Page 1: IPWEAQ Bulletin - March 2015

March 2015 - May 2015 Edition

IPWEA Queensland Bulletin

In this edition

• President’s Report

• CEO’s Column

• Call for Submissions on AS 11000

• Technical Products Update

• qldwater Report

• What’s on at IPWEAQ?

• Happy Anniversary - RPEQ Assessments!

• 2015 State Conference

• Excellence Awards


Excellence in public works

Page 2: IPWEAQ Bulletin - March 2015

The year has started off as the last one finished – pretty busy all round.

You will have received your wall planner and will have seen all of the activities planned for the year, which Suzanna is talking about in her column.

This week Joe Bannan, Suzanna and I went to

Canberra representing both IPWEA Queensland and Australasia: we met with officers from the Federal departments of Infrastructure, Emergency Management and Natural Disaster Funding (Attorney General).

We outlined who IPWEA is, who we represent and what we do. Their interest lay in how we may assist them once the Productivity Commission Final Report is released. Our discussion of nearly two hours covered a range of issues including the use of standards, asset management, mitigation, fit for purpose guidelines, risk management, and whole of network assessment.

They were interested in our showcased projects undertaken by our members including the then and now of Grantham as a project that achieved successful outcomes.

The outcome from the meeting: considerable interest in IPWEA and potentially some visits to see what we and our members are doing.

By now you will have seen two pieces of news regarding our Queensland Division. Current Vice President Seren has decided she would like to step aside from her Presidency commitment at the end of the year and remain as Vice President for a further term. In view of this decision, I am nominating Joe Bannan for President.

The second piece of news is that after 23 years with the Institute in New South Wales and Queensland Suzanna has advised the Board she will retire on 31st October 2015 and will retire. We will be recruiting for a new CEO and allow for a transition period, with Suzanna’s final farewell being the Mackay conference. Members will have the opportunity at the upcoming Branch Conferences to party with Suzanna.

Suzanna and I will continue our member engagement during the year and we look forward to seeing you either at your place and/or at Branch events across Queensland.

Warm regards, Ged.

President’s Report, March 2015


Cal l for submiss ions on AS 11000: General Condit ions of Contrac t

Standards Australia has released a draft AS 11000: General Conditions of Contract (AS 11000) for public comment. The draft AS 11000 is the first standard in a proposed suite of contract conditions intended to replace AS 2124-1992 and AS 4000-1997.

Standards Australia has invited submissions from industry stakeholders on the draft AS 11000.

The closing date for submissions is Friday, 27 March 2015.

More details about AS 11000 can be obtained from McCullough Robertson or direct from Standards Australia.

Any submissions should be made via

For more information, visit the McCullough Robertson Website.

Page 3: IPWEAQ Bulletin - March 2015

Welcome to 2015 – The YEAR OF CELEBRATION!!

IPWEA Queensland members and staff are continually being praised for what we achieve:

it’s time to celebrate!

I would also like to celebrate over 23 years with IPWEA, firstly in New South Wales and now since October 2001 in Queensland. I’d like to celebrate with each of you and will be at each of the Branch Conferences in the lead-up to June, and yes I’ll be a golf contender, with a final celebration at Mackay in October.

In the meantime, there are many initiatives, training and events happening at IPWEA Queensland and many ways in which you can participate.

I am currently making arrangements for Ged and my next round of member engagement visits. We are seeking your assistance with appointments to see your CEO, Mayor, Infrastructure Councillor and any members you feel may benefit discussing IPWEA Queensland initiatives and how they may assist in your everyday activities.

As you have already been advised we have a new team at IPWEA Queensland; Ross, Lois and Tahnee are working on several main activities and I’ll give you an overview here:

It is early days in Lois’ employment however she has hit the ground running, with her main activities being the preparation for the Mackay Conference, assisting with the Branch conferences, creating

the eNews, this Bulletin and social media, and starting to learn about the professional development side of the business: it’s a big role and she has started well. She has written separately as well. Tahnee Cameron has also joined us, and will be assisting Lois, and also assisting me. I’m sure you will welcome Tahnee.

Ross is known to many of you from his role at TMR and also being one of the facilitators in our Supervisors Workshops and Road Safety Audit training. He is involved in each of our products and he has written articles within this Bulletin.

We do need some volunteers for Steering Committees for some reviews: Queensland Streets, Lower Order Design Guide (we do have a good group, however if you are interested please let us know), and Standard Drawings.

And, of course we have our professional development program: register early for programs or let us know what you would like and we can come to you. Don’t be a stranger, call me, send me an email.

Speaking of celebrating achievement, I am pleased to advise that Past President Dawson Wilkie (current Foundation Chair) has been appointed Chair of the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland.

I look forward to another worthwhile and successful year at IPWEA Queensland: our new team will continue to kick goals and achieve all we can to assist you in fulfilling your roles in whatever position you hold.

Warm regards,



TweetTweetCEO’s Column

ARRB Group @ARRBGroup 15/01/15

Want to know more about ARRB’s initiative to create more harmonisation within the Australian road industry?


Local Govt Assoc QLD@LGAQ 16/01/15

Think a $100 million a year fund to build things more resilient to floods is a good idea? Read on. #qldvotes


IndustryWomenCentral @IndustryWomenC 04/02/15

Why #engineering should be a woman’s game … #women #girls #Careers #construction #STEM @BBCNews


Scott Bowman @CQUniversityVC 03/12/14

Thanks @bundabergrc for this great story about @CQUni students in your community newsletter @Dean_HHSS_CQU



Search...IPWEA Queensland


Page 4: IPWEAQ Bulletin - March 2015


The New Year has certainly kicked off with lots of excitement on a political level, and we plan to keep the momentum going with a range of events in the pipeline to engage with our members from all across Queensland.

Last year our six regional conferences brought together approximately 150 of our members from 30 water service providers to network and exchange information. The conferences aim to provide interesting and interactive sessions to help inform and influence qldwater priorities.

The 2015 program is nearing completion and, while we plan to do less regional conferences as such, we are finding other innovative ways to reach all our members through training, workshops and tying in with other likeminded organisations. Our aim is to provide opportunities to discuss and escalate issues we are facing in the Queensland water industry.

The Western Queensland and North Queensland taste tests are expected to take place in conjunction with regional training opportunities later in the year which are still being finalised.

Those interested in presenting case studies and other information relevant to any of these regions, please contact Heather Gold on (07) 3632 6852 or email [email protected] range of cost-effective sponsorship opportunities is available for organisations wanting to support and raise their profile with the 70 organisations making up the Queensland urban water and sewerage service industry through our growing, innovative event program. Please contact us for more information.

ADAC continues to gain interest from around the country, with the team being invited to host in-house days at Wollondilly Shire Council (NSW) and SA Water.

Rather than retrofit Complete Streets with engineering drawings, we will commence an update process of Queensland Streets. Complete Streets has its own role to play and it will be reviewed later. We are looking for interested volunteers to be on a steering committee.

The standards drawings groups continue their good work with FNQ having updated a number of drawings. Following on from last year’s attempt to ‘go national’ we are going to start smaller and ‘go Queensland’, and would like to be placing the drawings we have already on the website.

We also want to set up a ‘whole of Queensland’ Steering Committee which can look at the various drawings we have from across Queensland to see which ones we can make state-wide, while others will remain only within a region some.

If you are interested in volunteering your services on any of the Steering Groups, please contact Ross Guppy via email at [email protected].

The 2015 qldwater program of events

Technical Products Update

Page 5: IPWEAQ Bulletin - March 2015

Date Location Host Event

12-13 March Biloela IPWEAQ IPWEAQ Central Queensland Branch Conference

16 April Rockhampton Rockhampton Regional Council

Mini Conference and CQ taste test

4 May Cairns Cairns Regional Council

Day 1 Water Connections Week - Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council visit and Torres Strait Island Regional Council meeting

5 May Atherton and Mareeba

Tablelands Regional Council and Mareeba Shire Council

Day 2 Water Connections Week

6 May CooktownHope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council and Cook Shire Council

Day 3 Water Connections Week

7 May Port DouglasWujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council and Douglas Shire Council

Day 4 Water Connections Week

8 May Cairns Cairns Regional CouncilDay 5 Water Connections Week - Mini Conference and FNQ taste test

14-15 May Kingaroy IPWEAQ IPWEAQ South West Branch Conference

17-18 June Toowoomba WIOA WIOA State Conference and Water of Origin taste test

31 July St George LGAQ LGAQ Bush Council Forum St George, including SWQ taste test

28 August TBC TBC Mini Conference and SEQ taste test

12-15 October Mackay IPWEAQ IPWEAQ State Conference

19-21 October Toowoomba LGAQ LGAQ State Conference

5 November TBC qldwater 2015 innovation forum and taste test grand final

Page 6: IPWEAQ Bulletin - March 2015


It’s been one year since IPWEA Queensland was approved as an Assessment Entity for RPEQs. In that time, we’ve assessed applications from 27 engineers – 22 of these were recommended for registration with the Board of Professional Engineers and 5 did not

meet the requirements for registration.

The process for assessment starts with an engineer submitting their application via our website, followed by a review of that information by IPWEA Queensland staff. The hard work is then carried out by our voluntary Assessors, Fellows of IPWEA Queensland who have been RPEQs for more than five years. Assessors give up their time to review an applicant’s CV, statement of competency, statements from three referees, qualifications and CPD records and then, in panels of three, conduct interviews with each applicant.

On average, assessments take between 6-8 weeks, and all assessments are overseen by the IPWEA Queensland RPEQ Assessment Board, which meets monthly to review and confirm recommendations for RPEQ registrations and to consider issues that

arise from time to time. We also report on our progress to the Queensland Minister for Housing and Public Works and the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland every 6 months.

As part of our assessing responsibilities, IPWEA Queensland is required to conduct CPD audits of RPEQs. Members who were assessed for their registration by IPWEA Queensland will automatically become part of our audit scheme, but members who were assessed for registration by another assessing entity are currently audited by that organisation or the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland.

All IPWEA Queensland members may now elect to be audited for their ongoing RPEQ CPD requirements by IPWEA Queensland and may do so by contacting Carlie Sargent and by nominating IPWEA Queensland when completing the annual renewal form for the Board of Professional Engineers Queensland.

Any member can access the RPEQ assessment website to record CPD hours using the online diary at - it’s a great tool to help keep your CV up to date.

If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more about becoming an RPEQ, please contact Carlie Sargent on 07 3632 6801 or [email protected].

Happy Anniversary - RPEQ Assessments!

“I thank you personally, IPWEAQ and the assessment board for your patience and guidance through the process of managing and reviewing my

application. From the start to finish I received good advice on how to prepare, lodge and follow through with my application.

The process is not easy, but you certainly made it run smoothly and were very prompt in communicating with me during the process. Your customer service is second to none! I really appreciate your help.

Gleb Kolenbet, RPEQ


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C A L L F O R P A P E R SIPWEA Queensland invites synopses from practitioners within and associated with local government and the public works industry to share your achievements and knowledge with your peers by presenting a paper at the 2015 IPWEA Queensland Conference.


The selection of abstracts will be made on theirimportance and interest to a wide range ofdelegates.

•Synopseswillbeamaximumof150wordsdescribing the scope of the paper and its mainconclusions, and be suitable for reprinting.

•SynopsesaretobeformattedtoA4size,singlespaced, 10 point Arial, word document.

•Includeabriefbiographybeingamaximumsixlines with all author contact details. Synopsesare to be submitted to Suzanna Barnes-Gillard,IPWEA Queensland via email:[email protected]


Abstracts due: Monday 11 May 2015

Acceptance of abstracts: Monday 1 June 2015

Full papers due: Monday 17 August 2015

Sponsorship Prospectus ReleasedThe IPWEA State Conference sponsorship prospectus is now available. The conference attracted over 300 delegates in 2014, and delegates are representatives from Local Government, Private Sector, and Public Sector engineering technical and infrastructure departments and disciplines.

Opportunities to sponsor the conference are varied, and there are options to suit every budget.

Excellence Awards Gala Dinner

Welcome Function

Happy Hour

Lagoon Luau

Farewell LunchTechnical Sessions


Coffee Cart

Exhibition Booths Keynote Speakers

For more information on sponsorship, visit: or contact Lois Penney on 07 3632 6802, or [email protected]

2015 State ConferenCe

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Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat1 2 3 4



Cultural Heritage

6 7

8 9 10

Powers & Responsibilities

11 12 13 14

CQ Branch Conference

15 16 17 18 19

Road Safety Refresher

20 21

Road Safety Audits

22 23 24

Erosion & Sediment Control

25 26 27 28

Supervisors Workshop Barcaldine

29 30 31

Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Bridge Inspections - Level 1 & 226 27 28 29 30

NQ Branch Conference

Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat31 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

SWQ Branch Conference17 18 19

Cultural Heritage




Directors Forum

22 23

24 25 26 27 28

SEQ Tech Forum

29 30




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Mentoring Workshop: Mentoring is a professional relationship in which an experienced person assists another in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less-experienced person’s professional and personal growth. But as a mentor or as a potential mentor, how can you ensure you are meeting the needs of the mentoree and facilitating their development? This workshop will provide you with the practical tools to be an effective communicator and mentor to promote the best performance from your staff.

Native Title and Cultural Heritage Compliance: This one day workshop builds on IPWEA Queensland’s popular program on Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Native Title Future Act Compliance for Public Works Projects. As well as providing a refresher on the compliance knowledge required to manage native title and cultural heritage risks to infrastructure projects and land tenure dealings, this updated course offers additional strategic learning specific to regional challenges, government policy developments and in-house compliance systems.

Road Safety Audits: This two day workshop has been developed to explain the purpose and procedures followed in Road Safety Audits. It works through the AustRoads Guidelines, and discusses case studies of Audits already undertaken. Audits of selected local projects are performed by delegates, including day and night time inspections. The Guidelines provide practitioners and decision-makers with ways to formally address road safety issues before accidents occur. They are based on the latest information available and incorporate the combined experience of State road authorities throughout Australia, local government and Transit NZ.

Road Safety Audits Refresher: This one day workshop is designed for road safety audit practitioners who have not conducted a sufficient number of road safety audits to allow them to remain on the register of accredited auditors. The course will also be useful for others who, while having maintained their accreditation, may wish to hone their skills. If you have previously been accredited, completion of this course will allow you to apply to remain on the register of accredited auditors.

Erosion & Sediment Control: This one day workshop aims to suitably prepare attendees in the assessment, identification and compliance with Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) requirements and form a solid learning base for staff involved with ESC. The course is focused towards Site Supervisors, Foreman, Engineers and Project Managers.

Bridge Inspections Level 1 &2: This three day course covers a broad understanding of the BIM and the procedures and practices defined therein. It will give an overview of Level One and Two Inspector roles, as well as the responsibilities of a Level Two Inspector. Participants will prepare a plan to undertake a Level Two inspection, complete all recording and reporting as described within the BIM, describe all follow-up requirements and procedures, and be aware of Safe Work Practices in planning and undertaking of Level One inspections.

What’s on offer at IPWEA Queensland?

Page 10: IPWEAQ Bulletin - March 2015

The Excellence Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of engineers and public works practitioners and their Councils and organisations.

The awards recognise both People and Projects across a range of categories:

Nominate for the 2015 Excellence Awards!

Project Awards: - Design and/or Construction of a local

government/public works project:

o Projects over $10 milliono Projects $5 million to $10 milliono Projects $1 million to $5 milliono Projects under $1 million (assistance

with Nomination is available)

- Innovation and/or Introduction of New and/or Improved Techniques

- Road Safety

- Asset Management projects which address best practice and in particular show a whole of organisation perspective

- Water, Waste Water, Sewerage and Drought Management (sponsored by Queensland Water Directorate):

o Projects over $10 milliono Projects $5 million to $10 milliono Projects $1 million to $5 milliono Projects under $1 million (assistance

with Nomination is available)o Innovation and/or Introduction of New

and/or Improved Techniques

People Awards:

- Engineer of the Year- Young Engineer of the Year- Technical Officer of the Year- Works Supervisor of the Year- Woman in Engineering of the Year

(any category)

Do your projects add value to the community?

Are you an innovator?

Could your work inspire


Do you demonstrate best practice


10 For more information about Excellence Awards or Fellowship opportunitites, contact Carlie Sargent on 07 3632 6801 or [email protected]

Page 11: IPWEAQ Bulletin - March 2015

Queensland Foundation Fellowships!IPWEA/IFME Wor ld Congress | Rotorua NZ | 7-11 June 2015

Each year the Queensland Foundation offers members the opportunity to apply for a range of Fellowship opportunities, including:


The first opportunity for 2015 is participation in the IPWEA International Public Works Conference and IFME World Congress on Municipal Engineering to be held in Rotorua, NZ from 7 to 11 June 2015. More information about the event can be found at

One scholarship is available for an IPWEA Queensland member to attend the conference and share their learnings and experiences with IPWEA Queensland colleagues upon their return. To be considered for this exciting opportunity, please review the Fellowship requirements and complete the Application Requirements, which can be found online at:

Applications close on 27 March 2015.

Nominations for 2015 are open NOW, so get your nominations in and be recognised for your achievements and those of your Council.

Nominees and winners will be celebrated at the Excellence Awards Gala Dinner on Tuesday 13 October 2015 in Mackay.

All IPWEA Queensland members are encouraged to nominate an entry for the awards and to join in celebrating the outstanding achievements of our industry.

Winners receive a plaque and certificate and have the opportunity to be nominated for the National Local Government Engineering Medal. Nominees are also encouraged to submit Project Awards as technical papers for the IPWEA Queensland State Conference.

The Water Awards are sponsored by the Queensland Water Directorate and all other Awards are sponsored by the IPWEA Queensland Foundation.

Further details and entry requirements are available at

Nominations close at 5pm on 20 July 2015.

For more information about Excellence Awards or Fellowship opportunitites, contact Carlie Sargent on 07 3632 6801 or [email protected]

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Thank you to our Corporate Partners for their ongoing support.



Mackay 201512-15 October

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