Page 1: Message from Ms Leyla Mohamoud · opportunities that encourage and aid students in making wise choices when selecting food and drink. • Make healthy food a very easy option for

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5 March 20185 March 2018

Message from Ms Leyla MohamoudDear Parents and Carers,

Assalamu Alaykum Wr.Wb.

Our School values respectful relationships,responsibility, and cooperation to achievepersonal best. This year our focus is to giveour students agency. Developing studentagency helps young people take charge of

their own learning more important than ever. It helps themmanage their own learning and become resilient andindependent people. Instilling the principles of “agency” helpsstudents find personal relevance in their work and motivatesthem to participate actively, build relationships and understandhow they impact themselves and their communities.

We need school values to define the ways we all need tobehave to achieve our purpose as a school. These values definehow we all need to act. I see the values of our school beingthe anchors for how we speak and behave to one another. Wewant every child at AIA to achieve their personal best. We heldParent Information Sessions as well as Parents workshops forLiteracy, Numeracy and Arabic so parents are able to supportthe learning at home. I was pleased with the high level of parentengagement and interest in these sessions

Parent Information Sessions and Workshops

Parent Information sessions and workshops were wellattended. The staff presented information that was related toyour child’s year level and how you can best support themat home with their learning. The PowerPoints for thesepresentations have been sent out via Compass. If you wereunable to attend you can have a look through the informationshared and discussed. If you have any further questions pleasedo not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher. I havereceived lots of positive feedback from parents about thesesessions. Thank you for completing the surveys for furtherimprovements.

What do Student Reps do?

We need student representatives to volunteer across theschool. Student reps have an important role to play supportingthe building of positive relationships and helping us to createa strong connected community. They can support with keyschool events or organise social events at individual year levelsto bring families together. We will also have termly catch upstogether. These are usually held at drop off time.

This week when I visited some classes, I asked them to sharewith me about their Essential Agreement. Many of them wantedto talk about what it means to have a ‘growth mindset’. Theytalked about the words they would use when things are hardand what it means to expend effort. When our confidence islow we can sometimes stop putting our best effort in to tryand overcome challenging situations. Well done AIA studentsfor sharing such insights about how we can go about to achieveour personal best.

2018 School Captains Haseeb Arif & Rhoda Abou- Eid

Vice Captain Zane Ramaihi

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Page 2: Message from Ms Leyla Mohamoud · opportunities that encourage and aid students in making wise choices when selecting food and drink. • Make healthy food a very easy option for

2018 Year 3 SRC Reps

3A Nimah Fuad & Jewhar Mohamed

3B Jacob El Khodr & Elana Najmeddine

3C Samaya El Mir & Omar Mouabbi

3D Yasmin Saeed & Zaid Rousselin

3E Ameer Abouzeid & Tamara Rafei

2018 Year 4 SRC Reps

4A Joanne Derbas & Salman Ahmed

4B Amr Ahmed, Aqib Mughal & Hibba Shehraz

4C Sara Ustuner & Jaama Roble

4D Omar El Ghandour & Rukaia Albena

2018 Year 5 SRC Reps

5A Sena Atlihan, Yasin Al- Haidary & Fatema Tiba

5B Meryem Sabah & Ayaan Mohammed

5C Alicia Noureddine & Ismael Aycha

5D Ali Mahmoud & Eshaal Mustafa

Benefits of Parents involvement in school

Families are the keystone that holds the educational frameworktogether.

When schools, families, and community groups work togetherto support learning, children tend to do better in school, stayin school longer, and like school more.” The synergy of theseforces is infinitely more beneficial to students when parents dotheir part. Consider the following benefits to students who haveinvolved parents:

Benefits to Parents

Even parents themselves benefit when they are involved in theirchildren’s education. By involving themselves at the school andcommunity levels, parents:

Benefits to Teachers and Schools

Educators have difficult jobs that are all too often thankless, butparent involvement helps ease their burden to some degree.When parents get involved, they join forces with teachers tomake a formidable educational team characterized by mutualrespect. Here are a few of the benefits to educators andschools when parents take an active role in their children’seducation:

With all the potential benefits of parental involvement, spendingtime and attention to a child’s education should be a top priorityfor all parents. When parents foster an atmosphere of learningand collaborate with educators, the entire educational systembenefits, from students to teachers to parents themselves. Letus work together to maximize our children’s academicachievement.

Leyla MohamoudHead of Primary Campus


The Australian International Academyof Education declares and affirms thatschool programmes and leadingpractices embrace the followingimportant principles:

1. The promotion of peace, harmonyand understanding throughintercultural interactions.

• Higher grades and test scores, enrolment in moreadvanced programs

• Grade promotions, earn more credits

• Better school attendance and homework completionrates

• Improved social skills and behaviour allows studentsto acclimate better to school environments

• Higher self-esteem

• High school graduation and advancement topost-secondary education

• Interact with their children more and are moresensitive to their emotional and intellectual needs

• Have more confidence in their parenting abilities

• Have a better understanding of the teacher’s role andthe curriculum

• Use more positive reinforcement the more they knowabout developmental stages

• Are more likely to respond to teachers’ requests forhelp at home when they stay apprised of what theirchildren are learning

• Have higher opinions of and feel more committed totheir children’s schools

• Become more active in policy-making at school andin the community

• Teachers and administrators experience highermorale and job satisfaction

• Parents have more respect for the teachingprofession

• Communication improves among educators, parents,and administrators

• Communities have higher opinions of schools withinvolved parents

• School programs that involve parents perform betterand offer higher quality


Page 3: Message from Ms Leyla Mohamoud · opportunities that encourage and aid students in making wise choices when selecting food and drink. • Make healthy food a very easy option for

2. All Australians have equal rights before the law.We reject any form(s) of discrimination based onrace, religion or gender.

3. The rule of law and respect for the rights ofothers.

4. The values of fairness, openness, sharing andgiving a hand, looking after neighbours, tolerance,understanding and acceptance.

5. People are free to choose and practice theirreligions. But we reject those who preach violenceand hatred in the name of any religion.

6. The right of individuals to enjoy freedom ofspeech, expression and association. But we rejectverbal and written abuses and transgressionsagainst others under the cover of freedom ofspeech and expression.

7. The Australian system of democratically electedgovernments and councils is the best that servesthe interest of all Australians.

Mr. Salah SalmanAcademy Head

Prep Team

Assalamu Alaykum,

We cannot believe how quick the term has gone by and thePreps have settled in so well and quickly. They have adaptedto settling in and following routines on a daily basis. During thepast few weeks they have learnt to unpack their bags, changetheir readers and become responsible for their own things.

We have been learning about exploring through literacy andnumeracy activities. We have been learning to identify ournames through letter and sound recognition. We are becomingmore confident in working with our peers. Overall, the childrenhave had a great start to the year and we can only imagine howmuch they will learn over the year with your support at homeand our support here at school.

Regards,The Prep Team

Tony’s Last Day as Lollipop ManOn Friday the 23rd February was Tony’s lastday as AIA’s Lollipop man. Tony had beenwith us for almost 20 years and has been afamiliar friendly face for both parents andchildren as they come and go to school eachmorning and afternoon. We wish Tony all thebest for his retirement and look forward towelcoming in a new lollipop man or lady.

Year 5 Girls CampThe Year 5 girls attended Allambie Camp this week. The girlsenjoyed participating in a variety of activities and overall had anenjoyable time with their friends and teachers.

Uppers Sports DayOur upper year level students taking part in Sports Day!


Page 4: Message from Ms Leyla Mohamoud · opportunities that encourage and aid students in making wise choices when selecting food and drink. • Make healthy food a very easy option for

Sporting Schools ProgramThis term the Grade 4 & 5 classes aretaking part in the Sporting SchoolsProgram. This four week program will focuson developing Basketball skills andconcepts. The aim of the program is toincrease children's participation in sportand to connect them with communitysporting clubs. Students have been actively

participating and showing excellent team work andsportsmanship.

Compass Parent PortalIn 2018 we will continue to use theCompass Parent Portal to track attendanceand roll marking, to inform parents of anyevents or important dates, semester reportsand parent/staff communication. It will be our primary means ofcommunicating with parents so it is essential that you haveaccess through a username and password which you shouldhave been given last year when it was first introduced. If you donot have access as yet feel free to come by the office and wewill generate a new password for you.

New families to the school including Prep students will be givennew usernames and passwords to access the portal at the startof the new school year.

Parent VolunteersWe know that parents, families and carers are some of themost important influences on a child’s education. When youare positively engaged in your child’s education, they are morelikely to attend and perform better at school. AIA encouragesparents to take part in their child’s learning and invites you tojoin our volunteer program.

Please ensure that you hold a current working with childrencard and police check if you decide to join the volunteerprogram. As we start the new school year, AIA parents arereminded to please keep the Academy up to date on changesto your personal and medical details via the office.

Sun Smart

With the warmer weather, students are reminded they mustwear a hat during recess and lunch as well as for PE. Anystudent not wearing a hat will have to play undercover.

Your child's hat should be clearly labelled. Parents are advisedto apply sunscreen on your child at home prior to the start of theschool day. Sunscreen is not available inside the classrooms forchildren to apply.

Library NewsIt’s hard to imagine that we’re almost halfway through the first term this year! Thelibrary classes have settled in well and aregetting used to the routine! We are alsopromoting the idea of workingindependently i.e. the children showing“agency” meaning being responsible forthemselves and doing things for themselves

without always having to be reminded. Of course, we have triedto set the expectations of the library including a look at theEssential Agreement and borrowing books on a weekly basis.This is very important as the school requirement for homeworkis to sit and read for about 20 minutes a day. For the juniorclasses this means having the book read to them anddiscussed together which not only develops some excellentreading habits but also their vocabulary is extended wheninteracting and communicating together. We remind everyoneto please bring their library bags to the library on their libraryvisit.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge will once again commencesometime in March and we urge you to consider whether youwould like your child to be involved in this. It is not compulsoryand there is no prize as such except for a beautiful certificateand their name being written in the Honour Roll. The challengeis to read 15 books or more from Year 3 upwards; and 30books or more in Year 1 and 2. The idea being that in Year 1and 2 these books consist of those that are shared in class,library or one on one with you, the parent, reading the bookto them. A letter will be given to the students in relation to allthis as well as the website should you be keen for your childto participate. Till next time, Happy Reading from the PrimaryLibrary staff.

Nut Free PolicyWe are aware that many students in our school have a nutallergy. These students if they come in contact with a nut


Page 5: Message from Ms Leyla Mohamoud · opportunities that encourage and aid students in making wise choices when selecting food and drink. • Make healthy food a very easy option for

product can suffer life threatening consequences. It can easilybe contracted from a simple handshake or touching of astudent’s table who may have had some nuts in their food.

We ask that you do not provide the following food inyour child’s lunchbox:

Some nut free alternatives are:

Healthy Eating Policy 2018Dear Parents,

Please ensure that your child has sufficient healthy snacks andlunch packed everyday as we are finding that children arefrequently coming to school without their lunches. If a childis without lunch we will ring parents to obtain permission fortheir child to buy lunch from the canteen. In this instance, thecanteen will need to be paid promptly for any items purchasedby your child.

It is the Australian International Academy’s aim to make healthyeating an easy and informed choice for the entire schoolcommunity. We believe a healthy eating plan is fundamentalnot only to add life to years but also to add years to life.The Australian International Academy is committed to settinga good example by promoting and offering healthy eatingoptions.

We will always endeavor to:

Lunch Policy:

We ask that you help us be more environmentally friendly byproviding your child with their snacks and lunch packed neatlyin a lunch box with minimal packaging.

Sick Bay News

Severe Nut and Egg Allergies

Dear Parents,

This is to inform you that we have studentsat our school that have severe allergies tonuts and eggs. We are asking for yourcooperation in helping to provide a safeschool environment. An allergic reaction

can happen from eating, touching or smelling the allergens.Please consider other children with allergies when packing yourchild’s food at school. No food containing NUTS and EGGSwill be allowed in our school premises to prevent life threateningallergic reaction. We also ask you to help us educate your childon the importance of not sharing food with other children andwashing their hands before and after eating. We greatlyappreciate your cooperation with this matter.

Thank you.

Maria OrogoSchool Nurse

Video Recordings and Uploading onSocial Media

Dear Parents,

Please refrain from video recording your child at any schoolconcerts/performances or assemblies as your recordings maycapture other children who are not happy to be in yourrecording. The school will take no responsibility for anyunauthorised recordings.

Parents and Staff CarparkDear Parents,

Please use the parent’s car park to drop off your children andonly in designated car parking areas for the drop off and pick upof your children. As well as it being illegal and may incur a fineit is also unsafe for all drivers and pedestrians trying to accessthe school. Please be mindful of the rights of our neighbors

• Peanut Butter

• Nutella

• Chocolates

• Muesli Bars

• Any Nuts

• Biscuits which may contain nuts

• Vegemite or Cheese Sandwiches

• Dried Fruit

• Yoghurt

• Cheese Sticks

• Chopped or tinned fruit

• Ensure the school curriculum is rich with learningopportunities that encourage and aid students inmaking wise choices when selecting food and drink.

• Make healthy food a very easy option for studentsand staff to purchase, via the school canteen.

• Promote the drinking of water as first and bestchoice.

• Promote healthy eating.

• Model healthy choices when eating in public.

• Children bring their own lunches

• Teachers expect that children eat the lunch thatparents send

• There is healthy food in the canteen

• Children are not permitted to leave the schoolgrounds to buy their lunches

• Students are requested to take home all uneatenfood so that parents know if the quantity they aresending is too large or if the child does not like aparticular food

• All food wrappers need to be taken home.

• Water is the recommended drink. There are drinkingtaps available for the students.

• Water may be taken into the classroom duringextremely hot weather.


Page 6: Message from Ms Leyla Mohamoud · opportunities that encourage and aid students in making wise choices when selecting food and drink. • Make healthy food a very easy option for

and refrain from obstructing/parking in private driveways orproperties.

Also, the carpark on Rogers St will is now closed from 8.25am- 9.00am and 2.30 – 4.00pm. Under no circumstances shouldparents be parking in the staff carpark. Please do not park inthe staff car park as if you are parked in there and wish toleave once it is locked you will need to wait until we re-openthe carpark at the designated times. It is a safety issue for thechildren and we appreciate your co-operation in this matter.

If you are dropping your child off at the Rogers Stcarpark please ensure that:

Lost PropertyDear Parents,

Please check your child’s uniform and bagregularly to ensure that they haven’t broughtanother child’s uniform home by accidentespecially items such as hats, jumpers and blazers. It isimportant that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled so it isclearly identified if it is lost.

If you do have any lost items please check the lost propertysection near the sickbay or alternatively speak with your child’steacher.

Picking Up Your ChildDear Parents,

If you would like to pick up your child early please do so before3pm as any pickups after 3pm is discouraged as this maydisrupt your child’s classroom and learning. Please keep thisin mind when organising your child’s appointments with thedoctor, dentist etc.

Due to parents being unable to enter classrooms duringteaching time the office staff will kindly arrange for your child tobe released from class.

Sports Uniform 2018Please ensure that your child is in full sports uniform includingappropriate runners on days where they have PE or any othersporting activities. If your child is not wearing full sports uniformthey will not be allowed to participate in any of the PE activitiesfor that day.

Uniform Reminder 2018Australian International Academy students are expected to bein uniform every day, both at school and when travelling to andfrom school. This includes wearing our compulsory blazer aswell as conforming to the dress code for other items. All hairmust be neat and tidy when students return to school and mustabide by our school policy.

Sunhats are compulsory ‘NO HAT NO PLAY’ policy in Term 1 &4 will be implemented.

Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’sname and surname.

For those girls who are praying they will need to bring a cleanwhite scarf with a safety pin.

AIA Uniform Shop Trading Hours:

Wednesday 9.30am – 11.30am

Friday 2.00pm – 4.00pm

The shop is also open on:

First Saturday of every month: 12.00pm – 2.00pmFirst day of every month: 10.00am – 3.00pmThe uniform shop can also be contacted on 9354 6121

Before and After School Supervision2018

Parents please be aware that for the safety and wellbeing ofyour child the school grounds will be supervised from 8.00am.If you choose to bring your child earlier please be aware thatthere will be no supervision until 8.00am.

After school all children will only be supervised until 4.00pmwithin the quadrangle. Any children not collected by 4pm willbe taken to after school care where they will be supervised until5.30pm. If you know you are going to be late you can call theschool office during the day to let us know you would like yourchild to go to after school care.

School Crossing 2018

Parents please ensure that you and your children use theschool crossing at all times when coming into and leaving theschool grounds. Talk to your children about the importance ofusing the school crossing and the correct and safe way to crossthe road in order to prevent any accidents.

• Both you and your child use the pedestrian entrywalkway to avoid children walking behind carsand running in front of cars driving through thecar park.

• Do not leave your car stationed in front of theoffice entrance while you attend to your children.You will need to park your car in one of theparking bays to avoid blocking traffic flowthrough the carpark.


Page 7: Message from Ms Leyla Mohamoud · opportunities that encourage and aid students in making wise choices when selecting food and drink. • Make healthy food a very easy option for

Helen McNicol our lollipop lady at O’Hea St also has a messagefor parents using the crossing:

Welcome back everyone and a special welcome to first timeusers of the crossing.

I look forward to your company this year and meeting you allagain. It is important that we work together to cross the roadsafely.

Important Dates to Remember

12th March Labour Day Public Holiday

15th March Parents Religion Workshop 9.30am –11.00am

15th March Year 1 & 2 Parents Morning Tea9.00am – 9.30am

20th March Parents Art Workshop 9.30am –11.00am

20th March Years 3, 4 & 5 Parents Morning Tea9.00am – 9.30am

21st March Harmony Day

28th March Last day for students for Term 1

29th March 2018 Parent Teacher Student Conference

30th March 2018 Good Friday Public Holiday

31st March – 15thApril 2018

Term 1 Holiday Period

23rd April School Photos

25th April Anzac Day Public Holiday

• Please be aware this a very intersection and we allneed to take care

• Please stand behind the yellow line always before Ibelow the whistle.

• Please cross at the crossing and not between thecars on O’Hea Street. It is a very busy street and itsets a poor example for the children

• Please ask your children not to run across thecrossing as sometimes the motorists do not obey thered lights and none of us want an accident.

• Always wait for 2 blows of the whistle.

• Please be patient in the afternoon as there are oftenmany people using the crossing at the one time onboth sides of the road.

• Would those parents turning right out of Ross Stplease pay attention to the lights as we still havepeople driving through red lights. Of course, it is notonly parents, this is just a reminder!


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