
Red eared slider turtle

Trachemys Scripta Elegans By: Matthew HaycockGrade:6Fessenden School

Scientific classification

kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Subclass: Anapsida Order: Testudines Family: Emydidae Genus: Trachemys Species: T.scripta Subspecies: T.s elegans


Red/orange ears Green body Yellow under belly Long shell and claws Short head


Creeks Rivers Lakes with soft bottoms Southern and central USA

Life cycle of red eared slider Mating March-July Lays 2-30 eggs Eggs hatch between 60-90 days after laid Lives 20+ years after


Red eared sliders are omnivores Fish Crayfish Carrion Tadpoles Zebra muscles Snails Crickets Mealworms Wax worms Plant material


Herons Alligators Raccoons Skunks Foxes Humans for use as pets

How red eared sliders contribute to the environment

Red eared sliders contribute to the environment because they eat invasive species like Zebra mussels and they produce food for native species.

How humans impact red eared sliders

Red eared sliders are impacted by humans because humans take these turtles when they are small and when they get too big people let them go in the wild but the turtles don’t know how to survive.

What we can do to protect red eared sliders We can start protecting red eared sliders

by stop the capturing of the turtles and letting the turtles reproduce to get there numbers up.

Other interesting facts

Red eared sliders are named by the red mark behind there ears


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