
Programming an Animation using Scratch: Principles of AnimationIntroduction to Computer Science

Time Frame:2-3 Class Periods

Objective: Students will incorporate one or more of the 12 principles of animation into an animation programmed using MITs Scratch.

Materials: Computers (one per student or group) Adobe Photoshop MIT Scratch Digital Cameras (one per student or group) with necessary cables or card readers

Prior Knowledge Required: Basic Programming using Scratch Background removal using Photoshop Exporting .png files with transparency


Prior to this lesson, the teacher should select clips from various films that showcase the 12 techniques.

Lesson Outline:

First Class: 12 Principles Lecture and video demos of each principle: Squash and Stretch Anticipation Staging Straight-ahead action and Pose-to-Pose Follow-through and Overlapping Action Slow In-and-Out Arcs Secondary Action Timing Exaggeration Solid Drawing Appeal NB: A particular focus should be given to Squash/Stretch, Anticipation, Slow In-and-Out and Exaggeration, as these concepts will likely require computational thinking in order to build the algorithms

Second Class: Studio Time

Third Class: Critique


A demonstration Scratch project:

12 Principles of Animation:

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