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NeemThe elixer of life

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Ancient History

For India, it begins from the Indus Valley Civilization (for which the date is a matter of hot debate, but historians have agreed to disagree on 3000BC) to just after the king Harsha Vardhana (see Ancient Indian History), which is around 700-800BC.


Human beings have been practicing medicine since the big bang and it is no news to us since we know the roots to the modern medicine is what we have followed and improved upon. Back then civilizations existed and thrived and from what we hear, people led healthy lives. Diseases of all kinds existed then as they are now and people were treated then as they are treated now. What was the medicine then that cured people from ailments? Was it allopathic ? You and I today know that allopathic is modern day medicine and Homeopathic was and is the medicine of the yester years and todays.

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In 1922 British Archaeologists discovered the 5000-year-old Indus Valley archaeological site in Northwestern India. During their archaeological expeditions something amazing happened, instead of the civilizations becoming more primitive, as the archaeologist's dug deeper through the layers, the civilizations being uncovered became more complex and advanced then the ones previous. The result when they reached the final layers of the dig was two cities Mohenjodaro and Harappa. These cities were so advanced they could practically compete with cities today in areas of architecture, engineering and construction. The streets were designed in a grid system that was well planned and organized. There was an underground sewer system with stone manhole covers for access. A sophisticated water supply and drainage system with waterproof brickwork ran throughout the city. The houses were spacious in the upper class sections containing modern amenities like lavatory facilities.

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They also found skulls upon which cranial surgery had been performed, and clay pots, which contained medicinal herbs. One of the most prominent medicinal herbs they found was Azadirachta Indica also known as Neem. So here we find in one of the worlds most ancient and developed civilizations the first evidence of an advanced medical system that includes both surgery and phytopharmacology, this system is called Ayurveda. However we should also note that one of the most important herbs in this system was and is Neem.

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What Happened?

What made them fade away from being practiced today is, as I suspect, and kind of sure is:

The advent of the European powers into Asia. Enforced upon or adopted, either way, allopathy made it's appearance in Asia and today Asia is in sink with the rest of the world.

Human beings lost their touch with the forests. Modern day medicine is a trillion dollar business and hence very powerful in nature. The Europeans popularized modern day medicine for monetary gains. Asians went abroad and got educated into the modern day medicine and popularized it. The Local medicine man was out of a job and slowly but surely we lost touch with our trees that had cured us before. Today if we start researching into homeopathic medicines , modern Medical science will benefit from it as these homeopathic medicines have no side effects. The only side effect they have is “ cure”.

One such medicine that survived the ages is the medicine that comes from the tree called “Neem”. Believe it or not, this tree works wonders. Heavy research is being carried out in the US and Europe and slowly but steadily the adoption process has begun.

What is Neem?

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Among the many natural plants and herbs that people in India use for their medicinal properties, the Neem tree (L. Azadirachta Indica) is one of the most beneficial for natural or Ayurvedic medicine. Found over most of the forested regions of the Indian Subcontinent, as well as in other countries of similar climatic conditions, the Neem tree can thrive in climates that range from hot, or tropical (45 degrees Celsius) to altitudes of semi-temperate, higher altitude regions, with temperatures slightly above freezing. Used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for more than 2,000 years, the Neem tree's bark, Neem leaves, Neem seeds, and roots can be made into various medicinal remedies for a wide range of ailments, ranging from anti-hemorrhoids and loss of appetite, to leprosy and other skin disorders.

For generations, Indian medical practitioners have made poultices from Neem leaves to cure skin diseases such as boils, ulcers, eczema, and ring worm. Pastes and extracts from Neem trees have also proven effective in treating various skin fungus conditions, including athlete's foot and lesions in the mouth and vagina. More serious diseases such as chicken pox and small pox have been treated with Neem tree pastes; and even people suffering from herpes and hepatitis B viruses have obtained relief from Neem tree preparations.

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Oil made from the Neem tree's fruit and seeds is light to dark brown in color and somewhat bitter tasting; almost like a combination of peanuts and garlic. The oil contains quantities of steroids, including beta-sitosterol (used to treat men suffering from enlarged prostate glands) as well as linoleic and olei acids (Omega 6 and 9), and is found to contain the well known Omega 3 fatty acid (used to prevent arterial sclerosis). In addition to its medicinal properties, Neem oil is also used as a base for variety of organic cosmetics including soaps, shampoos, hand and body lotions and creams. It is also used as an organic bio-pesticide repellant against insects such as Japanese beetles, meal worms, and aphids.

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Need Neem? For Personal Care and MoreLong prized in Ayurvedic medicine, neem (Azadirachta indica) grows abundantly throughout India, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Because of its many and varied traditional uses, the tree has been termed “the village pharmacy” of South Asia—and now people worldwide have taken note of its antibacterial action, among other promising Johanna Arnone | Deputy Editor, Taste for Life Magazine

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“the village pharmacy”

The medicinal benefits of Neem are spoken about in the Veda's, the worlds oldest books. In India's ancient Ayurvedic Medical texts the medicinal information about Neem spoken about in the Vedas is expanded upon in great detail. In Ayurvedic Medical texts it is explained that every part of the Neem tree has health promoting benefits. What is clear from the above information is that the general population of India for, over 5000 years, has used Neem safely and effectively. In fact the people of India call the Neem Tree "The Village Pharmacy".

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Neem trees are now grown commercially in more than 30 countries, and have even been successfully introduced into warmer regions of North America. Because of its climatic versatility, Neem trees are being used in many reforestation projects around the world. A worldwide foundation, known as the Neem Foundation, helps make people aware of the values of the Neem and other natural "green" products for a better and healthier lifestyle. The use of Neem tree pesticides, as noted above, is creating a greater awareness of the benefits of natural, non-chemical solutions for our environment.

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Heart Disease: Including high blood pressure, blood clots, cholesterol, and Arrhythmia/rapid heart beat.

Blood Disorders: Including poor circulation, blood poisoning, and kidney problems.

Digestive Disorders: Including heartburn/indigestion, peptic/duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and hemorrhoids.

Nervous Disorders: Including anxiety, epilepsy, and hives.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes, genital/vaginal warts,

candidiasis, and urinary tract infections. As far as AIDS is concerned the immunomodulatory properties of Neem appear to enhance cell-mediated immune response in people who are HIV positive but who do not have full blown AIDS. However invitro tests at The National Institutes of Health which used Neem Leaf and Bark extracts to find a cure for AIDS were very encouraging.

* Birth Control: Works for Men & Women.

Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, Conjunctivitis, Allergies, Bad Breath, Hangover, Stress, Insomnia, Smoking, and on and on.

Furthermore the general population in India has used Neem for thousands of years as a bug repellant and insecticide. Today researchers have proven that Neem is despised by over 200 species of insects and is a safe and effective insecticide and bug repellent that is harmless to humans.

I think you will agree with me that there is considerable clinical evidence confirming the multiple uses of Neem in the ancient Ayurvedic texts and then some. Neem has a history of continuous, safe and effective use among the general population of India for over 5000 years. This also has been validated in numerous clinical studies. Acharan Narula a research Professor in the department of biology in at The University of North Carolina has done extensive research on Neem. He feels that Neem stands true to its Sanskrit name Arishta which means "reliever of sickness".

Yes, it cures the below aliments/diseases

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Now the questions!What does it taste like?Bitter and Bitter it is, but these days there are capsules.

What are the side effects?

Well, the only side effect known to me is that I feel better and colleagues from the pastsee me and say

“you look good and healthy”

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