
Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest

Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest

What jobs do people do who live in Rainforests?

With the person next to you come up with a

list of 10 jobs that people might do in the rainforest!

Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest

Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest

• Many of the things we have in our homes comes from the rainforest.

• These include:– medicine – chocolate - Chocolate is made from cocoa. Cocoa pods grow on

trees in rainforests. – sugar – spices - includes ginger, allspice, pepper, cinnamon, coconut,

vanilla, turmeric and paprika. – rubber – pineapples – bamboo – Does this give you a clue as to the jobs they may do?

Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest

Jobs in the Amazon rainforest

• Watch Bruce Parry HERE (14.40 – logging) and HERE (from 10.00- mining) and in your exercise books see what jobs you see people doing in the Rainforest – are they all legal?

• Get ready to take some notes in your exercise books.

Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest

Your Task!

• You need to imagine you are a newspaper reporter who has been sent to the Amazon to write an article on what jobs people do there!

• Your report needs to be at least ____ pages in your exercise book.

• In the darkest corner of the rainforest I came across some of the most hard working people I have ever met ….

• I thought I know people who worked hard until I met the …

• I was amazed as I reached the huge mine in the middle of the …

Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest

Peer Review

• One of the best ways of learning is from each other.

• Read your neighbours newspaper article through and underneath it write;– One thing that I liked was …..– One thing that would make it even

better would be …

LO: Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest


• Start your rainforest project, you have two weeks.

LO: Jobs in the Amazon Rainforest

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