Page 1: Internship in Education: ESL - George Mason University · 2014-01-23 · EDCI 790 - Section 007 . Internship in Education: ESL (6 credit hours) SPRING 2014 . Meet daily at School

EDCI 790 - Section 007

Internship in Education: ESL (6 credit hours)


Meet daily at School Site Locations

Professor in Charge Lorraine Valdez Pierce (Ph.D., Georgetown University)

Mailing Address Graduate School of Education, CEHD, MSN 1E8

George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

Office Location Thompson Hall, Rm. 1502

Office Hours Mondays, 3:30 - 5 p.m. (walk-in basis) and by appointment

Phone: (703) 993-2050

To make an appointment, request, or ask a question: Email: [email protected]

To fax a document: (703) 993-5300

Catalog Description

Intensive, supervised clinical experience for full semester in accredited school.

Students must register for appropriate [ESL] section.


Completion of all licensure courses, passing scores on PRAXIS I, II, and VCLA

Grading: Satisfactory/No credit

Nature of course delivery: Interns spend 8 weeks in an elementary school and an additional 8 weeks in a secondary school, working side-by-side with cooperating teachers and later independently, from the first class to the last, 5 days a week, except for school holidays. Interns also attend faculty meetings, parent conferences, and additional school activities that may take place before or after school hours. Textbooks: No texts required

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Expanded DESCRIPTION The Graduate School of Education (GSE) of George Mason University in Fairfax, VA prepares teacher licensure candidates to be reflective practitioners who use research-based practices and are responsive to diversity. Field experiences and Teaching Internships are an integral part of coursework and are significant opportunities for candidates to apply new knowledge, skills and dispositions in their teaching field. Virginia state licensure for ESL teachers at the PreK-12 levels requires traditional interns to conduct Teaching Internships at both elementary and secondary levels. Since GMU’s Teaching Internship is a 6-credit, one semester requirement, the state mandate to do internships at two separate age/grade levels (and schools) limits the traditional Teacher Intern to 8 weeks at each level. By contrast, the On-the-Job teacher intern spends the entire semester at one school, with required observation hours at a school with students at a different grade level (elementary or secondary). EDCI 790, Internship in Education, is the final course and culminating experience in GMU’s state-approved ESL teacher licensure program. It provides opportunities for extended practice under the guidance of experienced professionals from the schools and university. Such professionals in the schools are called Cooperating Teachers (CT), except when they have been trained as clinical faculty to assume more responsibility for supervision of Teacher Interns. The University Supervisor (US) may be full-time or adjunct faculty. The purpose of this syllabus is to provide guidance to the Teacher Intern regarding procedures and required documentation for the English as a Second Language (ESL) Teaching Internship. This syllabus does not purport to provide detailed assistance on planning, teaching, observation, supervision, or evaluation. These are covered in coursework or the ESL Teaching Internship Manual and training provided to members of the Teaching Internship team.

Many problems can be avoided by following instructions in the manual and by seeking assistance early. Always try to solve a problem as close to the source as possible. If that is not possible, respect the lines of communication and authority in the school and university. For example, students should work with their Cooperating Teachers, principals, and the On-site Supervisor before seeking help from the university supervisor. However, the ESL teacher preparation program is available to provide information and assistance to all members of the student teaching team.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Learning Objectives As a result of completing the ESL Teaching Internship, each candidate will be able to: 1. Plan and implement a variety of research- and standards-based lessons and instructional activities that meet students’ learning needs; 2. Teach the language of the content areas; 3. Use technology to engage students and promote their learning; 4. Use knowledge of culture to plan activities that encourage student participation; 5. Provide scaffolding for student learning; 6. Check for learner comprehension 7. Identify productive approaches to managing disruptive or unengaged students; 8. Design and use formative, classroom- and performance-based assessments to monitor student learning and direct instruction; 9. Engage in self-assessment to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement; and 10. Respond appropriately to constructive feedback.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

College of Education & Human Development: 5 Core Values

For additional information on the College of Education and Human Development, Graduate School of Education, please visit our website [See]

The College of Education & Human Development is committed to five CORE VALUES: collaboration, ethical leadership, innovation, research-based practice, and social justice. Graduate students are expected to adhere to these values both in and out of class.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

GMU Policies and Resources

a. Students must adhere to the guidelines of the George Mason University Honor Code [See].

b. Students must follow the university policy for Responsible Use of Computing [See

c. Students are responsible for the content of university communications sent to their George Mason University email account and are required to activate their account and check It regularly. All communication from the university, college, school, and program will be sent to students solely through their Mason email account.

d. The George Mason University Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) staff consists of professional counseling and clinical psychologists, social workers, and counselors who offer a wide range of services (e.g., individual and group counseling, workshops and outreach programs) to enhance students' personal experience and academic performance [See].

e. Students with disabilities who seek accommodations in a course must be registered with the George Mason University Office of Disability Services (ODS) and inform their instructor, in writing, at the beginning of the semester [See].

f. Students must follow the university policy stating that all sound emitting devices shall be turned off during class unless otherwise authorized by the instructor.

g. The George Mason University Writing Center staff provides a variety of resources and services (e.g., tutoring, workshops, writing guides, handbooks) intended to support students as they work to construct and share knowledge through writing [See].

Professional Dispositions Students are expected to exhibit professional behaviors and dispositions at all times.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Expectations for Teacher Interns -- HONOR CODE: NO PLAGIARISM.

Teacher Interns must adhere to the guidelines of the George Mason University Honor Code (http:// The principle of academic integrity is taken very seriously and violations are treated as such.

What does academic integrity mean? Essentially this: when you are responsible for a task, you will perform that task. When you rely on someone else’s work (online, published, printed handouts, personal communication) in any part of performing your assigned task, you will give full credit in the proper, accepted form.

Another aspect of academic integrity is the free play of ideas. Vigorous discussion and debate are encouraged in this course, with the firm expectation that all aspects of the class will be conducted with civility and respect for differing ideas, perspectives, and traditions. When in doubt (of any kind) please ask for guidance and clarification.

For the Teaching Internship, Violations of the Honor Code include:

1. Copying a paper or part of a paper from a previous student (current or past);

2. Plagiarizing or copying the words of an author from a textbook or any printed source (including the Internet) without using quotation marks and not inserting a citation immediately following a paraphrase of these words;

3. Working with another individual to prepare your papers or projects (you must write your own papers). Except for appointments to the GMU Writing Center, assistance with writing papers for this course is not allowed. As a prospective teacher, you are being graded on your own ability to write papers.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

TESOL Professional Standards for

ESL PreK-12 Teacher Licensure (2010)

Standards addressed by the Internship fall under the following categories:

For detailed descriptions of TESOL Domains, Standards, performance indicators, and rating scales, please see the entire document at:

Domain 1: Language

Domain 2: Culture

Domain 3: Planning, Implementing, & Managing Instruction

Domain 4: Assessment

Domain 5: Professionalism

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Technology Requirements

1. Teacher Interns will be asked to use a PC for preparing papers, for accessing the course web site on MyMason/BlackBoard, and for contacting the instructor and classmates through email. However, computers (personal, school, or GMU property, including Ipads, tablets, E-readers, laptops, cell phones) are not to be used during school hours for any purpose other than researching or preparing teaching materials and communicating with the CT and University Supervisor.

2. Teaching Internship Web Site: Each Teacher Intern will access course EDCI 790 on MYMason/ (Blackboard) using his/her GMU email login name and password to obtain course assignments, handouts, and other materials and also to submit documents, if needed. Go to the COURSES tab at If you have problems logging in to MyMason, please go to <[email protected]> or call (703) 993-8870.

3. GMU EMAIL ACCOUNTS: Students must use their Mason email accounts to receive important University information, including messages related to this class. See for more information.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus


Required Submission of CAEP Performance-Based Assessment (PBA)

Every student registered for any ESL or FL licensure course that requires a CAEP performance-based assessment is required to submit this assessment through TaskStream (regardless of whether a course is a required or an elective).

Evaluation of your performance-based assessment will be provided through TaskStream at

Failure to submit the assessment to TaskStream by the specified deadline will result in the course instructor reporting your course grade as Incomplete(IN). Unless this grade is changed upon completion of the required TaskStream submission, the IN will convert to a grade of F nine weeks into the following semester.

The CAEP Performance-Based Assessments for the ESL Teaching Internship are:

Classroom-Based Assessment Project (posted as one file by each Teacher Intern)

Lesson Plan Rating Scales (4 lessons) (posted as one file by each Teacher Intern)

Evaluation of ESL Teacher Intern (submitted by US)

File-Naming Protocol

In this course, please name each file submitted for feedback, for a score or for a grade using the following protocol:

LAST NAME_FIRST INITIAL_Requirement Name * 021213

(Month Day Year of Date Submitted)


VALDEZ_L_CBA Project * 110513

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

GRADING POLICY The Graduate School of Education has approved the following grading policy for EDCI 790, the Internship in Education:

1. The grading scale will be Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U).

2. The Cooperating Teacher(s) and the University Supervisor shall determine the interim and final grades jointly after consultation (but final grades will not be assigned until the GMU Supervising Faculty Member has scored the Classroom-based Assessment Project and evidence is provided that the Intern has achieved a passing score on this project). If the CT & US cannot agree on a final grade, the Director of the Division of Advanced Professional Teacher Development & International Education will determine the grade based on a review of the documentation and, in some cases, observation of the intern’s performance.

3. A Teacher Intern who receives a total score less than 3 on the Classroom-Based Assessment Project or on the final overall Analytic Scoring Rubric for Evaluation of ESL Teacher Intern will not be recommended for a state teaching license until he/she repeats all or part of the internship with a grade of S (This may require enrolling and paying tuition for additional credit hours in a subsequent semester.)

4. A Teacher Intern whose performance cannot be evaluated at the end of the grading period will receive a grade of IN. An IN grade will be changed to S or U before the beginning of the next semester.

5. In some cases, a grade of U may be accompanied by a recommendation that the student not be allowed to repeat the Teaching Internship. In such cases, the student will be counseled out of the licensure program, although not necessarily out of the degree program.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Teaching Schedule & Timeline A for Traditional Interns

Working with your CT, use the table below to schedule a transition to your independent teaching

Weeks* Teacher Intern (TI) Cooperating Teacher (CT)

University Supervisor (US)

1 - 2 Observe CT & several content teachers for differentiation strategies and classroom management approaches (shadow several ESL students to their content or general education classrooms). Learn about language proficiency tests used for program placement Plan short lessons to co-teach Week 1 - Draft 3 pre-tests for CBA Project & submit to University Supervisor & Dr. Pierce for approval Week 2 – Administer 3 pre-tests to students Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Report

Orient intern to school Facilitate observations of other teachers and classrooms Plan short lessons w/ intern

Complete Informal Observation Form

Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Report

Meet with Intern and CT Schedule observations Explain, clarify, answer questions, especially required documentation

2 - 3 Plan longer lessons, reflect on the lessons presented Participate in student-related activities

Take responsibility for teaching at least one class of students, then 2 and 3 classes Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Reports

Assist TI in lesson planning and provide feedback (Appendix A) Allow TI to do independent teaching with at least one class of students

Complete Informal Observation Form Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Reports

Conduct Formal Observation 1 Complete Formal Observation Report & Lesson Plan Rating Scale

Provide feedback and approve 3 pre-tests for CBA Project

4 - 7 Take over total teaching responsibility in coordination with CT Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Reports, Log of Hours, all evaluation forms Weeks 7 – Revise 3 pre-test assessment tools and submit to US & Dr. Pierce for feedback and approval Week 8 –Submit final CBA Project to University Supervisor and Dr. Pierce During Weeks 7 (and 8), gradually return all classes to the CT and freely observe other teachers

Assist TI in taking over total teaching responsibility of classes agreed upon (eventually leave the classroom) Complete Informal Observation Form, Bi-Weekly Progress Reports, Interim or Final Evaluation Rubric with US, and all evaluation forms During Weeks 7 (and 8) Gradually resume teaching responsibilities for all classes

Conduct Formal Observation 2 Complete Lesson Plan Rating Scale, CBA Rubric, Complete Interim or Final Evaluation Rubric with CT. and all evaluation forms

*Items in red indicate documents due to the University Supervisor.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Teaching Schedule & Timeline B for On-the-Job Interns

Weeks* Teacher Intern (TI) Cooperating Teacher

(CT) University Supervisor (US)

1 – 2 & 9 – 10

Meet CT & content teachers who work with your ESL students Observe your CT teach her own, and perhaps your class Ask CT to cover your class while you observe content or grade-level teachers for differentiation strategies and classroom management approaches Find out about school system’s requirement to observe in an elementary school if you are teaching at the secondary level (and vice versa) Learn about WIDA language proficiency testing schedule and how your own students’ scores are used for placement in the ESL program Week 1 - Draft 3 pre-tests for CBA Project & submit to University Supervisor & Dr. Pierce for approval** Week 2 – Administer 3 pre-tests to students Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Reports

Orient TI to school Facilitate observations of other teachers and classrooms Provide feedback on lessons created by the Intern

Complete Informal Observation Form

Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Reports

Meet with Intern and CT Schedule observations Explain, clarify, answer questions, especially required documentation

2 – 3 & 11 - 12

Continue drafting lesson plans and getting feedback from CT Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Reports

Provide feedback & suggestions on lesson plans, assessments, & classroom management Complete Informal Observation Form Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Reports

Conduct Formal Observation 1 Complete Formal Observation Report & Lesson Plan Rating Scale Provide feedback and approve 3 pre-tests for CBA Project

4 – 7 & 13 - 14

Complete Bi-Weekly Progress Reports Weeks 7 – Revise 3 pre-test assessment tools and submit to US & Dr. Pierce for feedback and approval Week 8 –Submit final CBA Project to University Supervisor and Dr. Pierce Week 15- Complete Log of Hours & all evaluation forms

Provide feedback & suggestions on lesson plans, assessments, & classroom management Complete Informal Observation Form, Bi-Weekly Progress Reports, Mid-Term or Final Evaluation Rubric with US, and all evaluation forms

Conduct Formal Observation 2 Complete Formal Observation Report, Lesson Plan Rating Scale, CBA Rubric, Mid-Term or Final Evaluation Rubric with CT

*Items in red indicate documents due to the University Supervisor.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Required Forms*

To be turned in to the University Supervisor by End of each School Placement (for Traditional Interns) or

End of Semester (for On-the-Job Interns)**

Appendix TI: Forms to be completed by the ESL Teacher Intern TI-1: Log of Hours

TI-2: Bi-Weekly Progress Report

TI-3: Teacher Intern’s Evaluation Form

Appendix CT: Forms to be completed by the Cooperating Teacher CT-1: Informal Observation Form (exception - not turned in to US)

CT-2: Bi-Weekly Progress Report

CT-3: Lesson Plan Rating Scale

CT-4: Analytic Scoring Rubric for Evaluation of ESL Teaching Intern

CT-5: Cooperating Teacher’s Evaluation Form

Appendix US: Forms to be completed by the University Supervisor US-1: Lesson Plan Rating Scale

US-2: Formal Observation Report

US-3: Analytic Scoring Rubric for Classroom-Based Assessment Project

US-4: Analytic Scoring Rubric for Evaluation of ESL Teacher Intern

US-5: University Supervisor’s Evaluation Form

*All required forms are available in the ESL Teaching Internship Manual. **For confidentiality purposes, if you would like to put Evaluation forms in separate envelopes (e.g., those the intern fills out in one envelope, the ones the Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor fill out in different envelopes), and sign on the seal of the back of the envelope, that would be acceptable.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus


Attendance: Teacher Interns maintain the same schedule as Cooperating Teachers, with the contract day as the minimum but not the norm. They follow the school’s calendar, not the university calendar, until the end of the GMU semester.

Absences: Teacher Interns follow school division policy regarding notification of absences for illness or other emergencies. The Cooperating Teacher and principal must approve all absences (except emergencies) in advance. The University Supervisor must be notified of all absences as they occur, by email and by phone. Time missed in excess of three days usually must be made up in order to provide sufficient time for independent teaching or other experiences.

School Dress Code: Teacher Interns are required to obtain information on and follow the school dress code for teachers.

Substituting: Teacher Interns are not allowed to be employed or paid as substitute teachers.

Professional and Legal Responsibilities: Teacher Interns are expected to meet professional standards in every respect, including personal appearance and behavior. Personal commitments are no excuse for failing to fulfill all duties and responsibilities of the Teaching Internship. Outside employment is not allowed during the Teaching Internship. Teacher Interns are legally responsible for exercising reasonable care for their ESL students’ welfare and for complying with federal, state, and local policies and regulations. This is best accomplished through careful study of the school’s Teacher Handbook and through guidance from teachers or administrators. Special attention should be given to responsibilities and procedures for dealing with suspected child abuse.

Confidentiality of Records: School Divisions and GMU policies regarding student records will be followed. A Teacher Intern’s evaluation may be shared with the Cooperating Teacher, University Supervisor, and administrators until the University Supervisor submits the Teacher Intern’s cumulative folder to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. After that time, access will be in accordance with the Privacy Act. No materials will be released for employment purposes other than for verification of meeting licensure standards.

Records Retention: Contents of cumulative folders will be retained for one year after completion of the internship. After that, the transcript and the Analytic Scoring Rubric for Evaluation of Teacher Interns will be the only available records. Therefore, Teacher Interns should keep their own copies of evaluations, logs, summaries, and other records pertaining to the Teaching Internship.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus


Requests for placements are processed by the Office of Academic and Student Affairs’ Field Placement Specialist (FPS) [Thompson Hall Rm. 1708] based on the number of applicants, the licensure areas, the availability of voluntary, qualified Cooperating Teachers recommended by school principals, and each school division’s conditions for accepting Teacher Interns.

Assignments of University Supervisors are made before the semester begins based on their experience and availability. Full-time faculty are required to take responsibility for a minimum of 5 Teacher Interns. Qualified adjunct faculty are employed as University Supervisors when full-time faculty are not available.

Changes in Teaching Internship placements, Cooperating Teachers, and/or University Supervisor assignments are rarely made and considered only for serious reasons. Such changes must be approved by the GMU Supervising Faculty Member in charge of ESL Teacher Interns and coordinated through the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.


Teacher Interns can be either Traditional or On-the-Job Interns. Traditional Interns are pre-service teachers who go into another teacher’s classroom to learn from that teacher and take on that teacher’s responsibilities for teaching. On-the-Job (OTJ) Interns, on the other hand, have been hired by a school system under a Provisional License and will be working independently in their own classrooms.

Traditional Teacher Interns in the ESL PreK-12 program will spend half of their internship period at the elementary grade level (K-6) and the remaining half at the secondary level. This will typically require a change of school.

On-the-Job Teacher Interns have been hired by a school system under a Provisional License and will be required to conduct their Internship at their school of employment. However, because they will be teaching at either the elementary or secondary level, they will also be required by the state and the college to observe students at a different school for a minimum of 20 hours during the on-the-job internship. This will entail leaving their own classrooms to observe teachers working with students at a different grade level. For example, an OTJ intern hired to work in a high school will be required to observe an ESL teacher in an elementary school during the Teaching Internship. On-the-Job Teacher Interns should make arrangements with their principal or supervisor to complete required observation hours at a different grade level. Hours can be completed by utilizing early release days, planning periods, or by taking leave.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

The Teaching Internship begins by observing the ESL teacher and general education or content teachers and co-teaching with any of these teachers. The purpose of conducting preliminary observations during Week 1 is to familiarize the Intern with the content of instruction in ESL and various content or general education classrooms to see how each teacher differentiates instruction (or does not) for ESL students, to introduce the Intern to the nature of learning challenges posed to ESL students in both ESL and content-area classrooms (by shadowing an ESL student), and to generate ideas for conducting the Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA) Project.

The Traditional Teacher Intern will gradually assume responsibility for each class until he/she carries a full teaching load for a minimum of 4 weeks. Toward the end of the assignment, the Teacher Intern gradually returns responsibility for instruction of each class to the ESL teacher. During the transition periods before and after independent teaching, the Cooperating Teacher and the Teacher Intern may co-teach or share responsibility for specific periods or subjects.

Teacher Interns should always progress at a rate appropriate to their preparedness to assume responsibility for instruction.


GMU requires 300 student teaching clock hours, including 150 clock hours of direct teaching. This commitment is a 15-week full-time experience. These requirements exceed the current state licensure requirement. An extended period of student teaching provides better preparation and is protection against contingencies such as illness or other interruptions. Traditional teacher interns are expected to complete the full semester of student teaching in two different placements (K-6 & 7-12 grades).

During student teaching, each traditional intern must complete a minimum of 75 hours of direct teaching in their classroom for each placement (i.e. 75 hours in a K-6 classroom and 75 hours in a 7-12 classroom). This is a gradual evolution of accepting responsibility during the 8-week placement in which the Cooperating Teacher slowly decreases their active role as the traditional intern takes control of the classroom. Then, as the intern transitions into the second placement or completion of student teaching, the Cooperating Teacher will gradually resume full control of the classroom. The Cooperating Teacher and Teacher Intern will work toward a mutually agreeable schedule to complete the required direct teaching in each placement.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

On-the-Job interns will be required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of observation and, if possible, direct teaching in an alternative grade level in order to meet internship requirements.

In addition to classroom time, teacher interns are expected to participate in school-based activities may include after-school programs, school open house or back-to-school night, or other non-teaching responsibilities as required by the school or the University.

Teacher Interns are expected to complete the full semester of internship. The Director of the Division of Advanced Professional Teacher Development & International Education may approve early termination based upon the recommendation of the University Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher.


The Teaching Internship Team consists of 3 members: the Teacher Intern (TI), the Cooperating Teacher (CT), and the University Supervisor (US). The effectiveness of the Internship depends on the degree to which all members of the Teaching Internship team fulfill their responsibilities and establish good working relationships. Frequent and open communication is essential. Each Intern should maintain weekly contact with his/her US by phone or email, especially with regard to the development of the Classroom-Based Assessment Project.

The Teacher Intern* The Teaching Internship can be a time of great personal and professional growth. Being a full-time job, it can be stressful, because there is so much to learn and so much at stake. Being flexible in adapting to differences in school cultures, teaching styles, supervisors’ philosophies, and students’ needs will reduce anxiety and increase growth.

First Meeting with your Cooperating Teacher -- The TI will make the initial contact with the CT to arrange the first meeting only after ensuring that the University Supervisor can attend that meeting. The US will explain the requirements for the Internship to the CT. The TI is NOT expected to explain all procedures and forms at the first meeting -- that is the University Supervisor's role. The first meeting should take place at least one week before the Internship period begins.

During the Internship, Teacher Interns should:

• Ask for assistance, advice, feedback, coaching and constructive criticism - and act on it as appropriate.

• Plan in great detail. Planning is one area where you cannot emulate an experienced teacher.

• Become a “reflective practitioner.” Learn from everyone around you, but especially from your students and from your own errors.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

• Earn the respect and confidence of colleagues by demonstrating initiative, responsibility, and resourcefulness.

• Demonstrate high standards of ethics and professionalism in your dealings with colleagues, students, and parents.

• Be responsible for initiation of progress reports, completion of logs, and collection of all documentation.

*Responsibilities of the CT and US are detailed in the ESL Teaching Internship Manual.

• Complete evaluation forms for your University Supervisor (US), your Cooperating Teacher(s) (CT), and of the Manual.


The Teacher Intern will complete the following items and keep copies of them:

• Log of Hours: Teacher Interns must keep a daily log of hours specifying hours spent in direct teaching activities, indirect teaching activities, and other school-based activities. A subtotal of hours is calculated and submitted to the University Supervisor at the midterm or end of first placement, and a total sum of hours is submitted at the end of the semester.

• Informal Progress Report: A self-assessment and feedback tool, does not need to be turned in to the University Supervisor

• Bi-Weekly Progress Report: Teacher Interns complete Part I of the Progress Report once every two weeks, give it to the Cooperating Teacher for completion of Parts 2 and 3, and submit it to the University Supervisor at each Formal Observation.

• Lesson Plans: For all direct teaching activities, the Teacher Intern will provide lesson plans for review by the Cooperating Teacher. The Teacher Intern should also submit draft lesson plans for the Formal Observation to the University Supervisor AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE FORMAL OBSERVATION. The format may be mutually determined, but should include the elements listed in the Lesson Plan Elements found in the Appendix of Resource Materials. The only lesson plans to be turned in to the University Supervisor are those used during the Formal Observations by the US.

• Teacher Tasks & Resources Checklist (for review but not submission): The Teacher Intern should review this Checklist with the Cooperating Teacher after the first week of working together. Areas of interest should be addressed during the remainder of the internship (for each school placement for Traditional Interns).

• Evaluation Forms: At the end of each school placement (or end of semester for On-the-Job Interns), the Teacher Intern should complete Evaluation Forms for the

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Cooperating Teacher. All Interns should complete Evaluation forms for the University Supervisor and this Manual only once, at the end of the semester. All Evaluation Forms are to be delivered to the Teacher Placement Office on campus.

• Note on Extended Absences by TI, CT, or US: If a Cooperating Teacher, University Supervisor, or Teacher Intern plans on being away from the school setting and Internship experience for more than 3 consecutive days, this extended absence will need to be approved by the university professor in charge of the ESL Teaching Internship. Since the Teaching Internship is an intensive supervised teaching experience, extended absences are not recommended.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Classroom-Based Assessment Project (CBA) Questions & Answers (Q & A)

1. What? WHAT is the Classroom-Based Assessment Project (CBA)? The Classroom-Based Assessment Project is a formative assessment data gathering process that can help the ESL Teacher Intern determine his/her impact on student learning. Each Teacher Intern (TI) will demonstrate understanding of the uses of language proficiency tests for program placement, standards-based assessment and instruction, how to apply principles of scaffolding in classroom-based assessment practices, how to ensure validity and reliability in the assessment of ESL students, and how to use assessment results to reflect on one’s own teaching, determine impact on student learning, redirect instruction, and improve student learning.

Based upon the recommendation of the Cooperating Teacher, each Intern will design a series of performance-based pre-tests (and revise these later for post-testing) to be administered to one class of students. The CT and Teacher Intern will identify one language skill (listening, speaking, reading, or writing) that students are having the most difficulty with (these must be students who are already reading and learning mathematics, science, or social studies concepts). The Teacher Intern will ask his/her CT to identify one or part of one SMART Goal (or learning objectives – specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic, time-limited) that she would like the Teacher Intern to assist in achieving (see MyMason/Blackboard for examples of SMART Goals). On-the-Job Interns can identify a SMART Goal for one group of students they are working with. By answering the following question, the Intern will be able to identify an assessment focus based on the learning goals. What single language skill (speaking, listening, reading, or writing) and target content area (math, science, social studies) vocabulary and/or concepts would you and/or the CT like to measure in order to determine improvement in student learning with regard to one or part of one Smart Goal (or instructional objective) over a 4-week period? The Teacher Intern will support his/her CT in achieving one of his/her SMART or curricular goals and will structure the CBA project around that focus. On-the-Job Interns will get feedback from their CT on the SMART Goal they have identified for the CBA Project. Each Teacher Intern’s CBA Project will focus on assessment of academic language, the language of science, social studies, or math. If the CT teaches English Language Arts instead of a content area (math, science, social studies), the Teacher Intern will ask the CT to introduce her to teachers who teach one of the content areas for ideas on what their ESL students are struggling with and how the Intern can help them learn those skills.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

For example: The Teacher Intern meets the biology teacher (and observes his classroom), who says that his ESL students are having difficulty learning numerous scientific vocabulary terms and using them to comprehend what they read. In response to this student learning need, the Teacher Intern will design 3 assessment tools that reflect a variety of performance-based pre-test formats (self-assessment form, rating scale, analytic rubric, primary trait rubric or checklist), and get feedback and approval for each of these from the University Supervisor by the end of Week 1 of the teaching internship. The Intern will administer all 3 pre-tests to 5 - 10 ESL students who are taking that biology course during Week 2 of the Internship. It is critical that ESL Teacher Interns understand that the CBA Project is not just a paper required for the ESL Teaching Internship. Instead, this project will help prepare Interns to get a high score on at least 40% of their teacher evaluation once they do get hired. And a teacher’s evaluation score ultimately determines his/her SALARY as well as the 1- or 3-YEAR PROBATION STATUS. 2. Why? WHY is the ESL Teacher Intern required to do the CBA Project? NCATE and TESOL national professional accreditation standards require ESL licensure candidates to determine the impact of their own teaching on their students using a variety of performance-based assessments after having taught them for an extended period of time. The CBA Project has been designed in direct response to these standards. 3. How? HOW will the ESL Teacher Intern conduct the CBA Project? The TI will draft 3 different performance-based assessment tools (rating scale, analytic rubric, primary trait rubric, or checklist -- including one of these for self-assessment) based on a specified assessment purpose identified by the CT or On-the-Job Intern (usually linked to SMART Goals or other curricular goals), and conduct pre-testing and post-testing to determine student growth on the identified learning objectives. The pre-tests will be followed by at least 4 weeks of independent instruction by the TI to determine his/her impact on the student’s progress toward the learning objectives being measured.

4. Who? WHO will be involved in the CBA Project? The Teacher Intern will work with the CT (OTJ Interns will get feedback from their CT) to identify at least 5 students (and preferably 10) whose progress in listening, speaking, reading, OR writing could benefit from being monitored closely for several weeks. To identify the

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

content of the assessment, the TI will consult with content or general education teachers to identify particular areas of weakness for their ESL students. 5. When? WHEN will the ESL Teacher Intern conduct the CBA Project? The Teaching Internship takes place over one university semester or 15 weeks. The Intern will complete the CBA Project during the first half (7 - 8 weeks) of the Teaching Internship. If the project is not satisfactory, the Intern will be asked to repeat the CBA Project in the second half of the semester. The Teacher Intern will do pre-testing with the target students in Week 2 and post-testing with the same students in Week 6 or 7, allowing 4 weeks of instruction between pre- and post-testing.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

How your CBA will be Scored

Your CBA projects will be scored by your University Supervisor and Dr. Pierce, with input from your CT, using the Analytic Scoring Rubric for this project. Your CBA Project score will be considered for determining the final evaluation of your Teaching Internship experience.

TaskStream: Required Submission of Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Performance-Based Assessment (PBA)

Every candidate registered for an ESL licensure course that requires a CAEP performance-based assessment is required to submit this assessment through TaskStream.

Evaluation of your CBA project will be provided through TaskStream.

Failure to submit the project to TaskStream by the specified deadline will result in the course instructor reporting your course grade as Incomplete(IN). Unless this grade is changed upon completion of the required TaskStream submission, the IN will convert to a grade of F nine weeks into the following semester.

Scores on your CBA project will be posted to TaskStream by your University Supervisor.

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Suggested Lesson Plan Format Teacher Intern School

Subject Grade

Date Student WIDA levels

1. Objectives:

a. State what you expect the students to be able to do as a result of this instruction. b. List national, state, and local objective numbers (as determined by supervisor).

2. Materials: a. List the books, equipment, and other materials to be used by the students. b. List the materials used by the teacher in teaching the lesson. This includes any

equipment or technology tools.

3. Learning Experiences: For each part, provide sufficient detail to (a) cause you to think the lesson through from beginning to end, (b) enable a substitute to teach the lesson with a minimum of preparation, and (c) enable you to reorient yourself should this be necessary during the process of teaching the lesson. Give estimated times for each part of the lesson.

a. Introduction: Explain what you will do to introduce the lesson and connect to students’ prior knowledge.

b. Instructional Strategies: Describe what the teacher and students will do. c. Closure: Explain how you will close the lesson. For example, what questions will

you ask of the students to summarize the day’s learning? 4. Assessment:

a. Outline the procedures and criteria you will use in assessing each of the objectives stated above.

b. Provide copies of assessments (any tests, rubrics, observational checklists, format for anecdotal notes).

The lesson plan should cover a logical subdivision of the unit being taught. It may therefore, cover a period of more than one day.

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Spring 2014 Syllabus

Other Activities: Materials: _____________________________________________ Assessment: ___________________________________________ Technology:___________________________________________ Homework:____________________________________________ Closure:_______________________________________________ Follow-up:_____________________________________________

Reflection Phase Efforts to Accommodate: Visual learners___________________________________ Auditory learners_________________________________ Kinesthetic learners_______________________________ Specials needs learners (Disabled and/or Gifted)_______

What worked well?

What didn’t work well?

What will you do differently as a result of this plan?

How might this lesson be improved?

One important thing I learned was:

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Lesson Plan Elements These elements should be evident in the Teacher Intern’s lesson plans Objectives are:

_____ Related to long-term goals _____ Specific and measurable (or observable) _____ Stated in terms of student outcomes _____ Based on students’ needs

Materials are:

_____ Appropriate for the objective _____ Appropriate for students’ developmental level _____ Varied to accommodate interests and learning styles _____ Multicultural, where feasible

Procedures include:

_____ Clear statement of purpose and expectations _____ Development of readiness or motivation _____ Relating the activities to prior knowledge and interests _____ Use of appropriate strategies _____ Adaptations for individual differences _____ Providing opportunities for application of knowledge and practice of skills _____ Efficient use of class time _____ Summary or other closure Assessment includes:

_____ Checking for comprehension during the lesson _____ Strategies for assessment of longer-term learning _____ Reflection on how and why the lesson succeeded or failed

The lesson plan need not be a narrative, but should be sufficiently detailed to:

_____ Demonstrate that the intern has carefully considered important factors _____ Enable the intern to reorient or redirect during the lesson _____ Allow a substitute to teach the lesson with a minimum of preparation

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Appendix TI-1: Log of Hours Before filling in this form, please make copies needed for the entire internship period.

Name of Tchr. Intern: _________________________ School: _______________________ Log Sheet #______of________ (e.g., 1 of 3) Verified by Cooperating Teacher: __________________________________________

(Signature) Reviewed by University Supervisor: ________________________________________

(Signature) Date Hours of

Direct Teaching1

(75 hrs. each school placement)

Hours of Indirect Teaching2(75 hrs. each school placement)

Hours of School-Based Activities3


1Direct Teaching = Time spent directly interacting with students, whether co-teaching, independent teaching, working with small groups, or working one-on-one with a student. Interns should aim for a variety of direct teaching experiences. 2Indirect Teaching = Time spent observing, planning, grading, attending faculty meetings, and other teaching-related experiences. 3 School-based Activities = non-teaching duties occurring outside of school hours, such as parent open

house or school multicultural nights.

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Date Direct Teaching

Indirect Teaching


Activities Comment(s

Total Hours:

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Spring 2014 Syllabus

Appendix TI-2: Bi-Weekly Progress Report

(to be completed every other week by the CT) Teacher Intern: ____________________________Date __________to ________ School: _______________________ Cooperating Teacher: ________________________ Directions: The TI completes #1; the CT completes #2 and #3; a copy is provided to the US.

1. Briefly describe your teaching activities for this period, with emphasis on major

successes and difficulties.

2. Briefly describe strengths of the student’s performance for this period and areas needing improvement.

3. What recommendations do you have for the next two weeks?

Cooperating Teacher - Signature Date Teacher Intern - Signature Date

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Appendix US-1: Lesson Plan Rating Scale University Supervisors and Cooperating Teachers, after individually scoring each lesson plan presented by the Teacher Intern for each Formal Observation, please compare scores (by phone, email, or in-person), and assign the score that you both agree on. Please sign the form and save. A passing score will be at least a total of 30 points with no single item less than a 2. 4 = Strongly agree 3 = Agree 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly disagree (no half points)

Score Task

1 2 3 4

BEFORE TEACHING 1. Planned appropriate, research- & standards-based instructional activities

2. Planned for a multilevel classroom by incorporating appropriate scaffolding

3. Used knowledge of culture and culturally-responsive materials to plan lessons that support learning

4. Planned lessons focusing on integration of language through content

DURING TEACHING 5. Used teaching activities that engaged the learners, including cooperative learning and interactive tasks

6. Integrated at least 2 language skills in each lesson

7. Was flexible in adapting lesson plans to rate of student learning

8. Addressed a variety of learning styles 9. Checked for learner comprehension 10. Used technological resources effectively to promote learning

Cooperating Teacher ____________________University Supervisor _________________ Teacher Intern___________________________________ Date: ____________________________School: ________________________________ University Supervisor: Attach lesson plans and handouts to this page

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Appendix US-2: Formal Observation Report –ESL/CISL Program (to be completed by the University Supervisor for each Formal Observation)

Teacher Intern School Subject Grade Date Student WIDA


University Supervisor

Activities Observed


____Plans and delivers research-based instructional activities for multilevel classrooms

____Supportive of linguistically and culturally diverse students and those with special needs

____Bases learning activities on both ESL and content-based standards

____Provides scaffolding for learning


____Demonstrates a range of teaching activities

____Integrates listening, speaking, reading, and/or writing with content objectives

____Provides scaffolding to match level of language proficiency of students

____Provides students with access to the core curriculum

____Designs and administers performance-based assessment tasks and tools

____Uses assessment results appropriately to inform instruction

____Uses technological resources effectively to promote learning


____Ensures that all students are on task

____Uses knowledge of students’ cultural values and beliefs to promote learning

____Shows respect for all students

____Prevents or manages conflicts and disruptive behavior

____Applies consequences consistently to all students

____Sets and enforces high expectations for all

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Spring 2014 Syllabus


____Arrives early or on time for the lesson

____Comes fully prepared for the lesson

____Responds to constructive feedback appropriately

____Communicates promptly and effectively with both CT and US

____Submits documentation by required deadlines

____Dresses in a professional manner


University Supervisor’s Signature /Date


Cooperating Teacher’s Signature/Date

Teacher Intern’s Signature /Date

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EDCI 790 – ESL Teaching Internship L.V. Pierce

Spring 2014 Syllabus

Appendix US-3 : Analytic Scoring Rubric for Classroom-Based Assessment Project Name: Date Scored: Score*:

Score Points

Domain 1 2 3 4*

Design & Administration

Does not administer assessment tools and does not adapt criterion-referenced, performance-based assessment tools.

Uses language that is vague and subjective and does not differentiate one level from another.

Adapts and administers assessments based on either language or content objectives, but some are not performance-based and contain inaccuracies.

Uses language that is vague and/or subjective or does not effectively differentiate one level from another.

Adapts or designs and administers criterion-referenced, performance-based assessments based on either language or content objectives and/or contains inaccuracies or incomplete information on one or more assessment tools OR uses descriptive language with some vague or subjective terms that do not clearly differentiate between one level and another.

Accurately adapts or designs and administers the required variety of tasks and criterion-referenced, performance-based assessments of both language and content based on state standards and classroom instruction and matches scoring criteria to learning objectives.

Uses descriptive (objective), precise and measurable terms in each scoring tool that clearly differentiate between one level of performance and another.

Justification Does not provide a rationale or justification for adapting each assessment tool.

Provides few details in rationale, little justification for adapting each assessment tool, does not revise tools from pre-to post-test, and/or needs extensive elaboration.

Provides a defense for using some tools but not for others OR does not revise tools with supporting explanation OR needs elaboration.

Provides specific reasons for choosing each assessment tool format and structure, making each appropriate to the target group and assessment purpose, and revises pre-tests to be used as post-tests, providing a supporting explanation for each revision.

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Spring 2014 Syllabus


Most assessment tools lack appropriate scaffolding.

Does not use a variety of scaffolding approaches and/or uses scaffolding that does not match the proficiency level of the target students.

Uses a variety of scaffolding approaches, but does not add scaffolding to some assessment tools, or scaffolding does not match the proficiency level of the target students.

Uses a variety of scaffolding approaches for each assessment task and tool, and these match the language proficiency level of target students and enable them to show what they know.

Validity & Reliability

Addresses issues of validity AND reliability incorrectly AND INCOMPLETELY.

Addresses issues of validity or reliability with major inaccuracies or incompletely.

Addresses issues of validity or reliability with minor inaccuracies.

Accurately and thoroughly explains how design of each assessment tool ensures construct, content, and consequential validity and intra-rater reliability.

Analysis of Teaching Impact & Design

Does not analyze results. Only briefly describes results and needs elaboration, or arrives at conclusions and recommendations without evidence from test results, and/or analyzes results inaccurately.

Analyzes pre- to post-test score changes with some inaccuracies or for only some assessment tools, may need elaboration on how pre-test results were used to drive instruction or how post-test results show impact of teaching, and/or specifies next steps for either instruction or program placement based on what students learned.

Accurately analyzes pre- to post-test score changes on each assessment tool, explains how pre-test scores were used to direct instruction, explains level of teaching impact, and specifies next steps in instruction and program level placement based on what students have learned.

Score of 15 – 20 required for Passing grade on Teaching Internship *No half-points (e.g., 3.5) are allowed; please use whole numbers, providing one number for each category and then providing a total score. University Supervisor Score & Name______________________________________ GMU Faculty Score & Name ___________________________________________ Total Score = _________

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Appendix US-4: Analytic Scoring Rubric for Evaluation of ESL Teacher Intern

Teaching Skills

1 Does Not Meet


2 Approaches Standard

3 Meets Standard

4 Exceeds Standard

Planning Instruction Plans a teacher-centered classroom, does not differentiate instruction, does not address standards and does not reflect on teaching.

Plans activities that may not be research-based, do not differentiate instruction, or address either ESL or content-based standards, and reflects on teaching.

Plans research-based classroom activities with some differentiation, bases learning activities on both ESL and content-based standards, provides scaffolding for learning, and reflects on teaching.

Plans research-based instructional activities for multilevel classrooms that are supportive of linguistically and culturally diverse students, including those with special needs, bases learning activities on both ESL and content-based standards, provides a variety of scaffolding for learning, and reflects on teaching and makes necessary adjustments.

Managing & implementing


Does not use activities that integrate language skills and content objectives AND does not use technological resources.

Demonstrates a limited range of teaching activities that may address only language objectives OR does not use technological resources.

Demonstrates teaching activities that integrate language skills and content objectives, and uses technology to enhance learning.

Demonstrates a range of teaching activities that integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing with content objectives, uses cooperative learning and a range of technological resource materials effectively, and provides access to the core curriculum.

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Spring 2014 Syllabus

Classroom Management


Does not show respect for all students, is unable to manage conflicts and disruptive behavior, and applies consequences inconsistently.

Shows respect for all students but is frequently unable to manage conflicts and disruptive behavior and/or applies consequences inconsistently.

Ensures that most students are on task, shows respect for students, but may have problems managing minor conflicts or disruptive behavior effectively or applying consistently, and sets and enforces high expectations.

Ensures that most or all students are on task, shows respect for students, prevents or manages conflicts and disruptive behavior, applies consequences consistently, and sets and enforces high expectations for each student.

Culture Does not demonstrate knowledge about students’ cultural values.

Demonstrates knowledge of students’ cultural values and beliefs but does not incorporate these values into lesson plans or instructional activities.

Applies knowledge of students’ cultural values and beliefs to promote student learning but may only occasionally integrate these into lesson plans or instructional activities.

Regularly integrates students’ cultural values and beliefs into lesson plans and instructional activities to tap prior knowledge and promote student learning.

Classroom-Based Assessment

Does not conduct formative assessments or use performance-based assessment tools.

Uses few formative assessment tasks and tools, or most are not performance-based, or some of these do not provide appropriate scaffolding, and/or does not analyze results to inform instruction.

Designs formative assessment tasks and tools based on classroom instruction but some may not be performance-based or may not provide appropriate or sufficient scaffolding, uses results appropriately to direct instruction.

Designs and administers formative, performance-based assessment tasks and tools based on classroom instruction and curriculum objectives, provides appropriate scaffolding, and uses results appropriately to direct instruction.

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Spring 2014 Syllabus

Professionalism Consistently arrives late, comes unprepared, does not respond appropriately to feedback, does not communicate effectively with CT or US, delays in submitting required documentation, and/or does not collaborate or follow school dress code. Does not participate in after- or before school activities.

May be late or absent more than once or comes unprepared, does not respond appropriately to feedback or does not communicate effectively with CT or US, or delays in submitting required documentation, and may not collaborate effectively with the CT or follow school dress code. Does not participate in after- or before school activities.

Arrives consistently on time, comes prepared for the task; responds well to feedback but may not communicate effectively with CT or US and/or delays in submitting required documentation, works collaboratively with the CT, and follows school’s dress code. May participate in after- or before-school activities.

Arrives consistently early for each class or teacher meeting, comes fully prepared for the task at hand, responds to constructive feedback appropriately, communicates promptly and effectively with both CT and US, works collaboratively with the CT, participates in after- or before - school activities and professional development, submits documentation by required deadlines, and follows school’s dress code.

To be completed by the Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor at the end of independent teaching for each school placement.

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Spring 2014 Syllabus

Summary of Scores on Analytic Scoring Rubric for Evaluation of ESL Teacher Intern Please indicate consensus scores between the Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor on performance status of the Teacher Intern at the end of independent teaching for each school placement or at mid- and end-of-semester. Name of Intern: _____ School:____________________________________Date_________________

Scoring Category

Score *No half-points (e.g., 3.5) are allowed, only whole numbers, one per category.

1. Planning Instruction

2. Managing & Implementing Instruction

3. Classroom Management Skills

4. Culture

5. Classroom-Based Assessment

6. Professionalism


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Performance Status: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Teacher Interns need to meet or exceed each standard in order to receive a grade of Satisfactory on the Internship. 18 points = Meets Standard 19 – 24 points = Exceeds Standard


___________________ __________________ ________________________ _________________ Teacher Intern Cooperating Teacher University Supervisor Date

Comments: Please describe this ESL Teacher Intern’s unique skills, abilities, and potential as a new teacher (no attachments, please)

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