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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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$100 Question from Category 1

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Humans depend on which natural resource from the environment?

$100 Answer from Category 1

What is: WATER

$200 Question from Category 1

Which statement is an example of an inherited trait in aliving thing?

• A child learns to ride a bike.• A person has a scar from a burn.• A person with brown eyes has a child with brown eyes.

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$200 Answer from Category 1

What is: A person with brown eyes has a child with brown eyes.

$300 Question from Category 1

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Which human response is most likely to occur becausethe air temperature is 90 degrees?

• blinking• salivating• sweating• shivering

$300 Answer from Category 1

What is: sweating

$400 Question from Category 1DOUBLE JEOPARDY

A boy is a great drum player. Playing the drums is an example of

• a physical change• a learned behavior• an inherited trait• a life function

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$400 Answer from Category 1

What is: a learned behavior

$500 Question from Category 1

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Which 2 life processes occur in BOTH plants and animals?

• growing and making food• germinating and reproducing• growing and reproducing

$500 Answer from Category 1

What is: growing and reproducing

$100 Question from Category 2

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Plants are producers because they

• make their own food• can grow in soil• need water to grow• take in nutrients

$100 Answer from Category 2

What is: make their own food

$200 Question from Category 2

When plants and animals die, which organism helps return nutrients to the food chain?

• predators• producers• prey• decomposers

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$200 Answer from Category 2

What are: decomposers

$300 Question from Category 2

The energy that is stored in food originally comes from

• air• soil• sunlight• water

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$300 Answer from Category 2

What is: sunlight

$400 Question from Category 2

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Identify a predator in this food chain:

$400 Answer from Category 2

What is: a wolf

$500 Question from Category 2

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One role of a producer in a food chain is to provide

• water for plants• sunlight for plants• nutrients for animals• shelter for animals

$500 Answer from Category 2

What are: nutrients for animals

$100 Question from Category 3DOUBLE JEOPARDY

Which property of an object is identified using the sense of smell?

• color• odor• temperature• weight

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$200 Question from Category 3

Which property of a rock causes the water level to rise when it is placed into a jar of water?

• color• shape• texture• volume

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$200 Answer from Category 3

What is: volume

$300 Question from Category 3

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Which property of a rubber band will stay the same when it is pulled and stretched?

• shape• length• mass• width

$300 Answer from Category 3

What is: mass

$400 Question from Category 3

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In which state of matter does water have a definite shape and volume?

• gas• liquid• solid

$400 Answer from Category 3

What is: solid

$500 Question from Category 3

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The force of attraction or repulsion between various substances is called

• property • magnetism • mass • volume

$500 Answer from Category 3

What is: magnetism

$100 Question from Category 4

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Water that falls from clouds down to Earth is a form of _____.

$100 Answer from Category 4

What is: precipitation

$200 Question from Category 4DOUBLE JEOPARDY

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This is a group of water droplets in the atmosphere.

$200 Answer from Category 4

What is: a cloud

$300 Question from Category 4

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This occurs when a liquid, such as water, changes slowly into a gas.

$300 Answer from Category 4

What is: evaporation

$400 Question from Category 4

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What causes water droplets to form outside a glass of water?

$400 Answer from Category 4

What is: condensation

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$500 Question from Category 4

This occurs when a liquid turns into a solid.

$500 Answer from Category 4

What is: freezing

$100 Question from Category 5

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A pulley and a lever are examples of _____________.

$100 Answer from Category 5

What are: simple machines

$200 Question from Category 5

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Which unit can be used to describe an object's length?

• grams• minutes• liters• meters

$200 Answer from Category 5

What are: meters

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$300 Question from Category 5

The function (job) of this plant part is to move food, water andnutrients throughout the plant.

$300 Answer from Category 5

What is: the stem

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$400 Question from Category 5

Plants use the energy in sunlight to make food from waterand carbon dioxide. This process is called ____.

$400 Answer from Category 5

What is: photosynthesis

$500 Question from Category 5DOUBLE JEOPARDY

The average weather pattern of a region (place) over timeis called ____________.

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$500 Answer from Category 5

What is: climate

Final Jeopardy

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A food chain always starts with _______ and ends with ________.

Final Jeopardy Answer

What are: plant life and animal life