Page 1: Mersa Wadi Gawasis 2010-2011 Figures

M/WG 2010-2011 Final Report – FIGURES


Figure 1. Map of Wadi Gawasis with excavated areas

Figure 2. Field photo of SU 35 and 36 in square C3 of excavation area WG65 before

microstratigraphic excavation

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Figure 3. Portable Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (model Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS5)

Figure 4. Field photo of SU 35 and 36 in square C3 of excavation area WG65 after

microstratigraphic excavation

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Figure 5: Field photo of a microstratigraphic section of Fire-pit 14 (SU 35). Note a single cm-thick

layer of ashes overlaying eolian sand mixed with fine charred material. Also note mm-size crust at

top most of the ashy layer

Figure 6. Field photo of Eastern microstratigraphic section of Fire-pit 14 (SU 35). Note 5 cm-thick

layer of un-combusted plant material underlaying the ash and sand layers

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Figure 7: Field photo of microstratigraphic section of Fire-pit 15 (SU 36) and the subdivision in

several cm-size layers

Figure 8. Representative FT-IR spectra of sediments sampled from the different layers observable in

Fire-pit 14 (SU 35)

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Figure 9. Representative FT-IR spectra of sediments sampled from the different layers observable in

Fire-pit 15 (SU 36)

Figure 10: Representative FT-IR spectra of mudbrick materials sampled in different observable in

Fire-pit 15 (SU 36)

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Figure 11. WG 70/72/73/76, mudbrick structures

Figure 12. WG 70/72/73/76, plan of mudbrick structures

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Figure 13. WG 74

Figure 14. Snake Robot

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Figure 15. Introducing the robot into Cave 7

Figure 16. Snake robot inside Cave 6

Figure 17. Consolidated coils in Cave 5 (photo: Easton Selby)

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Figure 18. Tamarix nilotica, Wadi Gasus

Figure 19: a) WG 65 View of Fire-pit 15 (SU 36) left and Fire-pit 14 (35) right; b) Details of burnt

organic material with plant fiber string; c) charred barley in Fire-pit 15, layer 1 mixed with sand; d)

charred barley in ashy Layer 2 below.

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Figure 20: WG 65 Plants from Fire-pit 15 (SU 36); a) barley lump (Hordeum vulgare); b) a

“bulgur” half grain; c) desiccated barley spikelets, and small barley grain with impression of a

sprout; Plants from Fire-pit 14 (SU 35): d) pea seed (Pisum sativum); e) barley lumps charred; f)

partially charred barley lump with uncharred insect remains.

Figure 21: WG 70: a) Location of the ashy concentration (indicated with an arrow); b) the detail of

the surface with ash and charred remains; c) types of the organic material recovered from the

sediment sample; d) detail of charred barely grains

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Figure 22: Various forms and different preservation of doum palm fruits (Hyphaene thebaica): a)

WG 40 S1; b) 39 Cave 3 A1 SU 1; c) WG 61 D-E23 SU45; d) WG 73 A-B4 SU 1; e) and f) WG

56 A3 SU 11

Figure 23: WG T64 (under) a) finds of desiccated plant remains in 4 mm sieve; b) hollow barley

spikelets (H. vulgare); c) sorted hollow barely spikelets and grass remains; d) detail barley grains

eaten by insects

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Figure 24: WG 40 north: a) and b) different views of layers of mats made from plant fibers; c)

details of twined mat made from halfa grass; d) plaited mat made of doum palm leaves.

Figure 25. Conservation of timbers in Cave 2

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Figure 26. Environmental Data: Entrance of Cave 2

Figure 27. Environmental Data: Rear of Cave 2

Figure 28.Environmental Data: Cave 5

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Figure 29. Cleaning and bagging timbers

Figure 30. Sealing the Escal bag with RPS-K scavenger

Figure 31. Timbers bagged and shelved

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