' & I Z - L A E R , O C T . I .

[From the Monhetir.] ' From the rapid, immense, an.d sudden,

military dispositions of the House of -Aus-tria, there is.notia man-in Europe but, -must have concluded,that she was-assured -of find-ing, either in tier own savings, ot in her al-fiances,, resources proportioned to the dan-gers and demands of 'tiie war tipon .which she was about to. enter. The Proclamations bf the 18th and 2Qth of September,'are very much at variance with these indica-tions. The^fii-st'-is a circular-address;:to the

' .'subjects of'the House of Austria, in which • they are solicited;, in 'the mo'st ,urgen,t- man-

ner, to furnish .••voluntary supplies, for the vt- a nts • or th j? Imperial. ar mi es. > Al 1-1 he-gra tuitous, contributions wliidh t-he loyal• and dnresei vfcd attainment of stlbjccts foi then Sovereign 'caji affdfd, ' will be'thankfully, i:e-

M A J E S T Y declares, that he relies on tire zeal and co-operation of his subjects. He inlorms them, thai he has made a common 1 cause with Russia ; , and he concludes his pit dtunation with a requisition in,kind, the repetition of which omits nothing vyhich cari determine the places which are to con -tribute, oi ascertain the articles which, are to ' be gratuitously furnished by all the inhabi-tants of'the hereditary stales oi the House of Austria.

' The Emperor FR A N.C IS has left his army, in order to open the assembly of the Hungarian States. The object of this Ses-sion is worthy of the solemnly which is to be conferred upon 'it. In the first instance tiieje will be a demand made of thirty thou-sand recruits. In the next pl.asc will be deaiH-'tf-de<3 it levy en-mass •organized-into re-giments, ami it will be desired. that this ftew force should be rendered •disposable,1 so as to be- employed upon, any service. -Every application of this kind,- however stiialTthe n-'trmber may be, is contrary to thepri vileges, the opinions, land the manners of the Hun-garian -natibn. -Accordingly,- a- similar ex-periment was made in vain, in the year I8QO.- • The project of a new levy in mass-is not confined to '.H-ungary j: it is also' intended to try it in Bohemia, Moravia, and-Austli'a',

''Were tbe'House'of ; A-usti!ia taken by' sur-pti'se'by ariitivasro-h, 'SUch 'as those Which took place in Europe fourteen hUndi ed j M n ago, its piocl'a'mationS'-'Bviig'ht appear -rarion-i al, and its-alarms'1 plausible j-^but"' What shall be said' of the 'policy of a Pbfrer which provokes a:-war; wliieh-U:iaws-into ihe heart of-it's tenitoiy'ati'ehemy occupied Jat a'dis-1

taticc, -anti upon ofher'designs ••• who' m'ena'c1

es .the' greatest powers j;-a>bd - who, 'on'the morrow of a voluntary and- most • heedless aggression, seems, - for t'he first tithe, to'-per-cei ve tile extent of 'her dah'ger, sets up a cry of' alarm, 'and fihds no Other ie'metiy for the calamities of Me.Rsiftfflrohj! than thai oi converting the products < J f : her soil' into mi-litary stores,- ot turning her provinces into many camps, and enrolling all her subjects aS-soldiers'? '-Sound policy inspire fear and 'ot-JTifider.ce in dut-time ;-fear serves to pre-vent the apppdi(?hcl'ed mischief, and co'iifi-

riehce t' cine to1 do everythitig, tahrily and .collectedly, 'whith :may be necessary to j t-'pei ii.—The Co'Urt;of Vienna niigbt'h'ive ' eotic-lutictly tli-jf a 'war undertaken, without nioti've,' withuut'dbje'ef, and-without beces-vsity, was not a very g'ood- ",ecOmmendation f.>r the ptti pViie 'of pto'ctiring' from her peo-ple sacrifices unlimited in'&xie'nt orduration. -At t-hi.-i'tirne of day,-she should co'n'sitlef, that in proclaiming' her distress, she affords hut" ai poor jusrilic ition for - having herself' been the cause of it; and further, that she will not succeed in inspiring her subjects 1

with confidence, by manifesting, arthe very outset of the \yar, the same degree of e'm-bariu^strient an.d alarm, which usually break iotui towards the termination of an-unfortu-nate contest, and in con;=cquence of the most Ui-sast reus-defeats.

STRASBURCH, OCT. 7. M. ©E.I EAN j -Diiector of the War 'Ad-

ministration, is arrived'here.


lev of a prisoner, but who is really of a class of spies employed in. the, prison and at the Office of the Police, and who are mputons.

The business of the mouton is to gain the confidence of the prisoner, under, pretence of knowing how render him service toy be-ing acquainted with some of the clerks, and understanding the ways of the place; and thus to obtain his secrets, which the spy ^re-ports, together with every' action of the

I person confined,. to the iaterrpgating clerks " of the Police. . . .

These officers, to have the opportunity of making their reports without suspicion, send for the mouton from tim,.e to time, on the pretence of examining him respecting ,his own affairs.

Should the piisonerhave no money, the mouton lays-him .under a further obligation by lending him a little; but if he appears tp be easy in that respect, the mouton engages his compassion, by stating, himself as des-titute; but able, in return for a any little pecuniary aid, to be of great service to the prisoner, Upon knowing his . cause, by speaking to the clerks, and telling him how to act.

W h e n the prisoner is about to be interro-gated, he,is sent lor without any prev ious notice, f requent ly in the night , and-never k n o w s w h e r e lie is 'goir .g, , or w h e t h e r he is about to be conveyed to another and a worse place of confinement.

: He is interrogated by a clerk, perhaps many times during-his confinement, on wiit-ten questions,1 drawn upfront) time to time, ahd "grounded on the reports of the mouton:, or on. articles'which are not perfectly under-lldbd 'on being found 'among his papers.— An American so'taken, lor some unguarded expressions which he had uttered in public agai'nst'Bonaparte's system, had unfortu-nately in his possession a memorandum bock in which, for mere amusement, he had .set down the numbers that occur at the public gaming bouses where there are roulette tables, something 'Irke those of E O, but with thirty one numbers instead of the letters.

This unlucky book •contained a register, at some length, of the changes' as they rose at this table, arranged with reg-ula:i'ty ; by the 'very appearance o f ' wbLh, from the huftib'ers that occurred, the purpose of" the book ivas v e r y easily e x p l a i n e d . '• 'The poiice'clerks would n6r hear'this o'b-vious and clear explanations/hilt .detained the man a long time in secret, '.under .pre-tence that the'fatal, book contained the cj-pher of a'correspondence vvitli . England, and at last kept it, sending him out of. pri-son, with an order to quit the, capital in a few hours, and depart immediately for Amer'fca, under pain of another imptison ment in the disgusting j ii! of La. Force.

Tire detail of the Administration of the is revolting thro ugh out. Persons

F R O M T H E H A M B U R G H M A I L .

STRA L S U N O , O C T . 6 . General A R M F E L D T -took "the field with

ten battalions belonging to our garrison,-in ot.der co. protect the landing of -the Russian troops, in case of necessity. The arrival of h i s -Sw -EDISH M A J E S T Y is-shoi'tly ex~

: O C T O B E R 8 . The,Russian troops haveilancjecfat th'ree

d ifferent pi aces in Pom.ei/ania. They are all very fine,picked men. , ;Th.ere .are among them the Imperial Cuirassier Guards, the Grenadiers of Paulowski, and some Yagers. Lieutenant Gen. TOLSTOY is still -with his SWEDISH MAJESTY ' in Scania. General OSTERMAW, who commands the Russian troops in the'absence of Gen. To^STeY 1 , has his head quarters at Greiswald.

Among the Russian Officers who have arrived i'n'Pomeiania, are'BIROM, Count "NARisaHKEiN., and-'Count C H A ' E L V O N - W O R E N Z O W . ,

On the 51I) inst. the Prussian Coramatid-anr at Aiiclam liad' an interview with the Commanding Officer of the nearest'Swedish posts, to whom he declared, in' the; most obliging terms, that the troops of his Sove-reign were. directed to conduct themselves towards the in the sjiost friendly mantier.

police is revolting accused of crimes and offences not political in their natuie, are treated in the same way with those whose offences aie. of an imput-ed political kind. The accuser lays his complaint befote a clerk in an office esta-blished for the purpose. ,'lt is transcribed in a book, and signed by the persrn v. ho prefers it. No oath is required, nor is ariy inquiry-made into the chiracter and motives of the party. The 'accu'sed persprt is next, morning put into secict confinement, where , he-'rfemains, according, to the'pressure of business, a shorter or a longer 'time. No j friend'br lawyer can see him, and all fits papers are taken possession of. He is some-times confronted with the accuser, arid al-ways interrogated in secret by some clerk of the; Ministers of Police. ' This clerk acts under, no ; kind • of" .responsibility, except tpwfards, the- .Minister • and • the (E-mperon— Upon,!,he tuwi which he gives to the affair by his,report orii,the interrogatories, depends the f>tte of - the prisoner t 'that is, wh'eiher he, shall be 'discharged Or -removed to be tried by- the judges. These odious and mys-teriousjprepafatory rmeasures are' absolutely within the-management Iff an ill -paid ii!« responsible-clerk. The practice of• estort-

. ing .confession, by tortureiis like wise revived] •and acted upon at the . prefecture of the po-lice in Paris. Wherievervcthy pe'rsoii is m'iss-i'n,g, the friends of the. pairty go first to this dreadful, gulph where so matiy are swal-iowed up foi; ever! 'and even here they do not often succeed in gettnig a clear answer.

The police is the immediate, and without doubt, the most potent of the engines of Bonaparte in -futtherance of -his- designs. In England no-atceurate1 idea ^n'-be: foimed

on this' subjcct. Every-;" with the atrocity of 'the depot's schemes', and France and Frenchmen are'compelled at present patiently to submit. Nothing can be m o r e insufferably disgusting -than the manner in which this submission occasional -ly exhibits'itself to an attentive observer. General and local interests aie alike controui-ed by the grand inquisition of the police,

F.ici-,' w'iil best illustrate the truth or this remark. One is very 'striking : About the time of the cpronation, tlie people broke through the restraint unde';r Which they had pre vibusly 1 aboured in cieli ve: ing, their;' bpi -nitons. ' The usurper haclnOi leisure at the moment to devise' measures, of prevention, besides, it would have been unpopular t and the craft'of the man evaded very natu -rally a cbufse of measures which, by be-ing ill-timedj might obstruct his' progress to absolute '.power. With evet'y invitation from his diseased mind to'' resort to severity, he vVa's in a peculiar dilemma : for either be must; have allowed the't^tjkcis to go frcc?-oi shut up, one Ifkif of 'Paris , ' if he -had fcoh-firi'td''al 1 'to-lio s'po'ke'igai'nsf him and hid usurpation. .

Much'cannot, however, be yet explainer!-from th'eithimadversio'ns, and fir less .from the resistance of the people. , -As . has ' been often'said of' theni, they aie veiy volatile, indeed so volatile that the most solemn in -teiests of their 'country should, be. deserted bythemv dii'iy'to witness'tlie .passing o( the frost, or any'.ktate spectacle, '.Thus it was lhat the pioceSsiohs and:.sbbyifs'of the ,cofo-nation of Bonapaue, turnetl the gay Pari-sian 'aside 'from the investigation of ihe demerits of ; rhe tyrant hikbcif oi iiis fa-

The police i s a fertile source of anecdote among tbe'Paiisiafis.- 'Lately yrhen b'illi were posted ii pin all the 'streets,' 'mentioniug the tiial and't'he e'xecution'of a s'ojfiier of tlie camp of Boulogne, for speaking 'disi c-sptt. t-fuily' of his'officers, the people generally observed, l t ' Bonaparte tneahs this, as a; hi tit to us."

The liberty of the press, as'well- as; the, lib'eity of the person, how ever qs'tentati'ous-ly it has been made the object of com'missipris of admnistvaiion in'the seriate, is also r.n'rier the protection of this' polite, and' its minis-ter Fouche and his s'ssistarits. There' is an office ' established for, its siiperintendance J, and perhips'Bonapaite intends to'institute one' also,' antj' police clerks, at' Pai;is,..t« prot'ect't'he liberty of the seas -; for whkirtie pretends, to fight, having alle'ady don.e so much fiii; the liberty of the land, al.least, on the' Cohtineht.

Biirnet, of the Tlieatre Montanster., a commic 'actor "of .'great' merit, has ieverAil tifnes vcritured, on the stage, „t.o thr«,w oyt sarcastic insinuations against ,the' plans ,of Bonaparte, particularly in lidicule of.liie preparattohs for the,' conquest,'of Englan'd.

;For'mentioning a flotilla of .walnut shell boats, he'was'committed to pm.on ; and l e frequently 'been confined seme days, as a punisiiment for this kind'of sallies ; but tie is essential to the amusements b): tlm,.people, and Boria'pai te' 'knows that, he m ust am use

ih'erfi'in proposition as he enslaves and debas-es them.

It is dangerous for the friends of a person, in confinement to interest themselves in his behalf, for they thus often expose' them selves to the same fate. If arty body applies at the office for information, or-goes to spealc in favpur of another , who. has fallen under suspicion, he runs the pf being detained, and if not, he will always tje followed , arid kept' in view, and have his motions particularly watched for spine' time, by spies appointed ,to that service.,

The following curious method of rearing Fur* 'keys, lo advantage, is translated.,from a Swedish book entitled Rural Economy.

Many .of our housewives (says this in-genious author) have long despaired,of ;s«"<> cess in rearing Turkeys,'and complained, that the profit rarely indemnifies them; fto.r their-trouble a,nd loss of time : whereas, continues he, little more is to be-done than .to plunge the chick into a vessel,of cold , wai-ter, the very hour,, if .possible,, butat Irttst

. the very day,it, is hatched, forcing swal-low one whole pepper-corn-; after v !rich let it .be i.etui ned to its mothei.—From that lime it will become hardy; apd fear thecold no more , than a hen's;chick.—But it musj be remembered,, that this useful species, of fowl are al§o subject to one particular disor-der whiie they are young, which often, car-ries them off in a -few days. When they begin to dioop, examine carefully the fea-tliers o.n their rumps and you will find two or three, whose-quill part is filled with blood. .Upon drawing-these the clnc-k re-covers, and after that requires no other care . than w hat is 'commonly bestowed-on -poultry that ra,nge about the court, pr t l .

B A T T L E S I N B A V A R I A .

, : . . . • I'AR IS- OCT. ,I.4V ScCQ»d:B,uilaiu of tho Grand A-v/iy,

' Dated Oct. H. u Events^press upo.h each other M;it!) the.

g-eaiest rapidity. The. second, division of. the corps of' tire army " under Marshal fcociLT; commanded by Genend ¥-.:••• r-AMME^ which,- from the-Tapidi.iy of .its. progress, Tailed but. two hours afNoidlin-. g;<?o, ai .Donawerih at eight o'clock hi the evenipgr, and carried the,B/ndge,.which was -defended by t-h e. reg-imenr;of--C.oU:oi'edo.:" Some men were slain and taken prisoners,— Prince MURAT, arrived at the break of day on rhe -?fhi. with his dragoons ; ihe -bridge 1) ad been e vSn t h e n repai red, an d ill e P t in ce. 'proceeded to the Lech \vith the .division of dragoons Commanded by General W A T T E S ,

directed Col. WATTKR, at the head of 200 d^igoOiis, to pass, who, after a very gallant charge, got possession'of tlie biidge and routed the enemy, who were double his force; Prince M.u R A T passed that night at Reine. ' : . • ' . ' . . '

On the Sth, Marshal So ULT set out with the, two divisions, VAN DA .MM E and 3-EG .t A.NG E, for the purpose, of proceeding against Augsburgh, at the same time that General,St.". H i TAIRE advanced..' thither with his. division along the left bank. At day light on The. 8th, Prince MO.RAT, at the iiead ' of' thP. di visions of'dragoons ot Generals B'S.-aoiwonT and iCi.K.r.N, .and of tire di vision df 'Car bineers and Cuirassiers, com rnandpd by General N A N Z-ON T I , - set out on liis march to intercept the road .from.

,U|m to Augsburg. , When he arrived at Wertingen, he observe,! a considerable di-vision of the enemy's' i'nfan try','suppo; ted. by fou r sq uadrons of A,LB ERT'S.cuirassiers; In an instant he surrounded this -whole.corps. Marshal L'-A SNES', who was marching in the rear.of these divisions- of cavalry,, ar-rived with die.division of Ou D i.s o t , and after 'an"engagement '.pf two. hours, the whole' of the' division was r.apt.ured—co

• K l rr r r l rin '-/. XX. . . . . . 1 . I 7

fo be brought .before him a dragoon AlAjtfeNT»',-of tlie- .-jtli 'egi'ment. one of the gallant sokl'ieis who; in the passage of the Lech, 'had'saved his Captain, who-biir'a few days:-beiuie li-id cashiered him from his rank'. IT is M A J E S T Y bestowed' upon him

l r-' r, ( - I , F I r- o -, IV ,, S' i-v r- n,\n r ' T I -,,> the A jgfe (jf' theT'LegioifiT Hqh.oti-i',' Tits soldie.i tlieb obsei ved, " f'iiave- only chine my duty my Capf-dp-dcgrad'ed' the en xc-count of some' v iolat'ibtV id 'discipline, btrf

- the know! that I bav'e'always pioVed'a good soldier."

' ' ' The EMPEROR next expressed his sa-isfact'ldn ' to t,he'"d)dgo'5hs,:"df1 the'/conduCt they had displayed at the.battle of Wertingen. He ordered each legimsnt ;o present a dra-goon, on whom he'also bestowed the Aigle of tire Legion of'"Honour.'''

" " His MA j irs TT expressed his satisfac-' tion to die grenadiers-of Gen. OUDINOT'S division, than which a finer or more enthu-siastic corps-cannot possibly exist.

• " Until w-e are enabled to give a .detailed account o f the battle of Wertingen, it may be proper t,o saysomethmg-of itin the pre-, sent burjedn-. . .. ,"" ,' ' • .",

£c Col.' As R r'c.u r, at the head of his regiment of- Dragoons, "charged the regi-

| men t hf • Quirassiers of Du k'e " A LB E'R T .' ( TlVe action was -verysharp. Colonel AR-I R'I'ca'i had his hoise killed under him, and J his regiment'biri ned with eagerness to rescue • him. Got. BEAUMONT, of the ioth.Hos-v

sars, fired-with .a true French spirit, seized upon a Captain of Cuirassiers, in the midst of the hostile ranks, -whom he himself made a prisoner, aftei having cut down, a dragoon1;

" Col. M At:;-;.; T I T , at the bead of the 9'th Dragoons, charged in the village of Wertingen'; being mortally wounded, his last .woids,were—'" Let the Emperor be in-formed, that the 9•:h Dragoons.have shewn th'einse! v'es worthy of their reputation ; and that they .'charged and conquered, exclaim-ing, '.Long live the Emperor I'

" The column of grenadiers, the flower of the enemy's army, having formed in a square,.of four battalions, .'was penetrated and ciit HQiyii, The.r idi battalion of dra-goons charged in the wood,. •

• O . u d i Nor's'division were Indignant'at i

/'/ ^ T ' ' •"•• -• ----- .. - .--at the parade, where ill fe follow ibg urikY of the da y was read':-—' '' ;

'I hasten to acquaint tlie garrison' with t'ie follovVin^ pleasing intelligence. On the yth and 8:h o'f October, 1805, his Majesty the Emperor N A roLF . es , passed the Da7 nu lie -in several places, lo iced''the, strong po'srtioh of ihe Austrian aimy -at ^Ddnau--•W.erth, and totally defeated that airnyi—-. Eleven battalibris of Hungarian' g'r'enadiers-, and one 'regiment of- cavil ,7 together with' some considerable magazines, and a great deal of artillery, are the fruits of this victo-ry. Whilst this importaiit.action'was'fought in the centre of the army, Gen. B;ERN AV ! DOTTE, ;wiih the Ga'.io Batav-ian' aimy, / passed the Dahube, near Iiigolsta'dt, which f>lace was taken liy sJtbr-m.

." T,he consequence of these movements has been, that nineteen thousand Austrian?, in the vicinity of Augsburgh, aie blockaded; the army is pursurin'g the'flying enemy in every direction,

(Signed) - " B R U C E , "

M iV A ' 1 d , OCTOBER 2 8 .

lours, guns, Baggage, officers, and soldiers. t h e distkn^ T h l h d!ir» ' " " ; 1 , ^ f -Ic was composed of 'twel ve" battalions of I f ^hich pjevented them .from grenadiers; wiiidiTiad arrtveii n g ea i W 3 t ^ hurry frdm the Ty:rol, to reinhirce t h M S ^eni^the Ansrnans hastened, their retieat my of Ba'va-i'a. In the ^ row-ihedet'ailsof this truly brilliant action willb^inadeIcnowh. " ..'

' ' Marshal SOULT mahceuvred iv'uh his divisions' the whole of the '/th and ,8'th- inst. on the left bank of Danube, for the purpose of intercepting all the'avenues from Ulm, and of observing the corps of the army

/which appeared to be still assembled in that ' fortr#s. The corps of'Marshal D A vo.u s.T. arrived only On the Sth at Neuburgh.- The corps of MARMONT has also arrived, there. The corps of General B£ RN ATOTI E, and

'the Bavarians, arri ved on the 2d at Aichstet. By the intelligence that has ' been o'.btained, it appeared, that' twelve A ust:'ian'regia/eiits•

: had left ftaiyip rcinioice 'the ai my 'of Ba- -varia. T h e official'atcount of dicse 'move-ments, aVfil bf'; these '(/fits', iv'i'if''be intei est-

. All tli e'c^iinori, coltiu'rs,.'.al most all the :

Officers of the enemy's aimy who fought at Wertingen, were "taken ; a great number ' were killed. Two Lieqrenant-Colonels, 6 Majors, 60 Officers; 4000 soldiers have lallen into our hands. The remainder were dispersed; and what escaped owed theirsale-ty to a morass, _ which stopped a column that was tu 1 enemy. " The chief of a squadron, EXCEL-MANS, Aie-de camp of Prince AIOR^ R,

:had two horses killed under him. '' It'was he who Tarried the colours ' to the EM FE ROR] "who said to him, " 1 know no man can be braver I Han you' ; I make you" an' Officer of •the Legion of Honour." ' '

" .Marshal N'fiy. on his side, with the.di- :

visions BFWA LnE 'R, D o PONT , ahd L o r- :

SON, the division of Didgqdiis dl General rng to the Public, and will do the e-^ate t K i / r ' "tf o t General honour to ihe a:rmy.'' ' '•' ' . B , A " R £ c Y D H ' V " E ^ a " ^ h e d i v i s i o n

' - M ' '• ' P>RTS :O'CT ' r t " GAZAN, ascended the Danube, and at-

: ^li 'T-L-^ Tj-^-^ . i-j'h,. -mh r. •,'' :. 1 'acked rhe enemy in their o'osi'ir.n :,r r.',.,.,„ ' The Third'BuT'ffin'of ihe -Griina^my.. '-" ' s - f l A q s i i s i , o c r . i o .

P . 'V 'MaVsbr i So'o LT pursued. ' the 'Austr ian division, ' : w h i c h ' h « r token I'eiuge-at'Aiclia^

' d r o v e i t ' d ' i o n i ' thence ; an-J. 'on rhe .91 h at noon entered Augsbh' i 'gh, M-ich'the di'vision

"of V A N ' D i M . M l f , ' S T . ; S I T L A T i i k , and

" On the 9th" in' the evening, MarsJj.-il DAVOUST, who- crossed the .Danube, at Neuburgh, arrived at. Aicba, witli three divisibns-1 . ' ' ,'

"'. Gen.- M-A'R'MdNT, with the divisions -of Bo^S'«-T,:' GR'O'ut ' 0 f , and (lie Bata vian -division of'-G'eil1: Da MO'N CE A u, passe.dihe Danube ^and-took a 'position' bet ween" A icha ahd-Au-gsbu rah; ' 1 : O O . -' • ct'. In 'fine; the arm-y under M'a:rsl-tai Bli'R-NADOTT'E, together with tlie' Bavarian army commanded hy Generals 'DERBD 'and -VERDEN, ,took their position at 'I'ngo'fsta'dt. The Imperiaiguard, commanded by Gen. BESS IE Rs, proceeded to Ad.gsbu.ig'h'; as likewise"the .division of Cuirassiers,' under the command of Gen. H-AUTFOOLT

Prince MURAT, with the division of KLKTN and BEAUMONT , and the division of carabineers and cuirassiers under Geh. - N A k s o u i T , hastened with':alfspeed: to-the village of'Zusmershausen, :iri order to in-tercept'the-road from Ulin to Augsburg.

" Marsha! LANNES with the grenadier di vision of GCDI JIOT , and the di vision of S u c :'H. ET, 10.0 k p os t t h e' s a m e d a y i n. t h e v i 1., lageof Zusmersbaosen, • . : 'r

" 'The: EM PE ROR passed in: review tlie

lacked the enemy in iiieir posi/iiin at Gru'm-he-ig.—It is now'live pklqck, and we hear :f lie firing o'f carin'on.

" It rains.heavi ly ; ..but this does not re-tard ihe hHced- ;ri)j.rcheso'f the grand, a i m y . I lie idii pei or sets ;i,'e e x a m p i p o n horseback

night and day, he is-continually in the midst o f the troops, and in every point where his presence |s.necessary. ' , He;, yesterday -rod? 14 leagues,., d i e ,.slept . i n ' a', smal l village without servants., .antl -without, any kind of baggage . , 1 he B i shop .o f A u g s b u i g h had however , - illuminated his palace,.and waited HIS M,A J ES.T'.Y.during a part of the n i g h t . "

Tiom the Batavian State Gazette. , , ' li'Adt-E,' oc-Tt 18.

ThisdayitheTrench Minister- received by an, exiraordinaiy -Courier, the important intelligence that tbe Trench and- Bavarian troops ha ve obtairjed a- cohsidei'able Victory, over.-the A.ustrian3; ThisintelHgence(which appears-also to have been received by the

Lp'NDOtf, WEDNESDAY^ OCT. 23. It is with great regret we have to. state,

that, the Rochefort Squadron, has fallen-.-in with and captured part of the outward-bound Oporto fleet.

The Coldstream Guards arrived at Deal yesterday, and, are to march to day I'Oi Ramsgate, to be embarked. The force to be collected will amount, it. is said, to 20,000 men. The.tiansportsand the troops will.certainly sail in a few days upon a,secr et expedition.

Accounts from Berlin state; that DUROC wasexpected to leave, Berlin immediately upon the arrival, of - a Courier from Stras; burgh.—The Archduke CHARLES it is ru-. moured, is to take the, command of the. Aus-trian army in Germany.

li is stated, in intelligence from -D'esden, of the 10t-h,- that several bodies of Russian troops were to march,through Silesia.

The Russian and Austrjan En.y< yss. v.'ho were arrested at Stutgard, have, it is. said, been since released.:and. sent out of die W'ur-temburgh territory. -We find that they ad-dressed Notes, in,ike names of theii respec-tiveCourts, to different Princes of the Em-pire, a-fevv.days previous to the arrival of BONA PARTE at that Court, recommending ihern to preserve a strict neutrality, and to' be cautious'ih theii: conduct. This, we sup-pose, was the principal of the in-sult which was offered to them.

It was not Stutgard that the yip-, lence arid rancour of .the Corsican were dis-played against the Austrian and Russian En voys : the Elector of BAD EN, poor man. Was compelled,- by the same arbitrary man-date, to expel the Representatives .of ihe Courts of St.-Petersburg!! and.Vienna from Carlsruhe. They set off by ihe road ol Heidelberg, Dramstadt, and Frankfort; and the Swedish' Envoy, profiting by tlie intimation, took his departure'at the- same time.

We are concerned to state, that on the night of Fri-.' day l a 3 t , some abandoned iniscreants houghed two Wethers, the property of Mr. M I C H A E L C1 1 1 1 1 . KAN, on that part of the demesne of-Dromoland called BalJijJacragg'y. The,Magistrate? and Lanu-holders in that ne^ghfaoudiood intend io arsemble at "•, New,marl;eVon': Sunday next, in ordt'r to adopt su< h me.-isui'es as may seem most lilc'ely lo discover the per- -,

ratdrs of this shameful outrage, a:nd to c-nitr inith rtuc'h resolutiojis as thsy may judge e.»pt-dlent: 10 pre-vent the recurrence o'f-a crime-so disgraceful in

:a civi-'-lizet] tounlry,,and so dangerous and destructive in ifs" c-ffects. We have ro doubt, 'but that ihiV Meeting will comprise aJf the public spirited, and active Gen-tlemen of..,, ur County,, -whose colj ec ti ve'- se r) t] m en' s caimot fail .to prove the most effectual means ol sttm-niing the licentiousness of, the misguided nocturnal yillain.

Our Readers wil] derive peculiar advantage from the alteration intended to take place in the publica-tion of-THIS 1'AIM it, after the first day. of Novem- ' ber next;- from which period, it will be published on Wednesdays and' Saturdays, and on the principles expressed on,the 23d ult. Gentlemen residing in lhe Vicinity of Post towns, will receive their papc-is, through the medium'of the Post-Office, on'the morr--' ings of Thursday and. Sunday—ar. advantage which " ' needs no comment',' . : . .'.' ". ,''.

Yesterday's mail has. brought us intelligence of Hostilities haying at length conjroenctd : — By the articles from Holland and Germany, 'ivh'icfi* ive 'have copied in our first page from the London Papers of the % 1 st and 22d, it.will be seen, that an action took plage on the 7th, nearNeuburg, on'the J eft bank of -tbe Danube, 'I he Dutch Paper does r,ot -say .which side was victorious : but an article from katisbon.

1 received in London by a Hamburgh Mail? states,-that the''Austrians were successful, that they, preserve^ their position at Neuburgh; and-the Courier of the 2J.d;rr,entions, that.dispatches were received by Go-vernment that morning,.-giving an account of the 'action, in which the French were repulsed with tha loss.of s00rhen killed, and 460 taken prisoners.

- Other intelligence brought by the Ham burgh. Mail says, that a general battle was expected on the 13,'f 13th, or T4ih. * : - "

The Moniteur, which, with other Paris Papers to the I3th?i .was received in London On Monday las! has published a Bulletin of the Grand Army, giving an historical narration of ..military: movements frorn the day B O N A P A R T E l.e'ft Paris, on the z^th uit. 10 the 6th inst. when the different divisions reached the. Danube, No blow has been struck in Italy.

.. Mr. FOSTE R certainly-retains his. official situation in Ireland, with abundant powers to carry his extensive and beneficial purposes into effect. The man who attempts to -cor-rect systemized and general corruption, grafted by long tolerance into the habit, may be supposed to have many enemies ; but the only alloy to the. gratification felt by the dis-interested pan of the Irish Community . at -the controul- .of Mr.- -Fo-siER, arises from the apprehension, that tlie 'removal-,-f ihe universally estimated Lord HARDW.ICKE maybetheconsequence.—Ohs erv'cr..

;'. The Earl of HA R R I N CTONJS mentioned as successor to the Earl- H A-R-DW r C-K E . We trust that lie will pursue the system of-Tvis' predecessor, which is the-only one that can-pjromote the :tMrt;uijli-y, the peace, the' happiness, and the prosperity ot that part' of the: Unit ed: .Bm pi re. Courier. -: lit is a fact that the Lord • Lieureo'a'ncy' of Ireland was; within-these'few days, offered to the- Eai I1 of 'Mo TR A , who declined- it.— Star. -- -'-•:, .; t , .

War Department) states in ^distance,' that the L,|tav ians • have taken Ingolstadf bv storm-that the nu'mber of-.Austrian priso-ners take.n. ,b the a.ffair of tire 8th, near Don.u-werth, amounts to .2,000 men ; that the 2 bat alions (tnentiohed -in - the French Eullettn of the Great Army) consist ot 1 1 Hunganan battaljcns, andioue regiment of cavahy-and that, a corps of Austrians, ,19,000.strong, is surrounded in Suabia ' towards A-u.-gsburgh. 5

; C O U N T R Y I N T E L L I G E N C E .

. , / ' - ' * - - : uic ^ " " i w - a r m j wis made'public- 'vesterria-v pia^oons of, Zusmersluusen-: he -ordered moimng,. on the part' of. General B R U C E ^

V I - ' " • ' / - O C T O B E R 1 9 ^

.The ,intelligence.of -/the ,-victory of the irench., army w)s made public yesterday

- . ' ' CORK,'- O C T . 2:|>; ' Last Monday the Mayor removed large

t quantities of Guhpow dei from some Grocers in this city, whosestores of that dangerous article were greater tha'n aie allowed by law.

L I M E R I C K , O C T . 2 6 . About the hour of Vi. last night, a num-

ber of aimed Ruffians, mounted and on foot, went to the. house of James Keys, Farmer, at'Carri'gdguhnel,' in rids County, and fired several shots therein, and broke the entire windows thereof" with stones ;— a number of Horses we're- taken out of the Fields in'that neighbourhood, supposed'by the above B a n d i t t i ,

The pleasing prospect which the intelligence-re-ceived yesterday, -of. .'the fust nctioii having been fa-vourable' to the Austrians at Neuburgh, has.-bec-n somewhat clouded by subsequent^ccaun.ts"contained in extracts from Paris Papers to the 17th, and Dulch to the 20th,. which were, brought by this day's msil

Of the action at Neuburgh on ihe 7ih, in which the French were worsted,. tl^-Freiich. Artie!,t-s make . no mention; though the Dutch-Official Paper had

.promised to communicate the • details'or.' the igth,-^-The Moniteur rherejy, says, that Marsha] DA vous-i : s and Gen. .MARMONT'S Corps arrived at Neuburgh only on the 8th, thus passing oyer entirely the" atfa r that took place on the preceding day. But-the--French official Paper of the 14th and 16th; has published a second and third Bulletin of the Grand Army, bringing down its operalions, to the evening of t! c 10th. ff e have inserted them in the of this page.

Our readers will observe, that the second Bulletin states that an;aclton took place"atIVertingen, which lasted-two hours., and ended in .the whole Austrian division, (consisting of 12 battalions- of grenadieis coming in great haste.fram join the mam body of (he army,) being made-prisoners, with their, colours, cannoYi and baggage. In the third Bulletin the French contradict this account; and confess, ibit the whole division was nbt captured, that 2 Lieu:. Colonels, 6 Majors, 60 of the Officers, and 4060 soldiers were made- prisoners—but that the remainder made their.escape through a morasi, .where the French cavalry could not follow them.

But there'is-a considerable degree of confusion and contradiction in the French Bulletins, which' con-vince us that the battle at Wertingen was not'so deci- ' sive as they, would induce us to believe—First thev tellus, -that the' whole Austrian division, .inoludinV twelve battalions of grenadiers from- the Ty-rjj.l, v\-.,s. taken — but aftertvards it appears that the whole .were nc/'taken ; that 4000 were made prisoners, • but that the rest-escaped. . Of the movements and positions of the Austrian

army the French:articles give us no clear,' nor indeed any accounts at all, It'is' evident that there' bas'tjeen ' no battle-with the main .body of the Austiian an:, v. .' The-action of the 8th, at Wertingen, will; dare say, prove to have been with that detachment of the •

..Austrian army ,which,was at Donawert- Neubureh-' . and lngolstadt. But the French seem, if their own accounts be correct, to have obtained advantages, of considerable magnitude". We trust, they will r.oi continue to possess them long. '

As to the account in the Batavian Gazette, which states, that.Ingolstadt was taken by storm by General B E R N A D O T T E , and that. 1 9 , 0 0 0 Austrians are block, aded in the vicinity of Augsburgh, rve. think it is utterly u:iworthy of credit.

Twenty thousand troops are about to be employed in an exped tion from England, the naval department- • ;of which is to-be. under the1 charge-of Sir r.r . S - W I T H .

On Thursday last, ' the P R O V O S T convened a Meeting of the Freemen and' Inhabitants of the town, when a Grand Jury was imparinelled, and the following Market Jury sworn in :—

John Stacpoole,. Thomas Butler, Jonathan Gregg, : James Sex-ton, Daniel M'Mahon, ' John Tierney, S 'A n T'OTf* T/-.T, —i-' ^ O'Donnel!,

Thomas Da rev, Peter O'Connor.

• Andrew Joynt, T.dmond Haire;

. Ma-thew Power,. Tha-t-the duty of a Market Juror should be f u n y ;

u-nderstoodj we shall lay before the public, in our ' nc-xt, the Oath—the solemn obligation—by which he1

covenants to discharge the duties of that office.

E N N I S — P R I N T - S B B Y F , P A R S O N S .

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